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2009-01-01 10:39 PM
in reply to: #1881926

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)

BunnyB - 2009-01-01 8:05 PM I just stumbled across this quote by Fran Tarkenton and I found it very motivating. I just thought I would share it here, too: "Success, in my view, is the willingness to strive for something you really want. The person not reaching the top is no less a success than the one who achieved it, if they both sweated blood, sweat and tears and overcame obstacles and fears. The failure to be perfect does not mean you're not a success."

That is so very beautiful and so very true, Miss Bunny ... just like you.

It states eloquently a slightly different take on my favorite simple quote: "The journey is the reward."

2009-01-02 12:04 AM
in reply to: #1859524

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SF Bay Area
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
Beth, Yanti,


First, I want to wish both of you and everyone in the group, and the rest of the world for that matter, a wonderful 2009. Everything may not work out as we plan or as we hoped, but there will always be hope. And with that, we will always have a shot at renewal, redemption, forgiveness or success. The human spirit can conquer space and time, We just have to believe in such things.


I apologize for being so wishy washy, and that this is not training related, but I wanted to share with everyone that 2008 had me down on my knees, but it could not keep me there. As I look at where I am at now, I am truly grateful and humbled. Now I see how fragile the balance of life truly is, but also how resilient and durable the human spirit and will can be. I felt at the time that what I faced was insurmountable and I was resolved to my fate. However, hope rooted itself in me, without water, nutrient or seed. It carried me when I would not walk, it filled my lungs when I would not breathe. I did not ask for this, it was just there. We just have to believe in such things. God Bless everyone in 2009!



2009-01-02 12:24 AM
in reply to: #1859524

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)

Sweet, sweet Joel. What you are being is poetic and full of hope, and we love those things here!

Your year sounds like mine. Thank you so much for sharing that. There were some really horrifying things going on last year and it was very dark at times. It means so much to me when others share their experience because then, as now, I know I am not alone and it's so true that hope springs eternal.

2009-01-02 12:35 AM
in reply to: #1859524

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
Okay, you two, you just made this mushy triathlete cry. But in a good way. Happy New Year!
2009-01-02 1:42 PM
in reply to: #1859524

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)

Where is everybody? I've never seen our pod this quiet! Hope everyone enjoyed the holiday break.  

I got a nice trainer ride in today, and last night I put together a training schedule for myself and 3 others who are doing the half mary together in April.

What's everyone else up to?  

2009-01-02 3:25 PM
in reply to: #1882913

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Suwanee, Ga.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
givemashot - 2009-01-02 2:42 PM

Where is everybody? I've never seen our pod this quiet! Hope everyone enjoyed the holiday break.  

I got a nice trainer ride in today, and last night I put together a training schedule for myself and 3 others who are doing the half mary together in April.

What's everyone else up to?  

Hey Amy....Hope you had wonderful holidays.  Congrats on the ride and putting together your plan.  What race are you doing?

I am in taper for the Disney Marathon (Sunday week).  I am doing it with Susan (sahooper).  It will be a first full Mary for both of us...I'm excited and hope the weather is good.  Don't mind the temperature so much as the rain.  I actually love to run in the rain...just not 26 miles of it 

After we recover from this at the end of Jan. we start training for an Oly that is in May and then start right in with HIM training for Augusta 70.3 in September (a first for us both as well).  We have  a sprint (or 2) and a Century Bike and some 10k races scattered throughout the summer.

This really is a great group and I know that 2009 will be a super year for all of the Manatees.



2009-01-02 3:31 PM
in reply to: #1882913

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
givemashot - 2009-01-02 11:42 AM

Where is everybody? I've never seen our pod this quiet! Hope everyone enjoyed the holiday break. I got a nice trainer ride in today, and last night I put together a training schedule for myself and 3 others who are doing the half mary together in April. What's everyone else up to?

Yay! Good for you, getting the year started off right.

My knee is still giving me lots of trouble -- I tried a quick-and-easy two miles last night and I'm suffering today. I'm going to give it a week off (a WEEK with no running, man, I hate even thinking about it) and get some bike and swim time in. I *hate* this, but what are you gonna do? I had tentatively planned a half mary for Feb. 1, but I think I'm going to just ditch that now, which is fine because it's not a race I cared much about. So as of right now, I don't really have a specific race to train for. I'm just not sure what to expect with the knee -- could be resolved in a week, could be nagging me for much longer. Yeek.
2009-01-02 3:56 PM
in reply to: #1883082

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Suwanee, Ga.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)

Sorry about the knee Erin.  I think you are right on the money about some time off....and will go crazy not running for a while.  Hope the rest works for you.



2009-01-02 6:33 PM
in reply to: #1883082

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
Fielding - 2009-01-02 1:31 PM
givemashot - 2009-01-02 11:42 AM

Where is everybody? I've never seen our pod this quiet! Hope everyone enjoyed the holiday break. I got a nice trainer ride in today, and last night I put together a training schedule for myself and 3 others who are doing the half mary together in April. What's everyone else up to?

Yay! Good for you, getting the year started off right. My knee is still giving me lots of trouble -- I tried a quick-and-easy two miles last night and I'm suffering today. I'm going to give it a week off (a WEEK with no running, man, I hate even thinking about it) and get some bike and swim time in. I *hate* this, but what are you gonna do? I had tentatively planned a half mary for Feb. 1, but I think I'm going to just ditch that now, which is fine because it's not a race I cared much about. So as of right now, I don't really have a specific race to train for. I'm just not sure what to expect with the knee -- could be resolved in a week, could be nagging me for much longer. Yeek.

Poor Erin. Yeek indeed. A week off sounds good, I'd actually say two. Your goal is that when you do start back to running, no pain. After two weeks, a very easy half-mile run, maybe with little walk breaks thrown in. The moment there's even a twinge, back off.

If there's any pain after or the day after, then another week off. Yes, you'll lose some run fitness in the meanwhile, but you're laying the foundation in order to be able to build it back up, injury-free, pain-free, and better than ever.

2009-01-02 6:37 PM
in reply to: #1859524

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
As someone with on-gong battles with injury (mostly PF), rest can be a good thing regardless of how frustrating it may be. Hang in there, Erin!
2009-01-02 6:42 PM
in reply to: #1859524

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)


Here's a short blurb I wrote for the original group of Manatees--very important to keep in mind!

These need to take place after hard-effort or intense training (including races), for a few continuous weeks during the year to recover from a string of races (season) or big race, and critically, after illnesses or injuries. With a group that’s this enthusiastic, energetic, and high-powered, we have to take this critical aspect of training seriously, and it’ll probably be the part we struggle with the most—to slow down and take it easy! (I know it is for me!)

Trick question: when are you making your biggest fitness gains?
Answer: it’s not when you’re working out!

Training stresses your body—you are literally tearing apart muscle fibers and taxing your systems. REST/RECOVERY is when you are actually making the fitness gains, as your body repairs itself slightly stronger than before.

1.      Physical and mental recovery. We also need the mental break in order to “recover” focus and motivation and keep it going.
2.      Increases enjoyment. When we’re so focused on training / numbers / racing / improvement, we can forget that the journey is the reward. Taking a break allows us to fully enjoy the journey, including the hard training parts. Also, when shmyte happens, as it will, we’ve already practiced taking breaks (oh, and it makes taper more bearable!) If it turns out we have to miss or cancel a race, we’ve had a great ride anyway, and rest/recovery is integral to making that possible.
3.      Decreases stress and injuries. Self-explanatory! Also, if you do “active” recovery (like slow easy spins, paddling in the water, walking, yoga, etc.) it’s that type of workout that really relieves stress.
4.      Assists life balance. Taking time off training allows you to use that time for other important things.

The training plans on BT and all other good training plans have this in common: they include rest or active recovery days, and every 3rd or 4th week, a significant reduction in training volume (there are some variations, like working 10 days, taking 2 off, etc.). It's extremely important to take this time off your usual training in order to be able to benefit from it. Otherwise, you're just wearing yourself down and not giving your body time to assimilate the gains. 

As always, feel free to ask questions about how much/what type of rest/recovery you might need and how it fits into a training schedule or cycle.

Happy training and happy fitness gaining!

2009-01-02 6:45 PM
in reply to: #1859524

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
And most importantly, learn to listen to your body! If you're extra tired, you need to take a day off. Don't be afraid to take an unscheduled reduction-in-volume week if you're having a particularly busy or stressful week. Remember, you're looking to train smart and benefit, and that's what this will do. You're not losing fitness, you're maximizing it!
2009-01-02 7:21 PM
in reply to: #1859524

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
For example--I was planning to go to work today (not required) and get in a 45-minute bike, but I wound up oversleeping ... and then taking a nap ... my body clearly needed the rest. I was very stressed out this week and didn't get enough sleep due to worrying about my mom's illness, so it was necessary to take a day off. No biggie!
2009-01-02 7:43 PM
in reply to: #1859524

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)

Hi Manatees!

I was without internet access for hours today - {GASP!!}

Erin - sorry to hear the knee is still bothering you , a week (or two) of resting it seems like a good plan - no matter how painful it might be

Steve - you are so ready for your Mary!  I can't wait for the RR!

Yanti - a most excellent post about rest and recovery! 

Amy - Nice job on the trainer ride!

Joel - thank you for your beautiful post - may 2009 be a much better year!

Melissa - awesome quote!

Thanks to all the Manatees for sharing your goals!  I'm still working on mine

2009-01-03 2:13 AM
in reply to: #1859524

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
So, I just have to ask. What gives with the Hargreaves avatars? I've noticed a few people using them. They're really cute.

I have my Weight Watchers meeting in the morning, and I'm hoping for another loss this week. After that, I've got an all-day get together with a group of friends. I likely won't be around until tomorrow night, if at all. I hope everyone has a GREAT Saturday!
2009-01-03 2:15 AM
in reply to: #1859524

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
Thanks for the great reminders on rest and recovery, Yanti! I'm definitely learning to listen to my body ... finally. Sadly, I had the learn the lesson the hard way. LOL

Have you heard any more news yet about your mom? If so, hopefully it was good news! I'm keeping you and your family in my thoughts.

2009-01-03 5:00 AM
in reply to: #1883836

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)

BunnyB - 2009-01-03 12:15 AM Thanks for the great reminders on rest and recovery, Yanti! I'm definitely learning to listen to my body ... finally. Sadly, I had the learn the lesson the hard way. LOL Have you heard any more news yet about your mom? If so, hopefully it was good news! I'm keeping you and your family in my thoughts.

Sadly most of us do, and that's why I thought I'd put in the reminder on rest and recovery, for myself as much as anyone else!

My mom is hanging in there. She will still have high fever and have the battle on for rehydration for a few days, but she's a toughie and the hope is that she makes it through unscathed.

2009-01-03 5:01 AM
in reply to: #1859524

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
Steve, I am so excited for you and Susan! Now you guys just have a wonderful, restful, taperful week!
2009-01-03 7:35 AM
in reply to: #1883859

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Suwanee, Ga.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)

TriAya - 2009-01-03 6:01 AM Steve, I am so excited for you and Susan! Now you guys just have a wonderful, restful, taperful week!

Thanks...we are doing 8 today as our last intermediate run.  I truely believe we are ready adn i am just hoping for some decent weather and a safe trip.

Hope everyone has a great weekend and glad your Mom is on the rebound Yanti (it is no wonder where you get your fighting spirit from). 



2009-01-03 12:38 PM
in reply to: #1859524

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)

Hi everyone!

I hope you are all having a marvelous Sunday!

Steve and Susan have a great run!

Melissa - I hope it goes well at your weigh in

Yanti - great news on your mom!

Amy - nice job in putting together a training plan!


2009-01-03 12:40 PM
in reply to: #1859524

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)

I have a question for you runners out there

Can you fill me in on rollers, how to use them in stretching and so forth?

I'm experiencing a lot of tightness in my right hammie and hip and am looking for advice on how to stretch it out.

2009-01-03 12:59 PM
in reply to: #1859524

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
I do yoga once a week and it really helps keep me flexible. A good yoga teacher can help you on your tightness issues.

2009-01-03 1:24 PM
in reply to: #1884221

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
lastcall2003 - 2009-01-03 10:40 AM

I have a question for you runners out there

Can you fill me in on rollers, how to use them in stretching and so forth?

I'm experiencing a lot of tightness in my right hammie and hip and am looking for advice on how to stretch it out.

Rollers don't so much stretch as what they do is help give you something like a deep tissue massage or myofascial release on the tight muscles. It can hurt like hell but boy does it work.

This is a good series with pictures on how to do various roll-outs with the foam roller:

By "hips," what do you mean? Can you explain exactly which part of the hip is tight?

Also, often when hammies are tight, it can be due to a quad/hammy imbalance, so it's wise to make sure your quads are well-stretched also.

2009-01-03 2:37 PM
in reply to: #1859524

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)

Happy New Year everyone!! I can proudly say that I am now officially caught up on all of the reading on this great group! Woo hoo!!!  

 Beth, you were asking about the foam rollers, we have one and love it! Go to youtube and do a video search by simply typing in "foam roller" and it will give you some wonderful results. Some of the moves that you can do on the roller, you want to do in the privacy of your home, with no one watching. Once you see the videos, you'll understand! The roller has been a wonderful recovery tool for us. For hubby, it helped him overcome a deep calf/soleus strain. For me, it keeps my IT band and low back happy. We have the one that is 5' long. I believe that I did a search on amazon and I went with the less expensive option. Good luck!!

2009-01-03 4:14 PM
in reply to: #1884263

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
TriAya - 2009-01-03 2:24 PM
lastcall2003 - 2009-01-03 10:40 AM

I have a question for you runners out there

Can you fill me in on rollers, how to use them in stretching and so forth?

I'm experiencing a lot of tightness in my right hammie and hip and am looking for advice on how to stretch it out.

Rollers don't so much stretch as what they do is help give you something like a deep tissue massage or myofascial release on the tight muscles. It can hurt like hell but boy does it work.

This is a good series with pictures on how to do various roll-outs with the foam roller:

By "hips," what do you mean? Can you explain exactly which part of the hip is tight?

Also, often when hammies are tight, it can be due to a quad/hammy imbalance, so it's wise to make sure your quads are well-stretched also.

it starts right at the top of my right butt cheek and i can feel lit all the way down through the center of the cheek

does that make sense?

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