Other Resources 2023 Beginner Triathlete Mentor Program » Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN Rss Feed  
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2024-04-25 9:52 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

@Nathalie:  OWS sounds cold .  What's your water temp now?  We're still below 60*F around here. 

Very solid race schedule.  I love the weird tri distances. 

60F would be a warm bath compared to what it is now. I don’t think it’s much over 10C (50 corgis, no, hang on, not corgis, that’s a unit of distance. Farenheit).

It’s a tradition, every 1st May, the local swim club have their premiere, whatever the weather, whatever the water temperature. We’re vikings after all (except I am not and neither is the mad leader of the pack, who regularly swims OWS marathons, he’s American)

It won’t be a long swim but with wetsuit, double swim cap, gloves and booties, I’ll survive.

Yes, I love those weird short distances too, they are a lot of fun.

2024-04-25 11:22 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by Rollergirl

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

@Nathalie:  OWS sounds cold .  What's your water temp now?  We're still below 60*F around here. 

Very solid race schedule.  I love the weird tri distances. 

60F would be a warm bath compared to what it is now. I don’t think it’s much over 10C (50 corgis, no, hang on, not corgis, that’s a unit of distance. Farenheit).

It’s a tradition, every 1st May, the local swim club have their premiere, whatever the weather, whatever the water temperature. We’re vikings after all (except I am not and neither is the mad leader of the pack, who regularly swims OWS marathons, he’s American)

It won’t be a long swim but with wetsuit, double swim cap, gloves and booties, I’ll survive.

Yes, I love those weird short distances too, they are a lot of fun.

There is absolutely something to be said about adhering to tradition, regardless of whether or not it might kill you. Brava!
2024-04-25 11:32 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Nat--I'm super jealous you have a tri schedule figured out!! I'm so behind in identifying any races other than MiTi (national championship) and Townsville (world championship)--both of which are in August.

Rest week continues and it is *almost* distracting me from the fact that my marathon was supposed to be this weekend. I mean, the race is still going on, but I'm not doing it. Now I think I should have just dropped down to the HM, but then, I know I can do that and it doesn't sound like that much fun, really. 60' tempo ride this morning with 24' in Z3--watched the team the Bombers are going to play on Friday absolutely obliterate the team that absolutely obliterated the Bombers two weeks ago as my "entertainment." Tomorrow might be a depressing day.

Summer Schedule (so far):
May 4--Ride the Sky, a hilly 53mile ride to support the local humane society
May 27--Trifesta Italiaia sprint (pool swim--350y/15mi/5k--ish, sorta, from memory)
June 22--Tour de Corn, flat af century ride where there will be no corn to be seen until mile 60

August 11--MiTi 140.6 (National Champioinship)
August 25--Tri the Reef Ultra (some insanely weird distances for an ultra--like a 3/4 IM--World Championship)

September--don't know yet, maybe like this past year with an Oly and maybe a gravel bike and gravel HIM race (same one as last year. For some reason I think my bike handling skills will have improved with absolutely zero additional practice at gravel riding).

I'd like to get in a couple more races in June and early July, including a HIM just for funsies, but the one I like is the same weekend as my Mom's birthday and the other one I've done more locally is usually the last weekend in July, which is a bit close to my 140.6 for comfort. If anyone knows of a HIM in early July somewhere where it might not be STUPID hot and humid that is within driving distance of the butt hole of Illinois, let me know!
2024-04-26 3:19 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Nat--I'm super jealous you have a tri schedule figured out!!

Your schedule is not too shabby either.Just need to fill in a few dates in July
2024-04-26 10:06 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
2000yds in the pool--set up as 90x25 (although, obviously, I didn't do all 90). We have a guy on our Master's team who turns 90 years old today, so in his honor, we did 90x25.

I'm thinking of quitting my master's "team." I will start by saying I like swimming with master's and I like the time we swim (6am) and I like the coaches and workouts. There are a ton of things I like about the master's team and I think I swim harder when I workout with a group. But, the culture of the group has changed over the last few years from a group of people who take their training seriously with a few people who screwed around to a few people who take training seriously and mostly people who are there for a social event and maybe to swim a bit. It just doesn't feel like it is serving my needs right now, which bums me out, because, as I said, I really enjoy most aspects of swimming with the group.
2024-04-26 3:21 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by drfoodlove

2000yds in the pool--set up as 90x25 (although, obviously, I didn't do all 90). We have a guy on our Master's team who turns 90 years old today, so in his honor, we did 90x25.

I'm thinking of quitting my master's "team." I will start by saying I like swimming with master's and I like the time we swim (6am) and I like the coaches and workouts. There are a ton of things I like about the master's team and I think I swim harder when I workout with a group. But, the culture of the group has changed over the last few years from a group of people who take their training seriously with a few people who screwed around to a few people who take training seriously and mostly people who are there for a social event and maybe to swim a bit. It just doesn't feel like it is serving my needs right now, which bums me out, because, as I said, I really enjoy most aspects of swimming with the group.

Do the people who screw around disturb your training that much? I know you wrote before about those who turn up late (that was you, right?) but what do they do other than that? (and who in their right mind would turn up for training at 6 in the effing morning and not take it seriously?)

Training with a group is always more rewarding and as you say, you train harder, plus you like the coaches and workouts. Add to that it’s at a good time for you. It would take a lot to keep me away. I wish I could find a swimming group with these criteria, even if half the group or more was farting around.

2024-04-27 3:06 AM
in reply to: 0

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by nicole14e

Not sure if I told you guys, but I've also been tracking my meals the last week or so. I'm doing really well and meal-prepped on Sunday (a pretty delicious greek salad). I also got below 170 lbs for the first time in a very long time. 169.9...but still
One problem, and sorry if this is TMI, but I haven't been regular in the bathroom, so trying to figure out what I need to change up/add to my diet to get back into the regularity. I feel like I'll lose another 4 lbs once it's moving again...sorry, way TMI

How do you track and prep? Do you plan your meals for the week and cook on Sundays?

I realised I needed to do something, as the weight is slowly creeping up again (quick recap, lost 26lbs in 2017-2018, had put half back on by the end of 2022, lost those 13 again in 2023 and now I’m already up 9lbs again).
—I know the weight is only one factor, but I feel, it on my clothes too—

I have been tracking calories with MFP and was trying to keep it around 1500 cal a day to maintain weight but I’ve been going up anyway. So I am back on a calorie deficit which means I need to train more because I don’t want to eat less.

I am also making a conscious effort to eat slowly, I even time myself. Worked great last night, by the time i finished my meal (which was cold by then, that’s the downside), I was full, didn’t get more as I usually do.

I don’t track poop yet but I am waiting for andrew’s sh!tbit to be released.

Have a great weekend BDAS, the weather is finally getting a little warmer, nice long run today and nice long ride tomorrow on the menu.

Edited by Rollergirl 2024-04-27 3:08 AM
2024-04-27 9:55 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by Rollergirl

Originally posted by nicole14e

Not sure if I told you guys, but I've also been tracking my meals the last week or so. I'm doing really well and meal-prepped on Sunday (a pretty delicious greek salad). I also got below 170 lbs for the first time in a very long time. 169.9...but still
One problem, and sorry if this is TMI, but I haven't been regular in the bathroom, so trying to figure out what I need to change up/add to my diet to get back into the regularity. I feel like I'll lose another 4 lbs once it's moving again...sorry, way TMI

How do you track and prep? Do you plan your meals for the week and cook on Sundays?

I realised I needed to do something, as the weight is slowly creeping up again (quick recap, lost 26lbs in 2017-2018, had put half back on by the end of 2022, lost those 13 again in 2023 and now I’m already up 9lbs again).
—I know the weight is only one factor, but I feel, it on my clothes too—

I have been tracking calories with MFP and was trying to keep it around 1500 cal a day to maintain weight but I’ve been going up anyway. So I am back on a calorie deficit which means I need to train more because I don’t want to eat less.

I am also making a conscious effort to eat slowly, I even time myself. Worked great last night, by the time i finished my meal (which was cold by then, that’s the downside), I was full, didn’t get more as I usually do.

I don’t track poop yet but I am waiting for andrew’s sh!tbit to be released.

Have a great weekend BDAS, the weather is finally getting a little warmer, nice long run today and nice long ride tomorrow on the menu.

Nat--do you work with a dietitian? If not, I'd suggest it for sure. I have been working with one for a couple years now and she has helped me a lot. One of the biggest things she helped me learn is that I need to eat to fuel training properly. 1500 cal a day seems really low for someone as active as you are. It might also be useful to do a body composition study to figure out what your BMR is--what do you need just to fuel your body at rest.
2024-04-27 10:02 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Rest week ends with a 90' tempo run (20' of Z3/4 sandwiched among the rest). It felt good and after mile 4 I really felt like I was enjoying it. Maybe that is the problem with my run...I take four miles to warm up and most of the time my runs are less than that (except long runs). How do I warm up faster so I can get to the good part sooner?!!?!

Weather here is warming up some, although we are in the spring rainy season--as in, nearly every day--makes timing runs, bikes, and lawn mowing a bit of a tricky business.

Today is also the day I was supposed to be running the Illinois marathon. I thought I would feel a sense of loss about it today, but I don't. No skin off my nose. Maybe just an acknowledgement that it wasn't an important race to me at all. I'm actually a bit glad I didn't do it. The run started on the campus of University of Illinois (my alma mater) and then looped around the city, finishing on the 50yd line of the football stadium It would have been fun to go back and see how things have changed in the (ahem...)20+ years since I graduated. BUT...yesterday there were major protests on campus against Israel and they actually had to cancel the Friday night 5k because the law enforcement who was supposed to be directing traffic, etc. were reassigned to the protests and they were thinking the same might be necessary today for the longer races (10k, HM, full M). They didn't send out a final email until about 1am that the race was going to go forward as planned. That is a degree of uncertainty I wouldn't have wanted to deal with. I'm glad it went forward though. I would have felt super bad for the folks who put in all that training and then didn't get their day.
2024-04-27 3:05 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Originally posted by Rollergirl

Originally posted by nicole14e

Not sure if I told you guys, but I've also been tracking my meals the last week or so. I'm doing really well and meal-prepped on Sunday (a pretty delicious greek salad). I also got below 170 lbs for the first time in a very long time. 169.9...but still
One problem, and sorry if this is TMI, but I haven't been regular in the bathroom, so trying to figure out what I need to change up/add to my diet to get back into the regularity. I feel like I'll lose another 4 lbs once it's moving again...sorry, way TMI

How do you track and prep? Do you plan your meals for the week and cook on Sundays?

I realised I needed to do something, as the weight is slowly creeping up again (quick recap, lost 26lbs in 2017-2018, had put half back on by the end of 2022, lost those 13 again in 2023 and now I’m already up 9lbs again).
—I know the weight is only one factor, but I feel, it on my clothes too—

I have been tracking calories with MFP and was trying to keep it around 1500 cal a day to maintain weight but I’ve been going up anyway. So I am back on a calorie deficit which means I need to train more because I don’t want to eat less.

I am also making a conscious effort to eat slowly, I even time myself. Worked great last night, by the time i finished my meal (which was cold by then, that’s the downside), I was full, didn’t get more as I usually do.

I don’t track poop yet but I am waiting for andrew’s sh!tbit to be released.

Have a great weekend BDAS, the weather is finally getting a little warmer, nice long run today and nice long ride tomorrow on the menu.

Nat--do you work with a dietitian? If not, I'd suggest it for sure. I have been working with one for a couple years now and she has helped me a lot. One of the biggest things she helped me learn is that I need to eat to fuel training properly. 1500 cal a day seems really low for someone as active as you are. It might also be useful to do a body composition study to figure out what your BMR is--what do you need just to fuel your body at rest.

No, I don’t . 1500 cal is my BMR, I eat a lot more that that, if my watch tells me I’ve burned 1000 calories, I will eat 2500. That number is only based on google research and the MyFitnessPal app, nothing scientifically calculated, that would be interesting to do a body composition study, I may look into it.

2024-04-27 3:10 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

User image

, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Rest week ends with a 90' tempo run (20' of Z3/4 sandwiched among the rest). It felt good and after mile 4 I really felt like I was enjoying it. Maybe that is the problem with my run...I take four miles to warm up and most of the time my runs are less than that (except long runs). How do I warm up faster so I can get to the good part sooner?!!?!

  • Maybe do a proper warmup before, a little jog, a little stretching, some lunges and other stuff….

    2024-04-27 4:48 PM
    in reply to: #5283710

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    Carbondale, Illinois
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
    Nat—at the risk of providing unsolicited dietary advice… :D

    BMR is the minimum number of calories you need to fuel your body at rest (think…if you were in a coma). It is only ~60-70% of your general caloric needs for everyday life (not counting training calories). Even eating your training calories back on top of your BMR, might not be enough, which I know…sounds super weird for trying to lose weight.

    It took some experimentation to get it right, but my BMR is 1850 (based on body composition) and I’ve been working with the formula of 2850+training calories (up to about 4200 a day) to fuel IM training and try to shed a couple of pounds before August. I also focus on protein, aiming to get about 200-230g per day to help build muscle. Seems to be working for me.
    2024-04-28 3:11 AM
    in reply to: 0

    User image

    , Kronobergs lan
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
    Thanks, my “coma” caloric need of 1500 sounds about right if yours is 1850. Based only on size and weight. It takes more calories to run a body like yours than mine (I am tiny, just over 5’ and average weight (it fluctuates as I wrote before) 132lbs).

    I am not taking the body composition into account though, maybe I should, to get a more accurate number but then again, the number of calories consumed/burned can never be exact, it’s all approximation.

    Edited by Rollergirl 2024-04-28 3:48 AM
    2024-04-28 7:12 AM
    in reply to: #5283710

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    Carbondale, Illinois
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
    Yes…and that approximation drives me CRAZY!!! Why can’t someone just give me a number?!!
    2024-04-28 10:37 AM
    in reply to: drfoodlove

    User image

    , Kronobergs lan
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
    Originally posted by drfoodlove

    Yes…and that approximation drives me CRAZY!!! Why can’t someone just give me a number?!!

    2024-04-28 12:20 PM
    in reply to: #5288562

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    Carbondale, Illinois
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
    Rest week has been successful:
    3 Swims 6100.00 yards 2:32
    3 Bike 60.62 miles 3:30
    2 Run 10.62 miles 2:19

    Back to full schedule next week, starting with a triple and ending with a local ride to support the humane society. 53 hilly miles ought to do me for my long ride.

    2024-04-28 4:02 PM
    in reply to: Rollergirl

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    Auckland, North Island
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
    Originally posted by Rollergirl

    Originally posted by drfoodlove

    Yes…and that approximation drives me CRAZY!!! Why can’t someone just give me a number?!!


    The answer is always 32.
    2024-04-28 4:14 PM
    in reply to: Rollergirl

    User image

    Auckland, North Island
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
    Originally posted by Rollergirl

    Thanks, my “coma” caloric need of 1500 sounds about right if yours is 1850. Based only on size and weight. It takes more calories to run a body like yours than mine (I am tiny, just over 5’ and average weight (it fluctuates as I wrote before) 132lbs).

    I am not taking the body composition into account though, maybe I should, to get a more accurate number but then again, the number of calories consumed/burned can never be exact, it’s all approximation.

    I've had weight loss/management success in the past with calorie counting. I've talked about it before, I've used the MyFitnessPal app and dropped 40+ lbs over the course of several months. That said, and as you 2 have alluded to it is a very inexact science. (A good example is after eating something like corn, there is real evidence that you didn't get all the calories into your body from the corn if you check your sh1tbit /toilet humour)

    Anyway, last week one of my treadmill youtube playlist was a good GCN video on calorie counting, on why it doesn't work but it also does. check it out for some light viewing on the subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sx1OZ3Q9mCE

    All that said, My weight has slowly been creeping up this year, so I think I should probably jump back onto the app for a bit, to reestablish those good habits.

    One other thing, Gretchen talked about fueling training. I'm not sure everyone needs a dietitian for that, but yes, yes, yes, 100% need to think about when how your food fits around your workouts, what should you have before/during to fuel the workout properly, and what you should do post workout to recover properly. That is a change I made last year, and it absolutely improved my quality of workouts, and didn't hurt by weight loss at all, despite consuming way more calories when exercising than I ever had in the past.
    2024-04-28 4:59 PM
    in reply to: bulfrog

    User image

    Auckland, North Island
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
    @Mike, Nice to see you're having a good week

    @Nicole, How's the various tight/injured body pieces feeling a few days post chiropractor?

    @Nat, You've got a busy looking race plan. One big advantage of short course over long, you can race a lot more. How are you feeling ahead of your Half Marathon? and 3 hours after start is your OWS? Good recovery for the legs I guess... the cold plunge swims are very fashionable these days.

    @Gretchen, I had completely missed that your MiTi tri and the worlds were so close together. That's going to be a seriously short recovery period. Plus some longhaul travel thrown in. Do you have a plan for how you're handling it? Or is it just going to be recover as best you can for 2 weeks and hope for the best?


    Normal running schedule has resumed, 7 runs ticked off this week. Very poorly organised week for me though, with my 3 hard workouts spread over 4 days. Whilst also building a small retaining wall for the cabin project over those 4 days. Hammering nails is strength and mobility stuff right?

    Swim, 0
    Bike, x1, 1hour, Intervals, Zwift Had planned at least 1 more, but after building the will was not there.
    Run, x7, 6hr 35, 51km. Good to be back in the 50+km per week range.
    S/M, x1 stretchy session, + 2days swinging a hammer.

    And lets not talk about the warriors this week. Sad Face.
    2024-04-28 6:51 PM
    in reply to: bulfrog

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    Middle River, Maryland
    Silver member
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

    Originally posted by bulfrog
    Originally posted by Rollergirl
    Originally posted by drfoodlove Yes…and that approximation drives me CRAZY!!! Why can’t someone just give me a number?!!
    The answer is always 32.

    42.  There is no other answer.

    2024-04-28 6:55 PM
    in reply to: jmhpsu93

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    Middle River, Maryland
    Silver member
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

    Good week for the old guy around here.  Finished up with getting my a$$ handed to me in a bike race on Zwift on Saturday and stumbling through a 5 mile run today.  Looking forward to a recovery week. 

    Probably the best SBR week in a while - quality workouts in all three disciplines plus the normal strength/core stuff.

    2024-04-29 2:10 AM
    in reply to: bulfrog

    User image

    , Kronobergs lan
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
    Originally posted by bulfrog

    Originally posted by Rollergirl

    Originally posted by drfoodlove

    Yes…and that approximation drives me CRAZY!!! Why can’t someone just give me a number?!!


    The answer is always 32.

    2024-04-29 2:12 AM
    in reply to: jmhpsu93

    User image

    , Kronobergs lan
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
    Originally posted by jmhpsu93

    Originally posted by bulfrog
    Originally posted by Rollergirl
    Originally posted by drfoodlove Yes…and that approximation drives me CRAZY!!! Why can’t someone just give me a number?!!
    The answer is always 32.

    42.  There is no other answer.

    also very close!
    2024-04-29 2:48 AM
    in reply to: bulfrog

    User image

    , Kronobergs lan
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
    Originally posted by bulfrog

    Originally posted by Rollergirl

    Thanks, my “coma” caloric need of 1500 sounds about right if yours is 1850. Based only on size and weight. It takes more calories to run a body like yours than mine (I am tiny, just over 5’ and average weight (it fluctuates as I wrote before) 132lbs).

    I am not taking the body composition into account though, maybe I should, to get a more accurate number but then again, the number of calories consumed/burned can never be exact, it’s all approximation.

    I've had weight loss/management success in the past with calorie counting. I've talked about it before, I've used the MyFitnessPal app and dropped 40+ lbs over the course of several months. That said, and as you 2 have alluded to it is a very inexact science. (A good example is after eating something like corn, there is real evidence that you didn't get all the calories into your body from the corn if you check your sh1tbit /toilet humour)

    Anyway, last week one of my treadmill youtube playlist was a good GCN video on calorie counting, on why it doesn't work but it also does. check it out for some light viewing on the subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sx1OZ3Q9mCE

    All that said, My weight has slowly been creeping up this year, so I think I should probably jump back onto the app for a bit, to reestablish those good habits.

    One other thing, Gretchen talked about fueling training. I'm not sure everyone needs a dietitian for that, but yes, yes, yes, 100% need to think about when how your food fits around your workouts, what should you have before/during to fuel the workout properly, and what you should do post workout to recover properly. That is a change I made last year, and it absolutely improved my quality of workouts, and didn't hurt by weight loss at all, despite consuming way more calories when exercising than I ever had in the past.

    Excellent points here Andrew: Calorie counting works, but it doesn't, it's a tool to help establish/reestablish/maintain good habits.

    Re Fueling, I do eat more before and after workouts (my longest workout is 2 hours so I rarely eat during) but I should think about what I am eating. (not just corn then, as we've established)
    2024-04-29 2:57 AM
    in reply to: 0

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    , Kronobergs lan
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
    Originally posted by bulfrog

    @Nat, You've got a busy looking race plan. One big advantage of short course over long, you can race a lot more. How are you feeling ahead of your Half Marathon? and 3 hours after start is your OWS? Good recovery for the legs I guess... the cold plunge swims are very fashionable these days.

    Yes one of the reasons I only do short distances (there are many). I like race day, the atmosphere, the adrenalin, etc. I come from a background of team sports, this is the closest I can get to "game day"

    Compared to last year, I am less prepared for my half. Only managed 16k in training (vs 18 last year), slower (6:30/km vs 6:15) and heavier (8lbs). Other than that, I feel great but I doubt I will go under 2hours and it will be a struggle to beat last year's time (2:09)

    Yes, the swim after will be a nice recovery workout. Current temperature which was published yesterday.... 9C (48F). Forecast is sunny and warm but only 2 days to go, it won't get much warmer.

    Edited by Rollergirl 2024-04-29 5:45 AM
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