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2011-01-13 6:50 PM
in reply to: #3256657

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
Where is everyone?  I feel like I am having a conversation with myself. 

2011-01-13 6:50 PM
in reply to: #3296563

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

What first inspired you to complete a triathlon?" 

My FIL- I crewed for him with my then boyfriend (now husband) at the Ultraman in 1989.  It was pretty impressive to watch.  I did my first tri in 1991, then then next was I think 1998 (first there was grad school, then a horse, then babies...).

2011-01-13 7:20 PM
in reply to: #3256657

Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
What first inspired you to complete a triathlon?

I was just getting back to the gym after having my son and one of the guys who works there mentioned he did a tri. I was instantly jealous, but had just agreed to train for a HM with someone else. Right after my HM partner bailed because of too much work, a different running partner said "we should do a tri." Four months later I was setting up my transition area without ANY of my training partners -- that's right every single one bailed on me. Of course now they all think I'm a rock star for having done a tri. Hopefully I'll get some company this summer.

2011-01-14 7:24 AM
in reply to: #3298373

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

tricrazy - 2011-01-13 7:50 PM Where is everyone?  I feel like I am having a conversation with myself. 

I'm here!  I think it's awesome you want to do an Ironman.  I'd like to do a 1/2 IM, but I haven't mentally accepted the idea of a full yet.  I'm not sure my knees could take it!

2011-01-14 1:04 PM
in reply to: #3296563


Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
lmcvetty - 2011-01-13 8:04 AM "what first inspired you to complete a triathlon?" 

I have wanted to do one for years, but just never had the determination to get past the swimming training.  I realize that if I dont have some strong meaningful fitness goals, I get very fat and lazy. Like I said I have been promising my daughter and  I decided that this is the year!   

Like so many I was first inspired by Julie Moss and her dramatic finish in IM.  It only took almost 3 decades to get here!
2011-01-14 7:06 PM
in reply to: #3256657

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
So what does everyone's screenname mean?

I was trying to find something tri related and people think I am a little crazy so...

2011-01-14 10:32 PM
in reply to: #3298374

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Denver Area
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

momandmd - 2011-01-13 5:50 PM

What first inspired you to complete a triathlon?" 

Was looking for something more challenging and needed a goal orientation more than yoga, running and the occasional class.... my first daughter was ~1.5y, simply a bonus that I got uber-fit in the process.

2011-01-14 10:37 PM
in reply to: #3300620

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Denver Area
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

tricrazy - 2011-01-14 6:06 PM So what does everyone's screenname mean?

I think it's a shortening from my husband's eff-up attempt to make an email for me long ago...would've been "adabooger" but he spelled it "adabuger"...

...or it sounds funny when one says it outloud as in "I ada-bug" (I ate-a-bug) was his idea 'cause as soon as I mentioned I'd like to do a triathlon he jumped on it and looked up training info, BT was the first thing that popped up with the search he did, and I signed in right then.

2011-01-15 1:05 PM
in reply to: #3300620


Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
So what does everyone's screenname mean?

It's straightforward- I'm a mom, and I'm an MD.  In that order
2011-01-15 1:07 PM
in reply to: #3301521

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

cwilsonny - 2011-01-15 2:05 PM So what does everyone's screenname mean?

It's straightforward- I'm a mom, and I'm an MD.  In that order

OOPS!! Didn't realize my husband was logged on- that was actually me .

2011-01-15 4:54 PM
in reply to: #3256657

Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
When my toddler is tired but too excited to stop running or playing, I say he's got the go go goes. Seemed appropriate for a board of triathletes as well! ---- On the training front I just signed up for a June sprint. It's at a lovely lake near my home, plus it seems like a good way to test run my gear or transitions or anything before the Olympic in July.

2011-01-17 1:15 AM
in reply to: #3256657

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

Hi ladies.  I'm home.  My grandma passed away.  I'll catch up with everyone tomorrow.

2011-01-17 5:29 AM
in reply to: #3303698

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Conroe TX
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
Sorry to hear of your loss Owl.  

I am up early, at work, and have a run on the calendar today.  Hope all you lovely ladies are doing well.  

I had a great swim yesterday.  I'm still slow as Christmas, but I feel my endurace building.  

Can anyone recommend a good bike computer?  I purchased one that I will be returning.  It simply does not work.  

Have a great Monday!!   
2011-01-17 9:14 AM
in reply to: #3256657

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

I'm so sorry Owl- sending {{{{HUGS}}}} your way.


2011-01-17 10:43 AM
in reply to: #3303698

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
owl_girl - 2011-01-17 2:15 AM

Hi ladies.  I'm home.  My grandma passed away.  I'll catch up with everyone tomorrow.

I'm so sorry.  You and your family are in my prayers.
2011-01-17 4:50 PM
in reply to: #3256657

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
So sorry to hear about your grandma Tracy. My thoughts are with you.

2011-01-17 11:39 PM
in reply to: #3256657

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

I hope everyone had a good day of workouts.  I did my usual Monday swim followed by yoga and then teach Spinning class in the evening.  It felt good to get back to my routine.  Tomorrow, I will drag myself out of bed to run on the tready before I meet with a client.  In the evening, tomorrow, I will be conducting the first week of nine of a running clinic.  Should be fun!  Good night everyone.

2011-01-17 11:41 PM
in reply to: #3256657

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

Thank you to everyone for the kind words.  A friend of mine said I have a brand new angel looking after me.  I like that thought.

2011-01-18 4:45 PM
in reply to: #3256657

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

Question of the Day

Let's talk about running!  What challenges do you face before, during or after a running workout?  What questions do you have regarding running?

2011-01-18 6:02 PM
in reply to: #3307296

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Denver Area
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

owl_girl - 2011-01-18 3:45 PM

Question of the Day

Let's talk about running!  What challenges do you face before, during or after a running workout?  What questions do you have regarding running?

Being on the tread mill for more than 3 miles or so isn't my style anymore, I get bored, I much prefer to be stride is better, longer, and I feel faster....realized on my last long runs before my Half that I run faster without my iPod 'cause i'm not just putting on the cruise control, I'm actually paying attention to the run.  I love a good "ice" bath after a long run, even if I'm really just sitting in a snow bank piling snow on my legs. 

I've never been on a track and would certainly enjoy access to one if I found it.  I've only run with another person on one occasion I can recall and it was years ago---I'd like to train with people this season!

I'm curious if you other mommies have had bladder issues coming off of childbirth, I feel like I gotta pit stop after the first mile, then I'm usually okay for the remainder of the run.  Pelvic floor muscles definitely have attention paid!

2011-01-18 6:06 PM
in reply to: #3256657

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
Running is where I am most comfortable. although not fast, so I don't tend to have questions or issues.  Unless you count being slow an issue. 

AdaBug- I haven't really had any issues like that since having kids.  I got lucky I guess.

2011-01-18 7:37 PM
in reply to: #3256657


Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
I am so sorry about your grandmother Tracy. Frown

I love running but sold my treadmill and cannot run outside due to icy roads.  I do have snowshoes, but from what I have read they are more relevant for the bike than the run?
2011-01-18 8:00 PM
in reply to: #3307296

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Conroe TX
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
owl_girl - 2011-01-18 4:45 PM

Question of the Day

Let's talk about running!  What challenges do you face before, during or after a running workout?  What questions do you have regarding running?

My challenges are simple.  I am slow, I am new and I need to build endurance.  I also feel at times that I don't take the time I need to properly stretch after. 

My question:  does it get easier? 

2011-01-19 8:01 AM
in reply to: #3307632

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

Question of the Day

Let's talk about running!  What challenges do you face before, during or after a running workout?  What questions do you have regarding running?


It does get easier! 

I like running most, but it's still sometimes hard to get out the door.  I like to run with my ipod shuffle and my garmin, so they need to be charged up or I am sad.  I don't usually start feeling good until about 3 miles, so I have to be patient until then.  When I'm not in good shape it's a bummer because just as I start to feel good, I get tired and have to stop!

I strained my shoulder doing yoga on Monday- I'm seeing a trigger point therapist today so hopefully that will help work out the knot.  Sigh.  I do plan on getting in a bike tonight as long as the shoulder isn't too irritated. Tomorrow I'm in training all day, and then the ED for the evening, so I think it will be a rest day.

2011-01-19 11:12 AM
in reply to: #3256657

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

Question of the Day

Let's keep talking about running.  If you perceive yourself as a slow runner, what are you doing or not doing that makes you slow?

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