BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-) Rss Feed  
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2009-01-03 4:18 PM
in reply to: #1884332

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
nuttysami123 - 2009-01-03 3:37 PM

Happy New Year everyone!! I can proudly say that I am now officially caught up on all of the reading on this great group! Woo hoo!!!  

 Beth, you were asking about the foam rollers, we have one and love it! Go to youtube and do a video search by simply typing in "foam roller" and it will give you some wonderful results. Some of the moves that you can do on the roller, you want to do in the privacy of your home, with no one watching. Once you see the videos, you'll understand! The roller has been a wonderful recovery tool for us. For hubby, it helped him overcome a deep calf/soleus strain. For me, it keeps my IT band and low back happy. We have the one that is 5' long. I believe that I did a search on amazon and I went with the less expensive option. Good luck!!

thanks Sam!

what diameter is the roller you use?

2009-01-03 4:19 PM
in reply to: #1884237

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)

johnkav - 2009-01-03 1:59 PM I do yoga once a week and it really helps keep me flexible. A good yoga teacher can help you on your tightness issues. John

thanks John,

I've always wanted to try yoga - I'll have to look into it

2009-01-03 4:32 PM
in reply to: #1884430

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)

Beth- I use this one:

 It is 6" in diameter. I wonder if it is your piriformis that is bothering you? I've had some struggles with that myself. It can sort of replicate a sciatica pain without the radiating pain into the leg. The roller definitely can help loosen that up!!

2009-01-03 4:34 PM
in reply to: #1859524

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)

Just popped in to say Happy New Year to two of the most influential gals I know on BT! yes that would be you Bethie and Yanti! hope this year is all you want it to be! hugs to both of you! thanks for keeping me on track in 2008..dont forget about me! even though I am also mentoring a team...sure do need my gal pals in my life! have a great weekend! and carry on!!!

2009-01-03 4:40 PM
in reply to: #1884443

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
nuttysami123 - 2009-01-03 5:32 PM

Beth- I use this one:

 It is 6" in diameter. I wonder if it is your piriformis that is bothering you? I've had some struggles with that myself. It can sort of replicate a sciatica pain without the radiating pain into the leg. The roller definitely can help loosen that up!!

that's interesting, it's been reminding me of sciatica (i had terrible issues with sciatica when i was pregnant)

but it doesn't have the same sharp pain, it just feels really tight

2009-01-03 4:41 PM
in reply to: #1884449

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-01-03 5:34 PM

Just popped in to say Happy New Year to two of the most influential gals I know on BT! yes that would be you Bethie and Yanti! hope this year is all you want it to be! hugs to both of you! thanks for keeping me on track in 2008..dont forget about me! even though I am also mentoring a team...sure do need my gal pals in my life! have a great weekend! and carry on!!!

Hi Julie!

thanks for stopping by to say hi!

2009-01-03 4:45 PM
in reply to: #1884458

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
lastcall2003 - 2009-01-03 2:41 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-01-03 5:34 PM

Just popped in to say Happy New Year to two of the most influential gals I know on BT! yes that would be you Bethie and Yanti! hope this year is all you want it to be! hugs to both of you! thanks for keeping me on track in 2008..dont forget about me! even though I am also mentoring a team...sure do need my gal pals in my life! have a great weekend! and carry on!!!

Hi Julie!

thanks for stopping by to say hi!

*grin* You are soooo lucky you got to meet her, Bethie Love! I popped by  her team thread to return the cheer.

2009-01-03 4:45 PM
in reply to: #1884458

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
lastcall2003 - 2009-01-03 2:41 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-01-03 5:34 PM

Just popped in to say Happy New Year to two of the most influential gals I know on BT! yes that would be you Bethie and Yanti! hope this year is all you want it to be! hugs to both of you! thanks for keeping me on track in 2008..dont forget about me! even though I am also mentoring a team...sure do need my gal pals in my life! have a great weekend! and carry on!!!

thanks Beth.,...I almost didnt recognize my tinkerbeth. love the new avatar! heading to go for a bout that!?!?! and you didnt even have to shove me or send me a hot picture of Mr Phelps...

Hi Julie!

thanks for stopping by to say hi!

2009-01-03 11:24 PM
in reply to: #1859524

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SF Bay Area
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
Hello everyone,


Well I will be traveling the next three days on business and I don't think I will be able to work out. I missed today because I was working in the City (SF) doing some technical troubleshooting on a new network. I can't say I was too bummed because it was in an office right on Bush street, next to the entrance to China town. I was treated to a very good Thai dinner to boot!


The only thing that bothers me is going 4 days without training, although I probably could use the rest since I have gone about 2 weeks without a day off. Any thoughts on this. Should I squeeze in a few miles on this trip, or just give it a long rest? I hope everyone else has a great weekend.





2009-01-03 11:27 PM
in reply to: #1884846

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
joeseal - 2009-01-03 9:24 PM Hello everyone,


Well I will be traveling the next three days on business and I don't think I will be able to work out. I missed today because I was working in the City (SF) doing some technical troubleshooting on a new network. I can't say I was too bummed because it was in an office right on Bush street, next to the entrance to China town. I was treated to a very good Thai dinner to boot!


The only thing that bothers me is going 4 days without training, although I probably could use the rest since I have gone about 2 weeks without a day off. Any thoughts on this. Should I squeeze in a few miles on this trip, or just give it a long rest? I hope everyone else has a great weekend.





Glad you had an awesome time and dinner!

Don't sweat the next four days. You need a break after two weeks. If you have some free time and want to do a very short easy run or better yet a nice brisk walk, go for it, but don't sweat it. You're not going to lose any fitness over the next four days. In fact, it will give your body a chance to rebuild and actually benefit from the training you've been doing.

2009-01-03 11:37 PM
in reply to: #1884427

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
lastcall2003 - 2009-01-03 2:14 PM
TriAya - 2009-01-03 2:24 PM
lastcall2003 - 2009-01-03 10:40 AM

I have a question for you runners out there

Can you fill me in on rollers, how to use them in stretching and so forth?

I'm experiencing a lot of tightness in my right hammie and hip and am looking for advice on how to stretch it out.

Rollers don't so much stretch as what they do is help give you something like a deep tissue massage or myofascial release on the tight muscles. It can hurt like hell but boy does it work.

This is a good series with pictures on how to do various roll-outs with the foam roller:

By "hips," what do you mean? Can you explain exactly which part of the hip is tight?

Also, often when hammies are tight, it can be due to a quad/hammy imbalance, so it's wise to make sure your quads are well-stretched also.

it starts right at the top of my right butt cheek and i can feel lit all the way down through the center of the cheek

does that make sense?

Hmmm Bethie Love! It sounds like a real pain in the azz!

I couldn't help it.

Like Sam said, it could be piriformis, might be gluteus medius (starts kind of at the lower back and goes underneath the gluteus maximus), might even be the origin of the IT band.

If you do the recommended exercises with the foamie, you are going to find out pretty quickly what will help and not because you will FEEL it.

Like stretching the quads for the hammies too, I might also suggest stretching/rolling your hip flexors--the yoga pose for this is Pigeon (you can look it up or follow the link. It's weird, but it really works!)

2009-01-04 9:25 AM
in reply to: #1859524

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)

Thanks for the tips everyone!  I will be adding some new stretches into my routine

and yes Yanti, it is a pain in the azz!

2009-01-04 9:39 AM
in reply to: #1859524

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)

I swam the last couple of days and as usual I saw lots of people making common mistakes trying to go faster.  I sooo, want to stop them and provide some coaching, but since that may not be taken the right way I thought I would post my observations here -

Swim talk –

Speed: common mistakes made when trying to go faster

Stroke:  Speeding up the stroke and taking more strokes in an effort to go faster.  Increasing the number of strokes you take, can actually slow you down – (analysis of the swim stroke shows that efficiency matters most.).  Increasing the stroke count and the churn just tires you out and doesn’t move you through the water any faster.  Make more ease and flow, less noise and splash, your primary goal – increases in efficiency will follow. (drills that help you understand and reduce your stroke count are invaluable)

Kick:  Often when people are trying to increase their speed they have a tendency make their kick bigger – when you bend your leg to create a bigger kick, it causes the upper leg to move down and creates drag.  This drag can create such resistance that it cancels out the propulsion from your foot, which will slow you down

Swimming is all about efficiency and being streamlined in the water. This may be difficult to imagine, but try and imagine yourself looking like a torpedo as you swim – even as though you are swimming through a tube, keeping yourself as streamlined as possible


Edited by lastcall2003 2009-01-04 9:40 AM
2009-01-04 9:47 AM
in reply to: #1859524

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
I love the pigeon pose that Yanti mentioned.I think it will help your pain.

2009-01-04 11:21 AM
in reply to: #1884443

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Marietta, GA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)

Foam rollers rock!  Also, put a tennis ball in the freezer and roll on it.  You'll find the hot spots fairly easily; just use your body weight and hang out on those spots until they release. 

You can tell if it's piriformis if this stretch relieves the symptoms:  stand and support yourself with your hand on the wall on the side of the symptoms.  Lift the affected leg with the other hand and bring it across your body.  When you get it across, lift it just a bit higher and hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds. 

I sometimes get painful numbness in my left foot after about an hour of running or walking (sounds contradictory, doesn't it, but it's a real thing, believe me!)  Doing this stretch relieves the symptoms completely.  Try it out!

 Dr. GH

2009-01-04 11:56 AM
in reply to: #1859524

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)

Thanks for the stretching advice.  I need it.  I've never heard about the tennis ball idea....I'll have to try that.  Stretching helps but I always seem to forget to fit it into my workouts until I have a tight muscle or am beginning to feel an injury.....

I'm working on organizing my training gear as I will start my HIM training plan on Wednesday.  I'll probably also ride the bike today and perhaps fit in another run.  Happy Sunday to everyone! 

2009-01-04 12:02 PM
in reply to: #1859524

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)

Does anyone have any recommendations on Bike selection and fit?  I currently ride a Fuji Newest 3.0 that I bought in 2006.  It is okay but the fit is not right.  I suspect that the cockpit of the bike is simply too short.  I am only 5'4" so I need a small bike for my short legs but I do have a longer torso.  

I got a bonus at work so I'd like to upgrade the bike a little and really work with the bike shop to get the right fit.  Any suggestions on what to ask and what to look for? When I bought my current bike, it was from performance and right off the rack.  The salesperson picked it because it was the only one that I could comfortable stand over.....beyond that, no consideration was given to fit. Now that I know more...I'd like to find something that works better.  

 Thanks for the advice in advance! 


2009-01-04 5:59 PM
in reply to: #1885294

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
noony - 2009-01-04 1:02 PM

Does anyone have any recommendations on Bike selection and fit?  I currently ride a Fuji Newest 3.0 that I bought in 2006.  It is okay but the fit is not right.  I suspect that the cockpit of the bike is simply too short.  I am only 5'4" so I need a small bike for my short legs but I do have a longer torso.  

I got a bonus at work so I'd like to upgrade the bike a little and really work with the bike shop to get the right fit.  Any suggestions on what to ask and what to look for? When I bought my current bike, it was from performance and right off the rack.  The salesperson picked it because it was the only one that I could comfortable stand over.....beyond that, no consideration was given to fit. Now that I know more...I'd like to find something that works better.  

 Thanks for the advice in advance! 


Congrats on the bonus!  Woo Hoo and what a great way to spend it

I don't have much expertise in bike specifics, but one thing I would strongly recommend is to spend the money for a professional bike fit as a part of the process.

Unfortunately I didn't do that and while I thought I bought a bike that fit me, turns out it was slightly too big.

I found that out a year after I bought the bike and was having some issues with shoulder soreness and my toes going numb.  I then spent the money for a professional fit and learned that part of the problem was that the bike is just a little too big for me.

The good news is that she was able to make a lot of adjustments which really improved my ride and comfort.

I would also try and find a lbs that has staff members that actually tri, I found that this made a big difference as well.  The place I bought my bike has a good reputation as a local bike shop, however - what I came to realize after the fact is that they are indeed a good shop, but they lack the expertise in what I was buying a bike for.

I hope that's helpful

Good luck and be sure to post pics once you buy it! 


2009-01-04 9:24 PM
in reply to: #1884864

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
TriAya - 2009-01-03 10:37 PM
lastcall2003 - 2009-01-03 2:14 PM
TriAya - 2009-01-03 2:24 PM
lastcall2003 - 2009-01-03 10:40 AM

I have a question for you runners out there

Can you fill me in on rollers, how to use them in stretching and so forth?

I'm experiencing a lot of tightness in my right hammie and hip and am looking for advice on how to stretch it out.

Rollers don't so much stretch as what they do is help give you something like a deep tissue massage or myofascial release on the tight muscles. It can hurt like hell but boy does it work.

This is a good series with pictures on how to do various roll-outs with the foam roller:

By "hips," what do you mean? Can you explain exactly which part of the hip is tight?

Also, often when hammies are tight, it can be due to a quad/hammy imbalance, so it's wise to make sure your quads are well-stretched also.

it starts right at the top of my right butt cheek and i can feel lit all the way down through the center of the cheek

does that make sense?

Hmmm Bethie Love! It sounds like a real pain in the azz!

I couldn't help it.

Like Sam said, it could be piriformis, might be gluteus medius (starts kind of at the lower back and goes underneath the gluteus maximus), might even be the origin of the IT band.

If you do the recommended exercises with the foamie, you are going to find out pretty quickly what will help and not because you will FEEL it.

Like stretching the quads for the hammies too, I might also suggest stretching/rolling your hip flexors--the yoga pose for this is Pigeon (you can look it up or follow the link. It's weird, but it really works!)

Any relief for your arse yet?  I agree with Yanti about the Glut Med.  It could be the combination of the Glut med and minimus, also.  I went through my lecture notes, class handouts, and patient information to see if I could provide any more or new information than the others had.  But, it was more of the same.   I do have a handout with about 7 pages of different uses for the foam roller throughout the body if interested....

Edited by Dr Hammer 2009-01-04 9:24 PM
2009-01-05 12:21 AM
in reply to: #1886007

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
Dr Hammer - 2009-01-04 7:24 PM

I do have a handout with about 7 pages of different uses for the foam roller throughout the body if interested....

I'm interested! I got my foam roller for ITB issues and it's been super useful (plus, I think it feels great, now that the pain has mostly gone away). I'd love to know what else I can use it for.
2009-01-05 3:22 AM
in reply to: #1885249

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
sahooper - 2009-01-04 10:21 AM

Foam rollers rock!  Also, put a tennis ball in the freezer and roll on it.  You'll find the hot spots fairly easily; just use your body weight and hang out on those spots until they release. 

You can tell if it's piriformis if this stretch relieves the symptoms:  stand and support yourself with your hand on the wall on the side of the symptoms.  Lift the affected leg with the other hand and bring it across your body.  When you get it across, lift it just a bit higher and hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds. 

I sometimes get painful numbness in my left foot after about an hour of running or walking (sounds contradictory, doesn't it, but it's a real thing, believe me!)  Doing this stretch relieves the symptoms completely.  Try it out!

 Dr. GH

It's so exciting to have our very own chiro as team doc! Susan, thanks so much for the great feedback which I'm sure will help all of us.

I've done rolling with a tennis ball but never thought to freeze it first. What a good idea!

2009-01-05 3:29 AM
in reply to: #1885294

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
noony - 2009-01-04 11:02 AM

Does anyone have any recommendations on Bike selection and fit?  I currently ride a Fuji Newest 3.0 that I bought in 2006.  It is okay but the fit is not right.  I suspect that the cockpit of the bike is simply too short.  I am only 5'4" so I need a small bike for my short legs but I do have a longer torso.  

I got a bonus at work so I'd like to upgrade the bike a little and really work with the bike shop to get the right fit.  Any suggestions on what to ask and what to look for? When I bought my current bike, it was from performance and right off the rack.  The salesperson picked it because it was the only one that I could comfortable stand over.....beyond that, no consideration was given to fit. Now that I know more...I'd like to find something that works better.  

 Thanks for the advice in advance! 

Especially because you've had fit issues, as Bethie Love said, it's really important that the bike shop does a type of fitting before they even try you on different bikes, and, as part of purchasing a new bike, you should be able to get a professional fitting of the specific bike thrown in for free. Also as Bethie Love said, it's important you go to a really good Local Bike Store, but make sure they have experience in fitting triathletes.

I would also suggest that if you don't have aerobars already, that you purchase some to go along with the bike. That way, they and you in aero position can be fit as part of the bike fitting, and you won't have to get a new fitting if you decide to get aerobars later (which you likely will).

The pre-fitting, so to speak, will determine what types of bikes the shop will have you try out. I can make suggestions on excellent entry-level bikes, but ultimately, it's going to be what they can get you most comfortable riding.

Good luck and keep asking!

2009-01-05 7:59 AM
in reply to: #1859524

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
Started winter training today. Doing the 8 week run focused program. It was so good to get outdoors in this warm weather. Yesterday, My youngest daughter,Elizabeth(one in the picture),brought over her new puppy(Maya). She is a puggle-cross between a pug and a beagle. She is adorable. Since we do not have grandchildren(yet),the puppy is a pretty good substitute.

2009-01-05 9:24 AM
in reply to: #1886377

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Suwanee, Ga.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)

johnkav - 2009-01-05 8:59 AM Started winter training today. Doing the 8 week run focused program. It was so good to get outdoors in this warm weather. Yesterday, My youngest daughter,Elizabeth(one in the picture),brought over her new puppy(Maya). She is a puggle-cross between a pug and a beagle. She is adorable. Since we do not have grandchildren(yet),the puppy is a pretty good substitute. John

I will swap you some grandkids if you would like....of course you have to take their parents with them so it may not be a great swap for you. 

Hope everyone has a great week to get the new year going.



2009-01-05 11:11 AM
in reply to: #1886161

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's New Manatees - FULL! :-)
Fielding - 2009-01-04 11:21 PM
Dr Hammer - 2009-01-04 7:24 PM

I do have a handout with about 7 pages of different uses for the foam roller throughout the body if interested....

I'm interested! I got my foam roller for ITB issues and it's been super useful (plus, I think it feels great, now that the pain has mostly gone away). I'd love to know what else I can use it for.

Sent it to your email address. 

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