BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now Rss Feed  
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2009-01-26 2:29 PM
in reply to: #1929545

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Triathlynne - 2009-01-26 1:48 PM

Turns out I am OFFICIALLY off to Scotland and Brussels in August! I am SO excited!  Need to save for the flight now! $764 return! WoOHOOO!!!


That has nothing to do with triathlons I know. LOL.  Sorry. 

I am jealous, I loved my one trip to Scotland a couple years back...

Nothing too exciting from me today. Basically a day off workout wise for me. I plan of doing some stretching when I get home.

The idea of doing the Kansas 70.3 in June has slipped back into my mind, but I am not committing to anything yet. I need to continue to stay healthy as I ramp up my mileage as well as get into the pool (which I plan on doing this weekend)

2009-01-26 3:21 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now

I try and get back as often as I can and this time around I have enough airmiles to do half and half! 


I just registered for a local half marathon...    I won't be doing Danskin this year as I'll be gone.  

2009-01-26 3:59 PM
in reply to: #1929864

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Triathlynne - 2009-01-26 4:21 PM

I try and get back as often as I can and this time around I have enough airmiles to do half and half! 


I just registered for a local half marathon...    I won't be doing Danskin this year as I'll be gone.  

When is your half?  I'm planning to do the buffalo half (my first) in May...

2009-01-26 4:32 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now

March 22nd.....


I did my 1st half in November. 

Edited by Triathlynne 2009-01-26 4:34 PM
2009-01-27 8:30 AM
in reply to: #1929545

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Triathlynne - 2009-01-26 2:48 PM

What a morning. I couldn't find my car keys. I was utterly frantic. Crying, in a total panic. Turns out my husband had them.  I could literally have strangled him. I turned up 3 hours late.  Thankfully no one is here. 

Turns out I am OFFICIALLY off to Scotland and Brussels in August! I am SO excited!  Need to save for the flight now! $764 return! WoOHOOO!!!


That has nothing to do with triathlons I know. LOL.  Sorry. 

Oh, dear - sounds like most of my mornings.

CONGRATS ON THE TRIP! How fun for you!
2009-01-27 8:31 AM
in reply to: #1929651

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
bwoglom - 2009-01-26 3:29 PM

Triathlynne - 2009-01-26 1:48 PM

Turns out I am OFFICIALLY off to Scotland and Brussels in August! I am SO excited!  Need to save for the flight now! $764 return! WoOHOOO!!!


That has nothing to do with triathlons I know. LOL.  Sorry. 

I am jealous, I loved my one trip to Scotland a couple years back...

Nothing too exciting from me today. Basically a day off workout wise for me. I plan of doing some stretching when I get home.

The idea of doing the Kansas 70.3 in June has slipped back into my mind, but I am not committing to anything yet. I need to continue to stay healthy as I ramp up my mileage as well as get into the pool (which I plan on doing this weekend)

Hey...isn't it scary fun when those ideas pop into your head? Happens to me all the time...I'm day dreaming about a September 70.3 myself.

2009-01-27 8:32 AM
in reply to: #1929864

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Triathlynne - 2009-01-26 4:21 PM

I try and get back as often as I can and this time around I have enough airmiles to do half and half! 


I just registered for a local half marathon...    I won't be doing Danskin this year as I'll be gone.  

WHOO WHOO! Half Mary!
2009-01-27 8:32 AM
in reply to: #1929970

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
momandmd - 2009-01-26 4:59 PM

Triathlynne - 2009-01-26 4:21 PM

I try and get back as often as I can and this time around I have enough airmiles to do half and half! 


I just registered for a local half marathon...    I won't be doing Danskin this year as I'll be gone.  

When is your half?  I'm planning to do the buffalo half (my first) in May...

How exciting too!
2009-01-27 8:33 AM
in reply to: #1856410

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
What's up for Tuesday?

I'm thinking about a swim later this afternoon...but I'm sleepy - we were up late playing with our tax forms (oh, joy!) and I don't feel like doing anything today.

2009-01-27 10:56 AM
in reply to: #1856410

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Nothing too exciting going on around here today. We are in the midst of an ice storm, so school was canceled and travel highly discouraged. I will be staying in and studying for my first physiology test on Thursday and first organic quiz on Friday. I plan to get some time in on my nifty new trainer and maybe some weights.
2009-01-27 11:12 AM
in reply to: #1856410

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Syracuse, NY
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now

Hi, Everybody!

I guess I kind of went AWOL, didn't I? I think I'm out of my funk and ready to climb back on the wagon! Thanks so much you guys, for checking in on me the last couple of weeks. That meant SO much to me. You guys are the best!!

I'm planning on taking DSS to the Y to swim tonight. The weather is supposed to start getting bad but I hope it'll hold off til bed time.

I'm sitting here eating the WORST vegetarian chili. Yuck! Veggie doesn't have to mean tasteless. I make a great veggie chili. I had planned to go ride my horse at lunchtime (I'm working from home), but I'm in the middle of an email-exchange and might have to go in to the office. I asked them to let me know asap, but apparently they haven't gotten their acts together yet. Grrr! I know, I know, I'm lucky to even have a job. Undecided

Well, off to dig up something else to eat. This chili isn't cutting it.

Have a great one, y'all!



2009-01-27 11:46 AM
in reply to: #1931525

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now

Hey- glad to see you back!  It's so hard to stay motivated all of the time- hopefully a little break will help.  I'll check in tomorrow and make sure you made it to the pool

Do you have a race that you are training for?

2009-01-27 11:47 AM
in reply to: #1931485

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now

Ugh, orgo.  I sure don't miss those days...  I'll take a trainer ride any day

BTW, I'm planning on a little 2 mile treadmill run today- either at the gym at work if I have time, or at home.

Edited by momandmd 2009-01-27 11:48 AM
2009-01-27 1:23 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Hey Margo, glad you are doing better.

Nothing too exciting on my end today.

I ran on the treadmill at work today during lunch. I am gradually increasing my pace on my shorter runs, being careful that I slow it down if I have any knee issues. So far so good (knocking on wood)

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.

2009-01-28 2:08 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Hey, all -

Sorry not around much today - my car wouldn't start this morning, so I spent the morning in the auto I'm just trying to catch up. Ick!
2009-01-29 12:40 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now

Good morning! How's it going? I can't believe it's almost February already!  I've challenged myself to be peach for all of February  Anyone with me? 

 I am going to a "British" night with some people from....the UK!  We drink lager, talk slang and eat pies.  LOL.  Well I don't drink the lager (Honest) but I will be chowing down on some pies! 

 What's everyone else up to?  You all ok?

2009-01-29 12:52 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
I'm here! I'm here!

I'm thinking of going peach for Feb...I'm doing it in January and it has been fun...

I'm out of town this weekend...I might be around or not - Train hard & have a great weekend!
2009-01-29 12:53 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Hi everyone

It is busy season at work, so sorry for the lack of posts. Things are going well, but I had to skip my lunch workout today because of having too much work to do. I hate when work gets in the way of the important stuff

It is finally warming up a little here, so I hope to run outside this weekend. My dog is going stir crazy being inside so often.

Anyway, I hope everyone is feeling better.
2009-01-29 2:45 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now

Ummm, what is being a peach?  Am I missing something?? 

I've worked out every day in January so far, and hopefully most days in February are on my plan, although I'll be on vacay for some and will work out IF it fits into my fun and rest. Hehe.  If Oprah wants me to work out with her, then for sure I will be working out on vacation.

Sunday is my first meeting with the LUNA Chix, so after that I feel like I can organize my race season. Right now there are so many races I want to do, and I need to narrow it down.  Lynne is going to come and work out with me for my birthday on Feb. 14....we are maybe doing 40 km biking, 40 minutes running, 40 laps swimming...or something like that, depending on weather and stuff.  Since I'm turning 40.  See the theme?? 

My oldest doesn't have school today or tomorrow so I am not getting my usual gym time...hopefully I can swim again tomorrow but not sure.  Today it's just the Shred DVD, which I did already, 18 days now!  I am oh so shredded.  Yeah, right!  It does feel good, though.

2009-01-29 7:46 PM
in reply to: #1931592

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Syracuse, NY
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
momandmd - 2009-01-27 12:46 PM

Hey- glad to see you back!  It's so hard to stay motivated all of the time- hopefully a little break will help.  I'll check in tomorrow and make sure you made it to the pool

Do you have a race that you are training for?

OK, I'm back on the wagon, just having a tough time finding time to sneak onto our mentor thread. I'm trying not to get on BT from work.

I'm signed up to do Green Lakes at the end of June. I'm not sure what other ones I want to do. They have to fit in with my horse show schedule. That's why I can't do Cazenovia. Skaneatelas (sp?) looks good. I don't know about the new Irongirl. That might be a possibility.

Are you doing any out my way?


2009-01-30 1:27 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Happy Friday everyone!!!

I just got back from a steak place for lunch and I think I am sinking into a food coma. I won a bet with a colleague of mine and won a nice lunch, but now I am stuffed. With this and the Super Bowl coming up, I am going to need to step up the workouts. I have an appointment with the nutritionist on Monday and I do not think she is going to be thrilled with me. Oh well, I'll do the best that I can.

It is going to be in the 50's tomorrow, so I am pumped to get outside and run. The treadmill is killing me with boredom...

Hope everyone has a good weekend!!!

2009-02-01 8:24 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Hey, all!

I'm back from my family weekend. We had a lot of fun...but I didn't train nearly as much as I wanted to, but it was so worth it.

Now, watching the Super Bowl and then to bed - I have a 12-mile run on deck for tomorrow.
2009-02-02 1:40 AM
in reply to: #1856410

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
I've been super crazy busy, but all is well.  I'll read some logs and check in tomorrow!
2009-02-02 4:54 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now



I'm not in a very good mood. But it's lifting.  Just signed up for my 1st duathlon! This Sunday afternoon!  Lovely 62 mile drive however!  

2009-02-02 7:41 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Hi everyone

Not much new to report. It was beautiful out on Saturday, 65 and sunny (although windy) so it was nice to get out and run. It is going to be tough running on the treadmill any time soon.

Today's a day off, as I am sore from adding Yoga to my routine. I realized that I have not been stretching enough, so I want to make sure I do something a couple of days a week.

I hope everyone is doing well and did not pig out like I did for the SB.

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