Other Resources Challenge Me! » Running Pumpkins - Halloween Run Challenge Rss Feed  
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2009-10-08 7:41 AM
in reply to: #2427105

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Running Pumpkins - Halloween Run Challenge
Okay.... here's a little erm... motivation(?) for the team....

a little video of some REAL running pumpkins (WARNING: NSFW): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fxqzu5VqX9M

Footage from what is apparently an annual tradition in Boulder, Co: The Naked Pumpkin Run... what a hoot!

2009-10-08 7:43 AM
in reply to: #2449117

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Running Pumpkins - Halloween Run Challenge
JRowe81 - 2009-10-08 8:41 AM

Rolled up newspaper... Thats tough the thing with pepper would be if he starts digging somewhere else... thats a tough one.

She's not digging just to dig - she's trying to get to moles underground - you can feel the mole tunnels under foot where she's digging. I thought maybe if I try the pepper where I can feel the tunnels, maybe she'll just leave 'em alone...
2009-10-08 7:50 AM
in reply to: #2449123

Subject: RE: Running Pumpkins - Halloween Run Challenge
jsnowash - 2009-10-08 8:43 AM
JRowe81 - 2009-10-08 8:41 AM Rolled up newspaper... Thats tough the thing with pepper would be if he starts digging somewhere else... thats a tough one.
She's not digging just to dig - she's trying to get to moles underground - you can feel the mole tunnels under foot where she's digging. I thought maybe if I try the pepper where I can feel the tunnels, maybe she'll just leave 'em alone...

they have stuff you can buy at Home Depot/Lowes that keeps animals away. I think it has pepper in it. We used it to keep skunks out of our yard, it was a little pricey but it worked. You might want to check out Pet Smart they have sprays there.
Good luck

BTW that running pumpkin video was hilarious!!!!
2009-10-08 8:47 AM
in reply to: #2427105

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Subject: RE: Running Pumpkins - Halloween Run Challenge
Very funny video....bummer for those who got arrested!
2009-10-08 10:04 AM
in reply to: #2427105

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Subject: RE: Running Pumpkins - Halloween Run Challenge
Mole Removal:

Holy Moly! (Couldn't resist.) Well, I haven't done this myself, given my status as apartment-dwelling urbanite, but... perhaps you could have a multiple pronged approach. 1. Get rid of their food. They're known to eat grubs and crane fly larvae. Kill off/move the grubs away somehow and your mole will soon follow. 2. You may want to try Shake-Away Fox Urine Powder. Shake that in their holes and they'll leave since they'll think the predator (in this case a fox) is around. Word to the wise though: Be sure to solve it before winter. They hibernate and procreate like whoa during that period.
2009-10-08 10:58 AM
in reply to: #2427105

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Running Pumpkins - Halloween Run Challenge
I work within 10 miles of my house, so that is good.  Most folks in my area question why on earth I would want to live a whole 10 minutes from my job.  I actually run to church on Sundays when that is my long run day. 

We live 100 miles from the nearest McDonalds, Walmart, stoplight with all 3 colors, etc., 150 miles from closest lbs (not so L).  However, no gang activity and the kids are pretty safe in the schools, little crime in the area other than your pot smokers/growers and meth users/sellers who pretty much keep off the main street and stay in the hills or wherever.   

As far as mole's etc. in your yard they are after the grubs or whatever.  I put poisoned food down their holes and that worked pretty well.  It is easier than getting rid of the grubs.  The dog, well that is a different matter.  He thinks he is doing his job by keeping your home safe from rodents. 

2009-10-08 11:02 AM
in reply to: #2427105

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Simsbury, CT
Subject: RE: Running Pumpkins - Halloween Run Challenge
Ok shooting to run for an hour today (5\1 split) should get me around (hopefully more) 5 miles. Maybe I'll do a couple laps naked too... err I am riding down to the high school track might not be a good idea.

I FINALLY GET MY TRUCK BACK TODAY TOO!!!! So pumped my mechanic has only had it since Aug... although he did save me about $1000.

Off to kill myself.... can someone look at my miles and see what a new goal should be? I am going to be over half of my miles today (I think). Should I pump it up 10 or keep it there for now? Oh wise pumpkins what do you think?

Goal 30 miles
Actual 10.47 (more after my run today prob around 15 and change after this run)
2009-10-08 11:39 AM
in reply to: #2427105

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Subject: RE: Running Pumpkins - Halloween Run Challenge
I got a 31' run and 24' walk post run in late this morning.  I felt much better running today so I'm hoping this will be a short cold instead the kind that hang on for awhile. Acorns galore I think the squirrels need to get busy.

Hope next week to lengthen most of my runs getting in 4 maybe 5.
2009-10-08 11:48 AM
in reply to: #2427105

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2009-10-08 12:07 PM
in reply to: #2449123

Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Running Pumpkins - Halloween Run Challenge
jsnowash - 2009-10-08 5:43 AM
JRowe81 - 2009-10-08 8:41 AM Rolled up newspaper... Thats tough the thing with pepper would be if he starts digging somewhere else... thats a tough one.
She's not digging just to dig - she's trying to get to moles underground - you can feel the mole tunnels under foot where she's digging. I thought maybe if I try the pepper where I can feel the tunnels, maybe she'll just leave 'em alone...

You need to get one of those propane guns that eliminate the moles. Can't remember offhand what they are called, but it does one heck of a job getting rid of them. Boom!
2009-10-08 12:54 PM
in reply to: #2427105

Simsbury, CT
Subject: RE: Running Pumpkins - Halloween Run Challenge
Ugh my shins were screaming at me today after the 1st 1.25 miles so instead of killing myself I decided to walk for a bit then try again at the 30 min mark..... Nope legs were still pissy. So I walked for another 45 getting 3 miles in.... I guess thats what happens when you try to run back to back days of the longest distances and times you ever have. Figured better to walk rather then HTFU (which I did yesterday) and really hurt myself.

Bike was good to and from finish up on the trainer tonight while watching some baseball and hockey.... Off to swim!

2009-10-08 1:13 PM
in reply to: #2427105

Subject: RE: Running Pumpkins - Halloween Run Challenge
Another 3 miles done.
2009-10-08 1:45 PM
in reply to: #2427105

Metro NY Area
Subject: RE: Running Pumpkins - Halloween Run Challenge
Good running team running pumpkins! We should be in the mid 20's percentile now. If you have any injuries or illnesses you can lower your goal but please make a note here about it and maybe Dee can fill us in on the exact procedure.

Please remember to update the google doc.

Keep Running! Happy Running!

If you can't run, wog, walk, ellipticize, water jog, etc.

2009-10-08 3:05 PM
in reply to: #2448005

Subject: RE: Running Pumpkins - Halloween Run Challenge

Baowolf - 2009-10-07 1:54 PM Just as a warning, Changes in run form need to happen reeaaally gradually or you risk injury.  I would not go more than 10% of weekly total in the 5finger shoes until you adjust (months or years) depending on how much.  I think Kathy can speak to this issue.  I read a post on the topic by her a while back.   

Nice calves shoes   I saw a couple pair of those at the tri this past weekend.  I couldn't handle it...can't even wear socks.  Something b/t my toes would absolutely drive me bananas!

2009-10-08 3:07 PM
in reply to: #2448038

Subject: RE: Running Pumpkins - Halloween Run Challenge

Baowolf - 2009-10-07 2:07 PM What do you guys think of the hill that I do hill repeats on?


Looks like the hill up to my house except we have more curves.  I wog repeats on it, ut haven't had the guts to ride up it.  I do lots oh hills on my workouts, just not the one up to the house.  My dh said that he couldn't keep his front tire on the ground the last time he came up it.  Too scary for me

2009-10-08 3:09 PM
in reply to: #2448499

Subject: RE: Running Pumpkins - Halloween Run Challenge

toddg - 2009-10-07 5:48 PM
losta - 2009-10-07 3:38 PM Today was swim/aqua aerobics/bootcamp training day for me. I will try for a little run and little bike later and then try out my new wii fit +.

I think we're gonna get our son a wii fit for his birthday. At least that's an excuse to get one for us

I totally used my son's b-day as an excue to get a Wii.  I think I'm going to suggest to santa a Wii Fit for me. 

2009-10-08 3:10 PM
in reply to: #2448533

Subject: RE: Running Pumpkins - Halloween Run Challenge

KathyG - 2009-10-07 6:15 PM
LeahDD - 2009-10-07 7:00 PM
KathyG - 2009-10-07 3:28 PM Today I ran 31 minutes and walked 51 so total of 92 minutes.

Hate to break it to you, but that is 82 minutes.  Sorry. 

I had a dinner to go to yesterday and didn't get in my run so I am now behind on the challenge.  So, I am about to go out now and see if I can't make up a little lost time. 

I'm glad I didn't join the math challenge.

I'm behind and between being sick with a cold and racing most weekends, not sure how I will catch up. Glad I made my goal both run/walk as I need to be cautious how I ramp up my running again.

Hope you feel better!  I loved the pics from your race!

2009-10-08 3:11 PM
in reply to: #2427105

Subject: RE: Running Pumpkins - Halloween Run Challenge

I plan on getting a bit of running in this weekend to get all caught up.  I've been in MSP this week and now it's supposed to rain here for the next 2 days

On a very happy note...I'm going to see Mamma Mia tonight!!!

2009-10-08 3:33 PM
in reply to: #2427105

Subject: RE: Running Pumpkins - Halloween Run Challenge

BTW, we are winning the Who will win the October run challenge  poll.

2009-10-08 3:56 PM
in reply to: #2427105

Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Running Pumpkins - Halloween Run Challenge
Alrighty I got in my very mean lunch workout 8 miles with 6x half mile repeat at sub 6:40 pace, so fun (38 miles total now).  Here are the stats on the run:

warmup pace, heart rate = 8:11, 167

1/2 mile repeats:
1= 6:30, 165, 2=6:35, 169, 3= 6:37, 172, 4=6:31, 174, 5=6:32, 174, 6=6:28, 176

1= 8:22, 153, 2=8:36, 3=8:28, 160, 4=8:55, 161, 5=9:04, 161, 6=8:59, 165

cool down= 8:16, 164

Ok now for shins.  Sore shins means you need to soften them up with rollers or the Marathon stick and ice them after every single run until you are very sure that they are fine.  You may also have to go lite for a few days/1 week if above does not help with the pain.  Basically it is like your muscles have knotted up and running the stick over them breaks the knotted muscles up so they can work properly.  A massage can do this too, but it better be a mean one.  The stick, hurts so good.  My wife always looks over at me with some concern when I use it on shins or calves.  Stretching may help as well, but definitely ice and the stick... after every run of any distance.
2009-10-08 5:50 PM
in reply to: #2450268

Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Running Pumpkins - Halloween Run Challenge
crews - 2009-10-08 1:05 PM

Nice calves shoes   I saw a couple pair of those at the tri this past weekend.  I couldn't handle it...can't even wear socks.  Something b/t my toes would absolutely drive me bananas!

Injini makes companion toe socks for these.

I was of the same opinion before when I first saw the socks. But after trying the shoes I really liked them. Plus with the cammo blue ones you get comments from everyone!

2009-10-08 5:51 PM
in reply to: #2450055

Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Running Pumpkins - Halloween Run Challenge
losta - 2009-10-08 11:45 AM  Please remember to update the google doc.

I just been updating the doc weekly, but I'll start more frequently.
2009-10-08 5:52 PM
in reply to: #2427105

Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Running Pumpkins - Halloween Run Challenge
No running today, just three 1 hr bike rides. To work, lunch, then home.
2009-10-08 5:53 PM
in reply to: #2450411

Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Running Pumpkins - Halloween Run Challenge
Baowolf - 2009-10-08 1:56 PM Alrighty I got in my very mean lunch workout 8 miles with 6x half mile repeat at sub 6:40 pace, so fun (38 miles total now).  Here are the stats on the run:

That is a blazing pace. Your run times are really getting fast.

Edited by toddg 2009-10-08 5:54 PM
2009-10-08 7:09 PM
in reply to: #2427105

Subject: RE: Running Pumpkins - Halloween Run Challenge
Bao...in my dreams I run as fast as you do!!!!
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