BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business Rss Feed  
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2015-01-11 10:09 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
6 for 6 in the 21 day challenge. 15 miles on the bike yesterday and a swim and aqua jogging this morning.

Weighed in at 231 on January 1

Today 220. I'm not sure if I believe that but I've been eating better and drinking less beer. (gasp)

Have a great Sunday everyone!


2015-01-11 11:30 AM
in reply to: #5082170

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I skipped a short workout one day this week, due to muscle fatigue. I know when I'm about to loose form and cause an injury. Nice trainer ride yesterday proved the rest day was effective. I celebrated with a couple friends (guys night out) at a brew pub, and saw a friends band. I will run much later today.... LOL!
2015-01-11 1:14 PM
in reply to: 0

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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
The new year is off to a great start. I've gotten in workouts on 9 out of the last 10 days, reunited a weekly group ride, found this weird rectangular hole in the ground filled with water, and lost 6.8 pounds. Thank you for letting me join the group and for providing the accountability and motivation I had been lacking.

Goals for this week:

----- 3 runs, 2 bikes, 1 swim - starting with a 7 mile LSD run tonight after the Packers and the Broncos win.

----- Lose another 6 pounds which would put me at 283 lbs.

----- Start the Abs Diet meal plan.

----- Establish rewards for weight loss goals.

Keep up the good work everyone.


Edited by cwpeters 2015-01-11 1:17 PM
2015-01-11 3:33 PM
in reply to: cwpeters

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I'm a bit late to the party, but oh well.

NAME: Charles

FAMILY STATUS: Happily married, no children.

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm trying to get back into the grove so I'm currently training around 5 hours per week.

RACES PLANNED FOR 15: Keeping it flexibile for for now.

BEER PREFERENCE: I will drink just about anything but my favorite styles are saison, gueuze, and IPA. I also make beer, and just brewed a saison porter that I'm hoping will motivate me heading into the new year.

WEIGHT LOSS: In 2008, I was at 296; in May of 2014, I saw 172, and now I'm sitting at 206.

STORY: 2015 will be my third season of triathlon; 2013 was my first sprint and olympic, and 2014 features a pair of half-distance races, a for-fun sprint, and a capstone at Ironman Wisconsin, where I finished in 15:30. 2014 is a year I'm glad is over, despite running IMWI. I lost one job in May, picked up another that was such a mess that I jumped again to my current job in less than 60 days; my current job is almost as bad, and the commute sucks, and there doesn't seem to be any major relieve in sight.

This winter has been bad for me emotionally; December was a bad month, and how can you have a bad month with Christmas and NYE, and plus a week in Cozumel, Mexico? It's not something to be proud of, trust me. 2014 is over, and I'm still standing, and that's all that matters.

Right now, the whole point is to get back to doing something that resembles training. I joined a cycling club, and my goal is not to get dropped from the B group on the first ride. That may be a little high of a goal - some of those guys are monsters.

Triathlon-wise, so much of it depends on money and jobs and all the other junk; none of my races should sell out, so the calendar is solidly in pencil. I'm thinking Rev3 Knoxville since i have family nearby, and then Racine 70.3 and Steelhead 70.3 since I have friends running those, and then, maybe, just maybe, Ironman Cozumel in November - my Moo-dot tattoo could use a whale shark companion

More than anything, this year is about recovery, and finding the job and happiness I had before everything started going crazy in June 2014. The only thing that held me together from June through September was my family and IMWI, and when IMWI ended, I fell apart. Now is the time to put back the pieces.

2015-01-11 5:00 PM
in reply to: #5075170

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Charles, I hope you an figure out the work situation. I feel like I missed 2014 due to crazy work schedules. I finally managed to get a new job at the company that should be much better- but they've been looking for my replacement for three months. I really hope 2015 is much better for both of us!

DQ I need a kick in the pants! I would like to join the 4 workout challenge with Justin this week as well.

After a crazy work week on the road I came home at 1am Saturday lugging an extra 5 pounds. I need to get rid of them plus 5 more.

I skied hard Saturday and feel sore in a good way- like I really worked hard. I love that feeling. Topped it off with a cross country ski today.
2015-01-11 5:35 PM
in reply to: #5082293

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Gretchen- I'm curious what kind of fins you got- are they full sized or zoomers? I've been thinking of getting a pair.

2015-01-11 6:58 PM
in reply to: Qua17


Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Hey DQ,

you still got some places left to join? Will post a bio if you do.

2015-01-11 7:56 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I'm tardy to the party but is there any chance you have room for one more? Pretty please? The next round can be on me!
I'll post a full bio if you say yes!
2015-01-11 8:51 PM
in reply to: #5082297

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
BY: Moonrocket on 2015-01-11 5:35 PM

Gretchen- I'm curious what kind of fins you got- are they full sized or zoomers? I've been thinking of getting a pair.

I have Zoomers (not sure the brand, and I threw the box away). They are yellow (if that helps/matters) and are about 4" longer than my feet. I just used them once, but I'll be using them a lit more. I really liked them in that they felt like they forced me into a better kick form--also doesn't hurt that they make me (relatively) fast.

2015-01-11 11:59 PM
in reply to: justinfss

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by justinfss

Fell off the wagon a bit since my first swim, Ill be swimming in a bathtub full of CL soon.

Got to get back on track!

-17 degrees celcius here today.....wooo hoooo

Ugh, CLP for me on Saturday as well. I skipped my training and went to watch a sneak preview of American Sniper at NASFallon. Don't regret it this was a good movie. However, I also haven't taken my penalty so regret may yet arise.

I ran 5K today to make sure I got a run in...what is your specific plan for the week that will get you to your goal?
2015-01-12 12:08 AM
in reply to: b2b14

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by b2b14

Originally posted by cwpeters

I think I earned a CLP yesterday. I had to cover a boys soccer game, in addition to teaching I am also an Athletic Trainer and provide medical coverage to our student athletes. I know it's a weak excuse, but after sitting in 40 degree weather for 3 hours, all I wanted to do was hop in the hot tub. So I "switched" my off day. May have to sub an old Bud Light until I can pick up a pack of punishment beer.

Tonight I refereed my oldest son's basketball game and rearranged my boy's playroom so I can set up the bike trainer. I'm heading in there now for a 30 minute spin.


I don't think switching a day off counts for the CLP unless you still keep your original day off, in which case it is less switching and more skipping

Cynthia- we had PT's come into work and do a strength training study that included body fat and weight. We lifted 4 times a week pretty heavy 5-8 reps with little to no cadio. Everyone went up in weight but down in body fat. I guess my point is for body comp strength training is very important so don't leave that aspect outf. With the endurance coming from rbs I would do low reps with high weight (for you don't hurt yourself) to build new muscle.

I hear ya! I use yoga for strength training right now; that may sound weird but lifting my own body weight has helped me get some gains in muscle mass. I don't have much muscle mass but more than I ever had before. It works for me now since I get bored at the gym. It may not work as well as I get stronger and as more lean muscle develops and fat dissipates. Then I may need to get back to the gym. Spent 8 years married to a competitive body builder who weighed 280 but had 4% body fat when he won Mr. San Diego. Hardest 8 years of my life! Still married to him but now he plays Jazz guitar and is on a steady diet of coffee, donuts and chips.

2015-01-12 6:17 AM
in reply to: #5082347

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Early trainer ride for workout #8 with intervals. Now I'm off to Oklahoma for work. Hoping to get in a run or something else when I get there. The conference center has a 60,000 sqft fitness center with outdoor trails and an indoor track. For once, I actually looking forward to the hotel fitness center. I just have to make it through the freezing rain to the airport 120 miles away.
2015-01-12 6:18 AM
in reply to: #5082414

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I also meant to say that I love yoga for strength and flexibility! I always feel great after I do it and strong.
2015-01-12 8:09 AM
in reply to: Syndiethea

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Originally posted by Syndiethea
Originally posted by b2b14
Originally posted by cwpeters I think I earned a CLP yesterday. I had to cover a boys soccer game, in addition to teaching I am also an Athletic Trainer and provide medical coverage to our student athletes. I know it's a weak excuse, but after sitting in 40 degree weather for 3 hours, all I wanted to do was hop in the hot tub. So I "switched" my off day. May have to sub an old Bud Light until I can pick up a pack of punishment beer. Tonight I refereed my oldest son's basketball game and rearranged my boy's playroom so I can set up the bike trainer. I'm heading in there now for a 30 minute spin. Chris
I don't think switching a day off counts for the CLP unless you still keep your original day off, in which case it is less switching and more skipping Cynthia- we had PT's come into work and do a strength training study that included body fat and weight. We lifted 4 times a week pretty heavy 5-8 reps with little to no cadio. Everyone went up in weight but down in body fat. I guess my point is for body comp strength training is very important so don't leave that aspect outf. With the endurance coming from rbs I would do low reps with high weight (for you don't hurt yourself) to build new muscle.
I hear ya! I use yoga for strength training right now; that may sound weird but lifting my own body weight has helped me get some gains in muscle mass. I don't have much muscle mass but more than I ever had before. It works for me now since I get bored at the gym. It may not work as well as I get stronger and as more lean muscle develops and fat dissipates. Then I may need to get back to the gym. Spent 8 years married to a competitive body builder who weighed 280 but had 4% body fat when he won Mr. San Diego. Hardest 8 years of my life! Still married to him but now he plays Jazz guitar and is on a steady diet of coffee, donuts and chips.

Donuts and coffee, like beer is a food group...let him be...

2015-01-12 8:12 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Great to see an active group staying involved. Best way to stay accountable!

Dragged my butt out for a run this morning on the track. With the gym now opening at 5am, I was planning a hot tub after. Very busy so I took the plunge and swam 600 meters...been about 7 months since I swam laps I think. I just about died. My triceps were crying.

Either my jeans stretched or I have a lost a few pounds as they seem to be not quite so tight!

Have a great day everyone!

2015-01-12 9:40 AM
in reply to: thor67

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by thor67

Great to see an active group staying involved. Best way to stay accountable!

Dragged my butt out for a run this morning on the track. With the gym now opening at 5am, I was planning a hot tub after. Very busy so I took the plunge and swam 600 meters...been about 7 months since I swam laps I think. I just about died. My triceps were crying.

Either my jeans stretched or I have a lost a few pounds as they seem to be not quite so tight!

Have a great day everyone!


I'm excited to start my swimming again. I tried on my jammers from a few years back. LOLOLOLOL!!!!!! Ordered a new pair.

2015-01-12 10:50 AM
in reply to: fifthcircle

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by fifthcircle


I'm excited to start my swimming again. I tried on my jammers from a few years back. LOLOLOLOL!!!!!! Ordered a new pair.

Yikes, I think I may be the same with my swimsuit!

I just created a training plan and have a question on how people follow them. I'm usually pretty loose about just trying to get all of the workouts in for a week- and not sticking to which day they are on at all.

In the beginning the swim distances are really short- is it cheating to if there is a 600 yard day and an 800 yard day to just go to the pool once a week and knock out 1400? I think this is going to be my plan- since swimming of all of the sports takes so much time to do by the time you get to the pool etc.

2015-01-12 11:50 AM
in reply to: Moonrocket

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Moonrocket

Originally posted by fifthcircle


I'm excited to start my swimming again. I tried on my jammers from a few years back. LOLOLOLOL!!!!!! Ordered a new pair.

Yikes, I think I may be the same with my swimsuit!

I just created a training plan and have a question on how people follow them. I'm usually pretty loose about just trying to get all of the workouts in for a week- and not sticking to which day they are on at all.

In the beginning the swim distances are really short- is it cheating to if there is a 600 yard day and an 800 yard day to just go to the pool once a week and knock out 1400? I think this is going to be my plan- since swimming of all of the sports takes so much time to do by the time you get to the pool etc.

I think this falls into the "your level of fitness" catagory. If a 1400yd swim isn't too taxing on you, then I think it's fine. Now, if it was cramming in two or three runs, that would be very different. Don't do it!

Once the yardage starts getting longer, you should split them up.

I'm having difficulty with my training schedule right now too. I was wanting to really focus on biking, with the background of my c25k program being only 30min, 3x a week. BUT, the beginner cycling program has me on the trainer 6 of 7days. This just doesn't work for me for several reasons...boring, my butt hurts and I would like to be swimming a bit, as well as cross training.

I'm thinking about changing up my entire calendar in the next day or two..... PITA!!!
2015-01-12 12:13 PM
in reply to: Moonrocket

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

If you are looking for gains, I think you are better off going with two days. That being said, don't you come from a swim background??

As far as following a program, I think the for sprint and OLY training you can get away the loosey goosey approach...I know I have.  With IM and HIM, I think you need to be more accountable to your schedule in order not to burn out on some training...

Originally posted by Moonrocket
Originally posted by fifthcircle NICE! I'm excited to start my swimming again. I tried on my jammers from a few years back. LOLOLOLOL!!!!!! Ordered a new pair.
Yikes, I think I may be the same with my swimsuit! I just created a training plan and have a question on how people follow them. I'm usually pretty loose about just trying to get all of the workouts in for a week- and not sticking to which day they are on at all. In the beginning the swim distances are really short- is it cheating to if there is a 600 yard day and an 800 yard day to just go to the pool once a week and knock out 1400? I think this is going to be my plan- since swimming of all of the sports takes so much time to do by the time you get to the pool etc.

2015-01-12 12:15 PM
in reply to: fifthcircle

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Originally posted by fifthcircle
Originally posted by thor67

Great to see an active group staying involved. Best way to stay accountable!

Dragged my butt out for a run this morning on the track. With the gym now opening at 5am, I was planning a hot tub after. Very busy so I took the plunge and swam 600 meters...been about 7 months since I swam laps I think. I just about died. My triceps were crying.

Either my jeans stretched or I have a lost a few pounds as they seem to be not quite so tight!

Have a great day everyone!

NICE! I'm excited to start my swimming again. I tried on my jammers from a few years back. LOLOLOLOL!!!!!! Ordered a new pair.

Swim suits are one of those items that are best replaced before you need too...

2015-01-12 1:49 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Qua17

6 for 6 in the 21 day challenge. 15 miles on the bike yesterday and a swim and aqua jogging this morning.

Weighed in at 231 on January 1

Today 220. I'm not sure if I believe that but I've been eating better and drinking less beer. (gasp)

Have a great Sunday everyone!


11 lbs! nice!!!!

2015-01-12 1:51 PM
in reply to: cwpeters

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by cwpeters

The new year is off to a great start. I've gotten in workouts on 9 out of the last 10 days, reunited a weekly group ride, found this weird rectangular hole in the ground filled with water, and lost 6.8 pounds. Thank you for letting me join the group and for providing the accountability and motivation I had been lacking.

Goals for this week:

----- 3 runs, 2 bikes, 1 swim - starting with a 7 mile LSD run tonight after the Packers and the Broncos win.

----- Lose another 6 pounds which would put me at 283 lbs.

----- Start the Abs Diet meal plan.

----- Establish rewards for weight loss goals.

Keep up the good work everyone.


Great job! kicking and taking names!
2015-01-12 1:53 PM
in reply to: Tylily

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Tylily

I'm tardy to the party but is there any chance you have room for one more? Pretty please? The next round can be on me!
I'll post a full bio if you say yes!

DQ has the final say but I would assume since the title still says open for business, we haven't had the last call for alcohol yet!
2015-01-12 2:00 PM
in reply to: justinfss

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Mass post trying to make up for a few days missed.

have had a good few days though, we have some new gym equipment at work, got some time in on that. Does anybody have experience on bow flex stuff? We got a 'Max Trainer' I think it is called, in any case it is a mix between a stepper and an elliptical, got a pretty good sweat on with it so I was happy. The strength stuff I am just following the chart, but it feels a little different to me. I am used to Free weights, we also go the adjustable dumbbells so I may bring a bench into work and just use those.

Great walk with my family yesterday, it was -11 so we had to take advantage of the warm temperature. (no typo there folks, -11 is warm for this time of year in Northern Ontario) The dog was happy and we trekked through the snow for 2 hours, played a little and felt that good fresh air tired after!

Finished the weekend off with some Sunday night pick-up hockey. It is a great exercise and I should be doing it more, basically hard intervals for an hour and a half. Also I scored 2 Goals and got an Assist, so that always feels nice.

Hope everyone has had a great weekend, hoping to get my stout brewing soon, I'll try to post some pics if I do. Going to try to get a Kilometer in at the pool tonight, this time with Goggles!
2015-01-12 2:03 PM
in reply to: thor67

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by thor67

Originally posted by fifthcircle
Originally posted by thor67

Great to see an active group staying involved. Best way to stay accountable!

Dragged my butt out for a run this morning on the track. With the gym now opening at 5am, I was planning a hot tub after. Very busy so I took the plunge and swam 600 meters...been about 7 months since I swam laps I think. I just about died. My triceps were crying.

Either my jeans stretched or I have a lost a few pounds as they seem to be not quite so tight!

Have a great day everyone!

NICE! I'm excited to start my swimming again. I tried on my jammers from a few years back. LOLOLOLOL!!!!!! Ordered a new pair.

Swim suits are one of those items that are best replaced before you need too...

I definitely wore a pair of jammers for too long, definitely scarred the high school swim team that was practicing that day for life… looking at them after wondering how i didn't notice it, I would say I was giving about a 3/4 moon to my lane mates for who knows how long…. I regularly check them out now!
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