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2009-07-28 11:52 AM
in reply to: #2310472

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Extreme Veteran
Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
rymac - 2009-07-27 2:12 PM

mburkhart - 2009-07-26 8:53 PM Well, other than a few early morning showers at transition, fairly uneventful race. Really concentrated on my HR, fatigue level, stroke/sighting technique and pacing - learned alot about myself and know what things I need to work on coming up in the next few months. never really looked at or cared about my time, just focused on me which was kind of cool. Finished 3:11:39 - 6 minutes shaved off last year - not bad for not really racing and being so early in my training season. (I know not quite as impressive as most of the mentor group - but for me not bad). Off to do my RR now!

nice improvement from last year!  So how is it training in NYC?  Is it hard to find a place to ride without having to stop all the time or do you do most workouts on the trainer?  I am sure swimming and running would not be a problem - just curious.


It's tough - I do do a lot of work on the trainer and lots of "circles" at Central Park and Prospect Park in Brooklyn - CP has some pretty good hills, there are great open roads if you travel far enough upstate, over to Jersey and Nyack which I haven't yet explored, but will definitely have to figure out once I start hitting the 70+ mile rides in the next few weeks. You must have amazing rides where you are... (when it's not snowing )

2009-07-29 8:10 PM
in reply to: #2312755

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed

mburkhart - 2009-07-28 12:52 PM
rymac - 2009-07-27 2:12 PM

mburkhart - 2009-07-26 8:53 PM Well, other than a few early morning showers at transition, fairly uneventful race. Really concentrated on my HR, fatigue level, stroke/sighting technique and pacing - learned alot about myself and know what things I need to work on coming up in the next few months. never really looked at or cared about my time, just focused on me which was kind of cool. Finished 3:11:39 - 6 minutes shaved off last year - not bad for not really racing and being so early in my training season. (I know not quite as impressive as most of the mentor group - but for me not bad). Off to do my RR now!

nice improvement from last year!  So how is it training in NYC?  Is it hard to find a place to ride without having to stop all the time or do you do most workouts on the trainer?  I am sure swimming and running would not be a problem - just curious.


It's tough - I do do a lot of work on the trainer and lots of "circles" at Central Park and Prospect Park in Brooklyn - CP has some pretty good hills, there are great open roads if you travel far enough upstate, over to Jersey and Nyack which I haven't yet explored, but will definitely have to figure out once I start hitting the 70+ mile rides in the next few weeks. You must have amazing rides where you are... (when it's not snowing )

I was thinking long rides might be a problem for ya!!  The problem with MI roads is the toll the winters take on them as you probably know in NY too.  We have absolutely zero hills where I am at although there are some great rides along the shoreline.  Can't beat living near lake michigan in the summer though!!

2009-08-04 8:39 AM
in reply to: #2078550

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed

Well I have gotten the green light from the powers that be to get a new tri bike - the one I have is my sisters old one and is wayyyyy to small for me (51cm) and I am pretty sure i need a 54 or even a 56.  I think i am going to get the 2009 Felt B12 although I need to verify that its a good fit for me and then shop that sucker around.  It is MSRP for 3 and hoping to get down around 2600 if possible.  I am hoping that end of the year clearouts will start happening soon and I can hop on it.  This is my exciting news for the day just wanted to share.  Have a good week of training!


2009-08-06 1:04 PM
in reply to: #2078550

Soutwest Florida
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
Back off vacation getting ready to hit the bike first time in a month; hope I dont need training wheels. I did run while on vacation and swam my butt off. Water was awesome in the Bahamas, but it was ridiculously humid in the am. 7 miles later and it looked like I had already went swimming. Sounds like all is well on the Tri page catching up on all the blogs. I will let you know how the ride is 13 wks til HIM in Miami. Ready to get at it.
2009-08-06 4:15 PM
in reply to: #2078550

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Northern CA
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
I got some birthday money and I want to spend it! Help me decide what to buy...

I want to get a new HRM, one that is top-of-the-line and geared towards multi-sport. I like the idea of the Garmin 310XT but I don't like that it won't track my HR in the water. So I'm looking at the Polar equivalents as well. But there are so many choices...

I also want to get this scale. Because I'm nuts. :D

Also, dealing with my first injury. I fell off my bike (I was overdue for a clip-in fall) and scraped my knee and then, when I tried to do my long run 2 days later, it swelled up. Ugh. I have a race on Sunday (sprint) and haven't been able to do many of my regular workouts. I'm hoping I can bike on Sat. as usual. But don't plan to run at all until the event. Swimming yesterday was okay. I felt the knee at times but it was no worse at the end than it was when I started. 
2009-08-07 7:13 PM
in reply to: #2078550

Soutwest Florida
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
First bike felt good in a month. I have to really punch hard on the trng. I have to jump into week 5 of trng in a 18 wk plan. I need to cut a little more weight then I will be happy. I did not put on any while on vacation. Guess I was running just enough. HIM is my A race but looking forward to doing the full next year.  Another ride tomorrow.  As for gear MacMadame I would skip the scale and definitely go with the Garmin watch.  My water HR is more of a pacing thing for me. I check it at each 500 then I know I am doing ok. If you need some help I will spend some of your money.

2009-08-07 9:17 PM
in reply to: #2332777

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
MacMadame - 2009-08-06 5:15 PM I got some birthday money and I want to spend it! Help me decide what to buy...

I want to get a new HRM, one that is top-of-the-line and geared towards multi-sport. I like the idea of the Garmin 310XT but I don't like that it won't track my HR in the water. So I'm looking at the Polar equivalents as well. But there are so many choices...

I also want to get this scale. Because I'm nuts. :D

Also, dealing with my first injury. I fell off my bike (I was overdue for a clip-in fall) and scraped my knee and then, when I tried to do my long run 2 days later, it swelled up. Ugh. I have a race on Sunday (sprint) and haven't been able to do many of my regular workouts. I'm hoping I can bike on Sat. as usual. But don't plan to run at all until the event. Swimming yesterday was okay. I felt the knee at times but it was no worse at the end than it was when I started. 

I have an order in for the Garmin 310xt whenever they get in.  The ship date has been pushed and pushed.  Some units have leaked out here and there (I think a beta test).  BTW I don't think any HRM out there will accurately track HR in the water, so they are probably all the same.

Good luck and Happy Belated Birthday!
2009-08-07 9:20 PM
in reply to: #2335165

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
fireman70 - 2009-08-07 8:13 PM First bike felt good in a month. I have to really punch hard on the trng. I have to jump into week 5 of trng in a 18 wk plan. I need to cut a little more weight then I will be happy. I did not put on any while on vacation. Guess I was running just enough. HIM is my A race but looking forward to doing the full next year.  Another ride tomorrow.  As for gear MacMadame I would skip the scale and definitely go with the Garmin watch.  My water HR is more of a pacing thing for me. I check it at each 500 then I know I am doing ok. If you need some help I will spend some of your money.

Welcome back and easy back into it slowly, or at least pay special attention to what your body is saying to you, you don't want to get injured.
2009-08-08 11:32 AM
in reply to: #2078550

Soutwest Florida
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
Thanks yes the running I have stayed up with the bike is going to be slow. I have another ride today back is a little tight, more time out of aero then I like but it will come again. Pool next week no more open water, the Bahamas was like swimming in the pool with stuff to look at though. Probably need a little time on the bone bender table (chiro) before too long. If my back doesnt work itself out. 
2009-08-08 4:43 PM
in reply to: #2078550

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Northern CA
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
Well I'm going to a "shopping party" on Monday - 20 % off! I'm going to buy a lot of things... jacket to wear on the bike, some Hammer gel in a bottle for my gel flask and I'll look at the HRMs. I find that the written descriptions just confuse me. I have to SEE them and where the buttons are and how they work. I am leaning towards getting a 305 on close out but I don't want to spend money and then 6-12 months later spend some more. I've already done that with my current HRM, bike computer, Nike+ and bike, all of which I want to upgrade and none of which is a year old!

Right now I'm struggling with my training plan for my half-mary. It is a plan that goes by distance and pace. I haven't been very successful with it. The mileage jumps for the first 3 weeks were too great so I took 8 weeks to do them. Then I got totally off plan and I haven't been able to get back on.

I did really well with Couch-to-5K which goes by time. I'm wondering if I should ditch this "run X miles at tempo pace, Y miles at long pace" plan and just do a 30-45 min. tempo run and 1.5-2 hour long run every week. If I concentrate on getting faster, I will eventually get the distance in. (Right now I can run 10-11 miles in 2 hours so I don't have to get much faster to run 13.1 in 2 hours.)

The other thing is, I do some group workouts and classes where I do speed work on the run and also where I do an out-and-back 30 min. run at tempo pace. So I'm already off plan for two of my workouts as I'm not going to do the speed work in the plan, if I'm already doing speed work in another venue and I don't want to do two tempo runs a week either.
2009-08-11 8:02 PM
in reply to: #2078550

Soutwest Florida
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
First real training swim in a month. Definitely felt different without fins. All my swims in Bahamas were with fins. Pool was almost as clear lol. Able to stay down in aero position a lot longer today looking forward to the long ride this week. Training is back on now if I didnt have to payback all those doubles at the Firehouse.  Just means early am runs and two days when Im off.

2009-08-13 11:23 AM
in reply to: #2336083

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed

MacMadame - 2009-08-08 5:43 PM Well I'm going to a "shopping party" on Monday - 20 % off! I'm going to buy a lot of things... jacket to wear on the bike, some Hammer gel in a bottle for my gel flask and I'll look at the HRMs. I find that the written descriptions just confuse me. I have to SEE them and where the buttons are and how they work. I am leaning towards getting a 305 on close out but I don't want to spend money and then 6-12 months later spend some more. I've already done that with my current HRM, bike computer, Nike+ and bike, all of which I want to upgrade and none of which is a year old!

Right now I'm struggling with my training plan for my half-mary. It is a plan that goes by distance and pace. I haven't been very successful with it. The mileage jumps for the first 3 weeks were too great so I took 8 weeks to do them. Then I got totally off plan and I haven't been able to get back on.

I did really well with Couch-to-5K which goes by time. I'm wondering if I should ditch this "run X miles at tempo pace, Y miles at long pace" plan and just do a 30-45 min. tempo run and 1.5-2 hour long run every week. If I concentrate on getting faster, I will eventually get the distance in. (Right now I can run 10-11 miles in 2 hours so I don't have to get much faster to run 13.1 in 2 hours.)

The other thing is, I do some group workouts and classes where I do speed work on the run and also where I do an out-and-back 30 min. run at tempo pace. So I'm already off plan for two of my workouts as I'm not going to do the speed work in the plan, if I'm already doing speed work in another venue and I don't want to do two tempo runs a week either.

I know you posted this a while ago - but just a suggestion - I know that alot of people don't subscribe to the distance based training schedule mainly becuase one person can do say 20 miles in 2:30 hours and another person may only be able to do 12.  So if the plan said to run 20 miles you may be out there for 4 hours (an extreme example but you get the point).  I may try to look for a different plan as this may do more harm than good.  Also - you may want to try cut back on the tempo and speed work until you get closer to your event (Oct 12 i think was the date).  I ran 90% of my run miles at an easy pace leading up to my HIM training and it worked very well - I was able to stay energized for future workouts and recovered quickly to do the subsequent workout.

Just my thoughts.

2009-08-13 11:26 AM
in reply to: #2078550

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed

Brent - A question on swim aides and sets - I have not used any paddles, pull buoy, kick board at all really in my swim training.  Do you use these and do you think they can benefit an "average" swimmer like myself.  I was planning to get paddles and a pull buoy to build strength and I mostly do kick sets on my back and do not do them very often either.  I know you are a good swimmer and was wondering if you use them now or have used them in the past.  Thanks.


2009-08-15 11:30 AM
in reply to: #2346396

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
rymac - 2009-08-13 12:26 PM

Brent - A question on swim aides and sets - I have not used any paddles, pull buoy, kick board at all really in my swim training.  Do you use these and do you think they can benefit an "average" swimmer like myself.  I was planning to get paddles and a pull buoy to build strength and I mostly do kick sets on my back and do not do them very often either.  I know you are a good swimmer and was wondering if you use them now or have used them in the past.  Thanks.


To be honest I don't even own a pull buoy, paddles, or a kick board.  When I have a swim workout, I swim.  I'm not saying this is right or wrong, it's just the way I do it.  I get the pull buoy and paddle thing to increase strength, but a workout or two with the weights does the same (maybe even better, if done correctly).  The kickboard thing I really don't get.  If I could get away without kicking at all on the swim I would.  I need my legs for the next 138.2 miles.  I use a 2 beat kick which pretty much is just enough to keep my bottom half planed out in the water.  I don't call upon my legs for really an forward motion.  I will use a couple good swift kicks to catch up to someone to get on there legs in a race, but that's about it.  If I were to get some "toys" for the pool it would be paddles and a buoy.

BTW, I agree with your comment to watch out for "distance based" training plans.  I prefer time based.  Plus they are so much easier to scale up or down based on where you are in your season.  For me, my volume jumps big during IM builds, and then comes back down for the rest of the year.  Time based plan, in my opinion are really easy to do this with.  Now your workouts usually sound funny...134 min bike, 82 min run, but it's easy to adjust.
2009-08-16 1:02 AM
in reply to: #2078550

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Northern CA
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
The time-based running definitely works better for me. So tomorrow, assuming my new bike scrape doesn't do me in, I'm going to run 2 hours and see what happens....

Yeah, I had another bike crash. This time I got taken down by uneven pavement and was actually moving. But I scraped off the scab from my clip-in incident two weeks ago and blood was everywhere. Luckily we were near a gas station and I could get wipes, band-aids and ice. But then I got a flat and the spare popped and the second spare was seen bulging out of the slit in the tire that I didn't see the first time I changed it. Bah.

The funny thing is... I drove 30 min. south of me to meet up with a friend for this ride. Then we road north with the goal of a place 40 min. north of me. I got the flat.... 1 mile from my house! So I just walked home and she kept on biking to the event we were going to. So it all worked out. :D

The guy at the bike shop asked me if I wanted a heavier tire. I asked him if it would be slower and rejected it on those grounds. I think he thought I was nuts, but that's how I think now.

Edited by MacMadame 2009-08-16 1:28 AM

2009-08-16 8:11 PM
in reply to: #2078550

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
Sorry to hear about the crash but glad it wasn't serious.  Uneven pavement is tricky.  I almost went down yesterday when my front tire got caught in a 2 inch wide crack in blacktoop whch ran with the road (vs. across the road).  Scarry stuff.

2009-08-16 8:32 PM
in reply to: #2078550

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Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
I did the Rattlesnake tri (Oly distance) yesterday and actually was pretty happy with the results.  I knocked 12 minutes off of my time in the swim versus what I did at the Boulder Peak (same distance), so apparently it is true that at least maintenance training in the swim is necessary.  I knocked off about 16 minutes off of the bike time versus the Peak, and about 5 minutes off of the run.  Total time was 3:22:53 (transition times weren't great)versus 3:53 last month. 

Question for anyone/everyone, how the hell do I get my hamstrings to quit cramping up?  I hydrated enough, drank enough sport drink with electrolytes, and even added magnesium supplements for a few days leading up to the event.  If I could just get rid of the cramping, I could pick up another 10-12 minutes on the run.  Is the answer more strength training for my hammy's, because I felt like I did enough stretching before the event.
2009-08-18 7:08 PM
in reply to: #2078550

Soutwest Florida
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
I eat a lot of peanut butter with bananas. Knock on wood I dont get cramps. I have a friend who sweats like crazy we call him Captain crampy. It was always a hydration thing for him prior to the event. I drink so much water that I urinate clear. Heck even on my marathon I had to stop and urinate. Thats just me.
2009-08-21 8:34 AM
in reply to: #2352108

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
baldbuyer - 2009-08-16 9:32 PM I did the Rattlesnake tri (Oly distance) yesterday and actually was pretty happy with the results.  I knocked 12 minutes off of my time in the swim versus what I did at the Boulder Peak (same distance), so apparently it is true that at least maintenance training in the swim is necessary.  I knocked off about 16 minutes off of the bike time versus the Peak, and about 5 minutes off of the run.  Total time was 3:22:53 (transition times weren't great)versus 3:53 last month. 

Question for anyone/everyone, how the hell do I get my hamstrings to quit cramping up?  I hydrated enough, drank enough sport drink with electrolytes, and even added magnesium supplements for a few days leading up to the event.  If I could just get rid of the cramping, I could pick up another 10-12 minutes on the run.  Is the answer more strength training for my hammy's, because I felt like I did enough stretching before the event.

Without knowing all the information here are some thoughts.  The typical "checklist" for cramp avoidance are 1. hydration (before and during) 2. electrolyte depletion (the primary culprits are sodium and potassium) 3. muscle fatigue.

My first inclination is muscle fatigue because you were racing much faster than you have previously.  Strength training certainly will help, but also some additional training at the tempo you are racing at or some interval training to get your muscles developed in that area. 
2009-08-21 1:29 PM
in reply to: #2078550

Soutwest Florida
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
Has been anybody seen how hot is in here in Florida. Hope it cools off soon it felt like death valley but with humidity. Did 9 miles and liked to died. Ran out of water and forgot gel. Time to start getting up early again and running. Just to hot other wise. Had to run into local hospital and get some water they looked at me like I should have been a patient. LOL Swim felt good though. Definitely should have made my turn around earlier and picked up my other water bottle. More planning for the next time.
2009-08-22 8:19 PM
in reply to: #2078550

Soutwest Florida
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
What do you say when a cop chews you out for running a stop sign. Guess sorry no need to argue when im in the wrong. Just wish it was an easier place to ride. Oh well he must have had nothing else better to do then look out for my safety. yeah right. lol Just funny day on the bike other than that I had a good ride.

2009-08-24 1:25 AM
in reply to: #2078550

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Northern CA
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
The cops around here have been really going after the bicyclists for running stop signs. Okay, it's the law and people break it and deserve a ticket, if caught. But they never have "people who don't give cyclist enough room" traps or "people who throw bottles at cyclists" traps. Those people are doing something much more dangerous IMO.

Anyway, I did an 80 mile bike ride yesterday. Well, it was more like two 40s since I had a 2 hour lunch with friends in between. But the point is, when I got home, my left hand started acting funny. I don't have a lot of strength in it and I am having trouble making it obey me. It's effecting my typing and my swimming (it won't stay cupped, it's more like a sieve).

Is this expected? (Or more is this something I need to deal with or will it go away on its own?)

Edited by MacMadame 2009-08-24 1:47 AM
2009-08-26 12:42 PM
in reply to: #2078550

Soutwest Florida
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
Im with you MacMadame too close oh yeah and dont forget the people riding on the sidewalk. I guess it was definitely my fault and would be complaining the other way if I had hit somebody with my car when they didnt stop at the sign. Oh well. Been on my recovery week it has been nice.
2009-08-27 9:56 AM
in reply to: #2078550

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Northern CA
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
The thing is, in some states, bikes are allowed to treat stop signs as Yield signs and Red lights as Stop Signs. So people here are getting tickets for something that is perfectly legal somewhere else. That makes it harder for me to get indignant about the behavior.If they were ticketing bicyclists for turning without signally or not wearing a helmet, I'd be right on board with it.

Hey, my Garmin Forerunner 310XT came in! I'm going to try to hook it up to the bike tonight. I wore it to track on Tues. and it was awesome to be able to track my pace and adjust it right then and there.

Edited by MacMadame 2009-08-27 11:20 AM

2009-08-27 10:32 AM
in reply to: #2078550

Soutwest Florida
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
Im jealous wish i had gotten that instead of suunto maybe bday present for me. Let me know how it tracks in the water. Brent should be getting his soon too. Hope to hear some info on it and is it worth the price tag. I havent decided between that or the 305. Any input would be nice.
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