BT Development Mentor Program Archives » kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2011-12-24 1:56 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

OK, I am hiding in the basement on my computer while family is rolling in for Christmas, sneakily posting my bio:

NAME: abake - Anne

LOCATION: Springfield, Illinois

DAY JOB: Graphic technician at an engineering company.
AGE/FAMILY: Turned 50 in October.  Have a lovely daughter, age 22. In a long-term relationship with Steve, who has two grown kids and a new granddaughter. Her first Christmas should be fun. Also have three awesome cats who run the house.
ATHLETIC BACKGROUND - No organized sports as a kid. Did a lot of horseback riding as a teenager and even did some three-day eventing. My sister has a couple of quarter horses and I get out to ride when I can. I think the equestrian background has helped with biking. 

I didn't do much of anything until I was about 35, and then I tried jogging a little bit. At age 42 I joined a friend at a local "learn to run" program sponsored by the local running club. More of a jogger but I did make some enduring friendships through training groups and have done quite a few destination races with my running friends. 

In 2008 I took a swimming class at the local YMCA that was tri-oriented. I had never learned to swim, always wore contact lenses and just could not get comfortable in the water with them. After Lasik surgery, that was no longer a problem. That summer I struggled through my first sprint triathlon, terrified out in the open water. I think I backstroked about half of the 500 yard swim, going wildly off course. It was awesome.

Sat out most of the tri season in 2009, then started getting back into it. In 2011 I signed up for my first HIM distance -- Racine 70.3 At a practice Olympic race, I had problems breathing, which I later learned was an asthma attack, and then at the next practice race, I DNF'd after problems in the water (kicked in head, got sick, etc.).  So it was good to finish Racine without incident. The heat was a factor for me -- it was in the 90s and the heat index was over 100, so the run turned into a jog/walk. But the best part is that the swim went very well, and that is always the part I worry about the most.

This year my races will be:

February - Rock N Roll Half Marathon, St. Petersburg, Florida (girls trip)
April - sprint distance, either Petersburg, IL  or Sullivan, IL
May - Lake Carlyle Olympic
June - Tri Shark, Bloomington IL
July - Evergreen Lake
August - Rev3 Wisconsin Dells, 70.3
August - Xterra Illinois Wilds Triathlon
October (HOPEFULLY) - Will go out East with my mom and hook up with MarlaS for a HIM

WHY I WILL BE A GOOD MENTEE: I love the comradarie and friendships that form in these forums. I have met some amazing people on BT, some I have met in real life, others are still virtual friends. I love to encourage and be encouraged, and enjoy the process of training for a race and working toward improvement.

WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO WORK ON: My run is my weakest of the three legs. I am learning that I need to run more often, that the standard 3X a week is not enough for me.  Also need to work on bike speed. The Dells is a very hilly bike course and I will need a lot of hill work this season to finish strong.

WEIGHT: I am 5'8 and currently weigh 158.  I would love to get to 150.

WEIGHT WORK/OTHER STUFF: Try to squeeze in weights/circuit training 2 or 3x a week but it's tough. Yoga is also helpful!

Well, that's enough for now, I need to rejoin my family before they send a search party out.  I look forward to a fun training season and getting to know all of you! 



Edited by abake 2011-12-24 3:18 PM

2011-12-24 2:34 PM
in reply to: #3952614

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
jpbis26 - 2011-12-24 2:58 PM

Got out & ran/walked 2 miles today. My poor dog was thrilled that we are running again. Although she seems confused as to why we were going so slow.

I will totally take Ken's advice here and try to gradually build to running 5x a week for short distances. It will force me to be consistent, and if I'm only running 2-3 miles, it will be much harder for me to use the "I don't have time excuse" since I'm only looking at 30 mins or so.

I am in same situation with hamstring at 10 minutes, at slow-moderate pace.  Worked up to 20.

Hopefully will add on 5 minutes every week or two & not "crap-out"

Running certainly stresses it more than cycling...

From another injured soul...hope you heal,

Merry Xmas!

2011-12-24 2:45 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Welcome Anne and Carla..


Merry Christmas to all...Hope Santa brings you nice tri releated items..Happy Training and be safe..

Looks like we have a great group to start off 2012.....

2011-12-24 4:49 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Welcome Anne - enjoy time with your family!

Got in a 45 min. elliptical and some ab/stretching today - super proud of myself as I feel so much better get it in and done with.  Probably will end up taking tomorrow off as well.

Does anyone else hate the elliptical machine?  It reminds me of the fact that I can't run every time I am on it.


2011-12-24 4:52 PM
in reply to: #3952577

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2011-12-24 1:14 PM


"Running is your *friend*!"    

And yes, IMFL was a "Heart Breaker".  I felt an overwhelming sense of inadequacy... but I caught myself before I "Spun out into the Oblivian of Negativity".

I'm struggling to finish my race report which will help add some closure to the event.  I have to remember that it was a "Single Snapshot" in Time... and not a "Declaration of who I am" and "What is Possible for me as a Triathlete" !

Looking forward to reading your bio!  Thanks for the Welcome!

I have every confidence that anyone who can spin a phrase like "oblivion of negativity" will be able to talk herself into (or out of!) just about anything

2011-12-24 4:56 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED list.









[email protected]...???















OK,  think that's it! 23 of us!  Anyone I missed.

Now Can anyone make one make one of the funky lists we can put in blogs???

Edited by GoGoGo 2011-12-24 5:15 PM

2011-12-24 4:56 PM
in reply to: #3952657

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
abake - 2011-12-24 2:56 PM

OK, I am hiding in the basement on my computer while family is rolling in for Christmas, sneakily posting my bio:

NAME: abake - Anne

LOCATION: Springfield, Illinois

DAY JOB: Graphic technician at an engineering company.
AGE/FAMILY: Turned 50 in October.  Have a lovely daughter, age 22. In a long-term relationship with Steve, who has two grown kids and a new granddaughter. Her first Christmas should be fun. Also have three awesome cats who run the house.
ATHLETIC BACKGROUND - No organized sports as a kid. Did a lot of horseback riding as a teenager and even did some three-day eventing. My sister has a couple of quarter horses and I get out to ride when I can. I think the equestrian background has helped with biking. 

I didn't do much of anything until I was about 35, and then I tried jogging a little bit. At age 42 I joined a friend at a local "learn to run" program sponsored by the local running club. More of a jogger but I did make some enduring friendships through training groups and have done quite a few destination races with my running friends. 

In 2008 I took a swimming class at the local YMCA that was tri-oriented. I had never learned to swim, always wore contact lenses and just could not get comfortable in the water with them. After Lasik surgery, that was no longer a problem. That summer I struggled through my first sprint triathlon, terrified out in the open water. I think I backstroked about half of the 500 yard swim, going wildly off course. It was awesome.

Sat out most of the tri season in 2009, then started getting back into it. In 2011 I signed up for my first HIM distance -- Racine 70.3 At a practice Olympic race, I had problems breathing, which I later learned was an asthma attack, and then at the next practice race, I DNF'd after problems in the water (kicked in head, got sick, etc.).  So it was good to finish Racine without incident. The heat was a factor for me -- it was in the 90s and the heat index was over 100, so the run turned into a jog/walk. But the best part is that the swim went very well, and that is always the part I worry about the most.

This year my races will be:

February - Rock N Roll Half Marathon, St. Petersburg, Florida (girls trip)
April - sprint distance, either Petersburg, IL  or Sullivan, IL
May - Lake Carlyle Olympic
June - Tri Shark, Bloomington IL
July - Evergreen Lake
August - Rev3 Wisconsin Dells, 70.3
August - Xterra Illinois Wilds Triathlon
October (HOPEFULLY) - Will go out East with my mom and hook up with MarlaS for a HIM

WHY I WILL BE A GOOD MENTEE: I love the comradarie and friendships that form in these forums. I have met some amazing people on BT, some I have met in real life, others are still virtual friends. I love to encourage and be encouraged, and enjoy the process of training for a race and working toward improvement.

WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO WORK ON: My run is my weakest of the three legs. I am learning that I need to run more often, that the standard 3X a week is not enough for me.  Also need to work on bike speed. The Dells is a very hilly bike course and I will need a lot of hill work this season to finish strong.

WEIGHT: I am 5'8 and currently weigh 158.  I would love to get to 150.

WEIGHT WORK/OTHER STUFF: Try to squeeze in weights/circuit training 2 or 3x a week but it's tough. Yoga is also helpful!

Well, that's enough for now, I need to rejoin my family before they send a search party out.  I look forward to a fun training season and getting to know all of you! 


Nice to learn things I didn't know...or forgot I heard once probably Embarassed

I have to roll my eyes at your characterizing your run as your weakest event, and the need to increase speed on the bike, bc I aspire to get to where you are! Your 0-dark-thirty runs are impressive, if not borderline insane (IMHO), and so I only wish I had the kind of schedule that you apparently regard as insufficient! Mostly, though, hope it all works out for the Half-Full. Would be such fun to race with you.


2011-12-24 5:59 PM
in reply to: #3952810

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
GoGoGo - 2011-12-24 5:56 PM list.









[email protected]...???















OK,  think that's it! 23 of us!  Anyone I missed.

Now Can anyone make one make one of the funky lists we can put in blogs???

Thanks Richard!  I can make the list, it just takes a little time to copy and paste the links.  I should have some time tomorrow or Monday to do that!


2011-12-24 7:21 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Hey Ann, I'm in Bloomington, IL.


I did a brick today.  90 mins on the bike with SEs X 2 1 X 30 m and 1 X 15 m @ 75% and 55 rpm (like long hill repeats

 and 2 sets of VO2 with each one 5 X 1 over 1 @ 120%

Then ran 50 mins.  Loving this weather.

Merry Christmas everybody.





2011-12-24 7:23 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Any of you guys use Face Book.  I do and love it.  Send me a friend request.


Also check out  My friend Tim from another mentor group does a great job posting triathlon related news and articles.




2011-12-24 10:12 PM
in reply to: #3943039

New user
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Well, I got my 12 miles in and it was going along real well until about mile 9.  The last 3 miles were pretty tough but at least I was able to run the whole distance.  My run has been a huge struggle for me.  Especially right now because I need to lose about 20 lbs.  I signed up for the Charleston Half Marathon to try and jump start some longer runs.  I'm using the race to help build base for my HIM in May and then IMFL in Nov.

Robert - I actually played football with Robbie Briggs (Manning High School's Head football coach) at The Citadel.

2011-12-24 10:39 PM
in reply to: #3952886

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2011-12-24 8:23 PM

Any of you guys use Face Book.  I do and love it.  Send me a friend request.


Also check out  My friend Tim from another mentor group does a great job posting triathlon related news and articles.

 Just did. Looks like we have friends in common, too...



2011-12-24 11:04 PM
in reply to: #3952810

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
GoGoGo - 2011-12-24 3:56 PM list.









[email protected]...???















OK,  think that's it! 23 of us!  Anyone I missed.

Now Can anyone make one make one of the funky lists we can put in blogs???

Thanks for doing this Richard. It really helps.


2011-12-24 11:04 PM
in reply to: #3952810

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Sorry for the double post.


GoGoGo - 2011-12-24 3:56 PM list.









[email protected]...???















OK,  think that's it! 23 of us!  Anyone I missed.

Now Can anyone make one make one of the funky lists we can put in blogs???

Thanks for doing this Richard. It really helps.


Edited by Kath2163 2011-12-24 11:05 PM
2011-12-24 11:07 PM
in reply to: #3952808

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED


If I could spin my crank as easily as I can "Spin a Phrase" I would be contending for a podium position!!!  ;-0


2011-12-25 3:57 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Would like to you guys a Merry Christmas from New Jersey to those that celebrate it. I'm here for two weeks for the holidays.It's 4:30 and insomnia kicked in. Ugh. Regardless, I had so much fun with my two brothers last night. We haven't been together for Christmas so many years due to older brother being in the Army (he will retire in a few years at age 37 after serving 20 years, yes he has been to Iraq and Afghanistan), and younger brother's issues with drugs and being told stuipd things by his weird mom for many years (he's my half brother. My older bro and I have same mom and dad, younger has different mom). We had so much laughs and seeing their new girlfriends for the first time. I could go on and on about it, but mainly the fact "boys will be boys" describes the evening perfectly. No worries I did my fair share of body functions, cursing, and hitting. Highlight of the evening was when my younger brother asking Dad and Stepmom for forgiveness after he left their house out of the blue without explanation. He used to have bad drug habits and just life issues (he is deaf like me) and my dad and stepmom took him under their wings when his mom refused to even try to help him out and worked on getting his life back on track, but he screwed them after a starting to get his life on track in regards of a job and other issues. Long story. I had to convince my brother to do this so it was bittersweet and my stepmom and Dad were crying. It's never too late to say I am sorry. Tomorrow I'm looking forward to spending time with my mom and stepdad, then the Bono family then my fiancé family. Hope you all get some good Triathlon related goodies!!

2011-12-25 6:24 AM
in reply to: #3952548

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Kath2163 - 2011-12-24 11:44 AM
CarlaLThompson - 2011-12-24 10:40 AM

NAME: CarlaLThompson/ Carla L. Thompson

FAMILY STATUS: Single, No Children, German Shorthaired Pointer named Lady (6yrs Old)

STORY:  I am a 45 Year Old “African/American” Woman.  I stand 6’0” so everyone mistakes me for a “Basketball Player”.  Contrary to popular belief I did not grow up participating in sports.  While I did swim in High School it certainly would not be considered “competitive”. 

I fell in love with the sport of “Triathlon” and have been training and racing since 1999.

While I have the passion and enthusiasm of a Professional Triathlete,  speed in any of the three sports seems elude me. 

Up until now I have been a “Back of the Packer”… 16:30+ Ironman… Final Finisher.  I am ready to believe that “Speed is Possible!”

The Ironman Moto is “Anything is Possible” and I’m here to prove just that!

Below are my most significant accomplishments with respect to Triathlon:

  • Ironman Florida 2010 Finisher
  • 70.3 Boulder 2010 Finisher
  • 70.3 Texas 2011 Finisher
  • 70.3 Vineman 2011 Finisher

  • April 2012 - Platte River Half Marathon
  • June 2012 - Ironman Coeur d’Alene

I would like to add a late season 70.3 as well as end my season with Ironman Florida, however, finances, physical & emotional commitments are factors.

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently I am being individually coached.  My race goals this year are very significant and I want to give myself the “BEST POSSIBLE CHANCE” at being successful. 

I’m coming off of a recent DNF at Ironman Florida 2011.  I missed the bike cut off at mile marker 98 and I am still working through the feelings I have with respect my fate that day.

I am three weeks into an “Adaptation Phase” with my new coach.  She and I both were surprised that I did NOT have more “Base” to work with after training for the full year of 2011.  We are working together to rebuild that Base and hopefully see a success at Ironman Coeur d’Alene 2012.

 Swim:  I enjoy swimming and swim generally well.  My body positioning needs improvement and I have spoiled myself by using a pull buoy for many of my sets in the past.  I am removing the “crutch” this year and hoping to feel my natural speed in the water as time unfolds.  It is a tough habit to break but probably necessary to see an improvement in my speed.  I swim a 2:00/100yd Pace for a 2.4 Mile Pool Swim.

Bike:  Biking is a challenge for me at my current weight.  I weigh 212.6lbs and living in hilly Colorado it makes climbing a challenge.  If you saw the size of my thighs you might mistake them for having much more power than they do.  I grind a slow cadence when “the road points upward” so that will be my focus for this year.  I ride a 13 MPH Average Pace over moderately challenging terrain.

Run:  I actually enjoy running… however again, speed has been quite the challenge.  I am building my run now trying to keep my heart rate in “Zone 2”.  My current pace is 13:20 min/mile for 8 miles.  I hope to see some improvement as my weight comes down and my fitness rises to the occasion.

WEIGHTLOSS: I stand 6’0” and currently weigh 212.6lbs.  My Goal Weight is 165lbs. 

As I reflect of my DNF at Ironman Florida 2011 the most significant factor that stands out is that I was 20lbs heavier than I was the year prior.  My concern is that the extra weight, along with the extreme winds typical on race day in Florida, was not a winning combination.  

What makes sense is to get myself to a healthy weight which is now my primary focus.  I am puzzled and feel slightly disappointed in myself as I had hoped to be at a much different fitness level to build into Ironman Coeur d’Alene, instead, I am starting from where I am and taking off the weight that should have technically been lost last year. 

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE:  One of my greatest passions is to connect with others from the heart.  I enjoy being a part of a community of  like minded people who share a similar goal. 

While I am not very fast, I have trained and raced quite a bit over the last twelve years.  I look forward to sharing my “Tips and Tricks” of how I faced the feelings and anxieties of my many “Pre-Race Nights and Race Mornings”. 

I look forward to reading all of the bio’s posted.  In the mean time please reach out to me and help me get to know you!

Until then…

Have Big Fun In the Sun… SWIM, BIKE, RUN!!!

Welcome Carla!

Glad to have you with us Wink

Carla, that is a great story. I look forward to seeing you come back strong at this next IM and get what you came for.  We don't hear too much on this site with people that DNF at those races, but there are many of them and I admire you for taking another shot at it!

2011-12-25 6:43 AM
in reply to: #3952586

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2011-12-24 1:23 PM

Ken - Hang on... are you a Steelers Fan??? 

I'm originally from Pittsburgh, PA!!!  Born and raised there!

Huge Steelers fan Carla!  Since the early 70's!  Made my first trip to a game at Heinze field this year, told my wife that I was buying season tickets next year.  She just smiles and nods, with an ok dear, like she does with all my crazy ideas until she realizes I might actually attemt it.  Kind of like she did with triathlon! Innocent

2011-12-25 6:45 AM
in reply to: #3952881

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2011-12-24 7:21 PM

Hey Ann, I'm in Bloomington, IL.


I did a brick today.  90 mins on the bike with SEs X 2 1 X 30 m and 1 X 15 m @ 75% and 55 rpm (like long hill repeats

 and 2 sets of VO2 with each one 5 X 1 over 1 @ 120%

Then ran 50 mins.  Loving this weather.

Merry Christmas everybody.


Hey Scott, we will probably be at some of the same events this summer!

Merry Christmas to everyone!

2011-12-25 6:47 AM
in reply to: #3952657

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
abake - 2011-12-24 2:56 PM

OK, I am hiding in the basement on my computer while family is rolling in for Christmas, sneakily posting my bio:

NAME: abake - Anne

LOCATION: Springfield, Illinois

DAY JOB: Graphic technician at an engineering company.
AGE/FAMILY: Turned 50 in October.  Have a lovely daughter, age 22. In a long-term relationship with Steve, who has two grown kids and a new granddaughter. Her first Christmas should be fun. Also have three awesome cats who run the house.
ATHLETIC BACKGROUND - No organized sports as a kid. Did a lot of horseback riding as a teenager and even did some three-day eventing. My sister has a couple of quarter horses and I get out to ride when I can. I think the equestrian background has helped with biking. 

I didn't do much of anything until I was about 35, and then I tried jogging a little bit. At age 42 I joined a friend at a local "learn to run" program sponsored by the local running club. More of a jogger but I did make some enduring friendships through training groups and have done quite a few destination races with my running friends. 

In 2008 I took a swimming class at the local YMCA that was tri-oriented. I had never learned to swim, always wore contact lenses and just could not get comfortable in the water with them. After Lasik surgery, that was no longer a problem. That summer I struggled through my first sprint triathlon, terrified out in the open water. I think I backstroked about half of the 500 yard swim, going wildly off course. It was awesome.

Sat out most of the tri season in 2009, then started getting back into it. In 2011 I signed up for my first HIM distance -- Racine 70.3 At a practice Olympic race, I had problems breathing, which I later learned was an asthma attack, and then at the next practice race, I DNF'd after problems in the water (kicked in head, got sick, etc.).  So it was good to finish Racine without incident. The heat was a factor for me -- it was in the 90s and the heat index was over 100, so the run turned into a jog/walk. But the best part is that the swim went very well, and that is always the part I worry about the most.

This year my races will be:

February - Rock N Roll Half Marathon, St. Petersburg, Florida (girls trip)
April - sprint distance, either Petersburg, IL  or Sullivan, IL
May - Lake Carlyle Olympic
June - Tri Shark, Bloomington IL
July - Evergreen Lake
August - Rev3 Wisconsin Dells, 70.3
August - Xterra Illinois Wilds Triathlon
October (HOPEFULLY) - Will go out East with my mom and hook up with MarlaS for a HIM

WHY I WILL BE A GOOD MENTEE: I love the comradarie and friendships that form in these forums. I have met some amazing people on BT, some I have met in real life, others are still virtual friends. I love to encourage and be encouraged, and enjoy the process of training for a race and working toward improvement.

WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO WORK ON: My run is my weakest of the three legs. I am learning that I need to run more often, that the standard 3X a week is not enough for me.  Also need to work on bike speed. The Dells is a very hilly bike course and I will need a lot of hill work this season to finish strong.

WEIGHT: I am 5'8 and currently weigh 158.  I would love to get to 150.

WEIGHT WORK/OTHER STUFF: Try to squeeze in weights/circuit training 2 or 3x a week but it's tough. Yoga is also helpful!

Well, that's enough for now, I need to rejoin my family before they send a search party out.  I look forward to a fun training season and getting to know all of you! 



Anne, sounds like a great schedule for 2012!  Glad to have you part of the group!

As far as the weight loss, maybe we can get Judi to do another challenge, but she doesn't like to put her tiara at risk! Wink

2011-12-25 6:47 AM
in reply to: #3952803

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
robingray_260 - 2011-12-24 4:49 PM

Welcome Anne - enjoy time with your family!

Got in a 45 min. elliptical and some ab/stretching today - super proud of myself as I feel so much better get it in and done with.  Probably will end up taking tomorrow off as well.

Does anyone else hate the elliptical machine?  It reminds me of the fact that I can't run every time I am on it.


The elliptical machine is tough, good job on the 45 minutes! 

2011-12-25 6:49 AM
in reply to: #3952803

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
robingray_260 - 2011-12-24 5:49 PM

Welcome Anne - enjoy time with your family!

Got in a 45 min. elliptical and some ab/stretching today - super proud of myself as I feel so much better get it in and done with.  Probably will end up taking tomorrow off as well.

Does anyone else hate the elliptical machine?  It reminds me of the fact that I can't run every time I am on it.


I don't mind the elliptical, the few times I have used it.  I am usually on it because the treadmills are all occupied at work or in a hotel fitness room. If I had to use it because of a running injury, I might feel differently.

2011-12-25 6:53 AM
in reply to: #3953004

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Wesley12 - 2011-12-24 11:12 PM

Well, I got my 12 miles in and it was going along real well until about mile 9.  The last 3 miles were pretty tough but at least I was able to run the whole distance.  My run has been a huge struggle for me.  Especially right now because I need to lose about 20 lbs.  I signed up for the Charleston Half Marathon to try and jump start some longer runs.  I'm using the race to help build base for my HIM in May and then IMFL in Nov.

Robert - I actually played football with Robbie Briggs (Manning High School's Head football coach) at The Citadel.

Great work getting the 12 miles in!  It does get easier, beleive it or not.  Endurance is built over time.   Nice! 

We will talk about fueling the long runs and bikes too, it is important! 

2011-12-25 6:58 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

I tried to catch up on all the posts yesterday afternoon, a lot of good conversations going on! 

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!  I hope that everyone has a great day, spending it great friends and family!  And you find a couple of nice tri gadgets in your stocking!

And even though we are all trying to improve our health through diet and exercise, it doesn't hurt to have a cookie or piece of pie one day a year! Everything in moderation!

2011-12-25 7:00 AM
in reply to: #3953062

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

CyborgQueen - 2011-12-25 4:57 AM Would like to you guys a Merry Christmas from New Jersey to those that celebrate it. I'm here for two weeks for the holidays.It's 4:30 and insomnia kicked in. Ugh. Regardless, I had so much fun with my two brothers last night. We haven't been together for Christmas so many years due to older brother being in the Army (he will retire in a few years at age 37 after serving 20 years, yes he has been to Iraq and Afghanistan), and younger brother's issues with drugs and being told stuipd things by his weird mom for many years (he's my half brother. My older bro and I have same mom and dad, younger has different mom). We had so much laughs and seeing their new girlfriends for the first time. I could go on and on about it, but mainly the fact "boys will be boys" describes the evening perfectly. No worries I did my fair share of body functions, cursing, and hitting. Highlight of the evening was when my younger brother asking Dad and Stepmom for forgiveness after he left their house out of the blue without explanation. He used to have bad drug habits and just life issues (he is deaf like me) and my dad and stepmom took him under their wings when his mom refused to even try to help him out and worked on getting his life back on track, but he screwed them after a starting to get his life on track in regards of a job and other issues. Long story. I had to convince my brother to do this so it was bittersweet and my stepmom and Dad were crying. It's never too late to say I am sorry. Tomorrow I'm looking forward to spending time with my mom and stepdad, then the Bono family then my fiancé family. Hope you all get some good Triathlon related goodies!!

Glad you had a good time with your brothers after all these years!  Thanks to your older brother and your/his family for his service!  I am also glad to hear that your younger brother has gotten his life on track and you can all spend the holidays together enjoying each others company!

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