Other Resources Challenge Me! » Vixens Revisited - Du-December Challenge Rss Feed  
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2009-12-08 9:23 PM
in reply to: #2549304

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: Vixens Revisited - Du-December Challenge

ebshot - 2009-12-08 7:35 PM Alright Andy, here you go.  Not the best of me but I always jump at the chance to show off my kids. 

And one more:

Wowzers... check out those guns...   Seriously though, you look great!   You got a great looking family as well!  Congrats on the weight loss...  Just out of curiosity, where were you with the cannons - looks more Revolutionary than Civil....

2009-12-08 9:25 PM
in reply to: #2549161

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: Vixens Revisited - Du-December Challenge

skrtrnr - 2009-12-08 5:12 PM
ashort33 - 2009-12-08 4:59 PM

skrtrnr - 2009-12-08 3:46 PM
ashort33 - 2009-12-08 3:37 PM

ebshot - 2009-12-08 2:24 PM I just finished my run.  It wasn't the best run.  I had Chinese food for lunch today and let's say it wanted to revisit me on this run.  Ugh.  Remind me not to eat Chinese before running ever again! 

Erica - don't each Chinese before running


(Sorry couldn't resist)

i ate Chinese once before cycling.

NOT pleasant.

im just sayin.

Or Italian - especially with a marinara - that can be less than pleasant...

oh yeah.  that too....

you must have first hand experience ANDY.

care to share the deets?


Nothing like raging indigestion on the ellipitical at the gym...  I was just praying that everyone had their iPods rollin' so they would hear me burpin' like a freight train...  (That's a pretty picture, isn't it...)

2009-12-08 9:44 PM
in reply to: #2537063

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: Vixens Revisited - Du-December Challenge
30 minute bike, 30 minute run and a little ab work done.  New PB run time for 5k, so I'm happy.  Time to shower and make some grub. 
2009-12-08 9:54 PM
in reply to: #2549520

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: Vixens Revisited - Du-December Challenge

corstan - 2009-12-08 9:44 PM 30 minute bike, 30 minute run and a little ab work done.  New PB run time for 5k, so I'm happy.  Time to shower and make some grub. 

What's that?  Someone actually working out??  I am all confused    I am out to go do a Jorge workout now myself...

2009-12-09 12:00 AM
in reply to: #2537063

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: Vixens Revisited - Du-December Challenge

Jorge's Week 6 - 20min power test done - it was quad-reffic...  pushed 236 watts for the 20 min test...  not sure I could hammer out more tonight....

2009-12-09 1:13 AM
in reply to: #2537063

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Huntington Beach
Subject: RE: Vixens Revisited - Du-December Challenge
Weekend in Vegas...then mom visiting...I have allowed it all to slow up my training.  Not tonight!  I got home from a Christmas party tonight and forced myself to jump on the trainer.  It is all for you guys tonight!  I knew you were counting on me! 

2009-12-09 4:13 AM
in reply to: #2549486

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Subject: RE: Vixens Revisited - Du-December Challenge
ashort33 - 2009-12-08 10:23 PM

ebshot - 2009-12-08 7:35 PM Alright Andy, here you go.  Not the best of me but I always jump at the chance to show off my kids. 

And one more:

Wowzers... check out those guns...   Seriously though, you look great!   You got a great looking family as well!  Congrats on the weight loss...  Just out of curiosity, where were you with the cannons - looks more Revolutionary than Civil....

Valley Forge, PA.  We took a quick family vacation to Philly and Valley Forge this summer.  Much fun.  Off to St. Louis in a few weeks.  Looking forward to it.  The kids have never been and I haven't been in years. (like 10)  Gonna be a blast.
2009-12-09 4:15 AM
in reply to: #2537063

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Subject: RE: Vixens Revisited - Du-December Challenge
IT'S SNOWING!!!!!!!! 

Big ole flakes are flying.  About an inch or two an hour.  It's so pretty.  Still no word on school delay's or closing though.  Come on superintendent, close school, I want to have a fun day with my kids!

ETA:  2 hour delay.  Hope they change it.  I have a fun day planned with the kids.

Edited by ebshot 2009-12-09 4:37 AM
2009-12-09 6:00 AM
in reply to: #2537063

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Subject: RE: Vixens Revisited - Du-December Challenge
SNOW DAY!!! School is canceled!!!!  Woot!

2009-12-09 6:01 AM
in reply to: #2537063

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Subject: RE: Vixens Revisited - Du-December Challenge
Stay tuned for pictures!
2009-12-09 6:22 AM
in reply to: #2537063

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: Vixens Revisited - Du-December Challenge
Same wintery scene here......School and work is on though......bummer!!! I want to stay home and make cookies!!!  I have stuff to make Mexican Chocolate Cookies and Macadamia-Cranberry.....both form the December Cooking Light magazine.

2009-12-09 6:22 AM
in reply to: #2549672

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: Vixens Revisited - Du-December Challenge
ebshot - 2009-12-09 7:01 AM Stay tuned for pictures!
Have a fun day!! Hope the rain holds off for you.
2009-12-09 6:23 AM
in reply to: #2537063

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: Vixens Revisited - Du-December Challenge
Have a great day all.  I'm signing off.....time to clean the car off and get to werk!
2009-12-09 6:39 AM
in reply to: #2549671

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: Vixens Revisited - Du-December Challenge

ebshot - 2009-12-09 6:00 AM

SNOW DAY!!! School is canceled!!!!  Woot!

Have a blast!  I really don't get much snow that accumulates down here...  We got some big flakes last week that melted almost on contact with the ground...

2009-12-09 6:40 AM
in reply to: #2549637

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: Vixens Revisited - Du-December Challenge

akrenik - 2009-12-09 1:13 AM Weekend in Vegas...then mom visiting...I have allowed it all to slow up my training.  Not tonight!  I got home from a Christmas party tonight and forced myself to jump on the trainer.  It is all for you guys tonight!  I knew you were counting on me! 

Great Job - that's what is great about challenges -  it is funny, I more willing to let myself down than I am the group...

2009-12-09 6:44 AM
in reply to: #2537063

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: Vixens Revisited - Du-December Challenge

I am going to be out of action for the next few days - I might be able to get on line some off and on.  Gotta go to Tulsa and help my mom move to Edmond (Oklahoma City) about a mile from my brother...  While she is in good health now, that won't be the case forever and it will nice to get her close to family.

2009-12-09 9:29 AM
in reply to: #2548859

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Extreme Veteran
Not Quite DFL
Subject: RE: Vixens Revisited - Du-December Challenge

48#s thats UBER impressive too DUANE!

tri trng is sure to take off the other 20!

what was your 'secret' for the first 48?  i always love a good weight loss/personal transformation story!

[i like your sig line.....

Ok - since you asked.  It was July or so of 2008 - my then 4 year old starts referring to me as "big belly daddy".  nice.  then asks me when I am going to have my baby.  (My wife had our son June 07)  So...I bought a new scale...and wow - didn't realize I was that fat.  Highest known wt - 241.6 - and I'm only 5'8''.  It started really slow.  I tried watching what I was eating and how much.  Then, I garnered an interest in joining the JAG corps with the Nat'l Guard....they have standards - BF % or weight.  to make weight - I had to be 179.  I tried running - couldn't make much more than a mile at that point - so reverted to walking - and did portion control - and logging calories.  (I think that was the big thing.)  Suddenly, I was losing almost a pound a week.  As time passed, I moved up to running and weightlifting at the local gym.  I also started doing an early morning boot camp and was playing basketball at night in the Th. night Y league.  There were times when I had 3 workouts a day.  Did the 'couch to 5K' program.  Hit a plateu at about 217 - got the flu - moved past plateau only to find another one at about 206.  Did P90X.  (great program by the way) moved on again and actually started getting cut.  I started doing 5K races on a regular basis - sometimes 2-3 per month (keeps you training when you know you have a race coming)  I am stalled now again in the 190's - and in any given week I can bounce from 193 to 198.  I am not watching my diet nearly as closely now, although I should be.  I'd really like to be under 190 for Christmas, but I think I've screwed that up.  I"m still going to try though.  My wife thinks I am at the right weight.  I'd still like to hit the low 180's.

(sorry for the long post)

and in challenge news - no trial today - so I can hit the Y - no snow but a LOT of wind.  predicting 50 mph gusts this pm.  Nice.  I think I'll run as I seem to be lagging on that goal.  I hope it is not like this for the 5k on NYE.
2009-12-09 9:37 AM
in reply to: #2537063

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Subject: RE: Vixens Revisited - Du-December Challenge

Lots of great weight loss stories on here!  Way to go!  I did lose about 30 pounds two years ago through weight watchers and starting to exercise.  That's how I got into triathlons - I would love to say I maintained, but I am back up at least 10 pounds due to poor portion control and knee injuries this year.  So, back on the wagon!

And, it is a SNOW DAY here today too - we have at least 15 inches right now and 3-4 more on the way.  One big tree branch came off a pine tree in the back yard - fortunately not near the house!  I missed my bike trainer yesterday, but will do it and a run today in the basement!  Happy Wednesday - I'm heading out to shovel, hope I don't get lost.......


2009-12-09 10:21 AM
in reply to: #2549671

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: Vixens Revisited - Du-December Challenge
ebshot - 2009-12-09 4:00 AM
SNOW DAY!!! School is canceled!!!!  Woot!

Nice enjoy the day with your kids!
2009-12-09 10:28 AM
in reply to: #2550147

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: Vixens Revisited - Du-December Challenge
crimefighter2 - 2009-12-09 7:29 AM

48#s thats UBER impressive too DUANE!

tri trng is sure to take off the other 20!

what was your 'secret' for the first 48?  i always love a good weight loss/personal transformation story!

[i like your sig line.....

Ok - since you asked.  It was July or so of 2008 - my then 4 year old starts referring to me as "big belly daddy".  nice.  then asks me when I am going to have my baby.  (My wife had our son June 07)  So...I bought a new scale...and wow - didn't realize I was that fat.  Highest known wt - 241.6 - and I'm only 5'8''.  It started really slow.  I tried watching what I was eating and how much.  Then, I garnered an interest in joining the JAG corps with the Nat'l Guard....they have standards - BF % or weight.  to make weight - I had to be 179.  I tried running - couldn't make much more than a mile at that point - so reverted to walking - and did portion control - and logging calories.  (I think that was the big thing.)  Suddenly, I was losing almost a pound a week.  As time passed, I moved up to running and weightlifting at the local gym.  I also started doing an early morning boot camp and was playing basketball at night in the Th. night Y league.  There were times when I had 3 workouts a day.  Did the 'couch to 5K' program.  Hit a plateu at about 217 - got the flu - moved past plateau only to find another one at about 206.  Did P90X.  (great program by the way) moved on again and actually started getting cut.  I started doing 5K races on a regular basis - sometimes 2-3 per month (keeps you training when you know you have a race coming)  I am stalled now again in the 190's - and in any given week I can bounce from 193 to 198.  I am not watching my diet nearly as closely now, although I should be.  I'd really like to be under 190 for Christmas, but I think I've screwed that up.  I"m still going to try though.  My wife thinks I am at the right weight.  I'd still like to hit the low 180's.

(sorry for the long post)

and in challenge news - no trial today - so I can hit the Y - no snow but a LOT of wind.  predicting 50 mph gusts this pm.  Nice.  I think I'll run as I seem to be lagging on that goal.  I hope it is not like this for the 5k on NYE.

Great story, congrats on the weight loss!
2009-12-09 10:46 AM
in reply to: #2550181

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Subject: RE: Vixens Revisited - Du-December Challenge
gofishtlp - 2009-12-09 10:37 AM

Lots of great weight loss stories on here!  Way to go!  I did lose about 30 pounds two years ago through weight watchers and starting to exercise.  That's how I got into triathlons - I would love to say I maintained, but I am back up at least 10 pounds due to poor portion control and knee injuries this year.  So, back on the wagon!

And, it is a SNOW DAY here today too - we have at least 15 inches right now and 3-4 more on the way.  One big tree branch came off a pine tree in the back yard - fortunately not near the house!  I missed my bike trainer yesterday, but will do it and a run today in the basement!  Happy Wednesday - I'm heading out to shovel, hope I don't get lost.......


Wow, 15 inches?  You win.  We got about 5 before it switched to rain.  I'd like to say the rain melted the snow but no such luck.  I had to shovel too.  With a kid's shovel.  Yeah, my back is a bit sore. 

2009-12-09 11:47 AM
in reply to: #2537063

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Subject: RE: Vixens Revisited - Du-December Challenge
I do not want to get on the trainer.  At all.  Blech.  Must be done though.  I'll go soon.....I promise.
2009-12-09 1:05 PM
in reply to: #2550339

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Extreme Veteran
Not Quite DFL
Subject: RE: Vixens Revisited - Du-December Challenge

Great story, congrats on the weight loss!

Thank you!
2009-12-09 1:06 PM
in reply to: #2550740

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Extreme Veteran
Not Quite DFL
Subject: RE: Vixens Revisited - Du-December Challenge
Y workout complete - decision made for me....some lady on the bike I like - for well over 40 minutes.  Oh well - 3.25 run in and done.
now to update my log and the sheet.
2009-12-09 4:28 PM
in reply to: #2550147

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Subject: RE: Vixens Revisited - Du-December Challenge
crimefighter2 - 2009-12-09 9:29 AM

48#s thats UBER impressive too DUANE!

tri trng is sure to take off the other 20!

what was your 'secret' for the first 48?  i always love a good weight loss/personal transformation story!

[i like your sig line.....

Ok - since you asked.  It was July or so of 2008 - my then 4 year old starts referring to me as "big belly daddy".  nice.  then asks me when I am going to have my baby.  (My wife had our son June 07)  So...I bought a new scale...and wow - didn't realize I was that fat.  Highest known wt - 241.6 - and I'm only 5'8''.  It started really slow.  I tried watching what I was eating and how much.  Then, I garnered an interest in joining the JAG corps with the Nat'l Guard....they have standards - BF % or weight.  to make weight - I had to be 179.  I tried running - couldn't make much more than a mile at that point - so reverted to walking - and did portion control - and logging calories.  (I think that was the big thing.)  Suddenly, I was losing almost a pound a week.  As time passed, I moved up to running and weightlifting at the local gym.  I also started doing an early morning boot camp and was playing basketball at night in the Th. night Y league.  There were times when I had 3 workouts a day.  Did the 'couch to 5K' program.  Hit a plateu at about 217 - got the flu - moved past plateau only to find another one at about 206.  Did P90X.  (great program by the way) moved on again and actually started getting cut.  I started doing 5K races on a regular basis - sometimes 2-3 per month (keeps you training when you know you have a race coming)  I am stalled now again in the 190's - and in any given week I can bounce from 193 to 198.  I am not watching my diet nearly as closely now, although I should be.  I'd really like to be under 190 for Christmas, but I think I've screwed that up.  I"m still going to try though.  My wife thinks I am at the right weight.  I'd still like to hit the low 180's.

(sorry for the long post)

and in challenge news - no trial today - so I can hit the Y - no snow but a LOT of wind.  predicting 50 mph gusts this pm.  Nice.  I think I'll run as I seem to be lagging on that goal.  I hope it is not like this for the 5k on NYE.

so glad you shared your weightloss journey with us DUANE.

it certainly goes to how hard work over a period of time PAYS OFF!  what you did i nothing short of SPECTACULAR.

i have no doubt that its ONWARDANDUPWARD for you!  WOOT!

and whats that you say, NO TRIAL TODAY....well doesnt that just RAWK.  glad that you got to the Y.  (sorry you missed out on the bike, but 3.5 mile run is good too!)

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