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2014-03-12 4:40 PM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Chatham Ontario
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Thank you..

YES born and mostly raised in Ontario. Some time in AZ and in BC

But back here for the last 19 years. Good ol flat southern ontario.

2014-03-13 10:22 PM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Thanks for the Welcome....

I was wondering what everyone does for training in a week( how often for swim/run/bike)?

I am real real new to this and have decided for now to try it on my own and then after I probably will join a club.

thanks in advance
2014-03-13 10:36 PM
in reply to: Cseabrook


Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Defector! I was in another group but saw this new parents group and it is obviously for me.

Me: Forty something, ok 42 going on 43, vey happily married, 2.5 yr old son and daughter due in May.

About ten years ago I trained for my first marathon (after virtually no working out since college). It was a really special 6 or so months of training and a fantastic race (in Rome no less). I enjoyed the whole experience. Since then I have been an on again off again runner - probably 6 or so half marathons and a couple of other full marathons. Never as completely well trained as for the first - but generally very motivated with a goal like a marathon or half. Last year once I finally changed careers from a traveling consultant to now working 10 mins from home I decided to chase my Triathlon fascinations and see what I could do. Mind you I have never been and nor do not ever expect to be fast - I am just not built to be particularly great at these events. My fastest marathon is 4 hours and fastest 5k is about 23mins. So my motivation is really to better myself enjoy the process and enjoy getting into and staying in great shape.

Last year I went from couch in May to Sprint in October and Half Marathon in November. I put in a lot of good training - usually 6-7 aerobic workouts a week plus a little core and pull up/pushup work. The sprint was fun however outside of the swim (I admit I breast stroked quite a bit) I found the race was not really that challenging largely because the overall duration was very doable for me. Nevertheless I really enjoyed the discipline of working out almost every day and progressing so much by having better overall body fitness. I took most of December very low key and started up again in Jan - this time including weights.

So this year I am signed up for another sprint at the end of April and then an Olympic at the end of August. The later will be challenging because we are expecting our 2nd child in May - not quite sure if I'll be able to keep up the now ~10 workouts per week (6-7 aerobic, 2x weights, 1-2 core).
Whatever might come of my workout time constraints over the middle six months of the year I intend to keep progressing in Triathlon. I have the bug for sure - love the discipline and overall post work out feeling, not to mention learning more about my fitness/health and capabilities.

Ultimately I would like to do a full 140.3 - however since family is no 1 for me I am willing to be patient - earliest I could imagine would be in three years time but if the timing isnt right for another 6 years I'm cool with that too. In the mean time I am looking to progress to a all Olympic races next year, and then two years from now a half iron.

I've joined a local Tri Club which helps. However my family priorities mean I am rarely able to join organized workouts - I sneak in most of my works outs during lunch and after our current only child is asleep. So I'm sort of going it alone. Looking for a good place to learn and motivate. Hopefully this is a start.

Look forward to learning.

2014-03-14 8:17 AM
in reply to: Cseabrook

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Cseabrook

Thanks for the Welcome....

I was wondering what everyone does for training in a week( how often for swim/run/bike)?

I am real real new to this and have decided for now to try it on my own and then after I probably will join a club.

thanks in advance

I think the minimum is 2 workouts of each a week, but if you are a strong swimmer, you'd be able to finish the race off with only one swim per week, but you would have to be a really good swimmer with a background in swimming. 3 of each per week is generally recommended, three days where you do two workouts in a day and 3 days where you only do one workout. One rest day. A typical week would be something like:

Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Swim am, run pm
Wednesday - bike am, swim pm
Thursday - run am, bike pm
Friday - swim
Saturday - long bike
Sunday - long run

When you get close to your race you would usually add in a bike/run workout, typically you would add a short run to the end of your long bike.

For my two Ironmans, I trained 6 days a week, 2 swims (I'm a strong swimmer), 3-4 bikes and 3-4 runs (it would alternate week to week whether I was doing 3 bikes/4 runs or 4 bikes/3 runs.
2014-03-14 8:17 AM
in reply to: Jhcolton

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Jhcolton

Defector! I was in another group but saw this new parents group and it is obviously for me.

Me: Forty something, ok 42 going on 43, vey happily married, 2.5 yr old son and daughter due in May.

About ten years ago I trained for my first marathon (after virtually no working out since college). It was a really special 6 or so months of training and a fantastic race (in Rome no less). I enjoyed the whole experience. Since then I have been an on again off again runner - probably 6 or so half marathons and a couple of other full marathons. Never as completely well trained as for the first - but generally very motivated with a goal like a marathon or half. Last year once I finally changed careers from a traveling consultant to now working 10 mins from home I decided to chase my Triathlon fascinations and see what I could do. Mind you I have never been and nor do not ever expect to be fast - I am just not built to be particularly great at these events. My fastest marathon is 4 hours and fastest 5k is about 23mins. So my motivation is really to better myself enjoy the process and enjoy getting into and staying in great shape.

Last year I went from couch in May to Sprint in October and Half Marathon in November. I put in a lot of good training - usually 6-7 aerobic workouts a week plus a little core and pull up/pushup work. The sprint was fun however outside of the swim (I admit I breast stroked quite a bit) I found the race was not really that challenging largely because the overall duration was very doable for me. Nevertheless I really enjoyed the discipline of working out almost every day and progressing so much by having better overall body fitness. I took most of December very low key and started up again in Jan - this time including weights.

So this year I am signed up for another sprint at the end of April and then an Olympic at the end of August. The later will be challenging because we are expecting our 2nd child in May - not quite sure if I'll be able to keep up the now ~10 workouts per week (6-7 aerobic, 2x weights, 1-2 core).
Whatever might come of my workout time constraints over the middle six months of the year I intend to keep progressing in Triathlon. I have the bug for sure - love the discipline and overall post work out feeling, not to mention learning more about my fitness/health and capabilities.

Ultimately I would like to do a full 140.3 - however since family is no 1 for me I am willing to be patient - earliest I could imagine would be in three years time but if the timing isnt right for another 6 years I'm cool with that too. In the mean time I am looking to progress to a all Olympic races next year, and then two years from now a half iron.

I've joined a local Tri Club which helps. However my family priorities mean I am rarely able to join organized workouts - I sneak in most of my works outs during lunch and after our current only child is asleep. So I'm sort of going it alone. Looking for a good place to learn and motivate. Hopefully this is a start.

Look forward to learning.


Welcome John.
2014-03-14 10:31 AM
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Chatham Ontario
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Cseabrook

Thanks for the Welcome....

I was wondering what everyone does for training in a week( how often for swim/run/bike)?

I am real real new to this and have decided for now to try it on my own and then after I probably will join a club.

thanks in advance

Really depends on the distance you are going for and what your personal goals are.

As suggested you can do multiple work outs per day etc. But once you have a solid base built and it is more of a lifestyle I have learned I can get by on less. I worked out 9 times a week my first few years. Even 10 times.

Last year I had a lot of life changes and a my Girlfriend and I were expecting and she had a rough pregnancy. So I was lucky to train 3 days a week and work out 3-4 times a week. I also had knee surgery to boot.

I went to my local sprint and had my worst swim ever there ( Very rough water, they should have really cancelled the swim. Many people defected to the duathlon) It was windy as heck, made for a very hard bike ride. But I had a decent run there for me. I have always had a side stitch at this event and linked it to the Hammer products that I took as gels and on the run. I no longer use Hammer.

anyways long story short I PR'd this event with less training. I also went into it without expectations. And didn't get my side stitch until the last km.

Sprint distance is easier to "Get through" with less training. Strong swimmer or not I find it take soooo much work to improve your swimming just to shave a 1-2 mins off your swim time. That I work harder on the bike and run. But you have to be comfortable with swimming.

When I started and I was 280lbs I wasn't so I swam 2-3 times a week for a year. Since then I have backed off. Unless I have an injury then I make use of the pool a lot more.

Edited by Techdiver 2014-03-14 10:33 AM

2014-03-14 10:56 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Welcome to all the newcomers. We're surrounded by Canadians!!! At least I'm a hockey fan ("Go Devils")

Working full time, having a 15 month old, and decent amount of other responsibilities really limits the time I can put in, even on weekends, as DW is supportive to a point. I typically put in about 5 days- a typical week looks like this:
Saturday or Sunday: Long Run
Monday- Bike
Tuesday: Run
Wednesday: Rest or cross-train
Thursday: Run
Friday: Swim

Unfortunately, I'm only able to get in one swim a week. Although it's on my way to work, the post-work hours aren't good so I have to go pre-work. DW and I split the childcare responsibilities in the morning, but it wouldn't be fair to leave him with her every day so on Fridays I get him dressed and she feeds him and gets him ready for daycare.

95% of the time I have to get my workouts done in the morning, which means waking up at 5:45 and being done by 6:45 so I can shower and be ready to be a dad by 7ish. I really wish I could spend more time training but I don't see an increase occurring in the near future. I also wish I could swim more as I'm not particularly strong- I get through it (3:00/100 yards).

My plan for this year is the Rutgers half marathon in April (1 month from today)- for which I'm behind on training due to the abnormal winter we had here in NJ. THen, I'm still nailing down my tris. Last year I did a single sprint and got hooked despite my time being absolutely awful (credit goes to using a 20year old mountain bike for 16 miiles). I'd like to do 1-2 sprints and 1-2 olympic distances. I'm also thinking of ending the year with the Princeton half marathon.

Next year I really want to step up and 2-3 olympics and then the new Princeton 70.3. We're actively considering another child so I'm hoping I can squeeze all this in next year, we'll see. I don't know how much earlier I can wake up and still be productive at work- I'm a corporate attorney for a healthcare company so I have to be mostly awake at work.
2014-03-15 7:19 AM
in reply to: sethjk

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Chatham Ontario
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Not only Canadians But I also see a lot of people on this thread own FELT bikes YAY

My new B14 is in and I go to pick it up next weekend. I am excited.

As this is a new parents thread I will mention I am recovering from surgery to not be a "New" parent again. Both the Significant other and I shut it down. Her surgery was 2 weeks ago mine was a week ago.

I am hoping to get on a spin bike for a light spin tomorrow morning. I haven't worked out in 9 days so far. Due to surgery and work.

And frankly I didn't work out this winter much with the new baby and well with this darn winter. I am sooooo sick of winter. That last blast we had the other day almost made me sit down and cry. My drive way was drifted in and I wasn't allowed to shovel.

Picture of new felt once I pick it up. That I am excited about. And glad I didn't book the bike fit for this weekend.
2014-03-16 3:26 PM
in reply to: Techdiver

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Welcome Chris,

busy busy busy just like all of you I know.

Got a great swim in today, was 400 WU 500swim, 500 kick, 500 pull, 500 Swim

Ran 16 miles yesterday, farthest I have ever ran, Feel pretty good today considering,

Tues-Fri crazy busy this week so probably no workouts. I travel around all day in a big truck so a few times now I have taken running stuff and changed in my truck, ran then changed back into work clothes, It works ok, not going to be able to do this in the hot summer.
2014-03-16 3:41 PM
in reply to: rydergal

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by rydergal

Wondering if anyone on the forum is a non-bilateral breather while swimming? ( i guess that's unilateral, i think?? ) A friend of mine recently did an underwater video of her swimming with a triathlon coach and he convinced her to switch to breathing from only her right side. He had a bunch of reasons but I haven't been able to get all the details yet.....but she did say she wasn't rolling properly on the left and it was taking too much work for her. So far she finds she is much faster and not as tired from swimming. I think Laura you used to be a swim instructor? Any input? Anyone else?

When i first started swimming breathed only on my right side- but then all the books i read and watching people i switched as it seemed to be the 'proper' way....but now i'm starting to question if i should go back to it as I know I roll too far on my left side.....Thinking it might be the change I need to break my 3:00/100m that i'm stuck at...... Also especially with open water- sometimes it's necessary to only breath on one side if there is someone right beside you or the maybe it's not a bad thing for triathletes??

I always use to just breathe on my left side, but one day I decided to try every third stroke to breathe and it worked, I stayed with it now for 6+months and haventfelt better in the pool.

I guess maybe you should take some lessons if you really want to figure out what is going on with your stroke. I know some places have video capabilities and can show it back to you and all that.
2014-03-16 3:48 PM
in reply to: smithat05

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Welcome John,

Sounds like me 2 years ago, Keep at it and you will do great at your Oly in August.

2014-03-17 9:03 AM
in reply to: smithat05

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Chatham Ontario
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by smithat05

Welcome Chris,

busy busy busy just like all of you I know.

Got a great swim in today, was 400 WU 500swim, 500 kick, 500 pull, 500 Swim

Ran 16 miles yesterday, farthest I have ever ran, Feel pretty good today considering,

Tues-Fri crazy busy this week so probably no workouts. I travel around all day in a big truck so a few times now I have taken running stuff and changed in my truck, ran then changed back into work clothes, It works ok, not going to be able to do this in the hot summer.

500 kicking you are my hero. I hardly kick. I can't seem to kick worth a crap and I am luck to get in 2 x 50. I keep trying and even after all these years it is tough. I think it is because I have such large quads and calves. I would die trying to kick 500 m. now swim 2000 m no problem but I am lucky to kick 8 times per 50
2014-03-17 8:04 PM
in reply to: Techdiver

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Techdiver

Originally posted by smithat05

Welcome Chris,

busy busy busy just like all of you I know.

Got a great swim in today, was 400 WU 500swim, 500 kick, 500 pull, 500 Swim

Ran 16 miles yesterday, farthest I have ever ran, Feel pretty good today considering,

Tues-Fri crazy busy this week so probably no workouts. I travel around all day in a big truck so a few times now I have taken running stuff and changed in my truck, ran then changed back into work clothes, It works ok, not going to be able to do this in the hot summer.

500 kicking you are my hero. I hardly kick. I can't seem to kick worth a crap and I am luck to get in 2 x 50. I keep trying and even after all these years it is tough. I think it is because I have such large quads and calves. I would die trying to kick 500 m. now swim 2000 m no problem but I am lucky to kick 8 times per 50

Haha, I am trying to follow the plan as close as I can. I am using the free Half Iron plan on here. I did use Flippers for yesterdays kick and paddles for the Pull set. I used the flippers mainly to speed up my workout and to strengthen my legs I guess.
I am with ya though I hate kicking and I kick way too much. I kick like I am not about to ride the bike so I am sure I will have problems. Ohh well.

2014-03-17 8:07 PM
in reply to: smithat05

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Got home early about 4:30 ish Went for a quick 10k before dinner with the dog. Finished in 44 mins. Guess a PR stand alone 10 k time. says my garmin so yay me and my dog.

15+ hr workday tomrrow -wed-thursday so I will possibly run Wed or Thursday depending on time but probably not.

Friday spose to be 45ish degrees sorry i dont know the conversion to Celcius for all my friends up north.

Ohh and Chris my pool is Yards not Meters

Us americans like to be different and be the only country to not use the Metric System
2014-03-19 8:49 PM
in reply to: smithat05

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by smithat05

Got home early about 4:30 ish Went for a quick 10k before dinner with the dog. Finished in 44 mins. Guess a PR stand alone 10 k time. says my garmin so yay me and my dog.

15+ hr workday tomrrow -wed-thursday so I will possibly run Wed or Thursday depending on time but probably not.

Friday spose to be 45ish degrees sorry i dont know the conversion to Celcius for all my friends up north.

Ohh and Chris my pool is Yards not Meters

Us americans like to be different and be the only country to not use the Metric System

Some easy temperature converstions
61 = 16 C
82 = 28 C

So 45 is approximately 7 or 8C - Warm!
2014-03-21 10:40 AM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
As it stands right now I am unable to get outside to ride much but with wishful thinking the weather will improve soon. Having said all that I get on the spinning bike at least 2 times a week and I mix up the session with hills, intervals and active rest and it seems to always equal out to be about 25 miles per session ( I am soaked at the end).

I am not a swimmer ...YET. I am getting into my local YMCA pool 1-2 times a week to do lengths and I end up with 600 - 800 meters each session. the swim will certainly be my weakest link. I am really focusing in on having a relaxed but steady pace. I also am building endurance with these swims always trying to rest less and swim more.

I have the most experience with running and I get about 3 runs in a week. Right now they are about 5-6km each but I find I can easily bump them up to 9-10km runs when I get the chance to get out side.

I am preparing for a try-a-tri so the distances are no where near what everyone else is training for but I figure that everyone started somewhere....

I am contemplating joining the local triathlon club in the next few weeks as I know how a club with a qualified instructor can really make a difference

thanks again for any suggestions and feed back

2014-03-21 4:56 PM
in reply to: #4915239

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Hi. Thought I'd pop in and apologise for my long absence. I slightly fell off the BT planet for a little while there. I was signed off work by my GP for 4 weeks due to fatigue, and was also trying to prepare for an exam through it all, so everything else pretty much got put on hold while I tried to get through that. The good news is the exam is over (have to wait another month for the result!) and I'm generally feeling a lot better. I started back at work last week, although I'm still on reduced hours while I get back into things.

I've managed to get a little training in, which is great, although my training log is massively behind. At most I've been managing one each swim/bike/run per week, with the bike being the flakiest because I've become a massive wuss about riding on the road, can't really manage the position on the tri bike any more, and haven't got my road bike set up for the turbo. Hopefully that will be next week's achievement. I'm also working on getting my slowest 5km times ever at the weekly parkrun. 3 weeks ago I topped 45 minutes! I've never been a particularly fast runner, but considering that last summer I was running at the same HR for 16 miles at sub-10min/mile the 15min/mile is officially slow! However, my husband has finally realised that it's hurtful to make fun of me for being slow, and everyone else is really supportive. To try to give myself some motivation to keep active I have set myself a goal to get my parkrun 50 T-shirt before I go back to work at the end of my maternity leave. I've done 12 so far, so it's very do-able. I'm going to keep "running" for as long as my knees let me (I don't think they like running so slowly) and then walk them. And after the baby comes I'll try to build it back up to jogging/running again. Quite a few people do it with jogging strollers, so that's an option I'm considering. I'm feeling quite good about having a goal.

In general news I'm now 16 weeks pregnant and things seem to be going fine. I'm starting to get a bit of a bump although you'd be forgiven for thinking I'm just really flabby round the middle. I'm managing to eat more healthy food, which is good as I'd turned into a complete glutton for starchy stuff and was finding fruit and veg just didn't satisfy me. I managed to have a salad for lunch today, which is another step on the road to feeling more like myself.

To all the new people in the group - welcome! I'm gradually catching up on things and will try to be more active in the group again from now on.
2014-03-21 11:27 PM
in reply to: chapfallen

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by chapfallen

Hi. Thought I'd pop in and apologise for my long absence. I slightly fell off the BT planet for a little while there. I was signed off work by my GP for 4 weeks due to fatigue, and was also trying to prepare for an exam through it all, so everything else pretty much got put on hold while I tried to get through that. The good news is the exam is over (have to wait another month for the result!) and I'm generally feeling a lot better. I started back at work last week, although I'm still on reduced hours while I get back into things.

I've managed to get a little training in, which is great, although my training log is massively behind. At most I've been managing one each swim/bike/run per week, with the bike being the flakiest because I've become a massive wuss about riding on the road, can't really manage the position on the tri bike any more, and haven't got my road bike set up for the turbo. Hopefully that will be next week's achievement. I'm also working on getting my slowest 5km times ever at the weekly parkrun. 3 weeks ago I topped 45 minutes! I've never been a particularly fast runner, but considering that last summer I was running at the same HR for 16 miles at sub-10min/mile the 15min/mile is officially slow! However, my husband has finally realised that it's hurtful to make fun of me for being slow, and everyone else is really supportive. To try to give myself some motivation to keep active I have set myself a goal to get my parkrun 50 T-shirt before I go back to work at the end of my maternity leave. I've done 12 so far, so it's very do-able. I'm going to keep "running" for as long as my knees let me (I don't think they like running so slowly) and then walk them. And after the baby comes I'll try to build it back up to jogging/running again. Quite a few people do it with jogging strollers, so that's an option I'm considering. I'm feeling quite good about having a goal.

In general news I'm now 16 weeks pregnant and things seem to be going fine. I'm starting to get a bit of a bump although you'd be forgiven for thinking I'm just really flabby round the middle. I'm managing to eat more healthy food, which is good as I'd turned into a complete glutton for starchy stuff and was finding fruit and veg just didn't satisfy me. I managed to have a salad for lunch today, which is another step on the road to feeling more like myself.

To all the new people in the group - welcome! I'm gradually catching up on things and will try to be more active in the group again from now on.

Glad to hear ya check in again & that all is well with the baby bump! welcome to the second trimester- don't worry too much about the missed training just do what you can do! the first trimester is tough- i was really naseous & got the flu with my little guy and took a whole month off....but i got back in the swing of things and second trimester was much easier! I'm a person totally motivated by distance but near the end i would just go out for runs for time, that were 30min-60 min and try not to worry about how far i went. It helped me not over do it!
2014-03-21 11:29 PM
in reply to: Cseabrook

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Cseabrook

As it stands right now I am unable to get outside to ride much but with wishful thinking the weather will improve soon. Having said all that I get on the spinning bike at least 2 times a week and I mix up the session with hills, intervals and active rest and it seems to always equal out to be about 25 miles per session ( I am soaked at the end).

I am not a swimmer ...YET. I am getting into my local YMCA pool 1-2 times a week to do lengths and I end up with 600 - 800 meters each session. the swim will certainly be my weakest link. I am really focusing in on having a relaxed but steady pace. I also am building endurance with these swims always trying to rest less and swim more.

I have the most experience with running and I get about 3 runs in a week. Right now they are about 5-6km each but I find I can easily bump them up to 9-10km runs when I get the chance to get out side.

I am preparing for a try-a-tri so the distances are no where near what everyone else is training for but I figure that everyone started somewhere....

I am contemplating joining the local triathlon club in the next few weeks as I know how a club with a qualified instructor can really make a difference

thanks again for any suggestions and feed back

Sounds like you are well on your way for a try-a-tri!!! you would have no problem doing a sprint either with that training!
2014-03-23 2:25 PM
in reply to: chapfallen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
I am a bit of an ALL OR NOTHING kinda guy and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on good books to read so I can better prepare. I don't think I am looking so much for a training style book more of a Triathlon for Dummies. I think beyond the swim my biggest fear is the transitions and the set up prior to the start ect ect.

I have already subscribed to some magazines ( see I told you ...all or nothing) and I am looking into joining the local club but reading suggestions would be appreciated.

Had a great spin today and really want to ramp up everything in the month of April.


2014-03-23 6:56 PM
in reply to: chapfallen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
HI All,
Have been a little MIA for the past week. Banged out 9 miles last Saturday but was having some hip pain all week so only got in one bike and one interval run during the week. Took the rest of the week off to recover and let myself heal. Planned on doing 10k this morning but only slept about 5.5 hours last night. THe worst part about it was that the little guy was with his grandparents and DW and I went into NYC last night...getting home around 12:30. Was really looking forward to sleeping in, but the internal alarm went off at 6:30. Will get back on schedule on Tuesday. 3 weeks until 1/2 marathon.

2014-03-25 4:06 PM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Hey Daffodil et al,

Nope daylight savings is coming up, but not quite here yet. I'm living in NE France tho and the sun is up by the time I get my son fed and ready for kindergarten, so the earlier starts are working well.

Hubby hubster is being quite supportive at the mo - we worked out a timetable for drop-off and pick-up so we're each doing 50-50 with the childcare, which allows him to go climbing a couple of times a week and me to get my training in, and that's working out really well.

Am now doing one long run and one fast run a week, plus an hour's running training with a club - mostly fartleks, which I hate: I'm built for comfort rather than speed. I'm taking my big clunky heavy road bike( the only bike I have) to work and back twice a week, once on a swimming day and once on a runnig day - 14kms each way - and doing a better time in the evenings than first thing in the morning, when my muscles and the weather are still pretty cold. I'm swimming twice a week, doing 500-750metres one day, as fast as possible, and 250metres on the other day with the rest of the time working on mastering tumble turns - I know I don't need them for a triathlon but it'd help me to swim faster in training and it's a psychological thing as I had a pretty awful fear of putting my head under the water until just a few years ago, so I'd like to master that. I have two lunchtime sessions in the gym for weight training planned but haven't actually been yet - watch this space. Then I have an evenings yoga just to stretch it all out again.

I'm finding it difficult to fit in the runs though and as a result have missed several sessions. Had to squeeze in a 20 minute run yesterday as work ran over (happens a lot) and hadn't run in a week, apart from the fartleks evening session. Thought I was going quite quickly but was disappointed to learn I'd only 2.5kms - my usual speed is about 5kms in 30minutes or so, so that's ultra slow, even for me. I think this is due to weight gain over the last few months. I could do with losing about 20kgs but I'm eating healthily and working out almost every day so I'm hoping that will take care of itself.

Apart from the fartleks, does anyone have any toptips for running faster? My shoes are good - a pair of saucony and a pair of Mizuno, which I prefer, for when the others get wet - and quite recent so I don't think it's that - maybe my music isn't fast enough Does anyone know any good sites for downloading running playlists, so I don't have to stay online while I'm running, albeit very slowly.

Have a new date for my first Sprint: 19/09, so theoretically I have enough time to train up, tho I suspect I will look back on this post and laugh in August.
2014-03-27 6:40 AM
in reply to: Catob

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
I've had a relatively active couple of days. I tried out aquajogging on Tuesday morning to see what it would be like to take some of the pressure off my knees for running. It was a little odd, but actually quite fun, so I'm looking into getting myself a belt so I can do it more often. Has anyone ever done any aquajogging? I'm going to have a look online and see if I can find some sessions to do to keep me focused.

I also tried out a pregnancy pilates class. It seemed like it should have been quite easy and relaxing, but I'm obviously really out of shape because there were bits that I found really hard. I can see the benefit I'll get from that though, so it's going to be a weekly thing. Wednesday is aquanatal, which is also not a particularly hard workout, however we do some resistance stuff with floats that is actually quite good, and I really enjoy being in the water, so it's good. I stayed in for a little swim afterwards. I'd intended to do 1500m, but got to about 1200 and my body just ran out of energy, so I guess I still need to build things up a little.

In relation to the question above about triathlon books, there are a number that seem to be recommended by a lot of people, eg Joe Friel's triathlon training bible. I do a lot of reading about triathlon, but it tends to be magazines and online, rather than books. I find the articles on this site very interesting and informative, and I also read a lot of triathlete europe articles online. There is a US equivalent which has all the same articles, but I can't remember what it's called. I would suggest if you're getting started and have a local club, that would be a really good place to start. I joined our local club fairly early on, and not only do you benefit from the coaching, but you will also get a lot of insight into local races, find people to do practice transitions with, and pick up some training/racing buddies as well.
2014-03-27 6:47 AM
in reply to: Catob

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Catob

Hey Daffodil et al,

Nope daylight savings is coming up, but not quite here yet. I'm living in NE France tho and the sun is up by the time I get my son fed and ready for kindergarten, so the earlier starts are working well.

Hubby hubster is being quite supportive at the mo - we worked out a timetable for drop-off and pick-up so we're each doing 50-50 with the childcare, which allows him to go climbing a couple of times a week and me to get my training in, and that's working out really well.

Am now doing one long run and one fast run a week, plus an hour's running training with a club - mostly fartleks, which I hate: I'm built for comfort rather than speed. I'm taking my big clunky heavy road bike( the only bike I have) to work and back twice a week, once on a swimming day and once on a runnig day - 14kms each way - and doing a better time in the evenings than first thing in the morning, when my muscles and the weather are still pretty cold. I'm swimming twice a week, doing 500-750metres one day, as fast as possible, and 250metres on the other day with the rest of the time working on mastering tumble turns - I know I don't need them for a triathlon but it'd help me to swim faster in training and it's a psychological thing as I had a pretty awful fear of putting my head under the water until just a few years ago, so I'd like to master that. I have two lunchtime sessions in the gym for weight training planned but haven't actually been yet - watch this space. Then I have an evenings yoga just to stretch it all out again.

I'm finding it difficult to fit in the runs though and as a result have missed several sessions. Had to squeeze in a 20 minute run yesterday as work ran over (happens a lot) and hadn't run in a week, apart from the fartleks evening session. Thought I was going quite quickly but was disappointed to learn I'd only 2.5kms - my usual speed is about 5kms in 30minutes or so, so that's ultra slow, even for me. I think this is due to weight gain over the last few months. I could do with losing about 20kgs but I'm eating healthily and working out almost every day so I'm hoping that will take care of itself.

Apart from the fartleks, does anyone have any toptips for running faster? My shoes are good - a pair of saucony and a pair of Mizuno, which I prefer, for when the others get wet - and quite recent so I don't think it's that - maybe my music isn't fast enough Does anyone know any good sites for downloading running playlists, so I don't have to stay online while I'm running, albeit very slowly.

Have a new date for my first Sprint: 19/09, so theoretically I have enough time to train up, tho I suspect I will look back on this post and laugh in August.

I'm going to advise caution in trying to run faster. It may sound strange, but my running got faster when I stopped trying to force it. I started doing my long runs to the Maffetone method, which involves running to heart rate. When I first started doing it I had to slow my pace by nearly 2min/mile to keep my HR down low enough. However, after sticking with it consistently I gradually found that I was running faster at the same HR, and over about 18months I took 20 minutes off my half marathon time. I find that by using a method that controls the paces you are running at there is more benefit than just trying to run faster. On the track we use the Jack Daniels method, where you do a time trial and then calculate the paces from there. I have used the training paces and also the race paces for the last couple of years and really see the benefit of doing it. But it means that the only time I ever run "all out" is in the time trial (which is 2 miles).

Of course you need to bare in mind that I'm not a great runner, so others may have better advice.
2014-03-31 7:06 PM
in reply to: chapfallen

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by chapfallen

Originally posted by Catob

Hey Daffodil et al,

Nope daylight savings is coming up, but not quite here yet. I'm living in NE France tho and the sun is up by the time I get my son fed and ready for kindergarten, so the earlier starts are working well.

Hubby hubster is being quite supportive at the mo - we worked out a timetable for drop-off and pick-up so we're each doing 50-50 with the childcare, which allows him to go climbing a couple of times a week and me to get my training in, and that's working out really well.

Am now doing one long run and one fast run a week, plus an hour's running training with a club - mostly fartleks, which I hate: I'm built for comfort rather than speed. I'm taking my big clunky heavy road bike( the only bike I have) to work and back twice a week, once on a swimming day and once on a runnig day - 14kms each way - and doing a better time in the evenings than first thing in the morning, when my muscles and the weather are still pretty cold. I'm swimming twice a week, doing 500-750metres one day, as fast as possible, and 250metres on the other day with the rest of the time working on mastering tumble turns - I know I don't need them for a triathlon but it'd help me to swim faster in training and it's a psychological thing as I had a pretty awful fear of putting my head under the water until just a few years ago, so I'd like to master that. I have two lunchtime sessions in the gym for weight training planned but haven't actually been yet - watch this space. Then I have an evenings yoga just to stretch it all out again.

I'm finding it difficult to fit in the runs though and as a result have missed several sessions. Had to squeeze in a 20 minute run yesterday as work ran over (happens a lot) and hadn't run in a week, apart from the fartleks evening session. Thought I was going quite quickly but was disappointed to learn I'd only 2.5kms - my usual speed is about 5kms in 30minutes or so, so that's ultra slow, even for me. I think this is due to weight gain over the last few months. I could do with losing about 20kgs but I'm eating healthily and working out almost every day so I'm hoping that will take care of itself.

Apart from the fartleks, does anyone have any toptips for running faster? My shoes are good - a pair of saucony and a pair of Mizuno, which I prefer, for when the others get wet - and quite recent so I don't think it's that - maybe my music isn't fast enough Does anyone know any good sites for downloading running playlists, so I don't have to stay online while I'm running, albeit very slowly.

Have a new date for my first Sprint: 19/09, so theoretically I have enough time to train up, tho I suspect I will look back on this post and laugh in August.

I'm going to advise caution in trying to run faster. It may sound strange, but my running got faster when I stopped trying to force it. I started doing my long runs to the Maffetone method, which involves running to heart rate. When I first started doing it I had to slow my pace by nearly 2min/mile to keep my HR down low enough. However, after sticking with it consistently I gradually found that I was running faster at the same HR, and over about 18months I took 20 minutes off my half marathon time. I find that by using a method that controls the paces you are running at there is more benefit than just trying to run faster. On the track we use the Jack Daniels method, where you do a time trial and then calculate the paces from there. I have used the training paces and also the race paces for the last couple of years and really see the benefit of doing it. But it means that the only time I ever run "all out" is in the time trial (which is 2 miles).

Of course you need to bare in mind that I'm not a great runner, so others may have better advice.

I listen to a lot of podcasts, I do not typically have time to read a book, I do have Joe Friels Training bible but have definitly not read the whole thing. I listen to Ben Greenfield, Rich Roll, Zen and the art of Triathlon, Training bible Podcast, Tri Swim coach, IM talk, Competitor Radio, and Endurance planet. Ben Greenfield and Endurance planet are probably the best for advice for Running, Tri specific.
I may be a quick runner but I don't really follow anything, I have heard of Daniels but don't know what it is. If I had to pick I would say I am following Maffetone as well like Rachel said. Basically you take 180 minus your age and thats your Maffetone HR + and - 5 , so I am 32 so my Maffetone range is 180-32= 148 = 143-153 is my range where I should do all my running in, and Rachel is right you will get faster just by doing all your runs in this range. As you get into better shape your HR will stay lower and you will have to run faster to stay in your range,
Dr Phil Maffetone is a regular on Endurance Planet Podcast so you can look that up and download some of the episodes that he has been on.

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