BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training! Rss Feed  
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2011-02-03 12:56 PM
in reply to: #3256444

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Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
Ran on the indoor track for 23 minutes and used the seated stepper for 20.  Didn't want to do too much before personal training session tonight.

2011-02-04 6:35 AM
in reply to: #3256444

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Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
Made it through weigh-in last night.  144.5!  Not bad for having been stuck in the house for 2 1/2 days.  Training session was core work again.  Trying to log it all, but not sure what every thing is called, officially. 

My boys don't have school today, although me school does.  Wonder how many of the 107 will show up.  They were supposed to have a quiz, test, quiz, and essay on Tuesday.  Those may have to wait until Monday.
2011-02-04 12:18 PM
in reply to: #3256444

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Jackson, MS
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
The weather everywhere seems bad.  Sleeting here in Mississippi.  Dedicating myself to the trainer for some amount of time, no matter what.

--Success!  Just did 40 minutes.

Edited by Mary A 2011-02-04 6:46 PM
2011-02-05 11:38 AM
in reply to: #3256444

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Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
Aqua jogging this morning.  Swim Conference meet this afternoon. 

On the good news front, tried on a pair of jeans that were so tight last time I had them on that I had to lie on the bed to zip them up.  Today, they went up with no problems and abotu 1/4 inch to spare in the waist!
2011-02-06 2:50 PM
in reply to: #3256444

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
Looks like everyone is busy training and not posting...which is GOOD!


Mr. & Mrs. T's First Mentor Group Challenge...

Valentine's Day is coming up and this silly Hallmark holiday actually has a lot of affect on me.  So let's turn it positive!!  The person who goes the farthest, in one single session (walking IS allowed) on either Friday, Saturday or Sunday gets to be our designated sweetheart for Valentine's Day....

NOTE:  Do not push yourself harder than you can go....this is just for fun!

Edited by lkct01234 2011-02-06 2:51 PM
2011-02-06 2:52 PM
in reply to: #3340555

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
BAMBAM66 - 2011-02-05 9:38 AM Aqua jogging this morning.  Swim Conference meet this afternoon. 

On the good news front, tried on a pair of jeans that were so tight last time I had them on that I had to lie on the bed to zip them up.  Today, they went up with no problems and abotu 1/4 inch to spare in the waist!

THIS! is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!  One of the best feelings ever!!!

2011-02-06 4:53 PM
in reply to: #3256444

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Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
Make up session for BL this morning.  1 hour of various core work.  Followed that with 30 minutes on the seated stepper and 10 minutes on the rowing machine.  After that was spin class!  I'm home, exhausted and HUNGRY!!!!
2011-02-06 6:11 PM
in reply to: #3341734

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
lkct01234 - 2011-02-06 12:50 PM Looks like everyone is busy training and not posting...which is GOOD!


Mr. & Mrs. T's First Mentor Group Challenge...

Valentine's Day is coming up and this silly Hallmark holiday actually has a lot of affect on me.  So let's turn it positive!!  The person who goes the farthest, in one single session (walking IS allowed) on either Friday, Saturday or Sunday gets to be our designated sweetheart for Valentine's Day....

NOTE:  Do not push yourself harder than you can go....this is just for fun!

Let's stipulate that this must be on foot -- biking doesn't count!
2011-02-07 4:42 AM
in reply to: #3256444

Extreme Veteran
Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!

Superbowl 5k in Novi yesterday.  TONS of people.  1500.  Wasn't expecting much as I took a little break.  Managed a 21:58 on slushy roads.  Good enough for 9/127 in AG.  I'm back at it today.  beginning of a 12 week 1/2 Mary training program. 

I like your challenge.  Don't know how far I'll go, but I like it.

2011-02-07 10:18 AM
in reply to: #3256444

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Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
Sunday afternoon I got in my longest trainer ride to date: 1hr 25min.  The last 20 min were an exercise in mental toughness. 

It took all I had to not look at the clock and gut it out.  I wasn't completely worn out it was just tedious, I guess.  Is it over yet?  Is it over yet?  Is it over... 

Will need to get some Spinervals (like Mary already recommended to me!) to keep rides like that interesting.

As for the v-day challenge, I like challenges...
2011-02-07 10:39 AM
in reply to: #3256444

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
I’m still fighting this cold a little, but had a good weekend in spite of it. Saturday I did my spin class, which was great as usual. Was hoping to get my bike back, but no luck. Hopefully this weekend.

Sunday, I ran a 4-mile race in the morning. I finished in 34 minutes, so an 8:30 pace. Not as fast as the 8:00 pace I ran in the same race in 2009, but faster than my 4-miler in December and the first 8:30 pace I’ve seen at a race in quite a while. Hopefully, it’s a sign that my speed is starting to return.

After the race, I went and swam a little with my son. I jumped into a lane and did about 1000y when he was in his swim lesson, but the lane was slow and crowded and I wasn’t feeling it. Running and cycling with a cold is one thing, but swimming with a cold really sucks. I get out of breath almost immediately.

The other good news is that I’m almost done with physical therapy for my shoulder. Another two sessions and I’m done.

2011-02-07 11:12 AM
in reply to: #3341734

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Jackson, MS
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
lkct01234 - 2011-02-06 2:50 PM

Mr. & Mrs. T's First Mentor Group Challenge...

No promises, as I'm on call this weekend (boo).  I guess I could still do the trainer....

Run to and from the grocery store yesterday felt pretty good.  Averaging 8:30 on the flats, but not so fast on the hills.
2011-02-09 8:44 PM
in reply to: #3256444

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
Is everyone training?!!??

(That's why no posty-posties?)
2011-02-09 8:56 PM
in reply to: #3256444

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Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
Not really.  I am drinking wine and watching TV.  I guess I am kind of in a funk.  After school, I am tired and unmotivated.  I think I need some warmer weather to help motivate me.
2011-02-10 5:59 AM
in reply to: #3256444

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Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
I'm with Mer on this one.  School is just draining me right now.  I came home Monday feeling like crap, so no workout.  Tuesday we had a honors band concert for the twins, so no workout.  Had Timothy while his dad was at concert practice.  Went to go workout last night but everybody in the house had other plans so they left and I thought I didn't have a vehicle.  Found out about 9ish that McFuzz had actually walked and I could have used his car.  Wish he would have told me!

Tonight is weigh-in and I don't expect good things. 
2011-02-10 8:48 AM
in reply to: #3256444

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Jackson, MS
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!

Trainer ride last night for 45 minutes. 

Everything felt fine until I woke up this morning with some crazy, crazy lower back pain.
Back actually hurt yesterday before the ride, but now it seems a little worse.  Can't tell if I was sleeping poorly, or what.

2011-02-10 9:17 AM
in reply to: #3256444

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Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
We downloaded the Sufferfest video "The Hunted" to make trainer rides a little more interesting.  Well, it worked.  Watched it this AM while riding and followed it closely.  It was a workout for sure.  Checked my email just now and in the email from Sufferfest confirming the purchase ($10 if anyone is curious) was this gem of a message (below).  For those that have purchased from them before this may not be new but I thought it was hilarious and worth sharing.


They say that inspiration is to be found in simple gestures. When the word went out around Sufferfest Studios that you bought a copy of our video, a hush descended.

Now, here was a champion!
Here was courage!
Here was someone willing to be put to the sword for honor, for glory!

Into the distance we stared, forgetting our daily work for a moment. We imagined you filling your water bottle, adjusting your heart-rate strap, stepping over your bike. And we imagined you starting, legs spinning, mind finely tuned, spirit focused on one goal: suffer like a greased pig at a rodeo. We reflected on your incredible determination during the intervals, and your peaceful tranquility during the recovery.
One of the more literate members of staff, paraphrasing Plato, jumped up and shouted “For one to conquer oneself is the first and noblest of all victories!” And another responded, in the words of Proust, “We are healed from suffering only by experiencing it to the full!” A raucous cheer went up and there was some chatter about you, your vast potential as an athlete, and the rumors of you being ‘the next big thing.’ A wishing to be more like you crossed the faces of a few.

And then - pity. An instant when we thought of your riding buddies. Of how they go about their innocent ways, how they delude themselves that, on the next ride, they will be the stronger. Oh, the fools! Do they even comprehend the kicking they are going to get when you’re next out with them? Do they have even the briefest inkling that you will not be the same rider? We shuddered.

Our bodies turned back to our work, but our minds lingered on your commitment. You have inspired us. Thank you.
2011-02-11 8:08 AM
in reply to: #3348508

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
Mashmead - That note was great!  That almost makes me want to buy it...although I wouldn't be able to make it through...
2011-02-11 8:09 AM
in reply to: #3256444

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
Well I'm giving my body some rest and taking a few days off from running.  If I was a good girl or smart I'd hop on the trainer or get in the pool....but I'm not a good girl :-(

So my lesson for today...don't be like me :-)

Everyone ready for the challenge...starts today!!!
2011-02-11 9:09 AM
in reply to: #3256444

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Jackson, MS
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
Woke up 3 days ago with this awful, awful lower back pain.  Hadn't trained the day before, don't think I slept on it oddly.

Regardless, it's still with me.  It's definitely muscular, not skeletal.  I would go swim, but it was 16 degrees here this morning...tough to get in the pool when it's that cold.  Have done one trainer ride with it, which was somewhat ok.  Maybe I'll just see what I can do.

2011-02-11 12:29 PM
in reply to: #3350133

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
Mary A - 2011-02-11 7:09 AM Woke up 3 days ago with this awful, awful lower back pain.  Hadn't trained the day before, don't think I slept on it oddly.

Regardless, it's still with me.  It's definitely muscular, not skeletal.  I would go swim, but it was 16 degrees here this morning...tough to get in the pool when it's that cold.  Have done one trainer ride with it, which was somewhat ok.  Maybe I'll just see what I can do.


I had a similar thing happen a couple weeks ago. Not fun at all. A couple visits to a local chiropractor (one who DOESN'T believe in "I want to see you twice a week for the next three months") and I was good to go.

2011-02-11 1:08 PM
in reply to: #3256444

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Jackson, MS
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
Yeah, I'm super skeptical of chiropractors...if it continues, maybe I will think about it.  So far, I'm two doses into high strength ibuprofen and feeling much better.  We will see!
2011-02-14 9:27 AM
in reply to: #3256444

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
We had walks and hikes on Saturday and Sunday, but I had a run on Friday of 5.3 miles.

Any one else?
2011-02-14 11:04 AM
in reply to: #3353874

Extreme Veteran
Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
Saturday 3 mile run.  Sunday 13.41 miles through my local rec area.  Friday was a rest day.
2011-02-14 1:32 PM
in reply to: #3354149

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Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
I put in 10 miles on Saturday.  Rode the trainer on Friday.  Did nada on Sunday except drive from Dallas to Jackson, MS...that's got to be one of the most unremarkable drives in the country.  The only change in scenery is the trees get taller the closer you get to MS.  Oh, and the Mississippi River.  But the other 399 miles?  Those are tedious.
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