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2013-05-08 6:21 AM
in reply to: #4542598

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Spring 2013 - Closed

Jeff, you must have a HIGH pain tolerance!  Be careful.

I know we are archived and not supposed to be "working" but ya'll know me....... more questions

I was thinking of adding another run in the evenings of maybe 2 miles 4 - 5 times per week.  With my time constraints in the mornings when I usually run and bike etc I'm not getting the desired mileage I want.

1. Is running 2 miles even beneficial?  I mean it is over before I even really get warmed up.

2. Would it be better to run maybe 3 times per week in the evenings but make it 3 miles instead of 2?

3. Could adding the extra runs cause injuries since I'm prone to have them (IT band, shin splints etc).

4.  Is that increasing the mileage to fast?

5.  Alterntive plans?


OK enough of that.  Ya'll please take and enjoy every day.  Wife has a friend who just found out her Husband has a brain tumor, they operated Monday, couldn't get it all.  The prognosis is a little scarry.  Just saying... you never know when it will be one of us, so enjoy every day we have our health.

2013-05-08 7:55 AM
in reply to: #4732614

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Spring 2013 - Closed
KWDreamun - 2013-05-08 7:21 AM

Jeff, you must have a HIGH pain tolerance!  Be careful.

I know we are archived and not supposed to be "working" but ya'll know me....... more questions

I was thinking of adding another run in the evenings of maybe 2 miles 4 - 5 times per week.  With my time constraints in the mornings when I usually run and bike etc I'm not getting the desired mileage I want.

1. Is running 2 miles even beneficial?  I mean it is over before I even really get warmed up.

2. Would it be better to run maybe 3 times per week in the evenings but make it 3 miles instead of 2?

3. Could adding the extra runs cause injuries since I'm prone to have them (IT band, shin splints etc).

4.  Is that increasing the mileage to fast?

5.  Alterntive plans?


OK enough of that.  Ya'll please take and enjoy every day.  Wife has a friend who just found out her Husband has a brain tumor, they operated Monday, couldn't get it all.  The prognosis is a little scarry.  Just saying... you never know when it will be one of us, so enjoy every day we have our health.

Karl I think short runs are beneficial and a good way to get some more mileage in although you should probably do that slowly. Maybe you add a few short runs of 3 miles or less in the evenings and build from there. I will defer to experts here as always on this. Thoughts and prayers to your wife's friends husband. I hope everything turns out well for him. So true, life is short live every day like it's your last.

2013-05-08 7:59 AM
in reply to: #4542598

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Spring 2013 - Closed

Jeff I echo everyone else's sentiments and hope you can stay healthy and manage the heel/achillies issues well enough so you can have a successful season.

JoAnne I hope you got to enjoy your rest and recovery day from training.

Looks like I'll be doing most of my training indoors this week as the rain is going to hang around through the weekend. Since I have to work Saturday night I'm taking a half day on Friday and am so hoping we get a little break so I can get a long ride in on Friday afternoon. We'll see how that goes.

2013-05-08 9:28 AM
in reply to: #4732614

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Spring 2013 - Closed
KWDreamun - 2013-05-08 6:21 AM

Jeff, you must have a HIGH pain tolerance!  Be careful.

I know we are archived and not supposed to be "working" but ya'll know me....... more questions

I was thinking of adding another run in the evenings of maybe 2 miles 4 - 5 times per week.  With my time constraints in the mornings when I usually run and bike etc I'm not getting the desired mileage I want.

1. Is running 2 miles even beneficial?  I mean it is over before I even really get warmed up.

2. Would it be better to run maybe 3 times per week in the evenings but make it 3 miles instead of 2?

3. Could adding the extra runs cause injuries since I'm prone to have them (IT band, shin splints etc).

4.  Is that increasing the mileage to fast?

5.  Alterntive plans?


OK enough of that.  Ya'll please take and enjoy every day.  Wife has a friend who just found out her Husband has a brain tumor, they operated Monday, couldn't get it all.  The prognosis is a little scarry.  Just saying... you never know when it will be one of us, so enjoy every day we have our health.

Karl, you know the principles:  more frequent running is best; spread your miles evenly.

So you are asking about a 2 mile run each evening M-F.  And that is in addition to whatever running has already been your norm in the mornings?

Do it.  Each day evaluate how you feel and whether fatigue is building or joint tenderness is on the increase.  You can always pull back as necessary.

It's certainly beneficial.  You get an extra 10 miles per week! 


2013-05-08 10:41 AM
in reply to: #4542598

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Spring 2013 - Closed

Thanks Jeff and Tony!

Yes this would be in additiion to the morning training.  Yes 10 more miles per week would help and it would get me acclamated to the heat, it is cool in the mornings.

2013-05-08 1:11 PM
in reply to: #4542598

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Spring 2013 - Closed

Tony, as everyone has already chimed in, there is no doubt that extra running will help.  Just add it slowly.  I’m not a strict 10% guy, but the same rules for adding mileage apply, no matter how you add them.

I want to point out a few things about Jeff and his injury.

  1. He consulted a professional and got an accurate diagnosis.
  2. He knows that training/racing with the injury and accompanying pain is not doing further damage.
  3. The pain and injury are not getting better with rest, and in fact seem to improve or at least stay static under some level of training load.
  4. He has developed various techniques which allow him to work around certain pains or at least alleviate some of the stresses caused by the injury, without compromising form to the point of causing other issues.
  5. Jeff is a badazz.  Period.

All of that is to say that it’s not always smart to train through pain or injury.  Follow Jeff’s steps and be smart if you have something bothering you.  Pain is your body’s way of signaling to you that something is wrong and you need to figure it out.  Sometimes it’s nothing serious and training continues.  Sometimes it’s not.

2013-05-08 3:08 PM
in reply to: #4732111

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Spring 2013 - Closed
DirkP - 2013-05-07 5:35 PM


I do have one question: Would a bike fit (cleat position) cause any adverse reactions and cause or support PF?  Or how about pedal stroke?  I could see if I were toeing down significantly during the down stroke I could allow my achilles and calves to tighten up but I don't think that is the case.


Yes, I have thoughts.  The further out you have your cleat toward your toes, the more leverage effect across your foot.  (that's another way of saying more stress on the PF)

Cleat should always be as far back, towards the arch, as possible to minimize the leverage on the foot.

Cranking out of the saddle puts additional strain on it, so keep that kind of riding to a minimum if you are feeling PF.


If you toe down dramatically, you will be pushing downward through the bones of the foot and effectively shorten the lever length of the foot.  I could draw a schematic to help picture this, but don't know if that's necessary (if I can succeed with words).

Here is a demonstration.  Shoes off, stand on your tippy toes as high as you can.  Feel the strain leaving your PF?  The strain is greatest just as your heel starts to leave the ground because the lever length is the entire length of your foot. But when on your tippy toes, the lever length is small (horizontal distance between your toes and your ankle bone).

But, do I recommend riding that way?  Not really.  I have done that in Spin classes when my PF was flaring up.  It's easy to raise the seat a few inches and ride that way.  But it's the opposite of the way we SHOULD be pedaling and requires that we use too much of the lower quads to do the work.

The exact opposite approach helped a little bit too.  When I left my calf loosey goosey completely, my heel would drop and calf would stretch but it was a gentle application of force and helped to stretch the PF in a way that felt pretty good.  That's the first thing to try.

Also, I remember you finding an insole that felt good.  Can that fit in your cycling shoes?  If things get desperate it would be worth buying a larger (cheap) pair of shoes that can accommodate your insoles.  Or even try using a cheap arch support insert from a drug store.  I don't like that approach for running shoes, but for cycling---put a golf ball under that arch!! 

In the run-up to Boston I thought you had this thing licked.  Sorry to see that it's still such a 'pain'.



2013-05-08 7:02 PM
in reply to: #4542598

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Spring 2013 - Closed
Ummm, I think I have lost my wife, or at least at minimum she has been possessed by something...several things have been completely against normal.

1. Talking earlier in the week about how I am starting to think my newer running shoes are playing a small part in my running issues. Only intent was to start the conversation so that in 2 months when I decide I need new shoes, the groundwork has already been done. Her response..."Why don't you just go to Dayton to one of the dedicated running shoe stores and get a proper fitting so the shoes are what you need". My response...huh?

2. Today we started discussing our summer plans (which by the way, I'm looking forward to November so I have a free weekend). During this she mentioned that a friend of mine was signing up for a tri up by Port Clinton on my birthday weekend and that I should sign up also. 1st time ever she told me I should sign up for anything! But I actually declined (crazy, I know), I told her that I wanted to do Tri-Indy in August. Figured I can't push my luck too much...Her Response..."why don't you just do both of them!"......

3. Last item came up during a discussion on my training when she realized my September race was a HIM. For some reason she missed this point (or I failed to mention). Anyway, she told me that I better start spending more time in the pool so I am ready for it, again she has never given me the to ahead to train more than I already am!,

so I have started searching for my lost wife, but will take advantage of the current oddity!
2013-05-08 7:45 PM
in reply to: #4733433

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Spring 2013 - Closed
wbayek - 2013-05-08 2:11 PM

Tony, as everyone has already chimed in, there is no doubt that extra running will help.  Just add it slowly.  I’m not a strict 10% guy, but the same rules for adding mileage apply, no matter how you add them.

I want to point out a few things about Jeff and his injury.

  1. He consulted a professional and got an accurate diagnosis.
  2. He knows that training/racing with the injury and accompanying pain is not doing further damage.
  3. The pain and injury are not getting better with rest, and in fact seem to improve or at least stay static under some level of training load.
  4. He has developed various techniques which allow him to work around certain pains or at least alleviate some of the stresses caused by the injury, without compromising form to the point of causing other issues.
  5. Jeff is a badazz.  Period.

All of that is to say that it’s not always smart to train through pain or injury.  Follow Jeff’s steps and be smart if you have something bothering you.  Pain is your body’s way of signaling to you that something is wrong and you need to figure it out.  Sometimes it’s nothing serious and training continues.  Sometimes it’s not.

Best post of the year so far.

I am the proud new owner of a Garmin 910XT.  I'm officially as cool as Dirk again.  Boom.

2013-05-08 8:21 PM
in reply to: #4733669

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Spring 2013 - Closed
JeffY - 2013-05-08 4:08 PM
DirkP - 2013-05-07 5:35 PM


I do have one question: Would a bike fit (cleat position) cause any adverse reactions and cause or support PF?  Or how about pedal stroke?  I could see if I were toeing down significantly during the down stroke I could allow my achilles and calves to tighten up but I don't think that is the case.


Yes, I have thoughts.  The further out you have your cleat toward your toes, the more leverage effect across your foot.  (that's another way of saying more stress on the PF)

Cleat should always be as far back, towards the arch, as possible to minimize the leverage on the foot.

Cranking out of the saddle puts additional strain on it, so keep that kind of riding to a minimum if you are feeling PF.


If you toe down dramatically, you will be pushing downward through the bones of the foot and effectively shorten the lever length of the foot.  I could draw a schematic to help picture this, but don't know if that's necessary (if I can succeed with words).

Here is a demonstration.  Shoes off, stand on your tippy toes as high as you can.  Feel the strain leaving your PF?  The strain is greatest just as your heel starts to leave the ground because the lever length is the entire length of your foot. But when on your tippy toes, the lever length is small (horizontal distance between your toes and your ankle bone).

But, do I recommend riding that way?  Not really.  I have done that in Spin classes when my PF was flaring up.  It's easy to raise the seat a few inches and ride that way.  But it's the opposite of the way we SHOULD be pedaling and requires that we use too much of the lower quads to do the work.

The exact opposite approach helped a little bit too.  When I left my calf loosey goosey completely, my heel would drop and calf would stretch but it was a gentle application of force and helped to stretch the PF in a way that felt pretty good.  That's the first thing to try.

Also, I remember you finding an insole that felt good.  Can that fit in your cycling shoes?  If things get desperate it would be worth buying a larger (cheap) pair of shoes that can accommodate your insoles.  Or even try using a cheap arch support insert from a drug store.  I don't like that approach for running shoes, but for cycling---put a golf ball under that arch!! 

In the run-up to Boston I thought you had this thing licked.  Sorry to see that it's still such a 'pain'.

At your recommendation a couple of years ago I moved my cleat to the back of my shoe as far as it could go.  I hadn't seemed to have any problems after making this adjustment.  (At least no problems in short order but I know PF creeps in almost without noticing.)

Cranking out of the saddle isn't a huge deal around here because there usually isn't a reason to get out of the saddle other than to let some blood back into my backside.  Occasionally there are a couple of small hills that require, or I choose not to shift, I get out of the saddle but it's probably not more than 30 seconds at a time.

The Superfeet Green are the insoles I bought and I like.  The trouble is I gave them to my dad.  He had some really horrendous shoes that were in need of replacement.  I took mine off, with the Superfeet in them, and gave them to him before I left Ohio last time.  (This was the trip I made when he was having a heart cath a couple of months ago.)  I had been thinking about picking up another pair recently but race season is upon us and there are race fees.......A guys got to have his priorities!!

I have 2 pair of cycling shoes but only one pair of cleats.  I may try to get a second pair of cleats when I'm not paying race fees.

I thought I pretty much had the PF taken care of too.  The 2 weeks off after Boston seemed to help a lot but then I had to get back on my feet at work for some long days and that's where I think things began to get out of control again.  Just to be clear my foot isn't all that bad but it makes me wonder what things will occur as I get deeper into tri training.  I ran almost 7 miles last night and didn't have any real problems and tonight I ran 3 and felt pretty good.  I am going to continue to run and get about 30 MPW as a normal weekly mileage and see what comes of it.

2013-05-08 8:27 PM
in reply to: #4733999

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Spring 2013 - Closed

mambos - 2013-05-08 8:02 PM Ummm, I think I have lost my wife, or at least at minimum she has been possessed by something...several things have been completely against normal. 1. Talking earlier in the week about how I am starting to think my newer running shoes are playing a small part in my running issues. Only intent was to start the conversation so that in 2 months when I decide I need new shoes, the groundwork has already been done. Her response..."Why don't you just go to Dayton to one of the dedicated running shoe stores and get a proper fitting so the shoes are what you need". My response...huh? 2. Today we started discussing our summer plans (which by the way, I'm looking forward to November so I have a free weekend). During this she mentioned that a friend of mine was signing up for a tri up by Port Clinton on my birthday weekend and that I should sign up also. 1st time ever she told me I should sign up for anything! But I actually declined (crazy, I know), I told her that I wanted to do Tri-Indy in August. Figured I can't push my luck too much...Her Response..."why don't you just do both of them!"......3. Last item came up during a discussion on my training when she realized my September race was a HIM. For some reason she missed this point (or I failed to mention). Anyway, she told me that I better start spending more time in the pool so I am ready for it, again she has never given me the to ahead to train more than I already am!, so I have started searching for my lost wife, but will take advantage of the current oddity!

Stop looking for the "real" Sarah!!!  Now!!!  Just walk around in the haze of uncertainty and race crazed adrenaline for a while.

Seriously, it's really cool that she's giving you this kind of support.  You won't regret doing Tri-Indy!  I would imagine that Sarah will find the same thing once she see's the activity level and the ability to see you on the course multiple times.  will you be doing the Oly or the Sprint?

2013-05-08 8:28 PM
in reply to: #4734053

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Spring 2013 - Closed
jgerbodegrant - 2013-05-08 8:45 PM

I am the proud new owner of a Garmin 910XT.  I'm officially as cool as Dirk again.  Boom.

Well.................Almost!  If you work really hard you might be as cool as me over time.

2013-05-08 8:32 PM
in reply to: #4733433

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Spring 2013 - Closed
wbayek - 2013-05-08 2:11 PM

Tony, as everyone has already chimed in, there is no doubt that extra running will help.  Just add it slowly.  I’m not a strict 10% guy, but the same rules for adding mileage apply, no matter how you add them.

I want to point out a few things about Jeff and his injury.

  1. He consulted a professional and got an accurate diagnosis.
  2. He knows that training/racing with the injury and accompanying pain is not doing further damage.
  3. The pain and injury are not getting better with rest, and in fact seem to improve or at least stay static under some level of training load.
  4. He has developed various techniques which allow him to work around certain pains or at least alleviate some of the stresses caused by the injury, without compromising form to the point of causing other issues.
  5. Jeff is a badazz.  Period.

All of that is to say that it’s not always smart to train through pain or injury.  Follow Jeff’s steps and be smart if you have something bothering you.  Pain is your body’s way of signaling to you that something is wrong and you need to figure it out.  Sometimes it’s nothing serious and training continues.  Sometimes it’s not.

I agree 100%!  Especially with number 5!

Seriously Karl, if You increase the mileage do so over time.  Don't try to pick up 5 runs per week right away.  Maybe do 2 runs the first two weeks, 3 the following two weeks, hold that for 2 more weeks and see what happens.  Also, don't put these runs on back to back days.  I would suggest you spread them as far apart as you can at first.

2013-05-09 4:55 AM
in reply to: #4733433

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Spring 2013 - Closed
wbayek - 2013-05-08 1:11 PM

Tony, as everyone has already chimed in, there is no doubt that extra running will help.  Just add it slowly.  I’m not a strict 10% guy, but the same rules for adding mileage apply, no matter how you add them.

I want to point out a few things about Jeff and his injury.

  1. He consulted a professional and got an accurate diagnosis.
  2. He knows that training/racing with the injury and accompanying pain is not doing further damage.
  3. The pain and injury are not getting better with rest, and in fact seem to improve or at least stay static under some level of training load.
  4. He has developed various techniques which allow him to work around certain pains or at least alleviate some of the stresses caused by the injury, without compromising form to the point of causing other issues.
  5. Jeff is a badazz.  Period.

All of that is to say that it’s not always smart to train through pain or injury.  Follow Jeff’s steps and be smart if you have something bothering you.  Pain is your body’s way of signaling to you that something is wrong and you need to figure it out.  Sometimes it’s nothing serious and training continues.  Sometimes it’s not.

Love #5
2013-05-09 5:05 AM
in reply to: #4733999

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Spring 2013 - Closed
mambos - 2013-05-08 7:02 PM

Ummm, I think I have lost my wife, or at least at minimum she has been possessed by something...several things have been completely against normal.

1. Talking earlier in the week about how I am starting to think my newer running shoes are playing a small part in my running issues. Only intent was to start the conversation so that in 2 months when I decide I need new shoes, the groundwork has already been done. Her response..."Why don't you just go to Dayton to one of the dedicated running shoe stores and get a proper fitting so the shoes are what you need". My response...huh?

2. Today we started discussing our summer plans (which by the way, I'm looking forward to November so I have a free weekend). During this she mentioned that a friend of mine was signing up for a tri up by Port Clinton on my birthday weekend and that I should sign up also. 1st time ever she told me I should sign up for anything! But I actually declined (crazy, I know), I told her that I wanted to do Tri-Indy in August. Figured I can't push my luck too much...Her Response..."why don't you just do both of them!"......

3. Last item came up during a discussion on my training when she realized my September race was a HIM. For some reason she missed this point (or I failed to mention). Anyway, she told me that I better start spending more time in the pool so I am ready for it, again she has never given me the to ahead to train more than I already am!,

so I have started searching for my lost wife, but will take advantage of the current oddity!

That's awesome! Support like that is what it's all about! Now you better get her a really great Mothers day present
2013-05-09 7:10 AM
in reply to: #4734382

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Spring 2013 - Closed
Junkies-I am looking forward to when the new forum goes live. I am not able to post much since we can only get to this thread via e-mail alerts....I have limited access to my e-mail during the day. Just want you guys to know I am still here and will post more when we go live for the summer session.

2013-05-09 7:50 AM
in reply to: #4734053

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Spring 2013 - Closed
jgerbodegrant - 2013-05-08 8:45 PM

I am the proud new owner of a Garmin 910XT.  I'm officially as cool as Dirk again.  Boom.

As a very un-PC person, I hate to be the first to break this to you Jonathan, but it must be said.  You can get the same gadgets, the shades, the hat, even the calf sleeves, but you will NEVER be as cool as Dirk.

2013-05-09 7:56 AM
in reply to: #4734053

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Spring 2013 - Closed
jgerbodegrant - 2013-05-08 8:45 PM
wbayek - 2013-05-08 2:11 PM

Tony, as everyone has already chimed in, there is no doubt that extra running will help.  Just add it slowly.  I’m not a strict 10% guy, but the same rules for adding mileage apply, no matter how you add them.

I want to point out a few things about Jeff and his injury.

  1. He consulted a professional and got an accurate diagnosis.
  2. He knows that training/racing with the injury and accompanying pain is not doing further damage.
  3. The pain and injury are not getting better with rest, and in fact seem to improve or at least stay static under some level of training load.
  4. He has developed various techniques which allow him to work around certain pains or at least alleviate some of the stresses caused by the injury, without compromising form to the point of causing other issues.
  5. Jeff is a badazz.  Period.

All of that is to say that it’s not always smart to train through pain or injury.  Follow Jeff’s steps and be smart if you have something bothering you.  Pain is your body’s way of signaling to you that something is wrong and you need to figure it out.  Sometimes it’s nothing serious and training continues.  Sometimes it’s not.

Best post of the year so far.

I am the proud new owner of a Garmin 910XT.  I'm officially as cool as Dirk again.  Boom.

Jonathan congrats on getting the new Garmin I hope you enjoy it and I agree that is a really good post by Warren. We all have a tendency to ignore those aches and pains at times. We also try and push through them when too and sometime we shouldn't be doing that. So I agree with all the points Warren made in including #5.

2013-05-09 8:01 AM
in reply to: #4733999

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Spring 2013 - Closed

mambos - 2013-05-08 8:02 PM Ummm, I think I have lost my wife, or at least at minimum she has been possessed by something...several things have been completely against normal. 1. Talking earlier in the week about how I am starting to think my newer running shoes are playing a small part in my running issues. Only intent was to start the conversation so that in 2 months when I decide I need new shoes, the groundwork has already been done. Her response..."Why don't you just go to Dayton to one of the dedicated running shoe stores and get a proper fitting so the shoes are what you need". My response...huh? 2. Today we started discussing our summer plans (which by the way, I'm looking forward to November so I have a free weekend). During this she mentioned that a friend of mine was signing up for a tri up by Port Clinton on my birthday weekend and that I should sign up also. 1st time ever she told me I should sign up for anything! But I actually declined (crazy, I know), I told her that I wanted to do Tri-Indy in August. Figured I can't push my luck too much...Her Response..."why don't you just do both of them!"......3. Last item came up during a discussion on my training when she realized my September race was a HIM. For some reason she missed this point (or I failed to mention). Anyway, she told me that I better start spending more time in the pool so I am ready for it, again she has never given me the to ahead to train more than I already am!, so I have started searching for my lost wife, but will take advantage of the current oddity!

Matt I think I would start inquiring about whether or not your wife has taken additional insurance policies out on you especially if those policies $ amounts end with 6 zero's. If that is not the case take advantage while you can and appreciate the support she is giving you.

2013-05-09 8:41 AM
in reply to: #4734523

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Spring 2013 - Closed
strikyr - 2013-05-09 9:01 AM

mambos - 2013-05-08 8:02 PM Ummm, I think I have lost my wife, or at least at minimum she has been possessed by something...several things have been completely against normal. 1. Talking earlier in the week about how I am starting to think my newer running shoes are playing a small part in my running issues. Only intent was to start the conversation so that in 2 months when I decide I need new shoes, the groundwork has already been done. Her response..."Why don't you just go to Dayton to one of the dedicated running shoe stores and get a proper fitting so the shoes are what you need". My response...huh? 2. Today we started discussing our summer plans (which by the way, I'm looking forward to November so I have a free weekend). During this she mentioned that a friend of mine was signing up for a tri up by Port Clinton on my birthday weekend and that I should sign up also. 1st time ever she told me I should sign up for anything! But I actually declined (crazy, I know), I told her that I wanted to do Tri-Indy in August. Figured I can't push my luck too much...Her Response..."why don't you just do both of them!"......3. Last item came up during a discussion on my training when she realized my September race was a HIM. For some reason she missed this point (or I failed to mention). Anyway, she told me that I better start spending more time in the pool so I am ready for it, again she has never given me the to ahead to train more than I already am!, so I have started searching for my lost wife, but will take advantage of the current oddity!

Matt I think I would start inquiring about whether or not your wife has taken additional insurance policies out on you especially if those policies $ amounts end with 6 zero's. If that is not the case take advantage while you can and appreciate the support she is giving you.

Matt- When you are ready, and only when you are ready..... Ask her what it is that she wants.... Or try and peek at the family budget.... Just sayin.... Anyhow, I hope you enjoy the continuous support she is giving you!

2013-05-09 9:27 AM
in reply to: #4734594

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Spring 2013 - Closed
jenbmosley - 2013-05-09 9:41 AM
strikyr - 2013-05-09 9:01 AM

mambos - 2013-05-08 8:02 PM Ummm, I think I have lost my wife, or at least at minimum she has been possessed by something...several things have been completely against normal. 1. Talking earlier in the week about how I am starting to think my newer running shoes are playing a small part in my running issues. Only intent was to start the conversation so that in 2 months when I decide I need new shoes, the groundwork has already been done. Her response..."Why don't you just go to Dayton to one of the dedicated running shoe stores and get a proper fitting so the shoes are what you need". My response...huh? 2. Today we started discussing our summer plans (which by the way, I'm looking forward to November so I have a free weekend). During this she mentioned that a friend of mine was signing up for a tri up by Port Clinton on my birthday weekend and that I should sign up also. 1st time ever she told me I should sign up for anything! But I actually declined (crazy, I know), I told her that I wanted to do Tri-Indy in August. Figured I can't push my luck too much...Her Response..."why don't you just do both of them!"......3. Last item came up during a discussion on my training when she realized my September race was a HIM. For some reason she missed this point (or I failed to mention). Anyway, she told me that I better start spending more time in the pool so I am ready for it, again she has never given me the to ahead to train more than I already am!, so I have started searching for my lost wife, but will take advantage of the current oddity!

Matt I think I would start inquiring about whether or not your wife has taken additional insurance policies out on you especially if those policies $ amounts end with 6 zero's. If that is not the case take advantage while you can and appreciate the support she is giving you.

Matt- When you are ready, and only when you are ready..... Ask her what it is that she wants.... Or try and peek at the family budget.... Just sayin.... Anyhow, I hope you enjoy the continuous support she is giving you!

So many devious minds in this group!  I read this as confirmation that Matt has been doing the family/tri obsession balancing act very well and his wife is showing her appreciation and trusts that he will continue to so.  Forge on.

2013-05-09 9:37 AM
in reply to: #4734501

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Spring 2013 - Closed
wbayek - 2013-05-09 8:50 AM
jgerbodegrant - 2013-05-08 8:45 PM

I am the proud new owner of a Garmin 910XT.  I'm officially as cool as Dirk again.  Boom.

As a very un-PC person, I hate to be the first to break this to you Jonathan, but it must be said.  You can get the same gadgets, the shades, the hat, even the calf sleeves, but you will NEVER be as cool as Dirk.

In my heart of hearts I already knew that.  Although it pains me deep, I will push through.

This was never so evident then yesterday when I opened the box with my new watch in it and realized that there were two of them in there.  For 0.00000001 seconds I thought, holy crap, they accidently sent me two!!!  JACKPOT!!!!  Then I realized I'm not that lucky and went in search of the transaction on my credit card.  Sure enough, double the cost.  I just never read the fact that somehow When I submitted the web page, I accidently did it now I have two "final sale Garmin 910 xt's"  They are the 2012 model and I got them for $330 on final sale...

I thought I had taken a step forward in the cool category, but I actually took one step back.

2013-05-09 10:41 AM
in reply to: #4734501

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Spring 2013 - Closed
wbayek - 2013-05-09 7:50 AM
jgerbodegrant - 2013-05-08 8:45 PM

I am the proud new owner of a Garmin 910XT.  I'm officially as cool as Dirk again.  Boom.

As a very un-PC person, I hate to be the first to break this to you Jonathan, but it must be said.  You can get the same gadgets, the shades, the hat, even the calf sleeves, but you will NEVER be as cool as Dirk.

But that's no slam on Jonathan.  He can be the #2 coolest person on Earth...It's just that Dirk has reached unattainable heights of coolness.  Even more so than the Fonz!


2013-05-09 10:43 AM
in reply to: #4734594

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Spring 2013 - Closed
jenbmosley - 2013-05-09 8:41 AM

Matt- When you are ready, and only when you are ready..... Ask her what it is that she wants.... Or try and peek at the family budget.... Just sayin.... Anyhow, I hope you enjoy the continuous support she is giving you!

Jen, this is exactly what I was thinking and just about to reply with, then I saw you already covered it.

Matt...whatever it is she wants, she's gonna get it anyway.  So just enjoy the fact that you get something in return.  See you in Indy!!!


2013-05-09 10:45 AM
in reply to: #4734127

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Spring 2013 - Closed
DirkP - 2013-05-08 8:32 PM

I agree 100%!  Especially with number 5!


All this talk about #5 is bothering me.  Let's save the accolades for the Navy Seal in the group...the unstoppable Dirk. And that's his real name!  The guy was given an Action Hero name at birth!


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