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2007-03-26 10:47 PM
in reply to: #734278

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
How did everyone's weekend go? Can't wait to hear about your triathlon Julia. Did anyone want to set goals this week? Diane did you get a workout in despite you and your son's busy schedule?

I'm not pushing myself as hard as I know I could. I'm not disciplined enough. However when I'm with other people I don't notice that I'm working hard.

My goals for this week:

1. Do exactly as suggested in the program and enjoy a tough workout

2. Prepare food for the day the night before

3. Start the masters swim club at the YMCA

2007-03-26 11:26 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Thanks for starting us off fran!
I had a horrible weekend. I really feel a set back, again I think too much or dwell on things. But I didn't get in any activity this weekend and I am very discusted with myself and my lack of self control. Not only the lack of activity but the food choices and lack of water.

I have that 5k this Saturday so my goal this week is to be smart! Wiser food choices and not over eat just because. I will focus more on diversity in workouts as well. I am not sure when but I want to start focusing more on the pool.

2007-03-27 12:43 AM
in reply to: #661678

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
My first goal for this week: STOP EATING M&Ms. I bought them as a bribe to convince my 3 year old that he should go pee and poo in the potty. Instead I have been eating them by the handful. Yuck!!!

Second goal: At least one bike ride OUTSIDE.

Third goal: At least one 10k this week.

2007-03-27 11:15 PM
in reply to: #738075

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West Richland
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
You guys are all doing so awesome!  I've been traveling for work this past week so I've been terrible on keeping up with workouts and even worse with keeping up with the thread, so I am going to try to be better on both counts. 
2007-03-28 6:58 AM
in reply to: #661678

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

Oh boy, my swims are getting tougher to get up for and I'm totally lacking motivation....wonder why?  Not being able to swim/bike might have something to do with it!?!   I did run on Monday, 1/2 mile until I felt pain, then continued for another mile.  Finally went to the orthopod last night, another 3-4 weeks of p.t. and rest....I told him he is killing me!  Then if it is still bothering me we try the next step.  I try to look at the positive, but it is always thrown in my face, can't do the tour de cure that I signed up for atleast with my team, my houlder is starting to hurt, and I can't run!  I'm trying to focus on core and hip strength, then upper body lifting.  Some reason that doesn't quite get my stress and frustration out...any suggestions?  Sorry for my negativity!  This is sooooooo tough!



2007-03-28 8:23 AM
in reply to: #739728

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
trYgrl - 2007-03-28 6:58 AM

Oh boy, my swims are getting tougher to get up for and I'm totally lacking motivation....wonder why?  Not being able to swim/bike might have something to do with it!?!   I did run on Monday, 1/2 mile until I felt pain, then continued for another mile.  Finally went to the orthopod last night, another 3-4 weeks of p.t. and rest....I told him he is killing me!  Then if it is still bothering me we try the next step.  I try to look at the positive, but it is always thrown in my face, can't do the tour de cure that I signed up for atleast with my team, my houlder is starting to hurt, and I can't run!  I'm trying to focus on core and hip strength, then upper body lifting.  Some reason that doesn't quite get my stress and frustration out...any suggestions?  Sorry for my negativity!  This is sooooooo tough!



I'm sooo sorry for all this pain you're going through. I noticed your 1 mile run in your log. Because of your injury you can't use your legs, and your shoulder is starting to hurt right? If your shoulder doesn't have a serious injury like your legs, you could recover and start doing something completely new and interesting to distract yourself. Rock climbing, sea kayaking, dragonboat racing? Would these be possible for you or interesting to you? In the meanwhile you could develop a wicked six-pack. : ) With a complete break and a new activity that doesn't harm your leg at all, you will give your body much needed recovery time, you won't feel impatient or frustrated, and the time will go faster. It will focus you on something else.

In the summer I thought I totally destroyed my knees and hips while canyoneering in Utah and I had to grieve all the activities I thought I lost and grieve all the plans I had to cancel. It really sucked and I'm sorry you're going through this. Is the next step surgery? Is that what the doctor implied?

2007-03-28 9:25 AM
in reply to: #661678

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

Good Morning all!!!  THANKS to everyone for the good luck and inspires for my race   It went very well and my RACE REPORT is up.  I don't know if you've all discovered this reature, but on your training log page there is a little megaphone.  That brings you to "my races" where you can enter upcoming and past races and enter a report after the race is finished.  You can see everything I had to say about my race there but the long and the short of it was I ahd a GREAT swim good bike and decent run.  I was 3rd in my AG and got a cool little trophy

My goal this week is to eat right and drink lots of water.  Get in a few workouts when  I can but mainly get ready to start hard core block of training next week.


2007-03-28 9:28 AM
in reply to: #739728

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
trYgrl - 2007-03-28 5:58 AM

Oh boy, my swims are getting tougher to get up for and I'm totally lacking motivation....wonder why?  Not being able to swim/bike might have something to do with it!?!   I did run on Monday, 1/2 mile until I felt pain, then continued for another mile.  Finally went to the orthopod last night, another 3-4 weeks of p.t. and rest....I told him he is killing me!  Then if it is still bothering me we try the next step.  I try to look at the positive, but it is always thrown in my face, can't do the tour de cure that I signed up for atleast with my team, my houlder is starting to hurt, and I can't run!  I'm trying to focus on core and hip strength, then upper body lifting.  Some reason that doesn't quite get my stress and frustration out...any suggestions?  Sorry for my negativity!  This is sooooooo tough!



Kersten - I wish I had more advice to give on this front, but thankfully I haven't suffered too many injuries.  I would be going crazy as well.  I do know a friend who is going through similar injury problems.  She is jldicarlo on the site and her name is Jen.  You can link to her blog through mine.  She's having knee surgery in a month or so.  She did HAvasu with me this weekend and limped around the rest of the trip after the race... 

Keep you head up and I totally agree that finding another outlet might be good right about now.  Hang in there.

2007-03-28 9:29 AM
in reply to: #738075

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

Caycee - 2007-03-26 11:43 PM My first goal for this week: STOP EATING M&Ms. I bought them as a bribe to convince my 3 year old that he should go pee and poo in the potty. Instead I have been eating them by the handful. Yuck!!! Second goal: At least one bike ride OUTSIDE. Third goal: At least one 10k this week.

HMMMM This sounds all too familiar   I did the SAME thing with my kids!  It's so hard, but I've decided no more bribing with food.  Because then I eat the junk food and if it's not good for me - it's probably not good for them.  My husband hates me

2007-03-28 9:34 AM
in reply to: #738045

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

Diane&Mike - 2007-03-26 10:26 PM Thanks for starting us off fran! I had a horrible weekend. I really feel a set back, again I think too much or dwell on things. But I didn't get in any activity this weekend and I am very discusted with myself and my lack of self control. Not only the lack of activity but the food choices and lack of water. I have that 5k this Saturday so my goal this week is to be smart! Wiser food choices and not over eat just because. I will focus more on diversity in workouts as well. I am not sure when but I want to start focusing more on the pool. Diane

Don't be too hard on yourself Diane!  Sometimes you have a week or a weekend like that and it reminds you why you are doing what you are doing - to be healthier, and happier and enjoy yourself more.  If you beat yourself up over it you're not enjoying it and it won't last.  I think you're doing great and deserved a little break anyway  

2007-03-28 1:37 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Julia! Congrats on your triathlon, I was fascinated by your report, it was sort of a day in the life of a triathlete, I had no idea how these things work. I didn't realize how important transitions are.

If I uploaded a photo of me on my bike would you be able to tell me if it's fitting me right??

2007-03-29 8:06 PM
in reply to: #739936

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Thanks Julia. COngrats on Hav! Your log was cool.

So my goal this week was to be smart and I am so not! I have not been eating properly. Its not over eating just a little/lot of the wrong things. This is the only time of year I like jelly beans and like Casey with the M&Ms I am having a heckuva time staying out of them!

Daughter is having her 16th bday gathering Sat and then the "family thing" on Sun so another battle of will power with my year round weakness chocolate cake.
I could have ordered a different flavor but nooooo! I guess I like the torture.

I will need an ear to whine to so check back later.

2007-03-29 10:57 PM
in reply to: #742679

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Diane&Mike - 2007-03-29 8:06 PM

Thanks Julia. COngrats on Hav! Your log was cool.

So my goal this week was to be smart and I am so not! I have not been eating properly. Its not over eating just a little/lot of the wrong things. This is the only time of year I like jelly beans and like Casey with the M&Ms I am having a heckuva time staying out of them!

Daughter is having her 16th bday gathering Sat and then the "family thing" on Sun so another battle of will power with my year round weakness chocolate cake.
I could have ordered a different flavor but nooooo! I guess I like the torture.

I will need an ear to whine to so check back later.


My problem food this week are those so delicious Pillsbury Doughboy chocolate chunk cookies you bake yourself. Make 4 at a time (x2) in the toaster oven, eat them while they're hot. Enjoy the chocolate cake!

Perhaps we should be more health conscious, let's not eat junk food Friday then.
2007-03-30 7:24 AM
in reply to: #661678

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

Mine a  cheesecake that one of my students made for my birthday and left almost the entire thing behind.  It has been in my fridge in my office all week adn I just keep pecking away at it!  Then of course, the jelly beans as well....those are soooooo addicting!  All the pilates in the world won't help my abs at this point!  Dang and I was doing so well!

2007-03-30 11:20 AM
in reply to: #742897

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West Richland
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

You all are making me crave some Starbust jelly beans, and my favorite for this time of year, Reese's peanut butter eggs...mmm. I am still getting over my illusions that if I'm exercising regularly I can eat whatever I want.

Cheesecake is dangerous for me because it just seems like the perfect breakfast (and mid-morning and afternoon snack) :-D



2007-03-30 5:15 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
You all crack me up! I would have loved the challenge to stay away from junk food Friday....
But sh--Kid you not I logged in to update log and decided to read the new post-popped a jelly bean in my mouth just as I read the line! MAN I S@Ck.
And you had to bring up cookies-mmm me love cookies! (it shows.)

Why isn't it as long as we are exercising we SHOULD be able to eat whatever we want!

So Mike has decided to not do the Lazyman Triathalon (bowling, pool & golf-don't forget food) and join me in the 5k run in the morning.
And I am happy to report, when we went to (late) register him today the portapotties where already set up. No worries now!

Thanks for the laugh all. ( I needed it too I had a gain at my weigh in today. +.4, not much but a gain-shouldn't had ate that jelly bean!


2007-03-30 6:10 PM
in reply to: #661678

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Damn jelly beans got me again...they are sitting in the car, probably the worst place to be sitting when  you drive.....the lifesaver kind.....yeah, they were a lifesaver, right between the drive from work to the gym and then to the store....mmmmmm.  Forgot about junk food friday, but really didn't do too bad next to the jelly beans.  I'll aim for Sunday. 
2007-03-31 12:52 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Back from 5K-Happy to report portapotties were very helpfull before start didn't think I would need them but with nerves and water glad they were available. Thanks for the tip!
Race was fun and such a wide variety of people. We did it in 36:33, very happy. We had told the kids to start looking for us after clock had 40 mins, we we are pretty pleased with the time.
The top time was 16:40 so what if he could have run it 2 and stil came in before us, out of my age I came in 5th. It it really doesn't bother me that there weren't many more than that in my age group (30-39). They main point is we did it and 4 months ago we would not have been this far.
Ok enough rambling, thanks for your advise and horror stories too. All of it really helped.
2007-03-31 1:08 PM
in reply to: #661678

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Congratulations!!!! Sounds like a fun race.
2007-03-31 4:47 PM
in reply to: #743966

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
2007-03-31 8:38 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
congrats on the race guys! thats a fine time for your first race, you should be proud!!

2007-03-31 9:31 PM
in reply to: #743959

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West Richland
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

Nice job, that is a great time!  I love the variety of people at 5Ks, everyone from teenagers to people jogging with strollers to the speed demons (although I've never seen anyone finish in 16:40, yikes!)  I'm glad it went well and congrats! 

2007-04-01 12:31 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Thanks everyone!
Hubby wants to look for another one that the kids can join us. Our 8 yr old would have no problem, his standardized PE testing he did his mile in 10:18. 16 yr may have a few more issues since her running consist of baselines in Softball. But both of them said they would like to try.
Thanks again for the advise. Have a great day!
2007-04-01 7:37 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
There's an april fools joke happening on the message board. I wanted to share a report on my first brick workout when I noticed that the words R U N, B I K E, and S W I M, were automatically changed to skip dance shop!
2007-04-01 7:49 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Is anyone interested in having a goal of upping monthly workout hours for April? I noticed I biked 7 hours, R A N 4 hours and swam 5 in March which I think could be improved on. Perhaps doubling? or near that?
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