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2007-10-25 2:18 AM
in reply to: #984888

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread

Thanks for the support team--hopefully I'll be starting a nice 4-day pass here in, oh say a week, and making a "run" to RunTex and getting fit for (never done this) and buying a new pair of shoes.  I did count yesterday's walk miles in today's log (4.5) simply because, thanks to the morning run, those were some tough miles, haha! But, for the rest I intend to do the elliptical but put it in the run.  I am hoping to hit the bike later today, and the elliptical tomorrow. The ankle is still pretty tender, but only really when I mis-step in the gravel we have here.  I'm trying not to be irritated on the whole not running now thing (cause I'm slightly addicted), but what can I do? Nothing, unless I want an injury (and I don't!)!!

GREAT job team...we're gonna hit 100%, I just know it...this has been a great bunch of fun, and no joke, when I first realized I wasn't gonna be able to keep "running" my committed miles (since I upped it..woops) and use the elliptical/walking to get there, I thought about y'all...

Happy Thursday, it is my LAST Thursday in Iraq!

2007-10-25 5:31 AM
in reply to: #984888

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Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread

One destroyed left knee but I've done it guys. That's my 60 done & dusted. If I've got any sense I will not run for a while now, but you all know how it is, think we are all mental in our own ways

Was trying to find this sandbagging thread that was mentioned, failed miserably, but came across "5000 Club/Double Your Pleasure 2007"

What do you think, should I go for it? I wanted to get more running training in prior to the local 5 Mile race in February, but the way my knee is at the moment I won't be putting in any serious running training for weeks. I hate riding in the wet & cold but if there is a challenge to be done...... 4,446 Miles riden so far this year. 5K's a nice figure to bring up in a conversation though.

I notice there aren't many people in it - LOL.

2007-10-25 8:54 AM
in reply to: #1023592

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Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
giantsrbest - 2007-10-25 5:31 AM

One destroyed left knee but I've done it guys. That's my 60 done & dusted. If I've got any sense I will not run for a while now, but you all know how it is, think we are all mental in our own ways

Was trying to find this sandbagging thread that was mentioned, failed miserably, but came across "5000 Club/Double Your Pleasure 2007"

What do you think, should I go for it? I wanted to get more running training in prior to the local 5 Mile race in February, but the way my knee is at the moment I won't be putting in any serious running training for weeks. I hate riding in the wet & cold but if there is a challenge to be done...... 4,446 Miles riden so far this year. 5K's a nice figure to bring up in a conversation though.

I notice there aren't many people in it - LOL.

Awesome job.  With 4446 in, that last little bit should be a piece of cake.  Nice work on hitting the run goal!

6.21 for me this AM.  Someone is trying to bait me into another 10 on my goal but I think my legs are saying no freakin way.  19 to go right now.

Who needs some inspirin' these days to make sure we bring this home?

2007-10-25 5:52 PM
in reply to: #984888

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Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread

jszat,  you are allowed to go over your goal without bumping it up.  just finish your 19, then see how you feel.

giants, way to go on finishing your 60!!!

Nice moonlight runs, guys.   

2007-10-26 2:14 AM
in reply to: #984888

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread

Team, y'all are doing great!! WOOHOO!!  So, the ankle is feeling MUCH better as I've not run on it...and so of course I know it's the shoes.  I took the walking miles off my log and put just the elliptical miles (6.4 yesterday)...my ankle didn't hurt at all doing it.  I hit the elliptical again this morning and knocked out 4.3; and I may be back to the gym this afternoon (umm, my job is complete, and there is nothing better to do--make up for the fact that come the 30th my workouts are probably done until the 6th or 7th of Nov).  So, I will definitely hit my 150, and go over with the elliptical miles (which is fair considering their not quite as difficult).

GOOD NEWS THOUGH--we have flight times out of Kuwait.  Friday night next week should find me comfortably HOME!!! YEA!!  

2007-10-26 5:43 AM
in reply to: #984888

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
Hey Team, just thought I'd throw out there that from what I'm counting/adding up, Mary (OfftheCouch) has SURPASSED her goal for the run challenge by A LOT of minutes! I dropped in and left an inspire, but looks like we are doing well! GO TEAM GO!

2007-10-26 6:04 AM
in reply to: #984888

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Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
That's great news Brittany! Silent but deadly......lol.....just wish she'd come by and celebrate with us!

As for me, I am going to run today (probably 4) - STRESS....then have a triathlon tomorrow (2.75), so will be close to goal by the end of that. The rest will be gravy! (yes, we can go over 100%!)

Brittany - you are amazing! Cranking it out on the eliptical even with a sore ankle. Those new shoes waiting for you will make that all disappear. Where in TX are you landing - Austin? (I think you mentioned going to RunTex)

Rest of the gang, I am short on time but thinking about you all the time, and definitely feeling inspired by all of you to keep on running.....whahoooo Black Magic!

2007-10-26 6:22 AM
in reply to: #1025148

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
Wooo hoooo! We're so close! I've got less than 2 miles to hit 100%. Eeee aaaaaw!
2007-10-26 6:22 AM
in reply to: #984888

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
Put me down for 4.1 miles this morning. Another beautiful morning. Full moon, lotsa stars, no wind. Chilly about 40 but good for running.

I had a 6:49 mile this morning. That's the fastest mile I've had since high school. Running slow more often does pay off.
2007-10-26 8:28 AM
in reply to: #1024865

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Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
CitySky - 2007-10-25 5:52 PM

jszat,  you are allowed to go over your goal without bumping it up.  just finish your 19, then see how you feel.

giants, way to go on finishing your 60!!!

Nice moonlight runs, guys.   

Yeah, I wasnt gonna ask permission to go the the bathroom or nuthin' once the run goal is in the bank, just didnt want to be obligated for more than what I have since the legs have been eh.  Margaritas and a rest day might have done the trick though cuz I feel bettr today fo sho.

2007-10-26 9:00 AM
in reply to: #1025253

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
jszat - 2007-10-26 8:28 AM

  Margaritas and a rest day might have done the trick though cuz I feel bettr today fo sho.

Margaritas the new recovery drink! You heard it hear first!

2007-10-26 9:36 AM
in reply to: #984888

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Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
I have a 15k tomorrow and cant decide what costume option to go with.  I gave a rundown of the options on my blog.  Any thoughts would be appreciated!
2007-10-26 10:33 AM
in reply to: #984888

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
Go with the Viking costume.
2007-10-26 10:40 AM
in reply to: #984888

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread

Ken- Awesome mile time!! I agree on the strategy.

Jszat--yeah, margarita..hmm, I don't drink much at all, but that sounds really good right now...hmm, one week.  Now costume, I would vote, but this darn gov't computer is acting up and I can't get to training logs right now.  Viking sounds cool though!

Ann- I'm flying into Killeen where Ft. Hood is (Central TX); it's about an 45-60 miles from Austin.

Deanna- Yeah! Nearly there. I think I'll hit mine tomorrow morning on the elliptical.

LOOKING GREAT TEAM! To all racing in something this weekend, enjoy, be safe, and HAVE FUN!

2007-10-26 10:42 AM
in reply to: #984888

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Preferably on my bike somewhere
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
Well, my my breakfast stops digesting, I'm hitting the trail for 4-5 miles. We'll see how I feel.

2007-10-26 3:09 PM
in reply to: #1025509

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Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread

D.Z. - 2007-10-26 4:42 PM Well, my my breakfast stops digesting, I'm hitting the trail for 4-5 miles. We'll see how I feel. GO RED SOX!!

Refuse to rise to the bait on that last comment.

Last batch of tickets for the Giants/Dolphins game went on sale today. Untaken Giants players allocation. Must have gone in the first 10 secs as I was bloody quick but no luck. Boy am I annoyed. Been following Big Blue for over 20 years & can't get a ticket. Suppose the only way I'll get to see them is to fly over & watch them. Anybody put me & a 10 year old up for a night?

Way to go team. Not far to go for some.

2007-10-26 5:30 PM
in reply to: #984888

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Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
Got home today. I was able to get in 2 miles while I was out of town. Just got back from the 3.5 mile Jogging Stroller Fun Run.

I am about 5 miles away from 100%. I hope to finish it up Monday.

Go Team!
2007-10-26 6:46 PM
in reply to: #1026198

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
JohnDeere - 2007-10-26 5:30 PM

I am about 5 miles away from 100%. I hope to finish it up Monday.

Go Team!

Yay tractor man!

I should finish mine off tomorrow at the Lakefront Discovery run.

So, what's the countdown for everyone else?
2007-10-26 6:49 PM
in reply to: #984888

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
Countdown 18.17 miles left. 10 in the queue for this weekend with 12 scheduled for Mon - Wed.
2007-10-26 7:06 PM
in reply to: #984888

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Preferably on my bike somewhere
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
4.5 today. I have 1.5left and I should probably surpass that tomorrow if I can get out. Otherwise, Monday.
2007-10-27 11:02 AM
in reply to: #984888

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
Good morning, team. Put me down for 13 miles this morning. There were 6 hot air ballons out this morning very close. Very cool to watch.

2007-10-27 1:16 PM
in reply to: #984888

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Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread

I've made my goal!!!  Planned 10 mile long run this morning became 11.2 -- and parts of it were in an utter deluge.

Actually, I love running in the rain.    AND I met a new running partner!  Another woman joined me for a short stretch, said she's a triathlete and has a hard time finding people her pace who run consistently.  Her pace is just a bit faster than mine, and she lives right in my neighborhood!  Talk about perfect!  I had my cell phone with me, plugged her number into it. 

Go Team! 

2007-10-27 1:33 PM
in reply to: #1026705

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Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread

Well done Ken. Get a lift?

Excellent news CitySky & the possible training partner. It's nice! to have someone quicker who can help you improve. Can be really hard work though trying to keep up with them. But I have faith in you. 11 miles, where is everybody getting their energy from?

2007-10-28 1:33 AM
in reply to: #984888

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread

Hey Team! Sorry no posting yesterday! Ken/Celeste--awesome long runs! I like the elliptical, but I miss running outside...that's okay, the next outside run I do will be in TX with new shoes, so I'll survive.

BUT, I put on over 11 elliptical miles yesterday afternoon and this morning, so I'm at 159 miles of my 150 goal! So...100% for me! GO TEAM!! We're nearly done and EVERYONE is doing AWESOME!

I may be kind of quiet for the next couple of days...I hope to get on tomorrow, but may not make it on after that due to movement to Kuwait and to TEXAS!  I don't have internet at the house yet, and not sure when I will get it.  SO, I will post a "talk to you soon" note in here before I am in "commo blackout status."  But I do want to say this has been a BLAST! It's been great getting to know some of y'all, being encouraged and encouraging, and simply having a great goal to go after.  I can pursue goals for myself pretty well, but when others are part of the team as well, and the goal is for more than me, it's even easier and I tend to stick to it more! Thanks guys, have an awesome last few days of running. I will check in before I check out of the Middle East (cannot come soon enough!!!)

2007-10-28 8:05 AM
in reply to: #1027117

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
Count me in to the 100% crowd. I officially surpassed my 50 miles yesterday somewhere in the middle of the Milwaukee Lakefront Discovery 5k - an assume event overrun with BT'ers in full costume. Woo hoo!

Congrats to all the others who are near to or over their goal. Just a few days left in the month. Who needs some INSPIRATION?!?
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