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2010-08-29 12:44 PM
in reply to: #3068496

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Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
PennState - 2010-08-27 6:39 PM What are the group's off-season training plans?

Everyone's off-season is our on season here in Phoenix. We have a lot of races coming up but I only have a Oly on Nov 7th and my wife has a 5K the next weekend after that. The big event is the third weekend (IMAZ) and I'm volunteering at that. Once I get through my OLY I'll go into 1/2 marathon mode for the PF Chang's 1/2 Marathon on Jan 16th 2011. After that I'll probably get back into tri training mode. While everyone else is shoveling snow, we're shoveling sun here in AZ.

2010-08-29 3:08 PM
in reply to: #2769226

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

I got my long run in today, a little slower than last week.  Only noticable issues from yesterday was the burning as the sweat hit the road rash, not unexpected and a little aquaphor kept that under control.  My hip has a pretty good bruise which is sore, but not really an impact on the run.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!

2010-08-29 9:34 PM
in reply to: #2769226

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Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Hope everyone's training has been going well.  Ken: Glad to hear it your first experience was something 'minor' (if you can classify going down on a bike as minor) and it didn't damage you or the bike too seriously.  

Much like Ken, the 'off season' isn't much of a thought in my head yet since IMAZ is over 2 1/2 months away.  I basically just took a month of slacking on the training during July, but it was good for two reasons.  I was definitely sick with something that stuck with me for a number of weeks and it gave me the mental break I probably needed so I can maintain the level of training needed through October and before tapering for IMAZ in November.

But thinking about it a little, there is 12 weeks until IMAZ.  After that I figure there will be a week or two of basically nothing, maybe I'll be able to go to my running groups and just walk a couple miles. I'm figuring I'll take some 'me' time for most of December, probably do some yoga, very light jogging and swimming at the most.  Once January comes I should be back at it again with a heavy focus on running again through the winter.  I think I'll be doing the Sedona Marathon again in February, then I'm debating on trying the 24hours of Utah ultra in February again or another ultra I found in Jersey that's the week before it. 
2010-08-29 9:49 PM
in reply to: #2769226

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Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
I finally had enough weeks in a row where I didn't have races where I was able to get myself out on a trail run I did for the first time back in April.  A 19.5mile trail run in Boulder, the Garmin registers 6k feet of climbing.  It has 4 climbs in it that seem like they never end and never let up, the first of which is the first 3 miles that climbs 2k feet on some rocky/technical terrain... so it starts off letting know know what you are getting yourself into.

The last time I did it, I had just recovered from my first ultra a month before it and still had some issues with my knee following that race.  This time I had no issues with knees or anything like that, just the 90 degree heat really sapped the energy out of me.  It took a little over 5 hours (stops for water and bathroom included)... I figure considering I can do a 26.2miles in 3 1/2 hours on the road and then this 20 miles takes over 5 hours it shows just how brutal it is.  But, hopefully, it helps prepare me for Arizona, 5 hours of mental and physical exertion has to count for something, regardless or mileage.
2010-08-30 6:25 AM
in reply to: #3069884

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2010-08-30 6:56 AM
in reply to: #3070437

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

zionvier - 2010-08-29 10:49 PM I finally had enough weeks in a row where I didn't have races where I was able to get myself out on a trail run I did for the first time back in April.  A 19.5mile trail run in Boulder, the Garmin registers 6k feet of climbing.  It has 4 climbs in it that seem like they never end and never let up, the first of which is the first 3 miles that climbs 2k feet on some rocky/technical terrain... so it starts off letting know know what you are getting yourself into.

The last time I did it, I had just recovered from my first ultra a month before it and still had some issues with my knee following that race.  This time I had no issues with knees or anything like that, just the 90 degree heat really sapped the energy out of me.  It took a little over 5 hours (stops for water and bathroom included)... I figure considering I can do a 26.2miles in 3 1/2 hours on the road and then this 20 miles takes over 5 hours it shows just how brutal it is.  But, hopefully, it helps prepare me for Arizona, 5 hours of mental and physical exertion has to count for something, regardless or mileage.

Sounds like an impressive trail run!

2010-08-30 5:30 PM
in reply to: #3070437

Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
zionvier - 2010-08-29 7:49 PM I finally had enough weeks in a row where I didn't have races where I was able to get myself out on a trail run I did for the first time back in April.  A 19.5mile trail run in Boulder, the Garmin registers 6k feet of climbing.  It has 4 climbs in it that seem like they never end and never let up, the first of which is the first 3 miles that climbs 2k feet on some rocky/technical terrain... so it starts off letting know know what you are getting yourself into.

The last time I did it, I had just recovered from my first ultra a month before it and still had some issues with my knee following that race.  This time I had no issues with knees or anything like that, just the 90 degree heat really sapped the energy out of me.  It took a little over 5 hours (stops for water and bathroom included)... I figure considering I can do a 26.2miles in 3 1/2 hours on the road and then this 20 miles takes over 5 hours it shows just how brutal it is.  But, hopefully, it helps prepare me for Arizona, 5 hours of mental and physical exertion has to count for something, regardless or mileage.

Thats a hell of a you ever concern yourself with wildlife out there?  I love trail running, but Mountain Lions and to a lesser extent Black Bears are out here and it messes with my head at times. 
2010-08-30 5:32 PM
in reply to: #3069143

Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
kenj - 2010-08-28 12:40 PM

Copy of what I posted in my blog on my adventure in bike riding this morning!

Well I am no longer a bike wreck virgin!  We were just about finished with the group ride and turned into a parking lot to bypass a busy intersection when the front tire washed out and down I went.  Another rider went over top of me.  Fortunately all I appear to have at this point is a bruised ego and some road rash on my shoulder, elbow and hip.  All the damage to the bike was knocking brake levers out of place and twisting the bars on the stem.  Rode it back to the bike shop where they fixed it right up and I went off and put in another 12 or so miles.  I guess you know you are in ironman training when you wreck and laying on the concrete the first thought I had was whether this was going to mess up my long run tomorrow!

Glad to hear you're okay!
2010-08-30 5:37 PM
in reply to: #2769226

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2010-08-30 5:43 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
I'm still recovering from my achilles injury.  I've been lifting weights daily, and I've extended my return until October.  I hate not working out, but its been chronic and I really need to make sure its okay.  If it happens again I will more than likely go under the knife.

I got a sore shoulder from swimming which is a new one,  but I know why (crossing my arm over) and I should be back in the pool in a week.

I probably won't update my status again until I'm actually doing something.

Edited by furiousferret 2010-08-30 5:44 PM
2010-08-31 7:56 AM
in reply to: #3068496

Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
PennState - 2010-08-27 8:39 PM What are the group's off-season training plans?

Mine are not set in stone.  I've got this guy on one shoulder telling me to focus on the swim.  But I've got this guy on my other shoulder saying I've got more to get out of my bike and run... which would be greater than any time gains I get from a swim-focus off season.  I know we've discussed this (balance) ad nauseum, but it continues to be the hardest part of training philosophy for me.  While a KQ is definitely my target for next year, I'd also like to run 2010 miles in 2010... which means I need to run pretty much every day between now and the rest of the year (actually my little spreadsheet does give me 6 days off), which would mean swimming gets bumped on days where I can only squeeze in one workout.

With a June ironman next year, my "off season" will really be later this fall - I plan to be in full IM focus mode during the dark days of winter.

2010-08-31 8:49 AM
in reply to: #3072936

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2010-08-31 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2769226

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2010-08-31 10:01 AM
in reply to: #3073041

Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
PennState - 2010-08-31 7:49 AM  
Josh, have you heard of a guy named Josh Beck?

Tasr (James) knows him as he lives in Carlisle, PA. He just finished 7th overall at IMKY with a 1:20 swim!
You don't need balance to do well, but Beck is a super elite that would be better on the bike and run than most pro's (his bike split was the 2nd fastest overall counting pro's and he ran a 3:04 even split marathon in 90+ temps).

Not telling you not to swim, but that balance is somewhat over-rated.

That's an impressive marathon time regardless of any other splits.... wow.  I wonder if the guy is capable of doing a 1:05 swim but decided to conserve his energy instead?  I think we all often forget how much of a nutritional deficit we put ourselves in during the swim when we look back at our performance.  Often if we have a bad run we immediately jump to "I went too hard on the bike", but perhaps there's just as much (or more) truth in "I went to hard on the swim"?  

Just a thought... during the swim it's the beginning of a race, which like any race we tend to go too hard in the beginning.  We spike our HR too early, we can't hydrate, we can't refuel, we don't stop swimming (like we can coast on a bike), and we are still "feeling good" the entire portion of the swim and maybe not holding back like we should.  If you look at an IM vs a 50mile ultra... the first 6 miles of an ultra people are really holding themselves back, walking uphill, running at a casual pace on flats and letting gravity do the work on the downhills.  They know that by taking it very easy for those first 20miles, they will be able to make up more time in the last 20 miles.  I feel like we often forget just how much energy we burn when we swim just to be 5-10minutes faster, at the expense of how many minutes per mile during the run?  

I'm not saying going to hard on the bike isn't a factor, but perhaps there's more to be gained in the end by going 5-10minutes slower in the swim than there is in going .5-1mph slower on the bike?

2010-08-31 10:35 AM
in reply to: #3072198

Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
furiousferret - 2010-08-30 4:30 PM  

Thats a hell of a you ever concern yourself with wildlife out there?  I love trail running, but Mountain Lions and to a lesser extent Black Bears are out here and it messes with my head at times. 

I'm definitely aware of the mountain lions and bears.  I never run with music so hopefully that allows me to be more aware of my surroundings.  I also never do a run like that alone.  I know both of those have no impact with safety when dealing with a mountain lion since you'll neither hear or see them until they are lunging at your throat.  Somewhere there's a picture from a hunter who had one of those cameras out at night that took a picture when something moved down the trail... and it shows a deer walking down the trail completely oblivious to the mountain lion crouching behind him about to attack. (Unfortunately I can't find it)  But if one can sneak up behind a deer... I know I have no chance.

As for bears, for the most part they will stay away from you if they are aware you're there.  So having a friend with you were you're talking as you run helps.  But again, I'm still on the lookout subconsciously, because if you run down the trail and happen to have the mother on one side and her cub on the other side of the trail you've just put yourself in a very bad situation.

In terms of other wildlife, I've run within 5 feet of deer, including a pair a 5 point bucks.  I typically just talk to them as I approach... "Hi, what's up? I'm just going by" and they just look at you and typically take 2 or 3 jumps deeper into the brush as you approach.  Same thing goes with coyotes I've seen.  I've had the good fortune of noticing the snakes a few feet ahead so I could jump over them without stepping right next to them.

But with all that I knew it's likely there have been times I'm not even aware of where I stepped next to a snake or had a coyote or mountain lion uncomfortably close.  But I think most animals are more scared of you out there and as long as you give them the opportunity to get away they don't care much about you.  
2010-08-31 11:48 AM
in reply to: #3073349

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

zionvier - 2010-08-31 11:35 AM
furiousferret - 2010-08-30 4:30 PM  

Thats a hell of a you ever concern yourself with wildlife out there?  I love trail running, but Mountain Lions and to a lesser extent Black Bears are out here and it messes with my head at times. 

I'm definitely aware of the mountain lions and bears.  I never run with music so hopefully that allows me to be more aware of my surroundings.  I also never do a run like that alone.  I know both of those have no impact with safety when dealing with a mountain lion since you'll neither hear or see them until they are lunging at your throat.  Somewhere there's a picture from a hunter who had one of those cameras out at night that took a picture when something moved down the trail... and it shows a deer walking down the trail completely oblivious to the mountain lion crouching behind him about to attack. (Unfortunately I can't find it)  But if one can sneak up behind a deer... I know I have no chance.

As for bears, for the most part they will stay away from you if they are aware you're there.  So having a friend with you were you're talking as you run helps.  But again, I'm still on the lookout subconsciously, because if you run down the trail and happen to have the mother on one side and her cub on the other side of the trail you've just put yourself in a very bad situation.

In terms of other wildlife, I've run within 5 feet of deer, including a pair a 5 point bucks.  I typically just talk to them as I approach... "Hi, what's up? I'm just going by" and they just look at you and typically take 2 or 3 jumps deeper into the brush as you approach.  Same thing goes with coyotes I've seen.  I've had the good fortune of noticing the snakes a few feet ahead so I could jump over them without stepping right next to them.

But with all that I knew it's likely there have been times I'm not even aware of where I stepped next to a snake or had a coyote or mountain lion uncomfortably close.  But I think most animals are more scared of you out there and as long as you give them the opportunity to get away they don't care much about you.  

My advice is to run with slow people!  It has to be peaceful running off road like that!

2010-08-31 12:46 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
I have been training with my new tri group lately and it has been a very good thing for me. It is pushing me to get better on the bike and run but not putting me in the position of hurting myself. The ride group that I have been going out with on Saturdays have been averaging about 17-18 mph on a slow climb route. I'm hoping in the next 2-4 weeks that I'll find a way to keep on their wheels. I have a member (slidell4life) that has been helping me out and giving me motivation.

In a couple of weeks I'll start to integrate my 1/2 marathon training program into my tri training program so I can start to get the miles in for that in January. I think I'm at a good place right now with my training and I keep thinking, "What will I be like in a year from now?". It's exciting to think how far I will have come in just a year from coming off the couch.

I have decided that next year will be my HIM distance and then in 2012 I'll go after IMAZ. I know it's a long way out but I just don't think I will have the base set for an IMAZ 2011. I'll be 40 next year, so I'm still young.
2010-08-31 3:17 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Hey guys...just got back from vacation in Nashville for a couple days (friends wedding)...looks like i have some catching up to do on this thread! Hope ya'll are good!
2010-08-31 5:51 PM
in reply to: #3073825

Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
phxphotog - 2010-08-31 11:46 AM I have been training with my new tri group lately and it has been a very good thing for me. It is pushing me to get better on the bike and run but not putting me in the position of hurting myself. The ride group that I have been going out with on Saturdays have been averaging about 17-18 mph on a slow climb route. I'm hoping in the next 2-4 weeks that I'll find a way to keep on their wheels. I have a member (slidell4life) that has been helping me out and giving me motivation.

In a couple of weeks I'll start to integrate my 1/2 marathon training program into my tri training program so I can start to get the miles in for that in January. I think I'm at a good place right now with my training and I keep thinking, "What will I be like in a year from now?". It's exciting to think how far I will have come in just a year from coming off the couch.

I have decided that next year will be my HIM distance and then in 2012 I'll go after IMAZ. I know it's a long way out but I just don't think I will have the base set for an IMAZ 2011. I'll be 40 next year, so I'm still young.

I think focusing on HIMs for a year will make you perform a lot better at IMAZ in 2012.  I don't think 2 years is really THAT far out when dealing with distances like this.  You'll definitely be much happier with your performance doing it that way.

2010-09-01 5:58 PM
in reply to: #3073825

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2010-09-01 5:58 PM
in reply to: #3074324

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2010-09-02 6:41 PM
in reply to: #2769226

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2010-09-03 2:34 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Let's get it done Greg. You will be an Ironman. I'm jealous.

Got in 2 hours tonight at the gym and did the elliptical tonight instead of the treadmill to mix it up. I don't think I'll do it very often but it was nice to have a change. I ended up doing and hour on the elliptical and and hour on the stationary bike. I have a big 3 days coming up volume wise.
2010-09-03 7:42 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

Have a great race Greg!!!

2010-09-03 4:08 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Thanks guys, but my race is actually next week, September 12th. 

I am deep into my taper now, legs are dead but I guess this is a sign of healing/recovery.  I have reduced volume but kept up my normal intensity. 
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