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2009-06-24 8:20 PM
in reply to: #2240615

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-06-24 1:09 PM

Really helpful info.  Do you think it is possible to get your electrolytes solely from Thermoloytes or Success tabs?  I am a big fan of Carb Pro, but it is missing the electrolytes.  

I am totally in the experiment phase for my September HIM.  Thinking that I might be able to do some things on the bike that do not work for me during marathons (e.g. gels or blocks).  Personally, I cannot imagine solid food, but maybe that should be added to the experiment.

Long rides do not seem to be a good enough test.  Don't you feel you need to run afterwards to truly see if the plan works? e.g. longer bricks or no?

I may supplement my Infinit with a Thermolyte or two depending on the length of the race and the weather conditions, but otherwise, I'm usually good to go on the bike. For the run, Roctane has some potassium and sodium already, and I'll supplement with Gatorade. Again, this varies with the length of the event; for Boise, Roctane and a quick splash of Gatorade was enough. Carbo Pro is an excellent product (your very own Steve Birds uses it but then again, his wife usually mixes all his drinks and he just drinks whatever she gives him...), but you're right: no electrolytes there. I'd look at adding a product like Nuun or Zym to the bottle, which should give you the right balance of minerals as well as providing taste. I'm partial to the Tri-Berry Nuun flavor myself.

You're also right about doing something different on the bike versus the run. You'll be able to digest much easier on the bike while you have a lower heart rate and your upper body is relatively motionless. For a 70.3, I'm on the bike for about 2:30 and that's just about the length of time before I start to really get tired of the same flavor Infinit. I'd mix it up with a different flavored Gu than you'll take on the run (Chocolate vs. Vanilla, etc.), or maybe even try some Gu Chomps or Shot Blocks. Try caffeinated vs. non-caffeinated. Taste fatigue can be a big detriment if it means that you're not ingesting enough because the thought of one more sip of lemon-lime will make you gag.

For IMC, I had a different flavored (and indeed, different combination mix... more on that in a second) Infinit in my second bottle than in my aero bottle. That way I had at least something different to sip on, and it made a big different in making sure I didn't get too tired of the same taste. I also "created" the second Infinit to have less protein, since that tends to a) foam up if it gets shaken around and b) lead to longer gastric emptying.

I'd definitely try something with a longer brick (Steve's right... 20-30 minutes should be adequate) to see how your tummy feels after changing your nutrition. You've got plenty of time before September! Very small changes in the menu and timing can make a big difference in terms of your energy and comfort.

kt65 - 2009-06-24 1:19 PM

Thanks for the great info, Ryan! I think it's so tricky for me to find that right balance, but I think you hit on something really important in that the timing of the nutrition as I get close to the end of the bike. I've done 3 bricks so far, all after 50+ mile rides (15, 20 and 25 minute runs)...and the only one where I felt really good to run was the one where I switched to water only at 20-25 minutes to go. (I might have downed 1/2 a gu about 20 min out). I always forget to bring my endurolytes, but I imagine that would help. I am definitely running out of time to experiment and am getting slightly nervous. Yikes!

First, don't be nervous! You're already thinking the right thoughts and paying attention to how you feel... now you can start to fine tune your plan.

Timing is VERY important! For me, it's about 15-18 minutes for the Gu to get into my system, so that's why I'll stop taking in more nutrition as I head into T2. Any closer and I feel "off." You don't need to gobble Endurolytes or Thermolytes like candy, but I'd plan on taking them on a regular basis (I think Thermolytes are two per hour with 8 oz of H20, but I've found that to be overkill, especially if you're already taking something else with electrolytes in it). Speaking of candy, there are several candy dispensers which make for excellent Thermolyte holders... mini M&Ms usually come in a convenient size, as do some types of gum. These are great for stashing in a pocket or the back of a jersey.

By the way, Thermolytes and Endurolytes are very similar, but they do contain slightly different ratios of minerals and supplements. Between the two, I like Thermolytes but only because they contain ginger and peppermint oil, both of which are supposed to be beneficial on upset stomachs. I have NO idea whether there's enough in a pill to actually be therapeutic, but shhh, don't ruin my placebo effect!

2009-06-24 8:42 PM
in reply to: #2241128

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
swbkrun - 2009-06-24 6:57 PM Ok--- 1st off I just want you all to know that I told Ryan to write all that stuff... Word for word!  Tongue out 

Nutrition is a tough conversation.  Everyone handles things differently.  I prefer to eat Mexican food 1hr before going out and doing speed work w/ Ryan.  It always seems to solve my gut problems... I do this so it gives me gas to propel me further when trying to keep up with him (either that or I try and knock him out with the smell).

Everyone has their likes and dislikes, but I think what it really boils down to is timing.  You can't overload right before you are going to run, you also can't neglect it, etc....  If it taste good, and you are not getting sick... STICK with it, and dial in your timing.  Can you run w/ solid foods in your gut--- Not likely (remember when you were a kid and you got a sideache???).  Kim said it right... dial it back off the bike to a Gu (or whatever you take) and water.  Let it settle in and absorb (Ryan correct me if I am wrong, but it takes 15-20 minutes to absorb into your system on GU) before you get off the bike.

Suzy- Yes Thermorlytes will do well, but you may find it doesn't have the sugar fix one might be craving/needing (like the gatorades-- I know you don't like), but Roctane's, and others have caffiene to help with that.

I think bricks are an excellent way to find out about your nutrition, but I don't think they need to be long.  You should know within 15-20 minutes how things are going.  I wouldn't stretch it out much further than 30 minutes, but that's me... I'm lazy.

Roni- It's funny when I am missing a few pages, I start taking notes on a piece of paper, and I wrote next to your name ABSOLUTELY NOT!! Then I read Suzy's post.... Take it easy.  You are still coming off Boise, and while you may feel better, your muscles are still recovering!

Trevor- Great move!  Another 1/2 Mary (or 2) is perfect!  Extend your bike rides on the weekend as well.  By the end of the summer put out a couple 50-70 mile rides, and get your confidence up for the off season!  You made the smart decision.

Rob-- That is complete and utter crap (that goes for you too Suzy).... I never FORCE anybody to do anything they don't want to do, or are not capable of (don't ask Ryan about Adventure Racing).  I merely made suggestions on why I think you SHOULD or should not do things.  We are all adults here !

As far as me being a "mentor?"  I am just a name in front of the subject line.  You guys drive the conversations and had way more input than I do.  I am learning more from all you.  I thank you all!

Most importantly, and I can't say it enough..... the 4th discipline in triathlon is the MENTAL aspect of the sport.  BE TOUGH!!! BE STRONG!!! BE CONFIDENT!!!

I really know how to trip your trigger little brother.  I love it!  I'm totally glad you helped me decide to do one, it is the right decision, but at the time it did feel like a challenge. Here is what you said.

Suzy, you need to just commit.....That is if you want to do a 1/2 Ironman.  If you don't want to, you don't HAVE to do one.... I think too people have the misconception that if you start doing triathlon's you have to do an 1/2 Iron, or Ironman.... Yes, they are hard, A LOT OF WORK, and challenge and REWARDING when you are done, but so is everything in life that you have to work hard for!

Suzy you have the experience, you have the discipline to train and do well, you have the mileage (geez- you had way more miles than I did last year and I did and Ironman).  You can do it!  If you run the risk of hurting your rehab, or reinjurying yourself then put the thought out of your mind!  You are playing mind games with yourself everyday! 

Great advice from the head honcho!

2009-06-24 8:50 PM
in reply to: #2241128

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
swbkrun - 2009-06-24 4:57 PM

Nutrition is a tough conversation.  Everyone handles things differently.  I prefer to eat Mexican food 1hr before going out and doing speed work w/ Ryan.  It always seems to solve my gut problems... I do this so it gives me gas to propel me further when trying to keep up with him (either that or I try and knock him out with the smell).

I can personally attest to this... it's even worse when we're on the treadmill and things tend to, um, linger.

(Ryan correct me if I am wrong, but it takes 15-20 minutes to absorb into your system on GU)

Of course, this is dependent on the individual, but 15-20 minutes is about right.

I never FORCE anybody to do anything they don't want to do, or are not capable of (don't ask Ryan about Adventure Racing).

"Ryan, wanna do an adventure race?"
"I dunno, what's that?"
"It'll be fun!"
"Jeez, I don't know..."
"I've already signed you up. It's on the 19th. I'll pick you up at 2."
It turned into a 5+ hour slog through the snow and mud, with mountain bikes and on foot. I was soaked within 3 minutes and chilled to the bone. The Coronas afterward tasted pretty good, though...

As a complete aside, you guys and gals are a fantastic group; the level of encouragement and support here is refreshing and wonderful. You're fortunate to have Steve... I don't know anyone who's got a better perspective on this sport: he's passionate but always finds the right balance between competition with others and himself.
2009-06-24 9:06 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Did my first OWS tonight. There were 6 of us. Mark went off on his own. Don't know why. The remain 5 swam together. I was worried I would not keep up. But no worries once we started. It went great and I think I was faster than in the pool. It was weird swimming  through hot and cold spots. There were some swells caused by a passing boat. Glad for the opportuinty to experience that too.

Overall I am feeling pretty comfortable for my OWS in the triangle triathlon. I would have been very bervous without today's swim.

Going to do a brick next week on the bike and run courses for the triangle tri on 7/12. I feel more confident knowing the course before hand.

I am going to have to go over this nutrition stuff before my olympics later in the year.

2009-06-24 9:09 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Thanks for the great advice on nutrition. I htink I am going to try staying with one brand and see how that goes. I may have OD'd a bit on the suger as I had a gu when I got on the bike and one just before I got off. I between I was drinking a mixture of endurance drink and powdered gator aid Probably too many thngs all together and of course as they say nothing new on race day. Didn't take that advice.

I went to the doctor today and hve an eye infection. I don't know if it ws a result of the lake water seeping into my newer goggles or what but I now have eye drops to take three times a day.

I hope to get back into training tomorrow if things slow down a little bit at  work.

2009-06-24 10:10 PM
in reply to: #2240812

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Injury Update: Saw the doc today, he thinks it is traumaic tendonitis and would most likely go away within 3 weeks of rest.  He said it wouldn't do any permanent damage by running through it so long as it wasn't too painful. He actually recommended that I grab my old running shoes that didn't hurt and go for a 2-3 mile run tonight.  (I think it was med speak for HTFU )

Outcome: Ran 3.33 miles without any pain during the run and am still pain free.  I can't run in this pair of shoes forever, so hopefully the new ones Saucony is sending work out.

Disappointment of the day: No prescription for a new bike.

Thanks for all the well wishes.  Hopefully this means I can get back on track w/ marathon training, which was supposed to start last week.

2009-06-25 12:11 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Kauai girl now in MIll Creek/Silver Firs
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

57 hrs, 51 min., 39 seconds until my first tri!!!!!  I AM SO FLIPPIN' EXCITED! 

You've all turned me into an addict and I haven't even raced yet! Can't remember the last time I was so excited about something. Thank you, thank you, thank you all

2009-06-25 7:04 AM
in reply to: #2241362

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
DougRob - 2009-06-24 10:06 PM Did my first OWS tonight. There were 6 of us. Mark went off on his own. Don't know why. The remain 5 swam together. I was worried I would not keep up. But no worries once we started. It went great and I think I was faster than in the pool. It was weird swimming  through hot and cold spots. There were some swells caused by a passing boat. Glad for the opportuinty to experience that too.

Overall I am feeling pretty comfortable for my OWS in the triangle triathlon. I would have been very bervous without today's swim.

Going to do a brick next week on the bike and run courses for the triangle tri on 7/12. I feel more confident knowing the course before hand.

I am going to have to go over this nutrition stuff before my olympics later in the year.


Great job Doug, they just get easier the more you do.

It's also kind of strange when you go from light to shaded spots on a lake and the view changes.

For Olympics I haven't focused too much on nutrition (going to try a bit more this weekend to experiment).  You do need some planning but nothing like what is required for HIM or IM.
2009-06-25 7:04 AM
in reply to: #2241571

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
KauaiShan - 2009-06-25 1:11 AM

57 hrs, 51 min., 39 seconds until my first tri!!!!!  I AM SO FLIPPIN' EXCITED! 

You've all turned me into an addict and I haven't even raced yet! Can't remember the last time I was so excited about something. Thank you, thank you, thank you all

Can't wait to read the race report, you are going to kick some a$$.
2009-06-25 7:37 AM
in reply to: #2241571

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
KauaiShan - 2009-06-25 12:11 AM

57 hrs, 51 min., 39  50 hrs 27 min 14 seconds until my first tri!!!!!  I AM SO FLIPPIN' EXCITED! 

You've all turned me into an addict and I haven't even raced yet! Can't remember the last time I was so excited about something. Thank you, thank you, thank you all

I'm very excited for you!   WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!
2009-06-25 8:09 AM
in reply to: #2241362

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
DougRob - 2009-06-24 9:06 PM Did my first OWS tonight. There were 6 of us. Mark went off on his own. Don't know why. The remain 5 swam together. I was worried I would not keep up. But no worries once we started. It went great and I think I was faster than in the pool. It was weird swimming  through hot and cold spots. There were some swells caused by a passing boat. Glad for the opportuinty to experience that too.

Overall I am feeling pretty comfortable for my OWS in the triangle triathlon. I would have been very bervous without today's swim.

Going to do a brick next week on the bike and run courses for the triangle tri on 7/12. I feel more confident knowing the course before hand.

I am going to have to go over this nutrition stuff before my olympics later in the year.


When you were going through those hot spots were you behind someone that doesn't like you?  Did the water all of the sudden taste salty?

Awesome that the swim went so great.  Don't forget to put some thought into where you want to start.   

fwiw...if you are going to wear a watch and you have a wave going off in front of you, start your watch when their gun goes off. 

2009-06-25 8:12 AM
in reply to: #2241480

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
cadmus - 2009-06-24 10:10 PM

Injury Update: Saw the doc today, he thinks it is traumaic tendonitis and would most likely go away within 3 weeks of rest.  He said it wouldn't do any permanent damage by running through it so long as it wasn't too painful. He actually recommended that I grab my old running shoes that didn't hurt and go for a 2-3 mile run tonight.  (I think it was med speak for HTFU )

Outcome: Ran 3.33 miles without any pain during the run and am still pain free.  I can't run in this pair of shoes forever, so hopefully the new ones Saucony is sending work out.

Disappointment of the day: No prescription for a new bike.

Thanks for all the well wishes.  Hopefully this means I can get back on track w/ marathon training, which was supposed to start last week.

GREAT NEWS!!!  I was worried that if you got the new bike you would be that much faster.  Can't have that.

oh, good to hear about your foot to.
2009-06-25 8:18 AM
in reply to: #2241858

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-06-25 8:09 AM
DougRob - 2009-06-24 9:06 PM Did my first OWS tonight. There were 6 of us. Mark went off on his own. Don't know why. The remain 5 swam together. I was worried I would not keep up. But no worries once we started. It went great and I think I was faster than in the pool. It was weird swimming  through hot and cold spots. There were some swells caused by a passing boat. Glad for the opportuinty to experience that too.

Overall I am feeling pretty comfortable for my OWS in the triangle triathlon. I would have been very bervous without today's swim.

Going to do a brick next week on the bike and run courses for the triangle tri on 7/12. I feel more confident knowing the course before hand.

I am going to have to go over this nutrition stuff before my olympics later in the year.


When you were going through those hot spots were you behind someone that doesn't like you?  Did the water all of the sudden taste salty?

Awesome that the swim went so great.  Don't forget to put some thought into where you want to start.   

fwiw...if you are going to wear a watch and you have a wave going off in front of you, start your watch when their gun goes off. 

If the warm "water" came from another swimmer then they have MAJOR bladder problems! Why should I start my watch when the group in front of mine's gun goes off?

2009-06-25 8:24 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
its gets busy real quick.  one less thing to worry about.  example  maybe not the best example but the point is there.  and its just a suggestion...not necessary.

just don't forget to take that time off.

Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-06-25 8:29 AM
2009-06-25 8:34 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Small Town
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
My garmin has an auto stop feature on it.  so i'll start it before a race and stand still until the gun.  if i ever am stopped for more than 3 seconds, it'll pause time.  when i log the data into sporttracks, it tells the total time stopped/paused and shows the location.
2009-06-25 8:49 AM
in reply to: #2241928

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
A fun challenge getting ready to start.

Each team is tied to a team racing in the Tour de France.  Makes it a bit more interesting than the normal challenges, last year when my team won a stage I posted a picture of the winner crossing the line in every other team's thread, so some good trash talking going on.  Though 1/2 my TdF team got kicked out for EPO (Sanuier Duval) so I got quite a bit more heaped back at me but it was fun.  Also if you don't really follow pro cycling gives you a team to root for.

2009-06-25 8:50 AM
in reply to: #2241928

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
JHagerman - 2009-06-25 8:34 AM My garmin has an auto stop feature on it.  so i'll start it before a race and stand still until the gun.  if i ever am stopped for more than 3 seconds, it'll pause time.  when i log the data into sporttracks, it tells the total time stopped/paused and shows the location.

very cool.  how long does it take to recognize you are on the move again and does it need to reacquire the sats? 
2009-06-25 8:55 AM
in reply to: #2241976

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-06-25 9:50 AM
JHagerman - 2009-06-25 8:34 AM My garmin has an auto stop feature on it.  so i'll start it before a race and stand still until the gun.  if i ever am stopped for more than 3 seconds, it'll pause time.  when i log the data into sporttracks, it tells the total time stopped/paused and shows the location.

very cool.  how long does it take to recognize you are on the move again and does it need to reacquire the sats? 

Pretty quickly, I have mine set to autostop also when I hit a traffic light.  Sometimes it doesn't register as quickly as I would like so I have to manually hit stop. Doesn't power it off, just like hitting stop so no need to reacquire.

I use it like Jeremy does for the bike, just hit start before I get on that way I don't have to mess with it while riding but I like the idea for running also, will have to try that.
2009-06-25 9:00 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
oops let me back up here a second.  you mentioned run and bike.  are you guys doing this on the swim to?  thats the jist of what i was getting at w/ Doug and the start.   goes back to Tracy wearing two watches. 
2009-06-25 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2241976

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Small Town
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-06-25 9:50 AM
JHagerman - 2009-06-25 8:34 AM My garmin has an auto stop feature on it.  so i'll start it before a race and stand still until the gun.  if i ever am stopped for more than 3 seconds, it'll pause time.  when i log the data into sporttracks, it tells the total time stopped/paused and shows the location.

very cool.  how long does it take to recognize you are on the move again and does it need to reacquire the sats? 

It never looses Sat signal, it just recognizes that you're not moving.  You can set it to stop if you have no movement, or if you fall below a designated speed/pace.  As soon as you start moving again (less than 2 seconds) it restarts.  A buddy of mine has an older model forerunner, and it's a bit more slow to calculate your pace, but my FR305 jumps right back on track to my speed increasing or decreasing.

I'm sold on the Garmin.  I have the quick release, so it's able to snap in place on my bike, quick release and onto my wrist with a velcro strap.  Then I got the cadence sensor with it that also includes a speed sensor for your rear wheel - allows you to track the same data when you ride on a trainer.

The only disadvantages that I can see is the overall size (a bit cumbersome, but you get used to it... a tradeoff for the features, I guess) and the other problem is that while it is water resistant, it's not waterproof.  Some people say that it looses sat signal when it is submersed in water - read: every stroke while swimming.  You also aren't supposed to press any buttons while in the water.

But, the new Forrunner 310xt is almost exactly the same, but it is water proof.

The FR 305/310 has a 3 sport / multisport feature so you can hit the lap button between sports to start a new sport.  With that setting you can also select whether or not to include transitions.

I haven't used mine in the water for shear fear that something will go wrong.  But some say that they have placed it in a ziplock bag and put it under their swim cap.

Somebdoy buy the FR310 and tell me how sweet it is, twist my arm until I buy it too.
2009-06-25 9:03 AM
in reply to: #2242013

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-06-25 10:00 AM oops let me back up here a second.  you mentioned run and bike.  are you guys doing this on the swim to?  thats the jist of what i was getting at w/ Doug and the start.   goes back to Tracy wearing two watches. 

Yeah I wear 2 watches, one I start when I get in the water, then put my garmin on in T1.

the 310 would be sweet.

2009-06-25 9:09 AM
in reply to: #2241971

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Small Town
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
dalessit - 2009-06-25 9:49 AM A fun challenge getting ready to start.

Each team is tied to a team racing in the Tour de France.  Makes it a bit more interesting than the normal challenges, last year when my team won a stage I posted a picture of the winner crossing the line in every other team's thread, so some good trash talking going on.  Though 1/2 my TdF team got kicked out for EPO (Sanuier Duval) so I got quite a bit more heaped back at me but it was fun.  Also if you don't really follow pro cycling gives you a team to root for.

Hmm so based on my work schedule, I'd have about 8 days next month to commit to long rides.  If each ride were only about 38 miles, that would put me at just over 300 miles.  I've never done 300 miles in a single month.  Hmm.

Any other SWBKRUN peeps doing this?  Wanna ask to be on the same team?
2009-06-25 9:14 AM
in reply to: #2242053

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
JHagerman - 2009-06-25 10:09 AM
dalessit - 2009-06-25 9:49 AM A fun challenge getting ready to start.

Each team is tied to a team racing in the Tour de France.  Makes it a bit more interesting than the normal challenges, last year when my team won a stage I posted a picture of the winner crossing the line in every other team's thread, so some good trash talking going on.  Though 1/2 my TdF team got kicked out for EPO (Sanuier Duval) so I got quite a bit more heaped back at me but it was fun.  Also if you don't really follow pro cycling gives you a team to root for.

Hmm so based on my work schedule, I'd have about 8 days next month to commit to long rides.  If each ride were only about 38 miles, that would put me at just over 300 miles.  I've never done 300 miles in a single month.  Hmm.

Any other SWBKRUN peeps doing this?  Wanna ask to be on the same team?

I am, my only problem is right now I am not working off a plan, last year it was right in the middle of my plan so I just added up sessions and miles and put that in.  She will put you on the team you want to be.

I can't decide which TdF team I want to be on, Columbia Highroad is a good choice, lots of stage winners, but no real GC threat, problem is I absolutely hate Mark Cavendish, cocky little punk.  Astana, will have lots of fanboi's because of Lance.
Garmin is a US team but pretty lame this year not a lot of wins.  hmm, which team to pick?
2009-06-25 9:38 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Small Town
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Ok I put my request in for the TdF challenge.  I also requested to be on Tony and/or Andy's team.

Hmm, 23 days - 10 Rides - and 300 miles.  I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.
2009-06-25 9:44 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
I'm back...I missed you all so much yesterday. I missed 2 pagres yesterday wowser!
I did my own version of a triathlon yesterday. Swim-Golf-Softball. Was a nice day out, still today though. 1st round of gold of the year, so a little stiff today.

Shannon- I can not wait for your RR. Enjoy it!!

Matt - I love this line : "He actually recommended that I grab my old running shoes that didn't hurt and go for a 2-3 mile run tonight.  (I think it was med speak for HTFU)"  --If doc's could really say what they think! Heal up

Tony- Slow down on the bike and save yourself a bit for the run. That worked for me this weekend. You're a nutbar on the bike like me. We love to hammer it!!! It may cost a few minutes off your bike split, but save you for your run???

 And all this Garmin talk.....I've had my 310xt on order for like 2 months. Now they are saying middle of July. I guess on the 1st release there was some software issue #$@% so they held back the next release. I've started wearing 2 watches as well. Right wrist is the waterproof one I start on swim, and on my left I have the quick-release for the garmin. BUT I DO NOT WEAR TWO ONE THE SAME WRIST!(sorry was that too loud?)

Edited by TrevorC 2009-06-25 9:45 AM
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