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2011-02-09 5:32 AM
in reply to: #3256996

Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
Thanks everyone, looks like I'm going to stick with the TI.  Need to finish reading the book and probably get the video as well.  I just completed my second swim workout since joining the gym.  Swam 250 meters without stopping and then swam another 10x 25m repeats working on my stroke.  Did a pretty good weight workout last night for back and biceps so I was definately feeling it this morning.

2011-02-09 10:45 PM
in reply to: #3256996

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Prairie Village, Kansas
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
Wow, never heard over TI for the swim. I will have to check into it, too!
2011-02-10 6:23 PM
in reply to: #3256996

Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
800 meters straight today in 19:30. New PR! Nice and easy so I kept good form throughout. ( I think ) Ha Ha Ha

Long way to go ...............

Edited by 1ejp 2011-02-10 6:27 PM
2011-02-10 6:34 PM
in reply to: #3256996

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Prairie Village, Kansas
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
I got a question for everyone:

I am starting to check into races this spring and summer, and may plan on doing one every month, starting in May. How does your training go after that initial race, as far as time off, tapering, etc.  I have been following a plan that will end on my first Sprint Tri in May, and am trying to figure out how I should go about training between races.  Any help would be great! 
2011-02-10 6:48 PM
in reply to: #3256996

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Extreme Veteran
Minnetonka Beach, MN
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
Got a nice surprise from the family yesterday.  A new finis swimsense...  Although pretty gadgety, it is incredibly accurate and with the tie to the analytics are available on the downloaded data, I have to say I'm impressed....  It immediately pushed me back into some drills that I hadn't done for quite a while.   Data such as 2.5 seconds per stroke over 1000 yds and oddly, about 2.9 yards per stroke for that time frame (although broken down to 25 yds, it varied from 3.57 yds/st to 2.5 yds / st)...  and up through about 850 yds, I was almost dead on consistent with stroke count and time per 100...  

I need to get that consistency back up to 4200 yds!!!    212 days to do it!  (and hundreds of miles in the pool and lakes!)   
2011-02-10 6:50 PM
in reply to: #3349512

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Extreme Veteran
Minnetonka Beach, MN
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
1ejp - 2011-02-10 6:23 PM 800 meters straight today in 19:30. New PR! Nice and easy so I kept good form throughout. ( I think ) Ha Ha Ha

Long way to go ...............

That is awesome!!  Swimming is tough and any new PR is a reason to celebrate! 

2011-02-10 6:52 PM
in reply to: #3349530

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Extreme Veteran
Minnetonka Beach, MN
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
m.a.burghart - 2011-02-10 6:34 PM I got a question for everyone:

I am starting to check into races this spring and summer, and may plan on doing one every month, starting in May. How does your training go after that initial race, as far as time off, tapering, etc.  I have been following a plan that will end on my first Sprint Tri in May, and am trying to figure out how I should go about training between races.  Any help would be great! 

I would suggest defining what races are more important to you (A races) and those that are less important.  Build your training plan to the A races and use the others as training or benchmarking and manage your plan accordingly.   I know that is a bit short, but beyond this it gets pretty involved in planning... go with something like a Joe Friel Training Bible for the Triathlete walks you through everything.   
2011-02-10 8:13 PM
in reply to: #3349512

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
1ejp - 2011-02-10 6:23 PM 800 meters straight today in 19:30. New PR! Nice and easy so I kept good form throughout. ( I think ) Ha Ha Ha

Long way to go ...............

Congrats on the PR!  Hooray for progress!
2011-02-10 8:14 PM
in reply to: #3256996

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Subject: New running PR
Made it 22 miles today in 4hrs 30 minutes.
Was my furthest run to date.

On this day last year I weighed 265 lbs and couldnt even run 1 mile.
Amazing what one can do if they have the mind to.
2011-02-10 8:27 PM
in reply to: #3349540

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
ball6135 - 2011-02-10 6:52 PM
m.a.burghart - 2011-02-10 6:34 PM I got a question for everyone:

I am starting to check into races this spring and summer, and may plan on doing one every month, starting in May. How does your training go after that initial race, as far as time off, tapering, etc.  I have been following a plan that will end on my first Sprint Tri in May, and am trying to figure out how I should go about training between races.  Any help would be great! 

I would suggest defining what races are more important to you (A races) and those that are less important.  Build your training plan to the A races and use the others as training or benchmarking and manage your plan accordingly.   I know that is a bit short, but beyond this it gets pretty involved in planning... go with something like a Joe Friel Training Bible for the Triathlete walks you through everything.   

Robb gives some good advice.  Your training schedule should be catered to performing well in your A races with appropriate taper/recovery for those.  Unfortunately for those of us that like to race often a full taper and recovery takes too much time out of the schedule.  I'll race about once a month in season, occasionally on back to back weeks, and in rare occasions of mild insanity on back to back days.  If it's not an A race I will train through it, lightening the training load just a day or two in advance and taking an extra recovery day after if I'm a little more sore than normal.

For you, are you looking at racing only sprints this season, or do you plan on building up to an Olympic distance later on?  If so, you may consider an 8 or 12 week oly plan to bridge up to that distance.  If you're sticking to sprints then you could switch into a maintenance mode and maybe add in a little intensity now that you're used to the distances.  Or you could switch to an Oly plan for the heck of it.  It's amazing how much easier the shorter races get when you're training for something longer.
2011-02-10 8:29 PM
in reply to: #3349535

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
ball6135 - 2011-02-10 6:48 PM Got a nice surprise from the family yesterday.  A new finis swimsense...  Although pretty gadgety, it is incredibly accurate and with the tie to the analytics are available on the downloaded data, I have to say I'm impressed....  It immediately pushed me back into some drills that I hadn't done for quite a while.   Data such as 2.5 seconds per stroke over 1000 yds and oddly, about 2.9 yards per stroke for that time frame (although broken down to 25 yds, it varied from 3.57 yds/st to 2.5 yds / st)...  and up through about 850 yds, I was almost dead on consistent with stroke count and time per 100...  

I need to get that consistency back up to 4200 yds!!!    212 days to do it!  (and hundreds of miles in the pool and lakes!)   

Sweet gift!  Sounds like a fun toy.

212 that all?

2011-02-10 8:29 PM
in reply to: #3349634

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: New running PR
fire2812 - 2011-02-10 8:14 PM Made it 22 miles today in 4hrs 30 minutes.
Was my furthest run to date.

On this day last year I weighed 265 lbs and couldnt even run 1 mile.
Amazing what one can do if they have the mind to.

Wow!  That is an incredible transformation!  Kudos to you!
2011-02-11 6:01 AM
in reply to: #3349634

Subject: RE: New running PR
fire2812 - 2011-02-10 9:14 PM Made it 22 miles today in 4hrs 30 minutes.
Was my furthest run to date.

On this day last year I weighed 265 lbs and couldnt even run 1 mile.
Amazing what one can do if they have the mind to.

Wow, that's what I'm talking about.  Great job.
2011-02-11 11:51 AM
in reply to: #3349634

Subject: RE: New running PR
fire2812 - 2011-02-10 9:14 PM Made it 22 miles today in 4hrs 30 minutes.
Was my furthest run to date.

On this day last year I weighed 265 lbs and couldnt even run 1 mile.
Amazing what one can do if they have the mind to.

Now THAT"S insane progress! Great job.
2011-02-11 4:06 PM
in reply to: #3349634

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: New running PR

fire2812 - 2011-02-10 6:14 PM Made it 22 miles today in 4hrs 30 minutes.
Was my furthest run to date.

On this day last year I weighed 265 lbs and couldnt even run 1 mile.
Amazing what one can do if they have the mind to.

That is truely amazing!! The longest I have ever ran is 13.1. Great job on sticking to it I'm sure you had some tough days. That is just awesome!



2011-02-12 3:08 AM
in reply to: #3349634

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New user

Subject: RE: New running PR
fire2812 - 2011-02-10 9:14 PM Made it 22 miles today in 4hrs 30 minutes.
Was my furthest run to date.

On this day last year I weighed 265 lbs and couldnt even run 1 mile.
Amazing what one can do if they have the mind to.

WOW!  That is amazing and such an inspiration!  Great job! Keep it up!

2011-02-12 10:59 PM
in reply to: #3256996

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
Very excited about my ride today. I set a PR on a 2 hr ride 36 miles with lots of hills! It felt great to get up that last hill and hit 36 right at the 2 hour mark. It has been a goal for about 7 months!!

2011-02-13 2:41 PM
in reply to: #3352425

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
mikoy - 2011-02-12 10:59 PM Very excited about my ride today. I set a PR on a 2 hr ride 36 miles with lots of hills! It felt great to get up that last hill and hit 36 right at the 2 hour mark. It has been a goal for about 7 months!!

Congrats on the PR!  Looks like all that hard work is paying.

It seems like everyone is setting PRs/hitting milestones around here lately.  Keep up the good work guys!
2011-02-13 2:42 PM
in reply to: #3256996

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
45 degrees here today!  I got to go for a run and splash around in all the puddles from the melting snow
2011-02-14 6:45 AM
in reply to: #3256996

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Cairns - Australia
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
I went for a swim today 1800 metres, swam 4 x 250 as part of the program and did my best time, so am happy considering I haven't had much time to do anything.  Only 16 weeks till the half, so I have to keep on track now.  Between looking after my husband, cyclones ( made me very busy at work as I am a property manager and manage 200+ properties) and the training has gone onto the back burner.
2011-02-15 8:40 AM
in reply to: #3256996

Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
Went to Doc and my xrays show the stress fracture is healed. I can start walking by end of week. I'll start with 20 to 30 minutes walking 3 times per week for 2 weeks then start a walk/run split program to get up to full running. It'll be a slow go but I will be fine for the season!

2011-02-15 12:11 PM
in reply to: #3355698

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Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
1ejp - 2011-02-15 6:40 AM Went to Doc and my xrays show the stress fracture is healed. I can start walking by end of week. I'll start with 20 to 30 minutes walking 3 times per week for 2 weeks then start a walk/run split program to get up to full running. It'll be a slow go but I will be fine for the season!

Great news im glad to hear it is healing
Nothing worse than an injury to set us back
2011-02-15 2:02 PM
in reply to: #3256996

Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
Can anyone tell me the avg or back of the pack times for a sprint tri?
2011-02-15 7:50 PM
in reply to: #3355698

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
1ejp - 2011-02-15 8:40 AM Went to Doc and my xrays show the stress fracture is healed. I can start walking by end of week. I'll start with 20 to 30 minutes walking 3 times per week for 2 weeks then start a walk/run split program to get up to full running. It'll be a slow go but I will be fine for the season!

Great that you get to start easing back into things!
2011-02-15 7:54 PM
in reply to: #3356460

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
1ejp - 2011-02-15 2:02 PM Can anyone tell me the avg or back of the pack times for a sprint tri?

That's difficult to define for a sprint as there is not really a set distance like the other ones.  I've seen sprints with swims from 400 to 800 yds, bikes from 12 to 20 miles, and the run is usually a 5k, but I've seen that go up to 5 miles.

The best thing to do is go online to the race site for a sprint you are going to race or considering racing and looking up the results from the year before.  Most sites keep them posted and it will give you a good idea of what to expect in terms of times.
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