BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL Rss Feed  
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2009-04-14 12:26 PM
in reply to: #2083052

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TriAya - 2009-04-14 9:36 AM
skrtrnr - 2009-04-14 7:24 AM


my spin instructor doesnt wear socks for any tri Oly distance and under.  though she said she has gotten blisters.

im not sure im that 'hardcore' as i hate the feeling of my bear feet on my orthotics


I often don't wear socks for Spinning(R) class or short (under 1 hr) bike rides. I've not worn socks on runs before, but my feet were BodyGlided into a slithering slickness.

But I wouldn't recommend doing a tri without socks unless you've actually practiced it in training like that.

i thinking i might try and go sockless at spin tonight, but then i dont want to go messin' w my brick either. 

i suppose i should have given that more thought sooner rather than later.

maybe on my ride w my husband on friday i might try and go sockless and/or orthotic-less and just see.  i wont be like a race - were not going very far/very fast - but at least ill have some idea how it would work or NOT.

2009-04-14 12:28 PM
in reply to: #2083172

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Subject: RE: Socks and transition
mammatri's - 2009-04-14 10:10 AM Hi, Manatees!

Here's my very limited experience with transitions.

Just for the record, I didn't wear socks on the bike portion of my HIM. I trained without 'em. It didn't cause a problem during the race. But for running, I have enough problems with blisters when I do wear socks so I wore them all during training and to race. So you have to put them on sooner or later unless you train to run without. Something I saw on the a BT video on transitions was very helpful concerning socks, if you choose to wear them at any point. Take each sock and roll it down to the toe and put them in your shoes so when you go to put them on, you just roll them right up. Remember, your feet will be wet either from the swim or sweaty from the bike. I'm sure that saved me some time in T2 not to have to struggle with them.

Another tip is to put on really good waterproof sunscreen about 20-30 minutes before you swim. Let someone help you to be sure your back and shoulders are well covered.This is especially important during the bike ride if your trisuit has a racer back. I had aerosol SS that I tried to put on in T1. It was a new can and I didn't take off the lid or line up the arrows on the spray nozzle beforehand. So I struggled trying to get it to spray, and then when I finally did, the wind was blowing so hard that none even got on me. So I had a sunburned back, which is still peeling.

Other than that, practice. I didn't and I'm sure I could have saved a lot of time if I had. Also, practice running with your bike either barefoot or with your cleats on.

Good luck and have fun doing your bricks! 

SUNSCREEN.  GOOD POINT.  hadnt even thought of it, though theres a 90% chance that it will be gray/gloomy/cloudy here in spectacular Western PA.

but YIKERS that was SOME sunburn.

2009-04-14 12:31 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
one of my concerns for the T2 is tightening my laces on my running shoes.

DOES ANYONE USE ELASTIC/BUNGEE CHORD TYPE LACES on their running shoes.  [is that what they are??]  the ones where you just yank up on them to tighten them rather than having to tie them.

i was wondering do you have to order those online or will a good running shoe store have them available.  we have a good tri store in our area (im thinking they are sure to have them) but its a 'hike' to get there.....


2009-04-14 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2083658

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skrtrnr - 2009-04-14 12:31 PM one of my concerns for the T2 is tightening my laces on my running shoes.

DOES ANYONE USE ELASTIC/BUNGEE CHORD TYPE LACES on their running shoes.  [is that what they are??]  the ones where you just yank up on them to tighten them rather than having to tie them.

i was wondering do you have to order those online or will a good running shoe store have them available.  we have a good tri store in our area (im thinking they are sure to have them) but its a 'hike' to get there.....


oooooh.  just got off the phone w my local running store.  they have both LOCK LACES (the bigger seller) and iBUNGEES.

anyone recommend one over the other or are they EQUALLY as 'good'??
2009-04-14 12:56 PM
in reply to: #2083695

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New user

Both of those look good.  I used Yankz on my last running shoes and loved them.  No shoelace tying!  I also used those shoes for hiking and got a good case of poison oak so the shoes and laces had to go (it was time anyway.)  I miss my slip on shoes and easy laces!
2009-04-14 2:40 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: BRCK

wish me luck.

2009-04-14 4:41 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: Todays workout

Stacie, I hope your brick went well. I'm guessing you did a swim/bike brick since you have an injured achilles.

 I did a short bike ride this morning and I was supposed to swim, but when I got to the pool, they were having lifeguard training. I always forget that different stuff happens there when school's out. But I stopped back by & talked to the coach during the kids' practice and she said they'd leave a lane rope up for me for the rest of the week if I wanted. So I won't miss any planned workouts, after all. I had a pretty hard gym workout too.

Out to dinner tonight for boiled crawfish. Gonna take it easy on the beer. Have a nice evening, everybody.

2009-04-14 7:08 PM
in reply to: #2084437

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE:catching up-heart rate

Whew!  I was behind by about 3 pages. You all are terrific! Thanks, Yanti for the explanation on the HR training. I got a coach (who's also a friend) this year to train for my HIM and she's using the HR trn, which I wasn't used to. The first few runs were so unsatisfying because she had me going at that slow pace and I like pushing the pace. But you helped me understand it a bit better. Still not sure how slower runs make you go faster in the long run (no pun intended), but maybe I'll see it in my times?? I'll be doing some hill repeats and intervals along the way, I know.

It's amazing how much progress you can see on the bike in a short time, at least that's how I'm feeling. I've been riding 3x a week for over a month on a consistent basis and have seen real progress in that today I was supposed to ride in my big chain ring on the hills, in one or two gears above where i normally would be with the cadence obviously lower and i was really amazed at howmuch stronger my legs have become.

One thing I would highly recommend to any triathlete (Yanti, Beth chime in here ) is core/strength training. I take a weekly core class and routinely do core work on the stability ball and disks, BOSU, etc. using lighter weights and I've gotton really strong because of it. I see it help me when I need that final push in the run in a race, especially. Just wanted to contribute to this group, that's really rocking.

Happy Tuesday night!!


2009-04-14 9:25 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Almost cried just now

Wow, so i just sat here and caught up on 6 pages + of good stuff, and went to reply, and THERE WAS NO REPLY BUTTON!!! No quote button, nothing! Ack! I almost cried. It took a minute, but I realized I somehow logged off. Logging back on fixed the problem. *WHEW* That was close!

2009-04-14 9:47 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE:Training roadblocks

So I am having an off week, if you will. Not off as in rest week, off as mojo to speak of. I have pretty much avoided the swim and bike altogether since the end of March so I could focus on the run for my first half marathon (which is this saturday. Eek!).  I did a lovely 6 mile run on Saturday down one of the canyons nearby. 6 miles and 2000 feet of elevation change. It was sooo nice up there, but also muddy, and running on the white line with traffic speeding by at 40 MPH, and a few feet of mud between you and a snow bank, well, it was a fun experience, but I think I'm totally nuts for feeling that way! I have been pretty sore since and it has me a little scared, because it's my joints that are actually sore. My right ankle and my left knee. Plus all the little stabilizing muscles in my glutes, and my calves. I should have run again yesterday and walked today, but instead I decided to run today. Then it rained. And my hubby didn't leave for Arizona first thing this morning so I decided to bag the run until tonight (I can run on a treadmill late at night..sure, why not...), and spent some time with him. ANd now, the gym closes in an hour and I have no motivation to leave my kids home alone so I can go workout. Ugh.  


2009-04-14 9:48 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Core workouts/weight training

Anyone have any good core workouts, and a good system for weight training, they can recommend?

2009-04-15 6:11 AM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

Maybe you should take it easy on the running for a day or 2 since your race is in just a few days. Especially if your having some joint issues. You really want your legs to be fresh on Saturday. Good luck!

2009-04-15 7:35 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: ...
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Edited by wgraves7582 2009-04-15 7:35 AM
2009-04-15 7:36 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

my brick went splendidly. 1 down, 3 to go before race day on the 26th.

i always love bricks cuz they feel like the 'real thing'.

anyways.  30 min swim, 60 min spin.

i do believe (i have to chk back through my log) but yesturdays swim was the longest continuous swim to date.  1450+ yds.  i lost count of the laps i was doing in the final 10-12 mins, so i estimated based on my pace.

that 375 yds for my mini is gonna feel like a SNEEZE compared to that.  but it gave the confidence that i needed, i thought if i can swim that long NOW, having only completed 1/2 of my trng plan, then certainly an OLY TRI is within reach.  its a good feeling to know you CAN do something if you set your mind to it.  YEAH ME!

i set up my transition area just like i would in race day.   i have to remember drip dry first and THEN put on the SOCKS/SHOES.  im always in a rush it seems to put my shoes/socks FIRST.  its not necessary there are other things i can do beforehand just to give some of the water a chance to run off. 

for my race, the transition area is pretty good distance from the pool, from what i heard.  so im hoping by the time i will have reached it some of the 'major' water will have already 'drained'.....

but all in all a good mock transition [im getting more proficient each time]

then it was on to 60 min spin.  i think the instructor has a 'death wish' for all her spin-ees.  HOLY HECKARAMA.  WHAT a workout.  it was interval night.  im not sure it was the best prep race ride, but at least it proved to me that the mini come the end of the month is gonna be a PIECE OF CAKE compared to the brick i did.

its all good.

and super happy about how WONDERFUL i felt.  my energy was up.  my endurance level.   i stroked and pedaled my heart out.

3 more to go.  and then im race-ready.

2009-04-15 7:37 AM
in reply to: #2085401

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
wgraves7582 - 2009-04-15 7:35 AM

Morning Manatees.

Tis a beautiful day out there today.  Hope everyone is as jazzed as I am.

BTW - (ETA Name) - Amy - Taper    Listen to your body.  It knows best and you will feel great come the weekend!


what you jazzed about?

anything in particular?

or just jazzed? 
2009-04-15 7:38 AM
in reply to: #2085048

Subject: RE:Training roadblocks
givemashot - 2009-04-14 9:47 PM

So I am having an off week, if you will. Not off as in rest week, off as mojo to speak of. I have pretty much avoided the swim and bike altogether since the end of March so I could focus on the run for my first half marathon (which is this saturday. Eek!).  I did a lovely 6 mile run on Saturday down one of the canyons nearby. 6 miles and 2000 feet of elevation change. It was sooo nice up there, but also muddy, and running on the white line with traffic speeding by at 40 MPH, and a few feet of mud between you and a snow bank, well, it was a fun experience, but I think I'm totally nuts for feeling that way! I have been pretty sore since and it has me a little scared, because it's my joints that are actually sore. My right ankle and my left knee. Plus all the little stabilizing muscles in my glutes, and my calves. I should have run again yesterday and walked today, but instead I decided to run today. Then it rained. And my hubby didn't leave for Arizona first thing this morning so I decided to bag the run until tonight (I can run on a treadmill late at night..sure, why not...), and spent some time with him. ANd now, the gym closes in an hour and I have no motivation to leave my kids home alone so I can go workout. Ugh.  




i LOVE that distance.

ENJOY each and every step/mile.


2009-04-15 7:40 AM
in reply to: #2084730

Subject: RE:catching up-heart rate
lmscozz - 2009-04-14 7:08 PM

Whew!  I was behind by about 3 pages. You all are terrific! Thanks, Yanti for the explanation on the HR training. I got a coach (who's also a friend) this year to train for my HIM and she's using the HR trn, which I wasn't used to. The first few runs were so unsatisfying because she had me going at that slow pace and I like pushing the pace. But you helped me understand it a bit better. Still not sure how slower runs make you go faster in the long run (no pun intended), but maybe I'll see it in my times?? I'll be doing some hill repeats and intervals along the way, I know.

It's amazing how much progress you can see on the bike in a short time, at least that's how I'm feeling. I've been riding 3x a week for over a month on a consistent basis and have seen real progress in that today I was supposed to ride in my big chain ring on the hills, in one or two gears above where i normally would be with the cadence obviously lower and i was really amazed at howmuch stronger my legs have become.

One thing I would highly recommend to any triathlete (Yanti, Beth chime in here ) is core/strength training. I take a weekly core class and routinely do core work on the stability ball and disks, BOSU, etc. using lighter weights and I've gotton really strong because of it. I see it help me when I need that final push in the run in a race, especially. Just wanted to contribute to this group, that's really rocking.

Happy Tuesday night!!


LYNN.  ^^^^^^^what you said, is GOOD NEWS to me.

im gonna be putting in LOTS of mileage in prep for the MS150 and sometimes i wonder if im gonna make it - 150 miles in 2 days.  WOOSH.

but its that daily, consistent, persistent getting my arse on the saddle thats gonna get me there.

thanks for the words of encouragement [probably unbeknowst to you HOW encouraging you were being]

2009-04-15 7:42 AM
in reply to: #2084437

Subject: RE: Todays workout
mammatri's - 2009-04-14 4:41 PM

Stacie, I hope your brick went well. I'm guessing you did a swim/bike brick since you have an injured achilles.

 I did a short bike ride this morning and I was supposed to swim, but when I got to the pool, they were having lifeguard training. I always forget that different stuff happens there when school's out. But I stopped back by & talked to the coach during the kids' practice and she said they'd leave a lane rope up for me for the rest of the week if I wanted. So I won't miss any planned workouts, after all. I had a pretty hard gym workout too.

Out to dinner tonight for boiled crawfish. Gonna take it easy on the beer. Have a nice evening, everybody.

CATHY.  brick went splendid ^^^^see 'report' above

and i think its TR that has the achilles issue.  i have a mortons neuroma.  yeah me!  :P

2009-04-15 7:59 AM
in reply to: #2085424

Subject: RE: Todays workout
skrtrnr - 2009-04-15 7:42 AM  Stacie, I hope your brick went well. I'm guessing you did a swim/bike brick since you have an injured achilles.
Sorry about the mistaken identity. I'm trying to keep up w/ everybody and getting confused, I guess.

Btw, the crawfish were awesome and I didn't even drink any beer! Yay me!

Today's workout is 50 minutes on the bike, outside of course, and 1000 yard swim. It'll be my first swim since the race. Then a leg workout with my trainer at the gym. She took it easy on me for a while before the race, but now she's out to kill! I hope I can walk after!

Edited by mammatri's 2009-04-15 8:01 AM
2009-04-15 8:31 AM
in reply to: #2085409

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.
2009-04-15 9:35 AM
in reply to: #2084730

Subject: RE:catching up-heart rate
lmscozz - 2009-04-15 6:08 PM

Whew!  I was behind by about 3 pages. You all are terrific! Thanks, Yanti for the explanation on the HR training. I got a coach (who's also a friend) this year to train for my HIM and she's using the HR trn, which I wasn't used to. The first few runs were so unsatisfying because she had me going at that slow pace and I like pushing the pace. But you helped me understand it a bit better. Still not sure how slower runs make you go faster in the long run (no pun intended), but maybe I'll see it in my times?? I'll be doing some hill repeats and intervals along the way, I know.

It's amazing how much progress you can see on the bike in a short time, at least that's how I'm feeling. I've been riding 3x a week for over a month on a consistent basis and have seen real progress in that today I was supposed to ride in my big chain ring on the hills, in one or two gears above where i normally would be with the cadence obviously lower and i was really amazed at howmuch stronger my legs have become.

One thing I would highly recommend to any triathlete (Yanti, Beth chime in here ) is core/strength training. I take a weekly core class and routinely do core work on the stability ball and disks, BOSU, etc. using lighter weights and I've gotton really strong because of it. I see it help me when I need that final push in the run in a race, especially. Just wanted to contribute to this group, that's really rocking.

Happy Tuesday night!!


I do a boot camp class that uses 2 Bosus, sliders, weight balls, exercise balls and I just love it! My abs are always sore the next day, but the w/o itself is so much fun that time flies. It is the highlight of my week!


2009-04-15 9:40 AM
in reply to: #2085053

Subject: RE: Core workouts/weight training
givemashot - 2009-04-15 8:48 PM

Anyone have any good core workouts, and a good system for weight training, they can recommend?

First. good luck Sat on your race!

Second, I highly rec. the book and w/o "New Rules of Lifting For Women". Basic, full body routines that use mostly free weights.

2009-04-15 11:49 AM
in reply to: #2085053

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Core workouts/weight training
givemashot - 2009-04-14 7:48 PM

Anyone have any good core workouts, and a good system for weight training, they can recommend?

I'm sure no one will be surprised to hear me say this - but I recommend yoga. Find a good teacher who challenges you (ie: some beginner's classes are pretty easy, there's no real workout there) and that focuses on core and strength ... maybe a power yoga or pilates fusion class.

You'll get your strength workout AND some nice meditative time all at once. ;-)

2009-04-15 11:56 AM
in reply to: #2085048

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE:Training roadblocks
givemashot - 2009-04-14 7:47 PM

So I am having an off week, if you will. Not off as in rest week, off as mojo to speak of. I have pretty much avoided the swim and bike altogether since the end of March so I could focus on the run for my first half marathon (which is this saturday. Eek!).  I did a lovely 6 mile run on Saturday down one of the canyons nearby. 6 miles and 2000 feet of elevation change. It was sooo nice up there, but also muddy, and running on the white line with traffic speeding by at 40 MPH, and a few feet of mud between you and a snow bank, well, it was a fun experience, but I think I'm totally nuts for feeling that way! I have been pretty sore since and it has me a little scared, because it's my joints that are actually sore. My right ankle and my left knee. Plus all the little stabilizing muscles in my glutes, and my calves. I should have run again yesterday and walked today, but instead I decided to run today. Then it rained. And my hubby didn't leave for Arizona first thing this morning so I decided to bag the run until tonight (I can run on a treadmill late at night..sure, why not...), and spent some time with him. ANd now, the gym closes in an hour and I have no motivation to leave my kids home alone so I can go workout. Ugh.  


Been there - last week, as a matter of fact. I lost my mojo too .... I think I've found it again- but not completely. I've been using every excuse in the book to not train.

It's tough for me, I know I need to listen to my body and if it's telling me to slow down, take a rest day or two, then I feel like such a slacker lazy bones for not training. But I've had so many injuries in the past, I am scared to train if something feels off. Tricky.

My motivation is picturing myself leaving T2, which is my favourite part of the race, the swim and bike are done and all that's left is the run/hobble ... then that finish line ...
And also not completely embarrasing myself on the course ... I'm slow when I'm in peak form!

You'll do great on your race. Take a few days to rest and don't worry about it ... and remember to HAVE FUN!
2009-04-15 12:09 PM
in reply to: #2085418

Vista, CA
Subject: RE:catching up-heart rate

skrtrnr - 2009-04-15 5:40 AM
lmscozz - 2009-04-14 7:08 PM


It's amazing how much progress you can see on the bike in a short time, at least that's how I'm feeling. I've been riding

LYNN.  ^^^^^^^what you said, is GOOD NEWS to me.

im gonna be putting in LOTS of mileage in prep for the MS150 and sometimes i wonder if im gonna make it - 150 miles in 2 days.  WOOSH.

but its that daily, consistent, persistent getting my arse on the saddle thats gonna get me there.

thanks for the words of encouragement [probably unbeknowst to you HOW encouraging you were being]


Stacie -- Great brick and you'll be able to do that ride. You have such great enthusiasm and determination. Looking forward to your race report.

Amy -- I agree that you should rest up a bit, especially if you're already feeling some pain. For my first 1/2 marathon last year I told myself "I can always walk." I never did of course, but that's what got my heinie out there.


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