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2008-06-07 5:30 PM
in reply to: #1451516

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
jcash683 - 2008-06-07 12:59 PM

 Woohoo! My first open water swim ever today and it went awesome! Almost felt as if i was cheating, since the wetsuit makes you float. So much easier swimmiing with one on heh. Felt like i could have swam all day like that. Sighting will take some practice but all in all it was a great first experience. Way funner swimming in open water versus a pool IMO. By the by, it was my first time swimming with a wetsuit as well. Gotta admit though that the first couple hundred yrds were kinda rough, like i couldn't get a good breath or something with the tight wetsuit on. Told myself to settle down and just relax, stroke, stroke, breath kinda thing in my head.  Then it was like all of a sudden i felt i could go all day

 Basically it gave me a confidence boost for my upcoming race so i'm all jacked up now!

 Thought i'd share my first OWS experience with everyone.  

 peace, John

Great job! Glad it went well.

My wife and I had a good swim in the ocean this morning...only the fifth time in our wetsuits. Really starting to feel the advantages of the suit now.

2008-06-09 7:52 AM
in reply to: #1358169

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Minneapolis, MN
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Hey, hope everyone had a good weekend! I did. I did a short run on Saturday and a short bike on Sunday and also kayaked both days. I took it pretty easy this past week, no planned workouts or anything just did what I felt like. Back on the bandwagon this week. Here is my tentative schedule for the week.

Today - run at lunch, group bike ride tonight (bike commute)
Tuesday - swim (bike commute)
Wednesday - run at lunch
Thursday - swim (bike commute)
Friday - swim (bike commute)
Saturday - Adventure Race!
Sunday - long bike ride

Anyone racing this weekend?
2008-06-09 8:26 AM
in reply to: #1358169

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Minneapolis, MN
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
I forgot to add....I got pooped on by a bird on my bike ride this weekend. Yuck!
2008-06-09 11:59 AM
in reply to: #1453464

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Slahmmer - 2008-06-09 6:26 AM

I forgot to add....I got pooped on by a bird on my bike ride this weekend. Yuck!


We had a good time on the LA River Ride - Half Century yesterday. Took it very easy with three stops, since Liz had never ridden more than 31 miles before.

Recovering from big training weekend and my biggest week ever today...

Today - Either short swim or short run after work
Tues - Bike commute - 12 mi.
Wed - Bike commute - 28 mi.
Thur - Run - 5 mi
Fri - Bike commute - 12 mi.
Sat - Ocean swim - 2300 yds, then run 10 mi.
Sun - Bike 60 mi.
2008-06-09 4:54 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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san francisco
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Hope everyone had a great weekend.
I did a nice long run (8 mi) on Saturday before work and it felt great. That is my longest run in a LONG return of pf pain! I am so happy about that.

My schedule this week:

Today: 32 mile bike ride
Tues: 3 mile run/ 1 hr spin class
Wed: Rest ( I would love to swim, but pool is still closed!)
Thurs: 4 mile run/ with some hills/ 1 hr. spin class
Friday: Hopefully a swim!
Sat: Rest
Sun: 10 mile run

Going out for sushi tonight, yum!
2008-06-10 6:49 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Washington , MO
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Another OWS tomorrow, woot, can't wait!

2008-06-10 6:58 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Washington , MO
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

Schedule for the week looks a little something like this:

mon->  Rest Day- done

tues->  AM-swim   PM-1hr bike - done

wed->  AM- 1hr OWSwim

thur->  30min bike / 2hr run  Brick    

fri->  easy bike, possible mnt bike with friends

sat->  Rest Day

sun->  3hr bike / 20min run  Brick                                                                                             

2008-06-11 7:33 AM
in reply to: #1358169

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

Wow John - your workouts are getting crazy long!  I'm jealous. 

 I practiced an open water swim last night too.  I had rinsed my wetsuit and hung it in my laundry room and then left and forgot it - darn it.  I was really stressed about that until I started swimming and the water felt great and I felt great.  Now I can't decide whether to wear it Saturday or not.

2008-06-11 2:23 PM
in reply to: #1458936

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
run_carmen - 2008-06-11 5:33 AM

Wow John - your workouts are getting crazy long!  I'm jealous. 

 I practiced an open water swim last night too.  I had rinsed my wetsuit and hung it in my laundry room and then left and forgot it - darn it.  I was really stressed about that until I started swimming and the water felt great and I felt great.  Now I can't decide whether to wear it Saturday or not.

The conventional wisdom is to always wear your wetsuit whenever allowed. The demonstrated time savings--even in a sprint--are greater than the worst time loss from struggling to remove it.
2008-06-11 6:50 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

Rest of my week

Thursady - swim and bike

Friday - short run if knee is better

Saturday - Possible really short family tri being held locally, I figure it would be a good brick.   If not, swim and bike

The sun is shining,  it's beautiful outside!

2008-06-13 2:51 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
First off: Good luck tomorrow, Carmen! (Any last minute questions or concerns?)

Busy weekend on tap for me...
Sat: Ocean swim with Liz - 2300 yds, then run 10 miles (while she runs 8 mi.) Then we have the Disney Studios annual employee family "picnic" (always a fun event). On the way from the first event to the second, I'm going to try to buy a new pair of cycling shoes...

Sun: Planning longest bike ride to-date (and longest planned for my HIM training) - 62 miles (aka "metric century"). That evening, I'm one of the readers in a selection of excerpts from ULYSSES as part of the Celtic Arts Center's annual "Bloomsday" event.

How's about the rest of you?

2008-06-14 9:52 AM
in reply to: #1358169

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Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

Ok everybody, I'm looking for a little bit of advice.  I'm pretty sure I've tweaked my IT band on my right knee.  But I'm not sure of the best way to heal it.  I've been icing it for 20 min after I bike/run, and that seems to help, but today it got pretty sore after my 5k.  I stretched out pretty well prior to the run too.

 Any help would be great, thanks!!

Edited by Pegasus1731 2008-06-14 9:52 AM
2008-06-14 2:48 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Ice and anti-inflammatories for starters...definitely strongly recommended to take ibuprofen (or similar). Look around on the Web and you should find specific isometrics to do as well. Whatever exercises you find, do them religiously.

I haven't had ITB issues, but have had runner's knee and did find that I got some relief using a knee strap. If you try one, try to get one that is specific to ITB injury...IIRC, it is the kind that is worn above the knee (the runners knee and patellar tendonitis versions are for below the knee).

Good luck!
2008-06-14 3:20 PM
in reply to: #1465694

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

tcovert - 2008-06-13 2:51 PM First off: Good luck tomorrow, Carmen! (Any last minute questions or concerns?)

We headed out early Friday and stayed in a hotel in Topeka for the race.  I didn't work out on Thursday or Friday which did have me a little concerned but it worked out ok.  I'm satisified with how I did although the bike still makes me so mad.  I'm going to work and work to get faster and I think I'm going to do another sprint in September.

I posted my race report and I'm going to go take a nap! 

2008-06-14 6:55 PM
in reply to: #1466507

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Washington , MO
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Pegasus1731 - 2008-06-14 9:52 AM

Ok everybody, I'm looking for a little bit of advice.  I'm pretty sure I've tweaked my IT band on my right knee.  But I'm not sure of the best way to heal it.  I've been icing it for 20 min after I bike/run, and that seems to help, but today it got pretty sore after my 5k.  I stretched out pretty well prior to the run too.

 Any help would be great, thanks!!

 Melissa, last year when i started running on a serious, regular basis, i had ITB issues as well. It hurt like heck to be sure. I was told to rest it for a couple weeks (no running) until the pain subsided. Biking didn't bother it so i kept doing that. I was also informed that its a common problem when you try to start doing to much mileage to fast. You should sloooowly increase your distance per run/per week. I did some of the hip flexor/outer knee stretches. As Todd noted , def. take some ibuprofen while you have the pain. 

 I know it's tough to cut back and slow down on run distance when  your started to get in a groove and wanting to do more and more. Just be patient and keep yourself injury free as much as you possibly can.

 PS- This info was from a friend (not a doctor BTW). It worked for me , maybe it can work for you 2! and it's free to try.

 So in summary:: 1- rest,rest,rest,rest and ibuprofen. 2- When you start running slowly increase your distance ran per session and total ran per week and do stretches. 3- If you haven't already, you may want to get a fitting on a good pair of running shoes. That could be the ticket for ya.         4- Obviously, if this doesn't work, head to a doctor and get fix't up

Best of luck, John.

2008-06-14 6:59 PM
in reply to: #1466684

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Washington , MO
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
run_carmen - 2008-06-14 3:20 PM

tcovert - 2008-06-13 2:51 PM First off: Good luck tomorrow, Carmen! (Any last minute questions or concerns?)

We headed out early Friday and stayed in a hotel in Topeka for the race.  I didn't work out on Thursday or Friday which did have me a little concerned but it worked out ok.  I'm satisified with how I did although the bike still makes me so mad.  I'm going to work and work to get faster and I think I'm going to do another sprint in September.

I posted my race report and I'm going to go take a nap! 

 Way to go on your race Carmen, your swim was fantastic! I'm envious Dont' give up on yourself on the bike, you'll get better, just stay positive! I'd say you had a great race all around and you should be proud. Good job Carmie.

2008-06-14 7:29 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

Thanks for the help guys, hopefully this won't lay me up too much! Great work this week everybody!

2008-06-16 9:32 AM
in reply to: #1358169

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Minneapolis, MN
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Hey everyone -
I was checking out people's logs this morning and it looks like everyone had a good weekend of training. Way to go!
My adventure race on Saturday went well. We had quite a few little hiccups which added up throughout the race and we didn't place great, but it was fun. After the first kayaking section I left the control point card in my life vest and left the life vest at the kayak and went off running. We got about 1 mile away from the kayak transition area and I realized I didn't have the CP card. BIG OOPS! We had to run back to the beach get the CP card and then get going on the running section AGAIN. We were in the top third or so of the competitors but by the time we went back to get the CP sheet and took off running again I think we were in second to last place. Oh well, we were able to pass a lot of people during the course of the race and my partner didn't strangle me so I am hear to tell the tale
On Sunday I biked out to Stillwater MN and watched this pro bike race. It was awesome. I think I would enjoy getting paid to bike for a living It was the final stage in a week of racing here in Minnesota. The hill we were watching on had a 22% grade in the middle. It was intense! I couldn't believe how fast they were hammering up it, people were struggling to walk up it!
Anyways, hope everyone has a great week
2008-06-16 12:23 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Did a big ride yesterday (60+ miles for the first time) which was a big reality check for my July HIM. Started off badly when one of my aerobars came loose two minutes into the ride and I couldn't get it seated properly again...had to call Liz to come pick them up from me and then I did the ride without. (That'll teach me to be cycling-politically-correct...I took them off for the big organized ride we did last weekend.) The one big hill on the Vineman 70.3 course is at 40 miles, so I threw a big hill at myself at 40 miles yesterday...and really paid for it. Yikes. I think the hill I climbed yesterday (with four stops on the way up!) was longer and steeper than Chalk Hill on the Vineman course, but--boy--that was not encouraging. The last 20 miles were a slog, even though they were largely downhill.

But I did finish...

Good weekend for folks, it looks like! What's on tap this week?

For me:
Today: Rest...only doing some walking
Tues: Run -- easy 4 miles
Wed: Bike commute -- 12 miles
Thurs: Run -- easy 3-4 miles
Fri: Bike commute -- 12 miles
Sat: Ocean swim -- 2400 yds
Sun: Brick -- 52 bike/14 run
2008-06-16 9:25 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Minneapolis, MN
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
This week:

Monday - lunch run/evening bike both DONE
Tuesday - AM swim, PM track workout
Wednesday - AM swim
Thursday - run
Saturday - recovering from the party I'm having at my house on friday night, ride or run
Sunday - recovering from my friends wedding, ride or run
2008-06-16 10:09 PM
in reply to: #1470610

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

Taking it a bit easy this week and cutting myself some slack...

Monday - 4 mile outside run

Tuesday - Garmin clinic, swim

Wednesday - 4 mile run outside

Thursday - bike

Friday - gym workout, weights

Saturday - long bike

Sunday - 6 mile long run


2008-06-17 4:00 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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san francisco
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Hi all,

Mon- Bike ride and pro bike fit
Tues- 4.5 mi run/ spin class
Wed- Swim
Thurs- dr. appt. darn it!
Fri- Swim
Sat- 6 mi run (pace?)

I have a 10K on Sat, June 28 and am not sure what pace I should do my 6 miler this weekend. Should it be at my normal slower pace (conversational--9:30/mi?) or should I push it a little. Any thoughts?

Oh, I had a bike fit done yesterday and I learned so much about my posture, pedal stroke imbalances...apparently lots of power pushing down on the pedals but not much on the recovery. He had me on the computrainer and all hooked up to these tracking devices.

It was really cool to see the tracking of my pedal stroke and even the unneccessary movements of my upper body. I tend to rotate my hips backwards which leads to lower back pain, etc. By keeping my hips forward, it engages my core and takes pressure off my lower back. My seat was too low and too far forward which was part of the problem and was forcing me to push down with my toes more and not coming down evenly. I had a spin class this morning and was very mindful of the hips and the pedal recovery. Lots of mental and physical effort to make the change. But no lower back pain! I also adjusted the seat up one notch and moved it back a little and it felt good.

So I pick up my bike after work and if it's still light out, I'm going to go for a short ride! I'm really excited and just wanted to share my experience. I really felt like it was worth it for me to do and I waited til after having my "almost new" used bike for about 6 months to get some riding in and to be able to develop some "legs" and time on the bike.

Anyhow, it was so informative and well worth the investment for me. So glad I finally bit the bullet and did the fit.

Have a great week everyone!
2008-06-18 11:22 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Like the pic Kim! I hope I'm able to do that in a few weeks.
It's been hard getting some training time in the past two weeks. I feel bad leaving work to go train, so I tend to stay until it's getting dark out. Just so you all know, I don't do morning workouts well. I did my first open water swim today. Jumped in the farm pond and wallowed around for 10 minutes. I knew when I took off, I was going to fast, then I forgot to exhale, then I forgot to sight, then I forgot to exhale. Needless to say, I know I can make my swim in my tri, but it might not be pretty. I was going to swim in my corn field (we have a small flooding problem here), but the water is going down and quite nasty. I'll definately have to get a few more swims in to calm down.
2008-06-20 1:42 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Well, I dunno about the rest of the country, but it is really hot here in SoCal. Looks like I'm doing my biggest workout to-date on Sunday in 100 degree temps. It should be great practice in dealing with hydration for my HIM.

If I'm not mistaken, this weekend is the "calm before the storm"...bunch of races on tap 6/28-29! That means a lot of taperin' going on, I guess.

For me, I've been trying to balance the end of my build for my July 20 half-iron with the reality of my 2nd oly on June 29. So I took it generally light this week, but I'm doing a huge brick (3 hr bike/2 hr run) on Sunday and counting on an even lighter week next week to recover in time for the oly. ::fingers crossed::

What's everyone up to this weekend?
2008-06-20 2:28 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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san francisco
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Wow, crazy brick in store for you Todd. Yes it is blazing up here in nor cal today too! I plan to do a short (6 mile) run tomorrow morning before work. Sunday will be a longer bike ride (maybe 30 mi?) for me with a hopeful 2 mi run afterwards.

Have fun all, and Joe--take care with those floods!

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