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2009-06-17 7:22 PM
in reply to: #2224175

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Orange Park, Fl
Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed

Edited by Carter_83 2009-06-17 7:23 PM

2009-06-18 8:18 AM
in reply to: #2225508

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Carter_83 - 2009-06-17 7:22 PM


Waht marathon in Jan. Is it the Disney. I am thinking abuot doing it. I am already signed up for the 26.2 with Donna breast cancer marathon. I might be going to Napa Valley in March and they have the Napa Valley marathon the week I woudl be out there. If I don't go I might do the Disney Marathon.

Yes, I'll be doing Disney again.  It is such a great race!  Really good support from spectators and really good support from Disney.  There are rarely points during the race where people aren't cheering you on - it is amazing. 

2009-06-18 8:22 AM
in reply to: #2113192

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Yeah, heat is very difficult to run in.  It is pretty difficult, I find, to really focus on running too much during the Florida summers.  I'll make a little progress this summer but most of my gains will be when it starts to cool down.  

I start my runs usually around 5:30.  This morning it was really humid right from the get go.  I ran 11 - just a fairly easy pace - my long day right now.

2009-06-18 8:56 AM
in reply to: #2113192

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Hi all -

I had my OWS clinic last night. I learned a few things - lake water does not taste good when it is pushed up your nose and all! Swimming in OW is much harder than the pool! Breathing over choppy water is much more difficult and takes a LOT out of you! The water was pretty nice temp wise for Mass - but the air temp was very cold - in the 60s.

The clinic started off with a lot of talk about wetsuits. Good info - but I am not planning on getting one anytime soon. The summer tri's that I am doing will be plenty hot and most races won't allow you to wear a wetsuit if it is a certain temp. They talked about placement at the start of the race and how to catch your breathe etc while swimming. We were broken into groups of about 30 or so and swam out about 100 yards and back. My first time was pretty tough... and I finished at the end of my pack - but not last! Laughing They gave us the option to go out again. Went out with about 40 women and did a little better. The water was so choppy - it was like swimming in ocean water. I plan to swim the lakes where I am doing the races and I believe one of them does not allow power boats on the lake - it is much smaller than this place. I am hoping to do some of my OWS at this lake in Sharon, MA (where I did the clinic - it's only about 15 mins from my house and a great place for SBR!) I did exchange numbers with a woman who swims there often - but I would need a resident pass in order to walk onto the beach! Frown

Jesse - I hear that when you arrive on race day you should do a few swim laps - what is your opinion?
2009-06-18 9:13 AM
in reply to: #2113192

Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Hey Everyone!
Jesse - awesome about the instructor - how did you go about finding a tri-swim instructor?
Michelle - Congrats on the Race! Also, glad to hear the clinic went well - I will be going in July. I am really nervous about the choppy water-breathing aspect. I was in the pool yesterday and was sharing a lane with me - I was having a hard time with that alone! I'm thinking it will be a good idea for me to try to go to a busy pool, to force myself to swim with others.
I just got 2 of my friends to join in on the tri-training with me. They are motivated to get in the open water, which will be extremely helpful!!

Speaking of training - I am back into a routine since my move. However, I am taking it slow. My schedule is overloaded, so I'm trying to take it easy to avoid burning myself out. There have unfortunately have been no bike rides because it has been constantly raining...Hopefully once camp (my summer job) starts up the rain will subside, so I can ride to work!
Take care,
2009-06-18 10:35 AM
in reply to: #2113192

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New user
Madison, WI
Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
To reiterate on the always wear a helmet point: my dad had a heart attack while biking yesterday and hit his head when he fell.  He was not wearing a helmet and they still don't know if he'll be okay.

I've been a bit of a basket case, of course, but at least I'll be training a lot.  The more stressed out I get, the more I want to work out.  I was at the gym until midnight last night.


2009-06-18 12:53 PM
in reply to: #2226262

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
mstone11 - 2009-06-18 8:56 AM Hi all -

I had my OWS clinic last night. I learned a few things - lake water does not taste good when it is pushed up your nose and all! Swimming in OW is much harder than the pool! Breathing over choppy water is much more difficult and takes a LOT out of you! The water was pretty nice temp wise for Mass - but the air temp was very cold - in the 60s.

The clinic started off with a lot of talk about wetsuits. Good info - but I am not planning on getting one anytime soon. The summer tri's that I am doing will be plenty hot and most races won't allow you to wear a wetsuit if it is a certain temp. They talked about placement at the start of the race and how to catch your breathe etc while swimming. We were broken into groups of about 30 or so and swam out about 100 yards and back. My first time was pretty tough... and I finished at the end of my pack - but not last! Laughing They gave us the option to go out again. Went out with about 40 women and did a little better. The water was so choppy - it was like swimming in ocean water. I plan to swim the lakes where I am doing the races and I believe one of them does not allow power boats on the lake - it is much smaller than this place. I am hoping to do some of my OWS at this lake in Sharon, MA (where I did the clinic - it's only about 15 mins from my house and a great place for SBR!) I did exchange numbers with a woman who swims there often - but I would need a resident pass in order to walk onto the beach! Frown

Jesse - I hear that when you arrive on race day you should do a few swim laps - what is your opinion?


I am SOOO glad you were able to do this.  I know it sucked but it is great that you were able to get in some OWS time.   The more you do it the more comfortable you will become.   I am not a great OWS yet but I keep trying.  My advice is

1) to do as much of it as you can.  

2) the first 100 or 200 is the worst.  Then you start to relax a bit more.  It is kinda like when you first start to run sometimes.  It take a bit for you body to adapt but then it does and you start to do better.  So, definitely keep doing the smaller swims just until you get comfortable.  At some point you'll just have to push through the first couple hundred to see what it is like.

3) Go slow in your race.  Don't worry about your time.  Focus on breathing out when your head is under water.  Focus on breathing in when your face is out of the water.   Relax Relax Relax.  The more tense you are the harder it will be.   When you get hit try to ignore it.   When someone taps your feet just think relax and breathe - relax and breathe.

4) Try to get to another clinic in a bit just so you can swim with other people again before your race.

Good call on the wetsuit.  I think you should try and do your swimming without it.

YES - waves (wake) make swimming OW when you are inexperienced exponentially more difficult.  When you get in the calmer lake with calmer waters you feel much better about it.   Shoot, I know good swimmers that hope for rough water during swimming because everyone else panics and they just swim right through it.  Over time you'll probably feel the same way - I DON'T THOUGH Laughing

 As far as warming up before a race (and I'll have a lot more advice as everyone gets closer to their individual races) here is my opinion.  You want to be loose for the race.  You want your heart to be pumping a little.   Some races don't allow for swimming before hand believe it or not.  Some do.  So, just be prepared for either.  What I do is get all my gear set up for transition.  Then I go on a very short run - 1/2 mile just to get the legs a little loose and warm.  Then I stretch a little.  If they allow swimming before hand I get in the water and just get my body used to the water and I do a little stroking as well.  But, not too much.  However, there are a lot of "what ifs" with this scenario.  If you are going in wave starts and it is cold you don't want to jump in and get some swimming in when you have to get out and freeze and wait for 30 mins to start.  BUT, if it is warmer outside then I would say go for it.  

Good job!

2009-06-18 12:55 PM
in reply to: #2226340

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
dragonfly253 - 2009-06-18 9:13 AMHey Everyone!
Jesse - awesome about the instructor - how did you go about finding a tri-swim instructor?
Michelle - Congrats on the Race! Also, glad to hear the clinic went well - I will be going in July. I am really nervous about the choppy water-breathing aspect. I was in the pool yesterday and was sharing a lane with me - I was having a hard time with that alone! I'm thinking it will be a good idea for me to try to go to a busy pool, to force myself to swim with others.
I just got 2 of my friends to join in on the tri-training with me. They are motivated to get in the open water, which will be extremely helpful!!

Speaking of training - I am back into a routine since my move. However, I am taking it slow. My schedule is overloaded, so I'm trying to take it easy to avoid burning myself out. There have unfortunately have been no bike rides because it has been constantly raining...Hopefully once camp (my summer job) starts up the rain will subside, so I can ride to work!
Take care,
Christina - that is great on the friends. You guys should try to get to a lake together to get some swimming in!!!The instructor came via a friend of mine that started to use this person. He is an experienced triathlete so I am looking forward to getting more tri-swimming advice as compared to just straight swimming advice.Jesse
2009-06-18 12:59 PM
in reply to: #2226611

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
njacobs24 - 2009-06-18 10:35 AMTo reiterate on the always wear a helmet point: my dad had a heart attack while biking yesterday and hit his head when he fell.  He was not wearing a helmet and they still don't know if he'll be okay.

I've been a bit of a basket case, of course, but at least I'll be training a lot.  The more stressed out I get, the more I want to work out.  I was at the gym until midnight last night.


SHOOT - That is intense information. Really sorry to hear that! I hope that all goes well.Jesse
2009-06-18 4:57 PM
in reply to: #2226611

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Hi Nikki -
Sorry to hear about your dad. Hope all goes well.
2009-06-18 7:30 PM
in reply to: #2113192

Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Nikki -
I hope every goes well with your dad -- so sorry to hear about that!
- Christina

2009-06-22 10:09 AM
in reply to: #2113192

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
It is really heating up here in Central Florida.  I had a couple tough training sessions this weekend and this morning.  Still haven't quite figured out my nutrition on the hot days.  

I think I need a few light days or days off!

2009-06-23 4:58 PM
in reply to: #2113192

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed

Me too! I took off the weekend because I wasn't feeling well - fever, chills, soar throat. Dr. says I have strep throat. Again - 2nd time in two months! I should feel better in a few days. Don't think I will be doing much training until maybe Friday or so. Weather hasn't been great here either! It's been raining since last week.

Hope everyone enjoyed Father's Day!

2009-06-24 8:16 AM
in reply to: #2113192

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Nikki - hope all is going well!


I am on my second day off in a row!  That is the first time I have done that during the week in a long time (first time when there hasn't been a race involved).  I think it is probably a good thing.  I know I need the rest. 

Two weeks from now I am going to the Bahamas for 4+ days so that will be some good time off as well.  I think I'll just take my running shoes and get a few short runs in.  

This Friday is a swim lesson with a new coach.  Hopefully I can start to bridge the gap between my pool swimming (which has been going well) and my OWS.

Has anyone changed their race or goals?  Here is what I have for races for everyone:

Cheryl -  August 22

Christina –  September

Nikki – September

Michelle – August 29th

Carter – July

I know there have been a few set backs.  

Carter you have a race coming up very shortly.   Do you feel prepared?  

Cher and Michelle -  You are two months away.  It is probably a great time to map out your next 8 weeks leading up to the race.  Meaning, you can plan an increasing amount of load and intensity up until about 2 weeks out.   Start working more on your weaknesses.


2009-06-24 8:50 AM
in reply to: #2239056

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Hi Jesse -

Bahamas - that will be fun. I went in college. Good times!
Actually my first one is July 26th. I am planning on focusing on OWS and biking outdoors on the weekends and running/ spinning on the weekdays. I will come up with a schedule for now till race day. I have been pretty exhausted since my race two weekends ago. This may have contributed to being sick w/ strep throat. I have lost another 5 lbs due to being sick. I am planning on taking today and tomorrow off. And go for a run on Friday -hoping the weather will start to get better.

Any input - greatly appreciated.

2009-06-24 9:37 AM
in reply to: #2113192

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed

Hi Jesse,
This is what I came up for a schedule for now - July 26th.

Friday June 26              Run – 30 -40 minutes
Sat June 27                  Bike – 15-20 miles Marlboro course, Run 2 miles
Sunday 28                    OWS – Sharon – 6 am or pool 30 laps and drills
Monday June 29           Run – 40 minutes
Tuesday June 30          Spin
Wednesday July 1        Run – 40-45 minutes
Thursday July 2            Day off
Friday July 3                 OWS – Sharon 6am? / Bike – 20 miles Marlboro
Sat July 4th                   Run – 40 minutes - Sutton duathlon course
Sunday July 5               Day off
Monday July 6              Spin
Tuesday July 7             Run – 45 min
Wednesday July 8        Strength training day
Thursday July 9            Spin
Friday July 10               Run
Sat July 11                   ?
Sunday July 12            OWS - Sharon
Monday July 13            Run
Tuesday July 14            Spin
Wednesday July 15      Strength training day
Thursday July 16          Spin
Friday July 17               OWS – Sharon 7am
Sat July 18                   Day off
Sunday July 19             Run – 30 min

Not sure how much I should do the week before the race. July 20- 25th. Race day is July 26th.

Let me know what you think.

2009-06-24 10:18 AM
in reply to: #2239305

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
mstone11 - 2009-06-24 9:37 AM

Hi Jesse,
This is what I came up for a schedule for now - July 26th.

Friday June 26              Run – 30 -40 minutes
Sat June 27                  Bike – 15-20 miles Marlboro course, Run 2 miles
Sunday 28                    OWS – Sharon – 6 am or pool 30 laps and drills
Monday June 29           Run – 40 minutes
Tuesday June 30          Spin
Wednesday July 1        Run – 40-45 minutes
Thursday July 2            Day off
Friday July 3                 OWS – Sharon 6am? / Bike – 20 miles Marlboro
Sat July 4th                   Run – 40 minutes - Sutton duathlon course
Sunday July 5               Day off
Monday July 6              Spin
Tuesday July 7             Run – 45 min
Wednesday July 8        Strength training day
Thursday July 9            Spin
Friday July 10               Run
Sat July 11                   ?
Sunday July 12            OWS - Sharon
Monday July 13            Run
Tuesday July 14            Spin
Wednesday July 15      Strength training day
Thursday July 16          Spin
Friday July 17               OWS – Sharon 7am
Sat July 18                   Day off
Sunday July 19             Run – 30 min

Not sure how much I should do the week before the race. July 20- 25th. Race day is July 26th.

Let me know what you think.

(Long winded jumbled thoughts...)
Michelle - Wow, one month away! I think our schedule looks pretty good.

I know you have some scheduling constraints so I won't pick on you too much I see over the next week or so you have some good bricks scheduled (Sat and the following Fri). I would just try to get in a few more after that as well. It would be great to have a few more closer to race day (maybe one swim/bike and then a bike/run or even a run/bike). During those bricks, when possible, practice your transitions.

On transitions: I think for your first tri it isn't a big deal to take a little more time in transitions, catch your breath + make sure you have everything "right." But, I will say that I know a few people that took minutes in their transition and then regretted it later - "I wish I would have done better in transitions" sort of thing. So, I would practice them and try to minimize the time. Transitions are a place for FREE minutes. If you take 45 seconds per transition and someone else takes 1:30 per transition that is a total of 1:30 mins you made up on them - that is like running 10:00 miles when they have to run 9:30 just to make up the time - again, free time! I'll post again or later about things you can do in transition to speed it up!

Michelle - how is your husband doing in training? Has he been keeping up with you?

On the week of the race. I would do the following: Assuming the race is on a Sunday... I would train hard through Wednesday. Then Thursday do a workout but nothing that will make you sore for Friday. So, you can do a 3 - 4 mile run but don't push it. You can do a bike but maybe not the spin class. Etc. Then rest on Friday and Saturday. You may find it useful to just get out a jog a light mile to keep the legs loose (either Friday or Sat). I often do this.

Other comments or thoughts:

-- On the spin days for the next several weeks leading up to the race maybe take it up a notch on the level - so if you were doing level 10 for a section of the spin class bump it up to 11, etc.

-- On OWS - If you don't have a buddy (like Sharon can't make it) maybe this would be a great time for you and hubby to go out to the lake together with your child. And you guys can take turns. Shoot, even if you get 10 mins in and then he gets 10 mins in, etc. Again, you just want to get comfortable in the water.

-- I know this schedule is just a guideline but maybe on a few of the days where you just have an OWS scheduled you can also fit in a run with your partner - even a few miles. Like on the 12th and 17th.

2009-06-24 10:41 AM
in reply to: #2113192

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed

I'll just go through what I do for transitions. I throw in a few pointers and tips:

Get to transition really early. Normally there will be bike racks with blocks of numbers on them. Like 100 - 120. You'll find your number and place your bike on the rack and set up your area. You don't have to place your bike in order. You can place it anywhere on the rack as long as you fall within the correct range. That is why you get there early - because you can place your bike on the end of the rack. This may save you 3- 4 seconds in and out for a total of 15 seconds (2 transitions). Again, free time!

You'll have limited space but since this is a sprint you'll need less "stuff." Just about right underneath your bike (and a little to the side) you'll have:

-your shoes
-race belt
-socks (if you need them)
-a towel in case you need to dry your feet or get any debris off of your feet
-you'll be carrying your goggle and swim cap with you after you set up transition.

So, you do the swim and come in to your transition. Throw your goggle and swim cap under your bike. You take your helmet put it on and strap it. (If you need a number on the bike portion then you should have a race belt with your number on it - and you can put it on at this time with the number on the back of you on the bike. Then you can switch it around when you start the run). And then I just go. However, if you are using regular running shoes on the bike you obviously need to put your shoes on first.

You should have just a little bottle of fluids (water/gatorade) on your bike. Don't fill it all the way because that is just extra weight. Just fill as much as you think you'll use. Maybe 1/3 or 1/2.

Tip - make sure your helmet is open side up with the straps to the sides. You don't want to put the helmet on and find the strap on top of you head. Practice this. It is easy but just practice putting your helmet on fast.

Tip - If you can go without socks then do it. But, practice this with your running shoes to make sure you don't get blisters. You can also use a lubricant (I use a lubricant stick) that will help in those areas where you might get blisters. Personally, in races, I ride all distances without socks. Then if it is a longer run I put on socks. For a sprint I don't.

When you come in from the bike just rack the bike, take off your helmet, and go. THis portion depends on if you already have your shoes on or you need to put them on at this point.

Really transitions are pretty simple and you WILL over think it. BUT, if you don't need it then don't bring it into the transition area. You don't want to complicate anything.

I'll have more later on this just wanted to throw out some basics for you to think about.

2009-06-24 11:10 AM
in reply to: #2113192

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Thanks Jesse. I will also try to get in a few runs at night during the week.

To answer your questions:
Tim is religious about going to the gym and working out. He's been running my Boston course and doing pretty well. He did well in the race we did a few weeks ago. He says he now needs to focus on OWS. He will be doing a lot of the weekend workouts with me.

BTW - Sharon is the town next to me where the lake is. I have a swim partner from the clinic, but our sched. haven't allowed us to get together. I plan to go with my husband on Sunday - depending on the weather.

2009-06-26 9:24 PM
in reply to: #2113192

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Orange Park, Fl
Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed

I will not be able to race in July. My right shoulder has been bothering me bad and have not done much training. I would rather miss the race than do further damage to my shoulder. Hopefully next year.  I did register for the Disney Marathon.  Good luck to everyone in there races.

2009-06-27 6:16 AM
in reply to: #2246732

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Carter_83 - 2009-06-26 9:24 PM

I will not be able to race in July. My right shoulder has been bothering me bad and have not done much training. I would rather miss the race than do further damage to my shoulder. Hopefully next year.  I did register for the Disney Marathon.  Good luck to everyone in there races.


Carter - sorry to hear about that.  Yeah, you have your life ahead of you for glory - but only two shoulders (ever)    

I'll see you at the marathon.  


2009-06-28 8:36 AM
in reply to: #2113192

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Carter, Sorry to hear that. Hope your training for the marathon goes well.

Jesse, I got out and did a short run on Friday - was a little tired but felt ok. Yesterday was really good. We did the bike and run course for the first our first tri's. This is a pretty tough bike course - lots of smal hills and two very big hills at the end. The course is 3x around. I then practice transition and we went went out for a run. I see what you are saying that after that first mile, you start to feel better. We did 1.8 miles. We could have continued but we were short on time. The run should be ok. My legs are pretty soar today. We'll be back there next week for an OWS.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

2009-06-28 11:11 AM
in reply to: #2113192

Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Hi Everyone,
Carter - sorry to hear about your shoulder .. that must be frustrating.
Michelle - The Marlborough race is coming up quick!! Have you checked out the course at all? I have yet to register for it - I have to get finances in order - plus figure out a set schedule for myself.

I ran my first 5K today!! I was nervous - this past week I has been a transition week, with the ending of school (where I work during the year) midweek and the intense 40hr training for camp (my summer job) all week, having exams for the class I am taking and having family visiting. It was really tricky to get any training in at all.
Also, yesteday I really started to feel sick. I took some Vit. C, and rested - Today I am feeling soo much better!

At the race, I had about a 8:30-9 minute pace going and I was feeling great! Around mile 2.5 another runner had a medical emergency, so I stopped to help her. I came in at 30:34 (official times aren't posted yet)
I had a lot of fun...I was suprised at how relaxed I ended up being.

My schedule is going to start to not be so crazy (hopefully) but I'm still having a tough time getting it into my days.
I'm going to tweak my schedule a bit:

Monday: Swim  40 minutes
Tuesday: Run 30-40 minutes
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: Swim 1hr
Friday: Bike (Either 8 miles to/from work or hour + ride)
Sun: Brick 1:15

What do you suggest for Saturday? Do you think this is an okay schedule?
2009-06-28 11:18 AM
in reply to: #2248238

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Hey Christina, We actually did the bike/run course yesterday (see my last post). The bike is tough. The distance isn't too bad but there are 2 pretty steep hills! (and you have to do it 3X) The run is good. One hill at the beginning (course is 2 loops). Lots of uphills and downhills in these courses. We are going to try to do it again next weekend (Sunday) if you want to meet up with us. Haven't checked out the lake yet but the bike course goes around it.
2009-06-28 11:18 PM
in reply to: #2113192

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New user
Madison, WI
Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Hey everyone!  My dad got out of the hospital on Friday after a pretty miraculous recovery and is fine.  Not too shabby, considering a week ago he was in a coma and they thought he might have serious brain damage.  Needless to say, I'm super relieved.

Working and going to the hospital every day wreaked some havoc on my training schedule, so I'm eager to get back into things this week.

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