BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL Rss Feed  
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2011-04-29 1:24 PM
in reply to: #3473690

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
mackjenn - 2011-04-29 1:14 PM

kussmaul - 2011-04-29 12:06 PM Thanks. Maybe I need to look for something in June. I forgot that July is pretty much out - two vacations - San Juan and Colorado - yea!! My concern with June is I'll be lucky if I get one ride in per week between now and then. Infuses for a sprint that is not really a problem. The same applies to swimming which is more of an issue My other think with the training plans is they don't really fit what I am doing now. If I do a 12 week spring plan it has me doing shorter distances than I have been doing. So when I look at those I feel like I would be going backwards.

Colorado?!?  If driving, bring your bike and I bet you will be able to find a tri to do.  Where you planning on going and what are you going to do? Couple of manatees might be able to provide some recommendations.

On the sprint plan - what if you went to the shorter distances and ramped up the intensity?  Others would have to comment on that (Lynn / Yanti), but it is somehthing I've done before when limited by time.

Last year I went to Alaska with my brother and two boys (my sister-in-law did not want to go). We had a blast and now it might be a tradition. It works out well for them because I am a nice aunt and use some of my miles for to fly one of the boys with me. The boys are 14 and 16. The tentative plan is a day in CO Springs and then Rocky Mountain National Park. Theybwant to gomrafting one day. Under consideration is a day long hike to one of the summits (I have my doubts that the boys arevgoing to be up for that amount of effort . Any suggestions would be great. I think inhale them talked into doing the train up pikes peak and biking down.

2011-04-29 1:44 PM
in reply to: #3473677

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

kussmaul - 2011-04-30 3:06 AM Thanks. Maybe I need to look for something in June. I forgot that July is pretty much out - two vacations - San Juan and Colorado - yea!! My concern with June is I'll be lucky if I get one ride in per week between now and then. Infuses for a sprint that is not really a problem. The same applies to swimming which is more of an issue My other think with the training plans is they don't really fit what I am doing now. If I do a 12 week spring plan it has me doing shorter distances than I have been doing. So when I look at those I feel like I would be going backwards.


You really are in a tough spot with all the traveling. BTW do any of the places you stay have pools? Swim cords ROCK and you can get in a lot of great swimming with them in a small pool.

Look at all the different plans--it's no problem to jump in at a point that reflects the training you have already been doing. You can repeat weeks, modify, switch weeks and days around ... and if you feel you need a rest week (either for health, recovery, or scheduling), then take one and do a reduced load.

John's idea about increasing intensity is also possible, given that you increase gradually (even with a reduced volume), and make sure you're still doing some work at moderate/sustainable levels.

Many distance running plans actually include/encourage cross-training, especially lower-impact stuff like ... swim and bike . Especially since you're on a 20-week plan and the lower volume/distances will be during the first part of that, when you're doing more tri-training, it could actually benefit you.

Let me know if you have specific questions about plans, customizing, details, effort levels, etc. I like sweating the small stuff.

2011-04-29 6:24 PM
in reply to: #3434942

, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
I had an interesting realization today when i was riding my bike -  Currently I really only feel like a get a really good workout during a run, because it REALLY makes me sweat, and I don't sweat so much swimming or (cool weather) biking. Now, I know this is not true, I am getting great workouts swimming and biking, However I have discovered that the lack of sweat during a swim or a windy bike ride tricks my brain into thinking it's not really working out.  Has anyone else had this happen to them?  Somewhere along the way I have conditioned myself to equate sweat to fitness and conditioning and I am having a hard time remembering that my non-sweaty workouts count too!  
2011-04-29 7:35 PM
in reply to: #3474188

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
haley913 - 2011-04-29 4:24 PM I had an interesting realization today when i was riding my bike -  Currently I really only feel like a get a really good workout during a run, because it REALLY makes me sweat, and I don't sweat so much swimming or (cool weather) biking. Now, I know this is not true, I am getting great workouts swimming and biking, However I have discovered that the lack of sweat during a swim or a windy bike ride tricks my brain into thinking it's not really working out.  Has anyone else had this happen to them?  Somewhere along the way I have conditioned myself to equate sweat to fitness and conditioning and I am having a hard time remembering that my non-sweaty workouts count too!  

Yes, great realization. I think that's why some people train with a HR monitor. I use the RPE method -- rate of perceived exertion and that works for me. The better you get to know your body and it's responses the better for your training. Also think that's why some use power meters for biking -- ie; up a hill in a headwind and only going 8 mph is work even if you're only going 8mph.

Have a great weekend everyone. What's on tap for you?

I've got a 90 minute run Saturday and a 3 hour bike on Sunday. This has been a back down week -- the build to IMCDA begins again next week. Big sigh!
2011-04-29 9:18 PM
in reply to: #3434942

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL


It... Won't... Stop... Friggin'... Snowing.

There are plenty of advantages to living next to one of the great ski mountains, but at this elevation, winter can sometimes go on forever.

So, I'm leaving.

Okay, so I'm not sure if I need advice, or what.  I've juggled around as many of my workouts to work around the weather as I can, but I'm still a couple behind for the week.  And they ain't gonna get done, either.  Because...

I'm leaving Sunday for a three week (or so) hike on the Appalachian Trail.  It's all pretty last minute.  Didn't plan to do it.  Just sorta happened that I had the time, the opportunity, the inclination, and the complete fed-up-ness with this endless winter.  So I'm going.  

I suspect that this means that I'm going to have to give a miss to the only really local tri on my summer list, as it is just a couple of weeks after I get back.  But, I figure the others are still in play.  Heck, folks get laid up for three weeks during training all the time due to injury and whatnot.  I can probably come back from a hiking trip, right?

Anyone have any idea if long distance hiking under load is going to translate to keeping up fitness level that will transition to running or cycling?

2011-04-30 12:15 AM
in reply to: #3434942

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
Sooo...just happened into some extra $$ (my 4 yr anniversary with my company)What are thoughts on this as an entry level bike? I have 400 from gift and would have to come out of pocket additional 100.

Edited by crystalashworth 2011-04-30 12:16 AM

2011-04-30 10:33 AM
in reply to: #3434942

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

Wow... I haven't checked in in a while... a lot of things happening over here... good job manatees!! I can't keep up with you guys!!

So I have a decisionto make today and I think I know what I am supposed to do... I just can not bring myself to do it.   I am registered for a HIM on July 3rd, today is the last day I have for rolling over my registration to next year.  With my achillies injury - it is highly unlikely that I will be able to actually "run" the thing..... but my heart just does not want to let it go.  What would you do manatees????  My training partner is registered and I am going to the race with her... no matter what.  Should I keep my registration and keep on doing what I am doing and see where I am when I get there.... knowing that even if I do decide to try it.... I will probly have to walk some (maybe a lot)  of the run if I want to keep my achillies in tact????  My swim and bike would probly be decent.... but the run..... definately not.  

I also have a sprint next Sunday... and again... don't even know if I can pull off even a 5 k run.  As of today... I am running 4min, walking 1.  for 25 min.   By next Sunday, I could prolby do 5 and 1's for 5k... I am just afraid I will get in the race mode and push it and try and run the whole darn thing and put myself back to square one.... cuz I am stupid like that!!


2011-04-30 10:33 AM
in reply to: #3434942

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

double post

Edited by kalico123 2011-04-30 10:35 AM
2011-04-30 10:33 AM
in reply to: #3434942

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

 I should be more patient....

Edited by kalico123 2011-04-30 10:36 AM
2011-05-01 7:56 AM
in reply to: #3474478

, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

crystalashworth - 2011-04-30 1:15 AM Sooo...just happened into some extra $$ (my 4 yr anniversary with my company)What are thoughts on this as an entry level bike? I have 400 from gift and would have to come out of pocket additional 100.


I bought a Motobecane Fantom CX from Bike's Direct last year, it's a cyclocross bike and I love it.  It was about $500 which was what I could afford at the time and it has been perfect for what I need.  It seems to be of good quality especially for the price!  Some day I may want to upgrade to a specific road or tri bike, but for my situation (training on gravel roads half the time an racing on paved) it is perfect.   I say it if meets your needs, go for it!

2011-05-01 1:29 PM
in reply to: #3434942

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Pueblo, CO
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
More later when I get to a pc, but omg - 1800 yards in 51F water this am. Holy cow - that is cold.

2011-05-01 4:43 PM
in reply to: #3434942

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

Whoa, had to catch up.  The manatees have been quite active lately.  

Had my daughters 6th birthday party last Friday and it was a lot of fun.  She had a great time and it was worth the stress.  I made cupcakes for the big bash but sorry John, they are NOT photo worthy.  They were delicious though.  Cool

Yanti, thanks for the inspire.  Ummm, I do need to get on the bike more.  I promise to log in more riding.  But I did ride today.  I got caught in a downpour and felt like a manatee on wheels.  

Kathy, I'm sorry to hear about your dilemma.  What did you end up doing?  It's probably best to roll the HIM over to next year.  It's such a bummer to have an injury and be signed up for a big race like that.  But if you want to have the best experience and make it fun, competative, and enjoyable, then you want to be injury free.  The last thing you need is to make your injury worse that could put you out for a long time.  

Heal up you achilles and maybe you can sign up for an OLY in July or August?

Hope all you Manantees are doing well!!!  

2011-05-01 6:47 PM
in reply to: #3434942

, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
Hi there, I have clothing question.  I understand what makes tri shorts different from biking and regular compression shorts but what makes a tri top different from any tight fitting tank top, say from a company like Patagonia or Go-Light. I will be buying tri shorts but I have so may tight tanks from these outdoor clothing companies, is it worth spending the money on a tri specific top?
2011-05-01 7:11 PM
in reply to: #3476372

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

haley913 - 2011-05-01 6:47 PM Hi there, I have clothing question.  I understand what makes tri shorts different from biking and regular compression shorts but what makes a tri top different from any tight fitting tank top, say from a company like Patagonia or Go-Light. I will be buying tri shorts but I have so may tight tanks from these outdoor clothing companies, is it worth spending the money on a tri specific top?


I don't think it is any different.  I have one and it is basically like a bike jersey, has pockets in the back.  I've never worn it, it seems poorly made.  I have worn a sleeveless tech top for my last two tris and it worked just fine.  

2011-05-01 7:47 PM
in reply to: #3476406

, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
kussmaul - 2011-05-01 8:11 PM

haley913 - 2011-05-01 6:47 PM Hi there, I have clothing question.  I understand what makes tri shorts different from biking and regular compression shorts but what makes a tri top different from any tight fitting tank top, say from a company like Patagonia or Go-Light. I will be buying tri shorts but I have so may tight tanks from these outdoor clothing companies, is it worth spending the money on a tri specific top?


I don't think it is any different.  I have one and it is basically like a bike jersey, has pockets in the back.  I've never worn it, it seems poorly made.  I have worn a sleeveless tech top for my last two tris and it worked just fine.  

Did you swim in the shirt?  If not what did you swim in?

2011-05-01 10:04 PM
in reply to: #3476372

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
haley913 - 2011-05-01 4:47 PM Hi there, I have clothing question.  I understand what makes tri shorts different from biking and regular compression shorts but what makes a tri top different from any tight fitting tank top, say from a company like Patagonia or Go-Light. I will be buying tri shorts but I have so may tight tanks from these outdoor clothing companies, is it worth spending the money on a tri specific top?

What I'd look for is a quick drying fabric, not bunching under the arms (chafing), not riding up (belly button cleavage), Not losing straps down the side (annoying), and pockets in the back. Oh yeah, it's got to be comfy. That's all I can think of now so if you have one from another non-tri company go for it! A lot of the tri specific clothing is pricey and probably just marketing to us triathlon peeps. Just MHO

Oh, one more thing, you don't want it to bunch up under your wetsuit, if you're wearing a wetsuit. Plus, I need to wear a sturdy bra underneath so I make sure there's room for it without being too tight.

Edited by lmscozz 2011-05-01 10:05 PM

2011-05-01 10:07 PM
in reply to: #3474716

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
kalico123 - 2011-04-30 8:33 AM

Wow... I haven't checked in in a while... a lot of things happening over here... good job manatees!! I can't keep up with you guys!!

So I have a decisionto make today and I think I know what I am supposed to do... I just can not bring myself to do it.   I am registered for a HIM on July 3rd, today is the last day I have for rolling over my registration to next year.  With my achillies injury - it is highly unlikely that I will be able to actually "run" the thing..... but my heart just does not want to let it go.  What would you do manatees????  My training partner is registered and I am going to the race with her... no matter what.  Should I keep my registration and keep on doing what I am doing and see where I am when I get there.... knowing that even if I do decide to try it.... I will probly have to walk some (maybe a lot)  of the run if I want to keep my achillies in tact????  My swim and bike would probly be decent.... but the run..... definately not.  

I also have a sprint next Sunday... and again... don't even know if I can pull off even a 5 k run.  As of today... I am running 4min, walking 1.  for 25 min.   By next Sunday, I could prolby do 5 and 1's for 5k... I am just afraid I will get in the race mode and push it and try and run the whole darn thing and put myself back to square one.... cuz I am stupid like that!!


Kathy, I'm sorry if I'm too late for your deadline, but with your history of achilles sounds like a rollover might be the best decision. What did you end up doing?

2011-05-02 10:10 AM
in reply to: #3473707

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Pueblo, CO
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
kussmaul - 2011-04-29 12:24 PM
mackjenn - 2011-04-29 1:14 PM

Last year I went to Alaska with my brother and two boys (my sister-in-law did not want to go). We had a blast and now it might be a tradition. It works out well for them because I am a nice aunt and use some of my miles for to fly one of the boys with me. The boys are 14 and 16. The tentative plan is a day in CO Springs and then Rocky Mountain National Park. Theybwant to gomrafting one day. Under consideration is a day long hike to one of the summits (I have my doubts that the boys arevgoing to be up for that amount of effort . Any suggestions would be great. I think inhale them talked into doing the train up pikes peak and biking down.

If 1 day in CO Springs - recommend running or driving around Garden of the Gods (in Manitou Springs) - very nice area and kind if hilly.  Lots of activities there.  While in Manitou you could do the incline too and experience a "climb".  Difficulty level is high, but my daughters did it (~7, 9, 11 at the time).  Climbing a 14er is an all day activity - start before 6, summit before noon, and back down before afternoon bad weather (typical), then recover rest of the day.  I'm not sure I'd want to do that if not used to the altitude (Altitude sickness can ruin you trip for several days).  Incline might be a good tester.  Check out the attached site for more Pikes Peak area items

Longs peak is in Rocky Mountain Park so if a 14er summit is desired, that might give you the opportunity.  Tons of trails in RMP to hike too - lots of beautiful high alpine lakes to see.  I usually start in Estes park and a lot of the outdoor stores downtown Estes sell patches for the RMP hikes - they make neat souvenirs to put on your day pack.

Not sure of the laws on biking down Pikes Peak - it is both paved and dirt - so call one of the numbers on the site to check it out first.

Depending on the time / day, I can "guide" on the incline.

2011-05-02 10:25 AM
in reply to: #3475960

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Pueblo, CO
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

mackjenn - 2011-05-01 12:29 PM More later when I get to a pc, but omg - 1800 yards in 51F water this am. Holy cow - that is cold.

OK - wow - that was cold.  I never figured my body would refuse to swim normally.  Every time I put my face in the water, it wanted to gasp / pant / whatever.  I could not get a normal stroke for the first few hundred yards and swam like an amature with my face out of the water - ended up getting a hickey on the back of my neck from wet suit rubbing (need to remember body glide next time).  Once I got into some form of my stroke by continuing to roll more and put more of my face in the water for longer periods (started with chin, worked through blowing bubbles and breaing bi-laterally on each stroke, then finally mostly normal), I aparently have a dominant side and did not swim straight.  So focused on upper body mechanics I often forgot to kick.  All that fun - might have to do it again next weekend - at least I could get a PR.

Up-side:  one guy from rocky mountain multi-sport swam for 20 yards and gave up due to the cold.  I think I was actually the 2nd longest one in the water (some other guy was in for 90 minutes - WITHOUT A WET SUIT - kept swimming out and back to shore stand up - swim again).  Afterwards I took a tour of the Coors Brewery with Jan and stopped at Colorado Runners to get some new Brooks.

2011-05-02 11:19 AM
in reply to: #3473510

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WTH? This isn't coral. It's corn!
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
TriAya - 2011-04-29 12:56 PM
trainforacure - 2011-04-30 1:22 AM

I expect lots of congratulations from my manatee family as I am now a princess.  Oh! frikkin' ay! Wrong lifetime. Surprised

I'm feeling kind of meh. ?I go see the doctor on Monday to see if I have some sort of asthma or breathing issue or allergy going on.  Difficulty breating continues (although it come and goes) for second week.  I had to move in my Mom with me 3 months ago to be her caregiver.  Although we have isolated the AC duct system and I installed a high end filtration system, I think her smoking is affecting me.  .  I plan to continue training for volume but my speeds will be slow as molasses 'cause that's when I get winded when I try to crank it up.  This sucks. 

Whining done.  <<<>>>>

On fantastical, THANK-YOU-GOD-I'M-REALLY-GRATEFUL, news my Mom has lost 35 pounds in her whole medical ordeal (anesthesia shut down her appetite) which is fantastic to help her diabetes and high blood pressure and she's doing really well with her brand new bionic knee.  She looks and acts like 10 yrs younger (she's 71.)  I begged her MD to give me some of that anesthesia but he said to first shell out 60k LOL.  

?I hope everyone has a good weekend of training and racing! Smile

CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are a Manatee Princess to us, and after all, we're the ones that matter

Every time you post, it makes me revel in life and laughter more. What a gift.


Great job persevering in challenging times of health/life/family. It's all intertwined; I know.

I also understand that "caregiver" is a nice-sounding term for "500 jobs-in-one combined with button-pushing only the near and dear can really sock to you plus seriously considering different kinds of 'cide (suicide, filicide, otherpeoplewhoaresupposedtobehelpfulbutarebloodyannoying-cide, etc.)

HAHAHAHA! Yes, since her ordeal started (1st week of Dec) I feel I've grown like 10 years, and I'm already supposed to be grown (42) LOL  We spend almost all of Dec. living in hospitals and rehab/nursing home.  She wasn't really back to OK until the end of Feb./beg of March.  So, that's why we're so happy she's well I can resume training

All the best for sorting your own health issues out. I say you slap a nico patch on your mom, break out some balloons, music, and cake, with a "CONGRATULATIONS! YOU JUST QUIT!" banner.

I wish!! But she had a bad reaction to those.  She's also adamant that she doesn't want to quit. 

I do love fantasy; after all, it's free and so fulfilling.

Here in Indonesia EVERYBODY smokes EVERYWHERE. Literally, all my closest friends smoke. There is no way to shield myself from it and I think it's considerably aggravated my own breathing/allergy/overall health issues. Even ensconced in my house, Balinese houses are open, and neighbours and people on the street smoke, so it's always around.

2011-05-02 11:28 AM
in reply to: #3473655

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WTH? This isn't coral. It's corn!
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

lmscozz - 2011-04-29 1:57 PM

One thing I read a lot of on BT is that people think they have to give up swimming and biking when they're training for a run event, like a HM or a full. I can't say enough how swimming and biking when I'm training for a longer running event has helped me. You certainly have more of a run focus, but sneaking in those cycling and swims is really helpful. There is myriad research on how that kind of cross training and recovery activity is helpful and actually makes you stronger. my soapbox.

A TNT friend of mine just said this too.  She said the first time she trained for an Oly, she was also training for the Nike's full marathon.  The second year she only trained for the marathon.  She said the diff in her recovery and pain was really noticeable.  She spent more time in pain/soreness when she was training just for the marathon.  So, crossfit is really important. Unless my plans include running like a Kenyan, which thank God! they don't, I would get utterly bored with just running.  I'm so looking forward to early morning/sunrise cycling rides this summer!!

2011-05-02 11:32 AM
in reply to: #3473677

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WTH? This isn't coral. It's corn!
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

kussmaul - 2011-04-29 2:06 PM  San Juan.

My HOMELAND!!! I'm purple with envy!! LOL  Look into swimming in the ocean. You will love it!!  If you have time try to visit Flamenco Beach in Culebra, voted a top 10 in the world by Discovery Channel.  My sister (chef) owns a restaurant in that island. Delicious recovery food

2011-05-02 11:32 AM
in reply to: #3473677

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WTH? This isn't coral. It's corn!
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

kussmaul - 2011-04-29 2:06 PM  San Juan.

My HOMELAND!!! I'm purple with envy!! LOL  Look into swimming in the ocean. You will love it!!  If you have time try to visit Flamenco Beach in Culebra, voted a top 10 in the world by Discovery Channel.  My sister (chef) owns a restaurant in that island. Delicious recovery food

2011-05-02 11:40 AM
in reply to: #3434942

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

Heeey fellow manatees! So, I had my first clipless pedal incident yesterday and some "battle scars" to prove it! 


I just so happened to do it at one of the best beaches in Seattle on our first over 65 degree day (which is Seattle code for swarms of desperate/pale people heading to the beach.) Needless to say I crashed in front of...oh 200 people? Haha at least I can laugh about it!


If I had any idea how to post a picture I would...but I don't Cry


I hope you all are having a wonderful Monday!

2011-05-02 2:00 PM
in reply to: #3477701

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Pueblo, CO
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
Asalzwed - 2011-05-02 10:40 AM

Heeey fellow manatees! So, I had my first clipless pedal incident yesterday and some "battle scars" to prove it! 

 If I had any idea how to post a picture I would...but I don't Cry



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