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2012-03-14 12:00 AM
in reply to: #4095332

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
PrivateIdaho - 2012-03-13 11:29 PM
popsracer - 2012-03-13 4:56 PM

Fast forward a year (last summer) did an HIM and followed that with a full IM two months later.  I still have a lot of abdominal pain from the scar tissue and some nerve damage in my thigh but could not be happier for being given a second chance.  I lot of people prayed for me for months and I truly believe that those prayers were answered.  I only had a 5% chance of survival and if not for the will of God I'd never have made it much less be able to swim, bike, run again.

Dude, that is one heck of an inspire.  I'm gonna bookmark this page and read it over and over.  I'm gonna read it when I'm tired and think I can't go on, I'm gonna read it when I'm injured and think life's unfair, I'm gonna read it and thank God for the health of my family.

That is the most inspirational thing I've read in the year and half I have been on this site.  Get out there right now and do your 90 second "Kona Inspired" video - you've earned a trip to the big dance.

x 1000,000,000.

2012-03-14 12:20 AM
in reply to: #4095358

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2012-03-14 5:25 PM
in reply to: #3052895

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

A beautiful Melbourne autumn/fall day yesterday - I got to the beach by 6pm - squad starts at 6.30 so I got the sleeveless wettie on and dove in.  I swam a 1km set on my own, loved it - ocean was flat and chilly.

After that I joined the squad for a 'long race', we did over a 1km including round the shipwreck - I even enjoyed that last night.  Got on the toes of another girl who is a little slower than me but I enjoyed the ride!  Then 200m from where we had to finish I powered past her and 5 others.  Coach Johnny very pleased with my progress.

All up i did about 3km - happy days.  Only one more open water squad left then it's back in the pool.


2012-03-14 6:44 PM
in reply to: #4095039

Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Americanfatass - 2012-03-14 5:50 AM

Day 64, boy did my run suck today.   I went around our lake, 4.6 miles and really struggled with pace, ended up around 9:50 pace with some walking and some difficult negotiations with my training partner "the quit voice".  Felt like sh*t.


I didn't run much last week, was in Miami racing sailboats (read: major party) and of course the event was sponsored by various alcohol manufacturers, not that I went crazy because I didnt BUT seriously only a 5 day break from running and I feel like crap ?   How do you explain this ?


I've never been  faster than 9:00 on my casual training runs but never struggled as much either.  BPM was higher too.  Hum.


And I"ve got a 5K coming up saturday, doesnt matter much but still...


Just chalk it up to a bad run.  It's not a pattern.  maybe you were tired from the travels.  It may take a run or two to get back into it, and you'll get your legs back.  No worries.

2012-03-14 6:51 PM
in reply to: #4093286

Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
SportzVision - 2012-03-13 8:00 AM
kevinbe - 2012-03-10 2:41 AM
bcraht - 2012-03-10 9:20 AM
kevinbe - 2012-03-09 7:55 PM

PrivateIdaho - 2012-03-10 2:55 AM Finished week 19 today with a seven mile (1:10) run.  Spring has finally arrived in these parts - 60 degress today!  First time I've run in just a t-shirt and running shorts since October - no layers, no gloves, no hats - it was awesome!

It was gorgeous out today.  I'm still running at 5:00 am though, and it was 30 this morning.  only had to wear 2 layers.  No hat or gloves though, that's always a bonus.

I started Total Imersion program 2 months ago.  I used to just put my head down and go, but I peaked at 2:00-2:15/ 100 on longer swims, and that didn't seem to improve.  I'm now trying to put TI principles into workout, but it is so different to what my normal stroke was, that it is difficult.  I was swimming 1- 1.4 mile long swims in the pool.  My times were not improving however.  I was at about a 42 min/ mi pace.  but now, I have been spending so much time pressing my bouy and working on technique drills, that I barely got in the 2400 this morning.  I do see and feel the benefit to the TI swimming drills, but am having a hard time getting them from the drill to my swim stroke, and feel like it's taking alot of time and effort to learn a new technique.  Does anyone here have experience and or advice in this area?

I did the first several TI drills when I started about 4 months ago.  Once I got to the triple zipper (or something like that) I just started swimming, because it was taking me forever as well.  Are you using the book?  My understanding is that they are teaching it a bit different now, ie more 'real' swimming earlier on (I seem to remember that you are basically told not to swim, just do drills in the beginning in the book).  Anyway, it did take awhile, but I have recently noted my times improving (from 2:15-2:20 to 1:55-2:00).  I feel sometimes like I take one step forward and two back, but then I seem to have a week of leaps forward.  Hopefully it will be the same for you.  Keep at it!  I recently joined a Masters swim as well, is that an option for you?

I am using the book.  I'm up to pressing buoy on the side.  Then I will go side to side, (triple zipper, I think).  What you wrote is basically how I feel with less swim.  Now when I go to do a set of 400, I get fatigued, and form starts to break up after 200.  Then I break the set with drills, and never really feel as though I'm gaining.  I swim early, and am limited to working out at certain times do to life/family commitments, so Masters may not be option.  Thank you for the encouragement.  It helps to hear someone who is working through it.

Drill baby drill!  I bet you are getting closer to this than ever before:! Stay with and we will be watching your video!

Thanks for this Sportzvision.  I was thinking of this on my 4x500 swim today.  I did them in 11:20, 11:30, 11:10, and 11:40.  Only my second real swim since TI drills a month ago, and I swam the entire set w/o having to stop and correct form issues.  Sore as h$ll, but better for it. 

Had a 5.5 mile recovery run afterwards at 8:01/mi pace.

11.6 miler tomorrow.

2012-03-14 10:21 PM
in reply to: #4095039

Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Americanfatass - 2012-03-13 5:50 PM

Day 64, boy did my run suck today.   I went around our lake, 4.6 miles and really struggled with pace, ended up around 9:50 pace with some walking and some difficult negotiations with my training partner "the quit voice".  Felt like sh*t.


I didn't run much last week, was in Miami racing sailboats (read: major party) and of course the event was sponsored by various alcohol manufacturers, not that I went crazy because I didnt BUT seriously only a 5 day break from running and I feel like crap ?   How do you explain this ?


I've never been  faster than 9:00 on my casual training runs but never struggled as much either.  BPM was higher too.  Hum.


And I"ve got a 5K coming up saturday, doesnt matter much but still...


Racing sailboats in the sun sounds like a blast.  What a good time! 

It's pretty normal to feel a little stale after taking some time off.  I usually feel a lot better the day after a short run than after time off.  That's why it's better to take a day off two days before a race and do a short workout the day before a race.

2012-03-14 10:32 PM
in reply to: #4095332

Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
PrivateIdaho - 2012-03-13 9:29 PM
popsracer - 2012-03-13 4:56 PM

Fast forward a year (last summer) did an HIM and followed that with a full IM two months later.  I still have a lot of abdominal pain from the scar tissue and some nerve damage in my thigh but could not be happier for being given a second chance.  I lot of people prayed for me for months and I truly believe that those prayers were answered.  I only had a 5% chance of survival and if not for the will of God I'd never have made it much less be able to swim, bike, run again.

Dude, that is one heck of an inspire.  I'm gonna bookmark this page and read it over and over.  I'm gonna read it when I'm tired and think I can't go on, I'm gonna read it when I'm injured and think life's unfair, I'm gonna read it and thank God for the health of my family.

That is the most inspirational thing I've read in the year and half I have been on this site.  Get out there right now and do your 90 second "Kona Inspired" video - you've earned a trip to the big dance.

Good health is the one of the most precious things we have with nobody owing us as much as a single breathe.  In my house, we thank God every day for it.

I'm thinking about doing a video.  I guess I've already done the hard part.Smile

2012-03-14 10:43 PM
in reply to: #3052895

Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

I really needed this recovery week.  With the extra rest I am feeling so much stronger.  I think I was pushing it to the limit over the past weeks and was really worn out.  Sometimes it's hard to back off but so necessary.

I am dreading the 1000 yard time trial on Friday.  I know it's going to hurt.

2012-03-15 12:51 PM
in reply to: #4096978

in a van, down by the river
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group



I thijnk it's more than being a "bit stale",  It's my nature to try and power through this, so yesterday I did a 4 mile run to the pool, swam 800 and ran the 4 miles back home.    


Garmin data, shows maybe I have something up.  I'm at least a minute - 1:30 slower (due to needing to walk) than normal and my HR was through the roof the whole time.  Average HR 190, (I'm 44 years old, normally run  9:15 pace around 150-160HR).


Does this mean I'm sick ?    How reliable is the HR data on my garmin 310 ?   190 for an average seems nuts, but the 230 peak (many of 'em indiciated) seems like I woulda had a cardiac event if it were true.

I've definetly not felt well all week, bit nauseous and stuff, but are these numbers as off the chart as they seem ?


Thoughts ?  Should I go swim and keep working through it ?      5K on Saturday OK for me to do as planned ?

Edited by Americanfatass 2012-03-15 12:53 PM
2012-03-15 1:16 PM
in reply to: #4097867

Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Americanfatass - 2012-03-15 10:51 AM



I thijnk it's more than being a "bit stale",  It's my nature to try and power through this, so yesterday I did a 4 mile run to the pool, swam 800 and ran the 4 miles back home.    


Garmin data, shows maybe I have something up.  I'm at least a minute - 1:30 slower (due to needing to walk) than normal and my HR was through the roof the whole time.  Average HR 190, (I'm 44 years old, normally run  9:15 pace around 150-160HR).


Does this mean I'm sick ?    How reliable is the HR data on my garmin 310 ?   190 for an average seems nuts, but the 230 peak (many of 'em indiciated) seems like I woulda had a cardiac event if it were true.

I've definetly not felt well all week, bit nauseous and stuff, but are these numbers as off the chart as they seem ?


Thoughts ?  Should I go swim and keep working through it ?      5K on Saturday OK for me to do as planned ?

That is a pretty big drop and the HR is a bit high.  I do not know how accurate the Garmin HR stuff is as I don't use it.  You could double check the accuracy by just taking your own pulse periodically especially when it is at an elevated state.  The fact that you haven't felt well and have been nauseous certainly would affect this more than being stale from inactivity.

What do you have planned for today and tomorrow?  If it were me, I'd proceed cautiously and use the next two days to gauge what is going on.  Maybe ease back your effort a bit and see if things are getting better or not.  Decide on the 5k based on that.  Hope you feel better.


2012-03-15 1:44 PM
in reply to: #4097867

Lincoln, NE
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Americanfatass - 2012-03-15 12:51 PM



I thijnk it's more than being a "bit stale",  It's my nature to try and power through this, so yesterday I did a 4 mile run to the pool, swam 800 and ran the 4 miles back home.    


Garmin data, shows maybe I have something up.  I'm at least a minute - 1:30 slower (due to needing to walk) than normal and my HR was through the roof the whole time.  Average HR 190, (I'm 44 years old, normally run  9:15 pace around 150-160HR).


Does this mean I'm sick ?    How reliable is the HR data on my garmin 310 ?   190 for an average seems nuts, but the 230 peak (many of 'em indiciated) seems like I woulda had a cardiac event if it were true.

I've definetly not felt well all week, bit nauseous and stuff, but are these numbers as off the chart as they seem ?


Thoughts ?  Should I go swim and keep working through it ?      5K on Saturday OK for me to do as planned ?


I use Garmin HR all the time and mine are usually pretty accurate. Did you feel a lot more winded/tired? If you're ave hr is around 160 when running you would definitely notice an extra 30 bpm. I've had times where my monitor was off but it was reading lower than it actually was and found out the strap was too loose but I've never had mine read too high. Might need to do a hard reset of your watch (not sure of the procedure but i think it's pretty simple).

2012-03-16 7:07 AM
in reply to: #3052895

Washington D.C.
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Scheduled a bike/run brick yesterday.  Figured I'd bike to my local running store where we meet up on Thursdays for a fun run.  I show up on my bike and find out that the fun run was actually a St. Patty's Bar Crawl that night.  It ended up being a 4mi run to 5 diffferent bars. 

BEST BRICK EVER!!!  Tongue out

2012-03-16 4:51 PM
in reply to: #3052895

Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

I am so thrilled.  Just did my 1000 yard time trial that I was dreading.  PR was 17:50, hoped to do 17:30, came in at 16:50!!  I think it was my best swim ever.  I was worried about pacing it properly and might have gone out a little hard as I threw up a little in my mouth about halfway through but focused on maintaining good form throughout and finished strong.

Next week starts the focus weeks with swim up first.  There is no way I can swim six times per the plan.  I have four sessions planned which I think is plenty.  It's good timing because I'm running a marathon in two weeks so this gives me a bit of leg taper.  I have no real time goals for the marathon other than to just enjoy the experience.  It is something I'm doing with my daughter.  Very special time together.

Edited by popsracer 2012-03-16 4:52 PM
2012-03-16 6:01 PM
in reply to: #4099978

Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
popsracer - 2012-03-17 2:51 AM

I am so thrilled.  Just did my 1000 yard time trial that I was dreading.  PR was 17:50, hoped to do 17:30, came in at 16:50!!  I think it was my best swim ever.  I was worried about pacing it properly and might have gone out a little hard as I threw up a little in my mouth about halfway through but focused on maintaining good form throughout and finished strong.

Next week starts the focus weeks with swim up first.  There is no way I can swim six times per the plan.  I have four sessions planned which I think is plenty.  It's good timing because I'm running a marathon in two weeks so this gives me a bit of leg taper.  I have no real time goals for the marathon other than to just enjoy the experience.  It is something I'm doing with my daughter.  Very special time together.

That's an AWESOME time man!  Wow. 

Good Job getting your daughter involved.  That sounds awesome.  I hope to do the same one day.  Mine are 6, and 2, so I have a few years yet.

2012-03-16 6:06 PM
in reply to: #3052895

Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

On the subject of pr's, I got my 11.6 miler in at 1:32:37.  previous best time this year on this run was 1:42, and pr was 1:35 in 2010.  I ran it today at goal race pace of 8:00/mile.  Hoping to be able to extend this pace for marathon in mid May, but a lot of work to go and very little time to get it in.  I start week 16 of the plan next week.  Looking forward to my first week of working out 6 days instead of 5.

2012-03-16 6:18 PM
in reply to: #4100036

Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
kevinbe - 2012-03-16 4:01 PM
popsracer - 2012-03-17 2:51 AM

I am so thrilled.  Just did my 1000 yard time trial that I was dreading.  PR was 17:50, hoped to do 17:30, came in at 16:50!!  I think it was my best swim ever.  I was worried about pacing it properly and might have gone out a little hard as I threw up a little in my mouth about halfway through but focused on maintaining good form throughout and finished strong.

Next week starts the focus weeks with swim up first.  There is no way I can swim six times per the plan.  I have four sessions planned which I think is plenty.  It's good timing because I'm running a marathon in two weeks so this gives me a bit of leg taper.  I have no real time goals for the marathon other than to just enjoy the experience.  It is something I'm doing with my daughter.  Very special time together.

That's an AWESOME time man!  Wow. 

Good Job getting your daughter involved.  That sounds awesome.  I hope to do the same one day.  Mine are 6, and 2, so I have a few years yet.

Thanks Kevin.  Now if I could just run like you I'd feel complete.

Nothing has been more rewarding than the times I have had with my kids.  My daughter is 24 and she did Boise 70.3 with me three years ago.  I have a son who is 21 that I got to start running that year.  We did a couple of tri relays.  Won them both.  I was one proud Pops!!

My daughter's boyfriend just got deployed to Afganistan until September so I'm mentoring her through her first Ironman in July.  It helps her cope with him being gone.  I think she actually thinks she is going to beat me.  We have an intense rivalry.  When I run with her I have to wear my racing flats because it also turns into a contest.  She usually runs faster than me (barely) but always ends with a laugh and a hug.  Life is good!!

2012-03-16 9:36 PM
in reply to: #4097968

in a van, down by the river
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

jpfeife - 2012-03-15 2:44 PM I use Garmin HR all the time and mine are usually pretty accurate. Did you feel a lot more winded/tired?

o high. Might need to do a hard reset of your watch (not sure of the procedure but i think it's pretty simple).


Juiced up the batteries / re-set, now it tells me normal numbers again.  Hum.  Also, starting to feel better. slowly.  Skipping my 5k race tomorrow in favor of a more casual bike ride and swim, break back into the routine slowly I guess.


1/2 my sons school class is home with all the same symptoms I described a couple days ago.  Today they sanitized the entire classroom !     So maybe I'm not gonna die just yet.  just sick, and with tired batteries in my 310XT.    


Thanks everyone for the great input as always.  Sure is nice to have others to compare notes with as i/we go through this crazy chapter in life.   It's all so new still !

2012-03-16 9:57 PM
in reply to: #4099978

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
popsracer - 2012-03-16 4:51 PM

I am so thrilled.  Just did my 1000 yard time trial that I was dreading.  PR was 17:50, hoped to do 17:30, came in at 16:50!!  I think it was my best swim ever.  I was worried about pacing it properly and might have gone out a little hard as I threw up a little in my mouth about halfway through but focused on maintaining good form throughout and finished strong.

Next week starts the focus weeks with swim up first.  There is no way I can swim six times per the plan.  I have four sessions planned which I think is plenty.  It's good timing because I'm running a marathon in two weeks so this gives me a bit of leg taper.  I have no real time goals for the marathon other than to just enjoy the experience.  It is something I'm doing with my daughter.  Very special time together.

EXCELLENT JOB!!!  So you're a week behind me in the training - I did a make up session in the pool this morning.  My reverse tri was thwarted by train issues!  Got home last night very late but managed to run the 30mins of the reverse tri.  Then first thing this morning did the 60min bike and then a 3km swim.  Very happy.

Tomorrow I aim to do an OWS.  That will be the 6 session in!  GOLD!

2012-03-17 1:02 AM
in reply to: #4100246

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Hahahahahahahhahahahahahaha.  I fool feelish.  All week (first of the plan) I was struggling to get workouts in.  Managed the swim and the bike on Tuesday, and the bike and the run today.  I had a race on Sunday, so wasn't too worried about missing the workouts, having a bit of a recovery week, but wondered how I would do it next week.

Reading all your posts had me looking at the plan to see where you guys all are in the plan.  But wait, why can't I see the TT and workouts you all are posting about.  Oh.  I uploaded the wrong plan...Instead of the Beginner HIM, I had the not-beginner HIM.  Thank heavens I realized this now and now 3 weeks from now, because the volume and time are VERY different!!!! 

So, unfortunately, I did a 2 hour trainer ride tonight that wasn't necessary!  Ah well, burned enough calories to have a nice big bowl of popcorn, which I have been craving Smile.  Enjoy the weekend!

2012-03-17 10:56 PM
in reply to: #4099978

Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
popsracer - 2012-03-16 4:51 PM

I am so thrilled.  Just did my 1000 yard time trial that I was dreading.  PR was 17:50, hoped to do 17:30, came in at 16:50!!  I think it was my best swim ever.  I was worried about pacing it properly and might have gone out a little hard as I threw up a little in my mouth about halfway through but focused on maintaining good form throughout and finished strong.

Next week starts the focus weeks with swim up first.  There is no way I can swim six times per the plan.  I have four sessions planned which I think is plenty.  It's good timing because I'm running a marathon in two weeks so this gives me a bit of leg taper.  I have no real time goals for the marathon other than to just enjoy the experience.  It is something I'm doing with my daughter.  Very special time together.


2012-03-18 12:37 PM
in reply to: #3052895

Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Managed to get my long run in today.  rough after having company over last night.  I managed to go 18.1 miles in 2:37:24.  an 8:42/mi pace.  I slowed down this week as I went further, but I didn't have any more in me anyway's.  too much celebration yesterday. 

Week 17 starts tomorrow.  I get my first 6 day week.  Hoping I can make all the workouts.

2012-03-19 12:58 PM
in reply to: #3052895

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

I skied in place of some of my training - it truly felt like a workout with the end-of-the-year snow and my being a beginner. It was super fun - and that's what this is really all about - I loved being in good enough shape to do moguls on my 6th time out. I thank the triathlon Gods (and all that training).

Skiing Killington

2012-03-19 4:32 PM
in reply to: #4103131

Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
gcoller - 2012-03-19 10:58 AM

I skied in place of some of my training - it truly felt like a workout with the end-of-the-year snow and my being a beginner. It was super fun - and that's what this is really all about - I loved being in good enough shape to do moguls on my 6th time out. I thank the triathlon Gods (and all that training).

Skiing Killington

So cool!!  You look like you are having a blast and yes spring skiing can be quite a workout.

I love to ski and live not too far from a lot of great ski areas.  Alas, I haven't skied in three years, nor golfed, nor played tennis, nor raced my Porsche.  All things I loved to do but have slipped away because of my devotion obsession with training.

Good for you all that do what you love to do besides triathlon.  I hope you inspire me and others to keep things in perspective and enjoy all the other great things to do.

2012-03-19 10:02 PM
in reply to: #4103642

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

"So cool!!  You look like you are having a blast and yes spring skiing can be quite a workout.

I love to ski and live not too far from a lot of great ski areas.  Alas, I haven't skied in three years, nor golfed, nor played tennis, nor raced my Porsche.  All things I loved to do but have slipped away because of my devotion obsession with training.

Good for you all that do what you love to do besides triathlon.  I hope you inspire me and others to keep things in perspective and enjoy all the other great things to do."

Funny you mention this - I was just thinking how I have let horseback riding slip is very hard for me to not 'check the box' for each workout but because of my lowered immune I've learned to be more flexible and not try and 'double up' on top of existing workouts. There are no bonus points for me - it's such a balancing act! Racing a Porsche sounds like an incredible rush. Triathobsession gives and takes from our outside interests (such as family, work and health - ha ! )

Edited by gcoller 2012-03-19 10:03 PM
2012-03-19 10:05 PM
in reply to: #4101526

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
kevinbe - 2012-03-18 12:37 PM

Managed to get my long run in today.  rough after having company over last night.  I managed to go 18.1 miles in 2:37:24.  an 8:42/mi pace.  I slowed down this week as I went further, but I didn't have any more in me anyway's.  too much celebration yesterday. 

Week 17 starts tomorrow.  I get my first 6 day week.  Hoping I can make all the workouts.

Wow - I so envy this pace and mileage. Good for you!

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