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2009-12-27 12:05 PM
in reply to: #2559403

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Auburn, Wa
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
I'm in on the eating "no junk"!! When are we starting. Hoepfully not today!! Set the alarm so I could get in a run before work. Turned it off and went right back to bed for another hr. Setting two alarms tomorrow. Happy Sunday all!!!

2009-12-27 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2578691

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Queens, NY
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
mav - 2009-12-27 7:05 AM Morning all! My goal for this week is to STOP eating junk!!!! NO processed food and NO candy!!! The holidays are over and I dont need this crap. Anyone wanna join me in a week of clean and healthy eating???? Start the New Year right!

as long as New Years day is not included in it? Tongue out
2009-12-27 2:52 PM
in reply to: #2578703

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Queens, NY
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
aquagirl - 2009-12-27 7:27 AM Anybody want some??


Don't really like em, actually. They cut my mouth something horrid. Now cookies are another story.....
2009-12-27 3:01 PM
in reply to: #2559403

Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
I am at work and have already consumed at least 1/2 dozen lets start this on 1/2/10. The holidays will be officially over!!!!

Just an FYI...nurses do NOT need cookies or chocolate(except for Helen).

2009-12-27 3:37 PM
in reply to: #2579062

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Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED

mav - 2009-12-27 2:01 PM I am at work and have already consumed at least 1/2 dozen lets start this on 1/2/10. The holidays will be officially over!!!!

Just an FYI...nurses do NOT need cookies or chocolate(except for Helen).

I'm in.  I agree with the date too. 

2009-12-27 4:46 PM
in reply to: #2559403

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Queens, NY
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
OK, bet. I am in.

2009-12-27 5:02 PM
in reply to: #2579094

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the colony texas
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Dr Hammer - 2009-12-27 3:37 PM

mav - 2009-12-27 2:01 PM I am at work and have already consumed at least 1/2 dozen lets start this on 1/2/10. The holidays will be officially over!!!!

Just an FYI...nurses do NOT need cookies or chocolate(except for Helen).

I'm in.  I agree with the date too. 

Mine's a bit different... I from prior testing that 2600 cal a day is my Metobolic rate, so I'm aiming for a little less each day around 2200,,  For me to hit that and not be starved I need to eat good food.   so in a way it ends up being no junk
2009-12-27 5:03 PM
in reply to: #2579062

Mesa, Arizona
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
I am in and agree with the Jan 2 date. I still have several more family dinners including new year's day. However, my goal is to start training again. Went for a trail run the day after Christmas......I did start the day right though with pumpkin pie for breakfast
mav - 2009-12-27 1:01 PM

I am at work and have already consumed at least 1/2 dozen lets start this on 1/2/10. The holidays will be officially over!!!!

Just an FYI...nurses do NOT need cookies or chocolate(except for Helen).

2009-12-27 5:21 PM
in reply to: #2559403

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
 OK nasty night shifts are over with......until Dec 30 anyway. I dragged my sorry azz onto the drainer for a couple of hours when I woke up this afternoon. Will probably try and get to the pool tomorrow....if I ever get out of bed that is. Soooo tired.
2009-12-27 5:24 PM
in reply to: #2579062

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
mav - 2009-12-27 4:01 PM I am at work and have already consumed at least 1/2 dozen lets start this on 1/2/10. The holidays will be officially over!!!!

Just an FYI...nurses do NOT need cookies or chocolate(except for Helen).

Yes,,,,Marianne is right...send me all your cookies and chocolate please.

So...January 2 huh? Ok...I will be a good girl and NOT post pictures of junk food. Maybe.

2009-12-27 5:59 PM
in reply to: #2559403

Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Post pics all you want Helen...this group has will power!!!!

2009-12-27 7:37 PM
in reply to: #2559403

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Hi all,

I'm in for no junk food starting the 2nd.  I'm glad my cookies at the house are gone. 

I've been to the pool a couple of times and worked on flip turns.  I still feel like I'm turning sideways, but I feel faster.  I took 5 seconds off of my 50's consistently.  That drop it from 50 sec. to 45 sec. 

I've been snowboarding the last couple of days.  The fresh snow today was awesome. 

I got a cadence computer and a water bottle to sit between my aero bars.  Santa had my computer all hooked up.  Unfortunately the magnets must be off a little bit so nothing is showing up.  I'll take it back to the bike shop this week and have it checked out. 

What spinerval videos are your favorites?

2009-12-27 7:49 PM
in reply to: #2559403

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Metro NY Area
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
I'm in for eating better starting Jan 2nd. I don't want to say no junk but very limited and only when deserved or paid for with very good training.
2009-12-27 7:52 PM
in reply to: #2559403

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Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
I'm a go for healthier eating.  Christmas showed a total lack of will power.  My in-laws had the homemade candy/cookie spread laid out.  Didn't see a single healthy snack food. 
2009-12-28 9:49 AM
in reply to: #2578691

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British Columbia
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED

I am in!  I feel so hung over from all the crap I have been eating this past week.  Need to do some grocery shopping today.  Will stock up on lots of fruit and veggies.

mav - 2009-12-27 5:05 AM Morning all! My goal for this week is to STOP eating junk!!!! NO processed food and NO candy!!! The holidays are over and I dont need this crap. Anyone wanna join me in a week of clean and healthy eating???? Start the New Year right!

2009-12-28 9:59 AM
in reply to: #2559403

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
My goals for this week:

1) Keep up the training plan...although I'm going to wait until after New Year's to get in the Christmas present to myself is to stay out of the pool. Yes, I suck that way.

2) Stay away from the white/fake sugar (except for jelly I had for breakfast today - oops) - including my diet Pepsi embargo (7 days and counting).

3) Drink less...Christmas week was a week of imbibing in our house ...I need to practice moderation (at least until New Year's).

4) Drink more water. Keep a glass of water at my side constantly.

My goals for January:

1) NO junk food. NO processed food.

2) Get in the pool, get in the weight room, and follow my training plan.

3) Sign up for some spring races.

2009-12-28 7:01 PM
in reply to: #2579214

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2009-12-28 7:23 PM
in reply to: #2580942

The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Bopper - 2009-12-28 8:01 PM

Yeah... I'm going to try the healthy/smart eating gang as well. I really need to stop this weight gain before it gets out of hand.

I had another visit with my physiotherapist today... she noticed that my achilles is as loose as she's felt it since we started treatments. I guess I should have been in the cast a LOT sooner. I've not worn it in the last couple weeks, and I thought the achilles was much tighter this morning then it has been.

So the plan for now is to keep up the yoga/stretching and exercises, and ice afterwards... plus ice before bed. I asked about spinning... she didn't like the idea, but said that if it doesn't hurt then to go ahead. So, I'm going to bow to her expertise and stay off the bike for another week. In the New Year I will get back on the bike, and hopefully a week later start running again... but this isn't carved in stone... I just have to go with how it's feeling and not push too much.

Glad to hear everyone had a safe and uneventful Christmas.

Glad to hear things are moving in the right direction Kevin.....and very wise of you to heed her advice. i know its hard. Hang in there my friend. 
2009-12-28 7:24 PM
in reply to: #2579983

The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
enders_shadow - 2009-12-28 10:59 AMMy goals for this week:1) Keep up the training plan...although I'm going to wait until after New Year's to get in the Christmas present to myself is to stay out of the pool. Yes, I suck that way.2) Stay away from the white/fake sugar (except for jelly I had for breakfast today - oops) - including my diet Pepsi embargo (7 days and counting).3) Drink less...Christmas week was a week of imbibing in our house ...I need to practice moderation (at least until New Year's).4) Drink more water. Keep a glass of water at my side constantly.My goals for January:1) NO junk food. NO processed food. 2) Get in the pool, get in the weight room, and follow my training plan.3) Sign up for some spring races.
Great goals Kristen!
2009-12-28 7:27 PM
in reply to: #2580972

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2009-12-28 7:31 PM
in reply to: #2580983

The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Bopper - 2009-12-28 8:27 PM

aquagirl - 2009-12-28 8:23 PM
Bopper - 2009-12-28 8:01 PM

Yeah... I'm going to try the healthy/smart eating gang as well. I really need to stop this weight gain before it gets out of hand.

I had another visit with my physiotherapist today... she noticed that my achilles is as loose as she's felt it since we started treatments. I guess I should have been in the cast a LOT sooner. I've not worn it in the last couple weeks, and I thought the achilles was much tighter this morning then it has been.

So the plan for now is to keep up the yoga/stretching and exercises, and ice afterwards... plus ice before bed. I asked about spinning... she didn't like the idea, but said that if it doesn't hurt then to go ahead. So, I'm going to bow to her expertise and stay off the bike for another week. In the New Year I will get back on the bike, and hopefully a week later start running again... but this isn't carved in stone... I just have to go with how it's feeling and not push too much.

Glad to hear everyone had a safe and uneventful Christmas.

Glad to hear things are moving in the right direction Kevin.....and very wise of you to heed her advice. i know its hard. Hang in there my friend. 

In the immortal words of Inego Montoya "I hate waiting!"

My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. 

2009-12-28 7:32 PM
in reply to: #2579371

The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
middling - 2009-12-27 8:52 PM I'm a go for healthier eating.  Christmas showed a total lack of will power.  My in-laws had the homemade candy/cookie spread laid out.  Didn't see a single healthy snack food

Does the fruit in fruitcake not count??? 
2009-12-28 7:34 PM
in reply to: #2580987

Subject: ...
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2009-12-28 7:35 PM
in reply to: #2580988

Subject: ...
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2009-12-28 7:36 PM
in reply to: #2579352

The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
gojogo - 2009-12-27 8:37 PM Hi all,

I'm in for no junk food starting the 2nd.  I'm glad my cookies at the house are gone. 

I've been to the pool a couple of times and worked on flip turns.  I still feel like I'm turning sideways, but I feel faster.  I took 5 seconds off of my 50's consistently.  That drop it from 50 sec. to 45 sec. 

I've been snowboarding the last couple of days.  The fresh snow today was awesome. 

I got a cadence computer and a water bottle to sit between my aero bars.  Santa had my computer all hooked up.  Unfortunately the magnets must be off a little bit so nothing is showing up.  I'll take it back to the bike shop this week and have it checked out. 

What spinerval videos are your favorites?


I have never used a Spinerval. I am odd I know, but I just close my eyes , put my head down and get lost in my Ipod. I use the music to guide me. When a great song comes on I use it as an interval.....then take a break .  If its a REALLY good song (Do you know your enemy by Greenday for example ) I may repeat it several times and THEN recover.Works for me.  I also torture my family by singing out of key whilst on the trainer. They roll their eyes and groan when they see me approach my bike!!
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