BT Development Mentor Program Archives » JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL Rss Feed  
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2009-03-07 9:24 PM
in reply to: #2004017

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2009-03-09 9:55 PM
in reply to: #1880994

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Edited by JeepFleeb 2009-03-09 9:56 PM
2009-03-10 11:28 AM
in reply to: #1880994

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL

Wow that is kinda scary....being in Texas for the past 15 years has taken over my brain.  I just read the " Y'all'll " and didn't even notice it and understood it.  Ha.

Texas weather in March, so unpredictable.  I am not going to be able to start my season with this race as I had planned, but I will be out there supporting everyone and I am sure just standing around will be plenty cold too.  I will try not to eat all the pancakes before you finish (dont take transition too slow, from what I hear Gaary might beat you to the pancakes).

2009-03-16 9:48 AM
in reply to: #1880994

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2009-03-17 9:57 AM
in reply to: #2020313

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL

Had a better performance in all categories in my race.  My swim still sucks, but less.  Wetsuit got hung on the transponder taking it off in t1.  Bike was good, passed some fat bikes and got passed by other fat bikes.  Course had alot of turns and I actually caught people in the turns, advantage of a road bike.  Run was same pace as last race, should have pushed it harder though, still had fuel in the tank at the end, passed 4 people in the last 400m.  Laces came undone on my left shoe with .5mile to go.  Elastic laces and locks are now on the shoes.  Had a good time, but felt like I ran out of realestate on the bike and run.  Looking forward to the next.

The night before the race I was getting everything ready and organized.  I put my wetsuit on to go through shucking it off one last time.  I failed to realize I had gotten my top caught in the zipper on the way up, first for this.  When I tried to unzip it, much to my surprise it wouldn't budge.  I tried and tried to no avail.  All I could think about was the potential embarrassment of walking down to the lobby to find someone to free me from my dilemma and what I would say to people in the elevator that would look at me like I had just escaped a mental institution.  These thoughts moved me to give it one last shot, much like Clark Griswald slamming the two extension cords together in Christmas Vacation, I yanked down hard on the zipper and freed myself from my wetsuit with a slight tearing sound.  Luckily minimal damage to my top and none to the wetsuit.

This week, beatings continue in prep for April 11 North Florida Olympic tri.  The Orbea demo van is in town tomorrow, so going to go get tempted.  JF-Aaron, I'm actually from Texas, family is out in the desert, Lubbock, Abilene area.


2009-03-18 2:48 PM
in reply to: #1880994

Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL

I haven't checked in here for a while.

Did my first 10K one week ago and went under one hour. That was my original goal. After a fast training run a couple of weeks before the race, I was hoping for under 58mins, that didn't quite happen. Leading up to my first tri end of May, I will have several 5Ks and another 10K coming up.... Basically just for the fun of it... And I noticed that I don't have so extreme pre-race jitters, when I have a fairly fresh memory of a previous race in my head....

Weather is nice around here these days. So I am trying to substitute my spinning classes more and more with riding outside.

And I am currently looking for a used road bike. I know I said I won't invest money into a bike this year, but the hybrid is just getting to frustrating. Especially riding with BF. On flats and downhill, he is just rolling ahead of me, without doing much and I always get him at the hills. Well, swim coach offered me to give me one of her bikes for the race, so I really can take my time to find a bike.

Have a great week everyone.

2009-03-18 8:42 PM
in reply to: #2022755

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Patarero - 2009-03-17 9:57 AM

Had a better performance in all categories in my race.  My swim still sucks, but less.  Wetsuit got hung on the transponder taking it off in t1.  Bike was good, passed some fat bikes and got passed by other fat bikes.  Course had alot of turns and I actually caught people in the turns, advantage of a road bike.  Run was same pace as last race, should have pushed it harder though, still had fuel in the tank at the end, passed 4 people in the last 400m.  Laces came undone on my left shoe with .5mile to go.  Elastic laces and locks are now on the shoes.  Had a good time, but felt like I ran out of realestate on the bike and run.  Looking forward to the next.

The night before the race I was getting everything ready and organized.  I put my wetsuit on to go through shucking it off one last time.  I failed to realize I had gotten my top caught in the zipper on the way up, first for this.  When I tried to unzip it, much to my surprise it wouldn't budge.  I tried and tried to no avail.  All I could think about was the potential embarrassment of walking down to the lobby to find someone to free me from my dilemma and what I would say to people in the elevator that would look at me like I had just escaped a mental institution.  These thoughts moved me to give it one last shot, much like Clark Griswald slamming the two extension cords together in Christmas Vacation, I yanked down hard on the zipper and freed myself from my wetsuit with a slight tearing sound.  Luckily minimal damage to my top and none to the wetsuit.

This week, beatings continue in prep for April 11 North Florida Olympic tri.  The Orbea demo van is in town tomorrow, so going to go get tempted.  JF-Aaron, I'm actually from Texas, family is out in the desert, Lubbock, Abilene area.


 I am sure glad the zipper episode didnt remind you of "What About Mary" that would have been embarrassing.  Good job on the race, sounded pretty solid with some concrete areas to focus on for improvement.

2009-03-18 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2020313

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
JeepFleeb - 2009-03-16 9:48 AM

So what's everyone doing this week?

My race on Saturday was pretty sub-par.  40 degree weather and rain.  Ugh.  I took nearly 4min in T1 to put on warm clothes.  My feet were completely numb to start the run and it showed in my times.  Ended up 6th in my AG and 27th overall, but it was just a training race so it won't bother me.

At least I got to meet Big_D Derek!  So that's one group member down and only 13 more to go.

This week is a good solid final build before the Cali 70.3.  There's 16 hours of training on my schedule, 4 bricks and 3 hours of speedwork.  Luckily the weather will be in the 70's and 80's all week so it's the perfect time to have this schedule.

 I look forward to a great race someday that gets close to your sub-par race time.  Those conditions were pretty harsh for a TX race.  Seemed like those guys from WI werent even phased.  We are all so used to the opposite of temps pushing 100 it seems.

 This week I am going to get on the trainer finally and test out the knee.  Tour of Dallas is coming up and I need to make sure I can make it.  And with the weather, I need to get out there and enjoy.  I started with Dallas Athletes today and that will allow me more time for training and give me access to some great stuff.

2009-03-20 6:46 AM
in reply to: #1880994

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
What is the Tour of Dallas? Single day or multiday? Is it a race or for fun?
2009-03-20 4:49 PM
in reply to: #2029462

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL

aarondavidson - 2009-03-20 6:46 AM What is the Tour of Dallas? Single day or multiday? Is it a race or for fun?

It is a single day completely for fun ride.  My friends have done it for a few years and wanted me to come along this year.  They are doing the 20 mile portion which means they cut out the 10 miles around a can someone ride to the lake and not take the time to ride around the lake and enjoy the scenary?  Oh well, will keep working on them ( they have only done the 8 mile ride and are scared to jump to 30 miles). 

2009-03-23 8:55 AM
in reply to: #1880994

Subject: ...
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2009-03-23 5:18 PM
in reply to: #1880994

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL

I have a feeling that this week will be more about T.I.T.S.  I will be getting wet too, but I need to build back up my leg muscle and the bike will be the way to do it.  Also seriously thinking about doing a couple sprints coming up and if the knee can take it, do the run, but if it can't, then I had a great workout. 

 Good luck with your 70.3 coming up, will be looking forward to see how you did and hear about any craziness that happened.

2009-03-23 11:11 PM
in reply to: #2034106

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL

Damn, nice job! 

Travel week for me, try to stick to my plan as best I can.  Speed work on the bike trainer and run, with some swims.  Good part is water temps are warm enough that I can get my swims in, in open water, only saw one small shark today. 

2009-03-24 8:09 PM
in reply to: #1880994

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Hey Aaron, what would you say a good cadence range would be?  I finally hooked up my garmin cadence last night and I was a lot lower than I had anticipated.  I was at 73-75.  My boss told me I should be in the 90's.
2009-03-24 8:16 PM
in reply to: #2038069

Subject: ...
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2009-04-01 10:34 AM
in reply to: #1880994

Subject: ...
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2009-04-01 5:31 PM
in reply to: #2054113

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
JeepFleeb - 2009-04-01 10:34 AM

New week!  What's everyone up to?

I'll be racing the Cali 70.3 this Saturday and can't freakin' wait!

Good luck in Cali, and have a great time.  Any and all free time this week (and last week, and the...) is being dominated on remodeling my wife's day spa.  It is the never ending project.  Will be doing the Tour of Dallas this weekend, nice easy paced 30 miler with some friends.  Looking forward to hanging out and just seeing the sites of Dallas where I normally wouldnt ride.

2009-04-02 7:37 AM
in reply to: #2054113

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL

Good luck at california!  Those are some pretty amazing shoes by the way.  Where did you find those?

Swim and 50min run today, long bike tomorrow. Put some conti gp4000s tires on the bike last night, but nasty weather so couldn't ride.  Going to try to ride the bike portion of next weeks race on sunday, seems to rain everytime I head that way though, hopefully it won't on race day either. 

2009-04-02 8:24 AM
in reply to: #1880994

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
I am one of those people that struggle with cadence. I get fatigued quicker at higher cadences producing the same power as I would at a lower cadence. I tend to ride in the low to mid 70s. Some people can do real high spins. I can hit 120 briefly, but my legs cant spin fast.
2009-04-02 1:20 PM
in reply to: #2056750

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
I like 83, based on feel and speed (no power meter)
2009-04-02 2:04 PM
in reply to: #1880994

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Thanks guys, the ride on Saturday is going to have some pretty slow riders in my group, so I was going to mess around with different cadences and see how I feel and try to keep a higher cadence for an extended time.  120, not even sure if I can hit that for a few seconds...haha.  Guess I cruised around the neighborhoods a little too much growning up.

2009-04-06 8:39 AM
in reply to: #1880994

Subject: ...
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2009-04-06 12:12 PM
in reply to: #1880994

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
The Tour of Dallas was a load of fun this weekend.  Got to test the knee out and that went well.  There was a lot of just cruising going on, but was able to bump up the speed a few times and had some short quick hills.  One of my friends had such a blast, she is finally going to brave the pool and start training with me for a tri (she gets water in her nose and claims she can only do the breast stroke).  I am going to ramp up the swim and bike training starting today.  As for the run, I am thinking about not running until race day at Caveman in a few weeks...and just focusing on the swim and bike and if all goes well, do the run also.  

Looks like I can still keep my A race at the Play-Tri festival but going to change to the Sprint instead of the Olympic.
2009-04-06 12:41 PM
in reply to: #2065058

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Followed the race off and on sat morning, there were some ridiculously fast age-groupers.  Get the next one.

Taper week, first olympic distance race on saturday.  Tried to pre-ride the course for the third time yesterday, windy as hell (16avg over ten miles).  Made it halfway then had to turn around.  Going to be a mentally challenging race for me. 
2009-04-10 8:38 AM
in reply to: #2065725

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
this blows......
The North Florida Olympic Triathlon has been RE-SCHEDULED for Saturday, May 30th 2009

Due to localized flooding in the area, the Madison County Division of Emergency Management and the Sheriff's Office have advised us that there are numerous road closures and the water is expected to continue to rise through the weekend.
We feel it is unsafe to attempt this event with high water and sudden flood conditions developing without notice and don't want athletes traveling on the roads during this dangerous time.
This is an unfortunate and unforseen weather related issue.
NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED - Please do not ask.
All entries will automatically be transferred to the re-scheduled date.
New Date is May 30th. Times will remain the same & late registration has been extended to May 27th.
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL Rss Feed  
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