Other Resources Challenge Me! » The Epiphanies (Team 2) - January Challenge Rss Feed  
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2010-01-10 5:38 PM
in reply to: #2582747

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Subject: RE: The Epiphanies (Team 2) - January Challenge
OK team, the Hendrix wannabes (team 1) have called us " a bunch of Backup Motown singers"...

Time to ramp up the efforts...

Game on...

Edited by GoGoGo 2010-01-10 5:39 PM

2010-01-10 6:31 PM
in reply to: #2606356

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: The Epiphanies (Team 2) - January Challenge
GoGoGo - 2010-01-10 3:38 PM OK team, the Hendrix wannabes (team 1) have called us " a bunch of Backup Motown singers"...

Time to ramp up the efforts...

Game on...

Oh what have you done?????  I guess I have some reading to do.
2010-01-10 6:36 PM
in reply to: #2606257

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Santa Clarita
Subject: RE: The Epiphanies (Team 2) - January Challenge

yogachic - 2010-01-10 2:34 PM Hey all, just a quick update from me (will read & respond to everyone's comments when I have time, maybe later tonight)....

Yesterday I was dreading my treadmill 10-miler, so I kept putting it off and putting it off.  I was supposed to meet a friend for brunch, and I realized I put it off too long... So I ended up just bundling up and running outside for a bit, then running to my brunch.  I was a little short (9.14 miles) but I did get most of it done!

This morning was a recovery run with my tri club.  Including the distance I ran to get to the meeting spot & back, it was a total of 6 miles.  Afterward, some of us went cross country skiing (my first time!) so I got some extra cross training in there.

I hope everyone's weekend's going well!  Happy training!! Smile


I love cross country skiing , great cardio .  

2010-01-10 6:45 PM
in reply to: #2606433

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Subject: RE: The Epiphanies (Team 2) - January Challenge
brick94513 - 2010-01-10 8:31 PM
GoGoGo - 2010-01-10 3:38 PM OK team, the Hendrix wannabes (team 1) have called us " a bunch of Backup Motown singers"...

Time to ramp up the efforts...

Game on...

Oh what have you done?????  I guess I have some reading to do.

I haven't done anything!!! Innocent

Just reporting what I have read.  We are the team to beat, right nowCool

However, I could not let that go, without some rebuttal !!
2010-01-10 6:52 PM
in reply to: #2606207

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: The Epiphanies (Team 2) - January Challenge
LycraCladChamp - 2010-01-10 4:53 PM

I was wondering if anyone here did a program that followed the following format?
sun: swim
mon: bike
tues: run
wed: rest
Repeat cycle every 4 days

I think I like this schedule but I also like having the same day of the week be the same kind of workout so I can get used to it.  what do you think of this?

I think there is no time like the off-season to try a new schedule and see how you like it.
2010-01-10 8:17 PM
in reply to: #2606469

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: The Epiphanies (Team 2) - January Challenge
Atlantia - 2010-01-10 4:52 PM
LycraCladChamp - 2010-01-10 4:53 PM I was wondering if anyone here did a program that followed the following format?
sun: swim
mon: bike
tues: run
wed: rest
Repeat cycle every 4 days

I think I like this schedule but I also like having the same day of the week be the same kind of workout so I can get used to it.  what do you think of this?
I think there is no time like the off-season to try a new schedule and see how you like it.

Off-season?  Is there an off-season?  Somebody forgot to tell me that!Laughing  Hmmm, that's probably why I'm hurting right now.

2010-01-10 8:17 PM
in reply to: #2582747

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Oklahoma City, OK
Subject: RE: The Epiphanies (Team 2) - January Challenge

Hey Guys!!  I wasn't on the boards last week & didn't want you all to think I bailed.  I got to have all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed last Tuesday so last week was kind of a wash for me.  I'm starting back Monday morning & will make up for lost time.  Strength training in the morning & bike/trainer in the evening. 

I have been going back & catching up on posts & it looks like Team Epiphanies are killing it.....way to go!!!!

2010-01-10 8:37 PM
in reply to: #2603720

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Subject: RE: The Epiphanies (Team 2) - January Challenge
brick94513 - 2010-01-08 3:06 PM
yogachic - 2010-01-08 11:34 AM
Actually, I've been ravenous since my run yesterday.  I just suddenly go super hungry in the middle of my run last night, and had to go buy a yogurt & gatorade at the gym as soon as I got off the treadmill.  Has this happened to anyone before?  Maybe I should eat more before my runs.

I do not eat before exercise and not within three hours of a race.  I know this is contrary to mainstream belief, but trust me, it works.  Emphasis should be placed on proper recovery from your previous exercise.  You should be focusing on some form of 3:1 or 4:1 (carbo:protein) within 30 minutes of completion followed by a meal.  If a meal is not possible, the recovery drink should be repeated.  In doing so, you give your liver the ability to more rapidly replenish glycogen stores.  If properly recovered, your stomach might be saying it is hungry, but your glycogen stores will be "topped-off."  Trying to add any addtional food at this point will most likely only add to gastric distress.

Dr. Misner provides the following rationale for this fueling.

Pre-exercise carbohydrates, both simple and complex, will lead to:

1.  Elevated blood sugar causing an rapid release of insulin
2.  Insulin release inhits lipid metabolism during aerobic activity.  This is extremely detrimental when expeniture is beyond caloric intake (basically any endurance event).
3.  In simple terms, high insuling equates to faster glycogen depletion.

Once I start my workout, then I will start to supplement accordingly.  Sorry for the long answer.  Hope that helps.

Oooh, thanks! 

Though I think I have weird eating habits (for an endurance athlete) because before exercising I usually do something that's high in protein and, depending on how long the session is going to be, a little fat.  I actually don't carbo load that much before working out, though I do usually eat a banana before a race. 

Last season, I'd been good about doing the 4:1 CHO:protein PWO snack, but I haven't been that great about doing that recently.  Maybe I'll make it a point get back in the habit of doing that from now on, and hopefully I won't have so much hunger problems!
2010-01-10 8:40 PM
in reply to: #2603937

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Subject: RE: The Epiphanies (Team 2) - January Challenge
Atlantia - 2010-01-08 4:49 PM I'm having nagging aches in my calves and ankles during and after runs. The ankles feels like just soreness that goes away fast. The calves feel heavy as lead during the run and frighteningly tight after. Many hours after running my left calf, the big fleshy part, about halfway up the muscle, inner part, feels sore and knotted. Suggestions, input?

Whenever my calves (or any other muscle, for that matter) feel sore & knotted after a run, I definitely try to stretch it out post-run and do some foam rolling/self massage w/a tennis ball or stick. 
2010-01-10 8:43 PM
in reply to: #2605313

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Subject: RE: The Epiphanies (Team 2) - January Challenge
mav - 2010-01-09 6:40 PM Hi team. Still injured...no real running and/or biking.I havent changed my goals but will next week when I know more about how my back will affect my training. Sorry if it drags the numbers down this week. I did get 2 swim sessions in ...so was able to do something!!!

Keep going PIPS!!!!!

Oooh, take care of yourself!  I hope your back feels better soon!
2010-01-10 8:52 PM
in reply to: #2582747

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Robbinsville NJ
Subject: RE: The Epiphanies (Team 2) - January Challenge
Hey everyone, I'm back from the missing but have been getting in most of my planned workouts. Definitely on schedule and plan on a good week and now that the Eagles laid an egg next weekend will be free as can be!

2010-01-10 9:19 PM
in reply to: #2606207

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Subject: RE: The Epiphanies (Team 2) - January Challenge
LycraCladChamp - 2010-01-10 3:53 PM I was wondering if anyone here did a program that followed the following format?
sun: swim
mon: bike
tues: run
wed: rest
Repeat cycle every 4 days

I think I like this schedule but I also like having the same day of the week be the same kind of workout so I can get used to it.  what do you think of this?

Right now I'm just focusing on marathon training and easing back into a set schedule after just doing what I feel like on an unscheduled basis in the fall.  So actually, I haven't been doing any swimming or biking, though I'm planning on adding those into my schedule in Feb.

But in general, I also tend to like to do the same workouts on the same day of the week, mostly because my long runs/long rides are most easily scheduled on the weekends.... If there is a day that you have a little more time than other days, maybe you could double up on that day?  Over the summer, I had a swim/run day at least once a week to get two workouts in one!
2010-01-10 9:22 PM
in reply to: #2606279

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Subject: RE: The Epiphanies (Team 2) - January Challenge
brick94513 - 2010-01-10 4:47 PM
yogachic - 2010-01-10 2:34 PM Hey all, just a quick update from me (will read & respond to everyone's comments when I have time, maybe later tonight)....

Yesterday I was dreading my treadmill 10-miler, so I kept putting it off and putting it off.  I was supposed to meet a friend for brunch, and I realized I put it off too long... So I ended up just bundling up and running outside for a bit, then running to my brunch.  I was a little short (9.14 miles) but I did get most of it done!

This morning was a recovery run with my tri club.  Including the distance I ran to get to the meeting spot & back, it was a total of 6 miles.  Afterward, some of us went cross country skiing (my first time!) so I got some extra cross training in there.

I hope everyone's weekend's going well!  Happy training!! Smile

Way to be versatile!  Looks like you got some quality runs in and even had time for some cross training.  I've never tried x-country skiing, but it looks like a hard work out.  I bet your going to have some soreness tomorrow.

Thanks!  It was definitely a fun time, though since it was my first time ever, it took me a little bit to get used to it.  But I had a blast!  I made sure to foam roll, stretch a lot, and drink a ton of water tonight.  Hopefully that'll be enough to keep me from being too sore tomorrow.  I'm also thinking of going to an extra yoga class tomorrow night in case of soreness, just to get the kinks out!

Edited by yogachic 2010-01-10 9:23 PM
2010-01-10 9:51 PM
in reply to: #2606207

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Santa Clarita
Subject: RE: The Epiphanies (Team 2) - January Challenge

LycraCladChamp - 2010-01-10 1:53 PM I was wondering if anyone here did a program that followed the following format?
sun: swim
mon: bike
tues: run
wed: rest
Repeat cycle every 4 days

I think I like this schedule but I also like having the same day of the week be the same kind of workout so I can get used to it.  what do you think of this?


I have done the above and it works .   Just get two sessions a week of each sport with a day or two off . You could  double up some days when you have more time and make them brick days .

2010-01-11 12:02 AM
in reply to: #2606469

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Subject: RE: The Epiphanies (Team 2) - January Challenge
Atlantia - 2010-01-10 4:52 PM
LycraCladChamp - 2010-01-10 4:53 PM I was wondering if anyone here did a program that followed the following format?
sun: swim
mon: bike
tues: run
wed: rest
Repeat cycle every 4 days

I think I like this schedule but I also like having the same day of the week be the same kind of workout so I can get used to it.  what do you think of this?
I think there is no time like the off-season to try a new schedule and see how you like it.

Im training for my first sprint in the end of April.  So I am trying to get a set plan asap.  I think I'm going to stick with something like the 2x a week balanced free program for this race.  Hopefully I can stay in good enough shape to complete an Olympic distance race in August, or should I stick with sprints for this year?

Edited by LycraCladChamp 2010-01-11 12:04 AM
2010-01-11 4:49 AM
in reply to: #2606837

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Subject: RE: The Epiphanies (Team 2) - January Challenge
LycraCladChamp - 2010-01-11 2:02 AM
Atlantia - 2010-01-10 4:52 PM
LycraCladChamp - 2010-01-10 4:53 PM I was wondering if anyone here did a program that followed the following format?
sun: swim
mon: bike
tues: run
wed: rest
Repeat cycle every 4 days

I think I like this schedule but I also like having the same day of the week be the same kind of workout so I can get used to it.  what do you think of this?
I think there is no time like the off-season to try a new schedule and see how you like it.

Im training for my first sprint in the end of April.  So I am trying to get a set plan asap.  I think I'm going to stick with something like the 2x a week balanced free program for this race.  Hopefully I can stay in good enough shape to complete an Olympic distance race in August, or should I stick with sprints for this year?
I would plan for sprints, but keep it open. Depending on your consistency, you might be ready for an Oly. 8 months is a long time!

2010-01-11 9:13 AM
in reply to: #2605997

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Albany, NY
Subject: RE: The Epiphanies (Team 2) - January Challenge
D001 - 2010-01-10 1:32 PM

January Challenge Weekly Update

Here are the current team standings:

1st place - The Epiphanies - 24.0%
2nd place - Tased and Confused - 21.7%
3rd place - Wind Chill Warriors - 21.0%

For many of us, it's REALLY cold outside. Great job of working out, despite the cold, snow, ice and wind!


Wow, way to go Epiphanies!!! Let's keep up the great work!

Looking at the time this was posted, I don't think this included my workout from yesterday. I got to the Y last night for a run on the indoor track and a swim. I even had time for the hot tub before they closed. Warmth... Tonight, I'm back on the trainer. But I had another 24 DVD coming today so I'm actually excited about hitting the trainer!
2010-01-11 9:15 AM
in reply to: #2606878

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Albany, NY
Subject: RE: The Epiphanies (Team 2) - January Challenge
GoGoGo - 2010-01-11 5:49 AM

LycraCladChamp - 2010-01-11 2:02 AM
Atlantia - 2010-01-10 4:52 PM
LycraCladChamp - 2010-01-10 4:53 PM I was wondering if anyone here did a program that followed the following format?
sun: swim
mon: bike
tues: run
wed: rest
Repeat cycle every 4 days

I think I like this schedule but I also like having the same day of the week be the same kind of workout so I can get used to it.  what do you think of this?
I think there is no time like the off-season to try a new schedule and see how you like it.

Im training for my first sprint in the end of April.  So I am trying to get a set plan asap.  I think I'm going to stick with something like the 2x a week balanced free program for this race.  Hopefully I can stay in good enough shape to complete an Olympic distance race in August, or should I stick with sprints for this year?
I would plan for sprints, but keep it open. Depending on your consistency, you might be ready for an Oly. 8 months is a long time!

I definitely don't think an Oly is out of the question. There's a lot of time to prepare still! You could always wait to see how well prepared you feel when you do the sprint in April before signing up fir the August Oly?
2010-01-11 9:17 AM
in reply to: #2606837

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: The Epiphanies (Team 2) - January Challenge
LycraCladChamp - 2010-01-11 1:02 AM
Im training for my first sprint in the end of April.  So I am trying to get a set plan asap.  I think I'm going to stick with something like the 2x a week balanced free program for this race.  Hopefully I can stay in good enough shape to complete an Olympic distance race in August, or should I stick with sprints for this year?

I did my first sprint on the 2x balanced plan. It was a nice starter plan. I took some time off, now I'm starting from scratch using the 3x sprint plan. Those minutes only plans are great volume builders. My plan is to stick with sprints this season, try to get faster throughout the season, you know? But if you want to do an Oly in August there is probably plenty of time. You could do the sprint plan and then go right into the oly plan. You can always decide after your first sprint, unless the oly is filling up fast.
2010-01-11 11:40 AM
in reply to: #2606837

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Santa Clarita
Subject: RE: The Epiphanies (Team 2) - January Challenge

LycraCladChamp - 2010-01-10 10:02 PM
Atlantia - 2010-01-10 4:52 PM
LycraCladChamp - 2010-01-10 4:53 PM I was wondering if anyone here did a program that followed the following format?
sun: swim
mon: bike
tues: run
wed: rest
Repeat cycle every 4 days

I think I like this schedule but I also like having the same day of the week be the same kind of workout so I can get used to it.  what do you think of this?
I think there is no time like the off-season to try a new schedule and see how you like it.

Im training for my first sprint in the end of April.  So I am trying to get a set plan asap.  I think I'm going to stick with something like the 2x a week balanced free program for this race.  Hopefully I can stay in good enough shape to complete an Olympic distance race in August, or should I stick with sprints for this year?


See how it goes after doing a couple of sprint races . 

Olympic distance  (1500m-40K-10K) is quite a bit longer race than sprint distance  (400m-16K-5k)  so you will want to do more volume to have fun on Olympic distance race day.

The 2x training plans on this site can give you a good idea of what a good base volume needs to be at to complete your olympic distance event.

2010-01-11 5:38 PM
in reply to: #2582747

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: The Epiphanies (Team 2) - January Challenge
Hey folks!

Got in a weight/core workout, good for my challenge. Also got in a swim; it's been weeks since I have been in the pool (it's been closed and I was traveling) so I went slow and easy concentrating on my form. It was a decent workout.

2010-01-12 7:32 AM
in reply to: #2582747

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: The Epiphanies (Team 2) - January Challenge
I just got more time in on the trainer. I'm slowly chipping away at my goal.

Has anybody else tried those flavored triscuits? I think I'm addicted to the rosemary & olive oil ones. And I usually hate rosemary.
2010-01-12 9:06 AM
in reply to: #2609147

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: The Epiphanies (Team 2) - January Challenge
Atlantia - 2010-01-12 7:32 AM I just got more time in on the trainer. I'm slowly chipping away at my goal. Has anybody else tried those flavored triscuits? I think I'm addicted to the rosemary & olive oil ones. And I usually hate rosemary.

I love the rosemary and olive oil ones!
2010-01-12 9:08 AM
in reply to: #2582747

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: The Epiphanies (Team 2) - January Challenge
I got as easy 5K this morning. Just a shortie for me as tomorrow I do my long run. Rest with some stretching for the rest of today. School starts on Tuesday and I have a bunch of syllabi to get prepared for the semester.

Have a great day everyone!

Edited by blujay65 2010-01-12 9:09 AM
2010-01-12 9:50 AM
in reply to: #2606837

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Subject: RE: The Epiphanies (Team 2) - January Challenge
LycraCladChamp - 2010-01-11 12:02 AM
Atlantia - 2010-01-10 4:52 PM
LycraCladChamp - 2010-01-10 4:53 PM I was wondering if anyone here did a program that followed the following format?
sun: swim
mon: bike
tues: run
wed: rest
Repeat cycle every 4 days

I think I like this schedule but I also like having the same day of the week be the same kind of workout so I can get used to it.  what do you think of this?
I think there is no time like the off-season to try a new schedule and see how you like it.

Im training for my first sprint in the end of April.  So I am trying to get a set plan asap.  I think I'm going to stick with something like the 2x a week balanced free program for this race.  Hopefully I can stay in good enough shape to complete an Olympic distance race in August, or should I stick with sprints for this year?

I agree with what others have said.  Depending on your current level of fitness & your consistency throughout the season, an Oly is definitely doable!  Especially since you have four months between your key races, that should give you enough time to see what your fitness level is after your first race and decide if you're up for training for the longer distance.

What you have planned is basically what I was planning last year....  Last year was my first season, and my plan was to start of with a couple of sprints in May & June, then build up to an Olympic in August.  I followed the 2x balanced Olympic plan very loosely, and I started training consistently in March.  I was lucky enough not to get injured all year (except for a bruised shoulder from a bike accident, but that healed quickly & didn't derail my training too much)... so I was able to make pretty good gains in fitness all season.  By June, I was in good enough shape to switch my race to an Olympic instead of a Sprint, and come August, I was able to beat my June time by over 20 minutes!
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