Other Resources Challenge Me! » They Who Shall Not be Named! Rss Feed  
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2007-11-11 4:10 PM
in reply to: #1047882

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
kns57 - 2007-11-11 3:18 PM
HCS5QA - 2007-11-11 3:08 PM

1/2 Marathon Completed!!!!!!!!!  2:16:51 by my garmin

It was a perfect day for my first race, the sun was shining and there was a cool breeze. I realized as I started running that my pre-race meal was non-existent and that the taco's and cheese cake the night before were probably not a good idea. Good thing they were handing out gel's and water or it would have been otherwise painful. The first 8 miles were slow and easy at around and average of 9:30's roughly but the rest of the pace decreased after mile 8. After mile 8 my pace was in the 10 per mile and above, not so hot. Mile 10 thru 12 were really rough and I almost stopped to stretch but realized it would be more painful to do so, so I stuck it out to the 12 mile marker were I finally brought up the pace. So far i'm just a bit sore but otherwise ok. time to relax.

Before I forget, i thought you would enjoy this. As i was running i was thinking about our conversation, yes I had BT on the brain.

-Sparco: I tried to follow your advice but realized that I didn't do that well, it's obvious i will be able to take advantage of that advice with more training, but I did kick it up towards the end. 

-Spokes: I know this is a regular Sunday run for you but it's nice to say that I came close to one of your runs. 

-Girls: Thought of you the whole way, especially Dee's promise...... Oh Beth....LOL

-Somebody said somthing about pace booty about 30 pages back, yes I latched on to one and followed but there were so many that I kept changing, an un-decisive booty pacer is what I became...LMAO....However i finally caught the original booty and chased it to the finish line. I almost thanked her but I probably would have gotten slapped.

It's time for a nap as I am tired after a burrito and a couple of beers, but I think I'll take myself out later Thanks everyone for the motivation. 



Congratulations on the great race Hector.

Congratulations Hector!!!  Wooo Hooooo

2007-11-11 4:14 PM
in reply to: #1047874

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
HCS5QA - 2007-11-11 3:08 PM

-Girls: Thought of you the whole way, especially Dee's promise...... Oh Beth....LOL

I'm not one to break one of Dee's promises - so, as promised - here are my pom poms

front    side


2007-11-11 4:15 PM
in reply to: #1032449

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Twin Cities
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!

Congratulations on your 1/2 Mary, Hector!!!

The surprise 70th for my mom went off without a hitch!  It was fantastic, and I will be posting details and some photos. (still need to unpack...)

Here are my results for the first "week" of the November challenge:

My November Goals:
600 Mins [115 / 485]
480 Mins [279 / 201]

I look forward to catching up on what everyone has been doing this weekend (and reading the Nibbins Notes!

- Shaz 

2007-11-11 4:17 PM
in reply to: #1047936

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!

It looks like I have a bit more to catch up on - just scanned quickly to see Hectors race info and to post the pom pom pic

OMG - what have I done?  ROTFLMAO

and, how is it Dee made the promise and I posted the pic?  oh yeah, I don't call her evil Dee for no reason ;-)

I just got back from a 28 mile ride - it was wonderful!

Going to hit the shower and then pick up my friend to see Spamalot!

have a great evening everyone!

2007-11-11 4:19 PM
in reply to: #1047874

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Granvile, Ohio
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
HCS5QA - 2007-11-11 4:08 PM

1/2 Marathon Completed!!!!!!!!!  2:16:51 by my garmin

It was a perfect day for my first race, the sun was shining and there was a cool breeze. I realized as I started running that my pre-race meal was non-existent and that the taco's and cheese cake the night before were probably not a good idea. Good thing they were handing out gel's and water or it would have been otherwise painful. The first 8 miles were slow and easy at around and average of 9:30's roughly but the rest of the pace decreased after mile 8. After mile 8 my pace was in the 10 per mile and above, not so hot. Mile 10 thru 12 were really rough and I almost stopped to stretch but realized it would be more painful to do so, so I stuck it out to the 12 mile marker were I finally brought up the pace. So far i'm just a bit sore but otherwise ok. time to relax.

Before I forget, i thought you would enjoy this. As i was running i was thinking about our conversation, yes I had BT on the brain.

-Sparco: I tried to follow your advice but realized that I didn't do that well, it's obvious i will be able to take advantage of that advice with more training, but I did kick it up towards the end. 

-Spokes: I know this is a regular Sunday run for you but it's nice to say that I came close to one of your runs. 

-Girls: Thought of you the whole way, especially Dee's promise...... Oh Beth....LOL

-Somebody said somthing about pace booty about 30 pages back, yes I latched on to one and followed but there were so many that I kept changing, an un-decisive booty pacer is what I became...LMAO....However i finally caught the original booty and chased it to the finish line. I almost thanked her but I probably would have gotten slapped.

It's time for a nap as I am tired after a burrito and a couple of beers, but I think I'll take myself out later Thanks everyone for the motivation. 




Way to go!  You did SO good!

I'm thinking you may need to kick up the run challenge goal.  You'll have it completed this week!

2007-11-11 4:21 PM
in reply to: #1032449

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!

Funny, I can always recognize Beth's legs by... the floor.  How do you do so much and keep a clean house floor?

Have fun at the theater!

I gotta get to a wedding.  Never did the the grocery shopping done   Ramoan noodles all week then (at least the baby likes 'em)  Felt good to not go to work and veg for a couple of hours today.

Night all!!

2007-11-11 4:22 PM
in reply to: #1047933

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Granvile, Ohio
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
lastcall2003 - 2007-11-11 5:14 PM
HCS5QA - 2007-11-11 3:08 PM

-Girls: Thought of you the whole way, especially Dee's promise...... Oh Beth....LOL

I'm not one to break one of Dee's promises - so, as promised - here are my pom poms

front    side


Wow girl!  Those are some HOT poms!
2007-11-11 4:23 PM
in reply to: #1047936

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Granvile, Ohio
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
Yoganerd - 2007-11-11 5:15 PM

Congratulations on your 1/2 Mary, Hector!!!

The surprise 70th for my mom went off without a hitch!  It was fantastic, and I will be posting details and some photos. (still need to unpack...)

Here are my results for the first "week" of the November challenge:

My November Goals:
600 Mins [115 / 485]
480 Mins [279 / 201]

I look forward to catching up on what everyone has been doing this weekend (and reading the Nibbins Notes!

- Shaz 

Welcome home Sharon!  Glad your mom's party was a success!
2007-11-11 4:29 PM
in reply to: #1047759

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Granvile, Ohio
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
D001 - 2007-11-11 12:16 PM
tnickerson - 2007-11-11 12:12 PM I'm in good shape to hit goal, although I'm going to have to work to get the bike goal completed before I leave on vacation next Monday.
Yeah, I have the same issue. It looks like I'm on target -- BUT, I'll have to log some good biking milage this week, because I won't be able to do that during Thanksgiving. Cool - from the numbers being posted -- it looks like everyone has been working hard this month. Do you think Hector is running right now? (It's about 9 AM in CA....) Run, Hector, Run!

Yes we have worked hard!  And people thought we were sitting here playing on twisnibbin all day.    We MULTITASK!  Wish I could figure out a way to rig my computer up to the trainer and treadmill. 
2007-11-11 4:55 PM
in reply to: #1047942

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
tnickerson - 2007-11-12 9:19 AM
HCS5QA - 2007-11-11 4:08 PM

1/2 Marathon Completed!!!!!!!!!  2:16:51 by my garmin

It was a perfect day for my first race, the sun was shining and there was a cool breeze. I realized as I started running that my pre-race meal was non-existent and that the taco's and cheese cake the night before were probably not a good idea. Good thing they were handing out gel's and water or it would have been otherwise painful. The first 8 miles were slow and easy at around and average of 9:30's roughly but the rest of the pace decreased after mile 8. After mile 8 my pace was in the 10 per mile and above, not so hot. Mile 10 thru 12 were really rough and I almost stopped to stretch but realized it would be more painful to do so, so I stuck it out to the 12 mile marker were I finally brought up the pace. So far i'm just a bit sore but otherwise ok. time to relax.

Before I forget, i thought you would enjoy this. As i was running i was thinking about our conversation, yes I had BT on the brain.

-Sparco: I tried to follow your advice but realized that I didn't do that well, it's obvious i will be able to take advantage of that advice with more training, but I did kick it up towards the end. 

-Spokes: I know this is a regular Sunday run for you but it's nice to say that I came close to one of your runs. 

-Girls: Thought of you the whole way, especially Dee's promise...... Oh Beth....LOL

-Somebody said somthing about pace booty about 30 pages back, yes I latched on to one and followed but there were so many that I kept changing, an un-decisive booty pacer is what I became...LMAO....However i finally caught the original booty and chased it to the finish line. I almost thanked her but I probably would have gotten slapped.

It's time for a nap as I am tired after a burrito and a couple of beers, but I think I'll take myself out later Thanks everyone for the motivation. 


CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You really earnt those beers too You did awesome... and I hope you havent stopped smiling since... what a wonderful achievement!!!

YAY Hector!!!

2007-11-11 5:10 PM
in reply to: #1047956

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
tnickerson - 2007-11-11 4:29 PM

D001 - 2007-11-11 12:16 PM
tnickerson - 2007-11-11 12:12 PM I'm in good shape to hit goal, although I'm going to have to work to get the bike goal completed before I leave on vacation next Monday.
Yeah, I have the same issue. It looks like I'm on target -- BUT, I'll have to log some good biking milage this week, because I won't be able to do that during Thanksgiving. Cool - from the numbers being posted -- it looks like everyone has been working hard this month. Do you think Hector is running right now? (It's about 9 AM in CA....) Run, Hector, Run!

Yes we have worked hard!  And people thought we were sitting here playing on twisnibbin all day.    We MULTITASK!  Wish I could figure out a way to rig my computer up to the trainer and treadmill. 

If you figure that out, please share.

2007-11-11 5:16 PM
in reply to: #1047883

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
geauxtri - 2007-11-12 8:18 AM
kaqphin - 2007-11-10 10:59 PM
D001 - 2007-11-11 4:57 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 12:51 AM What about a massage person? You dont need a referral for that do you? or a personal trainer?

Could do massage. As for the trainers, um, I've met them. Um. Around here, pretty much anyone who works for the gym, calls themselves a "trainer."

Thats why you ask them for the qualifications FIRST... and talk to them about their training experience so you know they are right for you!  

Im very picky when it comes to who deals with my body, you onlt get one so you have to find someone who you like, respect and want to train with...  

Sorry, I don't post much, but when I get on my soap box... well here it is.

Just a few notes coming from someone who's held several training cert's in the past and is in charge of contracted trainers for the gym.  BE CAREFUL, as an undergrad and never having trained in the past, I walked in and got my personal trainig cert in a day and a half and knew more anatomy and physiology than the guy teaching (I really wanted my aerobics cert, but goofed and signed up for the wrong course, wasn't going to lose my money).  Funny - that mistake got me into the field I'm in.

A few respectable cert's include AFAA (held this one for years, lots of ceu's and good online stuff), ICSM/ISSA (I have high respect for this one, tested when in grad school and cried thinking I had wasted money and failed it - I passed ),  and ACE (they are widely accepted, but not my favorite - I don't think they have added a practicum to their exam).  Ask about their CEU's and special cert's., also how regularly do the attend symposium's and conferences.  The best bet, is to find a trainer that is not only certified but also has their BS in Exercise Science or Kiniesiology - you'll pay more, but it's worth the knowledge.

If you can, watch them when they're training others -  Find out when they're normally in the gym, and plan a workout at the same time - There's nothing worse than a trainer that chitchat's and can't decide exactly what they want you to do next.

As for getting your insurance to pay for alterantive treatments... It varies nationwide depending on the professional licensing standards for that state (check gov't site, theyhave a list of all professionals in the state requiring licensing)

Most insurances will pay for at least 6 visits to a PT (not PTr).  Check with your massage therapist, some (like mine) give small discounts if your insurance is with a particular carrier. PTr and Nutritionists are often treated similar by insurance companies, they do not cover them unless you are obese, diabetic, arthritic, cardiac rehab, etc.  Though Dieticians are b/c they are licensed differently.

I'm sure I've bored you by now... BOTTOMLINE.... Cost efficient way for anything (in the world of HMO's)  Have your doctor diagnose you and go to PT or Dietician.  To maintain your healthy body after draining your insurance claims, periodically check in with your MT (licensed) and Ptr (a GOOD one)

Hope this helped!

ONE of the keys to a healthy body is a balanced muscular system... problem is nobody is naturally balanced, we have to train for it.

I always forget how different the systems are between the US and Australia!!! Dont follow my advice I only know how things work down here

2007-11-11 5:16 PM
in reply to: #1047950

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!

Lots of great, great stuff here, sweet sibling twisnibbins!

Hector--super congrats on the half mary.

I love the banter, and I'm all caught up ... hey Beth, hot pom poms . Everything below the pom poms is super hot, too. What I could see of it ...

Dee--geauxtri's suggestions on what to look for in a PT (here, personal trainer) are really important. You have GOT to do SOMETHING about that shoulder (I know, you've been scolded enough already) ... but you may very well be doing more damage, seriously. Post in the NC forum whether anyone knows a really good PT in your area. Post on coolrunnings and runningahead and trinewbies and heck, even slowtwitch if you want. FIND SOMEBODY. (Ideally, of course, you'd go to a hotshot sports ortho and get a referral to a killer physical therapist, but ... this is a decent alternative).

It has been a great pleasure to read the posts from ALL of you, and especially stuff about what training you're doing.

And finally ...

The date went well. Details? Ummmm


Yep, that about does it.

Very sad to say I didn't get any pics in my getup (HUGE THANKS TO BETH AND CAT!!!) ... I had to crash for a couple of hours after the daylong Spinning(R) seminar and just couldn't get ready in time, seriously ... still putting mascara on and blowdrying my hair (yes, at the same time) when he arrived. I did have him tie up the long ribbons on the shirt, and he was quite pleased about that ... even more pleased about the reverse a few hours later, I think .

P.S. I greeted him at the door with, "Hi. I need you to tie me up."

Without missing a beat, he said, "What else is new?"

Keeper, yep!

Edited by TriAya 2007-11-11 5:19 PM
2007-11-11 5:22 PM
in reply to: #1047983

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
TriAya - 2007-11-11 5:16 PM

Lots of great, great stuff here, sweet sibling twisnibbins!

Hector--super congrats on the half mary.

I love the banter, and I'm all caught up ... hey Beth, hot pom poms . Everything below the pom poms is super hot, too. What I could see of it ...

Dee--geauxtri's suggestions on what to look for in a PT (here, personal trainer) are really important. You have GOT to do SOMETHING about that shoulder (I know, you've been scolded enough already) ... but you may very well be doing more damage, seriously. Post in the NC forum whether anyone knows a really good PT in your area. Post on coolrunnings and runningahead and trinewbies and heck, even slowtwitch if you want. FIND SOMEBODY. (Ideally, of course, you'd go to a hotshot sports ortho and get a referral to a killer physical therapist, but ... this is a decent alternative).

It has been a great pleasure to read the posts from ALL of you, and especially stuff about what training you're doing.

And finally ...

The date went well. Details? Ummmm


Yep, that about does it.

Very sad to say I didn't get any pics in my getup (HUGE THANKS TO BETH AND CAT!!!) ... I had to crash for a couple of hours after the daylong Spinning(R) seminar and just couldn't get ready in time, seriously ... still putting mascara on and blowdrying my hair (yes, at the same time) when he arrived. I did have him tie up the long ribbons on the shirt, and he was quite pleased about that ... even more pleased about the reverse a few hours later, I think .

P.S. I greeted him at the door with, "Hi. I need you to tie me up."

Without missing a beat, he said, "What else is new?"

Keeper, yep!

Ribbons? I've caught up to page 64, and have read from 84 on, but now I'm curious. Ribbons? Hot dates? Pom Poms?

Note to self, don't take a vacation from BT. You'll spend a week just trying to get caught up.
2007-11-11 5:23 PM
in reply to: #1032449

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
I'm about to lose my stars! One more post after this one will do it. Hmmmmm do I want it to count or should it be shameless post padding?
2007-11-11 5:24 PM
in reply to: #1047851

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
brynn - 2007-11-11 3:17 PM

Guys, I am not sure where to post my results--in this thread, or in the main thread? Also my foot has been hurting and I haven't been running as much (it is really making me mad and I have no idea what is going on because it is not consistent at all) so I am thinking I may need to adjust my goals? Not sure how I do that, if I decide that I need to.

Swim: Goal 3000 yards, done 650: 21.6% (hoping to get swim in today, but not sure if that will happen or not)
Run: Goal 60 miles, done 14: 23% (maybe I will get a quick run in today too)
Trainer ride: Done! 100% complete

Was at the Huskers game ALL DAY yesterday (seriously, Husker fans are insane and show up at 8 in the morning to tailgate) and so I had no time to get anything accomplished. Go Big Red!

Yes, post your weekly progress here. Beth, as the team captain, gets to compile them.

(Then she'll post the completed spreadsheet on the main thread. I'll pick it up from there, and compile all the teams' info.)

Revising your goals: You must file 3 copies of the request. Each must be notarized and signed by your boss, your doctor and at least two neighbors....

Alternatively, you can plead your case with me. With sufficient bribery, I might agree to modify your goals.

2007-11-11 5:25 PM
in reply to: #1047992

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!

kns57 - 2007-11-11 3:23 PM I'm about to lose my stars! One more post after this one will do it. Hmmmmm do I want it to count or should it be shameless post padding?

I'm all for meaningful shamelessness

2007-11-11 5:27 PM
in reply to: #1047983

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
TriAya - 2007-11-12 10:16 AM

And finally ...

The date went well. Details? Ummmm


Yep, that about does it.

Very sad to say I didn't get any pics in my getup (HUGE THANKS TO BETH AND CAT!!!) ... I had to crash for a couple of hours after the daylong Spinning(R) seminar and just couldn't get ready in time, seriously ... still putting mascara on and blowdrying my hair (yes, at the same time) when he arrived. I did have him tie up the long ribbons on the shirt, and he was quite pleased about that ... even more pleased about the reverse a few hours later, I think .

P.S. I greeted him at the door with, "Hi. I need you to tie me up."

Without missing a beat, he said, "What else is new?"

Keeper, yep!

Oh he sounds like FUN I like!

2007-11-11 5:30 PM
in reply to: #1047994

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
TriAya - 2007-11-12 10:25 AM

kns57 - 2007-11-11 3:23 PM I'm about to lose my stars! One more post after this one will do it. Hmmmmm do I want it to count or should it be shameless post padding?

I'm all for meaningful shamelessness

Aaaw and think loosing all those stars will give yuo motivation to try harder right?

2007-11-11 5:33 PM
in reply to: #1047997

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 5:30 PM

TriAya - 2007-11-12 10:25 AM

kns57 - 2007-11-11 3:23 PM I'm about to lose my stars! One more post after this one will do it. Hmmmmm do I want it to count or should it be shameless post padding?

I'm all for meaningful shamelessness

Aaaw and think loosing all those stars will give yuo motivation to try harder right?

Okay, here goes. Bye bye little twinkly stars. Now I'm going to have to work hard to get some of them back again.
2007-11-11 5:34 PM
in reply to: #1032449

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
Dee look...no stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-11-11 5:34 PM
in reply to: #1032449

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
Congratulations, Hector on an awesome half mary!!  YOU ROCK
2007-11-11 5:35 PM
in reply to: #1047883

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
geauxtri - 2007-11-11 4:18 PM
Sorry, I don't post much, but when I get on my soap box... well here it is.

Just a few notes coming from someone who's held several training cert's in the past and is in charge of contracted trainers for the gym. BE CAREFUL, as an undergrad and never having trained in the past, I walked in and got my personal trainig cert in a day and a half and knew more anatomy and physiology than the guy teaching (I really wanted my aerobics cert, but goofed and signed up for the wrong course, wasn't going to lose my money). Funny - that mistake got me into the field I'm in.

A few respectable cert's include AFAA (held this one for years, lots of ceu's and good online stuff), ICSM/ISSA (I have high respect for this one, tested when in grad school and cried thinking I had wasted money and failed it - I passed ), and ACE (they are widely accepted, but not my favorite - I don't think they have added a practicum to their exam). Ask about their CEU's and special cert's., also how regularly do the attend symposium's and conferences. The best bet, is to find a trainer that is not only certified but also has their BS in Exercise Science or Kiniesiology - you'll pay more, but it's worth the knowledge.

If you can, watch them when they're training others - Find out when they're normally in the gym, and plan a workout at the same time - There's nothing worse than a trainer that chitchat's and can't decide exactly what they want you to do next.

As for getting your insurance to pay for alterantive treatments... It varies nationwide depending on the professional licensing standards for that state (check gov't site, theyhave a list of all professionals in the state requiring licensing)

Most insurances will pay for at least 6 visits to a PT (not PTr). Check with your massage therapist, some (like mine) give small discounts if your insurance is with a particular carrier. PTr and Nutritionists are often treated similar by insurance companies, they do not cover them unless you are obese, diabetic, arthritic, cardiac rehab, etc. Though Dieticians are b/c they are licensed differently.

I'm sure I've bored you by now... BOTTOMLINE.... Cost efficient way for anything (in the world of HMO's) Have your doctor diagnose you and go to PT or Dietician. To maintain your healthy body after draining your insurance claims, periodically check in with your MT (licensed) and Ptr (a GOOD one)

Hope this helped!

ONE of the keys to a healthy body is a balanced muscular system... problem is nobody is naturally balanced, we have to train for it.

Thanks! Great explanation as to the different certs!

Unfortunately, I live in "the sticks." I'll have to drive somewhere to see someone like this. (The "trainer" told me the reason the pool was cloudy and smelled badly was because people were sweating in it. When I suggested they check the filter, she asked why.)

I did post in the NC state forum here, asking about swim coaching. A few people had recommendations. Again, it'll be a hike to get there, but I'll do it if needed. (I don't know their qualifications. They are mainly people who coach tri event. But thanks to your list, I can now go back and see what certs they have!)

I still think that I was overextending my arm upon entry into the water. It probably stressed the rotator cuff. (Put it this way, I never had a problem swimming before. It wasn't until I tried to change my stroke that the problems began.)

My insurance definitely will not pay for a trainer, or massage therapy. But they will cover a few PT visits, if it's prescribed by a doctor.

Thanks for the info! Very informative.
2007-11-11 5:37 PM
in reply to: #1047999

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
kns57 - 2007-11-12 10:33 AM
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 5:30 PM
TriAya - 2007-11-12 10:25 AM

kns57 - 2007-11-11 3:23 PM I'm about to lose my stars! One more post after this one will do it. Hmmmmm do I want it to count or should it be shameless post padding?

I'm all for meaningful shamelessness

Aaaw and think loosing all those stars will give yuo motivation to try harder right?

Okay, here goes. Bye bye little twinkly stars. Now I'm going to have to work hard to get some of them back again.

Aaaw bye... Im sure you can get them back... I beleive

2007-11-11 5:38 PM
in reply to: #1047933

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
lastcall2003 - 2007-11-11 5:14 PM

HCS5QA - 2007-11-11 3:08 PM

-Girls: Thought of you the whole way, especially Dee's promise...... Oh Beth....LOL

I'm not one to break one of Dee's promises - so, as promised - here are my pom poms

front side

Oh, so THOSE are your pom poms.....

LOL - I had no idea what you were going to post. Probably because I wasn't exactly sure how to define "pom poms." I see you really DID mean it literally though!

So........ Are those YOUR pom poms? As in - the ones you keep in your closet and break out for "special events" like cheering teammates on? LOL

Great poms, btw!

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