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2008-11-03 2:19 PM
in reply to: #1674988

Washington County, PA
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

9/22       237.0 lbs                                                   
9/29       234.5 lbs                                 
10/6       234.0 lbs                                                   
10/13     230.5 lbs                                                   
10/20     231.0 lbs
10/27     229.0 lbs

11/3       225.0 lbs

Ya Baby!  - 4.0 lbs

2008-11-03 2:50 PM
in reply to: #1783668

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Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
tri2692 - 2008-11-03 12:13 PM

I think I'm doing something wrong.

Starting weight - 152

Oct 20 - 153.6

Oct 27 - 150.2

Nov 3 - 153.2

I feel like a yo-yo.  I did great with my training this week--ran 17 miles on Saturday, working toward the full marathon.  I can honestly say I didn't eat a single piece of Halloween candy.  I had several other really good workouts through the week, I tracked my calories carefully and stayed under 1800 each day (except a little extra on Saturday because of my long run--HR monitor said I lost 2400 calories for that workout ), added more veggies and fruits through the week--where am I going wrong here?  This is my first actual attempt to lose weight and it's starting to get really frustrating.  

Do you guys have any tips about how to make the scale move?  I'm so impressed with you all and how you're sticking to it, even if things are moving quickly.  Any advice you can offer would be helpful. 

Just a couple of questions...How tall are you?  150 would be an ideal weight for me (given my height) if you are really close to your ideal weight your body may be resistant to losing weight

Are you eating enough calories?  Have you calculated your needs based on your activity?  There are websites that will do this...If you aren't eating enough your body could be resistant to weight loss.

Have you made changes like increasing your water consumption?  If you have it will take time for your body to equilabrate but in the end it helps you lose weight.

2008-11-03 4:22 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Simi Valley
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
Stressful week with stress0filled eating.  Put on six pounds, but some of that will shed from the big meals yesterday.
2008-11-03 5:03 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
  • 11 Oct:  weight 165  BF 34%
  • 13 Oct:  weight 162 BF 33%
  • 20 Oct: Same
  • 27 Oct:  weight 160 BF 33%

Today/3 Nov: weight 162 arg!!  BF 32%

I knew this would be a bad week...between not exercising like I wanted/should have and my eating wasn't the best!  Oh well ~ suck it up chuck and make sure next week is better, right?!

2008-11-03 6:29 PM
in reply to: #1784644

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Among Canadian Lakes and Trees
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
Happychick - 2008-11-03 6:03 PM
  • 11 Oct: weight 165 BF 34%
  • 13 Oct: weight 162 BF 33%
  • 20 Oct: Same
  • 27 Oct: weight 160 BF 33%

Today/3 Nov: weight 162 arg!! BF 32%

I knew this would be a bad week...between not exercising like I wanted/should have and my eating wasn't the best! Oh well ~ suck it up chuck and make sure next week is better, right?! :)

Happy Chick............

I see your BF went down! That's awesome!!!

Edited by mammaJaS 2008-11-03 6:30 PM
2008-11-04 12:09 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Tempe, Arizona (hot hot hot)
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
10-28-08 310lbs
11-03-08 312lbs

Im +2

Not bad being that I have not worked out in a few days. And I have been trying to bake. Two Apple pies and a Pumpkin Pie. I have one piece of each and gave the rest away.

But tonight I made Sushi for my wife and I. I ate so much that I feel like I'm going to pop. I keep telling myself that it is healthy. I know I ate too much for it to be healthy and I added alvacados. Nice thing about Sushi is that it is so labor intensive that you burn a lot of calories just making it.

I hope to have a better week this week. Hopefully by Thanksgiving I will be below 300lbs.

Cody (Ox)

Edited by Oxofthedessert 2008-11-04 12:09 AM

2008-11-04 12:19 AM
in reply to: #1785582

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
10/27 - 175
11/01 - 172

-3 YAY! I'm so excited to be moving down again!
2008-11-04 6:26 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

9/22 -    126.0 lbs -  21.0 % bf
9/29 -    125.4 -       21.8 %
10/6 -    124.6 -       21.8 %
10/13 -  122.4 -       20.7 %
10/20 -  121.8 -       20.3 %
10/27 -  121.2 -       20.3 %
11/3   -  123.6 -       19.6%

Oops.  Cupcakes, pizza and peanut butter cups, oh my!  Time to crawl back up onto the wagon.  Congratulations to everybody who lost over Halloween....that's an accomplishment! 


2008-11-04 8:25 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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greensboro, NC area
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

Last Week 194.5

This Week 194

I am sick of losing .5 to 1 pound a week and if I slide the very least little bit then I'm up.  What gives???  I am never going to make my goal of 10 pounds by Chirstmas the way I am going! I guess I shouldn't complain - I lost, but come on, this is ridiculous.  I guess, it's back to the task of monitoring every thing that I put in my mouth.  I had been doing good about keeping up with it until my Texas trip.

2008-11-04 8:25 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Among Canadian Lakes and Trees
Subject: food journal
I'm writing down everything I eat and drink starting today... I just know I'll think twice if I have to bother writing it down - no more mindlessness!
2008-11-04 8:41 AM
in reply to: #1785863

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greensboro, NC area
Subject: RE: food journal

mammaJaS - 2008-11-04 8:25 AM I'm writing down everything I eat and drink starting today... I just know I'll think twice if I have to bother writing it down - no more mindlessness!

Yep, you're right.  It does make you think twice about having to log that Hershey bar!


2008-11-04 8:55 AM
in reply to: #1785863

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Subject: RE: food journal
mammaJaS - 2008-11-04 9:25 AM

I'm writing down everything I eat and drink starting today... I just know I'll think twice if I have to bother writing it down - no more mindlessness!

I so admire you. I've tried that and it is so painful to see the reality. I cling to denial but then the scale doesn't budge either.
2008-11-04 10:11 AM
in reply to: #1785863

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Subject: RE: food journal

mammaJaS - 2008-11-04 9:25 AM I'm writing down everything I eat and drink starting today... I just know I'll think twice if I have to bother writing it down - no more mindlessness!

 Online sites (the one here, or for that have helped me a great deal, particularly in the early stages of weight loss.  They helped reinforce patterns to make habits out of eating better.

 I've slacked off a bit on that lately, but still been eating healthier.  I'll probably go back to recording everything, just to avoid the yo-yo effect...

2008-11-04 10:41 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Tempe, Arizona (hot hot hot)
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
I think I could gain form doing the food journal. I know I eat too much and at bad times of the day. I have the worst self control. I have to work out 10x as hard to get the same result as if I were watching what I eat better.

All this because I got addicted to Tri.
2008-11-04 12:44 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

Congratulations to everyone who has stayed away from the Halloween candy!  That is not me, unfortunately   But at least I caught someone else in the act of taking the girls candy,  so it hasn't been ALL me:

2008-11-04 5:19 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Hamilton, Victoria
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

Last week I wrote about the yo-yo effect. Well it continues this week. I just don't get it and it is becoming very frustrating. I guess that I can only keep on going and hopefully the 'downs' will be bigger than the 'ups'. On the plus side I know I'm getting fitter as my riding is improving immensely. I am even contemplating moving from walking to jogging!! I'm sure aerobically I'll be ok but I don;t know how the knees and ankles will cope!?

Last week: 286lbs

This week: 288lbs

Difference: +2lbs

2008-11-05 3:36 PM
in reply to: #1786862

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greensboro, NC area
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge


Absolutely LOVE the picture!

2008-11-05 7:51 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

Sorry I haven't been doing well posting...but here are my numbers...

9/15 - 143.5
9/22 - 144.5
9/29 - 144.5
10/6 - 142.5
10/13 - 142.0
10/20 - 139.5
10/27 - 139.5
11/3 - 137.5

I am slowly creeping up on the "normal" BMI for my height...7.5 more pounds to normal 


2008-11-05 8:32 PM
in reply to: #1790786

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
kljanney - 2008-11-05 5:51 PM

Sorry I haven't been doing well posting...but here are my numbers...

9/15 - 143.5
9/22 - 144.5
9/29 - 144.5
10/6 - 142.5
10/13 - 142.0
10/20 - 139.5
10/27 - 139.5
11/3 - 137.5

I am slowly creeping up on the "normal" BMI for my height...7.5 more pounds to normal 


How tall are you that you need to be 130 to be considered "normal" in your BMI?

Great work though!

Edited by lovemymak 2008-11-05 8:33 PM
2008-11-06 11:05 PM
in reply to: #1674988

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
218.2, stuck in a bad rut again
2008-11-07 7:50 PM
in reply to: #1785955

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Among Canadian Lakes and Trees
Subject: RE: food journal

WhenAllElseFails - 2008-11-04 9:55 AM
mammaJaS - 2008-11-04 9:25 AM I'm writing down everything I eat and drink starting today... I just know I'll think twice if I have to bother writing it down - no more mindlessness!
I so admire you. I've tried that and it is so painful to see the reality. I cling to denial but then the scale doesn't budge either.


hey all you food journalers how goes it? I did well for a few days and it SO helps.  But I have to admit - I also cheated!  denial denial denial.  I hear ya whenallelsefails.  gettin out some more paper tonight!!!! 

2008-11-08 7:33 AM
in reply to: #1796525

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Subject: RE: food journal
mammaJaS - 2008-11-07 8:50 PM

hey all you food journalers how goes it? I did well for a few days and it SO helps. But I have to admit - I also cheated! denial denial denial. I hear ya whenallelsefails. gettin out some more paper tonight!!!!


Well, it took me about a month of logging nutrition to see some weight loss. For me, it served at least two purposes - it confirmed that I was indeed meeting my caloric requirements so I was better able to deal with the inevitable hunger. If I felt hungry, I could dismiss it because I knew it was psychological instead of physiological.

Also, I experimented with different foods so that I am satisfied throughout the day, but I am still able to stay within a reasonable caloric intake. I was able to pinpoint some nutrition busters (for instance, I was eating some peanut butter filled crackers for breaks at work - seemed healthy enough, but really wasn't).

It's a lot of work initially because I entered a lot of food manually instead of trusting what others have entered. Once you get the hang of it, it's not too bad. I'm also very lucky in that I can eat virtually the same diet for weeks and not get sick of it, so there's very little variation in my daily diet. There are statistics that show that people who keep a food journal are more likely to lose weight than people who don't. Count me in as one of those people!

I also experimented with many different online calorie counters and the BT nutrition logger is the best in my opinion!!

2008-11-09 12:04 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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New York, New York
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

I would really like to join.  I am new to this board and just signed up for my first tri (New York City).  Is it too late to join? 

If not, here is my weight:  11/19/2008 - 156 pounds

Goal by Christmas: 149.  (or is that nuts)?  Healthy weight for me is 150.  I would like to be at least one pound under that by Christmas. :-)


2008-11-09 1:12 PM
in reply to: #1798210

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
dbw27 - 2008-11-09 1:04 PM

I would really like to join.  I am new to this board and just signed up for my first tri (New York City).  Is it too late to join? 

If not, here is my weight:  11/19/2008 - 156 pounds

Goal by Christmas: 149.  (or is that nuts)?  Healthy weight for me is 150.  I would like to be at least one pound under that by Christmas. :-)


Jump on in... Just log your weight on Mondays and encourage others with your kind words.

2008-11-09 9:26 PM
in reply to: #1798246

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New York, New York
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

OKay - thanks!


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