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2008-06-06 8:47 AM
in reply to: #1448998

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
caius - 2008-06-05 11:21 PM
orange223 - 2008-06-04 10:04 PM

I stopped at a tri-store today while out on a client visit.  Was looking the the entry level Felt and the entry level Cervelo (P2-SL).  Will save my pennies for a few months and see what happens. 

I have a Cervelo P2-SL and absolutely love it. I've had it for a year now and I am not exagerating when I say that each and every time I take it out for a ride it just puts a huge smile on my face. It is an amazing bike. Very aero and stiffness of the BB really transfers the power down. It's a damn sexy bike to IMHO. I love it!

The one I'm looking at is yellow.  For some reason I like a "dark" yellow - I guess because it is a different color and not everyone has yellow.  I ride a yellow Epic mtn bike.  Everybody has black, red, etc.  The white Cervelos are sweet too!  We'll see what happens. 

Everyone have a great weekend!

2008-06-06 1:01 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Sounds like I'm in the market for aero bars! Now to figure which ones? Carbon is so dog gone sexy!

I'm off camping for the weekend with the family. Everyone have a fantastic weekend and thanks for the advise!
2008-06-07 8:22 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

8k run last night and I don't feel destroyed this morning.  Hurray!

Today is rest, Sunday is a 5k and Monday is the last long run of my running course.  We hit the 10k barrier.  I think we are all doing a 10k race on the 22nd too.

2008-06-07 10:02 AM
in reply to: #1451300

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Invigilator - 2008-06-07 7:22 AM

8k run last night and I don't feel destroyed this morning.  Hurray!

Today is rest, Sunday is a 5k and Monday is the last long run of my running course.  We hit the 10k barrier.  I think we are all doing a 10k race on the 22nd too.

Way to go!  Enjoy that 10K run on Monday!  Going beyond where you've ever been is very exciting.

I realized while responding in another thread that right now, the 1 hour workout in  each of swim, bike, and run is a barrier to me that I've got to get past.

It is so rainy and cold here; I'm glad my tri was last weekend.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


2008-06-08 12:21 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
I am so excited about my Tri today! I was 5min faster than last Aug. & I now have a new PR!! My swim was great UNTIL I swam into a canoe that was helping this guy. I stopped for a second, felt fine and continued! I have a nice small cut on my nose. At least it didn't bleed a lot or break my nose.

In the bike I felt super fast!! I love my new bike!! I really went hard the whole time. There was wind but I still felt good.

The run I finally went under 30min!!! It was hard at first, I got a GU & some gatorade at mile 1 then just ran the rest! I knew I could get a PR so I just gave it all I had!!

I am working the next couple of days so race report to follow later! I have to go to bed!

2008-06-08 2:00 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Sounds like you had a great time, and did awesome. Big congrats on the PR!!

(Can't believe you're up at 1 am).

2008-06-08 4:18 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Good job Kristina,  way to win your fight with the canoe!!!!!


I have put up a 5k race report.

2008-06-08 10:04 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Way to go Rob and Kristina! Glad to hear that you're okay after the canoe incident. That could have been much worse.

I over did it this weekend. On Saturday I did a long swim, long bike and short brick run and today I did a long run. The temps in Toronto over the past couple of days have hit 40C (108F) with the humidity and between that and most likely not enough hydration given the temp I am sure I suffered from heat exhaustion as I was just about ready to pass out after Saturday's training session and today I felt naucious for most of the day after my run. I think it was pretty dumb of me. Live and learn I guess.

2008-06-08 11:16 PM
in reply to: #1355942

Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

WOW, congratulations to Kristina and Rob you both did a great job this weekend ! Glad you didn't get hurt worse with the canoe Kristina, I bet the new bike was fun to race with ! your hill still there ? I live a farming area, there are moutains near by like the Tetons but they are just a bit too much for me lol. Actually I emailed my tri club pres for some suggestions on whats around the area to start practicing on for the next tri.

Sounds like everyone was busy for the weekend, hope the week starts out good for us !!

2008-06-09 1:53 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
My good hill will be there at least as long at there is construction.  That should get me to the middle of summer.  Who knows, it could become permanent.
2008-06-09 7:07 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Rob and Kristina - congrats on the great races!!! Sounds like you all had fun and did well (except for the canoe collision!)

Caius - I hear you about the heat and humidity. I am definately not used to it yet. Ran on Saturday and heart rate was up, pace and endurance were down. Felt sick to my stomach the rest of the day. Hopefully we will all be getting acclimated to summer quickly. I'll take it over snow any day though!

2008-06-09 8:10 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

No doubt! I'd rather have heat any day. Oh, and a crystal clear ocean while we're at it too

Well to add to my weekend adventures I seem to have got some food poisoning last night. I had a horrible night of chills and sweats and many trips to the washroom. Today's not any better. Oh, my stomach!


2008-06-09 8:50 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
The universe has not been very considerate of you lately.
2008-06-09 8:54 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

sorry ive been pretty busy recently. and my foot isnt 100% better so i may not place well in my tria but im going to go for it none the less. who knows miracles can happen. I've been busy training and if all goes south then  ill just do it to do it and not to get my goal of top 3.

my triathlon is next weekend,the 21st of june and my mind is 110 percent ready in a way, my body not so. but im up for anything and will prove to my school whose the best.

2008-06-09 11:51 PM
in reply to: #1355942

Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Jameston, good luck on the tri, hope your foot holds up for you.

Rob, glad your dirt hill is still there for you, I am still trying to find some to ride, I think I might try the local park that has some hills on the trail around it for starters

Cauis-sorry to hear what happened to you, had it a few times myself..not fun at all  hope you recover fast! Thanks for the suggestions on the bike, I notice my form was not all that good last time I was out and worked on improving it and did more streaching before and after as the link Terry found for me suggested pain afterwards , it was great, just need to work on it more.

If you are all having too much sun, send it my way, I will send some cooler temps and we can split the difference. I think summer took it's own vacation this year from us in Idaho.  More rain and cooler temps in the forecast all week.

2008-06-10 8:18 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Hi All,

Just figured I would post this for all the Forerunner 305 users. I swam with my 305 under my swim cap on the weekend, and for the most part it captured my data from the swim. I think it lost the HR signal a bit, but other than that it worked pretty well. I had it set to record laps at every 100M so I could get my splits.

I think the one thing the pic truly shows is just how awful I am at swimming straight. Did get one good straight line. Just to clarify - it has me looping around myself because Kelso lake has three posts near the beach and we just swam around them to use them as markers.

Hope everyone is having a good week.

Edited by squishybelly 2008-06-10 8:21 PM


Swim.jpg (37KB - 23 downloads)

2008-06-10 8:37 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

We crawled back in town yesterday after 4 days of camping in 90+ degree heat.  We had an airconditioned camper though, but no pool.  Lots of ticks!  Took the boat and also did a lot of lake swimming.  I had no other good swimmers with me, so I chose not to do OWS w/o a life vest.

Hey Kristina, should we call you "torpedo" now?  Just kidding!  Glad you weren't hurt and had a great tri!

Timmeh, wasn't there a thread on (killer/inexpensive) aero bars in one of the other groups we were in?  Seems like there was.  Bike and have good deals.

2008-06-10 10:15 PM
in reply to: #1458440

Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

well...we were supposed to have SNOW today but we lucked out (?) with 30 mile hour winds and rain...I am glad I broke down and finally joined a gym to get my workouts done.

Cool map from your Forerunner 305 Neil, I have a low end version the 205 but I still love it, can't wait till I can afford to upgrade it someday.


2008-06-10 10:38 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

I was able to meet with 3 other BT'ers for an OWS tonight.  Really nice people.  We have a vet, a vrigin and a lady looking to do her second.  (I only have 2 under my belt so far).

We are going to try to meet for a bike ride next week, on the course for our next tri in July.

2008-06-11 11:57 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

So far i know of at least 10 people doing this triathlon next saturday and all mixed levels, i plan on wearing my fast skin swim suit for the swim part because its in the pool not in open water. and then 3.1 miles running and 8 miles biking! i plan on rocking it. the feet seem to be holding up pretty well and the rest of me is doing well too.

My only question is i dont know if i should shave the legs or not, i know it will give me a advantage but im just not sure??

any help would be loved

2008-06-11 11:59 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
If you do it, do it now so you can get used to it.  Nothing new on race day.

2008-06-11 6:37 PM
in reply to: #1459810

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Zell248 - 2008-06-11 12:57 PM

So far i know of at least 10 people doing this triathlon next saturday and all mixed levels, i plan on wearing my fast skin swim suit for the swim part because its in the pool not in open water. and then 3.1 miles running and 8 miles biking! i plan on rocking it. the feet seem to be holding up pretty well and the rest of me is doing well too.

My only question is i dont know if i should shave the legs or not, i know it will give me a advantage but im just not sure??

any help would be loved

Okay, come on, we gotta put a dose of reality into this no? Just how much time do think that shaving your legs is going to save you?  It's certainly not minutes! I bet you can gain a LOT more time from just pacing right but going hard and planning/practicing your transitions.

I mean, if you want to shave your legs (and use the swim as a reason) go for it, but don't expect any miracles


2008-06-11 8:03 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

1st 10k run is in the books.  59 minutes.

the little Lance Armstrong that lives in my iPod was very impressed. Smile

2008-06-11 8:08 PM
in reply to: #1459824

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Invigilator - 2008-06-11 12:59 PM

If you do it, do it now so you can get used to it.  Nothing new on race day.

Rob - what's he got to be afraid of, the stubble?? I think this may be taking the "nothing new on race day" just a bit too far.

Caius - training question. Since we're into race season, what place do Z1/Z2 training sessions have? Even when I'm not pushing my pace, I still find that I am not doing any type of "slower pace" training. During the winter I'd really focused on trying to keep my HR below the 155 mark, but can't think of the last time I did that. I have sessions I really push, and then others that feel comfortable - but their still above Z2.

Thoughts? Also, is there a good plan to follow now that I've already completed the basic 12 week plan (which consequently calls for lots of zone 2 training).



Edited by squishybelly 2008-06-11 8:08 PM
2008-06-11 8:36 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

For me race day is about as much consistency of feeling as possible.  No new gear, no new foods, etc.  I want to feel like it's a nice normal training day.  For shaving, I just wouldn't do it on race day if I had not done it before then.

Especially for me.  Have you seen my photo's?  If I bought what I needed to shave my legs, I wouldn't be able to afford gear or registration fees!Smile

Edited by Invigilator 2008-06-11 8:38 PM
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