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2009-01-25 6:54 PM
in reply to: #1866775

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

So week 1's challenge is about up and I think I will come up a bit short. So far I am at 8:30 min of training with hopefully some weights or yoga yet tonight. Wanted 10 hrs and if I hadn't skipped out on Friday I would have made it.

How'd everyone else end up?

2009-01-25 6:57 PM
in reply to: #1866775

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Week 2 Challenge

Seems like alot of us our either wanting to drop some pounds, questioning our nutrition, fighting the never ending battle with food or something along those lines. For this week we will each take one area of our eating we want to improve. It can be anything from cutting back on something, drinking more water, eating at certain times, whatever.

For me I NEED TO EAT BREAKFAST AT HOME!!!! Too often I get up late and rush out and end up getting fast food breakfast, eating a donut or multiple or just grazing all morning and end up blowing my nutrition for the week because I start out so bad. So that will be my goal, what's everyone elses?

2009-01-25 7:28 PM
in reply to: #1866775

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Jill -- feel free to use and abuse anything I might say on here.  I stole the monster phrase from my wife.

 My challenge for this week...

I will work on my eating and getting all work outs in.  I did get all of my swims and runs in last week, but not all bike workouts. 

I don't really count calories (maybe I should), but when I eat "clean" foods (lean protein, carbs from fruits and veggies, whole wheat breads, water, etc) I feel the best and have the most energy when training.  The key for me usually is getting up early enough to do "something" in the morning, which gets the furnace burning, then I want breakfast by the time I have showered.  Therefore, I am hungry, I eat breakfast at home, now the metabo is cooking and I am on the track for the rest of the day.  I eat 5 or six smaller meals, have energy for the day and plenty left to do a full training session at night.  I have grilled up 6 or 7 chicken breasts for lunch this week -- good plain or with a salad (which I can buy at our cafe).  If I have time or it is a run day, then I will run in the morning. Otherwise, I will do a routine of  3 sets of 50 crunches, 25 pushups, 25 squats.  This gets things going and is not too taxing.

I have a better schedule ahead of me this week, so I am also going to set a goal to get in all training sessions this week too.

 Have a great week this week everyone!

2009-01-25 7:56 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
I'm going to continue to stick to my No-S diet for the week and see where my weight loss ends up for the month. Last week was high volume (about 14 hours of training) and this week will be about half of that - it will be important for me to avoid the sweets, snacks and seconds if I want to continue to lose weight - I will not be able to depend on the training to burning up the extra calories.

I had a good hilly 40 mile bike ride today but I was under dressed and cold....
2009-01-25 11:37 PM
in reply to: #1866775

New user

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Hello everyone! I am guilty of being MIA yet again and totally missed the week 1 challenge. I promise to check in more regularly from now on. That will be my challenge. As for week 2, my nutrition challenge is definitely to drink more water. I know I don't drink enough.

Today: 70 minutes on the trainer, walked to the pool, then did 2000yrds. Finished off a solid week for me. 556 total minutes, a little over 9 hrs.

Tomorrow is a scheduled rest day. I usually take my SRD's on Mondays.

I've been trying to put together my race schedule for this year. I have my two bookend A races, St. Anthony's in April and hopefully Augusta 70.3 in late September. Now I'm working on filling out everything in the middle! The process is fun and exciting though a little scary on my bank account.  

Have a great week everyone!



2009-01-26 8:27 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
+1 on the bank account. The races are expensive!

2009-01-26 8:50 AM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Met my week 1 goal, 3 swims. Master's swim yesterday, 16x25's out slow back fast then a fast 50, repeat the set 3 times. Kicked my butt (fell asleep for 10 min during movie that afternoon), but I kept up with the other people in my lane compared to last week, where I had my own workout. Weight is almost (1 pound) back to when I started tri training so hopefully my body is adjusting. I'd like to lose 5 pounds, on top of the 3 I'm down now after losing 6 gaining back and losing again (a few ups and downs with the holidays).

Week 2 goal - eat 5 fruits/vegetables a day. On a good day right now, I'm at about 3 which is terrible! Great idea for the nutrition goal Sherm, I love that. My workout goal is 2 bikes/2 runs/2 swims.
2009-01-26 9:23 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
I had started my nutrition week last Friday so I will continue to write down all of my foods. I have another group on BT that I post my weekly weight to on Mondays. I was down 1.4 today. Yeah. It's moving in the right direction. I would like to show a decrease at my official weigh in on Thursday night. To do that I need to continue to track and stay within my points.

Here is the training for this week.

17-Swim & 35 bike

It seems really low compared to what some of you are doing but it is what the plan is calling for. Last week was 5hr 9 min and this week is only 3hr5 min. It will seem like I'm slacking

2009-01-26 9:55 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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West Allis, WI
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

hey everyone..I followed most of the plan for last week...other then my run, ended up cutting them short (no 4mi) I really need to find peace with the TM since the weather we are having is awful! I will commit to 40 min on the TM this week for my long run(should give me more then 4 mi) I have never made it past 30 min on the TM. I feel like a caged animal and just need to get off!

I am in on the food too. I will journal all my food(I have never followed through with this either!) I usually eat very healthy, so much so I don't get in all my pts. So this week I will track all food and hit my total pts.

2009-01-26 9:56 AM
in reply to: #1928789

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West Allis, WI
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Trudee~ Great job on the swim
2009-01-26 11:45 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Happy Chinese New Year!! This is the Year of the Ox. They believe that what you do in the first 15 days (today being Day One) sets the outcome for your year. So place great emphasis on positive things and outcomes!

2009-01-26 12:04 PM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Confessions of the week.  I didn't do very well making my goal of every work out.  I think I may have set my self up for failure by pusihng myself a little. I do admit I had good workouts when I did them, its just I blew it off when they should have been easy ones.


M- 45 min bike/15 min run
T- 35 min swim
W-35 min bike/17 min Run
Th- 35 min swim
Friday- 15 min run
SAT & SUN-off

I know part of my working out really needs to be diet.. right now it sucks and I can feel it when I am trying to recover.  My body seems really fatigued and achy.  I know proper nutrions would play a big part in all of this.
What is the consensus on Protien shakes not as meal replacement but before/after works outs?

Thanks guys for keeping me accountable.  My event (not race, because I am not racing anyone other than myself) is 77 days away and I am tyring not to think about it to much, but i have butterflies in my stomach when ever I do. WHEWWWWWW...

thanks so much for everyones posts, they are really encouraging.


2009-01-26 1:30 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Endurance - KEY WORKOUT
WU: 400
8 * 25 ez/hard
8 * 100 on 1:00 rest - go thru the following set twice
1.) 75ez - 25 fast
2.) 50ez - 50 fast
3.) 25ez - 75 fast
4.) 100 fast
200 loosen (easy swim)
6 * 100 pull on 1" rest
CD: 200

I am really enjoying the structure of the swim workouts. I am just checking these off of my 'to do list'.

2009-01-26 7:46 PM
in reply to: #1866775

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Day 1 eating has been great. Only one hiccup but we'll get over it. Got in a nice 7.2 mi run after work and hopefully a short ride tonight.
2009-01-26 11:40 PM
in reply to: #1930466

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Shermbelle - 2009-01-26 8:46 PM Day 1 eating has been great. Only one hiccup but we'll get over it. Got in a nice 7.2 mi run after work and hopefully a short ride tonight.

Yep it was a great day. Also got in a 30 min ride and then 37 min of yoga after. Eating was almost perfect,chalk it up, day 1 of this challenge was  a good one Cool

2009-01-27 9:16 AM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
I managed my 5 fruits/vegs but had to eat 3 things at dinner ha. Workout was bad, knee ached level 8 pain, not good, so stopped running. Probably from karate, still have one more rough karate week so will probably ache until next week and will have to back off running.

2009-01-27 11:52 AM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Had a great work out yesterday.  20 min swim/25 min run.  One of the first times I did this without wanting to die.  Was proud of myself on the run.  Wanted to stop after about 11 min.  Kept setting liitle goals, get to 15 mi, get to 19 min, ect....   Stayed focus and finished the run.  I am still not covering much ground, ran about 2 1/2 miles.

I already posted my plan for the week and should have no issues getting in every work out.  I am adding 2 things to the week. 

Tuesday- rest day training- going to a yoga fit class tonight.

Thursday- rest day training-  Pilates stretch class

Goal for the week- Really pay attention to what I eat.  Cut back on diet cokes- I love Diet Coke.  I need to cut down on my salt.  I put salt on almost everything.  For the rest of the week I will not add any salt to my meals.

2009-01-27 2:32 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Jon-Did you read the Eat Clean Diet book? I am reading it now. I'm going to conquer the monster today and try to run as long as I can. I'm glad you have an easier work week to train.

James-awesome swim workout. The Weight Watcher info will probably need to wait until after 2/2. Either that or I can trade my training to research for you

Irwin-How's the water drinking going. That reminds me I've only had one 8oz glass and it's 1:15. Yikes better go fill my water bottle. I won't be able to do an Olympic because of our bank account. I'm doing a semi Oly. I may do my own even though it won't be an official race. I'll do the Oly distances and call it a race against myself

Trudee-Great job meeting your Week 1 goal. It's so exciting when you can see improvement with the swim. Great getting in the 5 F & V. Sorry you're having pain. Hang in there only a couple for weeks until the test.

Kim-Good job keeping with your plan. I too don't like the TM. Have you done your long run on it yet? How's your food tracking going?

Tammy-Some weeks are like that. This is a new week. Recognize your challenges and rise to face them this week. I think there is a lot of junk in the shakes unless you are making your own. I liked your attitude about it being an event and not a race. I had butterflies and would breakdown and cry before my 1/2 marathon in Dec 2007.

Drew-It sounds like you and I are about equal with the running. I think I might be a little slower than you but so understand about the = ok, to the tree then I can walk, 30 more seconds certainly won't kill me (or maybe it will). I should incorporate some yoga on my rest days. Good luck with the salt.

Michael-Good job with your eating and getting training time in too. How's the new baby and the old one too?

My eating is going well. I'm tracking it all. I just had a really yummy sandwich on whole grain bread. I always (until the last few months) used to get whole wheat bread but started getting cheap (99 cent) bread because $3.00 or more for a loaf of good bread was hard to justify. I only have a certain amount of cash at the grocery store so have to total up as I go. I decided that I will give up something else. I enjoy good bread in moderation. The sandwich was 2 slices of multi-grain bread, 1/2 T of light mayo, lettuce, onion, tomato, 2 oz turkey. I had baby carrots, cucumber slices and 1 oz of baked ruffles with it. Now to go fill up the water bottle and start chugging
2009-01-27 3:19 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Today was supposed to be an off day - these are hard for me. So I rode the bike into work for the first time this year. I am good at the commute during the spring and summer - not so much in the cold and dark. It is nearly 6 miles each way on a rails to trails (just happens to be in my backyard). Once the sun starts to come up around 6 AM I meet a group of guys on Tuesday and Thursday for an hour or so ride before work. I cannot wait.

So I got to work and did some strength training. I did not get much of that in last week due to the high volume of training.

At lunch I was going to do some light running but ran into a friend who had just come out of the pool. Another one of our friends was in the pool with an underwater camera. He was taking video of us swimming for a 'swim coach' to help identify our trouble spots. Pretty cool. I did end up getting an easy 2 mile run in plus a little strength training.
2009-01-27 7:21 PM
in reply to: #1931224

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Trudee - 2009-01-27 10:16 AM I managed my 5 fruits/vegs but had to eat 3 things at dinner ha. Workout was bad, knee ached level 8 pain, not good, so stopped running. Probably from karate, still have one more rough karate week so will probably ache until next week and will have to back off running.

Good idea, always back off or stop if something doesn't feel right. Better to be cautious rather than be "off"for days to recover

2009-01-27 7:23 PM
in reply to: #1932015

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

craftyazgal - 2009-01-27 3:32 PM  Michael-Good job with your eating and getting training time in too. How's the new baby and the old one too?  

Thanks, the kiddos are doing great. It was my oldest 3rd b-day on Sunday and he is an awesome helper which makes life a lot eaier.

2009-01-27 10:31 PM
in reply to: #1866775

New user

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Hi everyone!

We are getting quite a bit of snow here in St. Louis. Should be about 5-6 inches when all is said and done. Doesn't sound like much but we haven't had this amount in quite a while. 

Trudged through the snow early this morning to get to the Y for a swim, only to find out that it was still closed. Need to remember to check the inclement weather updates on their website next time! Yell Turned right around and walked home, changed into running gear and went out the door for a run. 3 minutes in to my run and my Garmin dies. Didn't charge it enough. Grrrr!! Footing was tough in the snow, ankles and quads got a workout today. 7.2 miles done! Laughing

Water consumption is still a work in progress. I bring a water bottle and sit it right by my desk, yet I still manage not to drink enough.

Hope to get to the pool tomorrow. Maybe a spin or run also. We'll see. 




2009-01-27 10:33 PM
in reply to: #1929217

New user

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

craftyazgal - 2009-01-26 11:45 AM Happy Chinese New Year!! This is the Year of the Ox. They believe that what you do in the first 15 days (today being Day One) sets the outcome for your year. So place great emphasis on positive things and outcomes!

I was born in the year of the ox (1973)! I hope that is a good sign for this year.  I could use any and all good karma. Innocent

2009-01-29 8:32 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
I'm a rat by the way -

I ran into work this morning. The weather was a little brisk (39 degrees). I live 6 miles from work on a rails-to-trails and we have a gym on campus (shower). It is nice having these facilities availalbe.

Ran in 46:42 (7:47 min / mile pace)
2009-01-29 2:22 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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New user

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Just wanted to pop in and give you all a quick update. I am healing PERFECTLY! On my way now to my post-op visit.

 The last few days I have been on the bike! Tuesday for 25 minutes and yesterday for 45 minutes. It hurts and my knee is a little tight when I start out, but after a few fluid rotations I am good to go. Going to try to start swimming next week if I get the nod from the doc today.

Michael-Interesting that you give us a nutrition challenge this week. I started weight watchers on Monday I am really trying to focus on my water intake this week (and the importance of taking a multi-vitiman every day). Next hurdle....consistancy on writing down whatever goes in my mouth

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