BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed Rss Feed  
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2015-02-26 8:48 AM
in reply to: TonyAbbott

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Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed
Originally posted by TonyAbbott

Hi All,

I've just started to up my training. I'm now looking at 8 sessions a week of about an hour each. I know that doesn't seem like a lot to some of you, but it is to a 44year old desk worker. ??
I have noticed that I'm begging to feel very tiered each evening, to the point in sleep for an hour at about 8 most evenings, I'm also very hungry.
My diet isn't bad, but I was thinking that with the extra training I need to watch my nutrition.
I don't know really where to start, anyone had similar thoughts or can offer advice


In a nutshell, nutrition in my mind is relatively easy. The hard part is actually eating the "good stuff". There are so many options and many times easier options to grab a quick bite to eat. Anyway I try to do the following: The greener the food the better (lots of veggies). The more colorful the food the better (lots of fruits). The leaner the food the better (lots of beans, nuts, lean meats). Growing up on a farm I'm all for milk and eggs as well.

I use myfitnesspall app to keep an eye on my nutrition and get a rough idea on exercise calories burned and try not to have too much of a calorie deficit or surplus. This way, I know I'm hopefully close to my nutritional needs. After a strength routine I'll mix up a protein shake or if that's not available a cup of chocolate milk. I like to do the chocolate milk after running or biking especially if it felt like a tough workout. Not sure if this is all that helpful, but looking forward to reading what others thoughts are on this as well.


2015-02-26 12:47 PM
in reply to: scottjjmtri99


Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed
I was just wondering why I waited to start triathlons AFTER having kids. It seems like training would be a breeze without runny noses, swim lessons and needy 2 year olds that wake up repeatedly through the night.
2015-02-26 1:06 PM
in reply to: scottjjmtri99


Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed
Not sure if this would help but it would certainly address the hunger.

I recently had a pow wow with the nutritionist at my gym. Having completely changed my diet and really trying to focus on good foods and fuel I really needed to touch base with her to be sure I was on the right track. I'm glad I did.

While I realize it is different for everyone, she told me to shoot for a 40/30/30 percentage of carbs, protein and fats during off season and carbs would jump up a bit during the season. Thanks to My Fitness Pal it's was easy to see that I was shooting WAY over on simple carbs with a good portion coming from the sugar in fruit. She advised I cut back on fruit and up the veg. I was also WAY under on protein and this has been the hardest for me to tackle. There are all the great protein additives like chia seeds and some grains but then the carbs come back into play. She suggested some kind of meat or fish with every meal or have a piece of grilled chicken and some guacamole as a snack. The one time (so far) I have actually achieved those percentages I feel there was a big difference in my hunger levels for the day.

And yes, protein powders and supplements would be an easy and logical add but I'm trying to stick with as real of food source as possible. Most times powders don't count.

2015-02-26 4:11 PM
in reply to: scottjjmtri99

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed

Originally posted by scottjjmtri99
Originally posted by TonyAbbott Hi All, I've just started to up my training. I'm now looking at 8 sessions a week of about an hour each. I know that doesn't seem like a lot to some of you, but it is to a 44year old desk worker. ?? I have noticed that I'm begging to feel very tiered each evening, to the point in sleep for an hour at about 8 most evenings, I'm also very hungry. My diet isn't bad, but I was thinking that with the extra training I need to watch my nutrition. I don't know really where to start, anyone had similar thoughts or can offer advice Thanks
In a nutshell, nutrition in my mind is relatively easy. The hard part is actually eating the "good stuff". There are so many options and many times easier options to grab a quick bite to eat. Anyway I try to do the following: The greener the food the better (lots of veggies). The more colorful the food the better (lots of fruits). The leaner the food the better (lots of beans, nuts, lean meats). Growing up on a farm I'm all for milk and eggs as well. I use myfitnesspall app to keep an eye on my nutrition and get a rough idea on exercise calories burned and try not to have too much of a calorie deficit or surplus. This way, I know I'm hopefully close to my nutritional needs. After a strength routine I'll mix up a protein shake or if that's not available a cup of chocolate milk. I like to do the chocolate milk after running or biking especially if it felt like a tough workout. Not sure if this is all that helpful, but looking forward to reading what others thoughts are on this as well. Scott

Good, Simple advice here.  "Green and Lean"!

2015-02-26 4:18 PM
in reply to: iluvlucy1117

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed

Originally posted by iluvlucy1117 I was just wondering why I waited to start triathlons AFTER having kids. It seems like training would be a breeze without runny noses, swim lessons and needy 2 year olds that wake up repeatedly through the night.

Because you wanted to make this as challenging as possible? 

2015-02-26 10:44 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed
Originally posted by rjchilds8

Originally posted by nrpoulin

My goal in run training is always negative splits for interval, and tempo type runs. This conditions you too digging deep. I don't focus on pace for long days. In racing I think a negative split approach works good if you are racing yourself or the clock. If I am racing the field I try to stay at the back of a pack and every time a pack splits go with the new pack. In high school or college depending on the race and the field I would position myself at the mid or back of the first, second, or third pack, and then respond to surges of the pack or splitting of the pack. This prevents your mind from wondering, or you from focusing on fatigue. If there was a hill or a downhill or I felt good a surge can break the will of some in your pack and get you some separation.

On the swim I lack intensity and just swim. I have yet to find the will to race in open water. Im a little better in the pool. On the bike I try to go with anyone that passes me unless their pace is far beyond my comfort zone

in short I think you need to know your running style, your goal for that race, and the field

Good info and food for thought, Nate! In general, I'm racing myself and the clock. Since I just started doing tris, I'm not really in the mode where I'm competing with anyone else. I'm only a middle of the pack (or slower) kind of competitor right now. Sadly, that's probably about all I'll ever be. I have too many other priorities (kids, work, chores) that require my time and just don't have enough time to devote to training to really get beyond MOP. While my competitive side would like me to be closer to the front, a larger part of me is enjoying the race and competing with myself and not really worried about it.

I'm in that boat too. It sounds like you used a similar strategy last year when racing your brother. Having done a few tri's last year a few folks started to get familiar, especially some in my age group or in a tri club. Hopefully I will be in a position this year to beat out a few that took podium spots for our age group at some of the smaller races.


2015-02-26 10:46 PM
in reply to: TonyAbbott

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Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed
Originally posted by TonyAbbott

Hi All,

I've just started to up my training. I'm now looking at 8 sessions a week of about an hour each. I know that doesn't seem like a lot to some of you, but it is to a 44year old desk worker. ??
I have noticed that I'm begging to feel very tiered each evening, to the point in sleep for an hour at about 8 most evenings, I'm also very hungry.
My diet isn't bad, but I was thinking that with the extra training I need to watch my nutrition.
I don't know really where to start, anyone had similar thoughts or can offer advice


Thanks Tony!. I read this while snacking on at least 3 day old cold pizza on call in the hospital. Your post caused me to limit myself to one slice!

2015-02-27 10:23 AM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed
Originally posted by nrpoulin

Originally posted by TonyAbbott

Hi All,

I've just started to up my training. I'm now looking at 8 sessions a week of about an hour each. I know that doesn't seem like a lot to some of you, but it is to a 44year old desk worker. ??
I have noticed that I'm begging to feel very tiered each evening, to the point in sleep for an hour at about 8 most evenings, I'm also very hungry.
My diet isn't bad, but I was thinking that with the extra training I need to watch my nutrition.
I don't know really where to start, anyone had similar thoughts or can offer advice


Thanks Tony!. I read this while snacking on at least 3 day old cold pizza on call in the hospital. Your post caused me to limit myself to one slice!


Mmmmm, cold pizza!
2015-02-28 11:05 AM
in reply to: 0

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: Running Shoes

What running shoe is everyone wearing? Do you race and train in the same shoe?  What do you like or dislike about the shoe you are using? 

Currently the Pearl Izumi Streak 2 is my triathlon racing shoe, with lock laces.  Brooks Ghost 7 is my current running shoe, I have a pair as a trainer, and a 2nd pair for races that will become the trainer once the current one wears out.  We have a HOKA rep coming in a few weeks to the local shop and I will have the chance to try them out and run in a few pairs.  


Edited by Dominion 2015-02-28 11:05 AM
2015-02-28 12:49 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Running Shoes
Originally posted by Dominion

What running shoe is everyone wearing? Do you race and train in the same shoe?  What do you like or dislike about the shoe you are using? 

Currently the Pearl Izumi Streak 2 is my triathlon racing shoe, with lock laces.  Brooks Ghost 7 is my current running shoe, I have a pair as a trainer, and a 2nd pair for races that will become the trainer once the current one wears out.  We have a HOKA rep coming in a few weeks to the local shop and I will have the chance to try them out and run in a few pairs.  


I wear the Saucony PowerGrid Hurricane 14. I love these shoes! I bought my first pair and within a month I had gone out to buy a 2nd pair to wear after the first pair had worn out. I train and race in the same shoes because I have the 2 pairs. I do all of my training in the first pair and then I race in the 2nd pair that have far fewer miles on them (but are broken in). I still remember trying them on for the first time and thinking how comfortable they felt on my feet. I've been wearing these same shoes for 3 or 4 years now. I suppose I'll have to retire the first pair soon. *sigh*
2015-02-28 9:34 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Subject: RE: Running Shoes
Originally posted by Dominion

What running shoe is everyone wearing? Do you race and train in the same shoe?  What do you like or dislike about the shoe you are using? 

Currently the Pearl Izumi Streak 2 is my triathlon racing shoe, with lock laces.  Brooks Ghost 7 is my current running shoe, I have a pair as a trainer, and a 2nd pair for races that will become the trainer once the current one wears out.  We have a HOKA rep coming in a few weeks to the local shop and I will have the chance to try them out and run in a few pairs.  


I currently run in the brooks glycerine 12. I only have one set of shoes currently but think I will buy a new pair when these are done. I only allow 200-300 miles on a shoe before I get a new pair. I used the Brooks Ghost 6, and asics nimbus last year and developed some forefoot problems. I have since gone up a size in shoes and so far this season no problems.

I have thought of getting a pair of racers for the season but haven't yet.


2015-02-28 10:12 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Subject: Feb Volume
Here are my totals for the month. Started my 12 week training plan this week.

SWIM4h 19m 52s - 13750.00 Yd JAN TOTAL 4800 Yd, Feb 2014 12450 Yd
BIKE3h 55m - 70.13 Mi JAN TOTAL 104.37Mi, Feb 2014 54.91 Mi
RUN2h 24m 44s - 17.49 Mi JAN TOTAL 17.24 Mi Feb 2014 37.51 Mi

My swim and bike are up from last month and last feb, but my run is still lagging. Overall happy with volume considering weather, illness and travel.

2015-03-01 3:45 AM
in reply to: #5075698

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed
I'm on my fifth or sixth pair of New Balance 1080's. I've worn several other shoes in between but keep going back, I trained and ran my marathon in Ghost 5. Usually I have two pair and use the newest on race day. I can buy a new pair of 1080's and go for a two run them w/o issue.

Good comments on negative splits, btw.
2015-03-01 8:34 AM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Feb Volume
My February totals:

Swim: 3h 13m 43s - 8000 M
Bike: none
Run: 4h 04m 31s - 27.85 Mi

I took a step back from my volume of training in January. I think I jumped in a little too fast a little too early in January and was feeling sore and fatigued. That, and a combination of family/work obligations that were wearing me out led to the lower volume. The biggest hit was to my bike training since I didn't do any during the month of February. From the longer range forecasts, I can now see light at the end of the tunnel of this horrible winter. So I know I need to get back on the bike so I have some momentum built up for when the weather is good enough for me to ride outside. Also, my swim volume was down, mainly due to some cramping issues cutting my workouts short. Running volume remained flat. I ran fewer times, but I've started to do longer runs in anticipation of the 10K distance needed for an Olympic event.
2015-03-01 10:52 AM
in reply to: #5096958

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Wakefield, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed
I train and race in Saucony Kinvaras (currently the 5). I liked them well enough last year to buy them again, but I'm not in love and may look into switching this year. For me, the biggest positive is that they're super light weight with minimal drop while still having some cushion. Negative is that they're not terrible comfortable without socks, which is how I prefer to run (and race) in warmer weather. I tried a pair of inov-8 last year and they were amazingly comfortable to just have on, but jarring when I actually ran.

I'll try to remember to post February totals when I'm not on my phone. But suffice to say they were very low, buried under 100" of snow shoveling. Looking forward to March...
2015-03-01 12:43 PM
in reply to: Fourteenkittens

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed

Originally posted by Fourteenkittens I train and race in Saucony Kinvaras (currently the 5). I liked them well enough last year to buy them again, but I'm not in love and may look into switching this year. For me, the biggest positive is that they're super light weight with minimal drop while still having some cushion. Negative is that they're not terrible comfortable without socks, which is how I prefer to run (and race) in warmer weather. I tried a pair of inov-8 last year and they were amazingly comfortable to just have on, but jarring when I actually ran. I'll try to remember to post February totals when I'm not on my phone. But suffice to say they were very low, buried under 100" of snow shoveling. Looking forward to March...

Funny you should mention that about the Kinvara 5's.  I also looked hard at them, but had the same concerns regarding sockless wear.  The interior had some pretty rough seams that were scraping me just while walking.  I knew there was no way I was going to make that my triathlon shoe.  I'm pretty high on Saucony as a brand though.

I've seen the INOV-8's and wondered how they were.  Thanks for the info. 

2015-03-01 5:00 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: February Totals
February totals:

S: 770.00 yards
B: 56.25 miles
R: 88.96 miles
Strength: 27h 00m
Yoga: 10h 35m

February concluded the USAT National Challenge Competition, with this month's emphasis on running. (Hence the uptick in my running miles.) I completed February as the second-highest run miles contributor for Team USAT. People have a few more days to enter their data, so it's possible standings may change, but as of now, I completed the competition in 1407th place out of more than 4,000 competitors. I placed 682nd in swimming (December), 1718th in biking (January), and 452nd in running (February), logging a grand total of 1,004.89 mileage points.

I did very little swimming this month because I had a medical procedure scheduled that was supposed to keep me out of the pool for a while, so I didn't renew my pool pass. However, after my procedure, my doctor said I was in such good shape and had an athlete's heart (resting heart rate 45 bpm, which they thought was very impressive), so she immediately cleared me for full return to regular activities, instead of the standard two-week, light-duty recovery period. That was pretty cool. Just two days after my procedure, I logged my longest run ever, 5.38 miles. And I did run every step of that!

Since I didn't renew my pool pass for the month, I concentrated on improving my running. I ran twice as many days, and also twice as many miles as I normally run in a month. Although my speed has held steady, my average run length has increased by almost a mile, so my endurance is improving. I have a five-mile run coming up in two weeks and then a 5K two weeks after that. I think I'm in pretty good shape for the five-mile run and am hoping to complete it in an hour, which is really fast for me.

So, I feel like I'm making progress, and I feel pretty good about my upcoming triathlon schedule and my ability to shave time off last year's results. I'm going to come up with an actual training plan for this month that includes some speed work, rather than continue as I've been doing, which was basically working to increase my strength and endurance. I'm still going to continue with my strength training as I think that has been extremely beneficial, and I'm also going to start working with a swim coach. It's interesting that a number of people in my small community have been watching my progress over the past year, and it has encouraged them to get off the couch. Several are now regularly competing in 5K, 10K, and half marathons, and others are training for their first triathlons this year. I might even have a few training partners this summer!
2015-03-01 5:31 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: RE: Running Shoes
Originally posted by Dominion

What running shoe is everyone wearing? Do you race and train in the same shoe?  What do you like or dislike about the shoe you are using? 

Currently, I race and train in Hoka Stinson Tarmacs, which are maximalist shoes and were recommended for knee and hip issues and arch support. They have about 500 miles on them now, so I'm looking to replace them. I've been very happy with them--no plantar fasciitis!--but they're no longer in production. I ordered a pair of Hoka Rapa Nui 2 Tarmacs from REI and tried them for a couple of days, but the right shoe didn't quite fit right (I tried two different pairs) because of my weird feet, so I returned them. I just ordered a pair of Hoka Bondi 3 Road running shoes from REI yesterday, and I'll give those a try. They're more like the Stinson Tarmacs, so they should work fine. The Rapa Nui's are also supposed to provide maximum cushioning from road impact, like the Stinsons, but they had less sole density, which I really liked, but I only tested them on a treadmill, and not on outside.

Interestingly, I just attended a running class at REI last week, and the instructor said maximalist shoes can cause issues with people not getting their feet high enough off the ground for a good mid-foot landing. I think I'm pretty good about mid-foot landings, but I have been struggling with not being able to lift my feet high enough to clear gravel, twigs, pine cones, etc., when I run. I also noticed a tendency for my heels to drag on the treadmill belt, even though I land mid-foot. All this time I've been beating myself up for not being able to lift my feet, and it turns out the problem is my shoes!

I'll be in Spokane again this next week, and I will probably swing by REI and maybe one of the local running shoe stores to see about getting a second pair, but something with less cushioning for running on treadmills and gravel paths where maximalist cushioning isn't needed so much.
2015-03-01 6:06 PM
in reply to: burner2

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Running Shoes

Originally posted by burner2
Originally posted by Dominion

What running shoe is everyone wearing? Do you race and train in the same shoe?  What do you like or dislike about the shoe you are using? 

Currently, I race and train in Hoka Stinson Tarmacs, which are maximalist shoes and were recommended for knee and hip issues and arch support.

Aren't Hoka's designed more for forefoot runners but looks big in the heel?  Which I am, btw.  I was reading some stuff about them a while back and it got my interest up.  I've had a couple of foot injuries due to a bone dropping down in my forefoot.  Another sign of TDO I'm afraid.  It's one of those injuries that when you notice it hurting it's too late, you're out!  So I'm taking more preventive measures now.  I've never been a maximalist shoe person but that might have to change in the future.

2015-03-01 7:09 PM
in reply to: burner2

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: February Totals

Originally posted by burner2 February totals: S: 770.00 yards B: 56.25 miles R: 88.96 miles Strength: 27h 00m Yoga: 10h 35m February concluded the USAT National Challenge Competition, with this month's emphasis on running. (Hence the uptick in my running miles.) I completed February as the second-highest run miles contributor for Team USAT. People have a few more days to enter their data, so it's possible standings may change, but as of now, I completed the competition in 1407th place out of more than 4,000 competitors. I placed 682nd in swimming (December), 1718th in biking (January), and 452nd in running (February), logging a grand total of 1,004.89 mileage points. I did very little swimming this month because I had a medical procedure scheduled that was supposed to keep me out of the pool for a while, so I didn't renew my pool pass. However, after my procedure, my doctor said I was in such good shape and had an athlete's heart (resting heart rate 45 bpm, which they thought was very impressive), so she immediately cleared me for full return to regular activities, instead of the standard two-week, light-duty recovery period. That was pretty cool. Just two days after my procedure, I logged my longest run ever, 5.38 miles. And I did run every step of that! Since I didn't renew my pool pass for the month, I concentrated on improving my running. I ran twice as many days, and also twice as many miles as I normally run in a month. Although my speed has held steady, my average run length has increased by almost a mile, so my endurance is improving. I have a five-mile run coming up in two weeks and then a 5K two weeks after that. I think I'm in pretty good shape for the five-mile run and am hoping to complete it in an hour, which is really fast for me. So, I feel like I'm making progress, and I feel pretty good about my upcoming triathlon schedule and my ability to shave time off last year's results. I'm going to come up with an actual training plan for this month that includes some speed work, rather than continue as I've been doing, which was basically working to increase my strength and endurance. I'm still going to continue with my strength training as I think that has been extremely beneficial, and I'm also going to start working with a swim coach. It's interesting that a number of people in my small community have been watching my progress over the past year, and it has encouraged them to get off the couch. Several are now regularly competing in 5K, 10K, and half marathons, and others are training for their first triathlons this year. I might even have a few training partners this summer!

There is so much inspiration here, I don't even know where to begin!    Great running totals.  Very impressive.

Congratulations on your quick return after the procedure.  I bet it feels great to be in such excellent shape to impress the doctors and be cleared to go straight back to training.  Just that makes it all worthwhile.  You must feel fantastic.   I know you must also feel great about being an inspiration to others.  That too is what it's all about!  

Keep it up! 


2015-03-01 7:49 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: February Totals

My February totals were nothing to write home about, but I know the reasons why and many were unavoidable so I'm good with it and finished the last week strong, which should lead into a huge March.  February saw me sick for 5 days, my parents visited for 3, and then let's face it, February is just missing 3 days, so add all that up and it was really like half a training month for me (and my totals certainly reflect it)

S: 6671 yards

B: 100 miles

R: 45 miles




2015-03-02 10:33 AM
in reply to: rjchilds8

Downingtown , Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Running Shoes
I changed my stride a couple of years ago and to a forefoot/midfoot strike and after trying lots of different zero drop shoes I settled on brooks pureconnects. I use them for everything including racing and training. They are not for heel strikers but they are hands down the most comfortable shoes I have ever work straight out of the box. There is no break in period needed. Like running in slippers. On top of that, they appear to have cured my chronic fasciitis (and my wife's and my brother's). Now I buy them whenever I see them on sale for fear that they will be discontinued.
2015-03-02 12:17 PM
in reply to: 0

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Americus, Georgia
Subject: RE: Running Shoes
Last year (my first triathlon year), I wore Zoot Ultra TT 5.0 and LOVED them. LOVED, LOVED, LOVED. Fit like a glove and they "encourage" a mid to forefoot strike without it being too much of a shock to the system as other shoes. I didn't use clipless pedals last year, so these shoes pulled on and went, making for very nice transitions. At the end of the season, they were worn out and I decided to get "fitted" at a local running store. I can't decide if that entire process is helpful or complete hokum. Anywho, I wound up with $125 Brooks PureCadence which is very much about the mid to forefoot strike. I have less than 20 miles in them because I developed foot pain that I am still dealing with and my doctor can't figure out what it is. All I know is I never had this pain before I ran in those shoes. So now, I'm back in good, old-fashioned, $35 Saucony something and I love them. Feel great, I'm out there running, still having some pain, but lathering up with Voltoran gel before and after. I figure I'll just wait for my foot to break completely and then deal with it.
And if I decide to race this year, I'll get another pair of Zoots.

Edited by marriedthepoolguy 2015-03-02 12:18 PM
2015-03-03 8:52 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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New user
Subject: RE: February Totals
My numbers were down as well. Weather was a huge factor not to mention sick kiddos, work craziness, and dealing with an aging mother-in-law. Looking to bounce back this month and be more consistent. The only thing I was consistent at last month was being inconsistent. Here's to a new month! Cheers!

Also, racing returns this month. 8k followed by a 5k about an hour later for St. Pats dubbed the Irish Double in 12 days and an indoor Tri at the end of the month.

Swim: 10,380 yds

Bike: 83.45 miles

Run: 29.2 miles

Strength training: 1.5 hours

2015-03-03 9:31 AM
in reply to: scottjjmtri99

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Wakefield, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: February Totals
Feb Totals

Swim: 0 yrds
Bike: 25.5 mi
Run: 7.6 mi

So let's never talk about those again.

Hopefully March will have less snow and fewer sick kids, and we'll see a rebound. I'm hoping to get the bike back up over 100 mi and the run around 40 mi.
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author : jgosse66
comments : 0
It was the morning of Ironman Newfoundland 70.3, I felt queasy. I didn't want to eat or drink anything. I had a full blown case of the pre-race HEEBEE GEEBEES.
date : June 6, 2006
author : Ingrid Loos
comments : 4
A bad race left me smoldering, but time and a gentle breeze ignited my passion to race again.
date : July 17, 2005
author : chrisandniki
comments : 0
A Navy Seals program modified specifically for triathletes. Heavy on the running, swimming, push/pull-ups and sit-ups, will you find yourself man (or woman) enough to finish?