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2008-12-30 10:16 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Holy Crap...

 I go out of town and there is 4 new pages of posts!  I tried to catch up but didnt retain much info...this past week was a disaster for training, i didnt get but one run in and one day at the gym... oh well i will just pick it up today! 

2008-12-30 10:40 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Tracy, I just sent you an e-mail through facebook with a few updated pictures.  Do you have an account?
2008-12-30 11:05 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

2008 totals

Bike:4h 21m  - 145.96 KM
Run:6h 19m 25s  - 59.02 KM
Swim:4h 16m 15s  - 11350 M
Strength:4h 00m
Elliptical Training:


This is my 2008 (really just December 2008)....My goals for 2009 are to run 500km , and swim 100km, and 2000km on the bike. Its hard for me to set goals, as this training is relatively new to me. I have really only been tracking things the last few months, but man its motivating to see and hear your stories.

Looking back at 2008, this is what i am more proudest of....

Nov 2007--250 lbs. Dec 2008--205 lbs.

My life has changed 180 degrees in the last 12 months. I nwo enjoy training. Jan is going to be a tough month..Off to Denver for 4 days next week for work, then wisdom teeth coming out on the 22nd. Should  be interesting, but I am focused.




2008-12-30 11:13 AM
in reply to: #1877778

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
TrevorC - 2008-12-30 11:05 AM

2008 totals

Bike:4h 21m  - 145.96 KM
Run:6h 19m 25s  - 59.02 KM
Swim:4h 16m 15s  - 11350 M
Strength:4h 00m
Elliptical Training:


This is my 2008 (really just December 2008)....My goals for 2009 are to run 500km , and swim 100km, and 2000km on the bike. Its hard for me to set goals, as this training is relatively new to me. I have really only been tracking things the last few months, but man its motivating to see and hear your stories.

Looking back at 2008, this is what i am more proudest of....

Nov 2007--250 lbs. Dec 2008--205 lbs.

My life has changed 180 degrees in the last 12 months. I nwo enjoy training. Jan is going to be a tough month..Off to Denver for 4 days next week for work, then wisdom teeth coming out on the 22nd. Should  be interesting, but I am focused.




WOW, your weight loss is really impressive.  I can totally see why that would be your biggest accomplishment to date.    Given your commitment, I am sure training will be just as impressive throughout the year. Congrats.


2008-12-30 11:15 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
2008-12-30 11:16 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Thanks Suzie... I think i've figured this out...Before/after shots...lets see if its works!!



July2007.jpg (84KB - 10 downloads)
May2008.jpg (80KB - 9 downloads)

2008-12-30 11:20 AM
in reply to: #1877014

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
cadmus - 2008-12-29 9:49 PM

swbkrun - 2008-12-29 4:38 PM Holy mole-e!!! SUZY YOU HAVE LOGGED SOME FRICKIN' MILES!!!!

Yeah, no way I'm posting my numbers after that!  How do you have time to post on here?

I know, I was a little OCD in '08, but in my defense it was my first year of triathlon training and I was learning how to balance that with marathon training.  I promise to be better in '09 Cool.  Of course, it is easy to have free time when you are a consultant, have no kids and a husband that was on the road five days a week.  What's a girl to do? knit?

2008-12-30 11:20 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Holy Crap Trevor.... CRAZY STUFF!!!!!  Looks awesome!!!
2008-12-30 11:25 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED


Your pictures are really inspirational.  What prompted you to get healthy? what was your biggest reason for success?


2008-12-30 11:33 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

You know what the sad part is Suzie? This is roughly what i weighted 7 or 8 years ago. I was never this strong or fit though.

I got married, had kids and got fat over the last 5 years.

 I didn't really have that one moment when people realized they needed to lose weight. I honestly was just embarrassed my how far I had  let myself go. I didn't like the guy I was becoming...Lazy, crabby and not alot of fun. I knew that wasn't me.Its funny...I look at pictures of me with my girls from the last 2 or 3 years(they are now almost 4 and 2 now ), and everyone of them i'm holding the girls in front of my body, hiding it. I hated my fat-face, and I honestly think one day a light came in my head and i realized I didnt have to live that way. I wanted my life back. My goal was to get to 210lbs(which at the time seemed impossible) I think back then Iwould have been happy at 220lbs. I'm 6feet tall, bigger build.

I would never have dreamed that I'd be 205lbs on Dec 30,2008 and training for my 1st triathlon in March!!

2008-12-30 12:05 PM
in reply to: #1877831

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
TrevorC - 2008-12-30 11:33 AM

You know what the sad part is Suzie? This is roughly what i weighted 7 or 8 years ago. I was never this strong or fit though.

I got married, had kids and got fat over the last 5 years.

 I didn't really have that one moment when people realized they needed to lose weight. I honestly was just embarrassed my how far I had  let myself go. I didn't like the guy I was becoming...Lazy, crabby and not alot of fun. I knew that wasn't me.Its funny...I look at pictures of me with my girls from the last 2 or 3 years(they are now almost 4 and 2 now ), and everyone of them i'm holding the girls in front of my body, hiding it. I hated my fat-face, and I honestly think one day a light came in my head and i realized I didnt have to live that way. I wanted my life back. My goal was to get to 210lbs(which at the time seemed impossible) I think back then Iwould have been happy at 220lbs. I'm 6feet tall, bigger build.

I would never have dreamed that I'd be 205lbs on Dec 30,2008 and training for my 1st triathlon in March!!

Awesome!!!  Your story is very inspirational.  The part that struck me the most was putting the kiddos in front of you for photos to hide your body.  I do that! 

2008-12-30 12:12 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Trevor, that is fantastic. You look 10 years younger.  Congratulations.

Mark, I don't have a facebook page, blogging here takes up all my time. But I got your email. What beautiful, happy faces!!!

2008-12-30 12:48 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

To all... I am out of here today for the week.... Heading over the mtns. to a place called Lake Chelan (google image it! It is so pretty).... No internet for the next 5 days... LOVING IT!


Have a great, happy, SAFE new years!!

2008-12-30 1:18 PM
in reply to: #1877997

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
swbkrun - 2008-12-30 12:48 PM

To all... I am out of here today for the week.... Heading over the mtns. to a place called Lake Chelan (google image it! It is so pretty).... No internet for the next 5 days... LOVING IT!


Have a great, happy, SAFE new years!!

Steve Have a great time.

Trevor...Good job man.  I am trying to lose only about 10 - 15.  Trying to get to about 165 from 180, but the Ice cream keeps getting in the way.  I am working on it though.

I have had the hardest time trying to figure out when to run today.  It was 29 this morning when I woke up and it is now 68.  Hard to figure out what temp to go out in.  I missed the upswing this morning, so I guess I will wait till it cools down a little this afternoon to hit it. :-

My totals for the year actually started October 16.  Since starting I did  357m on the bike,  ran about 85 (keep in mind that I couldn't run a mile on the 16th) and 30,900yds in the pool. 

When I started this thing, my goal was just to train to COMPLETE the HIM.  Now I think I am starting to see a little competitive nature come out.  I still have Augusta 70.3 as my main focus along with a couple short races prior.  So, without guessing on total volumes, I am going to ride, run and swim my a$$ off till around may when I get on my HIM plan.  I want to finish with a smile on my face knowing that I have done the training.

2008-12-30 1:32 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Crews--its funny isn't it? You look back at those pics and you remember when they got taken, and you remember that you jammed the kid right in front of your big belly! Its crazy though when you look at every picture and see it. Looking back, I never thought I was THAT GUY or THAT GIRL, that was so self-conscious of their body. But, now i realize how self-conscious I was. I have those pics saved in a file on my computer here at work. If I ever feel like skipping a workout- I pop open that file and look at that 1st picture and that gets my going motivated alright.

Thanks to all you others for the compliments. I look at that 1st picture and I can't believe its me. There is NO WAY I'm going there again!!


2008-12-30 2:16 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Trevor, that is very impressive... Congrats!

2008-12-30 2:26 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Trevor - that's excellent!  You should be very proud!


Steve - Have a great new year!  Looks like a great place, but I would expect no less from you! Cool

2008-12-30 4:15 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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In limbo
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Hey everyone,

Just letting you know I'm going to remove myself from this group.  I'm having a lot of mental health issues going on right now and I just can't keep up with a group this big and fast moving.  You all are awesome....I just don't feel like I can really add anything right now.  Thanks for allowing me to hang out for a while.


2008-12-30 4:36 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Need some advice.

Last winter I taught myself to swim by basically reading articles and YouTube videos. At first I couldn’t swim a pool length without stopping for air but after awhile it finally clicked and I could swim long periods of time. The problem is during my tri's it became obvious that I was very slow and need to speed. Since the season ended I have not swim at all.

Now I need to start swimming next week and I cannot decide whether it is a good idea to go back to my original swimming method and concentrate on technique and speed or to try "Total Immersion" in hopes I can learn it and gain the endurance required for my HIM in June. I have even thought about swimming according to my plan, but "staying late" and trying to learn TI. At first I thought staying late was the answer but I am worried that practicing two techniques will ultimately do more harm than good.

Any ideas????
2008-12-30 5:41 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Bloomington, MN
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED


Take care of yourself no matter what it takes.  I have no idea of what the "official" rules of the BT Mentor Program are; but as far as I am concerned, you are welcome back anytime you feel up to it.  Don't feel pressured to post everyday or whatever.  I do not post often but get so much inspiration from reading other's posts that helps me day to day.  Feel free to drop in and just observe as often as you like.  Have a safe and healthy new year.


2008-12-30 5:44 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Bloomington, MN
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Trevor,  awesome job!  You look great and should be very proud of your accomplishment. 

Steve, have a great time "unplugging."

Happy new year to all.

Edited by Buckshot 2008-12-30 5:45 PM

2008-12-30 7:58 PM
in reply to: #1878494

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Alexandria, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Hey, who on here is on Facebook? I figure people can also keep in touch on there as well? 


2008-12-30 9:10 PM
in reply to: #1878401

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

bragg69 - 2008-12-30 4:36 PM Need some advice. Last winter I taught myself to swim by basically reading articles and YouTube videos. At first I couldn’t swim a pool length without stopping for air but after awhile it finally clicked and I could swim long periods of time. The problem is during my tri's it became obvious that I was very slow and need to speed. Since the season ended I have not swim at all. Now I need to start swimming next week and I cannot decide whether it is a good idea to go back to my original swimming method and concentrate on technique and speed or to try "Total Immersion" in hopes I can learn it and gain the endurance required for my HIM in June. I have even thought about swimming according to my plan, but "staying late" and trying to learn TI. At first I thought staying late was the answer but I am worried that practicing two techniques will ultimately do more harm than good. Any ideas????

If you want to incorporate the TI technique to your swim, why can't you do it WHILE you are working your plan.  I know the drills may not WORK into your prescribed plan, but I don't think that learning a better technique will mess you up.  I started "swimming" in October and bought the TI DVD and worked it into my Masters class.  On some of the drill sets, I would substitute one of the TI drills.  It has helped me alot (I think)

Don't think about this as learning 2 techniques, just think about making your technique better.  Your prescribed plan should really be more about increasing endurance, and improving your technique will make your plan execute more easily. 

Keep in mind this is coming from an EXPERIENCED swimmer of 3 months.  ( kind of like a 20 handicapper giving another 20 handicapper golf lessons)  But I do have confidence in TI, as it has helped me learn HOW to swim.

Good luck with it.

2008-12-31 6:41 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Lacey. As Mark said there are no specific rules about coming and going. We are here to help as we can. Drop in to see what is happening now and then. You are always going to be welcome. I was on here last year and we almost never had this much going on.

Trevor: Awesome story. As Tracy said you look much younger. Congrats.

I read the swimming schedule wrong and showed up at the swimming pool during an open swim for kids and adults. It was extremely busy so I just went to the deep end and treaded water for 20 minutes then had a fun swim for about another 20 minutes. I was going to play hockey today but ..... drum role for the big news..........

I am a grandpa again as of 4:40 yesterday afternoon. Little boy Myles Avery Davis 6lb 1oz, 18 1/2 inches. Little fella but chubby looking and healthy. I am hoping to get down to London to see them today if they get the roads cleared and my wife can get off work early if not then hockey and go down New years day.
Oh yeah had to shovel snow again this morning already. Excercise exercise exercise I should look like a Chipendales dancer Well probably a mature more wrinkled version

Edited by Redknight 2008-12-31 6:43 AM
2008-12-31 6:50 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Part du.
Jared as far as your swimming is concerned you are to be congratulated on working hard to train yourself for the swimming. A lot of us here have taken one form or another of swimming "lessons". One of the things which I learned to increase my swims was to do sprints in the pool. It's hard but well worth it. Start at say 40 seconds for a length. Swim as hard and fast as you can to the other end. However much time you have left over is the amount of rest you get until the next length. eg if it takes you 20 seconds to reach the far end then you gets 20 seconds rest. Do this maybe 4-6 times to begin with and you will be exhausted. As you get better cut down the lenthg of time overall. e.g from 40 to 35 to 30 etc. That and making sure your form is correct. Proper technique is by far the best way to improve your swimming. A good swim instructor can pick up flaws immediately.
Having said that there are several members who have done the total immersion and have had nothing but good things to say about it.
I strongly suggest some type of instruction if you are serious about improving your times.
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