General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2014-07-13 6:44 PM
in reply to: #4892436

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San Rafael, California
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
I volunteered today at Vineman 70.3 on the run course at mile 4.

I did my last long swim this morning, and while I was slow I did swim 4000 yards. It felt good to go earn some karma for race day. Tomorrow is my last long ride and I'm both dreading it and looking forward to it. It was pretty hot on the run course and when we wrapped up at 3:30 it was 95 on the pavement. It really made me realize how much I need to stay on top of hydration and fueling.

Rest up everyone and feel better soon! I'm looking forward to a long fun day.

2014-07-15 8:01 AM
in reply to: Happyinmarin

Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Dan - I like your "long fun day " comment. I am trying to quit stressing about everything and enjoy it. Just can't wrap my head around how I am going to finish that run.

Rita and Tom- hoping for a quick recovery for you both. Glad you got some meds on board Tom, sure can't hurt. You have time..fingers crossed.

Lisa and Brian - thanks for all your advice. The old socks sound perfect and I am already wearing bike shorts so ugly socks just add to the outfit. Question for you guys - I was planning on meeting the hubby after the first loop and getting cold drinks from the cooler. Is this doable or should I put the bike refill bottles in the special needs bag? I am just not sure how difficult it is to find people on the course, especially at my lightning fast pace. Ha!

I finished the last hard weekend and looking forward to the rest. It is hard to trust the taper, but I felt this way for the first marathon and it worked out ok. It is nice to sleep past 4 a.m.

Now time to stress about the weather.
2014-07-15 9:22 AM
in reply to: khaddon

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Originally posted by khaddon

Dan - I like your "long fun day " comment. I am trying to quit stressing about everything and enjoy it. Just can't wrap my head around how I am going to finish that run.

Rita and Tom- hoping for a quick recovery for you both. Glad you got some meds on board Tom, sure can't hurt. You have time..fingers crossed.

Lisa and Brian - thanks for all your advice. The old socks sound perfect and I am already wearing bike shorts so ugly socks just add to the outfit. Question for you guys - I was planning on meeting the hubby after the first loop and getting cold drinks from the cooler. Is this doable or should I put the bike refill bottles in the special needs bag? I am just not sure how difficult it is to find people on the course, especially at my lightning fast pace. Ha!

I finished the last hard weekend and looking forward to the rest. It is hard to trust the taper, but I felt this way for the first marathon and it worked out ok. It is nice to sleep past 4 a.m.

Now time to stress about the weather.

I would advise not to take items from the cooler. It is my understanding accepting assistance is prohibited. Now I have seen others doing it, but you never know who is watching. The risk is all yours. The special needs for the bike is in the middle of a section of road after just leaving town. There is plenty of sections in town to catch your family on your way out for loop two. What I did was wrap a frozen bottle in newspaper and taped it closed. I think I also wrapped a wet rag around it when I froze it to add extra coolness then wrapped it in the newspaper. My mom used to do this when I was young and it always kept my soda cans cold in my school lunches. Remember what you put in your bike special needs you will not get back. Run special needs is quite accessible and easy to get back. In my bike special needs I had an extra tube and two co2 cartridges plus my frozen bottle of Perpetuumn. I did not need the tube nor the cartridges at special needs so that was a gift to someone.

I'll be lurking so if you have other questions or are just curious about things just ask. I also watched as many youtube video as I could just to pick on things and to get some kind of familiarity with the race. Another thing is to purchase a cheap pair of flip flops to wear down to the swim entrance. Leave them there and it is a donation.
2014-07-15 10:03 PM
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SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread


Originally posted by khaddon    

Now time to stress about the weather.

Oh please oh please oh please oh please:


But before you get too excited, from another site:


How about a tie breaker?  Try this one:


How can they be sooooo far apart?  This far out, I think our guess is as good as theirs! 

Edited by TTom 2014-07-15 10:13 PM
2014-07-16 10:08 AM
in reply to: TTom

Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
I vote for 1 or 3. Lots of time to be wasted on the weather sites now. 10 days to go!

Brian - thanks for you help. If I were to just put powder in the bike bottles at special needs will there be a quick way to fill them or do you think I am better off just mxing beforehand and freezing?
2014-07-16 10:18 AM
in reply to: khaddon

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New user
San Rafael, California
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Like the rest of you I have become a weather junkie. Is the 10 day forecast out? What are the average highs and lows? Will it rain? Please oh please let it be foggy until 12:30! This morning I realized it doesn't matter what the weather will be like on race day. There will be slight changes in nutrition for Thursday, Friday, and race day, but for the most part the mantra of hydrate, hydrate, hydrate will hold true no matter what.

The volunteers will keep the water and powerade cold for us. I will carry extra powder on my bike and during the run to mix if I need to. My special needs bags will be ready for the bike and the run. I will run down the chute. I will walk up the "Hill" at Mark West Springs road if I need to. I will have you guys in my thoughts, my family and friends there to support me, and the goal of completing my first Ironman in the back of my mind.

As for the weather......bring it on. I feel ready.

2014-07-16 10:58 AM
in reply to: TTom

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Unfortunately in my experience Accuweather is the more accurate of those sites. However, with 10 days out anything could happen. My guess is that it will be a hot one! How's everyone's taper going? I am actually liking the taper. I'm trying to keep the intensity but my total hours this week will be 8, which is easy peasy. I'm working in San Diego this week and last night I was able to do a brik workout (18 miles Bike, 4.5 miles run) at Fiesta Island on Mission Bay. This was the site of the very first triathlon almost 40 years ago. It is an awesome training location and the little bit of history was neat to consider.

As far as the hydration question above I am putting two frozen bottles of super concentrated Infinit in my special needs bag. By the time I get to them they will be thawed but still cool. I did this with my run Hydration at St. George 70.3 and it worked like a charm. For the run I am just going to have the powder ready in my bottles (one at T2 and the other one for Special Needs) and I will mix it in with cold water on the course. I'm also planning on using salt tablets on the bike and run. Finally I have found that Coke is a life saver on the 2nd half of the marathon so I will be taking that as well. Hopefully I have this dialed in. We'll see in 1.5 weeks...
2014-07-16 7:15 PM
in reply to: khaddon

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Originally posted by khaddon

I vote for 1 or 3. Lots of time to be wasted on the weather sites now. 10 days to go!

Brian - thanks for you help. If I were to just put powder in the bike bottles at special needs will there be a quick way to fill them or do you think I am better off just mxing beforehand and freezing?

I actually used three two hour bottles of Perpetum. One on my bike mixed in the am. Bottle of powder to mix for my second and then had my third thawing or almost thawed from special needs. The water isn't always cold on the course on the bike. They go through it so fast they at times can't get it into ice to cool it off.
2014-07-17 5:22 PM
in reply to: TriGuyBri

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SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread

Dear Cold,

It's over between us.  What we had devolved into a love/hate relationship.  You loved me and didn't want to let go; I hated you and wanted you gone as soon as possible.  Now that you are out of my life I kindly ask that you do not contact me again, even a little bit.




Boy is it good to be able to get back into the training - what little there is left!  Only 10 days to go and it is race day - wow.  The lost training has me second guessing my fitness level and race planning, so this taper ought to be an especially interesting one!

2014-07-17 11:20 PM
in reply to: TTom

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SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread

Brian, I'm checked the menu for the Flamingo restaurant and the Mostaccioli Diane you recommended isn't on the menu anymore!!  I'm disappointed as the description you posted looked soooo good. 

The pool there looks great from the Google satellite view; looks like 25 yards with 5 or 6 lanes.  That'll be great for the last swim before the race.  Should be able to do a last run there easily too, but for the bike I'll likely take it up to Windsor on and ride after registration.  My plan calls for a 30-45 minute z1/z2 ride, so thinking about doing a lap of the run course to get a last view of it before the race.  That should be about 8.7 miles, so in the ballpark for the right distance with a couple of small climbs to spin up and give the legs a preview of what the next day will bring.  If anyone else wants to join on the ride, I'd love to have company!


2014-07-18 10:32 AM
in reply to: TTom

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SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread

2014-07-19 10:49 AM
in reply to: TTom

Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
So I didn't have to wake up at 3:30 for bike riding, not sure what to do with all this time...but here I am instead of out doing a one hour run. I think when it is short it is easy to put it off.

Tom, glad you are finally healthy. My friend and I may join you on that ride, would love to get a look at the run course and do a last bike check. We are staying near the start so hoping to get a short swim in the river sometime Friday.

Thanks for the input on the drinks. I think I will mix it up and freeze it. In AZ it would thaw pretty quickly but sounds like that will not be the case next weekend. Back to weather watch and procrastinating on that run...Hop everyone is enjoying the rest.

2014-07-19 11:31 PM
in reply to: khaddon

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SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread

Race Numbers have been assigned!!!  Here's what we've got - hope I didn't miss anyone:

Race #Last nameFirst nameGenderAge on 12/31/14CityStateCountry
423HegwerDanielMALE41San RafaelCAUS
226KandelRitaFEMALE49Lake ForestCAUS


2014-07-20 12:06 AM
in reply to: #4892436

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New user
San Rafael, California
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread

You are too fast. I was just going to post the bib numbers!!!

In other good news, it looks like the high will be in the upper 80s. Here is to hoping for even cooler weather.

2014-07-20 11:18 PM
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SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Lisa and/or Brian, I've got a couple of questions for you!1. Are there wetsuit strippers and , if so, how does that work at Vineman? Right as you exit the water and you run with your wetsuit to stuff into your T1 bag for transport or something different?2. At the T2 changing tent do you take all your running stuff into the tent, change, then take the bike clothing you had on back to your rack location, or do you bag it in a numbered bag, leave it in the tent, and get on with your run directly? Or is to something else entirely?Hey, it's taper time. The mind is going in all different directions about the race, so these may be the easy questions . . .

Edited by TTom 2014-07-20 11:18 PM
2014-07-20 11:35 PM
in reply to: TTom

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Originally posted by TTom

Lisa and/or Brian, I've got a couple of questions for you!1. Are there wetsuit strippers and , if so, how does that work at Vineman? Right as you exit the water and you run with your wetsuit to stuff into your T1 bag for transport or something different?2. At the T2 changing tent do you take all your running stuff into the tent, change, then take the bike clothing you had on back to your rack location, or do you bag it in a numbered bag, leave it in the tent, and get on with your run directly? Or is to something else entirely?Hey, it's taper time. The mind is going in all different directions about the race, so these may be the easy questions . . .

the wetsuit strippers are at the entrance to T1 as you exit the swim. You climb a short bank and at the top are the strippers. You stuff your T1 gear into The bag provided at packet pickup. Wetsuit goes in as well, unless you hand it over to someone on the other side of the fence which a lot of people do.
If you use the tent at T2 you have to run to it. Last year it was right near the 50-54 male age group towards the run out. I was literally 15 YDS. Away from it. I purposefully setup close because I knew I was using it. You have to return to your T2 rack location and leave your stuff there. It is a very small tent. If you aren't close I would have a towel and wrap myself and change right there at your rack instead. There really isn't a whole lot of people around in T2 at least when I went through.




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2014-07-21 8:14 AM
in reply to: TriGuyBri

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SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread

Brian, thanks for the info!  I'll have to practice the 'under the towel' change technique beforehand as those sweaty tri shorts which normally slide off easily may be a bit of a different challenge when draped in a towel.  I don't know for sure, but don't want to end up on my fanny with the towel around my shoulders in T2, now do I?

2014-07-21 11:16 AM
in reply to: TTom

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SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread

Everyone getting ready and excited?  I know I am.  Just did my am swim workout of a total of 1500 yds which seems like a warm-up at this point!  Current view on the weather looks like forecasts range from 86-88, with morning clouds and afternoon sun. 

I'm getting everything ready for the trip up to the race venue.  I've got my checklist all done except for last minute stuff I remember with an "Oh crap, how'd I forget that?".  I also created a T1 and T2 layout checklist after seeing this on DC Rainmaker's site, an idea I really like as I recall always mentally asking myself, "Is every thing there, in place and ready to go?"  This takes the guesswork out of it for me.  After reading Brian's response about wetsuit strippers above, I realized that I didn't really know how this all works in the heat of the moment, but Google/Youtube came to the rescue with this video:  This looks AWESOME!  Finally, just a strong recommendation to everyone - get some flip flops to wear from T1 down to the water.  The beach is very rocky and not all of them are smooth.  Last year during the 70.3 I was really wishing I had a pair.  This year's pair are already packed in my wetsuit bag

Anyone else having trouble getting to sleep at night as the brain ticks over on all things race related?

2014-07-21 12:55 PM
in reply to: TTom

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San Rafael, California
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
With all of my recent down time, I have been reading the Game of Thrones books. In turn, way too much time has been spent on the couch, which has unfortunately caused my back to spasm. I am hoping to be fully recovered by Saturday....and if not, I think I will try and see how it goes.

I am leaving my packing to Wednesday night. I am finally deciding to go forward and do full changes at T1/T2 instead of wearing a tri suit. I just want as much comfort as possible on race day and I think the extra padding on the bike will help.

As of now, it is just a waiting game until Saturday morning at 4:00am when I wake to eat, and hope in the car to drive to the swim. I am trying not to think to much about the "event" as I am calling it now, since all that does is create more nerves.

Hope everyone is enjoying their taper.

2014-07-21 2:59 PM
in reply to: Happyinmarin

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Dan, In answer to your question the taper SUCKS. I am so anxious I just want race day to get here already. I'm paranoid about everything. I have been washing my hands like a crazy OCD person just to make sure I don't get sick. I am scared to train just in case I screw things up and I continually play mind games with myself. I just re-read my race report from my first Ironman last year and that was not a good idea. All of the sudden I remember that, oh yeah, this is going to hurt like hell!

Tom, thanks for posting the race numbers. Nice to hear you're all healed up. I'm really excited to meet everybody Friday morning. I appreciate all the training reports and overall motivation from you guys over the last few months. Special thanks to Brian who, although not racing with us this year, has provided us with awesome information and insight on the race. One last question Brian: Are the spots at each transition already assigned for us or ist a first come-first serve deal?

Good luck to everybody!
2014-07-21 3:03 PM
in reply to: Happyinmarin

Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
I too am getting excited and the mind turns as soon as I try to sleep. There is so much to remember. I am glad to be driving, can't imagine the stress of trying to fly with all this stuff.

We have practiced the towel change post bike using those towels that snap around the waist, works perfectly and takes very little time.

It seems that constanly looking at the weather report is not bringing the temp down. Drats! I am just bringing what I have to drink. I was hoping not to have to stop for refills during the ride, but if I need something cold so be it. Afterall it is an "event" not a race. At least for me it is.

So how far is everyone swimming this week? I will look for any excuse to cut mine short so if 1500 is adequate....hmmmm that would be nice.

It is still sinking in that it is almost here...felt really weird to ride for just 2 hours this weekend.

2014-07-21 4:15 PM
in reply to: Happyinmarin

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Rocky Mountains
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread

Originally posted by Happyinmarin I volunteered today at Vineman 70.3 on the run course at mile 4. I did my last long swim this morning, and while I was slow I did swim 4000 yards. It felt good to go earn some karma for race day. Tomorrow is my last long ride and I'm both dreading it and looking forward to it. It was pretty hot on the run course and when we wrapped up at 3:30 it was 95 on the pavement. It really made me realize how much I need to stay on top of hydration and fueling. Rest up everyone and feel better soon! I'm looking forward to a long fun day.


Thanks for being out there.  It was getting warm for sure!  Best of luck on your race!

2014-07-21 5:36 PM
in reply to: Lock_N_Load

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Originally posted by Lock_N_Load

Dan, In answer to your question the taper SUCKS. I am so anxious I just want race day to get here already. I'm paranoid about everything. I have been washing my hands like a crazy OCD person just to make sure I don't get sick. I am scared to train just in case I screw things up and I continually play mind games with myself. I just re-read my race report from my first Ironman last year and that was not a good idea. All of the sudden I remember that, oh yeah, this is going to hurt like hell!

Tom, thanks for posting the race numbers. Nice to hear you're all healed up. I'm really excited to meet everybody Friday morning. I appreciate all the training reports and overall motivation from you guys over the last few months. Special thanks to Brian who, although not racing with us this year, has provided us with awesome information and insight on the race. One last question Brian: Are the spots at each transition already assigned for us or ist a first come-first serve deal?

Good luck to everybody!

Age group area is assigned. Where you position yourself in that designated area is not. 1st come 1st serve.
2014-07-21 11:31 PM
in reply to: TriGuyBri

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SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread

Dan - Sounds like your body is no longer designed for long periods of inactivity!  Saturday is a long way off, I think plenty of time to recover from a back spasm.  May be a good idea to do some easy but lengthy stretches a few times a day if you can to get everything to elongate and then relax back to a normal position.  My wife has had quite a few of these over the years, and the PT's always say too much rest can delay recovery, light exercise starts a day or 2 after the spasm.  Fingers are crossed you get this under control quickly!

Jose - I had to smile when you said you were washing your hands like a crazy OCD person and are scared to train in case you screw things up.  Last Sunday was my granddaughter's birthday party.  We arrived at her house and my son-in-law says, "In the interest of full disclosure since your race is around the corner, she has the sniffles."  Remember, this is the little preschool plague carrier that caused the recent 2-week training setback.  I then had to run to the store for some supplies and she chases me to the door saying, "Go with Poppa, go with Poppa!".  In the back of my brain there is a not-so-quiet voice saying, "Noooooooooooo", but the mouth, for some inexplicable reason says, "Sure, let's go!".  First thing I did when I got to the store was go pick up a bottle of Purell and wash my hands.  The bottle was small enough it would fit in my pocket, so throughout the day I was using it on my hands as a preventative.  Then today I was looking at tomorrow's bike ride which is only an hour in z2 with 5 min in Z3 and I find myself saying to myself, "Do I really need to go to z3 at this late date?  Will it really help me on Saturday?  What if I strain a muscle in doing so?".  Sounds like you and I are on the same wavelength!  Stay tuned and we'll see what I actually do tomorrow.

Kate - your post about 'the towels that snap around your waist' got me thinking.  My wife is a whiz with all things sewing, so I mentioned it to her.  30 minutes later I had a changing towel with elastic around the waist and slits up most the side to make the change from tri-shorts to running shorts easy.  I decided that with the warmer weather I wanted my clothes to be as loose fitting as possible, and tri-shorts just don't fall in the category of 'loose fitting', now do they?  Thanks for the good idea!  On the weather front, I remember first glance at Accuweather had the day at 93, so today's forecasted highs of 86-88 for Saturday are a lot better.  I think the constant looking helped a lot!  Keep it up!!

I'm finding it a challenge to cut back on the calories now that training volume has taken such a big dip.  I got so used to looking for additional things to eat to get enough calories and now just base meals easily do the job.  No more snickers on demand I guess . . .  I've done a lot of obsessing research on current carb loading theory and plan to focus on 3 meals to achieve it: Thursday good size dinner with Italian restaurant already selected, Friday big breakfast to include oatmeal, pancakes and yogurt, moderately big lunch Friday focusing on carbs (TBD).  Dinner Friday night will be early and light.  Race morning 3:00-3:30 am will be 3 Boost supplement drinks, a cinnamon bagel with honey and a banana.  This'll give me about 1100 calories of easily digestible fuel to use during the day.  I practiced this combo for my 3 longest rides and while the stomach feels really full initially, once activity starts it is OK. 

2014-07-22 12:32 PM
in reply to: TTom

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Sounds like everyone is going through the same things I am with all the different emotions and concerns going into this weekend. Good news, my back is better and my knee isn't as bad. I am thrilled to be in taper. Yeah! My motivation was weaning in a big way. My kids are keeping me so busy with their schedules that I am not even thinking about how little I am training right now. I started packing and ordered MyAthlete tracker. It is very cool I was tracking people on the HIM two weeks ago. It will be great for our family and friends to follow us (thanks to whoever suggested it - I am too lazy to look up who it was).

Looking forward to meeting all you on Friday and can't to go through the finish line!
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2009-12-13 9:03 PM Focker
date : April 17, 2008
author : mikericci
comments : 1
This program is a beginner plan to bridge you from an a Half Ironman to Ironman using a HRM with the confidence that you can complete the race without difficulty.
date : November 20, 2007
author : mikericci
comments : 0
Executing this full Ironman plan for 17 weeks would give people with one Ironman under their belts very good preparation for a 2nd and 3rd. Preferably, you should have a 6:30 or faster HIM time.
date : July 10, 2007
author : Ontherun
comments : 0
Having three seasons under my belt I thought I knew what I was doing. That all changed with a few new challenges and a bunch of new friends.
date : July 30, 2006
comments : 0
If a heart patient can do these things, then so can those of you who haven't been split open like a fish and sewn back together.
date : June 4, 2006
author : Rich Strauss
comments : 2
I was not an official; I simply observed the race and the officials doing their thing. Here is what I saw:
date : October 26, 2005
author : mikericci
comments : 0
This Intermediate 20 week plan is a quick ramp up in overall volume, but with 20 weeks to train only, it is a gradual and safe approach because of the alternating weeks of the long run/bike.
date : April 3, 2005
author : sherrick
comments : 19
This training plan is written to prepare you for your first Ironman. While just a beginner’s plan, the hours per week start at a significant 8 hours.
date : September 26, 2004
author : Team BT
comments : 3
Pain shows us how strong we are. After last weekend I am convinced of this. After 151 training hours of swimming, biking, and running, I flew to Sonoma County, California for the race.