General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Arizona : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2009-08-25 10:46 AM
in reply to: #2365843

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
canadarn2001 - 2009-08-24 2:33 AM

13 weeks to go!  Woohoo!

you scared me for a plan has me at 16 weeks out.

I guess you are tapering for 3 weeks :-)

perhaps my calendar is wrong...the countdown thingamajiggy has 88days.  So thats 12.5 weeks.   How in the hell???  Must go revamp weeks...

Edited by sax 2009-08-25 10:51 AM

2009-08-25 4:43 PM
in reply to: #2369184

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Goodyear, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

sax - 2009-08-25 8:46 AM
canadarn2001 - 2009-08-24 2:33 AM

13 weeks to go!  Woohoo!

you scared me for a plan has me at 16 weeks out.

I guess you are tapering for 3 weeks :-)

perhaps my calendar is wrong...the countdown thingamajiggy has 88days.  So thats 12.5 weeks.   How in the hell???  Must go revamp weeks...


Yes, I need everyday I can get to train!

2009-08-25 5:10 PM
in reply to: #2370335

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
riorio is dang right. we gotta hit it if we gonna hit it...
2009-08-25 6:13 PM
in reply to: #2365432

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
aquarunner - 2009-08-23 5:28 PM I'll be in town on thursday till monday. Coming in to watch the race and register for next year. Keep me in the loop. I'm up  for anything. I'll bring my gear. Anywhere to rent a bike in Tempe ??

My shop is Landis Cyclery on Southern near the Loop 101, about 3 miles from Tempe Town Lake. They are very helpful people and their website says they rent bikes. They also have a very large tri group.

Landis Cyclery

Also, Tempe Bicycle is closer to Tempe Town Lake at the corner of Rural and University (darn near on the IMAZ course), but I have been disappointed with a lack of service, high prices, and very rude sales people.

If you are looking for group rides when you are in town, check out the Arizona thread as the dates get closer. We have different groups scheduling rides on various days of the week, and have a large contingent of people doing IMAZ this year. (Not me, I'm just volunteering, but plan to do IMAZ next year.)
2009-08-27 8:46 AM
in reply to: #1827515


Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Hello 2009 IMAZ people!
86 days to go, are we ready?  This will be my first Full IM, so I have lots of questions:

1.  What are you guys using for energy bars and electrolytes during the bike ride?
2.  I know the rules says, "No ipods", are they strict on that rule?  (been training with music, would help for the 112 bike ride)
3.  When will you guys shut it down for rest before the race, 1 week?
4.  Will you guys be wearing "race day" shoes for the run (lighter running shoe, vs the one you guys have been training in)?
5.  Is it wise to have camelbak for the bike ride, or is that too straining on the back?
6.  Any recomendations for swim goggles for the lake? 
7.  How often do you guys swap out goggles... mine seem to start leaking at around 3 months?

Sorry for all the questions. 
2009-08-27 8:51 AM
in reply to: #2373596

New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
yowsurs - 2009-08-27 6:46 AM Hello 2009 IMAZ people!
86 days to go, are we ready?  This will be my first Full IM, so I have lots of questions:

1.  What are you guys using for energy bars and electrolytes during the bike ride?
2.  I know the rules says, "No ipods", are they strict on that rule?  (been training with music, would help for the 112 bike ride)
3.  When will you guys shut it down for rest before the race, 1 week?
4.  Will you guys be wearing "race day" shoes for the run (lighter running shoe, vs the one you guys have been training in)?
5.  Is it wise to have camelbak for the bike ride, or is that too straining on the back?
6.  Any recomendations for swim goggles for the lake? 
7.  How often do you guys swap out goggles... mine seem to start leaking at around 3 months?

Sorry for all the questions. 

1.  I use clifshot goos, mocha flavor.  You need to figure out what works for you, and use it before the race.

2.  Very strict.  And honestly, you are putting yourself and others in danger by riding with earbuds in.  Stop it.

3.  Don't shut it down completely, do active rest.  Light runs, some light bikes, and easy swims.

4.  I have race shoes, that I occasionally train in.  Don't do anything on race day that you haven't done in training.

5.  Plenty of water on the course, no need for a camelbak.

6.  bring a pair of tinted, and a pair of clear goggles.  It might be cloudy that day, or it might be sunny.  Use which is appropriate.

7.  My goggles last much longer than 3 months, in chlorine and salt water.  Not sure what you are doing to yours to make them last only three months.

2009-08-27 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2373596

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Please, no iPod.  It's a rules violation and it's dangerous - especially on some of the tight and twisty portions of this course.

Sure, it would help, but so would EPO, right?
2009-08-27 9:52 AM
in reply to: #2373608


Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Thanks, I won't use ipod for race.
I'm using TYR for goggles in saline water pool.  The silicon part starts to break down after 3 months and water starts to come in.  I asked the local swim shop, they said this is normal?  I guess I maybe doing something wrong.  I have the goggles adjusted to be tight as well.

Anyone from "The OC" doing this BEAST? 
2009-08-27 10:05 AM
in reply to: #2373692

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread


1.  What are you guys using for energy bars and electrolytes during the bike ride?

im trying out carbopro1200 right now, normally i do gels and liquids only. hammer and gu gels are my faves.

2.  I know the rules says, "No ipods", are they strict on that rule?  (been training with music, would help for the 112 bike ride)

not advisable to violate rules

3.  When will you guys shut it down for rest before the race, 1 week?

your plan should dictate that. I have a coach but i suspect it will be a 1-2 week taper.

4.  Will you guys be wearing "race day" shoes for the run (lighter running shoe, vs the one you guys have been training in)?

I will be wearing my newtons stability that I train in.

5.  Is it wise to have camelbak for the bike ride, or is that too straining on the back?

no need for that. too many water stops on a loop course

6.  Any recomendations for swim goggles for the lake? 

i use blue seventy. they are the most comfortable.

7.  How often do you guys swap out goggles... mine seem to start leaking at around 3 months?

i change them whenever they need to be changed, and im not tight on goggles. i like fog free ones that keep water out. first sign of trouble, they are replaced.
2009-08-27 10:11 AM
in reply to: #2373596

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Extreme Veteran
San Jose, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
yowsurs - 2009-08-27 6:46 AM

Hello 2009 IMAZ people!
86 days to go, are we ready?  This will be my first Full IM, so I have lots of questions:

1.  What are you guys using for energy bars and electrolytes during the bike ride?
2.  I know the rules says, "No ipods", are they strict on that rule?  (been training with music, would help for the 112 bike ride)
3.  When will you guys shut it down for rest before the race, 1 week?
4.  Will you guys be wearing "race day" shoes for the run (lighter running shoe, vs the one you guys have been training in)?
5.  Is it wise to have camelbak for the bike ride, or is that too straining on the back?
6.  Any recomendations for swim goggles for the lake? 
7.  How often do you guys swap out goggles... mine seem to start leaking at around 3 months?

Sorry for all the questions. 

1. I'll use a couple bottles of concentrated Infinit on the bike.

2. I certainly hope they are strict about it.

3. Whenever my coach tells me to.

4. I'll wear the same shoes I train in.

5. Whatever works for you in training, I'd say do on the race day.

6. For me, same as I use in training.

7. I've been wearing the same TYR pair for over a year now.
2009-08-27 11:03 AM
in reply to: #2373596

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

yowsurs - 2009-08-27 6:46 AM Hello 2009 IMAZ people!
86 days to go, are we ready?  This will be my first Full IM, so I have lots of questions:

1.  What are you guys using for energy bars and electrolytes during the bike ride?
2.  I know the rules says, "No ipods", are they strict on that rule?  (been training with music, would help for the 112 bike ride)
3.  When will you guys shut it down for rest before the race, 1 week?
4.  Will you guys be wearing "race day" shoes for the run (lighter running shoe, vs the one you guys have been training in)?
5.  Is it wise to have camelbak for the bike ride, or is that too straining on the back?
6.  Any recomendations for swim goggles for the lake? 
7.  How often do you guys swap out goggles... mine seem to start leaking at around 3 months?

Sorry for all the questions. 

1. I eat luna and balance bars with luna moons or clif shots mixed in, tried perpetuum thought it was awful awful stuff, but does everybody use carb drinks?  I feel like I'm weird for just eating bars, they've gotten me through a couple centuries though so I know I probably shouldn't worry.  I also have one of my bottles filled with slightly watered down gatorade (have been using regular gatorade, will probably switch to endurance this month).
2. no ipod, definitely not on the bike
3. I think the coach has me on a 3 week taper
4. I will wear the brooks that I train in
5. never used a camelbak, trusting all you vets who say there's enough water on the course
6. I wear speedo vanquisher I think, I've had a lot of trouble finding goggles that fit, but these work 90% of the time, I have a clear pair and a tinted pair.
7. I've had the clear pair for probably 5 months or so now, they're starting to show a little wear but work ok. 

2009-08-27 11:08 AM
in reply to: #2374016

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Extreme Veteran
San Jose, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
faeron - 2009-08-27 9:03 AM

yowsurs - 2009-08-27 6:46 AM Hello 2009 IMAZ people!
86 days to go, are we ready?  This will be my first Full IM, so I have lots of questions:

1.  What are you guys using for energy bars and electrolytes during the bike ride?
2.  I know the rules says, "No ipods", are they strict on that rule?  (been training with music, would help for the 112 bike ride)
3.  When will you guys shut it down for rest before the race, 1 week?
4.  Will you guys be wearing "race day" shoes for the run (lighter running shoe, vs the one you guys have been training in)?
5.  Is it wise to have camelbak for the bike ride, or is that too straining on the back?
6.  Any recomendations for swim goggles for the lake? 
7.  How often do you guys swap out goggles... mine seem to start leaking at around 3 months?

Sorry for all the questions. 

1. I eat luna and balance bars with luna moons or clif shots mixed in, tried perpetuum thought it was awful awful stuff, but does everybody use carb drinks?  I feel like I'm weird for just eating bars, they've gotten me through a couple centuries though so I know I probably shouldn't worry.  I also have one of my bottles filled with slightly watered down gatorade (have been using regular gatorade, will probably switch to endurance this month).
2. no ipod, definitely not on the bike
3. I think the coach has me on a 3 week taper
4. I will wear the brooks that I train in
5. never used a camelbak, trusting all you vets who say there's enough water on the course
6. I wear speedo vanquisher I think, I've had a lot of trouble finding goggles that fit, but these work 90% of the time, I have a clear pair and a tinted pair.
7. I've had the clear pair for probably 5 months or so now, they're starting to show a little wear but work ok. 

As long as you think the bars work ok for your stomach on the run and you're sure you are taking in enough calories, do what you think works best. For me, putting enough solids in my belly to adequately meet my caloric needs on the bike would be a total bust on my gut when it came time to do the marathon. That's why I try for mostly liquid calories that i know agree with my system.
2009-08-27 11:16 AM
in reply to: #1827515

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
1. What are you guys using for energy bars and electrolytes during the bike ride?
I train and race with a combination of Infinit and Gu. Solids tend to do a number on my stomach. If I'm hungry out there and need something solid, I'll have a PBJ sammich as back up in my special needs and I'll eat some of the bananas they offer at the aid station.

2. I know the rules says, "No ipods", are they strict on that rule? (been training with music, would help for the 112 bike ride)
Is riding with your iPod worth a DQ to you? It's a danger to yourself and other riders. You need to be able to hear what's going on around, they'll be strict.

3. When will you guys shut it down for rest before the race, 1 week?
I'll have a few light workouts the days before the race to keep the blood flowing.

4. Will you guys be wearing "race day" shoes for the run (lighter running shoe, vs the one you guys have been training in)?
I run what I train in...Brooks Trance.

5. Is it wise to have camelbak for the bike ride, or is that too straining on the back?
Depends on the rider. It's different for everyone.

6. Any recomendations for swim goggles for the lake?
Wear what you know works and train with them. For me, it's VIEW goggles.

7. How often do you guys swap out goggles... mine seem to start leaking at around 3 months?
I've had my current goggles for close to 15 months and they're just now hitting the point where I need to buy a new pair.
2009-08-27 12:09 PM
in reply to: #2374035

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

muppetdog - 2009-08-27 9:08 AM
faeron - 2009-08-27 9:03 AM

1. I eat luna and balance bars with luna moons or clif shots mixed in, tried perpetuum thought it was awful awful stuff, but does everybody use carb drinks?  I feel like I'm weird for just eating bars, they've gotten me through a couple centuries though so I know I probably shouldn't worry.  I also have one of my bottles filled with slightly watered down gatorade (have been using regular gatorade, will probably switch to endurance this month).
2. no ipod, definitely not on the bike
3. I think the coach has me on a 3 week taper
4. I will wear the brooks that I train in
5. never used a camelbak, trusting all you vets who say there's enough water on the course
6. I wear speedo vanquisher I think, I've had a lot of trouble finding goggles that fit, but these work 90% of the time, I have a clear pair and a tinted pair.
7. I've had the clear pair for probably 5 months or so now, they're starting to show a little wear but work ok. 

As long as you think the bars work ok for your stomach on the run and you're sure you are taking in enough calories, do what you think works best. For me, putting enough solids in my belly to adequately meet my caloric needs on the bike would be a total bust on my gut when it came time to do the marathon. That's why I try for mostly liquid calories that i know agree with my system.

I've had some problems with my bike to run nutrition, mainly I would only eat enough to get me through the bike and end up starving on the run, so it's not so much GI problems as lack of calories.  For whatever reason nothing seems to upset my stomach on the bike.  My last race Saturday I ate consistently through the bike, about half a bar every half hour including right at the end of the bike and felt great on the run, so consistency seems to be the key (don't know why that took me so long to figure out ).  I usually switch to gu's for the run portion though.  I'll have to see how it goes on one of my longer bricks to make sure the solids on the bike will be ok for the first part of the run.   

2009-08-28 8:03 PM
in reply to: #1827515

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
wheres eveyone staying when in town. I havent booked a place yet. Any recomendations?
2009-08-28 8:05 PM
in reply to: #1827515

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
I got a place on I have family coming and having a place with a kitchen and a pool is an added plus.

2009-08-29 3:32 PM
in reply to: #1827515

Extreme Veteran
Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
We too booked through's a lot cheaper than a hotel and much more comfortable!!
2009-08-29 4:13 PM
in reply to: #1827515

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
We're at the host hotel. Expensive but it gets the family close to the race site.  With two young children nice for the family to be able to walk back and forth from race site to the room during the long day. Have to make sure they get a nap in so they can be up to see Dad finish at 11:59pm
2009-08-29 6:05 PM
in reply to: #1827515

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
I'm just across the bridge at the Best Western.  Thurs -Mon
2009-08-29 6:57 PM
in reply to: #1827515

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Extreme Veteran
San Jose, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
We're at our 2nd home in Scottsdale. I'll probably head down about 3 weeks before the race and do the taper down there.
2009-08-29 7:35 PM
in reply to: #2377460

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Extreme Veteran
Sunny San Diego
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
aquarunner - 2009-08-28 5:03 PM

wheres eveyone staying when in town. I havent booked a place yet. Any recomendations?

Hampton Inn on Scottdale Rd. Haven't stayed there before but the rooms have kitchenettes, so we can cook most of our meals. If your staying 3-4 days, you probably won't want to eat all your meals out.


2009-08-29 8:06 PM
in reply to: #1827515

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
The parents live in Gilbert and the in-laws in Sun City West. I had reserved a room at the host hotel but the costs were pretty high so decided the family can come and go from the parents house. Police man w/ 5 kids something has gotta give, or I'm gonna have to start taking bribes, one of the two. Don't think there is much career longevity in the whole bribe thing plus the bribe 401k or pension plan is all taken up by politicians so can't count on that either.

I noticed last year folks had set up shade along the river for a little base camp to come and go from. I think we might put out some blankets there and then it is easy to walk up to the road when I come into the transition area on the loops. That is the plan for now
2009-08-31 9:49 AM
in reply to: #1827515

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
We're staying along the run course at the aLoft since we were able to use my brother-in-law's girlfriend's Starwood Hotels discount. Bonus points that there's an in-n-out burger next door open until 1am.
2009-08-31 9:53 AM
in reply to: #1827515

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Extreme Veteran
San Jose, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
12 WEEKS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!
2009-08-31 10:09 AM
in reply to: #1827515

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Bring it on!
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