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2008-06-23 11:44 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Hilo, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed


thought I'd post here instead of your blog so other's can give their opinions as well.  Regarding tri shorts:  I'm not the most experienced, but I find that other than a few sessions to ensure there's no unnecessary chaffing areas, I use my tri shorts mostly for races.  I use cycling shorts for my training rides because they are more comfortable and I don't want to develop any pressure sores.  I noticed you were going to spend the next month only in tri shorts for your rides, I don't think I could handle that kind of pounding. 

2008-06-24 7:41 AM
in reply to: #1370022

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Kinaiahi - I may take your advice and only wear the tri shorts on my shorter rides. I have a 40 miler on Saturday and was not looking forward to it. I think I will wear my biking shorts. My race is only 12 miles and I did a trainer ride yesterday a little over 12 miles in the tri shorts and was fine. Thanks for the advice.
2008-06-25 10:05 AM
in reply to: #1485620

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

jana0317 - 2008-06-24 7:41 AM Kinaiahi - I may take your advice and only wear the tri shorts on my shorter rides. I have a 40 miler on Saturday and was not looking forward to it. I think I will wear my biking shorts. My race is only 12 miles and I did a trainer ride yesterday a little over 12 miles in the tri shorts and was fine. Thanks for the advice.

Yup, X2.  For me, anything over 3 hours and  it has got to be the bike shorts.  Tri shorts for the shorter rides.

2008-06-25 9:38 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed


 Yes I'm still here....I see others are struggling with MoJO...well I sure don't have any to share. I did race last Saturday and did okay given my mojo was even low that day. However the week before the race and into this week have been really weak in terms of workouts.

 However....I'm going to change today...who's with me.....??? I am biking with a friend tomorrow morning. Baseball season is over this week so I will have more free time in the week to bike and get out for short runs.

 Anyone racing this weekend..there is a race an hour away,  but my daughter turns 6 on Saturday so I am going to stay home for her.


2008-06-26 7:40 AM
in reply to: #1370022

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Just wanted to share this. Yesterday afternoon while I was swimming I had to share a lane. The guy was a lot faster than me but he offered to share his lane and I gladly accepted. I told him I was not a fast swimmer. He gave me some pointers on my technique and said that actually I swam pretty good. It made me very happy and I thanked him for his advice.

Tomorrow my kids are going with my parents to the beach. I am going to get up very early and attend a Masters Class. I am hoping to get more help. Tonight I have a 3 mile run scheduled and strength training.

Have a good day! Its almost Friday! Good luck to anyone racing this weekend.
2008-06-26 8:35 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Related to your post. I started a few posts yesterday and just couldn't say anything positive. Hubbie came home late last night and tonight, and I'm home all day with kids (9 & 10).
I'm really feeling like it's time to give up. Without a job we can't do camp. I probably could get a babysitter every now and then. Could also just do some cardio at home, but am in too much of a defeated mood to rally the energy.
Did go today and register for the sports facilities at the local university. This will give me some flexibility around early morning swims and evening and weekend workouts.

So...guess I haven't totally given up yet

Happy bday to your 6 year old!!

Jana - glad to hear you are good and focused.


2008-06-26 9:28 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Muscle Mama- don't give up yet! I sent you an inspire! What about doing Sprints....many people train on 4 days a week!

 You know if I remember correctly many of us have the same goal of balancing family and workouts! Any secrets here. My best solution for this has been my trainer and spinerval dvd's. Like this was thundering and storming at 5:15 so I did my bike inside. I like the spinervals they keep me focused.

I think I may be back in the game! However, my husband and I decided we wouldn't travel for any more tri's so I may not be doing one til September now. It's in my hometown, but it is my A race...I won last year so pressure is on. It's just too expensive to travel (gas), bring the family. I am thinking about finding some road races to keep me going. There seems to be more of them that I can goto on a Saturday AM.

 anyone have extra MoJO...we could use a pep talk!

2008-06-26 11:07 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed


 I have  a friend who was having trouble getting in train time with the kids since summer has hit, so he jusy had them join in.  This saturday his 7 year old is doing a kids tri and he is doing the sprint distance right after it.  Maybe you and the kids could all train together.  I found a kids race in Potland, CT for only $25 in about three weeks. The distances for your kids would be7-10 years) 50yd swim, 2 mile bike, 1/2 mile run. Here is the link to the site, maybe it could be a family bonding thing and keep you in the groove as well.

P.S.  I found another in September too.


2008-06-27 8:12 AM
in reply to: #1370022

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Sorry you are having a hard time being able to train. I have a 5 and 3 year old and I am not a morning person. I found that if I go to the gym for swimming/running it is usually about 8:30pm when they are about to go to bed and my husband is home. For the biking I move my trainer outside and ride while they play in the backyard. When they get older I want to give them the opportunity to train and do tris. Next year I am going to do some fun runs/walks with them.


I hear you on the travel. It has become very expensive. On my races I will be going alone and most of the races I plan on doing on relatively local. Can you plan a race in a spot that would be good for a vacation? That maybe a good way to lessen the travel burden.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!
2008-06-28 10:03 AM
in reply to: #1493916

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Great idea on kids triathlon. We've actually had a few tri's with kids tri's too. However...the swim is pretty young. One of the tri's was a 100yard and I think the other one was 150! So I'm hoping my 8 year old will be closer to do one of these next doors.

 Jana - great idea on the trainer outside. My kids are older and play in the front yard most of the time. I could do it the front, but I think my neighbors already think I'm odd for always being out running or biking.

I just got done with a 46 mile ride....I was done by 9:15AM! It's perfect plus the last 1/2 hour was horrible wind so glad to be home!

Have a great weekend!



2008-06-29 6:27 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Wow...I got my MOJO back...where the heck is everyone?

I did 7.15 miles today and am ready to get biking in July. We have a big ride across Iowa called Ragbrai that a ton of people do in the area so everyone wants to ride which is nice because I don't like going by myself.


2008-06-29 9:14 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Glad to hear your MOJO is flowing again.

 I got in a 4 mile run this afternoon and since we had a cooler day today, only 96, it wasn't to bad. The run is where I need a lot of work (partly cause I hate it) so I have to get as much in as I can. 

Let's here from everybody and pump this group back up for July!!!

2008-06-30 11:39 AM
in reply to: #1497573

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
ctnord - 2008-06-29 6:27 PM

Wow...I got my MOJO back...where the heck is everyone?

I did 7.15 miles today and am ready to get biking in July. We have a big ride across Iowa called Ragbrai that a ton of people do in the area so everyone wants to ride which is nice because I don't like going by myself.

Glad to hear that you are revitalized.  It is hard to train for tris and keep life in balance, and as a result, you end up with the highs and lows.  The key is not to let the highs get to high nor the lows to get to low.  For example, you can get a bunch of training in and feel very good about things at the expense of neglecting family, work and self time.  Conversely, you could get no training time in and be working too hard or simply not be motivated.  The key for me is to keep that balance.  I like to train and want to train most of the time, however, I am not going to sacrifice things important to me like my family.  So I do the best I can on any given day.  There are going to be times when you have no idea where your mojo is.  The best you can do is to just jump back into training no matter how small the effort.  A short effort here and there might result in 7.15 miles and feeling pretty good about yourself.  So job well done!!!  Now the trick is to keep it going. 



2008-06-30 11:41 AM
in reply to: #1497892

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
johnlj101 - 2008-06-29 9:14 PM

Glad to hear your MOJO is flowing again.

 I got in a 4 mile run this afternoon and since we had a cooler day today, only 96, it wasn't to bad. The run is where I need a lot of work (partly cause I hate it) so I have to get as much in as I can. 

Let's here from everybody and pump this group back up for July!!!

John, good to see you getting your run in.  Just 96 eh!!!  It certainly must be tough to run in that kind of heat.  The best way to stop hating the run is more.  It will get easier.

Good job!! 


2008-06-30 12:16 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
My last 2 runs have been good (time wise).  Yesteray I about killed my husband's dog...wrote about it in my training log.  But for having to stop as much as I did and the ginormous hills on my road, my time was great...did I mention the hills?  The same run this past winter took me 40 minutes...yesterday was 29 minutes.  So, I've shaved 11 in off of a 2 mile run.  I'm ready to purchase my hitch for my car so that I can get a bike rack on there.  I miss riding, and I really don't like borrowing my hubby's truck every time I want to go.  Funny:  my bike on the rack will be longer than my car is wide  Swims are going well too.  Time is hard to measure since I have to turn around in the short pool (is that like riding the short bus?)  But I can swim 1000 yd w/o stopping

Edited by carlacrews 2008-06-30 12:17 PM
2008-06-30 1:01 PM
in reply to: #1370022

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Good job Carla!


How was your race?

2008-06-30 9:36 PM
in reply to: #1499100

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Hey there all..

Carla way to go on the 1000m....that is a big milestone! I may do a race that is a 1000m swim...I need to ensure I can still do a 1o00m. I've been slacking on swimming because I was thinking I only had short sprints coming up (300-400 m)

MuscleMomma - I saw of your other post out are you doing?

Anyone taking off time this week or next for July 4th? I am taking off starting this Friday for over a week. I might take off Thursday too. time! However, I need to work at a local bike ride my club is sponsoring around the county I live in.


2008-07-01 5:31 AM
in reply to: #1370022

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Hilo, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Hey everyone!  I'm still sick w/ a cold, but I had fun a my race yesterday.  I didn't know how I'd feel racing on Dayquil, but thing's went well.  I beat my 2008 goal of a sub 4:15 marathon and got a PR.  I felt very comfortable during the race.  Despite not doing any specific marathon training it was the best I've ever felt during a marathon.  I would definitely recommend cross training to increase cardio fitness.  My longest run in 3 months was only 14 miles, but w/ all the long bike rides, swims and bricks, my body felt really good.  So keep it up guys, it all pays off!  Let's get more PR's for everyone this year!


Sorry to hear about your dog.  I hope he's feeling better.


How was the HIM?

2008-07-01 8:36 AM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Where's Gat?  Anyone seen Gat?  OHHHHH out there?  We are all dying to know how your HIM went!


2008-07-01 8:57 AM
in reply to: #1370022

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Congrats Kinaiahi! 4h 07m is an awesome time for a well person let alone a congested one.
2008-07-01 9:43 AM
in reply to: #1370022

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Hey guys and gals,

I'm back from the brink (again).

Last week I stopped 7 minutes into my run and just quit. It was hard and I just got fed up with dragging 168lbs. on my 5'1" body.
The plan then was to stop training and go on a sub 1200 cal. diet. Figured dropping 10 lbs. would do more for me than two weeks of training. Put out a post on it (now can't find it and only skimmed the great responses).
Ct- do you remember where I posted that?

A quick look at resonses gave me the idea that I could do a 1200 cal. food plan and just add in the extra training cals as before and after meals. Best of both worlds. I just despair of getting much better at this weight.

For all of you who love the idea of training with kids, I must be the worst parent. I hate the idea of training with my kids, or running with the dog. They'd always be stopping, or talking or going too fast on the run, or too slow on the bike.
I don't even train with other adults. When I train I go in a bubble. I don't train with others - I hate the thought that I'm holding others back and I don't want to be constrained by others either.
Maybe I'm wrong and should training with others a try.

Kinaiahi - you are a true athlete, and a role model that training can pay off.

Ct- so glad you got your mojo back! TTOM came last night after a 55 min. run which actually felt pretty good, so maybe that failed run last week was just water retention and hormones talking.

When I talk about hubbie coming home too late for me to get out for bike or run, we live in the country and there are no sidewalks or street lights. Haven't used it yet, but having signed up for a gym will give me some late night options.

Glad to be part of Gat's Team!

2008-07-01 11:03 AM
in reply to: #1499301

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

jana0317 - 2008-06-30 1:01 PM Good job Carla! Gat, How was your race?

My race was good and bad.  The good.  I was able to toe the line healthy.  Several of my friends had to bail due to injuries.  I had a pretty good swim for me.  It was my fatest time in any of my 70.3 races.  I wish I would have pushed harder.  I swam comfortably throughout.  The bad.  It was really windy on the bike and the day was rather humid.  This is not good for me.  I thought I had gotten stronger on the bike, but I still seemed to get passed a lot.  It is kind of humbling.  I worked hard though always remembering that I still had to run and that I would catch some folks on the run.  The good.  I got off the bike feeling pretty good, excepting a sore lower back.  I began running, found my legs right off and started clicking off the first couple of miles.  I was passing people and that made me want to run harder.  The bad.  The heat, humidity and long day started to catch up with me not far into the race.  I was forced to slow down and walk the aid stations.  The really bad.  The last 1/3 of the run, I was suffering quite a bit.  I just did what I had to do at that point to finish, which I did.  I have completed Tupper 4 times.  This was not my fatest time, nor was it my slowest. 

The good...I was smiling shortly after finishing the race.  I drove home and had a great night with my family talking about the race.  And, I am not all that beaten up.  The bad...I thought I was in better shape.  It must have been the heat and the wind.  Yeah, that's my story. 



2008-07-01 11:12 AM
in reply to: #1501038

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed


Nice job with the marathon.  I would agree with you that all of the cross training definitely pays off.  Anything that you can do to increase your cario without the beating that running puts on your body is a benefit.  However, I would also argue that if you want to run a faster marathon, you need to focus more on running.  Last year, I ran the Boston marathon and so most of my training was run focused.  My fastest marathon time dropped to 4:05, which is pretty good for me, from the prior year of 4:22.  However, my tri times suffered, specifically the bike.  This year I tried to focus more of my training on the bike and it seems that my marathon times suffered a bit.  Then again, I am still weak on the bike, so what do I know???  I guess my point is this.  If your longest run was only 14 miles, you will be able to significantly improve your marathon time with a few longer runs and more run frequency.  Also, stating the obvious, who knows what effect your illness had on your time.  Sometimes I perform better when I am not feeling well, but not always.

Great effort!!!

2008-07-01 11:14 AM
in reply to: #1501253

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
carlacrews - 2008-07-01 8:36 AM

Where's Gat?  Anyone seen Gat?  OHHHHH out there?  We are all dying to know how your HIM went!

Sorry, did not mean to go MIA on everyone.  I posted a brief note earlier about my race.  I have updated my logs as well.  I will complete a detailed race report later for those of you interested in more detail.  My race did not quite go as planned, but they never do.  I guess that is the take away message for everyone.  Every race is different and things do not always go as planned.  Enjoy the accomplishment just the same.

2008-07-01 11:19 AM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
MM - I train alone 99% of the time...and that's how I like it.  Once in a great while, my husband and I will ride together, but I always feel like I'm holding him back.  He rides a 20mph pace and I'm WELL below that.   I had one of those bad runs yesterday.  I ran about 1/4 of the way and just quit.  I finished the 2 miles...walking.
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