BT Development Mentor Program Archives » kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2012-04-09 10:26 AM
in reply to: #4137878

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
jarvy01 - 2012-04-09 8:37 AM

I have shin splints - both shins.  Left is more bothersome than the right.  I was cleared to run 2 weeks ago, and I have run slow and easy.  Do you think this is related to the stress fracture (for those of you whom are new to the group, I was diagnosed with a tibial stress fracture toward the end of Feb.)?  Or do you think this is something new?  

I'm starting to get worried about my triathlon season.  How will I ever be able to be competitive this year when I keep having setbacks?  I'm upset right now.  


Do you foam roll at all? My shins get sore/tight and I'll even try to roll those out sometimes. Seems to help a bit. 

2012-04-09 10:27 AM
in reply to: #4137984

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
Rudedog55 - 2012-04-09 10:14 AM

uhcoog - 2012-04-09 11:08 AM Jen that sucks.  Maybe get your gait checked out or new shoes/orthodics?  I know how hard it was for me going into the season last year just getting over ITBS.  Hope you bounce back soon.


Scott, did you get my FB message??  I sent one over late last week.



Yeah man.  Thanks.  Helps out a lot. 

2012-04-09 10:29 AM
in reply to: #4123621

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
Jen, that really stinks. Are you due for new shoes? Are you compensating for your other injury at all and now stressing your shins?
2012-04-09 11:15 AM
in reply to: #4123621

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
Jen - if I don't run on a consistent basis, my shins always bother me when I start back.  I agree with the rolling, it always helps.  And stretching as well, lots of flexing your feet up toward your shins.  Don't be discouraged, it'll work itself out. 
2012-04-09 11:28 AM
in reply to: #4123621

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
Thanks, everyone, for the responses.  I hope you're right, Karen, and it's just from starting things up again.  I also changed running surfaces, so that could be the cause.  I don't use the foam roller like I ought to, but I think I'm going to start.  I'm lazy when it comes to rolling and stretching, but I need to carve out a little time for it.  
2012-04-09 11:39 AM
in reply to: #4138179

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
I had shin splints so bad it was painful to walk ... I didn't stop running, but heating my shins with a heat pas before running helped tremendously... warms the muscles, then ice after.Also, I have had my massage person massage when my shins are sore ... Helps alot!Stretch your calfs and roll your plantar facia!

2012-04-09 12:25 PM
in reply to: #4123621

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
Busy day here.  Swam this morning then court.  Now i'm in the process of packing up everything and moving my office (I'm transferring from our business litigation department to the labor & employment department).  Tonight I have CPR ceritficatoin class.  Once I have my CPR certification I will officially be a USAT Level 1 coach.
2012-04-09 12:45 PM
in reply to: #4137878

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
jarvy01 - 2012-04-09 10:37 AM

I have shin splints - both shins.  Left is more bothersome than the right.  I was cleared to run 2 weeks ago, and I have run slow and easy.  Do you think this is related to the stress fracture (for those of you whom are new to the group, I was diagnosed with a tibial stress fracture toward the end of Feb.)?  Or do you think this is something new?  

I'm starting to get worried about my triathlon season.  How will I ever be able to be competitive this year when I keep having setbacks?  I'm upset right now.  

Jen - go see your doctor.  Have you ever had a bone density test?

As to competitiveness: dont worry about it.  Just do your best.  you have plenty of time to compete.  get healthy, sell your house, mother your kids, have fun, etc.

Edited by jsklarz 2012-04-09 12:46 PM
2012-04-09 1:26 PM
in reply to: #4138316

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED

kaburns1214 - 2012-04-09 1:25 PM Once I have my CPR certification I will officially be a USAT Level 1 coach.

Congrats that's a great accomplishment. Are you going to take on clients?

2012-04-09 1:37 PM
in reply to: #4123621

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Extreme Veteran
Rome, NY
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED

Rest DAY 

15 weeks of training in the books!!

15 weeks till IM Lake Placid

Got my 1t ever massage today what a great rewards after my tough weekend of training!!

2012-04-09 2:39 PM
in reply to: #4138363

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
jsklarz - 2012-04-09 1:45 PM
jarvy01 - 2012-04-09 10:37 AM

I have shin splints - both shins.  Left is more bothersome than the right.  I was cleared to run 2 weeks ago, and I have run slow and easy.  Do you think this is related to the stress fracture (for those of you whom are new to the group, I was diagnosed with a tibial stress fracture toward the end of Feb.)?  Or do you think this is something new?  

I'm starting to get worried about my triathlon season.  How will I ever be able to be competitive this year when I keep having setbacks?  I'm upset right now.  

Jen - go see your doctor.  Have you ever had a bone density test?

As to competitiveness: dont worry about it.  Just do your best.  you have plenty of time to compete.  get healthy, sell your house, mother your kids, have fun, etc.

No, no bone density test.  I had a full blood workup done when I had the stress fracture though, and calcium levels were good.  My doctor said that osteopenia usually presents itself in the wrists, forearms, and hips.  I've never fully broken a bone in my 33 years.....only 2 stress fractures - one playing volleyball at 17 yrs. old and then this past Feb.  If they keep bothering me, then I will absolutely go see my doctor, because that would be a sign of a much bigger problem.  

I can't help that I'm a competitive person.  Doing a race for fun just isn't going to happen (because it wouldn't be fun that way for me, if that makes sense).  It's not my personality    

2012-04-09 2:44 PM
in reply to: #4123621

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED

Question......for those whom run early in the morning before the sun rises (more for the women but it applies to men as well) - - Do you worry about personal safety when you're out running alone?  Do you have to worry about it?  If you do, then what do you do to ease your mind?  

I live in an urban area with a moderate to high level of crime.  I worry about running outside in the dark alone, which is why I do early morning runs on the treadmill.  I'd like to hit the roads more, but I'd also like to properly prepare for that.  A whistle?  Pepper spray (isn't that illegal anymore?)?  Would a cell phone be enough?

**edited to add that you can forget the jokes about firearms.  My husband and I are not gun owners and never will be due to our personal beliefs.



Edited by jarvy01 2012-04-09 2:47 PM
2012-04-09 3:04 PM
in reply to: #4123621

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
Jen I should probably worry about it more, but I tend to travel well lit, urban areas designed for runners.  That said most of my female friends who do the same in fact do carry pepper spray on their fuel belts.
2012-04-09 3:31 PM
in reply to: #4123621

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
Jen if you are in an area that might cause concern then I would carry all of the above (whistle, spray, and cell). Or maybe find a couple of others that run at the same time and group up?
2012-04-09 3:42 PM
in reply to: #4123621

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED

Oh I have female friends that are getting their concealed handgun license to carry in their bento box on the bike so carry whatever you need.

2012-04-09 3:48 PM
in reply to: #4123621

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED

I run alone in the early morning hours all the time.  I would consider it suburban.  I take a dog with me as often as I can, unless I'm doing a hard workout requiring me to focus and not trip over a leash.  (Or the lazy mutt won't get out of bed.)  The roads I run on are either all in my huge neighborhood, or I add on across the street in another huge neighborhood.  Both have street lights every so often.  I don't worry too much, although maybe I should.  It's pretty quiet most mornings, a few cars here and there either heading home or leaving for work.  And then there are the usual runners and walkers out too.  I do try to be aware of my surroundings.  If something looks out of place, a car parked in a spot where one typically would not be, I'm on alert.  If a person or car passes me going the other direction I always look back a few times to make sure they continue on and don't disappear down a side street.  Not a guarantee I'll be safe, but I think being aware of what's going on helps.

2012-04-09 4:00 PM
in reply to: #4138316

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
kaburns1214 - 2012-04-09 10:25 AM Busy day here.  Swam this morning then court.  Now i'm in the process of packing up everything and moving my office (I'm transferring from our business litigation department to the labor & employment department).  Tonight I have CPR ceritficatoin class.  Once I have my CPR certification I will officially be a USAT Level 1 coach.

Thats an awesome accomplishment. Woot, woot!  You're going to be a...You are a fantastic coach.
2012-04-09 4:08 PM
in reply to: #4138705

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED

I worry about this too and have kept other than light hours inside because of it.  My lazy mutt pulls too hard otherwise I would feel comfortable running with him. He is a brown lab so most people don't know what he is until they are close to him and he usually tries to jump at people to lick them (although they don't know that).  I would carry a phone, ID, spray anything that will fend someone off.  

I wish there were emergency self defensive classes out there.  I don't want a black belt, but what to do if jumped.

2012-04-09 4:08 PM
in reply to: #4138316

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
Congrats Kelly!  Will you go for other Cert levels?
2012-04-09 4:23 PM
in reply to: #4123621

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
Congratulations, Kelly!
2012-04-09 4:52 PM
in reply to: #4123621

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Extreme Veteran
Price, UT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED

Congrats Kelly on the cert.

Jen hang in there I too know how it seems to feel like you are always in recovery mode rather than building and competitiveness.

 I was definitly discouraged yesterday, but feel better today and cut seven minutes off the same 12 mile route I road yesterday, today even had a nasty little head wind on some of the climbs.

2012-04-09 6:40 PM
in reply to: #4123621

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
Congrats Kelly. Can we still be cheap suckers and use yOur services on the mentor group???!!! Ha
2012-04-09 7:39 PM
in reply to: #4138705

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Northern CT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED

  I lived in DC for ten years and always carried pepper spray when I ran or biked in the early am.  I live in a pretty suburban area now..I've tried running a few times before sunrise, but found myself way too distracted by sounds (usually squirrels or such) running in the grass.  I've had to adjust to running on the treadmill or waiting till after work since I mainly run alone.  

2012-04-09 8:14 PM
in reply to: #4123621

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
Day 1 of my Oly plan today. 50 min bike
2012-04-09 9:12 PM
in reply to: #4123621

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
Congrat Kelly! That is an awesome!
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