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2010-09-30 7:06 AM
in reply to: #3125125

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

GRB1 - 2010-09-29 10:55 PM
PennState - 2010-09-29 5:18 PM So some new business:

1. I am done with the Newbz situation. Thoughts were posted, it's up to others to decide on how they feel about it. I apologize if I spent too much time posting on it here, but I am big on integrity in this sport.

2. Are there any other topics the group wishes to explore?

3. How is training going today/ this week?

 I didn't have the chance to read the other threads on the Newbz situation.   I think you can remove Newbz from the discussion and it is still a great topic to discuss.  I concur with your thoughts about integrity and what seems like a lack of it at times in triathlon and sports in general. 

I had the opportunity to speak with a multiple time IM winner/pro female and asked her about PEDs in the tri community.  She indicated they are rampant and becoming more prevelant.  This does not surprise me, but it is a little disturbing considering what is at stake.   

It is too bad that so many feel it is OK to take a shortcut and only really express regret when they are caught.  I once saw a survey in Sports Illustrated about Olympic athletes who were asked if they were guaranteed to win an olympic gold medal using steroids, without being caught, and it reduced their life by 10 years, somewhere around 75% said they would do it.
I have to say I have seen numerous folks who have "cheated" in a triathlon.  This happens almost all the time on the bike with folks drafting.  During IMWI I actually had two guys from the same team pass me while doing rotating pulls.  Another example of it's OK as long as I don't get caught.  Kind of pissed me off, so I pushed hard, passed them, slowed down and then worked myself inbetween them and forced the 4 bike length gap between them.  I kept this up for about 5 miles and eventually broke them apart.  It was fun for me and helped to break up the ride a bit.  As you can imagine their speed dropped considerably when they were separated and I did end up leaving them behind. 

Another lack of integrity at the same race was me approaching a 25 year old on the bike.  He procedes to throw all his trash on the side of the road, a empty water bottle and a handful of empty gel wrappers.  About 10 seconds later I ride up next to him, look him in the eye and tell him "your better than that"  he doesn't say a word and I continue to pass him.  It's not like the 1/4 of a pound of bottle and wrappers was going to slow him down, but he just didn't care.  I mean really if a 42 year old, MOPer is passing you on the bike your probably not going to Kona qualify.

I really do agree with you in that a lack of integrity really gets under my skin and it should not be accepted.  I will get off my soap box now.  

Training has been somewhat relaxed for me the last couple of weeks.  I feel like I am pretty much fully recovered post IM now.  I am looking at doing a 1/2 marathon on Halloween.  It will give me something to focus on the next couple of weeks. 

Great post Greg!!

2010-09-30 7:07 AM
in reply to: #3125158

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

calimavs - 2010-09-29 11:44 PM
PennState - 2010-09-29 4:49 PM tricks:

1. You can register for an account at any time. ie; do it before registration day. they ask for certain info about you. If you don't fill it out beforehand then this will cost you time on Ironman registration day. Definitely do this!

2. I would recommend getting online about 5-10 min. before registration opens up.

3. I would recommend against opening up more than 1 window and trying to register more than once from the same computer.

4. You HAVE to answer the goofball questions on registraion day, like "Why do you want to do said ironman?" etc. Give really, really short answers like. "cause" etc.

5. Stay calm.

Hope that helps.

Thanks for the tricks! I already have an account and was planning on going in soon and making sure they have all the correct info so that I'll be good to go. I was trying to decide if I should try to register from work or home (I can work at home) and decided to do it at work since our internet connection is faster and more reliable. I have two hours blocked out on my schedule that day in case something goes wrong and plan to just try to be speedy and calm all at the same time. Smile 

Good luck! 

2010-09-30 2:09 PM
in reply to: #3125134

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Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
furiousferret - 2010-09-29 11:07 PM 
I've never subscribed to the compression revolution but if eating a live hamster would help I'd do that too!

OMG... quote. of. the. day. !
2010-09-30 2:18 PM
in reply to: #3125297

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Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
PennState - 2010-09-30 7:30 AM

Best of luck in your marathon. Which one are you doing?

I am doing the Wineglass mary in Corning, NY.

It was only $65 and so that's why I chose it over Philly.  I was planning on doing a run/walk combo with a woman from the tri club that is doing the run as part of Team in Training.  She finished her first HIM in Syracuse in just over 9 hours.  She's a tough cookie, regardless of what the time shows!  The cut off is 6 1/2 hours for the marathon and her goal was under 6 using a 12 min run pace and 16-17min walk pace as long as she could hold it...

Well... she works for NYSEG (electric company) and because of all this rain we're having she may have to work overtime for the next week due to the ramifications of all this water.  I was using her pace as an excuse not to train well, but if she doesn't do the race then I'm going to feel like a schlub for having to run/walk the full thing. =(  I had a sub 10 min/mile for Syr 70.3, but that's only because it was mostly downhill...coming from a gal that was holding a 9 min pace for Philly.

I guess I'm just going to go into the race with a run/walk plan and see what happens.  If I start hurting then I can DNF.  No biggie...

So, it sounds like folks are picking out their BIG race(s) for next year. How exciting!!!  This time last year I was already registered for my big races.  Looks like I have to wait until the spring to start thinking about next season.

This sport sure teaches patience!
2010-09-30 4:51 PM
in reply to: #3126481

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
WittyCityGirl - 2010-09-30 12:18 PM
PennState - 2010-09-30 7:30 AM

Best of luck in your marathon. Which one are you doing?

I am doing the Wineglass mary in Corning, NY.

It was only $65 and so that's why I chose it over Philly.  I was planning on doing a run/walk combo with a woman from the tri club that is doing the run as part of Team in Training.  She finished her first HIM in Syracuse in just over 9 hours.  She's a tough cookie, regardless of what the time shows!  The cut off is 6 1/2 hours for the marathon and her goal was under 6 using a 12 min run pace and 16-17min walk pace as long as she could hold it...

Well... she works for NYSEG (electric company) and because of all this rain we're having she may have to work overtime for the next week due to the ramifications of all this water.  I was using her pace as an excuse not to train well, but if she doesn't do the race then I'm going to feel like a schlub for having to run/walk the full thing. =(  I had a sub 10 min/mile for Syr 70.3, but that's only because it was mostly downhill...coming from a gal that was holding a 9 min pace for Philly.

I guess I'm just going to go into the race with a run/walk plan and see what happens.  If I start hurting then I can DNF.  No biggie...

So, it sounds like folks are picking out their BIG race(s) for next year. How exciting!!!  This time last year I was already registered for my big races.  Looks like I have to wait until the spring to start thinking about next season.

This sport sure teaches patience!

I've heard great things about the Wineglass Marathon, good luck! I love that area (I went to college in Ithaca) and I bet it is beautiful there this time of year.

I hope your friend is able to run with you, that is so great that you are planning to pace her.
2010-09-30 6:55 PM
in reply to: #3126454

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

WittyCityGirl - 2010-09-30 3:09 PM
furiousferret - 2010-09-29 11:07 PM 
I've never subscribed to the compression revolution but if eating a live hamster would help I'd do that too!

OMG... quote. of. the. day. !

That is good!

2010-09-30 6:57 PM
in reply to: #3126481

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

WittyCityGirl - 2010-09-30 3:18 PM
PennState - 2010-09-30 7:30 AM

Best of luck in your marathon. Which one are you doing?

I am doing the Wineglass mary in Corning, NY.

It was only $65 and so that's why I chose it over Philly.  I was planning on doing a run/walk combo with a woman from the tri club that is doing the run as part of Team in Training.  She finished her first HIM in Syracuse in just over 9 hours.  She's a tough cookie, regardless of what the time shows!  The cut off is 6 1/2 hours for the marathon and her goal was under 6 using a 12 min run pace and 16-17min walk pace as long as she could hold it...

Well... she works for NYSEG (electric company) and because of all this rain we're having she may have to work overtime for the next week due to the ramifications of all this water.  I was using her pace as an excuse not to train well, but if she doesn't do the race then I'm going to feel like a schlub for having to run/walk the full thing. =(  I had a sub 10 min/mile for Syr 70.3, but that's only because it was mostly downhill...coming from a gal that was holding a 9 min pace for Philly.

I guess I'm just going to go into the race with a run/walk plan and see what happens.  If I start hurting then I can DNF.  No biggie...

So, it sounds like folks are picking out their BIG race(s) for next year. How exciting!!!  This time last year I was already registered for my big races.  Looks like I have to wait until the spring to start thinking about next season.

This sport sure teaches patience!

Good luck with the race Sara!! I hope your friend does it as well, so that you go nice and slow! Need to get you healed up for next season!! 

2010-10-01 12:14 AM
in reply to: #2769226

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Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
I have started my 1/2 Marathon training program for the Phoenix PF Chang's 1/2 mary in January. This week I have 12 miles and it builds to 24 miles a couple of weeks out from the race. I think I should be fine with this program. I still haven't decided if I'm going to do the Amica Olympic on Nov 7th yet. I am really focusing on two events PF Chang's and the HIM in April in Tempe. I really don't need to do anything else so I might skip it and just go volunteer. I am doing a 5K on Sunday but I just want to use it as a training day and I'm not trying to PR or anything.

I have found that my run fitness was equal to the amount I trained and that wasn't very much. I really want to enjoy the 1/2 marathon and I'm going to run the whole thing with my wife. She won't be in the same shape that I will be in but I think it will be a great thing for us to do together. I'm also planning on buying her a bike soon so we can ride together. It will take her a while to get to where I'm at but I would love to be able to train with her.

I just don't understand why someone would want to cheat in an event where it is an individual thing. You're only cheating yourself and at the end of the day, you know what you did. My whole philosophy of triathlon and exercise has changed from "racing" to "an event". I still would like to PR every once in a while but I just want to finish and push myself. I'm only competing against myself not anyone else.

I still have plans for 1-2 HIM's next year and then IMAZ in 2012. Maybe the competitive juices have been all rung out of me. I think finishing is a big enough accomplishment for me.
2010-10-01 8:27 AM
in reply to: #2769226

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Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Todd-that's great that you want to start having your wife as a training buddy!! 

It took a little while for my husband and I to "get" each other's training philosphies which caused some friction every now and then... for example he didn't like me running next to him so the pace was always being pushed.  Or when we go for a bike ride he is much quicker than I am so I won't see him for a half hour at a time on a reaaaaally long ride.  Or I get annoyed with him when he doesn't take my swim-related advice, BUT we love going to races together!!!  It's fun to talk about our experience post-race.  I'm not fast, but I try to be as competitive as I can, so after we did one race together we (I) decided that we'll catch up at the end of each race. 

Our favorite tri-related actvity? Aquajogging!!! It's nice and relaxing for the most part or we can push ourselves.

That's SUPER awesome that you're thinking of buying a bike for her!  My unsolicited advice...make sure she's with you when you're browsing.  My husband generously bought me a bike two years ago, but I wasn't there and he wasn't exactly sure how tall I was, so.... it's been interesting to get my bike to where it's comfortable.

Have a good weekend everyone!
2010-10-01 10:51 AM
in reply to: #3127081

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Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
kenj - 2010-09-30 6:55 PM

WittyCityGirl - 2010-09-30 3:09 PM
furiousferret - 2010-09-29 11:07 PM 
I've never subscribed to the compression revolution but if eating a live hamster would help I'd do that too!

OMG... quote. of. the. day. !

That is good!

Hamster the other white meat  
2010-10-01 1:03 PM
in reply to: #3125296

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
PennState - 2010-09-30 7:30 AM
calimavs - 2010-09-29 11:44 PM
PennState - 2010-09-29 4:49 PM tricks:

1. You can register for an account at any time. ie; do it before registration day. they ask for certain info about you. If you don't fill it out beforehand then this will cost you time on Ironman registration day. Definitely do this!

2. I would recommend getting online about 5-10 min. before registration opens up.

3. I would recommend against opening up more than 1 window and trying to register more than once from the same computer.

4. You HAVE to answer the goofball questions on registraion day, like "Why do you want to do said ironman?" etc. Give really, really short answers like. "cause" etc.

5. Stay calm.

Hope that helps.

Thanks for the tricks! I already have an account and was planning on going in soon and making sure they have all the correct info so that I'll be good to go. I was trying to decide if I should try to register from work or home (I can work at home) and decided to do it at work since our internet connection is faster and more reliable. I have two hours blocked out on my schedule that day in case something goes wrong and plan to just try to be speedy and calm all at the same time. Smile 

Smart to block the extra time, as sometimes they go 'live' a little later then they say. My guess is IMAZ will sell out in 45 minutes or so. Stay calm, use a fast connection, have your credit card and USAT# ready. Good luck

Great advice! thank you!

2010-10-01 1:22 PM
in reply to: #3127081

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
kenj - 2010-09-30 5:55 PM

WittyCityGirl - 2010-09-30 3:09 PM
furiousferret - 2010-09-29 11:07 PM 
I've never subscribed to the compression revolution but if eating a live hamster would help I'd do that too!

OMG... quote. of. the. day. !

That is good!

2010-10-02 4:56 AM
in reply to: #2769226

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2010-10-02 4:58 AM
in reply to: #2769226

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2010-10-02 8:01 AM
in reply to: #3129505

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

PennState - 2010-10-02 5:58 AM I'm off for another epic cross ride. Cold here (40s) but should get a bit warmer as the sun comes out. Any weekend training plans for the group?

Have fun with the cross bike!

And just in case you guys forgot the fun of IM training, I have a 100 mile ride today and a 17 mile run tomorrow! Plus a swim in there somewhere! 

2010-10-02 9:01 AM
in reply to: #3129576

Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
kenj - 2010-10-02 8:01 AM

PennState - 2010-10-02 5:58 AM I'm off for another epic cross ride. Cold here (40s) but should get a bit warmer as the sun comes out. Any weekend training plans for the group?

Have fun with the cross bike!

And just in case you guys forgot the fun of IM training, I have a 100 mile ride today and a 17 mile run tomorrow! Plus a swim in there somewhere! 

Seems like that last 6 weeks of training are the hardest.  Keep up the press the race will be here before you know it.

2010-10-03 12:29 PM
in reply to: #3129576

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2010-10-03 12:30 PM
in reply to: #2769226

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2010-10-03 12:32 PM
in reply to: #3130398

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

PennState - 2010-10-03 1:29 PM
kenj - 2010-10-02 9:01 AM

PennState - 2010-10-02 5:58 AM I'm off for another epic cross ride. Cold here (40s) but should get a bit warmer as the sun comes out. Any weekend training plans for the group?

Have fun with the cross bike!

And just in case you guys forgot the fun of IM training, I have a 100 mile ride today and a 17 mile run tomorrow! Plus a swim in there somewhere! 

Cross ride was fun. My legs were dead from the outset, but still an enjoyable experience.

How did the training go this weekend Ken?

Just finished todays long run, not bad on tired legs.  Yesterdays ride had a fair amount of climbing, but I enjoyed it!

2010-10-03 12:33 PM
in reply to: #3130399

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

PennState - 2010-10-03 1:30 PM Oh and didn't Sara have her marathon this weekend?

Yes, she is doing the Wineglass marathon this morning.  Probably done by now.

2010-10-03 5:39 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Hopefully everyone had a good weekend of training or relaxing. I did a 40 mile ride with my tri club on Saturday morning (2:13) and I ran and PR'd at a local 5K for domestic violence victims. My new PR for a 5K is 32:39. I know it's still slow but you've got to start somewhere. I could feel today that very soon my 5K time will come down below 30 min. My legs were a bit tired from Saturday's ride but my run fitness is getting better quickly with the 1/2 marathon training program I'm on. I had very much neglected the run for the first 8 months of my training.

2010-10-03 5:52 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Hi Everyone! I'm here!

I did the Wineglass Marathon from Bath, NY to Corning, NY.  I really liked it.  Not as much spectator support as other races I've done, but a relatively flat course that would be good for a fast time.

I stayed with a friend that would be at a slower pace then me-to force myself to take it easy and to help her through her first marathon.  We aimed for a 4 min run/2 min walk where the run would be a 12min pace and the walk would be a 14 min pace.  I was able to enjoy the scenery and cheer for the people passing us, so it made it really fun. I didn't get nauseous like I do after long runs, either.  Unfortunately, shortening up my strides to keep at my friends pace really, really hurt the last 3-5 miles.  Funny thing is, my hip that I'm not going to PT for was the one that really hurt.  I got the point where I would run ahead at my comfy stride and just wait for her, that worked pretty well.

We started with the early starters and finished in just over 6:30.  Since there weren't road marshals out at 7am we just followed the people ahead of us, but someone made a wrong turn and so we ended up with an extra .7 miles or so.  Not a big deal except for us that cost 8 minutes.

Glad I still ran the race AMA, glad I paced a friend through her 1st marathon, but now I'm on a running hiatus for who knows how long.  I was aggravated at myself when the pace group for me to BQ passed because I had planned on being with them, but now I'm going to really prep to BQ for next year.

Hope everyone else had a great weekend! 
2010-10-04 6:22 AM
in reply to: #2769226

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2010-10-04 6:24 AM
in reply to: #2769226

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2010-10-04 10:15 AM
in reply to: #3131023

Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
PennState - 2010-10-04 5:22 AM Great job folks, a PR and also a marathon for the group. I was wondering if anyone knows if Pete is ok as I haven't heard from him in awhile?

I am alive and well.  Just haven't been online as much since starting this new job.  But I have been running a ton.  Haven't been biking all that much, but the times I do get out on the bike (like a week ago) I have no problems doing 60+ miles.  I'll be laying off the running here in a bit and focusing on the bike/swim soon though.  

I have read every post in here though, I just wasn't taking the time to respond to anything.

I did an impromptu 5k on Saturday (a free race being put on by some conference that was going on in Denver).  Pretty well organized and I think they had more volunteers for it than the Colfax Marathon had.  I was going for a sub-20 but ended up coming up short with a 20:03. Still happy with the time since it's the fastest since high school though.  But it is amazing that I can hold a 7:00 pace for 22 miles in San Diego during the marathon but then can't hold a 6:27 pace for 3.1miles here in Denver.  After that race I hung around with some friends and then we did a group run an hour later.  Ended up doing another 6miles during that run.  Then joined a friend yesterday for run on the Boulder Backside Loop again.  We ended up adding an extra mile and a half to the loop to come out with just over 21miles, but were faster than the last time we did it by like 8 minutes.
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