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2011-04-26 8:51 AM
in reply to: #3436066

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

Wow it's humid here!  The plan I'm using for Wisconsin is a 30 week plan that is broken into 3 - 10 weeks segments.  This week starts week 11 (2nd 10 week block) and starts with some intervals and short "tempo" work.  This morning called for 5 X 1 min. pickups, with 1 min. recovery jog.  First 3, even 4th, were ok.  That 5th one was tough.  I think the humidity didn't help.  But the run is done! =)

This weekend (weather permitting) my training buddy and I are doing a "twiathlon".  It's in Athens, GA, and starts with a 5k run, followed by a 100k bike, and ends with a tour of a local brewery (Terrapin for those of you that may be fans - my favorite brewery!) - the "swim" part being a glass of beer.  So I'm pretty excited and hope the storms hold off so we can have some fun.

Question - I want to do a field test to get my HR zones again, and thought I'd use the 5k.  I've read the protocol for the 30 min. field test, and seem to recall some opinions to not use a 5k race because it may be higher due to adrenaline from the race.  But I've also read you can get HR zones doing a 5k.  So, opinions?  And what's the best way if a 5k is ok to use - warm up, and then when race starts just run all out???

Also, I don't know the course, but I have done a 5k up there and it's kind of hilly.  Does that matter?

I really just want some good zones so I'm hoping to make this work.  My other option is to do on my own, at a flat greenway.

Edited by karen26.2 2011-04-26 8:53 AM

2011-04-26 12:59 PM
in reply to: #3436066

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

These are the tests I used to set up HR zones:


After a warm-up, complete an 8 minute all out time trial on your bike recording average heart rate, and average power:

  • TH heart rate is typically about 8 beats below the average heart rate for this test. TH power is typically the average power from this test multiplied by 0.92.

Cross Check: This method requires no immediate testing if you already have the data:

  • Take the highest HR you have ever seen on the bike (within the last 4 years) and subtract your resting HR from that number. Then multiple that "heart rate reserve" by 0.81 and add back your resting to that number.

Take the average of these two methods or choose one versus the other based on how accurate the data input were to each.

Primary: After determining your bike TH heart rate, you can then offset it to your run TH heart rate by adding 6-14 beats. Almost every athlete I have worked with falls within this range with most being right around 10. So, first add 10 and then make the following adjustments to the number you get:

  • If you are a woman shorter than 5'-3" subtract 2
  • If you are a woman taller than 5'-9" add 4
  • If you are a male shorter than 5'-6" subtract 2
  • If you are a male taller than 6'-0" add 4

Cross Check: After a determining your TH above, confirm your running estimate by completing an open running road race while recording average heart rate. A great estimate of threshold from an open road race is:

  • Average 5K heart rate minus 15 beats
  • Average 10K heart rate minus 10 beats
  • Average half marathon heart rate minus 5 beats

Take the average of these two methods or choose one versus the other based on how accurate the data input was to each. After two open road races confirm the offset, its likely best to use that number and disregard the primary offset above if it suggests something different.

2011-04-26 4:45 PM
in reply to: #3436066

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Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
If your plan is to use HR for training is is CRUCIAL you establish the zones properly. The protocol Kelly describes above isn't sufficient. A good place to start and educate yourself about HR testing and how to establish zones is available here on BT in this excellent article:
2011-04-26 7:32 PM
in reply to: #3467490

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

......or as my college coach said: "the human body is an amazing thing, you pass out before you die"... in other words, you can always run harder!

on the most BEAUTIFUL day of the year thus far, i managed to be on both a trainer and treadmill, sigh.  one day i will be able to play in the sun.

Tomorrow i have some mid day meetings out of teh office and probably wont make it back (or tell my wife that I'll be home early) and try and make up the long run i missed last weekend.

Question for the Bike Gurus: since it is hard for me to bike outside during the week and i have a hilly mofo of a race in june, what do you think about doing reps of grinding and standing to spike up my heart rate.  i need something to replicate the feeling of climbing hills - recall i am towing a 225 pound anchor. 

2011-04-26 7:39 PM
in reply to: #3467490

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

bryancd - 2011-04-26 5:45 PM If your plan is to use HR for training is is CRUCIAL you establish the zones properly. The protocol Kelly describes above isn't sufficient. A good place to start and educate yourself about HR testing and how to establish zones is available here on BT in this excellent article:[/QUOTE]

Do you think most HR protocols are BS? I kind of think there is hard (can't do for more than 2 mins), easy (can go for a long time) and "threshold" (something that hurts but not enough to slow down for at least 30 minutes).  I train by HR and used the BT method of setting my zones but i am not convinced that they really mean much. 

Edited by jsklarz 2011-04-26 7:43 PM
2011-04-26 7:45 PM
in reply to: #3466225

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
kaburns1214 - 2011-04-26 9:37 AM
jsklarz - 2011-04-26 8:39 AM

HAppy Tuesday.  Started the morning with some intervals on the drainer .  Then some intervals on the dreadmill at lunch.

Kelly- you dont think my hippo eclair and cherry coke fueling plan is the way to go?  Seriously, I just checked the Rev3 site and could not find what sports drink is being served, but you said gatorade endurance and as your mentee I have total and complete trust in you and shall use that as my sports drink on rides and runs.  I'll also have my cherry-lime roctane which is fine as well as a couple power bars for the bike.  I figure a bottle of sports drink and a power bar per hour is about 600 calories on the bike and a GU every 30 minutes on teh run.  Practice practice.


Gatorade endurance -- I promise.

as long as it isnt that apple crap the guy on the IM forum mentioned (or perpetuum) it makes little difference.  its just a matter of if i go buy a tub or not

2011-04-26 8:19 PM
in reply to: #3467753

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
jsklarz - 2011-04-26 6:32 PM

......or as my college coach said: "the human body is an amazing thing, you pass out before you die"... in other words, you can always run harder!

on the most BEAUTIFUL day of the year thus far, i managed to be on both a trainer and treadmill, sigh.  one day i will be able to play in the sun.

Tomorrow i have some mid day meetings out of teh office and probably wont make it back (or tell my wife that I'll be home early) and try and make up the long run i missed last weekend.

Question for the Bike Gurus: since it is hard for me to bike outside during the week and i have a hilly mofo of a race in june, what do you think about doing reps of grinding and standing to spike up my heart rate.  i need something to replicate the feeling of climbing hills - recall i am towing a 225 pound anchor. 


I'd consider getting one of the Spinervals DVD's that deal with hill work.

2011-04-26 8:21 PM
in reply to: #3436066

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

I had a really nice swim after work, did a slow 1 mile swim (first workout of any kind after Saturday's tri). Felt really good the whole time and felt smooth.

Then sat in the hot tub for about 5-10 minutes and worked out my calves a little more. They are finally feeling better and I should be good to go for a bit of a run tomorrow after work.

2011-04-26 8:25 PM
in reply to: #3467490

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

bryancd - 2011-04-26 5:45 PM If your plan is to use HR for training is is CRUCIAL you establish the zones properly. The protocol Kelly describes above isn't sufficient. A good place to start and educate yourself about HR testing and how to establish zones is available here on BT in this excellent article:


Thanks Bryan.  I do want to determine correct HR zones for training, so I will follow the run test protocol as described on the link on my own.  Thanks for taking the time to reply.

2011-04-26 8:46 PM
in reply to: #3467847

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
abqtj - 2011-04-26 9:19 PM
jsklarz - 2011-04-26 6:32 PM

......or as my college coach said: "the human body is an amazing thing, you pass out before you die"... in other words, you can always run harder!

on the most BEAUTIFUL day of the year thus far, i managed to be on both a trainer and treadmill, sigh.  one day i will be able to play in the sun.

Tomorrow i have some mid day meetings out of teh office and probably wont make it back (or tell my wife that I'll be home early) and try and make up the long run i missed last weekend.

Question for the Bike Gurus: since it is hard for me to bike outside during the week and i have a hilly mofo of a race in june, what do you think about doing reps of grinding and standing to spike up my heart rate.  i need something to replicate the feeling of climbing hills - recall i am towing a 225 pound anchor. 


I'd consider getting one of the Spinervals DVD's that deal with hill work.

are there any?

2011-04-26 8:47 PM
in reply to: #3467767

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Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
jsklarz - 2011-04-26 6:39 PM

bryancd - 2011-04-26 5:45 PM If your plan is to use HR for training is is CRUCIAL you establish the zones properly. The protocol Kelly describes above isn't sufficient. A good place to start and educate yourself about HR testing and how to establish zones is available here on BT in this excellent article:[/QUOTE]

Do you think most HR protocols are BS? I kind of think there is hard (can't do for more than 2 mins), easy (can go for a long time) and "threshold" (something that hurts but not enough to slow down for at least 30 minutes).  I train by HR and used the BT method of setting my zones but i am not convinced that they really mean much. 

No, HR is not BS but it does have it's limitations which we all need to be aware of and adjust for. HR is effective in so much as we can use it for bike and run whereas power and pace are distinct from each other. There are variabilities in HR which will be unique to the individual that need to be understood and adjusted for. This is why establishing your own HR zones via testing our observed results from races are so important and why an eight min. test is a waste of time. I use HR as a motivator on the bike as it often tells me I am going to easy and a limiter early on the run as it tells me I may be going too hard. Like any tool, it's only as good as what you read and how yo use it, which is why knowing the zones is SO crucial and Kel's protocol is not acceptable.

2011-04-26 8:58 PM
in reply to: #3467916

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
jsklarz - 2011-04-26 7:46 PM
abqtj - 2011-04-26 9:19 PM
jsklarz - 2011-04-26 6:32 PM

......or as my college coach said: "the human body is an amazing thing, you pass out before you die"... in other words, you can always run harder!

on the most BEAUTIFUL day of the year thus far, i managed to be on both a trainer and treadmill, sigh.  one day i will be able to play in the sun.

Tomorrow i have some mid day meetings out of teh office and probably wont make it back (or tell my wife that I'll be home early) and try and make up the long run i missed last weekend.

Question for the Bike Gurus: since it is hard for me to bike outside during the week and i have a hilly mofo of a race in june, what do you think about doing reps of grinding and standing to spike up my heart rate.  i need something to replicate the feeling of climbing hills - recall i am towing a 225 pound anchor. 


I'd consider getting one of the Spinervals DVD's that deal with hill work.

are there any?


Oh yeah:


Competition 24.0 - HILLacious with Great Harvest Bread Co.

Here's a 4-pack


2011-04-27 4:33 AM
in reply to: #3467918

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

No, HR is not BS but it does have it's limitations which we all need to be aware of and adjust for. HR is effective in so much as we can use it for bike and run whereas power and pace are distinct from each other.

I agree.  Using HR has been the most useful tool I've ever had in training.

My HRs were initially established by giving my coach all racing results for the past year or so and doing the short field tests.  We've re-calibrated the HR zones as I've done more races and have more HR data.

I think the best thing about HR is that if you actually follow it, you do your hard days hard, your easy days easy and see the benefits of those workouts rather than ending up in the muddy middle.

2011-04-27 4:35 AM
in reply to: #3436066

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

Question for the day -- I know Scott is looking for a new tri bike -- what kind of bike do you ride and what would be your "dream bike?"

I ride a 2011 CD.01. 

I'm not sure what my "dream" bike would be.  A friend of mine rides Norman Stadler's back up Scott, I think it would be kind of cool to have a bike with a little bit of history.

2011-04-27 4:38 AM
in reply to: #3467937

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
abqtj - 2011-04-26 9:58 PM
jsklarz - 2011-04-26 7:46 PM
abqtj - 2011-04-26 9:19 PM
jsklarz - 2011-04-26 6:32 PM

......or as my college coach said: "the human body is an amazing thing, you pass out before you die"... in other words, you can always run harder!

on the most BEAUTIFUL day of the year thus far, i managed to be on both a trainer and treadmill, sigh.  one day i will be able to play in the sun.

Tomorrow i have some mid day meetings out of teh office and probably wont make it back (or tell my wife that I'll be home early) and try and make up the long run i missed last weekend.

Question for the Bike Gurus: since it is hard for me to bike outside during the week and i have a hilly mofo of a race in june, what do you think about doing reps of grinding and standing to spike up my heart rate.  i need something to replicate the feeling of climbing hills - recall i am towing a 225 pound anchor. 


I'd consider getting one of the Spinervals DVD's that deal with hill work.

are there any?


Oh yeah:


Competition 24.0 - HILLacious with Great Harvest Bread Co.

Here's a 4-pack



2011-04-27 7:17 AM
in reply to: #3468215

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
kaburns1214 - 2011-04-27 3:35 AM

Question for the day -- I know Scott is looking for a new tri bike -- what kind of bike do you ride and what would be your "dream bike?"

I ride a 2011 CD.01. 

I'm not sure what my "dream" bike would be.  A friend of mine rides Norman Stadler's back up Scott, I think it would be kind of cool to have a bike with a little bit of history.


2011 masi evoluzione


I'd love to get a proper Tri/TT bike someday. The Orbea looks really nice to me.

2011-04-27 7:58 AM
in reply to: #3436066

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

I have a Cervelo P2, and I LOVE it!  I'd post a picture but can't figure out how.  It is however in my album (along with a photo of my cute puppy and my old road bike that I also love) so you have to go take a look!

Dream bike - not sure.  It would be really cool to have one of Lance's TT bikes, so I guess that would be my dream bike.

2011-04-27 7:58 AM
in reply to: #3436066

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

Orbeas are nice -- you hsould talk to Kathy G.

What kind of saddle is on your bike?

2011-04-27 7:59 AM
in reply to: #3468435

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
karen26.2 - 2011-04-27 8:58 AM

I have a Cervelo P2, and I LOVE it!  I'd post a picture but can't figure out how.  It is however in my album (along with a photo of my cute puppy and my old road bike that I also love) so you have to go take a look!

Dream bike - not sure.  It would be really cool to have one of Lance's TT bikes, so I guess that would be my dream bike.


This pretty blue Cervelo?


2011-04-27 8:05 AM
in reply to: #3468438

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
kaburns1214 - 2011-04-27 6:58 AM

Orbeas are nice -- you hsould talk to Kathy G.

What kind of saddle is on your bike?


It's the stock one from's actually quite good, too! 


I'd look at Cervelo if the dealer shop here was marginal...I don't really like shopping there, to be honest with you. Just never have had a good vibe in that place. 

Orbea and Specialized are at "my" LBS that I like going to. We also have a Trek store, but I've only been in there once.

2011-04-27 8:48 AM
in reply to: #3468450

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
here is my steed for the past couple of years, it is the last year on this bike as per my fitter i need something with a steeper seat tube and shorter top tube.  Each year as i have gotten in better shape i have gotten in a better position, it is maxed out right now and there are a few things i need to change.

2011-04-27 8:49 AM
in reply to: #3468450

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
here is my steed for the past couple of years, it is the last year on this bike as per my fitter i need something with a steeper seat tube and shorter top tube.  Each year as i have gotten in better shape i have gotten in a better position, it is maxed out right now and there are a few things i need to change.
2011-04-27 8:49 AM
in reply to: #3468450

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
here is my steed for the past couple of years, it is the last year on this bike as per my fitter i need something with a steeper seat tube and shorter top tube.  Each year as i have gotten in better shape i have gotten in a better position, it is maxed out right now and there are a few things i need to change.
2011-04-27 8:49 AM
in reply to: #3468450

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

here is my steed for the past couple of years, it is the last year on this bike as per my fitter i need something with a steeper seat tube and shorter top tube.  Each year as i have gotten in better shape i have gotten in a better position, it is maxed out right now and there are a few things i need to change.


it wont let me upload, i will try later

Edited by Rudedog55 2011-04-27 8:52 AM
2011-04-27 9:50 AM
in reply to: #3436066

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
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