BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Southwestmba/Andy's excellent adventure group-Full Rss Feed  
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2011-07-23 11:07 PM
in reply to: #3287331

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba/Andy's excellent adventure group-Full
Rode a 40K time trial in honor of the Tour De France Individual Time Trial today. They did 42K with hills and speed bumps and pyscho fans in 55:30 and I did 40K striaght line on my computrainer in 1:08:30. Man those guys are monsters. I was pulling hard for Thomas Vockler (SP?) of France who really won me over holding on the the Yellow Jersey through 5 of 6 stages in the mountains and he still held off Alberto Contador to finish 4th overall. Guess us Philly fans love the underdog/Rocky types who turn themselves inside out and get the most out of there limited ability (well compared to the other GC favorites). Amazing ride by Cadel Evans to leapfrog into the yellow jersey from 3rd place. Great TDF this year, very entertaining!!

2011-07-23 11:17 PM
in reply to: #3287331

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba/Andy's excellent adventure group-Full
A bit of reading from my blog on my latest Road trip as the solo resident at Susquehanna and then right into 24/7 flood coverage at Fort Calhoun in Nebraska, and all the while still finding a way to get some training in. Enjoy.

Edited by southwestmba 2011-07-23 11:18 PM
2011-07-25 11:34 AM
in reply to: #3611919

Subject: RE: Southwestmba/Andy's excellent adventure group-Full

southwestmba - 2011-07-24 12:07 AM Rode a 40K time trial in honor of the Tour De France Individual Time Trial today. They did 42K with hills and speed bumps and pyscho fans in 55:30 and I did 40K striaght line on my computrainer in 1:08:30. Man those guys are monsters. I was pulling hard for Thomas Vockler (SP?) of France who really won me over holding on the the Yellow Jersey through 5 of 6 stages in the mountains and he still held off Alberto Contador to finish 4th overall. Guess us Philly fans love the underdog/Rocky types who turn themselves inside out and get the most out of there limited ability (well compared to the other GC favorites). Amazing ride by Cadel Evans to leapfrog into the yellow jersey from 3rd place. Great TDF this year, very entertaining!!

I was pulling for the Schleck bros., but only because they ride Trek, lol. I watched bits here and there -the wife wasn't a big fen of the 'pillowtron', as she called the peloton and she preferred to watch something else with me- and the legs and stamina those guys must have! I don't know what stage it was but there was one that went winding up the mountain, up, up, up! I thought of the trouble I had with these little hills over by Ann Arbor and could only shake my head as these guys HTFU that hill, er, mountain. I know very little about 'real' cycling but I thought more would have aerobars on the stages that weren't TT's, I found that interesting.

2011-07-26 11:25 PM
in reply to: #3287331

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba/Andy's excellent adventure group-Full
Aerobars don't do well in a large pack of riders. The group actually becomes more aerodynamic as a whole or even the breakaway with a paceline of 5-6 break the wind. Of course drafting is not allowed in most triathlon racing so we use aerobars. I really get into the mountain stages though that is some great drama and some amazing athetism shown by those riders. Imagine rideing on average 100 miles a day for 21 days (with one rest day) let alone as fast as they do or up real mountains.

But back in the real world, I hope everyone has been able to adjust to the heat and humidity most of the country has been seeing. It finally broke this week here in Philly, but last week and weekend were pretty brutal. Fortunately I didn't have to run during the day since I was on the road, but I don't know if I would have stuck to my schedule of running at lunch of I was at home. I'm all for toughing it out but at some point you have to adjust for extreme conditions. Of course hats off to the folks who raced in these conditions (ie IronDiva at Mussleman last weekend).

Stay hydrated my friends!

2011-07-27 6:33 AM
in reply to: #3287331

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Extreme Veteran
San Luis Obispo County, CA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba/Andy's excellent adventure group-Full

I've been getting up at 5am on my running days to avoid the heat and humidity.  It's still in the 80's, and I come back drenched for my runs.  I've also taking to riding in the basement.  I think I'm actually getting some better workouts since there is no coasting or stopping, but I find I'm a little lazy about kicking up the intensity.  This week, I won't be able to slack so easily with the arrival of a long awaited Computrainer.  It took me a long time to save my lunch money, and to be on my best behavior around the house to earn it.    Already took a ride on the stick portion of the Ironman Wisconsin course which I hope to do next year.  Wow!  What I difference.  I can see why Andy does well on the bike.  There's a lot to learn about the capabilities of this thing, and how to train with it.

On the racing front, I did a 5 miler a couple of weeks ago.  Managed to set another PR for me on the course, taking 40 seconds off my previous time.  Next up is the Annapolis 10 miler, and then the Nation's Triathlon. 

2011-07-27 10:25 PM
in reply to: #3287331

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba/Andy's excellent adventure group-Full
Sweet. The Computrainer is a great tool and there are so many different ways to use it. They have Alp Du Ez from the TDF on the website you can download for free. I highly reccommend the live action virtual rides that they have put together for most of the NA Ironman courses. Really helps you get acquanted with the course before race day plus you will get so visual landmarks to key of off on race day. Nice job on the PR!

Today was one of those days I was swamped and work and worked through lunch and didn't get a chance to do my lunch run. DUring my ride home and after dinner I had absolutely no energy and actually feel asleep in the parking lot waiting to pick up my son from cross country practice. Got through a low energy ride tonight and finally am feeling better. Funny how your body reacts. I am so used to that mid day exercise that when I don't get it I run out of juice later in the day, but when I do I'm recharged for the rest of the day. Did make an awesome bananna, rasberry, green tea smoothie with some protein power post workout. Really tasted good (everyone in the family including the boys loved it) and lifted me up.


2011-07-30 9:09 AM
in reply to: #3611913

Subject: RE: Southwestmba/Andy's excellent adventure group-Full

southwestmba - 2011-07-23 11:57 PM Are you planning to do IM NYC in the next few years? Even though I don't like the idea of swimming in the Hudson, I think in would be hard to pass on such a close by Ironman, so I may join you up there if you do. Andy


thanks Andy!  you know, i got all excited about IM NYC when i first heard about it...but am really unenthusiastic about the looped course, let alone the price point!  yowzers.  as for the hudson, i've swum in it many times (for NYC tri and in NYC open water swim races) and it's fine.  just...keep your mouth closed.  hahaha.  i'll probably volunteer, though, so i may see you if you come out for it.

2011-07-30 3:13 PM
in reply to: #3287331

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba/Andy's excellent adventure group-Full
Friday was one of my worst runs of the year. Went out and did a 5 mile run at lunch and it got a whole lot hotter and more humid that the rest of the week and after 4 miles I just felt like garbage. So the last mile, I just drug myself home. Fortunately I bounced back this morning and had a good pseudo brick and ran a steady hour and felt much better.
2011-07-30 9:12 PM
in reply to: #3287331

Subject: RE: Southwestmba/Andy's excellent adventure group-Full
I have a sprint tri tomorrow in Novi, Michigan and it's supposed to be hot and humid. I checked my bike this morning on the steps of the front porch and decided to switch out the old tube of the back tire for a new one. It was around 10:30/11:00 am and the sun was out and it was humid. Holy cow! Just doing that had me sweating like a pig; I felt like I was in a broiler. I retreated to the porch proper where there was some shade; hopefully tomorrow won't be that bad but the forecast says yes.
2011-07-31 8:16 AM
in reply to: #3622076

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Extreme Veteran
San Luis Obispo County, CA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba/Andy's excellent adventure group-Full

Good Luck with your tri and the heat.  I started my run at 6am yesterday, it was already 84 degrees.  I feel for you.

2011-07-31 4:00 PM
in reply to: #3287331

Subject: RE: Southwestmba/Andy's excellent adventure group-Full

Back from the Island Lake of Novi Tri, a 880 yd swim, 12 mile bike and 3 mile run that according to my Garmin was a 15 mile bike and 3.2 mile run. And the swim DEFINITELY looked longer than the 880 I did for the Ann Arbor tri, but who knows perhaps that one was a little short.

I felt good about it overall. I'll have a race report up later, when the results are posted. I feel I progressed; my breathing and stroke were better in the swim, my transitions were better (although that's not saying much). My mindset was such that I didn't feel like a newb! I had a glimmer of experience to fall back on as this was my third outdoor tri. The heat wasn't as bad as what Hip experienced, I'd say it got to 84 around transition #2, so the run got a tad warm...but like 'Ole Rooster Cogburn, I think I displayed 'True Grit', lol! At least at the end; I finished the last 350 or so yards with a good kick and passed some folks that were over 100 yards in front of me. One of them was a girl who afterwards teased me about cutting corners.

2011-07-31 6:19 PM
in reply to: #3287331

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Extreme Veteran
San Luis Obispo County, CA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba/Andy's excellent adventure group-Full

Sounds like you had a good race and are encouraged by you improvement.  Nice job!

On the training front, I had a good biking month for me.  309 miles this July, as compared to 323 miles during all of my self-imploding year last year.

2011-08-02 11:24 PM
in reply to: #3287331

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba/Andy's excellent adventure group-Full
Nice job This weekend. Way to finish strong!

I've been having a pretty good week so far. After my rotten run last Friday, I got in a good workout Saturday morning with a cycing clas and an hour run on the track (it was already 91 by 10:00am). Sunday I checked my logs and saw I needed 38 miles to hit 500 for the month so I put in a 1:42:14 ride on the trainer at 9:00pm to reach 500 miles for July. Have had two good runs and bikes this week 5 miles running and ~90 min bike each day. Starting to realize Ironman Canada is at the end of this month and I only have these last two weeks to get some quality work in. Already over 100 miles on the bike this week, so this could be a huge milage week. Richter Pass here I come!

2011-08-03 4:07 AM
in reply to: #3287331

Subject: RE: Southwestmba/Andy's excellent adventure group-Full
I've been having a pretty good week so far. After my rotten run last Friday, I got in a good workout Saturday morning with a cycing clas and an hour run on the track (it was already 91 by 10:00am). Sunday I checked my logs and saw I needed 38 miles to hit 500 for the month so I put in a 1:42:14 ride on the trainer at 9:00pm to reach 500 miles for July
2011-08-03 6:33 PM
in reply to: #3287331

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba/Andy's excellent adventure group-Full
Racing the rain today. It was so busy at work but I did manage to get out the door for lunch and noticed the clouds blowing in. Well the good part meant it was cooler and the wind was blowing, but it was humid. As I made the turn, I thought about extending my run a 7+ miles but a look at the sky saw it was pitch black at noon. Ok I am really going to get soaked unless I pick it up and keep it short. So I picked up the pace and worked hard on the hills and worked my way home hoping to stay dry (well from the rain at least, I was sweating up a storm thats to the humidity). I got back and not 2 minutes later it was downpouring, so I won something today.

Enjoy the little things and make every day something special!

2011-08-05 1:47 PM
in reply to: #3287331

Subject: RE: Southwestmba/Andy's excellent adventure group-Full


Not a moment too soon; the other day I made the decision to accept my Hep-B vaccination; I was worried about pain or side effects and the handout said only 1 in a million have significant side effects. Thirty minutes later I'm dizzy, and beginning to itch, congrats Joe! You are special. Later was a swim day with the bum shoulder, goodbye good form! Yesterday was this 'mini tri' of training where I did a little bit of everything. Scratch 'little bit'; so I'm excited to go home and vegetate!

2011-08-06 1:53 PM
in reply to: #3287331

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba/Andy's excellent adventure group-Full
Feeling great today. Got two great cycling classes at the YMCA this morning and both instructors pilled on the big hills and big long intervals. Intervals, especially intervals on with heavy resistance really give up the most bang for the buck. After 2+ hours of cycling, went home and got my son up and ready for karate and back to the YMCA for his karate (Adrian is a black belt but he is also a teenager thus it can be a challenge to get the kid out of bed). I ran the indoor track and did an evil set of 5 mile stepdowns. Run each miles faster than the last, no break until your done. Love this workout since it forces you to push harder when you are getting tired. Started with an 8:24 miles and ended up with a 7:06. Felt awesome with alot of life in my legs.

3 weeks to Ironman Canada!

Bummer about the reaction to the shot, but it could have been worse. Had to get a Hep B shot before going to Nebraska for the flood support on the Missouri River since most sewage stations upriver are flooded out. Fortunately I wasn't "special".

2011-08-09 11:37 AM
in reply to: #3287331

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Extreme Veteran
San Luis Obispo County, CA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba/Andy's excellent adventure group-Full

I've been getting in some nice runs lately.  The highlight this weekend was a run from my house down Rock Creek Park that runs through the center of Washington DC, finishing up at the zoo, and then taking the Metro back home.  Today was a speedy (for me) extended loop before work with a new pair of shoes.  My old shoes had just over 300 miles on them, but being a heavier runner, that's about all I can get out of them. I was surprised how cushiony the same exact new shoes felt.  I'm really enjoying some slightly cooler and less humid mornings this past week as well.

2011-08-09 8:14 PM
in reply to: #3287331

Subject: RE: Southwestmba/Andy's excellent adventure group-Full

At home, checking out triathlonlive-tv, the Elite Men's event in Hamburg. These guys ARE elite! Amazing! I just finished watching these guys do the swim, just rocking it in like 16 or so minutes, then jumping out of the water to transition, to bike then off! Amazing level of fitness.

I did 5 miles today, trying to get some final fitness for a tri I have coming up Wednesday. Does anyone do 'ChiRunning'? I bought the book on discount at the Border's closing and it has some interesting concepts. So I was implementing them a little today.

IronMan Canada! I heard that event sold out in one day, is that the norm for the IM events? Good luck Andy...

2011-08-09 10:52 PM
in reply to: #3287331

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba/Andy's excellent adventure group-Full
SOme years Ironman Canada spots don't even make it to the internet and you have to regester on site, but I got in this year and it really should be a blast.

Typically I hate running in the rain, but today I really need a nice balance me out run before midcycles and the fact that it just started rain wasn't going to stop me. It started about 2-3 min before and got the word but kept at it. I was warm 80 or so a little rain actually felt good plus it was motivation to go a bit quicker than normal. Passed one of my coworkers before Walker park and was feeling smooth. Well the rain picked up its intensity as I went along on my New Prince Fredrick in the easy direction, until it was seriously downpouring as I hit Walker park for the return trip. Got back very much soaked to the bone, blind (fogged and rain drop covered glasses). But it was just what the Dr ordered and helped make the afternoon go well. I slowed a bit as the footing started getting slick and the puddles started getting deep, but it was actually a very fun run in the rain.

2011-08-09 10:56 PM
in reply to: #3287331

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba/Andy's excellent adventure group-Full
I never tried the Chi Running thing before, but I have heard it works to prevent injury. You'll have to tell us how it works.

2011-08-11 8:58 PM
in reply to: #3287331

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba/Andy's excellent adventure group-Full
It was an absolutely beautiful day today and what a great day for a run. So I did a nice hilly 5.59 miles loop with 4 nice hills. But the really cool part was after waving to a bunch of folks out there enjoying the great weather, I roll up the last hill and turn the corner and I'm broadside to the GOODYEAR BLIMP! An it was pretty low too. They were low enough that I could see the two guys in the cabin and they were maneauvering. Then they straighten out and zoom it was off and I chased after it on the way back to the building. Very cool.

Keep your eyes open and be amazed at what you see!

2011-08-13 7:06 AM
in reply to: #3287331

Subject: RE: Southwestmba/Andy's excellent adventure group-Full

I've had a good week of training. Thursday I established a new PB in the 5 mile run, 42 seconds better than my previous PB; it now stands at 55:20, a 11:04 min/mile rate. Yesterday I established PB's in both the 100 and 400 yard swims, the latter coming after a session of speed building, so that was neat. I cut 12 seconds off of my 100 yard PB and it stands at 1:26, while my 400 yard time is 8:19, or a 2:04 pace. Actually, to be fair to myself it might be even faster; there was a lap that my ADD set in and I wasn't sure if I did the lap or not so I maybe did it again. What is equally exciting is that I can see obvious room for improvement in both areas; I don't expect any of those PB's to last the year.

I think I'm learning how to do this!

In other areas of improvement, I gained a PB in pant size for the year, it now stands at size 34, while at work I have received a compliment of 'buffed' twice in two weeks; normally it's less than one. Much less :P

2011-08-13 12:34 PM
in reply to: #3287331

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba/Andy's excellent adventure group-Full
Way to go Phaethon!!! Got to love those break though weeks and 3 PRs in two days is awesome.
I finally got in the pool today after what seem like a really long time, and the water in the indoor pool was freezing ( then outdoor pool was already mobbed). Got a nice smooth swim in but no where close to a 1:26 -100 that is flying.

Did my two cycling classes and both the instructors did some extra long hill sets for me to get ready for the two mountain passes I'll be riding over at IM Canada. 2 hours of cycling classes and a HIM swim in the pool. Last long workout for me as it is taper time from here on out! 14 days and a wake up till Ironman Canada!!

2011-08-13 12:39 PM
in reply to: #3287331

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba/Andy's excellent adventure group-Full
Finally updated my blog! You folks might enjoy this one. One of the reasons this sport rocks is an everyday joe, a MOPer like me can take part in the biggest Triathlon of them all the Ironman World Championships at Kona.

Chase the dream...sometimes you just might catch it (or it might catch you.)

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