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2013-01-31 10:43 AM
in reply to: #4553673

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
So I skipped both the swim and the run yesterday.  It was probably a good thing.  I took it easy last night and went to bed early and today I feel much less fatigued.  Still tired (although I think that has more to do with stress), but at least my body doesn't ache like it did before.  I guess I just needed a little time to re-charge the batteries somewhat.  I brought my stuff with me to try to get a short run in over lunch time and hopefully I can make up the missed swim tomorrow morning. 

2013-01-31 8:13 PM
in reply to: #4553673

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Good call on the rest day, Janet-- it's smarter to rest than to work too hard. Today got chopped into bits for me, alas, but managed to get some walking in (on an icy day here) and did the Myrtl core workout after dinner-- so very glad to know of that routine now! The Beasts rock!!
2013-01-31 8:32 PM
in reply to: #4602838

Spring/Woodlands Area
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Rest is when the adaptation happens.  I have to remind myself of this just about daily.

Nice walk with the kiddo today, but that was roughly an hour of walking.  So I shortened the bike ride and lowered the intensity to accommodate.  

Keep up the good works Beasts!

2013-02-01 5:55 AM
in reply to: #4553673

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
After an unintentional rest day yesterday I'm headed to swim practice now. Got a 7 mile hilly road run planned for tomorrow. Sunday I'm doing yard work for my Mama. She fought her way back from a MRSA blood infection that almost took her life last September. She is almost back to her old self but still not strong enough to take care of her yard. It's her pride and joy so ill be down there getting it in shape for her. I come by my hyperactive nature honestly;Mama can't sit still either! Happy Training Beasties!!
2013-02-01 6:16 AM
in reply to: #4603821

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Melanie, Loved the Pep Talk video, that kid is hilarious!!  Made my day...

I'm taking a rest day today too in spite of wanting to get in a make up swim, trying to be SMART, ha ha! 

Janet, I've met lots of people out on group rides, will talk to one for awhile, then they'll leave and I'll find another one, and even if you ride by yourself, it's fun to have lots of people around...

Shad, how nice to be helping your Mom out!  That MRSA stuff is SCARY!!! 

2013-02-01 7:37 AM
in reply to: #4553673

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Looks like everyone needed a well deserved rest!  And there are great plans for the weekend too!

We've gone from temps in the high 60's to a morning with snow flurries in the space of about 36 hours.  Makes for interesting workout clothing planning.

My ride in this morning was quite tricky.  Snow flurries were snow!  It only lasted about 30 minutes but it was 'snow' not snow flurries.  Learned from past mistakes.  Stayed off the bike path when I could.  Kept one foot unclipped for most of the ride.  Walked the bike over bridges and down my big hill.  The sun is shining now!

Happy Friday everyone.

2013-02-01 10:14 AM
in reply to: #4603910

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
hoffsquared - 2013-02-01 7:37 AM

Looks like everyone needed a well deserved rest!  And there are great plans for the weekend too!

We've gone from temps in the high 60's to a morning with snow flurries in the space of about 36 hours.  Makes for interesting workout clothing planning.

My ride in this morning was quite tricky.  Snow flurries were snow!  It only lasted about 30 minutes but it was 'snow' not snow flurries.  Learned from past mistakes.  Stayed off the bike path when I could.  Kept one foot unclipped for most of the ride.  Walked the bike over bridges and down my big hill.  The sun is shining now!

Happy Friday everyone.

I have a hard enough time riding outside when the weather is nice, there's no way I could do it in the snowSurprised!  Good for you for getting it done and being smart about it.  We've had the same weird temperature shifts here - 60* one day, snow the next. 

Today is my sister's 50th birthday so we're going to my parent's house to celebrate tonight.  I have an easy ride on the schedule but it may get put off until tomorrow.  And I skipped the swim again this morning - just couldn't make myself get out of bed and go to the pool in 8* weather.  I hope it warms up at least a little before my 15k on Sunday. 

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

2013-02-01 8:40 PM
in reply to: #4604256

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Nothern VA
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Okay, admitting you have a problem is the first step, right? (Sigh)I have a swimming problem.My problem is I'm stuck on a college campus and every year I get older and they stay 18-21...and, I really just have a serious personal objection to my students seeing my scarred, aging, sagging body in the dressing room. I just dread the pool all together sometimes. And swimming used to be like the cure all for everything.I think I need to be nagged...Did i say nagged? I mean motivated...into actually getting into the water.Help!Seriously. I've been swimming competitively since I was 3...was is this suddenly so hard to face?I swam 30 min. last month. That's inexcusable.
2013-02-02 8:57 AM
in reply to: #4605173

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Dana_Scully - 2013-02-01 8:40 PM Okay, admitting you have a problem is the first step, right? (Sigh)I have a swimming problem.My problem is I'm stuck on a college campus and every year I get older and they stay 18-21...and, I really just have a serious personal objection to my students seeing my scarred, aging, sagging body in the dressing room. I just dread the pool all together sometimes. And swimming used to be like the cure all for everything.I think I need to be nagged...Did i say nagged? I mean motivated...into actually getting into the water.Help!Seriously. I've been swimming competitively since I was 3...was is this suddenly so hard to face?I swam 30 min. last month. That's inexcusable.

Well, if it makes you feel any better, my locker room is filled with High School kids, even more young, even more nubile, ha ha!!  I'm sure they view me as the old lady...  this is how I handle it... first I swim first thing in the morning, so I just wear my swim suit under my work clothes to the pool, so I'm not naked when I undress.  When I get out of the pool, I wear my swim suit to the shower, allows me to rinse it, and then I put on my bra and underwear in the shower (after I turn off the water of course!), so I'm now only half naked, but still flabby/wrinkly.  Whatever, I wear my body proudly, the scars tell a story of my life, and it is what it is.  I really think that no one really looks at you, just like you probably really don't look at anyone else.  Once you are in the water it doesn't matter, so swim until you get to your Zen place!  You can always bring a big towel and wrap yourself up in it too.  Besides, I think all those young, perky breasted young uns need a reality check, because WE looked like that at one time... yeah, that's right bit**ches , you're gonna look like me in a few years!!!  For me, the actual swimming FAR outweighs the negatives of my body... so get in that pool, Scully and start logging some PURPLE on that graph... embrace your scarred and saggy beastiness, stand tall and know that you are able to swim in that pool!!  Yeah, I'm nagging motivating you to get in there and SWIM!

Edited by Hildebeast 2013-02-02 8:59 AM
2013-02-02 9:33 AM
in reply to: #4605472

Spring/Woodlands Area
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Same here, but luckily the pool isn't that popular at the time of day I swim.  And I've got another month or so until it's even an option (pool closed if the temp is under 50).  I always find swimming the hardest to get done - limited pool availability and highly weather dependent.  So I'm completely envious of those of you who have decent pool access year round.

Decent run this morning.  Super Bowl food prep today.  

Have a great weekend everyone.

2013-02-02 2:11 PM
in reply to: #4553673

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Good Job Beasties!

    Everyone is getting out and getting it done, in spite of temperamental weather. Or staying in and resting up,which is usually harder than training! My 7 mile hilly run got derailed by what amounts to a blizzard in my part of Tennessee. We got roughly 1.5 inches of snow, but the temperature rose into the 40's and it all melted by 11 AM. I regrouped and went for a trail run with Brando the Trail Dog Extraordinaire and our 4 month old puppy, Emmylou. It was her first time on the trail. She loved it, but whewie, we got some work to do on trail manners! I guess Brando has spoiled me. After 20 times or so of unwrapping her from trees, and one big ole fall where Emmylou got between my legs and we all 3 took a header into the leaves, she burned enough puppy energy to settle down and finish the last half mile. Tomorrow before doing yardwork, I am going to do a 7 miler outside of Lynchburg TN. It includes 5 miles of the Oak Barrel Half Marathon route, taking in the infamous Whiskey Hill climb.Have a great weekend everyone!!

2013-02-02 9:08 PM
in reply to: #4605472

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Hildebeast - 2013-02-02 8:57 AM

Dana_Scully - 2013-02-01 8:40 PM Okay, admitting you have a problem is the first step, right? (Sigh)I have a swimming problem.My problem is I'm stuck on a college campus and every year I get older and they stay 18-21...and, I really just have a serious personal objection to my students seeing my scarred, aging, sagging body in the dressing room. I just dread the pool all together sometimes. And swimming used to be like the cure all for everything.I think I need to be nagged...Did i say nagged? I mean motivated...into actually getting into the water.Help!Seriously. I've been swimming competitively since I was 3...was is this suddenly so hard to face?I swam 30 min. last month. That's inexcusable.

Well, if it makes you feel any better, my locker room is filled with High School kids, even more young, even more nubile, ha ha!!  I'm sure they view me as the old lady...  this is how I handle it... first I swim first thing in the morning, so I just wear my swim suit under my work clothes to the pool, so I'm not naked when I undress.  When I get out of the pool, I wear my swim suit to the shower, allows me to rinse it, and then I put on my bra and underwear in the shower (after I turn off the water of course!), so I'm now only half naked, but still flabby/wrinkly.  Whatever, I wear my body proudly, the scars tell a story of my life, and it is what it is.  I really think that no one really looks at you, just like you probably really don't look at anyone else.  Once you are in the water it doesn't matter, so swim until you get to your Zen place!  You can always bring a big towel and wrap yourself up in it too.  Besides, I think all those young, perky breasted young uns need a reality check, because WE looked like that at one time... yeah, that's right bit**ches , you're gonna look like me in a few years!!!  For me, the actual swimming FAR outweighs the negatives of my body... so get in that pool, Scully and start logging some PURPLE on that graph... embrace your scarred and saggy beastiness, stand tall and know that you are able to swim in that pool!!  Yeah, I'm nagging motivating you to get in there and SWIM!

AMEN, Hilde-- and I freely admit that one of the motivations to move away from my campus was not to have to run into my students at the gym or in the locker room. At the Y I go to now, nobody pays much attention to whoever's by the lockers...and when I swim out near work and the high school team comes for practice, they're so busy gossiping with one another that they ignore me entirely. So I add cheering you on to Hilde's motivating, in the hope of seeing you back in that pool Zenning out to your heart's content!
2013-02-03 9:04 AM
in reply to: #4606044

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Super Bowl Sunday!!!  You best be logging something before you start loading your face with game day goodies!!  I'm gearing myself up to go out for my long run, looking at 7-7.5ish, and have a ride with friends planned for 2:00 today, only about 20 miles or so, but it does include a really big hill.  I really wanted to get out and ride yesterday, the weather was perfect, but hubby and I ended up running around doing unknown, whatnot errands till it was too late.  We have no big plans for the game, just us and the big flat screen TV, just the way I like it.  I actually enjoy WATCHING the game, so I'm not into the party thing, and there is always that "odd man out" feeling at those get togethers since I don't drink. 

Enjoy the day Beasties!!!

2013-02-03 10:34 AM
in reply to: #4553673

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Morning all.  I ended up skipping the trail race I was going to do this morning.  Weatherman called for a few snow flurries and possibly less than an inch of accumulation for last night - we got more than 4 inchesSurprised!  The snow not only derailed my plans for this morning - my DD got into an accident last night because of it.  She's home for the weekend for a concert last night and on the way home someone rear-ended her.  You know it's not good news when your phone rings at midnight.  Thankfully she's OK and the car has minimal damage (back bumper will have to be replaced), but between the snow and not sleeping last night until she was home safely, the race this morning just wasn't worth it.  Highs today are supposed to be near 40* so most of this will melt at least.  I'll get something done today - not sure what.  I'm thinking about maybe going to the pool.  Swimming is relaxing for me most of the time too (and I could use that todaySmile) plus I want to talk to them about lessons.  I may get in a short run or ride too, depending on how the game's going.  Patriots didn't make it in so DH doesn't really care who wins but we'll probably watch anyway. 


2013-02-03 12:10 PM
in reply to: #4606346

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Oh man Janet, a parent's worst nightmare, the phone call in the middle of the night... so glad to hear she is okay and the car is not in too bad shape!  What's with all the snow, is it winter up north or what?  I bet we hit 70 today, it's been gorgeous!  If we're not careful the trees will all bud out and then we'll get a freeze!  I have to keep reminding myself it's only February even though it feels like April!
2013-02-03 1:18 PM
in reply to: #4606346

Spring/Woodlands Area
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Glad she's okay.  And the car for the most part.

I might ride today.  Our schedule is out of whack because of the game.  Really don't care who wins, but we'll watch tonight.

2013-02-03 1:21 PM
in reply to: #4553673

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
I'm glad to hear that your daughter is alright.  Snow can be tricky.  I live in CT and I have all wheel drive and I'm still a wimp about it.
2013-02-03 1:35 PM
in reply to: #4553673

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Ok.  I'm here it face the facts that I am unable to run without a plan.  In addition, I have slacked on my running since August (possibly earlier).  I've never built a good base and really have nothing to fall back on.  Maybe once I am back in better running shape I can just run, but at this point I need structure.

I started running at about 220 lbs 3 years ago.  I was 40 and had never run other than for soccer or gym.  C25K was where I started.  It was tough.  I did it on my treadmill that I purchased with walking in mind.  The furthest I have ever run is 5 miles and I may have run that 2 or 3 times. 

I have lost close to 40lbs, so the running should be easier at this point.  I guess it is when I'm consistent.    Today is as good a day as any.  So...I am restarting C25k today.  I will be running today, Tues and Thurs this week.  In 9 weeks is the 5K my soon-to-be 8 year old son would like to "run."  We "ran" it 2 years ago and he did great jogging with me for a bit and then walking.

P.S. Hilde, Alex and Melanie-your comments in my blog feel a bit like a good cop-bad cop routine trying to "break me" and get me going.  Thanks!

Edited by rustymom 2013-02-03 1:38 PM
2013-02-03 3:00 PM
in reply to: #4553673

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Dana - Just "Git er Done" on the swimming.  I hear you on how you feel around youngsters!  For me it is especially awkward when some of my staff are in the locker area.  After the 1st few times this happened...we all adjusted our schedules a bit.  Now I don't see them and they don't see me.

Janet - Glad your daughter is ok and that it was a minor rear-end.

Andrea - Great to hear the you are starting a plan that works for you!

Great trail run for Shad and his little buddies.  Glad the fall was not too bad.

Hilde - a run and a ride - way to get things done.

I looked at my training volume for the week and decided to take yesterday as a rest day.  Today got in a good 8 mile run.  I had a monster training week overall.  Good volumes for all three disciplines.  

I've got my laundry 'staged' for the game.  Will work my way through the piles between plays!  

Enjoy the game everyone!

2013-02-03 5:58 PM
in reply to: #4606346

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
soccermom15 - 2013-02-03 10:34 AM

Morning all.  I ended up skipping the trail race I was going to do this morning.  Weatherman called for a few snow flurries and possibly less than an inch of accumulation for last night - we got more than 4 inchesSurprised!  The snow not only derailed my plans for this morning - my DD got into an accident last night because of it.  She's home for the weekend for a concert last night and on the way home someone rear-ended her.  You know it's not good news when your phone rings at midnight.  Thankfully she's OK and the car has minimal damage (back bumper will have to be replaced), but between the snow and not sleeping last night until she was home safely, the race this morning just wasn't worth it.  Highs today are supposed to be near 40* so most of this will melt at least.  I'll get something done today - not sure what.  I'm thinking about maybe going to the pool.  Swimming is relaxing for me most of the time too (and I could use that todaySmile) plus I want to talk to them about lessons.  I may get in a short run or ride too, depending on how the game's going.  Patriots didn't make it in so DH doesn't really care who wins but we'll probably watch anyway. 


So glad your daughter is OK!
2013-02-03 7:19 PM
in reply to: #4606530

Spring/Woodlands Area
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Andrea - Way to get back on it.  Getting back into the swing of things is always hard.

Made up my ride from Thursday.  Hectic start to the week, so hopefully it'll go smoothly.  

Keep up the good work everyone.  And here's hoping for some nice weather for you Northern folk.  

2013-02-04 7:38 AM
in reply to: #4553673

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Happy Monday!

We very much enjoyed the game last night.  Rooting for Baltimore and then switched to 49ers as they made their comeback.  Didn't really think too much of the half-time show other than it was really well produced and Beyonce is very fit!

I am seeing the results of home bread baking on the scale.  I've been making bread every weekend since the beginning of the year.  Trying to get a really nice sourdough loaf.  Am getting there.  Finally making really good use of my mixer.  Can easily make the dough and let it rise through a Saturday morning.  So we have homemade bread for a few days.

But my biggest mistake was to start making Friendship Bread again.  A loaf disappears in less than 24 hours.  I am a big culprit!  So the starter went into the fridge and I will just use the rest up rather than keep it going.  Five loaves --- in 10 days.  Look at the ingredients!  You'll see why you can pack on the pounds with this in the house.

My focus this week will be on upping my swim sets from 5 x 50's to 5 x 100's to begin building some endurance.  We'll see how that goes today.  Will shoot for 1 x 5 x 100 followed by at least 1 x 5 x 50.

Have a great one!

2013-02-04 10:16 AM
in reply to: #4553673

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Oh, Melanie, that friendship bread is GOOD. My mom gave me a couple of loaves last year; she got saddled with a starter that made seven loaves at a time (!) and it was taking over her life! So, so yummy, though.

I've been baking my own bread for many years. Mostly just whole grain sandwich loaves; I never got very good at sourdough. Sure makes the house smell amazing!

I spent the entire Superbowl chatting over wine with friends on the patio at the neighbors'. We didn't see a minute of the game, the halftime show or the commercials! It was also out of reach of the food, though, so my overindulgence was limited to wine, at least :-) My contribution was a double-chocolate cookie topped with a vanilla frosting that's super-creamy and not too sweet. I dreamed up the recipe on my morning ride; my mind never wanders too far from food!

Looks like today will be a rest day. The "allergies" I've been fighting for a couple of days have made it known they are actually a cold. Bleh!

Edited by tstl 2013-02-04 10:34 AM
2013-02-04 11:17 AM
in reply to: #4553673

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Tammy - hope the cold is a short-lived one!

Andrea - can I ask where in CT you are?  My DH was raised there (born in Maine) and 2 of his sisters still live there - Meriden and Thomaston - plus I have an aunt in Danbury.  Good luck with restarting C25K.  I remember when I started running, consistency was my biggest problem.  It really does get easier if you run more than once a week (what I tried to do at the beginningEmbarassed). 

I'm planning to get back on the wagon today after falling off for the last 3 days.  I took the day off work and will hit the pool this afternoon when it opens for lap swimming and also try to get a short run in.  It's pretty nice today - the sun is shining, the rest of the snow is melting and the winds seemed to have calmed down.  I may grab some lunch and then head outside - try to take advantage of it while I can.  With this roller coaster weather lately, who knows what we may end up with tomorrow.

2013-02-04 5:54 PM
in reply to: #4607727

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Just got back from a GREAT ride... I feel so bad for you guys who are experiencing freezing cold weather, it's been so nice here!  You'll be laughing at me when I'm complaining about the temps from H3LL in the summer!  And like Tammy, I thought I was fighting off a cold and it looks like I lost... not bad yet, but I'm expecting the laryngitis soon, grrrrr.  Hopefully I can continue to train, although I might have to stay out of the pool if it really gets bad.  DANG IT, this always happens just as I feel myself getting stronger and fitter!!!!  Hope everyone had a great Monday... only 4 more days till the weekend!
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