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2009-04-15 12:13 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Vista, CA
Subject: Heart rate question

When I start my runs or the bike, my heart rate spikes up to 160 or so for the first few minutes, then it settles down and into the zone where I'm supposed to be training at. For example, todays run was just a 30 minute, high cadence, form run and I was supposed to keep my HR in zone 1-2 and not push it. So that's what I did, but at the beginning my heart rate monitor says 160. Then it settled into the 120 range for most of the run, even down to 91 at one point. I'm definitely not breathing hard and could easily carry on a conversation at this pace. I guess my question is this, is this normal? Is this something I should be concerned about? My mom died at 52 of a heart attack and it runs in my family so I'm always on the lookout for any potential issues. All my vital stats are excellent though -- cholesterol, bp, weight, eating habits, etc.


2009-04-15 12:30 PM
in reply to: #2086236

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El Dorado Hills, CA
Subject: RE: Heart rate question

Does it always do that?  I'm gonna say no it isn't an issue if you recover after the first few mins.  But maybe ask your MD next time you go in for something.

Carole<<RN in real

Edited by happybunny 2009-04-15 12:30 PM
2009-04-15 1:04 PM
in reply to: #2085451

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Subject: RE: Todays workout
mammatri's - 2009-04-15 7:59 AM
skrtrnr - 2009-04-15 7:42 AM  Stacie, I hope your brick went well. I'm guessing you did a swim/bike brick since you have an injured achilles.
Sorry about the mistaken identity. I'm trying to keep up w/ everybody and getting confused, I guess.

Btw, the crawfish were awesome and I didn't even drink any beer! Yay me!

Today's workout is 50 minutes on the bike, outside of course, and 1000 yard swim. It'll be my first swim since the race. Then a leg workout with my trainer at the gym. She took it easy on me for a while before the race, but now she's out to kill! I hope I can walk after!

CATHY.  no problem re the mistaken identity.  i have a hard time keep trck myself.

glad to hear the crawfish were awesome.  thats not something ive ever tried, though im pretty adventurous when it comes to food....

and trnrs out to kill must be in the air.  i tell ya, my spin instructor/tri mentor just about killed me last night.

i heard it on Biggest Loser last night too - you might puke, you might feel like your gonna pass out, but you most certainly  NOT die.  though im not an advocate for pushing to the brink each and every trng session, thats a recipe for disaster, its nice when you find out where you limits are and then go just that little bit beyond them to find out whats really deep down, inside.


Edited by skrtrnr 2009-04-15 1:05 PM
2009-04-15 1:11 PM
in reply to: #2085550

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
wgraves7582 - 2009-04-15 8:31 AM

skrtrnr - 2009-04-15 8:37 AM
wgraves7582 - 2009-04-15 7:35 AM

Morning Manatees.

Tis a beautiful day out there today.  Hope everyone is as jazzed as I am.

BTW - (ETA Name) - Amy - Taper    Listen to your body.  It knows best and you will feel great come the weekend!


what you jazzed about?

anything in particular?

or just jazzed? 


Well I went for this ride last night in the dark and it was just the most awesome thing.  I love riding in the woods in the dark - just wish it was not so muddy but it will dry out shortly!  We have a county park that is over 100+ acres and I have the place all to myself (besides the animals) and it is such a cool feeling knowing that I own that land for that particular time

That and we are off tomorrow and that means a long bike ride

BILL. no wonder your totally JAZZED!  make perfect sense....

are you mt biking for these rides?  im assuming so as you describe them.

though im not sure i share your enthusiasm of riding in the dark (never tried it actually)  i DO love riding ALONE on a trail.  owning that part of the land as you say....

theres one trail that ride that runs alongside a lake.  i had wild turkeys cross my path several times.  i love it especially in the morning when no one else is out there, and the mist is coming off the lake.  splendid.   and the other trail is a converted railroad bed and once you ride far enough 'out of town' it is still and quiet and ahhhhhhhh.

Fridays my long ride day.  im hoping dh will take a half day off.  66 and sunny. GLORIOUS.

enjoy that long bike ride of yours
2009-04-15 1:12 PM
in reply to: #2086236

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This user's post has been ignored.
2009-04-15 1:14 PM
in reply to: #2086222

Subject: RE:catching up-heart rate
lmscozz - 2009-04-15 12:09 PM

skrtrnr - 2009-04-15 5:40 AM
lmscozz - 2009-04-14 7:08 PM


It's amazing how much progress you can see on the bike in a short time, at least that's how I'm feeling. I've been riding

LYNN.  ^^^^^^^what you said, is GOOD NEWS to me.

im gonna be putting in LOTS of mileage in prep for the MS150 and sometimes i wonder if im gonna make it - 150 miles in 2 days.  WOOSH.

but its that daily, consistent, persistent getting my arse on the saddle thats gonna get me there.

thanks for the words of encouragement [probably unbeknowst to you HOW encouraging you were being]


Stacie -- Great brick and you'll be able to do that ride. You have such great enthusiasm and determination. Looking forward to your race report.

Amy -- I agree that you should rest up a bit, especially if you're already feeling some pain. For my first 1/2 marathon last year I told myself "I can always walk." I never did of course, but that's what got my heinie out there.


lynn.  with a CHEERING SECTION LIKE THAT, im sure to do well at my MINI.

WHAT a teammie you (all) are. 

2009-04-15 1:14 PM
in reply to: #2086478

El Dorado Hills, CA
Subject: RE: Heart rate question
ROFL....slept at Holiday Inn...too funny Bill!
2009-04-15 1:26 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: training update
Have been reading posts but haven't had much to offer the past few days.  Did enjoy reading more about HR training.  Thanks Yanti for posting that.

I ran on Monday, swam on Tues.   The swim went very well and I found my pool!  It is free to use and I can also use the weight room.  It is a rec center and high school combined, about 45 minutes from home.   The worst is that the lap swim hours are 6am-7:30am.   The lifeguard said there were 6 or 7 people coming on a regular basis training for Tri' maybe I will meet someone to do a little training with??

I hope to go look at bikes this afternoon.   I think I need to get a better fitting before buying long distance so I know what I am getting!  

I keep wondering if I should pay for a membership upgrade here and get a better training plan than the TriNewbie one...or if I should just tweak the running portion a bit.   I have already been doing that.   The first week it has you run for only 15 min, 9min of which is warm up.   I did the warm up, then ran for another 20 min, although I did monitor HR closely and did the 2min run, 1min walk as suggested in the plans.     Do you think this is a good plan for me?   I am not looking to win my AG or anything, but I would like to be well prepared and finish strong in June.

I am enjoying reading the posts and have learned a lot from other's questions.   Well, dh just came in and they have cows in the corral...time to go to work!
2009-04-15 1:27 PM
in reply to: #2086236

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Heart rate question
lmscozz - 2009-04-15 11:13 AM

When I start my runs or the bike, my heart rate spikes up to 160 or so for the first few minutes, then it settles down and into the zone where I'm supposed to be training at. For example, todays run was just a 30 minute, high cadence, form run and I was supposed to keep my HR in zone 1-2 and not push it. So that's what I did, but at the beginning my heart rate monitor says 160. Then it settled into the 120 range for most of the run, even down to 91 at one point. I'm definitely not breathing hard and could easily carry on a conversation at this pace. I guess my question is this, is this normal? Is this something I should be concerned about? My mom died at 52 of a heart attack and it runs in my family so I'm always on the lookout for any potential issues. All my vital stats are excellent though -- cholesterol, bp, weight, eating habits, etc.


I agree with the others--probably normal but wouldn't hurt to ask your doc when you next go.

Heart rate monitors can do all sorts of funky things at first, especially when you have a quick change in heart rate (like when you're first starting a workout).

It could also be that you have a brief heart rate spike, like your body knows you're setting out and it's like, "Let's go!" but then settles down.
2009-04-15 1:29 PM
in reply to: #2086236

Subject: RE: Heart rate question
lmscozz - 2009-04-15 12:13 PM

When I start my runs or the bike, my heart rate spikes up to 160 or so for the first few minutes, then it settles down and into the zone where I'm supposed to be training at. For example, todays run was just a 30 minute, high cadence, form run and I was supposed to keep my HR in zone 1-2 and not push it. So that's what I did, but at the beginning my heart rate monitor says 160. Then it settled into the 120 range for most of the run, even down to 91 at one point. I'm definitely not breathing hard and could easily carry on a conversation at this pace. I guess my question is this, is this normal? Is this something I should be concerned about? My mom died at 52 of a heart attack and it runs in my family so I'm always on the lookout for any potential issues. All my vital stats are excellent though -- cholesterol, bp, weight, eating habits, etc.


LYNN.  of course have any concerns you might have chkd out by your DR especially if theres significant family history of heart issues (my family is the same, my middle son has a heart defect, dad had one too, and high blood pressure et al)  i actually had an heart 'study' done just to be safe - wore the halter for 24 hours and had an echocardiogram - just to R/O anything.  fortunately i got a clean bill of health and feel more comfortable competing.  no more lingering 'fears'

BUT, that aside.


i had 'spikes' similiar to yours in the first few minutes of my run, and like yours my HR would eventually settle down.

my previous tri mentor suggested that i take a good 10 mins to warm before i start to run [maybe for you it would take less time]  BRISK walking for x amt of minutes, until your HR is up just under the lower limit of your steady/working zone.

as far as what to do w the bike, start out w a low cadence, low resistance, again until your HR is up just under the lower limit of your steady/working zone. 

the warm up helps over the course of the workout to better maintain your HR in the zone.  i had my 'doubts' but im a 'believer' now having seen it happen time and time again in workouts.

the other thing that Gordo recommended is walk breaks to maintain your HR throughout the course of the workout.  This took me a long time to grab hold of, but im amazed at how well it DOES work at keeping my HR in chk.  my run walk intervals are 10 mins run/:30-1:00 walk.

ive never done intervals similiar on the bike.  i would defer to the cyclist in our group.

sometimes i dont have that much time to warm up, and sometimes i dont want to walk, but i can say that both strategies helped to keep that heart rate from spiking.

see if that helps.  if you continue to see 'spikes' i wouldnt hesistate to get chkd.



Edited by skrtrnr 2009-04-15 1:32 PM
2009-04-15 1:37 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
welp MANATEES im back from nice rcvry swim in the pool. i have to say im really enjoying the pool lately SUCH a relief after a hard ride or run.

and i just got my 'acceptance/welcome' email from the Coach of the Masters Swim Team.  its official.  im a MEMBER.  wahoooo!

im super silly excited about joining their 'ranks' and super silly insecure as well.  its just a thing i need to 'get over'  i see these women (many of whom i have met) and they are AMAZING swimmers and AMAZING athletes, and sometimes i just feel like im schlepping along in the pool.

but then i have a GREAT workout like the one yesturday and the one today, and i remind myself, that im an AMAZING ATHLETE TOO.

and i might not be the swiftiest swimmer in the pod, but man oh man im the most dedicated, persistent, consistent, determined one

so heres to me, and heres to the CRANBERRY WAVE, and heres to making the HUGE step to be a part of the TEAM.



2009-04-15 2:04 PM
in reply to: #2086579

New user

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Stacie,  Congratulations on joining the Master's swim team.  I also swim with a group and it was the best thing I have done.  I have met so many cool, inspiring people.  I now occasionally ride with some of the girls and we do ocean swims in the summer and sometimes some people will come over to the brewery after a workout.  It has been great for meeting active people.  I hope your group is as welcoming to all people and I'm sure you will fit right in.
2009-04-15 2:24 PM
in reply to: #2069346

New user

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Taxes are done!  I'm not a procrastinator or anything?!!!Wink
2009-04-15 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2086698

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
lunabelle - 2009-04-15 2:04 PM Stacie,  Congratulations on joining the Master's swim team.  I also swim with a group and it was the best thing I have done.  I have met so many cool, inspiring people.  I now occasionally ride with some of the girls and we do ocean swims in the summer and sometimes some people will come over to the brewery after a workout.  It has been great for meeting active people.  I hope your group is as welcoming to all people and I'm sure you will fit right in.

im so looking forward to it Laurie.  ive met some of the team members already and they are all so nice.  and ive heard WONDERFUL things about how great the team is and supportive they are of one another and how much FUN they have together.

one person that i know said shes doesnt consider herself swimmer, and she doesnt compete in meets, but swims w the team because theyre just so much FUN to be around.

they just took 1st and 2nd place in Nationals so they can be slouches when it comes to swimming. 
2009-04-15 2:51 PM
in reply to: #2086794

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
lunabelle - 2009-04-15 2:24 PM Taxes are done!  I'm not a procrastinator or anything?!!!Wink

WOOSH.  glad thats done huh? 

2009-04-15 3:33 PM
in reply to: #2085407

Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
skrtrnr - 2009-04-15 8:36 AM


i have to remember drip dry first and THEN put on the SOCKS/SHOES.  im always in a rush it seems to put my shoes/socks FIRST.  its not necessary there are other things i can do beforehand just to give some of the water a chance to run off. 

for my race, the transition area is pretty good distance from the pool, from what i heard.  so im hoping by the time i will have reached it some of the 'major' water will have already 'drained'.....

but all in all a good mock transition [im getting more proficient each time]

then it was on to 60 min spin.  i think the instructor has a 'death wish' for all her spin-ees.  HOLY HECKARAMA.  WHAT a workout.  it was interval night.  im not sure it was the best prep race ride, but at least it proved to me that the mini come the end of the month is gonna be a PIECE OF CAKE compared to the brick i did.

its all good.

and super happy about how WONDERFUL i felt.  my energy was up.  my endurance level.   i stroked and pedaled my heart out.

3 more to go.  and then im race-ready.


Congratulations on the great brick. I have a small 'swim towel' I take with me to the pool/race. Kind of like a shamwow. It's small but really helps getting most of the water off in transition.


2009-04-15 3:47 PM
in reply to: #2086545

Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Heart rate question
skrtrnr - 2009-04-15 2:29 PM

lmscozz - 2009-04-15 12:13 PM

When I start my runs or the bike, my heart rate spikes up to 160 or so for the first few minutes, then it settles down and into the zone where I'm supposed to be training at. br />
the other thing that Gordo recommended is walk breaks to maintain your HR throughout the course of the workout.  This took me a long time to grab hold of, but im amazed at how well it DOES work at keeping my HR in chk.  my run walk intervals are 10 mins run/:30-1:00 walk.

ive never done intervals similiar on the bike.  i would defer to the cyclist in our group.

sometimes i dont have that much time to warm up, and sometimes i dont want to walk, but i can say that both strategies helped to keep that heart rate from spiking.

see if that helps.  if you continue to see 'spikes' i wouldnt hesistate to get chkd.



I agree on the walk breaks. In addition to keeping your HR down it also gives you a chance to stretch out your legs. You don't lose much time and it really cuts down on the sore muscles.

2009-04-15 4:51 PM
in reply to: #2087075

Victoria, BC
Subject: when is enough, enough?
Ok Manatees ... next round of advice please. Or at least some sympathy.

The past few days I've been fighting an illness ... at first I'm thinking allergies (cherry blossoms are all out, green things popping out of the ground, the pollen count is at 95% or something) ... but it's not going away ... so I took a quick detour to my friendly neighbourhood naturopath and he's told me that my tonsils are enlarged (explains the sore throat) and that I have some sinus issues going on (explains the head and ear aches) ... simply put - it's a cold. And I feel miserable. I've done my best to ignore it the past few days, to no avail. Today it's kicking me in the head (fairly literally).

This was supposed to be my week to get back into the swing of things - work out and train according to schedule ... then the Achilles started acting up, now I'm sick.

When is enough enough? Why can I not just get back on track? I used to be so pumped to go train, you couldn't keep me from my planned workouts and from doing extra ... what on earth is going on?!?

And should I go to spin tonight? I really don't want to - I don't have the energy to do the dishes never mind keep up with my tri club ... but I can't miss another workout!

GRRRRR ... this is mostly just me venting frustration here ... thanks all for listening.
2009-04-15 5:00 PM
in reply to: #2087075

Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Heart rate question

Thanks for all the great input re: heart rate. The spike is only at first and I'm thinking it's partly the monitor itself and partially me. I have a message into the cardiologist I saw a few years ago just to make everything was fine with my heart (because of family history).

I had a good swim today, as well. I realized that I really like the longer swim sessions -- over 45 minutes when I get more of an endurance workout. And, thanks again for the Those workouts are perfect for me right now!

As far as your group-- congrats. I started swimming with a masters group and still do, but also swim more on my own. Many are more fish than mammal IMHO, and I feel like a guppie, but they've always been very welcoming and nice to me. The cycling women I've met with the Velo Bellas here are really amazing. I started riding with them last year and became "an official racer chick" this year. They are really great athletes and even better people! It's provided comaraderie and support and friendship. Most of us are triathletes as well, but some just cycle or mostly do runs and cycling. We do some social events together as well.

Thanks again for all your input, everyone!

2009-04-15 5:18 PM
in reply to: #2087227

Subject: RE: when is enough, enough?
SpiritFire - 2009-04-15 4:51 PM Ok Manatees ... next round of advice please. Or at least some sympathy. The past few days I've been fighting an illness ... at first I'm thinking allergies (cherry blossoms are all out, green things popping out of the ground, the pollen count is at 95% or something) ... but it's not going away ... so I took a quick detour to my friendly neighbourhood naturopath and he's told me that my tonsils are enlarged (explains the sore throat) and that I have some sinus issues going on (explains the head and ear aches) ... simply put - it's a cold. And I feel miserable. I've done my best to ignore it the past few days, to no avail. Today it's kicking me in the head (fairly literally). This was supposed to be my week to get back into the swing of things - work out and train according to schedule ... then the Achilles started acting up, now I'm sick. When is enough enough? Why can I not just get back on track? I used to be so pumped to go train, you couldn't keep me from my planned workouts and from doing extra ... what on earth is going on?!? And should I go to spin tonight? I really don't want to - I don't have the energy to do the dishes never mind keep up with my tri club ... but I can't miss another workout! GRRRRR ... this is mostly just me venting frustration here ... thanks all for listening.

Listen to your body. If your really tired, stay home. Give yourself a day or two, get some good rest, and start again. Feel better soon!
2009-04-15 5:22 PM
in reply to: #2087227

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: when is enough, enough?
SpiritFire - 2009-04-15 3:51 PM I don't have the energy to do the dishes never mind keep up with my tri club ... but I can't miss another workout! GRRRRR ... this is mostly just me venting frustration here ... thanks all for listening.

Take it from someone who's made ALL the mistakes so you don't have to

Stay home and give your body what it needs--rest and rejuvenation. If you don't have the energy to do the dishes and you're not well, a workout will only wear you down more.

Your body is working out the things it needs to in order to get you better so you CAN get back and train. Let it do its job

In a day or two, when you start to feel a little better, try a light walk first ... if that goes well, you can add a workout (taking it easier, of course) the next day, etc.

2009-04-15 6:12 PM
in reply to: #2086534

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: training update
ranchrunner - 2009-04-15 12:26 PM Have been reading posts but haven't had much to offer the past few days.  Did enjoy reading more about HR training.  Thanks Yanti for posting that.

I ran on Monday, swam on Tues.   The swim went very well and I found my pool!  It is free to use and I can also use the weight room.  It is a rec center and high school combined, about 45 minutes from home.   The worst is that the lap swim hours are 6am-7:30am.   The lifeguard said there were 6 or 7 people coming on a regular basis training for Tri' maybe I will meet someone to do a little training with??

I hope to go look at bikes this afternoon.   I think I need to get a better fitting before buying long distance so I know what I am getting!  

I keep wondering if I should pay for a membership upgrade here and get a better training plan than the TriNewbie one...or if I should just tweak the running portion a bit.   I have already been doing that.   The first week it has you run for only 15 min, 9min of which is warm up.   I did the warm up, then ran for another 20 min, although I did monitor HR closely and did the 2min run, 1min walk as suggested in the plans.     Do you think this is a good plan for me?   I am not looking to win my AG or anything, but I would like to be well prepared and finish strong in June.

I am enjoying reading the posts and have learned a lot from other's questions.   Well, dh just came in and they have cows in the corral...time to go to work!

Well, I always advocate getting a BT membership because this is such a great place and I like to support it . But let's talk training plans.

I looked at the sprint training programs on the site (especially the 13-week one) and although you'd still have to tweak the run a little, it looks closer to where you're already at both for run and swim. Ditto for looking at a few weeks into the 16-week plans. All of these are available at a bronze membership, which is a very good value.

You will be well prepared if you use the TriNewbies plan and tweak it, but you might enjoy having to think a little less by using one of the BT plans, even though you'd have to pay for it, and you certainly have a far wider range of choice in what plan you'd like.
2009-04-15 6:30 PM
in reply to: #2087362

Subject: RE: training update
Well, the cattle work took longer than expected, so no looking at bikes today.    Hopefully, we will go to Cheyenne tomorrow if the weather doesn't get too bad.   There is a big storm brewing right now.   I am SO ready to start riding!!!   I went by my neighbor's house yesterday as she had said I could borrow her bike, but she only rides a 48 or 50...too small.   Has anyone ridden or heard much about Jamis bikes?   Two of the bike shops that I called have them as their major line.    I called a new shop today and they are the MCs for the the Tri I am doing as well as being there to do tune-ups, etc.   They also said they give lifetime tuning for free with every bike bought.

Yanti, if I did the membership and got either the 13wk or 16wk program, would I just start a few weeks in so it fits my time frame correctly?
2009-04-15 7:30 PM
in reply to: #2087398

Melon Presser
Subject: Training Plan, Jamis Bike
ranchrunner - 2009-04-15 5:30 PM Well, the cattle work took longer than expected, so no looking at bikes today.    Hopefully, we will go to Cheyenne tomorrow if the weather doesn't get too bad.   There is a big storm brewing right now.   I am SO ready to start riding!!!   I went by my neighbor's house yesterday as she had said I could borrow her bike, but she only rides a 48 or 50...too small.   Has anyone ridden or heard much about Jamis bikes?   Two of the bike shops that I called have them as their major line.    I called a new shop today and they are the MCs for the the Tri I am doing as well as being there to do tune-ups, etc.   They also said they give lifetime tuning for free with every bike bought.

Yanti, if I did the membership and got either the 13wk or 16wk program, would I just start a few weeks in so it fits my time frame correctly?

Yep, you'd start a few weeks in; you might want to take it a little easier on the biking at first, though.

Jamis bikes are excellent (IMO). They also have some nice WSD designs (which won't break the bank. Try both men's and women's designs if they have them, though, you never know). Don't be scared about getting a bike with Sora-mixed components. Sure, Sora is Shimano's bottom-of-the-line component, but as long as the bike is well-maintained, Sora is very reliable. (The major increasing cost in within a bike category is not so much that the frame is better, but that the components are lighter, a little smoother, and therefore a lot more expensive). But trust me, starting out, you don't need that.

Just in case they try to talk you into getting a bike with "better" components.

The other thing about Jamis bikes is that most (if not all, I think) are double chainring instead of triples. Unless you climb a lot of very steep hills, it won't make a difference. And by the time you get to climbing a lot of very steep hills, you'd be fine on a double anyway
2009-04-16 7:06 AM
in reply to: #2087035

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
reid15 - 2009-04-15 3:33 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-04-15 8:36 AM MORNIN' MANATEES.

i have to remember drip dry first and THEN put on the SOCKS/SHOES.  im always in a rush it seems to put my shoes/socks FIRST.  its not necessary there are other things i can do beforehand just to give some of the water a chance to run off. 

for my race, the transition area is pretty good distance from the pool, from what i heard.  so im hoping by the time i will have reached it some of the 'major' water will have already 'drained'.....

but all in all a good mock transition [im getting more proficient each time]

then it was on to 60 min spin.  i think the instructor has a 'death wish' for all her spin-ees.  HOLY HECKARAMA.  WHAT a workout.  it was interval night.  im not sure it was the best prep race ride, but at least it proved to me that the mini come the end of the month is gonna be a PIECE OF CAKE compared to the brick i did.

its all good.

and super happy about how WONDERFUL i felt.  my energy was up.  my endurance level.   i stroked and pedaled my heart out.

3 more to go.  and then im race-ready.

Congratulations on the great brick. I have a small 'swim towel' I take with me to the pool/race. Kind of like a shamwow. It's small but really helps getting most of the water off in transition. Art

ART.  i have one of those [didnt think to use it during my brick however....]  ill be sure to put it on my list to take to my race.  thanks for the tip.

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