BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full Rss Feed  
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2011-03-02 10:26 PM
in reply to: #3257607

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
Second day of group training;
Tonight was running intervals for 30 minutes, then 10 minutes of ab strength exercises, and then 20 minutes in the pool.
Pool workout was basically:
100 m. freestyle (warm up)
drills--I don't know their exact names, so bear with me;
1. Swimming on your side, upper hand on your thigh, the lower arm straight out in front of you--first one side, then regular swim back, then other side and swim back.
2. Same drill, only this time breathing out-into the water, then turning head and breathing in...
3. catch up drills, four laps.
Then 2 more laps

That was it...and I had a blast!

2011-03-03 6:47 AM
in reply to: #3380309

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2011-03-03 8:43 AM
in reply to: #3377148

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
rpframe - 2011-03-01 10:33 AM I took the plunge and signed up for the Memorial Day race in Austin.  Its about 2 hours away and my husband said he would come and cheer me on.  I think that will help me get over the 10 week hump I had trouble with in November.

As far as training-I rode 2 miles yesterday and walked .9 miles today.  I'm feeling good and am excited and scared about Memorial day.

BDD-I live in Katy, TX just outside of Houston.  There are a lot of races, it is just that they are all on Sunday and I don't want to race on the Sabbath.  I know it will make finding races harder, but I will live with that.  Last year there were several Saturday sprints in the fall and they were close by so I am hoping to do one then.


How exciting, now you are no longer working out but training, post this race date all over the house to remind you of what you need to get ready for!!!
2011-03-03 8:44 AM
in reply to: #3377831

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
bscoles1 - 2011-03-01 3:32 PM
rpframe - 2011-03-01 10:33 AM I took the plunge and signed up for the Memorial Day race in Austin.  Its about 2 hours away and my husband said he would come and cheer me on.  I think that will help me get over the 10 week hump I had trouble with in November. Rachel
Good for you, Rachel! Way to go! Stick with it!! I had a challenging 2500m swim this morning, and a low intensity 60 minute ride on my lunch break. Kept my heart rate in zone 2. Bobby

Nice work
2011-03-03 8:45 AM
in reply to: #3377942

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
FoggyGoggles - 2011-03-01 4:31 PM
rpframe - 2011-03-01 9:33 AM I took the plunge and signed up for the Memorial Day race in Austin. 


Dang... my home town! Wish that I could be there to be one of those cheering you on as well.

Made a big decision yesterday and took up an offer to swim with a couple of elites and a coach this morning. 5AM in the pool and we did interval training.

250 w/u
50 sprint
300 pace
50 print
200 pace
50 sprint
250 pace
50 sprint
200 pace
50 sprint
300 pace
50 sprint
250 pace
50 sprint
200 pace
50 sprint
200 warm down

2,500 yards in 50 minutes! OMG I was sucking air, sweating and trying to keep my heart rate in check the whole time. I think I was in a high zone 3 / low zone 4 for about half of the training.

Did get some good feedback on my form and hand entry as well. Finally figured out how the arms and hands help to "paddle" me forward.


Thats not an easy session, nice job on the swim
2011-03-03 8:46 AM
in reply to: #3380309

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
kgore - 2011-03-02 11:26 PM Second day of group training;
Tonight was running intervals for 30 minutes, then 10 minutes of ab strength exercises, and then 20 minutes in the pool.
Pool workout was basically:
100 m. freestyle (warm up)
drills--I don't know their exact names, so bear with me;
1. Swimming on your side, upper hand on your thigh, the lower arm straight out in front of you--first one side, then regular swim back, then other side and swim back.
2. Same drill, only this time breathing out-into the water, then turning head and breathing in...
3. catch up drills, four laps.
Then 2 more laps

That was it...and I had a blast!

This is a "lonely sport", it is always more fun to train with people

2011-03-04 12:14 PM
in reply to: #3257607

New user

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full

I've had a good week training.  The 2 miles on the bike is getting a little easier but still very difficult.  I have a lot more confidence in turning while I'm riding and my balance is a lot better as well.

Swimming and walking are easy and I feel good when I am done.  That's a good thing.  I need the rest day of walking and swimming after riding the bike.


2011-03-04 1:45 PM
in reply to: #3382766

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2011-03-04 3:54 PM
in reply to: #3257607

New user
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full

ughh, sorry i have been out of touch this week.  everytime i sit down to post, i get interrupted. 

~bobby~how is the bike.  thats the same one i have except womens.  love it, great entry level bike, does everything i need it to at this point. and way to go on the 5K....awesome!!!!

~mark~good luck this weekend!!!!!  so exciting!!!!

~rachel~youre doing so good!  glad you signed up for a race, now you have something to work towards, that really does help with motivation and having a set goal. 

~foggy~those are some impressive workouts youre posting!!!

~kate~that cracks me up, you were more worried about missing group training than your truck.  it makes all the difference in the world to train with others doesnt it?  i just wish i could find more compatible training partners

i had a pretty good week of workouts so far.  im super stoked about a stroke clinic coming up next week at the Y i swim at.  its a 4 session clinic, 1 hr each session and was only $20 for all 4 sessions!!!!  i know the girl leading the clinic so that will help with my nerves.  so far im the only one signed up, i hope it stays that way so it will be a private lesson

i was running short on time this morning and didnt have a lot of time for breaks between sets while swimming.  i usually do 250yd sets, 30-45 sec rest between (sounds crazy to not have time for rest, but i really didnt).  so i just swam through the rest and ended up swimming 1000yds non stop and a pretty decent pace, tried to sprint the last 50yd (because i was running out of time haha!)  felt good to know that i could physically do that distance, although it was probably slow.  hopefully after this clinic i will be able to get a more varied workout plan.  ive read and read about drills but im a very visual/practical learner and i just dont understand what im supposed to be doing unless someone physically shows me.  right now i just do straight freestyle the whole time.  kinda boring......

2011-03-04 10:17 PM
in reply to: #3257607

Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full

Laura--I totally get ya on the swimming drills--I read about them, looked at diagrams, pictures, etc, but I just didn't get it...until my group class, cause that's basically all we're doing swim-wise right now---Thank goodness!--After a week of it, I have already noticed a difference in both my comfort level and technique--I just might be able to swim somewhat normally!Laughing

Tonight, it was running--basic intervals and flat out just going! It ended up being about 2.5 miles in 30 minutes...not bad. Tomorrow its pool time! We'll see how it goes!

2011-03-05 1:18 PM
in reply to: #3383205

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
laurabs24 - 2011-03-04 4:54 PM

ughh, sorry i have been out of touch this week.  everytime i sit down to post, i get interrupted. 

~bobby~how is the bike.  thats the same one i have except womens.  love it, great entry level bike, does everything i need it to at this point. and way to go on the 5K....awesome!!!!

So far, I really like the bike. It's only been on the trainer for now. Hopefully in the next couple weeks it will warm up enough to take it out. Right now, I'm on the bottom 3 gears of my big ring which I think is good; leaves me plenty of room for improvement with pedaling higher gears.

I am having a bit of a problem with my hands getting numb when I'm in the bar drops for too long. Does anyone know, is that something that I just have to build up endurance on, or is it possibly a positioning problem on the bike.

  im super stoked about a stroke clinic coming up next week at the Y i swim at.  its a 4 session clinic, 1 hr each session and was only $20 for all 4 sessions!!!!  i know the girl leading the clinic so that will help with my nerves.  so far im the only one signed up, i hope it stays that way so it will be a private lesson

That is a SUPER deal; I had lessons a couple years ago and learned a lot. I probably could use some more, lol. BTW, you may want to check with your Y, but they may cancel that class if not enough people sign up. I've had that happen before too. You may want to recruit some friends to sign up for the clinic with you

2011-03-05 1:22 PM
in reply to: #3382766

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
rpframe - 2011-03-04 1:14 PM

I've had a good week training.  The 2 miles on the bike is getting a little easier but still very difficult.  I have a lot more confidence in turning while I'm riding and my balance is a lot better as well.

Swimming and walking are easy and I feel good when I am done.  That's a good thing.  I need the rest day of walking and swimming after riding the bike.


Way to go!! Every step in the right direction is getting you closer to your goal! Hang in there, and enjoy that rest day! I have gone too long without a rest day, so I'm getting a bit weary myself. I think I'm due for a good solid rest day.

2011-03-05 1:37 PM
in reply to: #3257607

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
Got my 14 miler done this morning. Half marathon time was 2:13:10, so I was right on my goal pace for the full marathon in 8 weeks (trying to be under 4:30:00) And the weather conditions were memorable to say the least. 49 degrees, 15-20mph wind, and rainy. It was a light steady drizzle when I headed out, so I was hopeful that it would stay like that. But it got progressively more and more the further I got from home. At the halfway point, I turned and headed back for home, and the rain let up completely. So, I was excited about running home without the showers. Then the buckets started pouring from the heavens for a good 15-20 minutes. It was no use dodging puddles anymore, so I was just traipsing ankle deep along the flooded sidewalks. The last 5 miles or so was alot less rain, but it never did let up again. It was quite an adventure, and I was pretty happy when I made it back home.

So, to say I am ready for rainy/windy conditions on race day would be an understatement. That was the second worst rain I ever ran in. (second worst, only because it wasn't a constant deluge the entire time) But at some point in a run like that, you just embrace the soaked feeling and heavy shoes, and just push on. Overall, it was a pretty good time. Passed a couple people waiting at bus stops along the way, and they were looking at me like 'what is this bozo doing out here in this gullywasher?' Oh well, you gotta do what ya gotta do.
2011-03-05 9:19 PM
in reply to: #3384072

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2011-03-06 11:07 PM
in reply to: #3257607

Parker, CO
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full

Did my indoor Tri yesterday. I thought it went great. I was kinda nervous, since its my 1st and all. I had done each portion in the time allotted but never back to back to back (but thats a triathlon right?). I actually did better in each portion in the tri than I had done training for each one individually. Crazy huh?

Swim: 550 yards (10 minutes)

Bike: 17 miles (30 minutes)

Run: 2.2 miles (20 minutes)

I was most nervous about the swim. I have only done real laps in a lane for the last 6 months, I was not a swim team guy in earlier life. I grew up on the beach surfing and swimming in the ocean. The 1st time I ever put a swim cap on my head was yesterday! I swam my own pace and was really surprised when I realized I was way ahead of everyone (10 in the pool at once). I lapped the woman sharing my lane, three times. I had a thought that I may be doing this wrong. But I felt good so that's how it goes.

I would have gone farther on the bike but I glanced down a my HR monitor about halfway through and I was rocking in zone 5, so I thought it best to slow down a bit.

The same HR issue came up on the run so I slowed that down a bit as well.

Probably went too hard on the swim and that's why my HR was up on bike/run. Have to think about that. Maybe a little to pumped to get it started.

Results haven't been posted yet but I compared my times to last years results and I would have placed around 9th overall, 4th in masters. I'm a little surprised. 6 months ago I was 30 pounds overweight and hadn't worked out in 20 years.

Back to training, harder. 1st outdoor Tri is only 2 1/2 months away!

2011-03-07 10:40 AM
in reply to: #3385699

Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
mleaverton - 2011-03-06 9:07 PM

Results haven't been posted yet but I compared my times to last years results and I would have placed around 9th overall, 4th in masters. I'm a little surprised. 6 months ago I was 30 pounds overweight and hadn't worked out in 20 years.

Back to training, harder. 1st outdoor Tri is only 2 1/2 months away!

Wow! Way to go--you're totally my motivation! Congrats on your times/speed/etc! I'm betting you'll kick some butt on your outdoor tri.

2011-03-07 3:05 PM
in reply to: #3386226

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2011-03-07 4:25 PM
in reply to: #3257607

New user
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
way to go mark....thats AWESOME!!!!!  makes me excited (and nervous) about my tri in a couple weeks.  im worried about going out too fast on the swim too due to excitement and nerves.  i will have to remind myself to keep it in check!  you did great!
2011-03-07 8:51 PM
in reply to: #3386226

Parker, CO
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
Thanks for the good wishes everyone, I appreciate it


To tell the truth I was just hoping I wouldn't come in last. LOL. Keep the motivation everyone, if you would have told me 7 months ago that I would be doing any kind of Tri - I would have thought "that'd be cool, but you are nuts!". It can be done with motivation (and perspiration). Just keep training!

Edited by mleaverton 2011-03-07 8:53 PM
2011-03-09 1:25 PM
in reply to: #3257607

New user
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full

did my first real brick yesterday.  i had done back to back workouts before, but there were always long stretches of time between the two, either to drive to the next location or just lolly gagging and resting.  but this one was for reals....hop off the bike, run down to my little "transition area", get running gear on and run.....less than 2 minutes transition.  it was pretty tough.  im glad i practiced it though so i would know what that jello leg (and dead feet) sensation felt like.  i did 12 mile bike in 45 min (16mph, a moderate effort for me) and 5K run in 29 min (9:38 min/mile) also a moderate effort.  i also wore my tri suit for the first time running....LOVE it!!!

does water temp affect your swimming?  our pool is usually 85 degrees, but today it was 79.  COLD!!!!  i felt lethargic, it was difficult to breath, and took forever for me to feel warmed up. 

2011-03-10 8:59 AM
in reply to: #3383205

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
laurabs24 - 2011-03-04 4:54 PM

i had a pretty good week of workouts so far.  im super stoked about a stroke clinic coming up next week at the Y i swim at.  its a 4 session clinic, 1 hr each session and was only $20 for all 4 sessions!!!!  i know the girl leading the clinic so that will help with my nerves.  so far im the only one signed up, i hope it stays that way so it will be a private lesson


Edited by TriDiesel 2011-03-10 9:01 AM

2011-03-10 2:01 PM
in reply to: #3257607

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
2011-03-10 2:21 PM
in reply to: #3257607

New user
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full

i got a tweet from BDD saying he couldnt post to the group for some reason.  hopefully it will be sorted out soon!

I decided to take an unscheduled rest day today.  i didnt feel great after my swim yesterday, a little head ache-y and light headed when i stood up.  i have had blood pressure issues in the past (back when i was 40lbs heavier and smoked....gasp, i know!!!!!) so i know how slight BP changes feel when it happens to me.  so i checked my BP, sitting and standing.  and it was a little higher than my norm and my HR was a little high too.  i was beginning to wonder if i was having some mild over training syndrome happening.  my mood has been erratic and pretty rotten, lots of anxiety and some depression.  usually exercise alleviates that, but over the last 2-3 weeks its only made it worse.  so im taking today off, maybe even tomorrow to see if ive chilled out a little.  i will probably go do yoga, see if getting my zen back in order helps LOL.  i really REALLY dont need to be burning out already!!!!!!

2011-03-10 4:35 PM
in reply to: #3392415

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2011-03-11 6:31 PM
in reply to: #3257607

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full

My 8 year old got strep so I have had a hard time getting the workouts done.  I skipped wednesday and skipped the swimming  on thursday but did the walk.  I biked 3 miles today and feel good.  I was afraid I wouldn't make it after skipping wednesday but wohoo I made it.


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