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2012-05-02 11:07 AM
in reply to: #3052895

New user

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Hi All... 

Beginning my "Couch to 1/2 IM" this month - HA!  What can I say, when I jump in, I jump off the high-dive into the deep end!    My goal is to finish in 8 hours & I know I can do it. 

You've got one life; you can get busy living, or get busy dying, right?

Looking forward to all of the motivation that I know I will need in my journey - Cheers!

2012-05-02 12:12 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
April's totals:
Bike:14h 38m 22s  - 302.62 KM
Run:8h 19m 26s  - 68.33 KM
Swim:8h 17m 23s  - 18735.81 M

I need to start increasing my running.  Originally, back in Jan, had planned on doing a Charity HM end of June, but finances lately had made it unlikely.  Just found out that the Charity for which I fundraised last year has a free pass for entry for me, so best get at it! 

I had a great swim last night.  It was meant to be a recovery swim, but I just learned some new stuff at Masters last week, and through my mentor group, so figured was a good time to try them out.  Ended up doing 10x100, not full out, just relaxed, but I swam two 100s at 1:46 (fastest ever by about 10s); the rest were about 1:53.  REALLY excited about that! 

2012-05-02 6:49 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Swim squad workout if you're interested!!!!

200M - 50M Freestyle, 50M Back x 2
200M - 50M Freestyle, 50M Breast x 2
200M - 50M Back, 50M Breast  x 2
200M - 25M Fly, 25M, Back, 25M Breast, 25M Free x 2

4X300M as below

100m Left Arm only
200m Breathe Left only
100m Right Arm only
200m Breathe Right only

9x100m as below
100m Breathe Left
100m Breathe Right
100m Breathe every 3

That's 2.9km (I skipped the 100m cooldown)

Finally Coach John Van Wisse happy with the depth of my catch, still going too wide on the pull but he was soooo much happier!

God I hate winter training, is it too soon to wish for summer (it's late autumn here in Oz)

2012-05-02 8:58 PM
in reply to: #4185980

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Americanfatass - 2012-05-02 8:24 PM

FUn to have some reference points.  Confirms what I already know:  many of you are doing much more than the BT beginner plan calls for !   You guys are scarin' me !

I"m not very sophisticated with my Garmin outputs  but a quick tally looks like this:


Swim:  +/- 9 hours for 18,000 yards (much of this is drills w/ pauses, kickboard stuff, with shoes on, etc)

Bike:   12:50  for 227.5 miles

Run:  11:20   for 73 miles (less run due to back injury)


SOme of you guys are off-the-chain fast with those blistering paces !  Great work Kevin / pops / hotracer!

Nice work AF on the Bike.  I haven't been able to focus on this yet.  Remember, you've got me beat based on your bike times.  Keep on Keepin on.  Your doing the work, it will pay off.

2012-05-02 8:59 PM
in reply to: #4186097

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
mrsscalewag - 2012-05-02 9:07 PM

Hi All... 

Beginning my "Couch to 1/2 IM" this month - HA!  What can I say, when I jump in, I jump off the high-dive into the deep end!    My goal is to finish in 8 hours & I know I can do it. 

You've got one life; you can get busy living, or get busy dying, right?

Looking forward to all of the motivation that I know I will need in my journey - Cheers!

Proud of that attitude!  Congratulations on your decision.  We're here to support.

2012-05-02 9:02 PM
in reply to: #4186283

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
bcraht - 2012-05-02 10:12 PM
April's totals:
Bike:14h 38m 22s  - 302.62 KM
Run:8h 19m 26s  - 68.33 KM
Swim:8h 17m 23s  - 18735.81 M

I need to start increasing my running.  Originally, back in Jan, had planned on doing a Charity HM end of June, but finances lately had made it unlikely.  Just found out that the Charity for which I fundraised last year has a free pass for entry for me, so best get at it! 

I had a great swim last night.  It was meant to be a recovery swim, but I just learned some new stuff at Masters last week, and through my mentor group, so figured was a good time to try them out.  Ended up doing 10x100, not full out, just relaxed, but I swam two 100s at 1:46 (fastest ever by about 10s); the rest were about 1:53.  REALLY excited about that! 

Congrats!  That's right where I'm at.  It feels good to get those things in under 2:00, and great to go under 1:50!

2012-05-02 9:05 PM
in reply to: #4185839

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
gcoller - 2012-05-02 7:22 PM
kevinbe - 2012-05-01 8:04 PM
S:  19550.00 Yd - 8h 41m 04s 
B:  148.96 Mi - 7h 57m 56s 
R:  164.91 Mi - 22h 42m 17s 
Sp:  2h 00m 


Oh my God on the run, Kevin! You are working really hard for this!

Thanks Gcoller- 3:30:00 or Bust!

2012-05-02 10:10 PM
in reply to: #4187364

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in a van, down by the river
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
kevinbe - 2012-05-02 9:/QUOTE]

Nice work AF on the Bike.  I haven't been able to focus on this yet.  Remember, you've got me beat based on your bike times.  Keep on Keepin on.  Your doing the work, it will pay off.

Thanks bro but I gotta tell you, it's that new TT bike. Just makes me want to go ride hard ! Also I raised my seat only 1/2" and gained nearly 1/2 a mph @ same HR effort on same 5 mile loop. I could breathe better, less balled up. FIT MATTERS. Rest of it is just time AND great equipment...Speed costs money, how fast do you wanna go?
2012-05-02 11:47 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Today was one of those the journey is greater than the destination days.  I had two milestone workouts in one day and am grinning from ear to ear.

In the pool I did 2 x 400 and 10 x 100 with my 100's averaging 1:29.  First time under 1:30.  There were a couple of tri friends in the pool both of whom are way faster than me and peer pressure is a great motivator.  So much of this is mental.

I'm doing another 5k saturday so decided to do my long run a day early so I'd be fresher for the race.  Was scheduled to do 12 miles but decided if I was going out that long I'd just turn it into an HM.  Ran it in 2:06 which is well below my goal race pace.  I think I might take tomorrow off.

2012-05-02 11:47 PM
in reply to: #4187173

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
jobaxas - 2012-05-02 4:49 PM

Finally Coach John Van Wisse happy with the depth of my catch, still going too wide on the pull but he was soooo much happier!

God I hate winter training, is it too soon to wish for summer (it's late autumn here in Oz)

Incredible swim workout, Jo!  So, what does coach Van Wisse say about the depth of your catch?  How deep should it be?  And how far is too wide on the pull?  Where does he say it should it be?

Having not had a coach or swim lesson, I rely on tidbits like this to get me to the next level.

2012-05-03 12:20 AM
in reply to: #4187511

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
popsracer - 2012-05-02 9:47 PM

Today was one of those the journey is greater than the destination days.  I had two milestone workouts in one day and am grinning from ear to ear.

In the pool I did 2 x 400 and 10 x 100 with my 100's averaging 1:29.  First time under 1:30.  There were a couple of tri friends in the pool both of whom are way faster than me and peer pressure is a great motivator.  So much of this is mental.

I'm doing another 5k saturday so decided to do my long run a day early so I'd be fresher for the race.  Was scheduled to do 12 miles but decided if I was going out that long I'd just turn it into an HM.  Ran it in 2:06 which is well below my goal race pace.  I think I might take tomorrow off.

Dang, that swim time is impressive!  I'd be ecstatic to get under 1:50 - I don't know how you do it.  The swim is really getting frustrating, I just can't break through to the next level.  Starting to feel like some of the swim time would be better spent on the road.

2012-05-03 2:48 AM
in reply to: #4187512

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
PrivateIdaho - 2012-05-02 11:47 PM
jobaxas - 2012-05-02 4:49 PM

Finally Coach John Van Wisse happy with the depth of my catch, still going too wide on the pull but he was soooo much happier!

God I hate winter training, is it too soon to wish for summer (it's late autumn here in Oz)

Incredible swim workout, Jo!  So, what does coach Van Wisse say about the depth of your catch?  How deep should it be?  And how far is too wide on the pull?  Where does he say it should it be?

Having not had a coach or swim lesson, I rely on tidbits like this to get me to the next level.

He says every individual is different but for me I need to go as deep with my arms as I can as if I'm reaching for the bottom of the pool.

Wide is fine on entry but my arms should then be heading towards my body, he said they will go out in a bit of a swoop due to water resistance but not like I'm doing.  I really notice a difference when I listen to him   I just get distracted by his good looks too often!

2012-05-03 12:26 PM
in reply to: #4187556

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

 I really notice a difference when I listen to him   I just get distracted by his good looks too often!

Best and most honest quote ever! I'm back on track lately - in the water and everything...even confidence is good after seeing my OWS results from a .5 mile swim in 2009 where my swim was 1:25/100. So much of this is in our heads! I was having so much fun that day, and enjoying the longest swim I'd ever done in a race.

I was going to swim today and skip track practice, but then I got a personal email from the track coach saying only: 'today we'll concentrate on making your 400's 2:00 each'. Ugh. I'm really worn down from two pretty tough days of training but I may try to ante up for this. It means I'd have to do a lot of schedule shuffling with my daughter, dinner, husband, evening meeting... if I 'just' swim it may workout better, and that is what the plan calls for. Hmm..

2012-05-03 6:15 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

I've actually enjoyed recovery week, I think I needed it more than I would first admit.

I've just done two squad sessions in the pool - a bit of a power walk last night and that's it.  I'll get on the trainer at the weekend for an hour and do an hour's run.  Was supposed to do a cross country fun run Sunday but the forecast is wet - and i don't want to risk injury on a slippery hilly course only 4 weeks out from HIM Cairns.  I'm so excited and so nervous!  IT's all good though, all I can do is put in the training hours and then hope for the best.

Nutrition is now my main focus for the next 4 weeks - I'm pretty tolerant in the GI department so not too worried - problem race morning is more about not being able to eat because of nerves!  I plan on toast with jam and a couple of bananas on race morning, a couple of hours before the swim start - this will all disappear with the nervous bathroom breaks!

Key for me will be hydration too - just drinking heaps the day before, a Gatorade on race morning and a few waters.  Try not to take in too much ocean water on the swim.  On the bike I will try and eat bananas, protein bars and maybe a sandwich!  Then nothing on the run, maybe more protein bar if I feel hungry but it will be more about fluids.

From here on though for the next 4 weeks I tend to eat very healthily give my body the best chance!

Woohoo - Cairns here we come!

2012-05-03 9:05 PM
in reply to: #4189335

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
jobaxas - 2012-05-03 6:15 PM

I've actually enjoyed recovery week, I think I needed it more than I would first admit.

I've just done two squad sessions in the pool - a bit of a power walk last night and that's it.  I'll get on the trainer at the weekend for an hour and do an hour's run.  Was supposed to do a cross country fun run Sunday but the forecast is wet - and i don't want to risk injury on a slippery hilly course only 4 weeks out from HIM Cairns.  I'm so excited and so nervous!  IT's all good though, all I can do is put in the training hours and then hope for the best.

Nutrition is now my main focus for the next 4 weeks - I'm pretty tolerant in the GI department so not too worried - problem race morning is more about not being able to eat because of nerves!  I plan on toast with jam and a couple of bananas on race morning, a couple of hours before the swim start - this will all disappear with the nervous bathroom breaks!

Key for me will be hydration too - just drinking heaps the day before, a Gatorade on race morning and a few waters.  Try not to take in too much ocean water on the swim.  On the bike I will try and eat bananas, protein bars and maybe a sandwich!  Then nothing on the run, maybe more protein bar if I feel hungry but it will be more about fluids.

From here on though for the next 4 weeks I tend to eat very healthily give my body the best chance!

Woohoo - Cairns here we come!

You are going to be amazing! I am experimenting with nutrition now...which gives me a really great excuse to eat a coconut/chocolate cliff bar on the bike. Mmmmmm.

2012-05-04 8:56 AM
in reply to: #4187447

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Americanfatass - 2012-05-03 8:10 AM
kevinbe - 2012-05-02 9:/QUOTE]

Nice work AF on the Bike.  I haven't been able to focus on this yet.  Remember, you've got me beat based on your bike times.  Keep on Keepin on.  Your doing the work, it will pay off.

Thanks bro but I gotta tell you, it's that new TT bike. Just makes me want to go ride hard ! Also I raised my seat only 1/2" and gained nearly 1/2 a mph @ same HR effort on same 5 mile loop. I could breathe better, less balled up. FIT MATTERS. Rest of it is just time AND great equipment...Speed costs money, how fast do you wanna go?

Oh No.  This does not bode well for me as I pedal along between 14-15 mph.  I feel if I can get a solid week in on the bike, maybe just maybe I can speed up.  We'll see.

Got a flat this morning.  Found out the hard way that the pump on my frame isn't the right one for my wheels.Surprised  Will have to go out and spend some $ on a decent pump to get my act home if it happens again.  (and it will.

2012-05-04 9:25 AM
in reply to: #4190108

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in a van, down by the river
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

kevinbe - 2012-05-04 9:56 AM Got a flat this morning.  Found out the hard way that the pump on my frame isn't the right one for my wheels.Surprised  Will have to go out and spend some $ on a decent pump to get my act home if it happens again.  (and it will.


As a total newbie here I'm usually here seeking advice not offering it, but I"ve had FOUR flats this season already.  QUick off-topic $0.02 if I may:

- spend 10 bucks to replace the rim tape on your wheels.  This was the cause of many of my flats.  I dont get them anymore.

- 10 more bucks on a cO2 inflator and spare cartridge that you carry along with a spare tube.  no tire pump needed.  cheaper, lighter, easier to carry on bike

- 14-15 mph sounds low to me based on your current run fitness (unless it's super hilly).   if you spend *any* amount of time on the bike you will see huge and immediate speed benefit.   Your running is insane.  Minimal effort will get you there on the bike as well, since your cardio is already full-on.

2012-05-04 5:03 PM
in reply to: #4190200

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Today was my last workout of "swim-focus" week (thank goodness!).  I ended with the 4x750 workout.

I did three 100's to warm up, and averaged 1:45.  My first 750, I averaged 1:55/100yd.  After that, things steadily declined until by the last set, I was averaging 2:20/100yd.  My form is obviously falling apart as I fatigue. 

My question for all you "fish" out there is: what's the best way to improve my endurance and maintain good form for longer distances?  Lots of short, intense intervals?  Moderately intense intervals at moderate distances?  Long continuous swims?  Just trust the plan and do a mixture of all three?

2012-05-05 1:01 AM
in reply to: #4190200

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Americanfatass - 2012-05-04 7:25 PM

kevinbe - 2012-05-04 9:56 AM Got a flat this morning.  Found out the hard way that the pump on my frame isn't the right one for my wheels.Surprised  Will have to go out and spend some $ on a decent pump to get my act home if it happens again.  (and it will.


As a total newbie here I'm usually here seeking advice not offering it, but I"ve had FOUR flats this season already.  QUick off-topic $0.02 if I may:

- spend 10 bucks to replace the rim tape on your wheels.  This was the cause of many of my flats.  I dont get them anymore.

- 10 more bucks on a cO2 inflator and spare cartridge that you carry along with a spare tube.  no tire pump needed.  cheaper, lighter, easier to carry on bike

- 14-15 mph sounds low to me based on your current run fitness (unless it's super hilly).   if you spend *any* amount of time on the bike you will see huge and immediate speed benefit.   Your running is insane.  Minimal effort will get you there on the bike as well, since your cardio is already full-on.

Thank AF, Your advice is encouraging and timely.  I had my tape changed after 2 flats last fall.  I will definitely look into the co2 cartridge route, but may consider a pump as a backup.  I am hoping for some improvement as I mainly bike focus for the rest of my training after may 19th run.  I HIM in Aug, so there is still time.  I AM a complete novice on the bike with maybe 150 actual miles on the road under my belt.  Most of my bike has come from a spin bike inside the YMCA.

2012-05-05 7:15 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

SWIM SQUAD WORKOUT BELOW - Pool was 31.5 degrees C.  That my friends is jolly warm about 88 F.  Bleugh, like swimming in soup.

Anyway below - Johnny said drills only coz of the heat. 2.5KM AS BELOW!!!!


200M 4,4,4 (4 LEFT ARM, 4 RIGHT ARM, 4 CATCH UP)
200M - 100M Left Arm only other arm by side, breathe every 2nd stroke. swap arms for 100m
200m Breathe every 4 LEFT
200m Breathe every 4 Right







2012-05-05 7:16 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

I think I just bought some bike porn....



trek.jpg (37KB - 14 downloads)

2012-05-05 7:24 AM
in reply to: #4192012

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in a van, down by the river
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
jobaxas - 2012-05-05 8:16 AM

I think I just bought some bike porn....


That is awesome. I almost bought an SC too, new bike confidence is a real boost. Enjoy!
2012-05-05 1:15 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Congrats on the new bike.  That thing is hot!!

Hope everyone's weekend is going good.  I just got back from my 5k this morning.  Had a great race at 21:30.  Finally dropped below 7:00 pace.  I feel 10 years younger todaySmile.  Long ride tomorrow and then last recovery week.  Now it's margarita time!!

2012-05-05 4:54 PM
in reply to: #4192280

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
popsracer - 2012-05-05 11:15 PM

Congrats on the new bike.  That thing is hot!!

Hope everyone's weekend is going good.  I just got back from my 5k this morning.  Had a great race at 21:30.  Finally dropped below 7:00 pace.  I feel 10 years younger todaySmile.  Long ride tomorrow and then last recovery week.  Now it's margarita time!!

That is smokin fast Pops!

No workout for me today.  Lilac Bloomsday 12K tomorrow!  Coronas for today.

2012-05-05 5:16 PM
in reply to: #4192562

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
kevinbe - 2012-05-05 2:54 PM
popsracer - 2012-05-05 11:15 PM

Congrats on the new bike.  That thing is hot!!

Hope everyone's weekend is going good.  I just got back from my 5k this morning.  Had a great race at 21:30.  Finally dropped below 7:00 pace.  I feel 10 years younger todaySmile.  Long ride tomorrow and then last recovery week.  Now it's margarita time!!

That is smokin fast Pops!

No workout for me today.  Lilac Bloomsday 12K tomorrow!  Coronas for today.

Good luck tomorrow.  Cheers for today!!

I'm in for Spokane Marathon in two weeks.  Hope to see you there. 


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