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2007-05-29 3:23 PM
in reply to: #820702

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Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Subject: RE: The "Ultimate COJ Thread About Nothing" Thread # 3
spokes - 2007-05-29 1:14 PM

All joking aside, the 'shininess" of moving has worn off and I'm back to feeling pretty depressed about things in general today. It will pass... I hope.

Professional help will help you cope with the depression, brother. Have you thought about seeking a good therapist in Sacto? Take advantage of those government benefits. Seriously.  

2007-05-29 3:27 PM
in reply to: #821017

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Subject: RE: The "Ultimate COJ Thread About Nothing" Thread # 3

ADollar79 - 2007-05-29 4:23 PM hmm

You're not foolin' anyone by pretending to have deep thoughts.  You're about as deep as the rest of us.  We make dried up puddles look like sinkholes. 

2007-05-29 3:28 PM
in reply to: #821007

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The Green Between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh
Subject: RE: The "Ultimate COJ Thread About Nothing" Thread # 3
Matchman - 2007-05-29 4:20 PM

Just wanted to up my one word responses in TAN. I realized there weren't nearly enough of those from me.


2007-05-29 3:29 PM
in reply to: #821029

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The Green Between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh
Subject: RE: The "Ultimate COJ Thread About Nothing" Thread # 3
Scout7 - 2007-05-29 4:27 PM

ADollar79 - 2007-05-29 4:23 PM hmm

You're not foolin' anyone by pretending to have deep thoughts.  You're about as deep as the rest of us.  We make dried up puddles look like sinkholes. 

2007-05-29 3:30 PM
in reply to: #759682

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The Green Between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh
Subject: RE: The "Ultimate COJ Thread About Nothing" Thread # 3
I think it was Shakespeare who wrote: "Brevity is the soul of wit."
2007-05-29 3:31 PM
in reply to: #821046

Subject: ...
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2007-05-29 3:31 PM
in reply to: #821018

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2007-05-29 3:32 PM
in reply to: #759682

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Subject: RE: The "Ultimate COJ Thread About Nothing" Thread # 3

Brought home some of these beauts on my trip through Wisconsin this weekend. Too bad their beers aren't available outside Wisconsin.


(New Glarus.jpg)

New Glarus.jpg (61KB - 5 downloads)
2007-05-29 3:36 PM
in reply to: #821052

Subject: RE: The "Ultimate COJ Thread About Nothing" Thread # 3

Good deal, good deal.

I'm going to start recommending Bell's as well, if you can get it.  Definitely worthwhile. 

2007-05-29 3:37 PM
in reply to: #821050

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Subject: RE: The "Ultimate COJ Thread About Nothing" Thread # 3
spokes - 2007-05-29 3:31 PM
Matchman - 2007-05-29 1:23 PM
spokes - 2007-05-29 1:14 PM

All joking aside, the 'shininess" of moving has worn off and I'm back to feeling pretty depressed about things in general today. It will pass... I hope.

Professional help will help you cope with the depression, brother. Have you thought about seeking a good therapist in Sacto? Take advantage of those government benefits. Seriously.

Tom, I think about doing so, but I've spent so damned much time in therapy in the past, I've done meds, and quite frankly, none of it has done a bit of good. I think I'm just going to have to learn to cope and live with it the best I can. All anti-depressants do is mask the symptoms - they don't address the underlying issues/causes, because some of these things - at least for me - are insoluble. Being on a fake high isn't worth it, as far as I'm concerned.

I've seen therapists when I lived in VA and MS and none of it helped (shrug). I know, people say, find the "right" therapist but I don't want to spend years in this crap. If a lobotomy would cure the way I feel I'd have it done tomorrow - seriously.


Funny, I thought you'd already had the lobotomy...

I hear ya, Scott. Its not at all easy to try to live with depression. Regardless, you deserve to live a mostly happy life. However you get there is OK by me. 

I do hear that there's such a thing as a "pot doc" in CA and they can get you into some places that'll have the best weed in the world. Perhaps that's worth a shot?  

2007-05-29 3:39 PM
in reply to: #821066

Subject: ...
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2007-05-29 3:40 PM
in reply to: #759682

The Green Between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh
Subject: RE: The "Ultimate COJ Thread About Nothing" Thread # 3
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

Hamlet, Act III, Scene ii
2007-05-29 3:41 PM
in reply to: #821070

The Green Between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh
Subject: RE: The "Ultimate COJ Thread About Nothing" Thread # 3
spokes - 2007-05-29 4:39 PM

Matchman - 2007-05-29 1:37 PM
spokes - 2007-05-29 3:31 PM
Matchman - 2007-05-29 1:23 PM
spokes - 2007-05-29 1:14 PM

All joking aside, the 'shininess" of moving has worn off and I'm back to feeling pretty depressed about things in general today. It will pass... I hope.

Professional help will help you cope with the depression, brother. Have you thought about seeking a good therapist in Sacto? Take advantage of those government benefits. Seriously.

Tom, I think about doing so, but I've spent so damned much time in therapy in the past, I've done meds, and quite frankly, none of it has done a bit of good. I think I'm just going to have to learn to cope and live with it the best I can. All anti-depressants do is mask the symptoms - they don't address the underlying issues/causes, because some of these things - at least for me - are insoluble. Being on a fake high isn't worth it, as far as I'm concerned.

I've seen therapists when I lived in VA and MS and none of it helped (shrug). I know, people say, find the "right" therapist but I don't want to spend years in this crap. If a lobotomy would cure the way I feel I'd have it done tomorrow - seriously.


Funny, I thought you'd already had the lobotomy...

I hear ya, Scott. Its not at all easy to try to live with depression. Regardless, you deserve to live a mostly happy life. However you get there is OK by me.

I do hear that there's such a thing as a "pot doc" in CA and they can get you into some places that'll have the best weed in the world. Perhaps that's worth a shot?

Hmmm... i have this pain in my leg that vicodin can't stop...

I'm just not happy with the way my life has turned out... I'm back to the same place I was 25+ years ago before I was married for the 1st and 2nd times. I'm alone, and if I were to drop dead this instant, I would not be missed. 

I would miss you.
2007-05-29 3:42 PM
in reply to: #821070

Subject: ...
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2007-05-29 3:43 PM
in reply to: #821074

Subject: RE: The "Ultimate COJ Thread About Nothing" Thread # 3
FishrCutB8 - 2007-05-29 4:41 PM
spokes - 2007-05-29 4:39 PM

I'm alone, and if I were to drop dead this instant, I would not be missed.

I would miss you.

Me, too.  No one else listens to me prattle on about running. 

2007-05-29 3:44 PM
in reply to: #821078

Subject: ...
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2007-05-29 3:45 PM
in reply to: #821074

Portland, OR
Subject: RE: The "Ultimate COJ Thread About Nothing" Thread # 3
FishrCutB8 - 2007-05-29 1:41 PM
spokes - 2007-05-29 4:39 PM

Hmmm... i have this pain in my leg that vicodin can't stop...

I'm just not happy with the way my life has turned out... I'm back to the same place I was 25+ years ago before I was married for the 1st and 2nd times. I'm alone, and if I were to drop dead this instant, I would not be missed.

I would miss you.

So would I. 

2007-05-29 3:49 PM
in reply to: #821087

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Subject: RE: The "Ultimate COJ Thread About Nothing" Thread # 3
elektra - 2007-05-29 3:45 PM
FishrCutB8 - 2007-05-29 1:41 PM
spokes - 2007-05-29 4:39 PM

Hmmm... i have this pain in my leg that vicodin can't stop...

I'm just not happy with the way my life has turned out... I'm back to the same place I was 25+ years ago before I was married for the 1st and 2nd times. I'm alone, and if I were to drop dead this instant, I would not be missed.

I would miss you.

So would I.

OOOH, me too! Let's not forget about those adorable children you have. You're not in the same place as 25+ years ago at all, see? 

2007-05-29 3:51 PM
in reply to: #821079

The Green Between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh
Subject: RE: The "Ultimate COJ Thread About Nothing" Thread # 3
Scout7 - 2007-05-29 4:43 PM

FishrCutB8 - 2007-05-29 4:41 PM
spokes - 2007-05-29 4:39 PM

I'm alone, and if I were to drop dead this instant, I would not be missed.

I would miss you.

Me, too.  No one else listens to me prattle on about running. 

Did you not read my blog, a$$hat?
2007-05-29 3:54 PM
in reply to: #821083

Portland, OR
Subject: RE: The "Ultimate COJ Thread About Nothing" Thread # 3
spokes - 2007-05-29 1:44 PM
lvthgme - 2007-05-29 1:42 PM
spokes - 2007-05-29 3:39 PM I'm alone, and if I were to drop dead this instant, I would not be missed.

That is the worst feeling in the world. It's not TRUE by the way, but it doesn't mean you can't FEEL that way at times. I'm praying for you.

Thanks, but I highly doubt the Supreme Being (or whatever it is) has much interest in me, if any at all. I gave up on religion as a solution to anything long ago - not that it doesn't work for other people, because obviously it does.

I know I'm not a doctor (nor do I play one on TV) but have you thought about seeing someone
about possible bi-polar disorder? (Just hear me out!!) You are an amazing person with a lot
of energy. And granted, I don't know you in RL (yet) but it seems that your highs are really
high and your lows are really low. (i.e., feeling that you need to alienate your friends and thoughts of suicide.)

My boss suffers with it and once he was diagnosed and began treatment (no, not just drugs) he
was able to regulate his emotions and began to function without the drastic mood swings.

Just a thought. I would really really hate for you to leave us. (BT or otherwise.) Sometimes
things are just too much for us to deal with on our own. We're here for you, but I think you
should get some RL help. Thinking/talking about suicide is a big deal.

And please know that I say this in love and friendship. I adore you and want you to be
healthy. Inside and outside.


2007-05-29 3:56 PM
in reply to: #821098

Portland, OR
Subject: RE: The "Ultimate COJ Thread About Nothing" Thread # 3
FishrCutB8 - 2007-05-29 1:51 PM
Scout7 - 2007-05-29 4:43 PM
FishrCutB8 - 2007-05-29 4:41 PM
spokes - 2007-05-29 4:39 PM

I'm alone, and if I were to drop dead this instant, I would not be missed.

I would miss you.

Me, too. No one else listens to me prattle on about running.

Did you not read my blog, a$$hat?

@sshat. Now that's a word we just don't use enough. It can be used in so many ways....

Edited by elektra 2007-05-29 3:57 PM

2007-05-29 3:56 PM
in reply to: #821098

Subject: RE: The "Ultimate COJ Thread About Nothing" Thread # 3
FishrCutB8 - 2007-05-29 4:51 PM
Scout7 - 2007-05-29 4:43 PM
FishrCutB8 - 2007-05-29 4:41 PM
spokes - 2007-05-29 4:39 PM

I'm alone, and if I were to drop dead this instant, I would not be missed.

I would miss you.

Me, too. No one else listens to me prattle on about running.

Did you not read my blog, a$$hat?

OK, OK, I read it earlier, and re-read it on you other blog.  I just saw the part about me....

I'm honored.  But it's all you, man.   I just pointed out what you already had, in a slightly more blunt way.

2007-05-29 3:56 PM
in reply to: #821083

Subject: ...
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Edited by lvthgme 2007-05-29 4:01 PM
2007-05-29 4:08 PM
in reply to: #821109

Subject: ...
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2007-05-29 4:08 PM
in reply to: #759682

Subject: RE: The "Ultimate COJ Thread About Nothing" Thread # 3
It always gets better. Valleys and peaks, just like racing.
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