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2008-06-20 7:05 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Washington , MO
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

 Nice big brick Todd! We've seen a lot of 90's the last few weeks, but its cooled down to mid 80's in the midwest this week.

 I'm gonna squeeze in 1 more long run (13miles or so) in this weekend and then start tapering this coming week. Starting to get a little nervous that my training may not be where it should be, but i think i will survive the race, just not at a fast clip :0  Oh well, it will still be a blast!

 Have a great weekend everyone.       


2008-06-23 12:44 PM
in reply to: #1479569

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
jcash683 - 2008-06-20 5:05 PM

 Nice big brick Todd! We've seen a lot of 90's the last few weeks, but its cooled down to mid 80's in the midwest this week.

Boy, I would have been a lot happier yesterday if it had stayed in the 90s here! It was at least 99 when I went out on my brick run and driving home afterwards, we saw the car thermometer hit triple digits. I felt good on my run after 54 miles on the bike, but I went through all the hydration I was carrying with me (30 oz) that should have lasted me 40-45 minutes in only 25 minutes (right after taking in 36 oz. during transition!) and I was at least 15 minutes away from the nearest water supply, so I decided it was just the wrong day for a self-supported 13 mile brick run. Walked for about 25 min. to get my core temp. down, then ran in a half mile at a nice 7:30/mi clip and called it a day with 5K of running.

Really good learning experience for going long in extreme heat. Those conditions will be a possibility for my half iron next month (not likely, but possible), so it was good to see what I'd be up against. Had some cramping the last three miles on the bike...had to get off with only one mile left and stretch because right hamstring was locked up.

If I'd been running with aid stations every mile, I'd definitely have done the full run. But, unlike my usual tactics, I'd have stopped at the aid stations instead of running through them.

There were a lot of runners/walkers/cyclists out in the park where I was training at was down to me and about two other runners in the 99 degree heat at 1:20pm.

Anyhow, hope everyone had a good weekend. Should be a taper week for several of us, I'd say. I'm planning...

Today: Long run tonight to make up for shortened run yesterday...if legs hold up, may try to do 12 miles (will do at least 8).
Tomorrow: Bike commute 12 mi.
Wed: Bike commute 12 mi.
Thur: Run easy 3-4 miles
Fri: Bike commute 12 mi.
Sat: TBD. Driving to Ventura (about 50 min.) in the PM for race packet pickup. Might do pool swim in AM or might do practice ocean swim at race site.
Sun: Breath of Life Oly Tri in Ventura (my 2nd "international" distance tri, 1st for my wife).

Edited by tcovert 2008-06-23 12:47 PM
2008-06-23 4:58 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

Sounds like it went well Todd, though that is some serious HEAT!!!

My plan for the week

Monday- swim, lift, maybe run a mile to test new shoes
Tuesday- commute to work 10 miles total
Wednesday- commute to work 10 miles total, swim?
Thursday- Quick bike, very short run
Friday - not sure yet, would like to get a short swim in
Saturday- Tri #2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Pegasus1731 2008-06-23 5:01 PM
2008-06-25 6:17 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Alright, I'm starting to get nervous/excited. I have no idea what to expect and I think that's what's making it fun. I've gotten some trainging in in the past few weeks, but haven't logged it so no one know how little it is. I'm confident I can make it through the Croixathlon, and that's the goal. One thing I am wondering is does anyone use any gels or drinks for an energy boost. I realized I'm doing a short sprint and don't really need it, but there is only one drink station, and just in case I need a small boost, what do you use, and does it really seem to work? I'm in no way ready, but here it comes!!!
2008-06-25 8:01 PM
in reply to: #1490446

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Washington , MO
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

pcm95 - 2008-06-25 6:17 PM Alright, I'm starting to get nervous/excited. I have no idea what to expect and I think that's what's making it fun. I've gotten some trainging in in the past few weeks, but haven't logged it so no one know how little it is. I'm confident I can make it through the Croixathlon, and that's the goal. One thing I am wondering is does anyone use any gels or drinks for an energy boost. I realized I'm doing a short sprint and don't really need it, but there is only one drink station, and just in case I need a small boost, what do you use, and does it really seem to work? I'm in no way ready, but here it comes!!!

 I'm nervous and axcited right along with ya bro. Just remember its gonna be a blast once you get rolling though! Ive also been thinking alot about my hydration/nutrition for this upcoming week and i know its the main key in my race.

 As far as hydration/nutrition is concerned, anything lasting around an hour to 1.5 hrs i would personally use only water and maybe one gel or sports type drink for a little bit of calories. That should be suffice. Anything longer(1.5hrs and up) and you may want to consider more calories and some sort of electrolyte/sodium/mag/potassium type of drink blend.

 Once again, im relatively new to the sport, so my experience is very limited but i've felt good on the longer runs/bikes using Perpeteum and Endurolyte by hammer nutrition. Granted, the Perp. and HEED prducts by them taste pretty crappy but they seem to work for me. Of all the gels and gu's ive tried i still like the powerbar gels the best. None of these products i've mentioned are for an energy "boost" per say, just stuff that will sustain energy and fight off fatigue and lactic acid buildup.

 So, i'm sure i've completely confused you by now         In short: I have no idea what i'm talking about, heh.

 Best of luck at Croixathlon, and remember to have fun and smile when you cross that finish line!

2008-06-26 12:42 AM
in reply to: #1490605

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
jcash683 - 2008-06-25 6:01 PM

pcm95 - 2008-06-25 6:17 PM Alright, I'm starting to get nervous/excited. I have no idea what to expect and I think that's what's making it fun. I've gotten some trainging in in the past few weeks, but haven't logged it so no one know how little it is. I'm confident I can make it through the Croixathlon, and that's the goal. One thing I am wondering is does anyone use any gels or drinks for an energy boost. I realized I'm doing a short sprint and don't really need it, but there is only one drink station, and just in case I need a small boost, what do you use, and does it really seem to work? I'm in no way ready, but here it comes!!!

 I'm nervous and axcited right along with ya bro. Just remember its gonna be a blast once you get rolling though! Ive also been thinking alot about my hydration/nutrition for this upcoming week and i know its the main key in my race.

 As far as hydration/nutrition is concerned, anything lasting around an hour to 1.5 hrs i would personally use only water and maybe one gel or sports type drink for a little bit of calories. That should be suffice. Anything longer(1.5hrs and up) and you may want to consider more calories and some sort of electrolyte/sodium/mag/potassium type of drink blend.

 Once again, im relatively new to the sport, so my experience is very limited but i've felt good on the longer runs/bikes using Perpeteum and Endurolyte by hammer nutrition. Granted, the Perp. and HEED prducts by them taste pretty crappy but they seem to work for me. Of all the gels and gu's ive tried i still like the powerbar gels the best. None of these products i've mentioned are for an energy "boost" per say, just stuff that will sustain energy and fight off fatigue and lactic acid buildup.

 So, i'm sure i've completely confused you by now         In short: I have no idea what i'm talking about, heh.

 Best of luck at Croixathlon, and remember to have fun and smile when you cross that finish line!

Actually, pretty damn good post. I don't have much of anything to add.

Personally, I rarely take in any fluids if I'm going less than 90 mins., unless it's unusually hot. For sprints or shorter races like 5K-10K, I'll only drink if I'm thirsty...might take a gulp or two during the ride...might grab a cup of water at a later aid station on the run. Generally, you aren't going to get a whole lot of benefit before the race is over, at least from the calories. But a lot of people suggest being guided on fluid intake by how thirsty you feel. It's really only at the longer distances that you need to budget your fluid, electrolyte, and calorie intake.

I'd say keep a gel with your running gear for T2 and either leave it there or take it out on the run depending on how you feel coming off the bike. I've done that in a couple sprints and never ended up taking the gel with me.

2008-06-26 7:55 AM
in reply to: #1358169

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Washington , MO
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

 Good luck to all those that are racing this weekend. Really looking forward to reading those race reports. Think strong...think fast...think positive!

Rock On! ~ John

2008-06-27 12:26 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Big weekend of racing for this gang! Me, Melissa, John (half iron!), and Joe (first tri!!)...can't wait to read the race reports next week. Looking at logs this week, I can just sense the growth, not just in performance, but in confidence from everyone. That's really cool.

Any goals...fears...last minute questions anyone wants to put out here?

For me, I'd like to hope I can get near 2:30 for my oly on Sunday, but I trained so hard last Sat-Sun-Mon that I don't really have a lot of "push" on either the bike or the run. So I think the day will be more about supporting my wife through her first oly. I know she's apprehensive about it. (The good news is that we both got quality ocean swim time in this month and both of us feel 100% more prepared than we did for our first attempt last fall.)

I hope everyone has a great time this weekend...whether racing or training!
2008-06-27 3:03 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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san francisco
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Good luck to everyone on your races. I have race envy now! Even though I have a 10K scheduled for tomorrow morning, I am totally jealous and need to find and sign up for a later summer race.

Todd, tell your wife we are all rooting for her too!

2008-06-27 4:15 PM
in reply to: #1494667

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Washington , MO
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

tcovert - 2008-06-27 12:26 PM Big weekend of racing for this gang! Me, Melissa, John (half iron!), and Joe (first tri!!)...can't wait to read the race reports next week. Looking at logs this week, I can just sense the growth, not just in performance, but in confidence from everyone. That's really cool. Any goals...fears...last minute questions anyone wants to put out here? For me, I'd like to hope I can get near 2:30 for my oly on Sunday, but I trained so hard last Sat-Sun-Mon that I don't really have a lot of "push" on either the bike or the run. So I think the day will be more about supporting my wife through her first oly. I know she's apprehensive about it. (The good news is that we both got quality ocean swim time in this month and both of us feel 100% more prepared than we did for our first attempt last fall.) I hope everyone has a great time this weekend...whether racing or training!

  I'd be happy if i just finished this upcoming race, however my personal goal is sub 6hr and hopefully closer to 5:45. Not sure what to expect however at this distance so we'll see how it pans out. All in all i feel confident but i would have liked another 4 weeks (at least) of base first. Damn my friends for goading me into this race!     I'm getting super jacked up just thinking about doing this race now!

 Best of luck all  ~~ John

2008-06-28 6:33 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Hope everybody had a great race today, looking forward to seeing everybody's splits! Mine should be up soon, tri #2 is in the hole!!

2008-06-29 4:32 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Good race today...2:33:20 by my watch...official posted time was 2:27, but their splits were very screwed up on the posted swim split was more than 5 min. less than my watch time. Also many participants were placed in the wrong AGs, so I'm not sure of my placings. Apparently somewhere like 115 out of 300ish O/A and 15 out of 35ish in my AG.

My wife did much better than she expected--about 3:18 (I was anticipating her finishing in about 3:15 or so, so she was right there).

Raw data's in my log for anyone who's interested...don't know when the race report will happen...might wait to see what (if anything) gets done to correct the results.)

...oh, and I set a new 10K PR...not just tri-run, but best 10K ever, tri or open. Definitely wasn't expecting that.

Edited by tcovert 2008-06-29 4:33 PM
2008-06-30 9:16 AM
in reply to: #1358169

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Well, I got home around 11:30 and got my race report done, but my computer locks up whenever I try to do anything with my logs, so nothing is up there yet. It went well for my first time. My results to compare with everyone else is up at
I'm #138 overall and #36 in my age group of 30-39. The question I've had now is numerous times is if I'll do it again next year. All I can say is I'm not opposed to the idea. I wouldn't mind trying to find another one later this year, but the summer is filling up pretty quickly now. Congratulations to everyone on their tris and to Todd on his run. That's awesome! I'll be checking out everyone's race reports when I have more time, off to work!

2008-06-30 12:15 PM
in reply to: #1497463

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
tcovert - 2008-06-29 2:32 PM

don't know when the race report will happen...might wait to see what (if anything) gets done to correct the results.)

My race report from my Oly yesterday is placings and the times are off my watch & Garmin, but I'm pretty sure they're correct.
2008-06-30 1:30 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Great efforts all around this weekend! This group just flat out rocks!

Joe -- First tri! Congrats, triathlete!
John -- First half iron distance tri...and sub-6 hours (on a short training calendar, no less)!
Melissa -- Podium finish...3rd in her AG!
and not to overlook...
Kim -- 10K PR! Sub-48 minutes...great job!

We're heading into what is supposed to be the final month of the April mentor program (we'll see about that...): What does everyone want to get done this month? Any race/time/distance goals we can support each other with "down the stretch"?

Obviously I've got my half iron this month...but the harder part of that now may be that Liz and I just decided to move the weekend after my HIM (we're signing the lease tonight). Only moving 3 miles, but a move's a move. I suppose that's what my taper weeks are for...
2008-06-30 1:43 PM
in reply to: #1499385

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Washington , MO
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

tcovert - 2008-06-30 1:30 PM Great efforts all around this weekend! This group just flat out rocks! Joe -- First tri! Congrats, triathlete! John -- First half iron distance tri...and sub-6 hours (on a short training calendar, no less)! Melissa -- Podium finish...3rd in her AG! and not to overlook... Kim -- 10K PR! Sub-48 minutes...great job! We're heading into what is supposed to be the final month of the April mentor program (we'll see about that...): What does everyone want to get done this month? Any race/time/distance goals we can support each other with "down the stretch"? Obviously I've got my half iron this month...but the harder part of that now may be that Liz and I just decided to move the weekend after my HIM (we're signing the lease tonight). Only moving 3 miles, but a move's a move. I suppose that's what my taper weeks are for...

 Wow, what a weekend for the whole group! Round of applause all the way around on a job well done! You guys totally ripped it up this weekend, how exciting!

 I had a blast this weekend in Illnois with the family and friends and learned a lot(and i mean alot!). I've posted my race report so feel free to peruse and razz me about the merits of proper nutrition and to get my butt in gear on the run leg Thanks for the support and inspires along the way. I wore my BT gear at the race and got to meet a few other BTers out there as well. Just knowing i had to post a report after this race, kept me going on the run All in all i'm pleased with how it went down, minus the cramps, of course, but i will fix that at my next HIM attempt.

peace ~~ John

2008-07-01 10:21 AM
in reply to: #1358169

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Washington , MO
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

I put up a photo album of my HIM race if anyone's interested in seeing how it went down. My 2 daughters are in there but none of my wife She was doing all the picture taking that day and I didn't even think to get one of her before the race started  darnit.

peace ~~ John

2008-07-01 2:52 PM
in reply to: #1501571

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
jcash683 - 2008-07-01 8:21 AM

I put up a photo album of my HIM race if anyone's interested in seeing how it went down. My 2 daughters are in there but none of my wife She was doing all the picture taking that day and I didn't even think to get one of her before the race started  darnit.

peace ~~ John

Great photos! Nice finish with your daughters!

(I'm really jealous of all the "elbow room" you had in They had us packed in like sardines at my oly on Sunday.)
2008-07-02 8:23 AM
in reply to: #1358169

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Minneapolis, MN
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Hey everyone!

Sorry I have been totally absent the last two weeks. Lots of stuff going on lately!
Congratulations to everyone on the great race weekend! It sounds like everyone did an amazing job. I am planning on catching up with the race reports some time this week or worst case, this weekend.

I have a sprint triathlon this weekend. My training since the oly in the beginning of june has been relaxed but I think I still have enough fitness to pull out a good race. The oly was definitely my A race this summer and this sprint this weekend and then a sprint in august are for fun - but I'd still like to do well

The race this weekend is small (450 people) and is a true sprint, 1/3 mile swim, 13 mile bike and a 3 mile run). My plan is to go full tilt the entire time and see what I can pull out. I'd like to break 20 mph on the bike, and be sub 8 pace on the run. Definitely do-able.

I am not sure if I should wear my wetsuit. For a 1/3 mile swim I'm only going to be in the water for like 10 minutes or so. I went swimming yesterday in the lake by my house and I did not wear my wetsuit. Hmmm, any thoughts anyone?

2008-07-02 12:11 PM
in reply to: #1503653

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Slahmmer - 2008-07-02 6:23 AM

I am not sure if I should wear my wetsuit. For a 1/3 mile swim I'm only going to be in the water for like 10 minutes or so. I went swimming yesterday in the lake by my house and I did not wear my wetsuit. Hmmm, any thoughts anyone?

Conventional wisdom from people who've been doing this a lot longer than I is that you should always wear a wetsuit when it's (temperature) legal. It's been studied and you'll typically gain more time in a properly fitting tri wetsuit--even in a sprint--than you'll lose in taking it off. After two olys in my wetsuit, I'm inclined to say that's true.

There was one BT-ite in my race this weekend who'd mentioned before the event that he wasn't wearing his wetsuit because the water was warm enough. That seemed pretty curious to me. Well, I noticed in this race report that he just feels hot and claustrophobic in his wetsuit so he doesn't wear it for those reasons. I think that's really about the only reason not to wear it--genuine discomfort or legitimate potential for overheating. Them's my two cents, anyhow.
2008-07-02 12:23 PM
in reply to: #1503653

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

Slahmmer - 2008-07-02 8:23 AM  I am not sure if I should wear my wetsuit. For a 1/3 mile swim I'm only going to be in the water for like 10 minutes or so. I went swimming yesterday in the lake by my house and I did not wear my wetsuit. Hmmm, any thoughts anyone?

 I took Todd's advice and wore mine for my 300m swim.  Most people did not have them on and I don't have anything to compare to from prior but I did swim really well for my heat 6:10 for 300m and it didn't take me but a couple of seconds to take it off.  If you feel like it helps your swim time at all - I would wear it.  If you feel the same speed without it, I wouldn't worry about it.

2008-07-02 1:24 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Minneapolis, MN
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Alrighty I'm gonna wear the wetsuit. Thanks for the good advice.

The wetsuit definitely makes me faster and plus I paid for the darn thing, mine as well use it as much as possible!

Hope everyone is having a good day. I was able to make it out at lunch for a run so I am in a good mood now!

2008-07-02 2:35 PM
in reply to: #1504288

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
run_carmen - 2008-07-02 10:23 AM

Slahmmer - 2008-07-02 8:23 AM  I am not sure if I should wear my wetsuit. For a 1/3 mile swim I'm only going to be in the water for like 10 minutes or so. I went swimming yesterday in the lake by my house and I did not wear my wetsuit. Hmmm, any thoughts anyone?

 I took Todd's advice and wore mine for my 300m swim.  Most people did not have them on and I don't have anything to compare to from prior but I did swim really well for my heat 6:10 for 300m and it didn't take me but a couple of seconds to take it off.  If you feel like it helps your swim time at all - I would wear it.  If you feel the same speed without it, I wouldn't worry about it.

BTW...nice summery avatar, Carmen.
2008-07-02 10:06 PM
in reply to: #1504708

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

BTW...nice summery avatar, Carmen.

 Thanks - finally got rid of that bundled up look from March - added an album of my before and after pics too!  But don't quite know how to post them to a message string.  Wanted to add to the before and after thread on triathlon talk but couldn't figure it out so gave up - check them out - I'm a work in progress but I'm getting there! 

 I'll be out until Sunday night - happy 4th to everyone and have a great weekend!

2008-07-03 8:06 AM
in reply to: #1358169

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Minneapolis, MN
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Woah Carmen! I took a look at your before and after photos and you have made an amazing transformation! The professional picture of you and your kids is really cute.

I hope everyone has a good long weekend
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