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2012-03-10 7:15 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

I would love to use 'real' food when trying to deal with race (during) nutrition. I found these energy blocks that are organic, made from nuts, fig, greens, etc - they are 140 calories for two, which is great - but then 4.5 grams of fat which I think is not good at all - maybe these are best eaten before a workout as a quick breakfast if I'm in a pinch?

Wow, y'all are giving Immersion swimming some great props. I've watched some of the videos - and took an advanced swim class once - it helped so much but I think I've gotten away from the 'glide' ...when I was trusting the glide, my times were great and so was my energy at the end of my swims.

2012-03-10 10:09 PM
in reply to: #4043606

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
celticbass1 - 2012-02-12 8:53 PM


I'm not sure where you're from but there is a HIM in Columbus, Ohio September 23.  I know it isn't much earlier than the October Florida race but it is a little earlier.  I hear the course is pretty flat and water temps are typically in the low to mid 70's so wet suits will come in handy.  

Don't know if you read my previous threads but I'm taking the 20 week course and making it 40 weeks by doubling each week.  I do each week two times in succession.  I think near the end of the plan I will have to do some modification because I won't want to taper twice as long.  I think I average 5 workouts per week which means I miss a workout or two here and there but since I'm doubling the plan I figure I'll be okay.


Good luck with whatever race you decide on. 

which half in Cbus?
2012-03-10 10:24 PM
in reply to: #4089842

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
mrfranks_84 - 2012-03-10 11:19 AM
popsracer - 2012-03-08 12:49 PM
mrfranks_84 - 2012-03-08 9:18 AM

Congratulations, Jojo!  It sounds like you're doing amazing in and out of the water.

I finally healed up from my dentist appointment on Monday and hit the roads hard today.  Already rode my bike into work (~21mi in ~1 hr).  Going to ride my bike home as well but stop by my fun run group for a 5mi run before I get all the way home.  Thursday night bricks FTW!!!

so this is what grandpa meant about up hill both ways...

Glad to hear you're healed up and back at it.

You must live at the top of a hill or maybe just in a hurry to get to work.  That's flying.

Riding TO work isn't bad, only ~900ft of elevation climb.  But riding home is ~2200ft of elevation climb yet holds my fastest time so far this season (57:57, 21.35mph avg).  Granted I had the help of a nice tailwind all the way home.  Biking is defintely my strongest of the 3 sports but my run is starting to catch up this year.  Averaging a 7:45/mi on my runs the past month at RPE 5-6.

2012-03-10 10:37 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Well I am pretty pleased with progress so far.  I have only missed a few workouts and they were all due to the same issue, cut my hand open at work and missed 3 swims or possibly 4.  Missed one bike also.  Other than that I have been able to hit everything the day it calls for which has been tough working two jobs.  I started Feb 5th I believe, tomorrow is the first 2 hour ride day.

I printed out all 20 weeks and have them clipped together, I sign every workout when I am complete. It is my contract to myself.  For the days I missed I received no signature and drew a sad face


2012-03-10 11:55 PM
in reply to: #4090449

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
ajusf16 - 2012-03-10 10:37 PM

Well I am pretty pleased with progress so far.  I have only missed a few workouts and they were all due to the same issue, cut my hand open at work and missed 3 swims or possibly 4.  Missed one bike also.  Other than that I have been able to hit everything the day it calls for which has been tough working two jobs.  I started Feb 5th I believe, tomorrow is the first 2 hour ride day.

I printed out all 20 weeks and have them clipped together, I sign every workout when I am complete. It is my contract to myself.  For the days I missed I received no signature and drew a sad face


I think I started a week or two ahead of you - I've got an hour bike to do today (inside as home along with my daughter today) - I did fit in an extra OWS today - such a beautiful morning had to be done.  I went with a neighbour who is a great swimmer - he races ahead then comes back for me, made me go way out of my comfort zone and I think we did close on 3km.  Very happy with that.

I love that you sign the workouts and give yourself a sad face when you've not done them - that is sooooo what I do!  I pin mine to the wall at work and it gets highlighted and ticked when done!  Everyone thinks I'm mad!

2012-03-11 12:28 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Had a very wet 16 mile run this morning.  I'd rather run 16 outside in terrible conditions than 5 inside on the treadmill.  Is that wierd?

I made it through week 19.  I missed the speed swim workout, and the bike trainer and the long bike.  I have to sacrifice one of these for an intermediate run.  I've had an extra off day due to a late night rec. hockey game each week.  This weeks the last week for that, so I'm looking forward to the weeks ahead to work out 6 days a week.

Was able to get the bike out yestersay and did 8.6 easy miles.  Amazing how much more effort is required on the road than on the spin bike at the Y.  I have a lot of work to do on the bike.

2012-03-11 3:37 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Monday - public holiday here in Melbourne so I took advantage and went to the 5.15am swim squad and completed my FIRST EVER 4KM!!!!

warm up set with fins:

6x150 (50 free, 50 back, 50 breast)

No Fins main set

10x100 free style

5x100 free style with pull buoy and band


100 cool down.



2012-03-12 9:26 PM
in reply to: #4090910

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Week 13 "Super Endurance Day" 90 minute run, Speed swim (10 X 100 main set) I'm whipped Still managed to do a bunch of other stuff today as well. Finally finished at 10:17 PM. whew!  I run at one town's YMCA (25 minutes from home) and then drive 30 minutes further to swim at another town's YMCA (I also spin there). I like the fact that I'm overcoming challenges to get it done...these are just the tip of the iceberg (I deal with Chronic Migraine Syndrome, and some other physical challenges) what challenges are you all facing? OR, what inspired you to take this on?
2012-03-12 9:51 PM
in reply to: #4093241

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

gcoller - 2012-03-13 7:26 AM Week 13 "Super Endurance Day" 90 minute run, Speed swim (10 X 100 main set) I'm whipped Still managed to do a bunch of other stuff today as well. Finally finished at 10:17 PM. whew!  I run at one town's YMCA (25 minutes from home) and then drive 30 minutes further to swim at another town's YMCA (I also spin there). I like the fact that I'm overcoming challenges to get it done...these are just the tip of the iceberg (I deal with Chronic Migraine Syndrome, and some other physical challenges) what challenges are you all facing? OR, what inspired you to take this on?

Good job on the workouts.  That feels good throwing down on that!

I don't have the physical challenge other than short stature, but I think distance is what get's me motivated.  I want to conquer the distance first, then beat my time at that distance, second.

I started with marathon, now on to HIM, then on to IM.

2012-03-12 9:55 PM
in reply to: #4093241

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

gcoller - 2012-03-12 9:26 PM Week 13 "Super Endurance Day" 90 minute run, Speed swim (10 X 100 main set) I'm whipped Still managed to do a bunch of other stuff today as well. Finally finished at 10:17 PM. whew!  I run at one town's YMCA (25 minutes from home) and then drive 30 minutes further to swim at another town's YMCA (I also spin there). I like the fact that I'm overcoming challenges to get it done...these are just the tip of the iceberg (I deal with Chronic Migraine Syndrome, and some other physical challenges) what challenges are you all facing? OR, what inspired you to take this on?

no physical challenges thankfully - but time poor!  Full time job one hour's commute away, a 7 year old daughter, trying to be a good fair mother and wife but also give this HIM my best effort - and yes I want to do a full, either next year or 2014.  Man it's hard sometimes!

2012-03-12 10:00 PM
in reply to: #4089673

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
kevinbe - 2012-03-10 2:41 AM
bcraht - 2012-03-10 9:20 AM
kevinbe - 2012-03-09 7:55 PM

PrivateIdaho - 2012-03-10 2:55 AM Finished week 19 today with a seven mile (1:10) run.  Spring has finally arrived in these parts - 60 degress today!  First time I've run in just a t-shirt and running shorts since October - no layers, no gloves, no hats - it was awesome!

It was gorgeous out today.  I'm still running at 5:00 am though, and it was 30 this morning.  only had to wear 2 layers.  No hat or gloves though, that's always a bonus.

I started Total Imersion program 2 months ago.  I used to just put my head down and go, but I peaked at 2:00-2:15/ 100 on longer swims, and that didn't seem to improve.  I'm now trying to put TI principles into workout, but it is so different to what my normal stroke was, that it is difficult.  I was swimming 1- 1.4 mile long swims in the pool.  My times were not improving however.  I was at about a 42 min/ mi pace.  but now, I have been spending so much time pressing my bouy and working on technique drills, that I barely got in the 2400 this morning.  I do see and feel the benefit to the TI swimming drills, but am having a hard time getting them from the drill to my swim stroke, and feel like it's taking alot of time and effort to learn a new technique.  Does anyone here have experience and or advice in this area?

I did the first several TI drills when I started about 4 months ago.  Once I got to the triple zipper (or something like that) I just started swimming, because it was taking me forever as well.  Are you using the book?  My understanding is that they are teaching it a bit different now, ie more 'real' swimming earlier on (I seem to remember that you are basically told not to swim, just do drills in the beginning in the book).  Anyway, it did take awhile, but I have recently noted my times improving (from 2:15-2:20 to 1:55-2:00).  I feel sometimes like I take one step forward and two back, but then I seem to have a week of leaps forward.  Hopefully it will be the same for you.  Keep at it!  I recently joined a Masters swim as well, is that an option for you?

I am using the book.  I'm up to pressing buoy on the side.  Then I will go side to side, (triple zipper, I think).  What you wrote is basically how I feel with less swim.  Now when I go to do a set of 400, I get fatigued, and form starts to break up after 200.  Then I break the set with drills, and never really feel as though I'm gaining.  I swim early, and am limited to working out at certain times do to life/family commitments, so Masters may not be option.  Thank you for the encouragement.  It helps to hear someone who is working through it.

Drill baby drill!  I bet you are getting closer to this than ever before:! Stay with and we will be watching your video!

2012-03-13 11:15 AM
in reply to: #4093276

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Washington D.C.
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
jobaxas - 2012-03-12 10:55 PM

gcoller - 2012-03-12 9:26 PM Week 13 "Super Endurance Day" 90 minute run, Speed swim (10 X 100 main set) I'm whipped Still managed to do a bunch of other stuff today as well. Finally finished at 10:17 PM. whew!  I run at one town's YMCA (25 minutes from home) and then drive 30 minutes further to swim at another town's YMCA (I also spin there). I like the fact that I'm overcoming challenges to get it done...these are just the tip of the iceberg (I deal with Chronic Migraine Syndrome, and some other physical challenges) what challenges are you all facing? OR, what inspired you to take this on?

no physical challenges thankfully - but time poor!  Full time job one hour's commute away, a 7 year old daughter, trying to be a good fair mother and wife but also give this HIM my best effort - and yes I want to do a full, either next year or 2014.  Man it's hard sometimes!

I'm in Jojo's situation as well.  No physical handicaps but severly time handicapped.  I'm active duty military and have a 39 week pregnant wife (about to pop any second!) so I squeeze in training when ever I can while keeping her happy & safe.  I tend to ride my bike to work as I posted about earlier, or I'll take the bus half way to work and run, and I squeeze in swims during lunch or with the Master's club on base (Wednesdays). 

2012-03-13 4:27 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
going on vacation next week so not sure how my training will be
2012-03-13 4:59 PM
in reply to: #4093276

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
jobaxas - 2012-03-12 7:55 PM

gcoller - 2012-03-12 9:26 PM Week 13 "Super Endurance Day" 90 minute run, Speed swim (10 X 100 main set) I'm whipped Still managed to do a bunch of other stuff today as well. Finally finished at 10:17 PM. whew!  I run at one town's YMCA (25 minutes from home) and then drive 30 minutes further to swim at another town's YMCA (I also spin there). I like the fact that I'm overcoming challenges to get it done...these are just the tip of the iceberg (I deal with Chronic Migraine Syndrome, and some other physical challenges) what challenges are you all facing? OR, what inspired you to take this on?

no physical challenges thankfully - but time poor!  Full time job one hour's commute away, a 7 year old daughter, trying to be a good fair mother and wife but also give this HIM my best effort - and yes I want to do a full, either next year or 2014.  Man it's hard sometimes!

Interesting that you post this, as I was going to ask how you manage it all.  You have mentioned in other posts about being a wife and mother, and yet you seem to be able to fit all your workouts in, and have improved so much in swimming.  I am just starting the HIM plan this week, and already wonder how to make it all work.  I wonder how many of you are doing one workout in the AM and one in the PM?  Or do you do them both together?  If I do one in the AM, it means getting up pretty early, which means to bed early.  My SO often works in the evening, so that means we get to spend no time together...  I can't imagine doing this with kids in the picture--ours are all 4-legged and furry and I can leave them home alone when I go workout...

2012-03-13 5:19 PM
in reply to: #4094823

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
bcraht - 2012-03-13 4:59 PM
jobaxas - 2012-03-12 7:55 PM

gcoller - 2012-03-12 9:26 PM Week 13 "Super Endurance Day" 90 minute run, Speed swim (10 X 100 main set) I'm whipped Still managed to do a bunch of other stuff today as well. Finally finished at 10:17 PM. whew!  I run at one town's YMCA (25 minutes from home) and then drive 30 minutes further to swim at another town's YMCA (I also spin there). I like the fact that I'm overcoming challenges to get it done...these are just the tip of the iceberg (I deal with Chronic Migraine Syndrome, and some other physical challenges) what challenges are you all facing? OR, what inspired you to take this on?

no physical challenges thankfully - but time poor!  Full time job one hour's commute away, a 7 year old daughter, trying to be a good fair mother and wife but also give this HIM my best effort - and yes I want to do a full, either next year or 2014.  Man it's hard sometimes!

Interesting that you post this, as I was going to ask how you manage it all.  You have mentioned in other posts about being a wife and mother, and yet you seem to be able to fit all your workouts in, and have improved so much in swimming.  I am just starting the HIM plan this week, and already wonder how to make it all work.  I wonder how many of you are doing one workout in the AM and one in the PM?  Or do you do them both together?  If I do one in the AM, it means getting up pretty early, which means to bed early.  My SO often works in the evening, so that means we get to spend no time together...  I can't imagine doing this with kids in the picture--ours are all 4-legged and furry and I can leave them home alone when I go workout...

I don't know how I manage it all to be honest - SO is very supportive!  I do workout in the mornings often at 4.30am - you will find once you start the program that you have more energy, I'm finding i need less sleep?

so my workouts are bike trainer is usually 4.30am any day I can.  Running - the shorter 30mins runs I can fit in my lunch break at work.  Swims, well I go to squad three times a week, two evenings and a Saturday afternoon.  any longer training is done on Friday evenings (my daughter goes to Greek school until 9pm so that's plenty of time), Saturdays and Sundays very early, I try to be out of the house by 5am and home by 8am to have family time.

Where there's a will there's a way.  I'm amazed that I fit it all in to be honest and what it's proved is that I have the dedication and will probably take it all the way to a Full Ironman in the near future.  It can be done.

2012-03-13 6:56 PM
in reply to: #4093241

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

gcoller - 2012-03-12 7:26 PM Week 13 "Super Endurance Day" 90 minute run, Speed swim (10 X 100 main set) I'm whipped Still managed to do a bunch of other stuff today as well. Finally finished at 10:17 PM. whew!  I run at one town's YMCA (25 minutes from home) and then drive 30 minutes further to swim at another town's YMCA (I also spin there). I like the fact that I'm overcoming challenges to get it done...these are just the tip of the iceberg (I deal with Chronic Migraine Syndrome, and some other physical challenges) what challenges are you all facing? OR, what inspired you to take this on?

That's quite a bit for one day.  I'm sure you will do well in your upcoming HIM.  I know how tough it is to keep it up sometimes especially with the migraines.  I think it's great that you can rise above it and do what you do.

As for myself, I think I could write a book.  Interesting timing on your question as I was in Seattle yesterday getting an MRI, CT Scan, and lab tests as part of my quarterly post-cancer screen.  Today I met with my oncologist to review and it looks like I'm good for another three months.  Now I can make my travel plans for my two big races this year.  I have to register early to get in but I usually wait until I know I'll be around before buying airline tickets and deposits on hotels.

Two and a half years ago, end of the summer, I was training for my third HIM of the season and had a nagging pain in my abdomen.  It was a rare, aggressive form of cancer that had grown aroung my kidney and large intestine.  I was gutted like a fish twice as they cut it out along with as much marginal tissue as possible.  Since I was in good shape they treated me very aggressively with radiation and chemo over the next six months.  I could hardly walk after getting home from the first surgeries but after a few weeks managed to get on my trainer for a few minutes.  I almost cried when I half climbed, half fell off it because at that moment I knew I'd be back doing what I loved.  After chemo, which really wiped me out, I started walking a few blocks at a time with my sister.  I had to use a cane.  Worked up to running a few blocks.  Than a mile.  Than a 5k two months later.

Fast forward a year (last summer) did an HIM and followed that with a full IM two months later.  I still have a lot of abdominal pain from the scar tissue and some nerve damage in my thigh but could not be happier for being given a second chance.  I lot of people prayed for me for months and I truly believe that those prayers were answered.  I only had a 5% chance of survival and if not for the will of God I'd never have made it much less be able to swim, bike, run again.

Edited by popsracer 2012-03-13 6:58 PM

2012-03-13 7:35 PM
in reply to: #4094961

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in a van, down by the river
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

popsracer - 2012-03-13 7:56 PM\ I lot of people prayed for me for months and I truly believe that those prayers were answered.  I only had a 5% chance of survival and if not for the will of God I'd never have made it much less be able to swim, bike, run again.


Amen, brother.  Good for you, being able to share this.   Wow.

2012-03-13 7:50 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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in a van, down by the river
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Day 64, boy did my run suck today.   I went around our lake, 4.6 miles and really struggled with pace, ended up around 9:50 pace with some walking and some difficult negotiations with my training partner "the quit voice".  Felt like sh*t.


I didn't run much last week, was in Miami racing sailboats (read: major party) and of course the event was sponsored by various alcohol manufacturers, not that I went crazy because I didnt BUT seriously only a 5 day break from running and I feel like crap ?   How do you explain this ?


I've never been  faster than 9:00 on my casual training runs but never struggled as much either.  BPM was higher too.  Hum.


And I"ve got a 5K coming up saturday, doesnt matter much but still...


2012-03-13 9:09 PM
in reply to: #4094961

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
popsracer - 2012-03-13 6:56 PM


That's quite a bit for one day.  I'm sure you will do well in your upcoming HIM.  I know how tough it is to keep it up sometimes especially with the migraines.  I think it's great that you can rise above it and do what you do.

As for myself, I think I could write a book.  Interesting timing on your question as I was in Seattle yesterday getting an MRI, CT Scan, and lab tests as part of my quarterly post-cancer screen.  Today I met with my oncologist to review and it looks like I'm good for another three months.  Now I can make my travel plans for my two big races this year.  I have to register early to get in but I usually wait until I know I'll be around before buying airline tickets and deposits on hotels.

Two and a half years ago, end of the summer, I was training for my third HIM of the season and had a nagging pain in my abdomen.  It was a rare, aggressive form of cancer that had grown aroung my kidney and large intestine.  I was gutted like a fish twice as they cut it out along with as much marginal tissue as possible.  Since I was in good shape they treated me very aggressively with radiation and chemo over the next six months.  I could hardly walk after getting home from the first surgeries but after a few weeks managed to get on my trainer for a few minutes.  I almost cried when I half climbed, half fell off it because at that moment I knew I'd be back doing what I loved.  After chemo, which really wiped me out, I started walking a few blocks at a time with my sister.  I had to use a cane.  Worked up to running a few blocks.  Than a mile.  Than a 5k two months later.

Fast forward a year (last summer) did an HIM and followed that with a full IM two months later.  I still have a lot of abdominal pain from the scar tissue and some nerve damage in my thigh but could not be happier for being given a second chance.  I lot of people prayed for me for months and I truly believe that those prayers were answered.  I only had a 5% chance of survival and if not for the will of God I'd never have made it much less be able to swim, bike, run again.

This is truly amazing - you all inspire me, and to then encourage ME - so great! I asked the question because I have conjectured that people in general are overcoming amazing challenges all around us and we may never know. Some  share, some  don't. I'm honored to hear about the challenges that were shared - cancer sucks. Icemanscott on BT talks about his battles with cancer - and his successes as well. Being a mom, working long hours, battling addictions, diseases - we get to enjoy s/b/r today, and that is a good thing

Today, a much older gentlemen actually challenged me to a race in the pool - he almost beat me - thank God I have my flip-turns down I'm psyched to have met him and we plan on swimming at the same time again next week. I was just thinking that I  needed a swim pal. Life is good.

Edited by gcoller 2012-03-13 9:11 PM
2012-03-13 9:30 PM
in reply to: #4094823

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
bcraht - 2012-03-13 4:59 PM
jobaxas - 2012-03-12 7:55 PM

gcoller - 2012-03-12 9:26 PM Week 13 "Super Endurance Day" 90 minute run, Speed swim (10 X 100 main set) I'm whipped Still managed to do a bunch of other stuff today as well. Finally finished at 10:17 PM. whew!  I run at one town's YMCA (25 minutes from home) and then drive 30 minutes further to swim at another town's YMCA (I also spin there). I like the fact that I'm overcoming challenges to get it done...these are just the tip of the iceberg (I deal with Chronic Migraine Syndrome, and some other physical challenges) what challenges are you all facing? OR, what inspired you to take this on?

no physical challenges thankfully - but time poor!  Full time job one hour's commute away, a 7 year old daughter, trying to be a good fair mother and wife but also give this HIM my best effort - and yes I want to do a full, either next year or 2014.  Man it's hard sometimes!

Interesting that you post this, as I was going to ask how you manage it all.  You have mentioned in other posts about being a wife and mother, and yet you seem to be able to fit all your workouts in, and have improved so much in swimming.  I am just starting the HIM plan this week, and already wonder how to make it all work.  I wonder how many of you are doing one workout in the AM and one in the PM?  Or do you do them both together?  If I do one in the AM, it means getting up pretty early, which means to bed early.  My SO often works in the evening, so that means we get to spend no time together...  I can't imagine doing this with kids in the picture--ours are all 4-legged and furry and I can leave them home alone when I go workout...



So funny, I was just talking about this today with my brother.  I told him that race day is a definite challenge but for me the real challenge is fitting in all the training up until then.  He says it's only a max of 14-15 hours a week to train for a full, so next year, that is supposed to be my goal.  I attempted to explain the guilt that comes with being a full time working mother who also really wants to do triathlon.  I have two kids, 7 and 4 and I want them to be active and I want to set a good example.  My dilemma I setting a good example or am I just taking away valuable time with them (they grow up so fast).

Anyway...I have been doing two early mornings a week.  On those days,  I do one workout in the morning and a second at night.  Sometimes, the night time workout is before the kids go to bed and sometimes after.  Often times they are downstairs with me either riding their bikes or just messing around.  I haven't figured out how I will modify this schedule when my husband is out of town and when the time spent training picks up.  I have to take this one day at a time.

2012-03-13 10:07 PM
in reply to: #4094961

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
popsracer - 2012-03-13 4:56 PM

gcoller - 2012-03-12 7:26 PM Week 13 "Super Endurance Day" 90 minute run, Speed swim (10 X 100 main set) I'm whipped Still managed to do a bunch of other stuff today as well. Finally finished at 10:17 PM. whew!  I run at one town's YMCA (25 minutes from home) and then drive 30 minutes further to swim at another town's YMCA (I also spin there). I like the fact that I'm overcoming challenges to get it done...these are just the tip of the iceberg (I deal with Chronic Migraine Syndrome, and some other physical challenges) what challenges are you all facing? OR, what inspired you to take this on?

That's quite a bit for one day.  I'm sure you will do well in your upcoming HIM.  I know how tough it is to keep it up sometimes especially with the migraines.  I think it's great that you can rise above it and do what you do.

As for myself, I think I could write a book.  Interesting timing on your question as I was in Seattle yesterday getting an MRI, CT Scan, and lab tests as part of my quarterly post-cancer screen.  Today I met with my oncologist to review and it looks like I'm good for another three months.  Now I can make my travel plans for my two big races this year.  I have to register early to get in but I usually wait until I know I'll be around before buying airline tickets and deposits on hotels.

Two and a half years ago, end of the summer, I was training for my third HIM of the season and had a nagging pain in my abdomen.  It was a rare, aggressive form of cancer that had grown aroung my kidney and large intestine.  I was gutted like a fish twice as they cut it out along with as much marginal tissue as possible.  Since I was in good shape they treated me very aggressively with radiation and chemo over the next six months.  I could hardly walk after getting home from the first surgeries but after a few weeks managed to get on my trainer for a few minutes.  I almost cried when I half climbed, half fell off it because at that moment I knew I'd be back doing what I loved.  After chemo, which really wiped me out, I started walking a few blocks at a time with my sister.  I had to use a cane.  Worked up to running a few blocks.  Than a mile.  Than a 5k two months later.

Fast forward a year (last summer) did an HIM and followed that with a full IM two months later.  I still have a lot of abdominal pain from the scar tissue and some nerve damage in my thigh but could not be happier for being given a second chance.  I lot of people prayed for me for months and I truly believe that those prayers were answered.  I only had a 5% chance of survival and if not for the will of God I'd never have made it much less be able to swim, bike, run again.

WOW.  I teared up reading this, but especially I almost cried when I half climbed, half fell off it because at that moment I knew I'd be back doing what I loved.  I get so humbled by those who look at the challenges thrown at them, whether migranes, cancer or physical challenges, and say "Hell no!" and fight for their dreams. 

What inspired me to take this on?  It's just something I always wanted to do.  What inspires me to keep going?  Those of you who have had to fight to do so.  Thank you for the honour of hearing your stories.

2012-03-13 10:09 PM
in reply to: #4095017

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Americanfatass - 2012-03-14 5:35 AM

popsracer - 2012-03-13 7:56 PM\ I lot of people prayed for me for months and I truly believe that those prayers were answered.  I only had a 5% chance of survival and if not for the will of God I'd never have made it much less be able to swim, bike, run again.


Amen, brother.  Good for you, being able to share this.   Wow.


WOW!  That's a Miracle.

2012-03-13 10:16 PM
in reply to: #4095191

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
JKreuzig - 2012-03-13 7:30 PM
bcraht - 2012-03-13 4:59 PM
jobaxas - 2012-03-12 7:55 PM

gcoller - 2012-03-12 9:26 PM Week 13 "Super Endurance Day" 90 minute run, Speed swim (10 X 100 main set) I'm whipped Still managed to do a bunch of other stuff today as well. Finally finished at 10:17 PM. whew!  I run at one town's YMCA (25 minutes from home) and then drive 30 minutes further to swim at another town's YMCA (I also spin there). I like the fact that I'm overcoming challenges to get it done...these are just the tip of the iceberg (I deal with Chronic Migraine Syndrome, and some other physical challenges) what challenges are you all facing? OR, what inspired you to take this on?

no physical challenges thankfully - but time poor!  Full time job one hour's commute away, a 7 year old daughter, trying to be a good fair mother and wife but also give this HIM my best effort - and yes I want to do a full, either next year or 2014.  Man it's hard sometimes!

Interesting that you post this, as I was going to ask how you manage it all.  You have mentioned in other posts about being a wife and mother, and yet you seem to be able to fit all your workouts in, and have improved so much in swimming.  I am just starting the HIM plan this week, and already wonder how to make it all work.  I wonder how many of you are doing one workout in the AM and one in the PM?  Or do you do them both together?  If I do one in the AM, it means getting up pretty early, which means to bed early.  My SO often works in the evening, so that means we get to spend no time together...  I can't imagine doing this with kids in the picture--ours are all 4-legged and furry and I can leave them home alone when I go workout...



So funny, I was just talking about this today with my brother.  I told him that race day is a definite challenge but for me the real challenge is fitting in all the training up until then.  He says it's only a max of 14-15 hours a week to train for a full, so next year, that is supposed to be my goal.  I attempted to explain the guilt that comes with being a full time working mother who also really wants to do triathlon.  I have two kids, 7 and 4 and I want them to be active and I want to set a good example.  My dilemma I setting a good example or am I just taking away valuable time with them (they grow up so fast).

Anyway...I have been doing two early mornings a week.  On those days,  I do one workout in the morning and a second at night.  Sometimes, the night time workout is before the kids go to bed and sometimes after.  Often times they are downstairs with me either riding their bikes or just messing around.  I haven't figured out how I will modify this schedule when my husband is out of town and when the time spent training picks up.  I have to take this one day at a time.

I guess one day at a time is the key.  Thanks for that.  I have gotten much better at being ok when I have to miss a workout too, so I am sure it will be fine.  I guess you just find ways to make it work.  Actually, I found a tri in the same town and on the same weekend as a dog agility trial (SO runs agility with the dogs), so we will make a weekend trip out of it.  Thinking outside the box!  Thanks for responses!

2012-03-13 10:36 PM
in reply to: #4095237

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
bcraht - 2012-03-13 10:07 PM
popsracer - 2012-03-13 4:56 PM

gcoller - 2012-03-12 7:26 PM Week 13 "Super Endurance Day" 90 minute run, Speed swim (10 X 100 main set) I'm whipped Still managed to do a bunch of other stuff today as well. Finally finished at 10:17 PM. whew!  I run at one town's YMCA (25 minutes from home) and then drive 30 minutes further to swim at another town's YMCA (I also spin there). I like the fact that I'm overcoming challenges to get it done...these are just the tip of the iceberg (I deal with Chronic Migraine Syndrome, and some other physical challenges) what challenges are you all facing? OR, what inspired you to take this on?

That's quite a bit for one day.  I'm sure you will do well in your upcoming HIM.  I know how tough it is to keep it up sometimes especially with the migraines.  I think it's great that you can rise above it and do what you do.

As for myself, I think I could write a book.  Interesting timing on your question as I was in Seattle yesterday getting an MRI, CT Scan, and lab tests as part of my quarterly post-cancer screen.  Today I met with my oncologist to review and it looks like I'm good for another three months.  Now I can make my travel plans for my two big races this year.  I have to register early to get in but I usually wait until I know I'll be around before buying airline tickets and deposits on hotels.

Two and a half years ago, end of the summer, I was training for my third HIM of the season and had a nagging pain in my abdomen.  It was a rare, aggressive form of cancer that had grown aroung my kidney and large intestine.  I was gutted like a fish twice as they cut it out along with as much marginal tissue as possible.  Since I was in good shape they treated me very aggressively with radiation and chemo over the next six months.  I could hardly walk after getting home from the first surgeries but after a few weeks managed to get on my trainer for a few minutes.  I almost cried when I half climbed, half fell off it because at that moment I knew I'd be back doing what I loved.  After chemo, which really wiped me out, I started walking a few blocks at a time with my sister.  I had to use a cane.  Worked up to running a few blocks.  Than a mile.  Than a 5k two months later.

Fast forward a year (last summer) did an HIM and followed that with a full IM two months later.  I still have a lot of abdominal pain from the scar tissue and some nerve damage in my thigh but could not be happier for being given a second chance.  I lot of people prayed for me for months and I truly believe that those prayers were answered.  I only had a 5% chance of survival and if not for the will of God I'd never have made it much less be able to swim, bike, run again.

WOW.  I teared up reading this, but especially I almost cried when I half climbed, half fell off it because at that moment I knew I'd be back doing what I loved.  I get so humbled by those who look at the challenges thrown at them, whether migranes, cancer or physical challenges, and say "Hell no!" and fight for their dreams. 

What inspired me to take this on?  It's just something I always wanted to do.  What inspires me to keep going?  Those of you who have had to fight to do so.  Thank you for the honour of hearing your stories.

I think one of the things that inspires me most and motivates me is I can do this - so many people out there really would love to but CAN'T.  We are lucky we need to take advantage of our opportunities. 

PopsRacer - you got me, bring on that full Ironman, I've been umming and aahing about it - can I?  Training all those hours - of course I can.  Thanks!!!!!!

2012-03-13 11:29 PM
in reply to: #4094961

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
popsracer - 2012-03-13 4:56 PM

Fast forward a year (last summer) did an HIM and followed that with a full IM two months later.  I still have a lot of abdominal pain from the scar tissue and some nerve damage in my thigh but could not be happier for being given a second chance.  I lot of people prayed for me for months and I truly believe that those prayers were answered.  I only had a 5% chance of survival and if not for the will of God I'd never have made it much less be able to swim, bike, run again.

Dude, that is one heck of an inspire.  I'm gonna bookmark this page and read it over and over.  I'm gonna read it when I'm tired and think I can't go on, I'm gonna read it when I'm injured and think life's unfair, I'm gonna read it and thank God for the health of my family.

That is the most inspirational thing I've read in the year and half I have been on this site.  Get out there right now and do your 90 second "Kona Inspired" video - you've earned a trip to the big dance.

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