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2009-05-18 12:41 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
My race report is up as well.  My first OWS tri is in the books.  Swim was what I expected it would be but my bike and run were better than I thought.  I was satisfied.  I really enjoyed the race.

2009-05-18 4:04 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Congrats on the races!  I typically back pedal when I start nearing the end of the race and then I stretch my hamstrings (keep one foot at 6 o'clock and stretch it then switch).  I also have gone to a gym when it's less busy and tried something like this:

10-15 minutes on stationary bike and QUICK transition to treadmill for 5 minutes.  Rest and repeat. =
2009-05-18 5:15 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Congrats to all the racers this weekend.  I'll go check out all the race reports and comment more.

As for feeling slow on the betcha!  I totally agree with speeding up the cadence on the bike and moving to an easier gear, as well as stretching.  I now do all of that.  But no matter how much I do...the first mile feels like I am running in water.  The thing I've tried is to alternate some short strides and long strides.  Do this as you are coming out of transition.  It seems to help my legs get warmed up for the run much quicker.  Also, keep an eye on your time (if you use a watch).  I always feel slow, but then look at my watch and realize I am not doing so bad.

Oh yeah, just broke my bike goal already!  I have already biked more this month than all of April.  And I have a lot more rides scheduled!

Edited by chichitao 2009-05-18 5:21 PM
2009-05-19 6:01 AM
in reply to: #2158298

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Betsy0706 - 2009-05-18 1:41 PM My race report is up as well.  My first OWS tri is in the books.  Swim was what I expected it would be but my bike and run were better than I thought.  I was satisfied.  I really enjoyed the race.

congrats on the first tri!  how do you feel?  It looks like you kicked butt! 
2009-05-19 10:38 AM
in reply to: #2159963

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Thanks Stan!  I really enjoyed the race (after the swim was over). haha.. Seriously, it was fun.  I can see where these things can be addicting. 

trying1 - 2009-05-19 6:01 AM
Betsy0706 - 2009-05-18 1:41 PM My race report is up as well.  My first OWS tri is in the books.  Swim was what I expected it would be but my bike and run were better than I thought.  I was satisfied.  I really enjoyed the race.

congrats on the first tri!  how do you feel?  It looks like you kicked butt! 
2009-05-20 8:02 AM
in reply to: #2072537

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

I went to my second master's practice last night- we were circle swimming in the slow lane, and I'm still slower than the others, so I was pushing off hard to get a little extra speed.  Bad idea.  I had the WORST cramps ever- I didn't know my feet could cramp in so many different ways at once, and for the first time I had cramps in both legs at the same time!  I also don't usually get calf cramps, but did this time (and it's still sore).  I had to cut the workout short.  Lessons learned- go at my own speed and let them lap me if needed, drink accelerade before and during workout, hydrate well, and take it easy if I'm feeling tired going in.  Any other suggestions?


2009-05-20 8:32 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

I have noticed plenty of athletes who go from being runners to triathletes who get calf cramps.  Your ankle flexibility changes or you might be trying to point your toes too hard.  I've actually experienced the cramping myself after 10+ years of competitive swimming with no cramps like that.

2009-05-20 11:26 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

Recovery time is over and ready to get prepare for the next race.


I am doing a sprint on June 7, much shorter than last race but it is also in my folks home town, so they will be there to witness their 1st tri, so of course I want to do well.


the swim is 500 yds, so even though it willmost likely be wetsuit legal, I am debating not using it to save on T1 time. Thoughts?

2009-05-21 8:53 AM
in reply to: #2164978

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
I'm sure your parents will enjoy the race.  Sprints have so much going on. 

What's the water temp?  I'm guessing they don't have wetsuit strippers?

jford2309 - 2009-05-20 11:26 PM

Recovery time is over and ready to get prepare for the next race.


I am doing a sprint on June 7, much shorter than last race but it is also in my folks home town, so they will be there to witness their 1st tri, so of course I want to do well.


the swim is 500 yds, so even though it willmost likely be wetsuit legal, I am debating not using it to save on T1 time. Thoughts?

2009-05-21 9:09 AM
in reply to: #2162656

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
i feel your pain.  i was plagued with calf and foot cramps for years until i discovered cytomax.  it's an electrolyte, etc. powder that mixes easily with water - works wonders for me.  i try to have a bottle of water and a bottle of cytomax and just alternate when sipping pre, during, post intense exercise.  also, clif blocks margarita flavor - has much needed salt (i sweat copious amounts) and tastes ok to me although i've been told they no where near resemble a margarita Laughing.  i also always have a bottle of water with mr throughout the day; it's my security blanket and it forces me to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate which definitely prevents cramping.

finally, and this goes without saying, a good pre-workout stretch.
2009-05-21 3:01 PM
in reply to: #2164978

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

Edited by WittyCityGirl 2009-05-21 3:02 PM

2009-05-21 3:01 PM
in reply to: #2164978

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
If you're confident that you're not going to sink then skip the wetsuit! =)

jford2309 - 2009-05-21 12:26 AM

Recovery time is over and ready to get prepare for the next race.


I am doing a sprint on June 7, much shorter than last race but it is also in my folks home town, so they will be there to witness their 1st tri, so of course I want to do well.


the swim is 500 yds, so even though it willmost likely be wetsuit legal, I am debating not using it to save on T1 time. Thoughts?

Edited by WittyCityGirl 2009-05-21 3:02 PM
2009-05-21 3:53 PM
in reply to: #2072537

Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

I personally would still wear one.  You can wear your top under it, unzip while running to T1, and it really only adds a few seconds with practice.  My last 500m swim (sprint tri), I would say 95% of people had wetsuits on.

2009-05-22 8:37 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
So folks, it looks like most of us are out there getting in some darn good training.  May I propose a challenge??

In the notes section of your  blog, post a swimming distance (25 yards, 50 yards, 500 yards, 1,000 yards, etc) and what you currently swim it in.  THEN at the end of June, lets check back and see who can beat their time.

Anyone game?

Also, I've tried commenting on your swimming questions and issues in your blogs and in our thread, but are there any nutrition questions I can help you with.  For the folks racing Olympic distance or higher, do you have questions on using caffeine as an ergogenic aid or on carbo-loading? Hydration?
2009-05-23 12:19 AM
in reply to: #2072537

Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

I'm still playing around with fueling.  I found a new product called Sharkies, kind of like cliff shots.  I HATE power gels, the taste just gets me.  I also like to put a bit of gatorade mix in my water, but I usually prefer just straight H20


I know they say "dont try anything new on race day", but if its your first long race, something has to be new.  I mean I can't have an 8hr training session to test what to eat at hr 6 you know?  I think the plan is to eat on the bike, and only drink on the run, just not sure how much/when to eat on the bike.  Im a big and hungry boy!

2009-05-23 2:37 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

I'll try the challenge, but I'm frustrated!  My right calf is still tender and visibly swollen after cramping on Tuesday- I can't believe that just a cramp would cause that much damage- has anyone had a similar experience?  I'm finally at the point where just walking isn't uncomfortable.  I think I'll try to bike gently tomorrow, but I'm nervous about running on it while it still hurts.  But at this rate I'll be off it for another week!

Note to self- do NOT push too hard (literally or figuratively) while swimming!!!

2009-05-23 2:51 PM
in reply to: #2072537

Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)



I sometimes get a shin/calf pain after running, and RICE for a day or two helps. Granted this is more for right when you get the injury.



ps RICE = Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevate.

2009-05-23 8:55 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
I had gotten a bad right calf cramp several weeks ago from my bike.  It was killing me.  I was so nervous about it I didn't push as hard as I could on the bike.  Tried stretching, warming it up, rice, etc...nothing really worked.  Went to my last tri with it still sore.  Saw a massage table set up for post race massages, and thought I would ask if they would give me a quick calf massage to get it loosened up.  They agreed.  This guy gave me about a 5min right calf pain session from hell...I am not kidding.  It wasn't your typical "rub", but more of a focused pressure point work.  I didn't think it was doing a whole lot...other than really hurting.  But once I got off that table, I have not had one ounce of pain in that calf since.  He said that my calf had basically "knotted" up and he just worked the knots out.  He said that stretching actually makes it worse. 

Not sure if this would work for you, but check with a local sports massage/therapy place.  It worked wonders for me.  I want to repay them by being a paid client, but it doesn't hurt anymore!
2009-05-24 12:30 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Hope everyone has/had a FUN and SAFE Memorial weekend!!
2009-05-24 10:22 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

I am up for the June challenge!

2009-05-25 11:17 AM
in reply to: #2072537

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Twin Falls, ID (not from here, I just live here)
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
I just met the May challenge of biking more than April. Not by much, but there's still a week left!

I'm hoping to get another long run in this week, where I do the full 5k. We'll see how that goes.

2009-05-25 11:18 AM
in reply to: #2171724

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Twin Falls, ID (not from here, I just live here)
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
I should say, long for me!

jae.miles - 2009-05-25 10:17 AM I just met the May challenge of biking more than April. Not by much, but there's still a week left!

I'm hoping to get another long run in this week, where I do the full 5k. We'll see how that goes.
2009-05-25 11:50 AM
in reply to: #2169818

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
momandmd - 2009-05-23 3:37 PM

I'll try the challenge, but I'm frustrated!  My right calf is still tender and visibly swollen after cramping on Tuesday- I can't believe that just a cramp would cause that much damage- has anyone had a similar experience?  I'm finally at the point where just walking isn't uncomfortable.  I think I'll try to bike gently tomorrow, but I'm nervous about running on it while it still hurts.  But at this rate I'll be off it for another week!

Note to self- do NOT push too hard (literally or figuratively) while swimming!!!

If the swelling doesn't go down, you might want to go see your doctor.  It might be a strain or a pull that may need more time. 
2009-05-25 11:59 AM
in reply to: #2169133

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
WittyCityGirl - 2009-05-22 9:37 PM So folks, it looks like most of us are out there getting in some darn good training.  May I propose a challenge??

In the notes section of your  blog, post a swimming distance (25 yards, 50 yards, 500 yards, 1,000 yards, etc) and what you currently swim it in.  THEN at the end of June, lets check back and see who can beat their time.

Anyone game?

Also, I've tried commenting on your swimming questions and issues in your blogs and in our thread, but are there any nutrition questions I can help you with.  For the folks racing Olympic distance or higher, do you have questions on using caffeine as an ergogenic aid or on carbo-loading? Hydration?

 i always like challenges!  

In regards to nutrition, i've been thinking about my Olympic at the end of July.  I already sweat like crazy and i've always been prone to cramping even when i use my sports drink etc..  I'm thinking about incorporating some thermolytes into my training to see if that helps.  Do you have any recommendations for people who sweat like crazy and doing a race that is probably going to be in the 90's and humid?

I've also been debating what i'm going to do for my race this weekend..  The water temp is in the mid 50's and I'm debating on wearing my tri top under my wetsuit or put it on after the swim.  I'm afraid that i will be freezing on the bike if i have a soaked tri-top.  anyone have recommendations? 
2009-05-25 7:50 PM
in reply to: #2072537

Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

I have a 95km ride planned for tomorrow.  I have a couple like this before, but I am going to try to do this without stopping (usually I stop for a lunch on anything over 50k).


Anyone have any last tips for staying on the bike for 4 hours?  Going all out on this ride, as a test to see how I am for the HIM in 4 months.  Going to bring 2 bottles (no back pack), and try to refill halfway at a store.  Planning on maybe 200 cal per hour?

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