BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN Rss Feed  
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2014-10-03 5:46 AM
in reply to: jgerbodegrant

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: My 70.3

When does your training kick off with Zach?  This month?

2014-11-14 5:21 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: My 70.3
Dear triathlete family .
I am not feeling connected with anything Traithalon thru face book with you all and I need some motivation please. On the advice from my coach ( heather) I have gone for bloodwork and have an appointment next Thursday with my dr. I am just exhausted and can't seem to get it together and feel like I am running around in circles with no organization to my life. I am continually oversleeping and missing workouts, and quite honestly feel pretty lousy for about 4 weeks now.

So how is everyone else doing? Warren how's the shoulder?? Tony i havent gotten a chance to read your marathon report or anyone elses for that matter and will be doing that this weekend, How has everyone recovered from the season and do you have anything planned in the future?? Dirk are you still training with your coach?
2014-11-14 10:27 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Subject: RE: My 70.3
Originally posted by Jo63

Dear triathlete family .
I am not feeling connected with anything Traithalon thru face book with you all and I need some motivation please. On the advice from my coach ( heather) I have gone for bloodwork and have an appointment next Thursday with my dr. I am just exhausted and can't seem to get it together and feel like I am running around in circles with no organization to my life. I am continually oversleeping and missing workouts, and quite honestly feel pretty lousy for about 4 weeks now.

So how is everyone else doing? Warren how's the shoulder?? Tony i havent gotten a chance to read your marathon report or anyone elses for that matter and will be doing that this weekend, How has everyone recovered from the season and do you have anything planned in the future?? Dirk are you still training with your coach?

Hey Joanne. Sorry about that sleeping issue. I know, first hand, what lack of sleep can do! Let us know about the bloodwork as soon as you get information. Hopefully it's something simple and a change or addition will make all the difference.

The shoulder rehab is going fine, albeit slowly. I'm slowly adding positive motions, though my ability to do anything on my own is very limited. My range of passive motion is great, so that's a nice thing. I'm actually in more pain now than ever because I'm starting to use the shoulder more and more as everyday activities become possible with my left arm. The doctor is encouraged and has promised me that I'll be able to race next year, but since I had three significant tears he keeps reminding me to be smart, patient, and to not compare my recovery with anyone else's timetables. I admit that all of those are hard to do! I've been riding the last few weeks but nothing much and only 30-45 minutes. I am about to start adding some more intensity and see how everything feels.
2014-11-14 4:39 PM
in reply to: wbayek

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Subject: RE: Asphault Junkies

Oh JOANNE -  I'm sorry you're feeling blue.   I'm confident you'll turn it around.   Keep us posted on the results of your blood work.  Do the holidays usually help you with having family around and something to look forward to?   Have you put a race calendar together for next year?   I saw you post something on a Grand Canyon event which looked so fun.  I'd be afraid I'd run right off a ledge, though and plummet to my death.      Have you thought of getting involved in a different type of workout to change things up over the off-season?  Yoga, Zumba or the like?   I'm a little in your boat with being unmotivated to do any structured workouts.  I've totally given myself freedom to just enjoy whatever comes my way and that's done wonders for my psyche.   Don't beat yourself up over lack of activity.  I firmly believe the older we get, the more we need rest and relaxation.  So don't fight the down-time - embrace it! 

Thanks for updating us, WARREN. Glad you're able to ease into some things.  Patience, patience, my friend!  



2014-11-14 5:27 PM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Asphault Junkies
Joanne, take time and relax. Visit the DR confirm everything is ok, and if not correct whatever needs to be and then come back strong on the other side.

as for me I am coming out of my fall let down and feeling pretty excited about things to come. Early in October I about hit a wall and was feeling kind of blah, I still had several running races on the calendar including a HM that I really wanted to crush, but quickly realized my head wasn't in it and was dreading my next run. So I used Sara's work schedule as an excuse and canceled everything, spent the next 3 weeks stumbling around doing whatever I wanted. By the end of October a fire started and I felt I was ready to start something again, picked my weakness and been swimming 4x per week, this past week I added a few more trainer sessions and continue to feel motivated. The most exciting part is through my let down I still managed to keep my running streak going, although at a much reduced rate. On Thanksgiving day I will run a 5k that will put me at 365 consecutive days of running at least 1 mile. The streak has been stressful and I am ready to end it, but not until I reach a full year.

Brenda mentioned maybe setting a schedule for 2015, I have done this and I think doing this gave me a good push to get things moving again. Something about knowing I have several big races to look forward to has helped a bunch.

I gotta say I have missed Brenda's highlights for the names! cheers
2014-11-14 6:33 PM
in reply to: mambos

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Subject: RE: Asphault Junkies


Every time I see your profile pic on here, MATT, I think, "who IS that guy?"   Here's to a more fit you, dear MATT, MATT, MATT!!

2014-11-15 3:39 PM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphault Junkies
LOL Brenda you are too funny !!!!!!

Thanks you guys, I guess I am thinking cuz I didn't finish IMWI that I should be feeling all ready to train, when in all actuality I probably just need some unscheduled days.

Matt it great to hear your swimming is coming along, I guess the old saying consistency pays off works

Warren, I am happy your recovery is going well...although slow for you always amazes me the things that get fixed and how our bodies heal from all of that.

So I got in a crazy cleaning mood and forgot the IM world championship was on any of you know if it is being re-aired????
2014-11-20 2:29 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphault Junkies
Sorry Long Post

Met with my Dr after my test came back. Looks like I have run my body into the ground again my adrenals are shot, my thyroid is not functioning and I am having metabolic breakdown......Dr says NO training until February .I talked with Heather and we are re-vamping training I had been doing a Coached group computraining class along with Master swim and boot camp all of that is out the window for 12 weeks. She has suggested using Ben Greenfields program for overtraining/adrenal fatigue which will bring me to the 12th of February. We are basically going to go at my training as if it is year 1,

I approached a lot of my training the wrong way and this is the result. Throw in some life stress and wham. It is really frustrating but i am hopeful we can get this taken care of and maybe be able to put an Olympic distance on my calendar for 2015 ) I definitely have to make some lifestyle changes in order to conquer this!! especially in the nutrition department.

I am feeling like lately I have been Debbie Downer ( the foot thing and now this but I am thinking maybe the foot thing is part of this seeing as it is an inflammation wouldn't that be sweet if that all goes away too !!!

I see most of you are doing amazing with all of your training> Keep it up I will live thru all of you till I am back on track lol

Edited by Jo63 2014-11-20 2:48 PM
2014-11-20 3:38 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Subject: RE: Asphault Junkies
Wow Joanne, sorry to hear about all that but I suppose it's good to know. Your situation should all of us that training isn't the only stress we put ourselves through, and ALL the stresses of our life are additive. Stay strong and don't give up the ship.

I'm certainly not one of the ones having a great time training. I'm really having a hard time getting motivated enough to even do the things I can do. In one sense it may be for the best given the severity of the repair on my shoulder, but I know I could be biking harder/more than I am currently doing. Your note gives me enough incentive to get off the can, appreciate what I CAN do, and get after it again.

Keep us up to date on your progress.
2014-11-21 4:39 AM
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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphault Junkies
Originally posted by wbayek

Wow Joanne, sorry to hear about all that but I suppose it's good to know. Your situation should all of us that training isn't the only stress we put ourselves through, and ALL the stresses of our life are additive. Stay strong and don't give up the ship.

I'm certainly not one of the ones having a great time training. I'm really having a hard time getting motivated enough to even do the things I can do. In one sense it may be for the best given the severity of the repair on my shoulder, but I know I could be biking harder/more than I am currently doing. Your note gives me enough incentive to get off the can, appreciate what I CAN do, and get after it again.

Keep us up to date on your progress.

Warren, just as everything else surgery is a huge stressor too, like you said maybe low motivation for you is a good thing, we all try to do to much too soon and don't take the needed time to do what our bodies need. After a huge surgery like yours your body needs rest to heal, and on that note I will try to take my own advice lol. It will be interesting these next 12 weeks, I am told I am to meditate, do yoga, read, sleep, aaahhhhhh. And honestly when my sister died back in July, I really didn't take the time I should have to grieve. I was in the midst of training and in my head you just keep going and push thru it, I did the same thing when my Mom died. Anyway coach says its time for lifestyle changes so I will defefnitly be working on that.
Have a great day! And maybe go try some yoga

Edited by Jo63 2014-11-21 4:40 AM
2014-11-26 9:18 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphault Junkies
Joanne I apologize I'm very late to the conversation here. It's been so long since we posted here I have not been checking in much in the forum. I'm really sorry to hear about the way you've been feeling however I'm glad to that you did go to the doctor and he was able to figure out what's wrong. I also hope that you'll follow his advice and give yourself the much needed break and rest you need.

With that said I agree with what everyone has said here this is probably a blessing in disguise. You should take a break and just enjoy some down time. Do things that you've not been able to do that you enjoy doing. Training and racing consume most of our free time and even though we all love doing this we all do need to take a break, rest and enjoy things outside of endurance sports. I'm sure 12 weeks will sound like an eternity but don't make it feel like and eternity because it's not so truly take advantage and enjoy your down time.

For me I am finally taking a break. I've been all about Ironman for 3 years. I spent a year getting my indoctrination into the world of triathlon and preparing for Ironman and then two back to back years of focused training and racing in it plus all the other races I've done. It's just taken it's toll on me. People just don't realize how much training for endurance races like Ironman takes out of you not only physically but mentally.

So for me I'm only doing what I feel like doing. I'm done with following training schedules I don't even want to look at one. I'm not swimming much because I don't want to. I'm running very little and it's only on the trails. I've mainly been MTN biking which I've a great affinity for and just absolutely love doing. My workout schedule is pretty much if I feel like working out I workout and if not I don't. Outside of that I'm enjoying drinking my craft IPA beers and being a slacker in general. I won't be starting any serious training until January or February depending on how I feel.

My race schedule for next season will be mainly local short distance races plus one HIM. I'm planning on Pumpkinman in Sept in Maine and hoping to see Warren there. My A race is going to be a MTN bike race. I'm going to sign up for the Whiteface 100K. I'm also looking for another MTN bike race along those lines. I still feel the allure and the pull of doing another Ironman for next season. However I know it would be a very big mistake on part. I also realize not only do I need a break but so does my family so I think I'm going to do some different events and keep the training volume down with the plan to try and get back to Mont Tremblant in 2016. I've also been thinking about Boulder, CO in 2016 but not sure about that. We'll see.

Warren I'm very happy to hear you are making good progress. Continue to be smart and disciplined and don't set yourself back. I've no doubt you'll be racing again in 2015 and you'll be better than ever.

Matt I'm glad you've been able to find your mojo and get back to training with a passion. That run streak is very impressive and I'm sure you'll get your year in.

Brenda I'm totally following your training strategy lol. I'm really glad to see you taking a break and just doing things because you want to and because you enjoy it. Not because you have to.

2014-11-26 12:49 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Subject: RE: Asphault Junkies
I hope all the Junkies have a very nice Thanksgiving. Be safe if you are travelling! Miss ya'll!
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