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2011-12-30 5:12 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Goals for 2012?  That sounds like a great topic.  I've been giving it some thought but will hold off until tomorrow to put it in writing.

2012 will be different for me as I will be "coached".  There is a group out of Pensacola, Florida (about an hour from me) that I will be using.  The 2 coaches are both active triathletes and they have been doing alot for the tri community the last two years.  I'm going to give it six months and then re-evaluate.  I get weekly plans with unlimited contact and most importantly 2 "train with the coach" sessions a month.  One of the coaches is a longtime swim coach and I will use my sessions for 1 on 1 swim help.  Their current athletes seem to have made good progress and are some of the top triathletes locally.  It will take some adjusting to just following a schedule rather than doing it on my own.  I hope this structure will help me peak for my races and avoid overdoing it.  

Anyone else using a coach or a specific training plan heading into 2012?


2011-12-30 9:44 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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West Texas
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Haven't really had a chance to write anything lately but I've been following the group, and more importantly, geting out and 'doing' stuff.

Over the past few days I've had a couple short runs and a short ride and even got in some good long walks. The walks aren't quite in the training plan but they are nice with the wife and little man.

I too had to waste some time in the swim shower thread. For the record I shower; it's the rules and I'm a rule follower (for the most part).

I read about the Paleo Diet after you all mentioned it. It sounds like a great diet but it isn't for me, but it did make me pay attention to my current eating habits. I've been journaling my food for the past two days and I'm not real sure how I'm not twice the size I am. So one of my New Years resolutions life changes is to just pay better attention to what I'm eating and make better choices, take an Eat This, Not That type of approach.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes. Happy New Years and happy training.

Edited by matthew_lt 2011-12-30 9:46 PM
2011-12-30 9:59 PM
in reply to: #3962701

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
slornow - 2011-12-30 3:12 PM

Goals for 2012?  That sounds like a great topic.  I've been giving it some thought but will hold off until tomorrow to put it in writing.

2012 will be different for me as I will be "coached".  There is a group out of Pensacola, Florida (about an hour from me) that I will be using.  The 2 coaches are both active triathletes and they have been doing alot for the tri community the last two years.  I'm going to give it six months and then re-evaluate.  I get weekly plans with unlimited contact and most importantly 2 "train with the coach" sessions a month.  One of the coaches is a longtime swim coach and I will use my sessions for 1 on 1 swim help.  Their current athletes seem to have made good progress and are some of the top triathletes locally.  It will take some adjusting to just following a schedule rather than doing it on my own.  I hope this structure will help me peak for my races and avoid overdoing it.  

Anyone else using a coach or a specific training plan heading into 2012?



To be honest I am too cheap to get a coach!!! Nor would my wife approve of this.  I am thinking about big goals (races) for 2012 and some are posted on my Dashboard, but I will be changing a few of them to include some other races.  I am not much into volume type goals for the year; generally stick with setting goals for particular individual races.  So if I do a Half Ironman Distance Tri this next Sept.  I will have some goals set for myself throughout the race.


Long run of 13 tomorrow.  Half-Marathon Race on the 15th of Jan.  Not running to race, but using it as a long training run and to check my Marathon Pace and nutrition plan.  I ran a 1:57:49 (9 min mile pace) last year and this one will be at a 10 min/per mile pace.


2011-12-31 5:54 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
It's NYE right now. Had dinner with the family at my Dad's. The Xterra ride was hard. I almost threw up after an epically long hill, then it rained while we were in the hills. Mud caked on our tires so thick the wheels wouldn't even turn. There was a portion we were able to fly down and that was awesome! I loved the whole thing, hard as it was. Probably wasn't the best idea to play soccer the night before though. I am banged up. Had a couple epic spills. One fall I landed on the handle bar and the gear changer gouged my butt. Hard to sit on the left side now. Took us 5 hours to do 20 miles with the bad conditions, but it was a blast. Thankfully, Xterra is during our dry season and will be easier then. Anyway, happy new year, guys! I look forward to a year of quality training with you all. Sorry about the no paragraphs. On my cell!

Edited by Blanda 2011-12-31 5:59 AM
2011-12-31 7:19 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Good morning! I'm headed our for 2-2.5 hour ride followed by a short run.  Foggy and warm here.

Blanda-the Xterra ride sounds brutal but fun.  Slow and messy........sounds like me swimming


2011-12-31 9:27 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Blanda -- that sounds like an epic ride!  (and fun)

Yes, Stu, weather in these parts has been wonderful.  In fact, I'll get out for a longish ride today.  Normally I'd be mostly on the trainer by now, but I've been getting outside quite a bit.

Di -- I think you should go for a quality machine.  You're much more likely to use it if it is a 'pleasure' to use.

Ceril -- I hope you didn't have to work too hard last night!

Matthew -- as in many things, I think that just paying attention (in this case, to what we eat) is a huge part of making better choices.

Brian -- I'm envious of your 13 mile run.  I should be doing my 'long run' tomorrow, but as the pools are closed, I can't even do a long pool run.  I'm beginning to accept that I won't be running a marathon in March, which has me pretty bummed out.  I got very excited when they announced the race and signed up over a year in advance.

So, on that happy note, goals for 2012.  Unlike Brian, I do get motivated by those arbitrary volume goals, and I'm going to set some for myself.  I tend to be a bit extreme with these things -- just my nature, I suppose -- but I'm going to stew on it for another day before I put it in writing...

Have a wonderful day everyone.  I hope you're all having the incredible weather that we have here.

2011-12-31 1:54 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

2011 is in the books for me.  36 mile ride followed by 2.5 mile run.  Decided to push it some today so the ride was at what I would try to pace for HIM...around 215-220 watts.  On the run I spent the first half mile getting my legs moving and then tried to stay sub 7:30 pace for the remainder.  I'm still thinking about a May HIM and this gave me a feel for the bike pace I would be looking to maintain.  Run actually felt good as well.  Satisfying way to bring the year to a close despite the fog that had me soaked 5 minutes into the ride.

My 2011:

Swim            228,554 yards      88 hours

Bike              5076.32 miles       266.5 hours    19.05 mph avg. pace

Run               1070.57 miles       158 hours       8:52 avg pace



2011-12-31 4:00 PM
in reply to: #3963841

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
slornow - 2011-12-31 5:54 PM

2011 is in the books for me.  36 mile ride followed by 2.5 mile run.  Decided to push it some today so the ride was at what I would try to pace for HIM...around 215-220 watts.  On the run I spent the first half mile getting my legs moving and then tried to stay sub 7:30 pace for the remainder.  I'm still thinking about a May HIM and this gave me a feel for the bike pace I would be looking to maintain.  Run actually felt good as well.  Satisfying way to bring the year to a close despite the fog that had me soaked 5 minutes into the ride.

My 2011:

Swim            228,554 yards      88 hours

Bike              5076.32 miles       266.5 hours    19.05 mph avg. pace

Run               1070.57 miles       158 hours       8:52 avg pace



Looks like an amazing year, Randy. Hope my 2012 with look something like this, at least in volume!! My pace would likely be way slower.

It's the 1st of 2012 today and I'm feeling very hopeful and positive. A lot to look forward to this year with a lot of growth last year.

Today we have a party to attend at a friend's, then I'm going to sit down and set the training schedule for Xterra.

Have a great time ringing in the new year, guys.

PS, I'm super sore from yesterday's ride, but I hope to get a short run in later. Crossing fingers, eyes, and toes.

2011-12-31 4:32 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Sorry I have been away from the group.  I just returned from holiday travel yesterday.  Missed a couple of workouts over the Xmas weekend, but still managed to get some stuff in.

Finished out 2011 with a 42 mile ride with 3700 feet of elevation gain.  Sweated out some of the holiday poison.... Below are my 2011 totals.  Will definitely have greater volume in 2012.  As you can see, I definitely need more time in the pool!!!!

I have been reading the thread, and have a few comments on questions.  I will get to those tomorrow.  Hope everyone has a great and safe New Year.


Bike:163h 48m 20s  - 2606.68 Mi
Run:87h 31m 14s  - 514.27 Mi
Swim:15h 26m 50s  - 19619.82 M
2011-12-31 6:22 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Happy New Years!

Here are my totals from 2011. I never really look at the numbers for any given week or month. Kathy G always teases me about not knowing the results from any of my races or weekly workout plans.
My coach plans the workouts and I do them to the best of my ability on that day. The only time I really look at the numbers is on December 31st.

Bike: 204h 20m 53s - 3426.65 Mi
Run: 132h 08m 45s - 1640.28 Mi
Swim: 122h 55m 51s - 246984.2 Yd

Allergies: 216h 00m ***Logged only from Jan-April

I was off for almost 4 weeks after IMTX/dehydration. Then we switched over to short course training for the rest of the season. The last half of the year has been very relaxed compared to the past few years. The mental/physical break was much needed after training for 3 IM's. Now it is time to switch gears and get started up again.

Edited by Catwoman 2011-12-31 6:29 PM
2011-12-31 6:31 PM
in reply to: #3963841

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
slornow - 2011-12-31 1:54 PM

2011 is in the books for me.  36 mile ride followed by 2.5 mile run.  Decided to push it some today so the ride was at what I would try to pace for HIM...around 215-220 watts.  On the run I spent the first half mile getting my legs moving and then tried to stay sub 7:30 pace for the remainder.  I'm still thinking about a May HIM and this gave me a feel for the bike pace I would be looking to maintain.  Run actually felt good as well.  Satisfying way to bring the year to a close despite the fog that had me soaked 5 minutes into the ride.

My 2011:

Swim            228,554 yards      88 hours

Bike              5076.32 miles       266.5 hours    19.05 mph avg. pace

Run               1070.57 miles       158 hours       8:52 avg pace



Very nice year!!! Jealous of those bike miles!

2011-12-31 8:10 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Yeah, Randy, that's some great bike mileage.  You've made huge gains in that department over the last year.  I'm going to try for similar in 2012.

We just ate New Year's Eve dinner, and the kids are having 'Wii festival' (a 'tradition' started last year -- we limit their time on it pretty severely, but on New Year's Eve we are letting them play all night until midnight).

My totals from 2011, after a really nice (and extremely windy) ride and subsequent pool 'run' today:

Bike:197h 32m 46s  - 3092.76 Mi
Run:305h 21m 11s  - 2388.25 Mi
Swim:81h 36m 42s  - 235108.8 Yd
Pool Running:14h 05m

2012 will be a bike/swim focus year for me.  I'm actually working on the outlines of the overall plan tonight while supervising the Wii Festival.

2011-12-31 9:38 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Since you are all posting numbers I thought I'd throw mine out.  I ran a Half-Marathon right away in Jan. and did a Half-Iron in June and a Sprint in Sept.  I knew it was going to be a low year for me as things were just to expensive to do everything.

2011 totals
Bike:97h 38m 38s  - 1863.19 Mi
Run:109h 46m 13s  - 683.5 Mi
Swim:37h 49m 43s  - 94864.17 Yd


I had a very hard 12.6 mile run this afternoon.  My mileage this week was the most I have put in running since I started training three years ago.  First time breaking 30 for a week.  I may run a short 3 miles tomorrow; depends on this cold I am getting.  I was somewhat discouraged thinking how on earth am I going to manage a Marathon, but reminded myself I have 4 months to lose 27 lbs. and 4 months yet to train so get off your pity party.


Have a safe and wonderful New Year Everyone!!!!  Talk with you again in 2012.

2012-01-01 5:15 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Good Morning! Happy New Year!
2012-01-01 7:24 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Wow... I am super impressed with everyone's bike mileage on here.  That is my glaring deficiency in 2011 as my goal was 2000 and only barely broke 1000.  Pretty happy with the rest of it.  Heading out in a few minutes to join various members of my family in our local 5K - a good way to start the year!

2011 totals
Bike:71h 37m 25s  - 1076.91 Mi
Run:151h 36m 27s  - 949.29 Mi
Swim:33h 36m 44s  - 100180 Yd

Happy New Year everyone!  Looking forward to working with all of you this year!


2012-01-01 7:44 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Happy New Year everyone!


2012-01-01 8:35 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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Hillsborough, NJ
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Wow - the numbers you guys are throwing down are inspiring and amazing to me!  I was hesitant at first to post my numbers as most of you could do this easily.  But, as you can see I decided to post them.  

2011 totals
Bike:28h 20m 19s  - 386.18 Mi
Run:25h 39m 03s  - 98.87 Mi
Swim:29h 01m  - 22385.32 M


This is a record for me!  All this because of a 6-week challenge at the gym in April 2011, just when I was getting ready to cancel my membership because I never went.  2011 was a life-changer.  All this because a friend wanted a workout buddy and convinced me to get off the couch after 15 years of a sedentary lifestyle.  Once, when I got discouraged, another friend said to me - it took you 15 years to get this out of shape and you expect to turn it around in a few weeks?! In 2011, I realized that it was a lifestyle change, not just a race that I wanted to participate in.  In 2011, I accomplished more than I thought that I could or ever would.  I learned how to swim! (I was "self-taught" as a kid

My goals for 2012:

To really set a solid base level - and get in a few solid sprints

To put more miles on my bike than I do on my Miata (it's my fun convertible that I take for a ride on nice days)

To take the next step with nutrition to support the training.  I was listening to a podcast where they were interviewing a world class runner and he related a moment that was a turning point in his career where he picked up a muffin to snack on and his coach asked him if he was really serious about winning.  Of course he said that he was - he had just spent countless hours training!  Then the coach told him to throw away the muffin - and it was kind of symbolic then that when he threw that muffin in the trash he knew he was ready, he was fully committed.  I think he went on to win worlds.  So - today cupboards and fridge are being tossed - I told the kids they could have a cabinet for their stuff - and we're moving forward.

Happy New Years!  Looking forward to continuing the journey!

2012-01-01 9:11 AM
in reply to: #3964601

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Ceril-numbers are just that....numbers.  More or less training time/distance is not what is most important.  What's important is that triathlon, and all that goes with it, provides us with something we enjoy.  Whether its completing a sprint, qualifying for Kona or just leading a healthier lifestyle.  Frankly, if I had a Miata to sport around in my bike would likely get dusty!

Looks like a rest day for me.  Maybe some yoga/stretching later.  I start on my "coached" plan tomorrow and the first week looks pretty light compared to what I  ususally do.  Going to take some time for me to adapt. 

Still trying to finalize my 2012 goals. Hope to post later.


2012-01-01 9:36 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Happy New Year everyone!

Totally agree with Randy.  If numbers are motivating, use them.  But the point is to get out there and do something active.

I'm going to finish up plans for 2012, then I'll post my crazy goals.

Stu -- I'm impressed with doing a 5K today.  After staying up with the kids, then up early this morning, I'm not sure I'd make it to the end of a 5K.  I'm going to take a nap and try a bike ride later today.

2012-01-01 11:23 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
X2 on numbers. The key is consistency and enjoying your workouts. If you're doing what you love that is all that matters.

2012-01-01 1:07 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Speaking of numbers, I had a good number for me today in the New Year's 5K race.  Did a personal best of 23.10, and more importantly, didn't lose last night's beer, champagne, pizza and shrimp on the course (not a good combo the day before a race, in case you were wondering).  Really a motivating race because I was tired from last night (and the whole week), muscles sore from the intervals and chopping wood, drank and ate too much last night, and was 202 on the scale this morning (10lbs heavier than a month ago).  Despite all that, it was my fastest 5K ever.  Obviously, the marathon training base from the Fall carried me through, but now I believe I still have more room to improve, which is a great feeling at age 51! All in all a very nice way to start the year - and the weather was picture perfect :-)

Ceril - the lifestyle mindset is the key.  My first year I probably had less mileage than you, but the difference in direction and perspective made all the difference.  No looking back now!

Been thinking about goals, but haven't committed them to writing yet.  Some things I need to do differently with balancing training with other life goals, and haven't quite figured out how to make that happen :-)

Happy 2012 Everyone!


2012-01-01 2:42 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Happy New Year everyone!

Well we had a couple of days of snow, tried to build an addition to my Igloo, but the rain washed it all away

I too have been thinking of my goals this year.  My main goal is to complete HIM in June.  Now all I need to do is break it up into smaller ones, those I'm not ready to share yet but should have it ready by end of week.  Kids are out of school this week so it will be another low volume week, sneak some workouts in when I can.

My numbers for the year were very low, but I only did two races June (Sprint) and July (Oly).  Then I took rest of summer off to do other things I haven't done in a long time.

2011 totals
Bike:46h 39m 23s  - 511.78 Mi
Run:28h 15m 54s  - 184.99 Mi
Swim:20h 33m 17s  - 46800 M


Edited by sstucker 2012-01-01 4:36 PM
2012-01-01 4:37 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
One of my reoccurring goals for the New Year has always been to clean up my diet. Obviously I have not been able to meet this goal or it wouldn't reappear on my New Years resolution list every year. While losing weight is always an added benefit the primary goal for changing my eating plan is for a better health, recovery and improved body composition.

I plan to do the following to meet my goal:

1. Log and record all foods on BT and an Iphone application after every meal.
2. Weigh myself on a weekly basis at the same time every week. This weight will be logged on Monday and posted. I normally keep a daily weight on the blog to keep track of hydration levels.
3. Use "Burn Fat, Feed the Muscle" as my lifestyle plan
4. Have 1-2 cheat meals per week with hubby!
5. Cheat meals will be the only meals that I will eat out or away from home
6. Cook and pre-pack all meals. Carry a cooler and snacks

Let me know if you would like an accountability partner to help you meet your nutrition goals. Or if we have enough people interested perhaps we can post how things are going in this group.

2012-01-01 4:39 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Stu- Congratulations on the 5k PR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2012-01-01 5:15 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Great job PRing in your 5k, Stu!!

I was in way too much pain yesterday to do anything. My left shoulder and arm are super sore, I have bruises popping up where I didn't know I had hit myself! So funny that while I was on the ride I barely felt pain beyond the gear shifter gouging my rear end. I have a solid knot and bruise on that spot, oi. We're hoping the rain will stay away so we can do it again this Saturday, LOL! 

Let's get 2012 rolling!

Edited by Blanda 2012-01-01 5:18 PM
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