BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed Rss Feed  
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2014-01-07 9:30 AM
in reply to: kascha

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by kascha

Okay so a girly thing, I do Zumba so tonight I was able to do Zumba for 45 minutes and then rode a spin bike for 35 minutes. It's really cold here too, so the gym is empty...which is kind of nice!

No need to preface your post with the word "girly" - you still got out there despite the cold and did two workouts. That's bad! Good job!

2014-01-07 9:41 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Good Morning BDAASers! I am loving what I am seeing. People are finding ways of getting out there and getting it done.... Even Alex who had to brave the frigid floridian temps and even withstood the windchill managed to get in a workout!

What I like even more is how you are cheering each other on. The more posts you write in support of others - the more invested you will be. Plus, taking the time to cheer on others will pay dividends when you need some support of your own. So keep it up. Remember to reply to at least one post each day to either answer a question or to commend another member for completing a workout! Also be sure to do a few inspires as well. There is nothing better than signing on and seeing a few inspires in the upper right corner!

Make it your goal this week to friend the other members of the group. You can do it by clicking on the username in the upper left boxes of the forum posts. When you click on the username - you will get a list of options. Just click on add to friends. Then you can see a list of all your friends by clicking on the community tab and choosing friends. To leave an inspire for them, go to their log page and then click on the Inspire me button above that day's workout. It's that easy!

Keep up the good work everyone! It will be spring before we know it!
2014-01-07 12:42 PM
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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

Can I join this? How does it work? I've been looking for a place on BT to post about & receive feedback on my workouts but don't want to start a million threads.

Brian Watkins

I'm 23 and working as a civil engineer in Colorado. I've been a runner since high school. I gained 60ish lbs and my weight went up to 185 during college and I became super lazy. I bought P-90X last Christmas as a way to learn to lift weights. I truly enjoyed it but missed running. I got back in my Brooks and started racking up the miles! My weight is now 140~145 and I feel, look, and have the ability to preform awesome! I'm finally at the point where im no longer concerned about weight (I've got some to lose) but I can now TRAIN for PERFORMANCE and not PURELY weight loss.

I just started swimming (December 2013) and had my first formal lesson yesterday. It was a huge eye opener! I also used to despise cyclists in my little college town - 2 weeks ago I did the 1200' climb up the Mountain in that town and became the person being honked at. I've always loved running, my knees just don't. I am constantly working on flexibility and strength to allow me to run more miles.

I also enjoy, cardio boxing, yoga, lifting, playing guitar, rock climbing, camping, hunting, fishing, walking the dogs, & of course BEER!

I'm a homebrewer & one of my 2014 goals is to visit 50 NEW breweries in CO. The girlfriend is also enjoys a nice craft beer so its a fun social occasion for us to play board games (I always lose and I think she really enjoys beating me) and have a brew or too. I love picking the brewers brain in processes, techniques, recipes etc. I love wheat beers & another 2014 goal is to brew 15 NEW recipes this year.

I have never done a triathlon. I've only completed 1 Duathlon in December 2013 actually. I'm a beginner triathlete & have loved every minute of collecting new knowledge from this experience.

I have a girlfriend, she's awesome and is very supportive of my endeavors. 2 dogs, Archer 7 Stella. (The TV show & the Beer)

I have a stress fracture so no running until Feburary 11th (This will be 8 weeks rest). I am learning to swim and enjoying it very much - focusing on form & endurance, mostly form right now. I love my bike trainer and use the SUFFERFEST videos very often (Tour of Sufferlandria is coming up Jan 25!). I went on my first long bike ride of 50 miles a few weeks ago - I hadn't ridden a bike since middle school before 3 months ago. I am making a lot of progress!

January 2014 - Duathalon Series #2
February 2014 - Duathalon Series #3
March 2014 - Phoenix Marathon (Cancelled due to Stress Fracture)
April 2014 - Sprint Tri: Golden CO
May 2014 - Olympic Tri: Grand Junction CO
June 2014 - Aquaman Open Water Swim Series (Distances from 0.5-2Mi) Hoping to complete 2Mi
August 2014 - IRONMAN 70.3 LAKE STEVENS

Not Really concerned about it. I believe my race weight will fall below 140 & that will be nice. I'm comfortable but know my body will continue to change as my training amps up.

I am going to cop out here. I love so many styles from so many different breweries, I try them all & can find something unique in mostly all of them. My easy drinking nice to have around beer is BOULEVARD WHEAT (haven't had one in months though) however I've had others @ the local pub I have enjoyed "more." I am the master of build your own 6 pack and would rather drink something new everyday than the same beer over and over again.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I love to collect knowledge. I aspire to know more more more regardless of what it is. I love to help others where I can and share my experiences good or bad as well. Ultimately, I can do this 100% on my own, I WILL ACHIEVE my goals whether I have help or not. I will do much better & be greater from the experience of being mentored however. It's just awesome to have a community to work with. I'm usually a solo guy, but I want to share my triathlon experience with others!


Edited by Brian W 2014-01-07 12:49 PM
2014-01-07 1:43 PM
in reply to: Brian W

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Lansing, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Great profile picture. I ran Ragnar Key West 2 years ago. I'd love to do another one.
2014-01-07 2:39 PM
in reply to: SportzVision

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Jackson, Mississippi
Subject: RE: help
Originally posted by SportzVision

1/30 Got in a 3 mile walk/run today on the treadmill. Took it easy and slow... it did take me 40 minutes to get it done but it is done.

Congrats!!! Keep it up and continue to get well!
2014-01-07 3:13 PM
in reply to: NeverTri'd

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: help
Welcome aboard Brian. Great looking '14 schedule. Looks like a ton of fun races.

2014-01-07 3:22 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
For those of you losing weight, if you're not doing already you may want to think about logging your food. Keeping track of everything that goes into your mouth really helps keep everything in check. Even log every condiment. You will see those calories add up fast. I started doing that last year with an app that David turned me on to. It doesn't matter which app you use to track it or if you choose to use a simple paper and pen. What does matter is doing it all day every day. Be honest with yourself and record everything. I'm down to my final 10 pounds and sitting at over 80 pounds lost so far. I'm sure there are a ton of apps out there but I know of two, Lose It (which David and I use) and My Fitness Pal (which I know others here have used with success). Like I said it really doesn't matter which you prefer but what does matter is tracking everything.

Edited by Burd 2014-01-07 3:23 PM
2014-01-07 3:30 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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The Ocean State
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Ok, I need to start logging in here at least 1-2 times a day to keep up with everyone. I haven't logged my workouts on BT yet, it's been a hectic few days. I got some snow shoveling in over the weekend, played some soccer and went to the gym a times over the last 4 days. In between that I've attended 2 gymnastics meets where my daughter was competing and a coached my son's soccer team, and I've had 2 flights canceled while trying to attend a meeting on the West Coast. Whew... I'm going to the gym again shortly to get another workout in and I just got a FitBit so I'm going to start using that to keep track of things as well. The FitBit is more of a competitive challenge for a group of friends who got them for Christmas. They are challenging each other through some FitBit app so they were able to convince me to buy one for some friendly competition. They have no idea what they've done to themselves...

I'll start adding friends and replying to all of you who are posting your progress. Awesome group!!!
2014-01-07 3:35 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

Originally posted by Qua17

 Alex - Damn... You saw right through me... I'm gonna crush Captain Molsen this month. I might not even need the PT to put me over the top. But you never know - he might crank out a bunch of rowing workouts

To keep my streak going, today I did a 45 minute spin class and will be doing a 45 minute cardio-kickboxing class after work. It's been a long time since I've done a spin class and I realized I need to step up the effort on my bike rides!

2014-01-07 4:07 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Georgetown, KY
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by MOlsen

Originally posted by Qua17

 Alex - Damn... You saw right through me... I'm gonna crush Captain Molsen this month. I might not even need the PT to put me over the top. But you never know - he might crank out a bunch of rowing workouts

To keep my streak going, today I did a 45 minute spin class and will be doing a 45 minute cardio-kickboxing class after work. It's been a long time since I've done a spin class and I realized I need to step up the effort on my bike rides!

I know there are arguments on "real" cycling forums, but spin classes really stepped my cycling up when I did them last winter. It was a world of difference come spring. Good work getting two workouts in!
2014-01-07 4:20 PM
in reply to: sma777

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Fully agree! You wait 1 day and huge amount of new info has been posted, this just what I was looking for - great motivation!
Did a 30k bike ride (50 min) and 15 min run right after, felt great. Then, a cold local beer from Madrid, full of antioxidants!!

2014-01-07 4:48 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Is it to late to join?

NAME: Scott

STORY: I got bitten by the tri bug last June when I worked the HIM Raleigh. I watched a thought "I can do that". I went home and signed up for 4 tri races, then decided that since I only had 1 1/2 months till my first race I better start swimming. OH and buy a bike. I ended up doing 5 sprint races (some better than others) My daughter came to all but one race even getting up at 445 to go early with me (she is 5) . I decided that instead of HIM I want to do a full in Oct. I signed up for my first ever marathon in April. I work rotating shift work so sometimes it is tough to get my workouts in. I don't know anyone who does tri's and just want to have people who will hold me accountable.

FAMILY STATUS: Married 7 years. one daughter.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am running mostly, and swimming twice a week. I haven't been biking recently as I concentrate on running.

2014 RACES: First Marathon in April. Going to do a 4 local sprints, an Olympic HIM and an IM .

BEER PREFERENCE: I love IPA's and have found a new love for Belgin IPA. I also love to try new beers and will give almost anything a try once. I also homebrew.

WEIGHT LOSS: I am solidly a Clydesdale, wouldn't mind getting down to 215 or so .

GOALS 2014:
(1) Finish my first iron man.
(2) keep my daughter interested in tri's
(3) Get faster at everything
2014-01-07 5:20 PM
in reply to: Juancho

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

Originally posted by Juancho Fully agree! You wait 1 day and huge amount of new info has been posted, this just what I was looking for - great motivation! Did a 30k bike ride (50 min) and 15 min run right after, felt great. Then, a cold local beer from Madrid, full of antioxidants!!
I envy you being able to go for an bike ride than a cold beer. Going for a ride on the cycle trainer then a cold beer seems lame...not that I wouldn't do it! 

2014-01-07 5:24 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

Originally posted by b2b14 Is it to late to join? NAME: Scott STORY: I got bitten by the tri bug last June when I worked the HIM Raleigh. I watched a thought "I can do that". I went home and signed up for 4 tri races, then decided that since I only had 1 1/2 months till my first race I better start swimming. OH and buy a bike. I ended up doing 5 sprint races (some better than others) My daughter came to all but one race even getting up at 445 to go early with me (she is 5) . I decided that instead of HIM I want to do a full in Oct. I signed up for my first ever marathon in April. I work rotating shift work so sometimes it is tough to get my workouts in. I don't know anyone who does tri's and just want to have people who will hold me accountable. FAMILY STATUS: Married 7 years. one daughter. CURRENT TRAINING: I am running mostly, and swimming twice a week. I haven't been biking recently as I concentrate on running. 2014 RACES: First Marathon in April. Going to do a 4 local sprints, an Olympic HIM and an IM . BEER PREFERENCE: I love IPA's and have found a new love for Belgin IPA. I also love to try new beers and will give almost anything a try once. I also homebrew. WEIGHT LOSS: I am solidly a Clydesdale, wouldn't mind getting down to 215 or so . GOALS 2014: (1) Finish my first iron man. (2) keep my daughter interested in tri's (3) Get faster at everything

Love IPA' are in. Just stay away from those fruit beers that David(DQ) is fond of!

Great job involving your daughter. My daughter just did her first tri last year. She turned six  3 days before the race! It is a great feeling to have the family involved!

Edited by thor67 2014-01-07 5:25 PM
2014-01-07 5:24 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Up to 3/31 for the January challenge (yoga counts, right?). I got in a 2mi run on the indoor track this afternoon after renewing my gym membership for another year, which should have been counted as a marathon event in its own right, as long as it took! Rounded out the gym experience today with about 25 min of weight lifting and a 30 min yoga class to increase flexibility.

Have a trainer question for everyone...Yesterday I did my first trainer ride. I got the trainer for Christmas this year. Today I'm way sorer in the core than I expected I would be. Is this something others experience, or is it simply a function of taking nearly a month off and starting back with both a trainer ride and a core workout on the same day? Does the trainer work the core differently than outdoor riding or spin bikes? It sure felt different than either one of those!

Keep up the good work everyone! I'm seeing lots of great workouts!!
2014-01-07 5:37 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Jackson, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Up to 3/31 for the January challenge (yoga counts, right?). I got in a 2mi run on the indoor track this afternoon after renewing my gym membership for another year, which should have been counted as a marathon event in its own right, as long as it took! Rounded out the gym experience today with about 25 min of weight lifting and a 30 min yoga class to increase flexibility.

Have a trainer question for everyone...Yesterday I did my first trainer ride. I got the trainer for Christmas this year. Today I'm way sorer in the core than I expected I would be. Is this something others experience, or is it simply a function of taking nearly a month off and starting back with both a trainer ride and a core workout on the same day? Does the trainer work the core differently than outdoor riding or spin bikes? It sure felt different than either one of those!

Keep up the good work everyone! I'm seeing lots of great workouts!!

Not a ton of experience here but I would say it's from doing both workouts on the same day. The only way I could see the trainer impacting your core is if you were having to fight to maintain your balance while using it. Sounds like you got a great workout in. I've been saying for 6 months that I need to do more strength training. Still haven't made it to the gym! Keep up the hard work


2014-01-07 5:48 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by MOlsen

Originally posted by Qua17

 Alex - Damn... You saw right through me... I'm gonna crush Captain Molsen this month. I might not even need the PT to put me over the top. But you never know - he might crank out a bunch of rowing workouts

To keep my streak going, today I did a 45 minute spin class and will be doing a 45 minute cardio-kickboxing class after work. It's been a long time since I've done a spin class and I realized I need to step up the effort on my bike rides!

Two awesome workouts in one day!
2014-01-07 5:50 PM
in reply to: thor67

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by thor67

Sorry to all of my southern friends for sending down a little arctic air, although the shivering will help you lose weight....

Feel free to take it back at any time!

2014-01-07 6:10 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Lansing, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

I cant seem to get the picture to post in here but follow the link. This is perfect for this group.
2014-01-07 6:12 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Lansing, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
We're ready. Its going to be in the 20's tomorrow and 35 by the weekend. Get out the shorts and t-shirts
2014-01-07 6:54 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

Originally posted by drfoodlove Up to 3/31 for the January challenge (yoga counts, right?). I got in a 2mi run on the indoor track this afternoon after renewing my gym membership for another year, which should have been counted as a marathon event in its own right, as long as it took! Rounded out the gym experience today with about 25 min of weight lifting and a 30 min yoga class to increase flexibility. Have a trainer question for everyone...Yesterday I did my first trainer ride. I got the trainer for Christmas this year. Today I'm way sorer in the core than I expected I would be. Is this something others experience, or is it simply a function of taking nearly a month off and starting back with both a trainer ride and a core workout on the same day? Does the trainer work the core differently than outdoor riding or spin bikes? It sure felt different than either one of those! Keep up the good work everyone! I'm seeing lots of great workouts!!

A month of then a core is what I would say. the trainer is probably the most realistic to the open road, other then being tougher mentally and physically!(at least in my mind!)

Good work either way.

I will give you yoga this month...we will see! 

2014-01-07 7:02 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by Burd

For those of you losing weight, if you're not doing already you may want to think about logging your food. Keeping track of everything that goes into your mouth really helps keep everything in check. Even log every condiment. You will see those calories add up fast. I started doing that last year with an app that David turned me on to. It doesn't matter which app you use to track it or if you choose to use a simple paper and pen. What does matter is doing it all day every day. Be honest with yourself and record everything. I'm down to my final 10 pounds and sitting at over 80 pounds lost so far. I'm sure there are a ton of apps out there but I know of two, Lose It (which David and I use) and My Fitness Pal (which I know others here have used with success). Like I said it really doesn't matter which you prefer but what does matter is tracking everything.

I totally agree! I use
2014-01-07 7:55 PM
in reply to: #4915725

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
I totally forgot to mention my love of IPA's...I'm a total hop head.

Anyway today was another successful 2 Sport 2sday

750M in the pool
Sufferfest Hell Hath No Fury on the Bike
Very Good Stretch @ the end.

2014-01-07 7:58 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Way to go Gretchen! I am going to follow your lead and get some yoga in this week. Any particular suggestions for getting a yoga program started at home?
2014-01-07 8:02 PM
in reply to: Brian W

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Lansing, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Good thing I started this week strong because i feel the next few days are going to be pretty poor. I am going to our corporate office in Hoffman Estates IL for "meetings". This usually entails some pretty heavy meals and long days.
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed Rss Feed  
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